Superman: The Man of Tomorrow

edited November 2014 in General Movies & TV Posts: 47
Since Batman has his own thread I decided Superman should have his own too.
Here we can discuss Superman a and his world, different interpretations of the character in comics,tv and other media.



(Thanks Dalton12 for the idea.)


  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,997
    Superman: The Movie is topps.
    Superman II rocks.
    The Animated series rocks 2.
    Superman: Doomsday is well done IMO.
  • edited November 2014 Posts: 1,107
    chrisisall wrote: »
    Superman: The Movie is topps.
    Superman II rocks.
    The Animated series rocks 2.
    Superman: Doomsday is well done IMO.

    I also like :
    All-Star Superman
    Superman vs. The Elite
    Superman: Unbound

    But my favorite movie has to be Superman the movie with Reeve.
    And Tom Welling is my second favorite Superman/Clark Kent when I started watching Smallville I was 11 and when it ended I was allready 21 yers old so it play a big part when I was growing up .Even when Mr. Reeves was alive (God rest his sole) he said that Tom would be the best overall choice for Superman.

    I also think that Superman 3 is underrated I like that movie . The part where Clark goes to his high school reunion in Smallville was also very good. And Reeve has the best shape in this movie. Oh The Junkyard Fight. most people choose Superman's fight with Zod and his bods as their fave Superman fight But THIS right here is the best fight and possibly the best scene in ALL Superhero movies ever. YES! His fall into the junkyard, due to his little friend's cries of optimism "You can hear me, can't you, Superman? I know you're going to be all right! You're just in a slump! You'll be great again. You can do it, Superman!", and his sream of pain and anguish as he lands. Then when he splits into good and evil, it all goes down. We get throwing each other about ("You always wanted to fly Kent. Now's your chance!"), we get hiting each otehr with big bits of metal, we get acid-throwing, some marvellously accurate tyre throwing, a crush-by-magnet-thingy, the good side thrown into a garbage masher in a horrfying scene which looks as real as anything.
    And then the final part when Evil Supes puts Good Clark on the conveyer belt to be ground up. As Evil Supes crushes Clarks spectacles it seems that all is indeed lost. The screams! Those screams! That bit of meat looking stuff which come sout on the grinder...
    But Evil Supes looks a little miffed that the mashed-up remains of Goodie-Two-Shoes haven't appeared yet...Clark smashes through the machine wall and the two of them tussle of the ground ending in Good clark choking the Evil Supes to nothing. And then...oh yes....


    Possibly the best 'S' reveal in all the movies. Good Clark stands up, the theme play triumphantly, and the shirt is ripped open to reveal that glorious big bright 'S'.
  • edited November 2014 Posts: 4,813
    There are definitely some gems in Superman III. Most notably the 'evil Superman' scenes you mentioned; I wish he was in more of the movie.
    I also loved Brad, played by Domino's ill-fated brother in NSNA (and really got to ham it up in Death Wish 3).
    The movie has a reputation for being stupid-funny (mostly due to Pryor) but I find there are subtle bits that are genuinely funny, for example when Clark holds up his old Smallville jersey and gets curious looks of bewilderment from everyone in the room (It has a giant S on the chest)
    Another part I like is when Clark changes to Superman in the photobooth, which produces a series of 'Clark to Superman' shots that would reveal his identity to anyone who saw it. He rips the final 'Superman' shot off the end and gives it to the little kid. :D

    Plus Reeve is a HULK in this one.

    Bear in mind I'm saying all these nice things because we're talking about a movie I've had 30 years to accept. Make no mistake, if I had been a teenager seeing it in the theatre for the first time I would have been pissed, lol
  • Posts: 1,107
    There are definitely some gems in Superman III. Most notably the 'evil Superman' scenes you mentioned; I wish he was in more of the movie.
    I also loved Brad, played by Domino's ill-fated brother in NSNA (and really got to ham it up in Death Wish 3).
    The movie has a reputation for being stupid-funny (mostly due to Pryor) but I find there are subtle bits that are genuinely funny, for example when Clark holds up his old Smallville jersey and gets curious looks of bewilderment from everyone in the room (It has a giant S on the chest)
    Another part I like is when Clark changes to Superman in the photobooth, which produces a series of 'Clark to Superman' shots that would reveal his identity to anyone who saw it. He rips the final 'Superman' shot off the end and gives it to the little kid. :D

    Plus Reeve is a HULK in this one.

