Dynamite's Bond comics and graphic novels



  • YES!

    Best Bond comic in years. Can't wait for the continuation. Agree with @CharmianBond about the ending, but all in all I think it's a good call.

    I know that one should take these as their own medium and appreciate them for that, but I can't stop looking at the films. There are three big-picture things I'd like for them to take into consideration for the films (I'll spoiler them, just in case):
    1. A strong, shit-talking henchman. Rook in this is a much bigger focus than Fromm and while he was annoying in the beginning, their final fight works because of him. Them trading one-liners instead of just silently bruising each other is really good for a comic, but would also be very welcome in a film. Ash was a tiny bit like that, but we get very little in the fighting department from him.
    2. Widen the world. I've written about this before, but these little touches that show there are more people in MI6 than Bond, M, Q and Moneypenny are so, so good. Other and former 00s. Analysts in the bullpen who Bond actually interacts with. An oversight committee M has to answer to. All good and all welcome in a film.
    3. A sub-mission. Of course you'd have to be careful not to overdo it and complicate the script, but having a set-piece mission in the second half of the film before the finale Bond has to accomplish in order to get to the main guy is good to raise tensions and get some action in. Mission Impossible films do these all the time, f.e.

    Thumps up
  • Yes, a very good issue... but hardly a conclusion to the overall storyline! I expect we'll get to see more of Fromm & Myrmidon in the next arc as well... and --darn it all, where's the "spoiler" button around here? Not much more I can say about "King and Country" without getting all spoilerish...
  • Ah, there it is! Well...
    just as I expected, we'll be seeing more of 003 in forthcoming issues, so lots more good stuff is on the way. Hurray!
  • Posts: 6,091
    And thanks to the Previews catalogue, here are the synopsis and the covers for issue 1 :
    An all-new nail-biting Bond mission from superstar Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Action Comics) and Giorgio Spalletta (Red Sonja). Accused of murder on British soil, James Bond has been branded a traitor by his own government. As M sends the entire 00 division after 007, Bond must go underground with only one ally: Gwendolyn Gann, 003 - another traitor, presumed dead, secretly on a clandestine mission with global implications.




  • I'll be going for the Linsner cover on this one... but #2 & #4 are also pretty good. #3 doesn't do an awful lot for me, but as ever, your mileage may vary...
  • ImpertinentGoonImpertinentGoon Everybody needs a hobby.
    Posts: 1,364
    This is totally off-topic, but has anyone read "King of Spies" by Mark Millar? I remember there being a whole hubbub in the community when it was announced, because the cover image looked a whole lot like Brosnan and many people wondered wether this would be a stealth "The Death of James Bond" comics and with Millar's Netflix connection, it seemed like a film or series would be rather certain.
    I just remembered that for some reason and it turns out the comic (or at least the first for issues and a collection) has been out for almost a year now. I'm not deep in comics fandom circles, but I didn't hear a peep about it.
    Does anyone know anything about it?
  • 00Heaven00Heaven Home
    Posts: 576
    Looking good!!
  • Posts: 6,091
    Thanks again to Previews, here's the synopsis and the covers of issue 2 of 007 : For King and Country :
    Branded as traitors, 007 and 003 rush to clear their names and stop the wanton destruction of the mysterious Myrmidon. But hot on their heels is the new 002, an agent with few morals and a license to kill...




  • Posts: 9
    I have had it with Dynamite now! The release dates for the Agent Of Spectre and Himeros hardbacks have gone back yet again. I have never seen such an unreliable publisher. Other franchises I collect, such as With Boom Studios and Marvel manage to keep dates and do a great job of putting out omnibuses and collections. Why is it so hard for Dynamite?
    Rant over.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    edited March 2023 Posts: 24,543
    andyb wrote: »
    I have had it with Dynamite now! The release dates for the Agent Of Spectre and Himeros hardbacks have gone back yet again. I have never seen such an unreliable publisher. Other franchises I collect, such as With Boom Studios and Marvel manage to keep dates and do a great job of putting out omnibuses and collections. Why is it so hard for Dynamite?
    Rant over.

    It is not a priority for them, obviously. To be frank, I wish that the Bond comics ended up in the hands of Marvel, some DC inprint or Image. See Star Wars, Alien and Predator. Marvel just keeps churning them out.

