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Indiana Jones is a "retired" franchise though. Most franchise nowadays have a higher level of continuity and it has been the case since the early 2000. Anyway that's off topic.
Have only seen him in Hill House. Good actor, but can't picture him as Bond.
It's weird but I do think there is a thing of Bond being too tall. I've always said I think Henry Cavill is too big. If Bond is too much off a force, then it would be hard to believe anyone could get the better of him.
I always think the end fight in TWINE suffers a bit because Bond towers over Renard, and I don't believe Renard would be a physical match for Bond. That's how I imagine almost anyone up against an actor the size of Cavill.
It’s a similar logic to how I view Aaron Pierre as a potential Bond. He’s obviously a big guy and looks it, but I think it’d take away that slight underdog quality Bond needs. If he were put up against Hinx, much less a Red Grant, I think there’d be less tension because they’re on a more equal footing in terms of physicality (sure, Craig was very bulky as Bond, but compared to Bautista it’s a different ball park. Even with Connery in FRWL, athletic as he was, you know he’s going to get a run for his money fighting Grant).
Not to say Bond isn’t a physically demanding role and the actor shouldn’t get in shape for it (although not all the actors were overly athletic or even physical actors - Moore admitted he couldn’t run convincingly on screen! Heck in terms of physique Dalton and Brosnan also had a tendency to look a bit skinny when shirtless in their films and on the other end Connery had to suck in his stomach by FRWL). It’s more their natural build/physicality and the impression they give I guess.