    Bear in mind I'm saying all these nice things because we're talking about a movie I've had 30 years to accept. Make no mistake, if I had been a teenager seeing it in the theatre for the first time I would have been pissed, lol

    Yes and everything is better than Superman 4 :D
    I even like Superman Returns when most other people hate it.
    From the opening credits, which are done almost exactly like the original movie from '78 you are instantly removed from reality. Using the original music was one of the smartest things they could have done, it's far too iconic to have a Superman movie without it. The actors are of course new but have no problems living up to and in some cases surpassing the original's cast. There is tons of action packed into this movie and when there's not action there's comic relief and although I typically don't like the romantic turns that most hero stories take (just cause I'm a guy and they're a little boring) I had no problem with that stuff either, the imagery that comes along with it makes it well worth while.

    I've been babbling kinda randomly so I'll just talk straight for a second. The movie has a great story, a perfect way of reviving a hero that everyone has grown up with without retelling or bastardizing it. The action is well paced and choreographed, the original will always be great, for nostalgia if nothing else, but the moments of intense peril in this movie blow all those previous incarnations out of the water. The special effects are not only great but they're natural and keep the viewer somewhere in between a surreal comic book reality and the real life city you work and live in. They also add a texture to the movie that make even the slow moments (of which there are few) interesting to look at. The humor is subtle and effective, some very funny moments without treading into campy territory. The love story is strong and effective but kept at just the right level, enough to make you care about their relationship without getting boring and sappy or mushy. The acting is great on every level.

    The reason the audience majority didn't like this movie was simply because Superman Returns wasn't the typical superhero rock'em sock'em punch disaster movie that we are used to seeing every year. Did Superman Returns have flaws? Of course it did every movie does doesn't necessarily mean it was terrible, regardless not everybody will like the same movie.I like Superman Returns it honors Christopher Reeve's films superbly I hope Im not alone who likes the movie.
  • Dalton12 wrote: »
    There are definitely some gems in Superman III. Most notably the 'evil Superman' scenes you mentioned; I wish he was in more of the movie.
    I also loved Brad, played by Domino's ill-fated brother in NSNA (and really got to ham it up in Death Wish 3).
    The movie has a reputation for being stupid-funny (mostly due to Pryor) but I find there are subtle bits that are genuinely funny, for example when Clark holds up his old Smallville jersey and gets curious looks of bewilderment from everyone in the room (It has a giant S on the chest)
    Another part I like is when Clark changes to Superman in the photobooth, which produces a series of 'Clark to Superman' shots that would reveal his identity to anyone who saw it. He rips the final 'Superman' shot off the end and gives it to the little kid. :D

    Plus Reeve is a HULK in this one.

    Bear in mind I'm saying all these nice things because we're talking about a movie I've had 30 years to accept. Make no mistake, if I had been a teenager seeing it in the theatre for the first time I would have been pissed, lol

    Yes and everything is better than Superman 4 :D
    I even like Superman Returns when most other people hate it.
    From the opening credits, which are done almost exactly like the original movie from '78 you are instantly removed from reality. Using the original music was one of the smartest things they could have done, it's far too iconic to have a Superman movie without it. The actors are of course new but have no problems living up to and in some cases surpassing the original's cast. There is tons of action packed into this movie and when there's not action there's comic relief and although I typically don't like the romantic turns that most hero stories take (just cause I'm a guy and they're a little boring) I had no problem with that stuff either, the imagery that comes along with it makes it well worth while.

    I've been babbling kinda randomly so I'll just talk straight for a second. The movie has a great story, a perfect way of reviving a hero that everyone has grown up with without retelling or bastardizing it. The action is well paced and choreographed, the original will always be great, for nostalgia if nothing else, but the moments of intense peril in this movie blow all those previous incarnations out of the water. The special effects are not only great but they're natural and keep the viewer somewhere in between a surreal comic book reality and the real life city you work and live in. They also add a texture to the movie that make even the slow moments (of which there are few) interesting to look at. The humor is subtle and effective, some very funny moments without treading into campy territory. The love story is strong and effective but kept at just the right level, enough to make you care about their relationship without getting boring and sappy or mushy. The acting is great on every level.

    The reason the audience majority didn't like this movie was simply because Superman Returns wasn't the typical superhero rock'em sock'em punch disaster movie that we are used to seeing every year. Did Superman Returns have flaws? Of course it did every movie does doesn't necessarily mean it was terrible, regardless not everybody will like the same movie.I like Superman Returns it honors Christopher Reeve's films superbly I hope Im not alone who likes the movie.