    A relatively new publisher, AWA Comics, has been doing extremely well too. Great titles, marvellous art, cool stories that read like film scripts,... I would love for them to do a take on Bond.

    With Dynamite's slow output, there's no way I am going to see the rest of the Fleming books adapted in my lifetime.
  • SIS_HQSIS_HQ At the Vauxhall Headquarters
    Posts: 3,852
    Gerard wrote: »


    He did looked a bit like Louis Jordan, they did turned him into looking like Kamal Khan!
  • MaxCasinoMaxCasino United States
    Posts: 4,863
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    andyb wrote: »
    I have had it with Dynamite now! The release dates for the Agent Of Spectre and Himeros hardbacks have gone back yet again. I have never seen such an unreliable publisher. Other franchises I collect, such as With Boom Studios and Marvel manage to keep dates and do a great job of putting out omnibuses and collections. Why is it so hard for Dynamite?
    Rant over.

    It is not a priority for them, obviously. To be frank, I wish that the Bond comics ended up in the hands of Marvel, some DC inprint or Image. See Star Wars, Alien and Predator. Marvel just keeps churning them out.

    A relatively new publisher, AWA Comics, has been doing extremely well too. Great titles, marvellous art, cool stories that read like film scripts,... I would love for them to do a take on Bond.

    With Dynamite's slow output, there's no way I am going to see the rest of the Fleming books adapted in my lifetime.

    Hey, at this point, we'll get Bond 26 before we'll get these hardcover graphic novels. Also, I think that For King and Country will get a bigger hardcover because of it's earlier storyline. It's also nice to see other 00 agents getting the spotlight. GE was far ahead of it's time in more ways than one.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,543
    MaxCasino wrote: »
    GE was far ahead of it's time in more ways than one.

    I agree.

    Something else that's been bugging me; I don't really like the art in Dynamite's output anymore. Seriously, VARGR and Eidolon were really well drawn, and that's half the excitement!

    Truthfully, I wish that some big names could be attached to the Bond comics again, like Ellis several years ago. I'm thinking Kieron Gillen, Ed Brubaker, ... They usually bring their own artists to the game, and those partnerships deliver gold. Obviously, I'm just dreaming out loud.
  • edited March 2023 Posts: 910
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    Truthfully, I wish that some big names could be attached to the Bond comics again, like Ellis several years ago. I'm thinking Kieron Gillen, Ed Brubaker, ... They usually bring their own artists to the game, and those partnerships deliver gold. Obviously, I'm just dreaming out loud.
    While far from being as a big name as Ellis, Phillip Kennedy Johnson is by far the biggest name we had on these series since a long time, being a popular writer on Superman at the same time than he writes Bond. What 007 was really lacking was, in my opinion, a better artist. The series would have definitively beneficed from being draw by Jason Masters or even Ibrahim Moustafa.
  • edited March 2023 Posts: 3,566
    I'm not trying to stir up some controversy for its own sake -- far from it , actually! -- but here's a truth that needs to be said: Dynamite's Bond comics just haven't been selling as well as Dynamite probably expected. With that in mind, it's obvious to me why the 007 comics haven't been getting top tier artists, and why the compilations and Fleming novel adaptations aren't on the front burner in Dynamite's release schedule: they aren't making enough money doing them! Now, we can argue about the chicken-or-the-egg scenario -- ("They'd sell better if they came out more often/had better artists/did them the way I think they should be done!" "No, they need to get more support from the Bond fan community and comics buyers in general, in order to get a higher profile in Dynamite's release schedule!") -- or we can try to determine some ways to show our support for the James Bond comics that we do get, in the hopes that increased sales will lead to more/better releases. I for one am very pleased to have a writer of Philip Kennedy Johnson's stature working on a second Bond story arc. That said: let the controversy commence!
  • Dynamite's Bond comics just haven't been selling as well as Dynamite probably expected. With that in mind, it's obvious to me why the 007 comics haven't been getting top tier artists, and why the compilations and Fleming novel adaptations aren't on the front burner in Dynamite's release schedule: they aren't making enough money doing them!
    I'm only basing myself on NTTD's box-office numbers, but I feel like Bond isn't as popular as it used to be in the US, as opposed to Europe which seems to be its main audience. I could be wrong, but I guess it could explained why Bond comics are so hard to sell: comic books singles are mainly published in the US and publishers based themselves on these numbers to see if a series is profitable or not. And James Bond doesn't seem that profitable because this IP doesn't seem to interest US readers (or even audience) that much.
  • ggl007ggl007 www.archivo007.com Spain, España
    Posts: 2,543
    In Spain we only have translations from VARGR to CASE FILES, CR included...


