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Favourite Fleming Novel
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Sean Connery


  • Workmanlike can be used sometimes as a pejorative (not in my case), but by and large I think it simply is just an accurate assessment of who Glen was at the helm. I absolutely agree that his background in action helped -- his 5 films features some o…
  • I think the reason he carries his age so well is honestly John Glen. All three of his movies with Glen feel a bit more autumnal. They in no way attempt to pass him off as "in his prime." Glen is often labeled as a "workmanlike" director -- practical…
  • It's a dark comedy. Those who assess it and assign it quality-points based on criteria that they impose on it are willfully misunderstanding it. You don't have to like the film. God knows, it's far from perfect. I have always said - judge the fil…
  • @Last_Rat_Standing It's great. A wealth of things to enjoy based on mood or particular tastes.
  • It's also important to remember that certain things don't translate perfectly well to screen, and it's similarly important to remember that certain things -- even if they do transfer well (by our assessment as die-hard Bond fans who are big enough f…
  • Most underrated among die hard Bond fans: MR or DAF Underrated among Bond fans who aren't forum dwellers like us: Probably like OP With DAF it's less that it's underrated and more that it's misunderstood, or unfair expectations are forced onto…
  • If I could have an alternate timeline with more faithful Fleming adaptations, I would jump on the opportunity. That said, I'm also a big fan of the more cinematic Bond films, the ones that really pushed the medium to go as big as it could. So for…
  • Yeah @Last_Rat_Standing I love them all too, and I also wish we'd gotten a proper Blofeld trilogy, as @Birdleson and I have talked about on that other thread I forget where it's at. Would've been truly something. Alas, the film industry's history i…
  • Yeah. There was that wonderful thread where we could put our "ideal" Bond film timelines. I had them in the right order for a proper Blofeld trilogy.
  • Yeah, I've always said that if I had a time machine and I could go back and convince Connery to give an (engaged) performance in OHMSS... it'd be amazing.
  • I'm definitely not leveling a personal attack on the guy. Not remotely. I recognize that he had no experience. That's the fault of the producers. But you can take all of that into account and still assess the performance, and it's still bad. He m…
  • @mtm That is an insightful point about Moore's performances. I'm not sure "low key" is accurate, but there's certainly different flavors with all three directors, as there should be. The films are very interesting when you look at them from director…
  • On Her Majesty's Secret Service 1969 Lazenby is undeniably bad in this. I maintain that anybody who says otherwise has coerced themselves into a state of willful ignorance because the rest of the film around him is so good. On a formal and script…
  • TSWLM is definitely the quintessential/most iconic of Moore's tenure, but I hold OP in regard right up there with it. There's certainly more Fleming in OP, and despite his age Moore's performance is arguably better and more rounded/nuanced as well. …
  • MakeshiftPython wrote: » It’s a bit of both really. I think it has some of the best plotting of the series. It is absolutely a bit of both, and that is what (in my opinion) makes it one of the stronger films in the series. Moore is also rea…
  • In the process of watching OHMSS (had to pause it right after Bond's cover is found out by Blofeld). Will be finishing it this afternoon/evening after work and will write thoughts here. First watching in quite awhile.
  • Within the context of the series (I enjoy Spectre alright as a film) I LIKE Skyfall, I DISLIKE Spectre.
  • Oh this should be fun, getting to combine henchmen/main villains together. DN - Dr. No FRWL - Red Grant GF - Auric Goldfinger TB - Fiona Volpe YOLT - Helga Brandt (slim pickings here) OHMSS - Ernst Stavro Blofeld DAF - Mr. Wint / Mr. Kidd /…
  • chrisisall wrote: » ThighsOfXenia wrote: » Honestly, none of the Bond films are problem-free. None. The closest I can think of would be CR, but even that has some pacing issues before we get to Montenegro. Pacing issues? LOL, Please. I …
  • Honestly, none of the Bond films are problem-free. None. The closest I can think of would be CR, but even that has some pacing issues before we get to Montenegro.
  • Almost all of the action scenes in TWINE feel incredibly staged. They have a distinct second-unit feeling to them whereas the majority of the franchise's bigger set pieces do not. Particularly Parahawk and Caviar.
  • That's a really great point about the stuntwork of the 80s. I had never really thought of it that way. Really good insight.
  • I'm late to this, but I don't think DAF is lazy. I think DAF is seen as lazy because it doesn't conform to our ideas of what a Bond film is (or was, contextually at that point in time in the series' history). It has some of the sharpest dialogue …
  • Yeah. Xenia's power is so far from the most egregiously "unrealistic" thing in the series. I dig it (obviously).
  • The Bond series isn't particularly well known or appreciated for its realism.
  • As for the "different yardsticks," time will certainly tell. You could be totally on the money. QOS has received a reappraisal here and abroad actually, and it was hated for quite some time when it was newer. I guess my entire post was to say tha…
  • @DarthDimi I can definitely understand those thoughts. You and I share a really similar view of the series as a whole. I, too, appreciate those and I love most of the Bond films. It's weird, isn't it. Ultimately, critiquing a movie will inevitably c…
  • @Benny That extended sequence (from the time Bond really learns of the Bomb until he disarms it, including the clown stuff -- especially) has such a tremendous sense of urgency, more so than almost any other sequence in the series. Glen really does …
  • @Birdleson I like the sound of that. Yeah, I love the movie. It's probably cemented itself in my top 10 for a long time coming. I know it was already there, but it might even bump up a notch or so. I really like it. I've honestly liked every sing…
  • They're both really bad. The whistle is far more egregious though because it nearly destroys what was, at the time, one of the best car stunts ever captured on film. The moment in OP is over as quickly as it begins. As much as I hate it, I equall…