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  • Hopefully its a good film. If you look at Bond history post-Connery, the best (reviewed) films have almost always been released after a period of 3+ Bondless years (DAD being the exception). The following films all revitalized the franchise to diff…
  • bondbat007 wrote: I have to wonder now how long EON is going to keep this up. They took the license away from EA after they couldn't make a CR game in time, and this looks to be the worst reviewed Bond game since 007 Racing or Tomorrow Never Dies.…
  • 00Beast wrote: SPECTRE wrote: I think FYEO and LTK are true Bond classics, without a doubt. FYEO took Bond back to his grittier roots again, which really helped revive the series after the outlandish tomfoolery of Moonraker. Even though MR w…
  • 00Beast wrote: ...I've always seen the Golden Era to be from 1981 with For Your Eyes Only on through 1999 with The World is not Enough... Haha. To me that's always been "Bond on life support era," well at least until 1995 when Goldeneye rea…
  • Disclaimer: TWINE was the first Bond post-LALD Bond movie I ever saw, TAD was my second Brosnan movie, Goldeneye my third, and DAD my fourth. I feel like I would have to have watched them in order of release to be totally objective. Personally I als…
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic7 wrote: It reinvigorated the series and added a new mix to that formula. Change is sometimes good, and after DAD, it was needed. I agree that in retrospect Die Another Day was a disappointment, but I didn't think it w…
  • Casino Royale?! I'll never understand the obsession with that film. Objectively it was a very good film, but it also butchered the Bond formula/template. #2-9 should have been #1-8 more or less in the same order with (CR can be thrown is as #4). …
  • Okay just watched the music vid and downloaded the mp3 from Amazon (screw itunes). My comments: - Great music and instrumentals - Good backup vocals - Crappy lyrics (way too repetitive, I don't think any film's title has been repeated nearly as…
  • No Brosnan's time as Bond is done. It was almost painful to watch Moore in A View to A Kill/ and Connery in NSNA, and I would rather not go through that again. I think he could have come back for another one after DAD, but Craig took over and is doi…
  • I thought the intro (I don't think it was the full one though) was pretty cool, especially the visuals. The only problem I had with it was that it didn't have any vocals. It seems that some people insist on hating this game. Putting the length in…
  • Hello, I actually registered quite a while ago when I found the forums after the site was moved, but haven't posted much until very recently and haven't yet introduced myself. About myself I'm a 25yo Bond fan from Germantown, MD (DC suburb) and…
  • Does anyone know what's going on with Never Say Never Again? Is the Blu-Ray version still being distributed? I checked Amazon but it was only available at independent retailers for insane, astronomically high prices (new), which usually is a sign th…
  • TheWizardOfIce wrote: So they haven't even gone to the effort of making it a matching set? Just slung in the same piss poor QOS disc that was originally released? Seriously EON just f**k off. Hahaha I don't think it's that serious, but y…
  • Here's how I would rank the Bond games: 1. The World is Not Enough (N64) 2. 007 Nightfire (Gamecube) 3. (tie) Goldeneye 007 (N64) 3. (tie) Goldeneye/RE 007 (Wii & X360) 5. James Bond 007 Quantum of Solace (Wii & X360) 6. Goldeneye Ro…
  • @haserot While the only thing I like about the Legends cover is the logo (they should have at least used an actual photo of Craig as Bond), the other Activision covers aren't that horrible, including the Wii cover you forgot (my favorite): T…
  • Surprised at all the hate for Legends. Personally I'm very much looking forward to it. I've owned every Bond game from Goldeneye 64 to Reloaded and am really looking forward to owning this one as well. In response to TPM007's comment "Bring Back …
  • 00Beast wrote: Anyone really like the music that plays over the Fort Knox multiplayer map in Nightfire? It's just another rendition of the James Bond theme, but man, it's something else! Yep! That's definitely one of my favorite tracks on t…
  • To me Goldeneye 64 had the best soundtrack, although all of the games had great music. The music from the hidden Aztec level was easily my favorite. I haven't played the games in a while (although I plan to play all of them before Skyfall is rele…
  • Casino Royale. It was refreshing to hear a male singer after a run of (very good) female artists. The song was matched the visuals very well. The opening was one of the few features of that film that stayed true to the Bond formula. Hopefully the…
  • Games I own: 1. 007 The World is Not Enough (N64) 2. Goldeneye 007 (N64) 3. (tie) 007 Nightfire (Gamecube) 3. (tie) Goldeneye 007 (Wii) 5. James Bond 007 Quantum of Solace (Wii & X360) 6. Goldeneye Rogue Agent (Gamecube) 7. 007 Blood Stone (X36…