    Sales were not good...
  • ImpertinentGoonImpertinentGoon Everybody needs a hobby.
    Posts: 1,364
    It’s getting quiet about the whole Dynamite/comicsgate drama, but that was one of the reasons some talent pulled out of working with them. Ibrahim Moustafa specifically is someone I wouldn’t expect back with them anytime soon (he seems to prefer working on his own indie stuff anyway). Which is a shame. I love his style and he is clearly a Bond fan.
  • Which is a shame. I love his style and he is clearly a Bond fan.
    Because he's precisely a Bond fan, I think he may come back occasionally, more for a one-shot like Solstice than for a whole miniseries.
  • edited March 2023 Posts: 6,091
    Thanks to PreviewsWorld, here are the synopsises and covers for 007 # 3 :
    With another Double-O agent in hot pursuit, James Bond and Gwen Gann seek out an old ally to help them on their mission to take down Myrmidon. But Bond learns that even Gwen Gann may not be exactly what she claims to be...





    Is it me, or does the first cover have a Casino Royale vibe, with the Vesper and the card suits ?
  • SIS_HQSIS_HQ At the Vauxhall Headquarters
    edited March 2023 Posts: 3,852
    Gerard wrote: »
    Thanks to PreviewsWorld, here are the synopsises and covers for 007 # 3 :
    With another Double-O agent in hot pursuit, James Bond and Gwen Gann seek out an old ally to help them on their mission to take down Myrmidon. But Bond learns that even Gwen Gann may not be exactly what she claims to be...





    Is it me, or does the first cover have a Casino Royale vibe, with the Vesper and the card suits ?

    I liked the first two covers (#1 and #2), especially the #2 cover, really liked that one.

    The next two are meh (#3 and #4), #3 cover looked uninspired and the #4 cover felt like done by an AI art.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,543
  • MaxCasinoMaxCasino United States
    Posts: 4,863
    DarthDimi wrote: »

    You’re welcome. I say it every time there’s 00 agents involved: you think Alec Trevelyan will make a appearance?
  • Posts: 129
    Has it been announced yet when the collected edition of most recent Dynamite series wil be released?
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,200
    MaxCasino wrote: »
    AIPT: Do you have a favorite Bond actor? Does any of that person’s portrayal get funneled/channeled into the comics take on Bond?

    PKJ: I’ll always love Connery in the role, but I have to go with Daniel Craig. The Craig era was the one that made me finally get James Bond, and the one that most helped me capture the 21st century take on the mid-20th century character. I love the physicality of his take, the clever, concise but world-weary way in which he speaks, his detachment from the rest of the world, that “I-Dare-You” look he gives any would-be threat. Craig’s Bond is the one that feels most like the one I read in the books: the “blunt instrument” with no tolerance for bureaucracy or bullshit, who’s grown almost bored of killing.

  • SIS_HQSIS_HQ At the Vauxhall Headquarters
    edited April 2023 Posts: 3,852
    Liking this so far..... Can't wait for the next issue.....

    Anyway here's the issue #1 (For King and Country), much much better than the Agent of SPECTRE, which never got me entertained like this one:

  • zebrafishzebrafish <°)))< in Octopussy's garden in the shade
    Posts: 4,391
    Can someone point me to the comic where Bond has one of his first missions, with action on a train? I can't describe it better, as I only saw one page online. It is rather well drawn.
  • SIS_HQSIS_HQ At the Vauxhall Headquarters
    Posts: 3,852
    Is it me or Giorgio Spalleta's art in this issue have some resemblance to Luca Casalanguida's?

    The previous 007 issue by Kennedy Johnson, the prequel to this comic (which I also liked), the artist there was Marco Finnegan.
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