    I hate Superman Returns .
    Man of steel is the best interpretation of the character nuff said.
  • Watched Superman the movie again last night, timeless and iconic. The film transcends the genre and will always be the best for me.
  • edited November 2014 Posts: 1,107
    Watched Superman the movie again last night, timeless and iconic. The film transcends the genre and will always be the best for me.

    I agree with you 100 percent.
  • edited November 2014 Posts: 1,107
    The soundtrack is as perfect today as it was 38 years ago and invokes tremendous emotion.

    The Donner Superman is what we owe all the superhero films that followed. Proper homage to be paid!

    Superman: The Movie set the bar for the making of future comic book based movies to go on the big screen. The next being 1989's Batman. Richard Donner did an outstanding job staying close to the comic book even having the same Superman costume look that was in th comic books during that time unlike today's movie .

  • edited November 2014 Posts: 6,432
    Chasing rockets is on my training play list, so many great tracks on the soundtrack :-bd Williams is consistently brilliant certainly during the period.

    What's everyones favouraite Superman animated movie?

    Currently my top 5.
    1. All Star Superman.
    2. Public Enemies.
    3. Superman vs. The Elite.
    4. Doomsday.
    5. Worlds Finest.

    Watched Justice League War recently taken from New52 was kind of badass, action wise it was good and Superman kicked ass.
  • edited November 2014 Posts: 1,107
    Chasing rockets is on my training play list, so many great tracks on the soundtrack :-bd Williams is consistently brilliant certainly during the period.

    What's everyones favouraite Superman animated movie?

    Currently my top 5.
    1. All Star Superman.
    2. Public Enemies.
    3. Superman vs. The Elite.
    4. Doomsday.
    5. Worlds Finest.

    My list :
    2.Superman Unbound
    3. Superman vs. The Elite
    4.Public Enemies
    5.Superman/Batman: Apocalypse

  • Dalton12 wrote: »
    Chasing rockets is on my training play list, so many great tracks on the soundtrack :-bd Williams is consistently brilliant certainly during the period.

    What's everyones favouraite Superman animated movie?

    Currently my top 5.
    1. All Star Superman.
    2. Public Enemies.
    3. Superman vs. The Elite.
    4. Doomsday.
    5. Worlds Finest.

    My list :
    2.Superman Unbound
    3. Superman vs. The Elite
    4.Public Enemies
    5.Superman/Batman: Apocalypse


    I do like Unbound, though have a soft spot for Worlds Finest some great moments in that movie and loved both animated series of Batman and Superman. Apocalypse is good just see it more of a Supergirl movie. What i like about the animated films mentioned is they are generally very different, certainly in the animation.

  • Posts: 1,107
    Dalton12 wrote: »
    Chasing rockets is on my training play list, so many great tracks on the soundtrack :-bd Williams is consistently brilliant certainly during the period.

    What's everyones favouraite Superman animated movie?

    Currently my top 5.
    1. All Star Superman.
    2. Public Enemies.
    3. Superman vs. The Elite.
    4. Doomsday.
    5. Worlds Finest.

    My list :
    2.Superman Unbound
    3. Superman vs. The Elite
    4.Public Enemies
    5.Superman/Batman: Apocalypse


    I do like Unbound, though have a soft spot for Worlds Finest some great moments in that movie and loved both animated series of Batman and Superman. Apocalypse is good just see it more of a Supergirl movie. What i like about the animated films mentioned is they are generally very different, certainly in the animation.

    Yes I agree do yo watched also justice league animated series or movies ?
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited November 2014 Posts: 17,997
    What's everyones favouraite Superman animated movie?
    1. The Batman/Superman Movie (really just a two-parter from the show stuck together)
    2. Doomsday.
    3. Superman/ Batman Apocalypse
    4. Justice League Crisis On Two Earths (does that count as a Superman movie?)

  • edited November 2014 Posts: 6,432
    Justice league! I have Crisis on two Earths.
    Justice League animted series Justice on Trial and Paradise Lost. Did have many episodes recorded though my recorder broke, forget the title though the Vandal Savage episodes were good.

    Will eventually get the majority of the movies, bought myself a multi region player so will get probably Flashpoint Paradox next.

    Had all the Legion of Superheros episodes at one point, was some decent shows certainly the second season when Brainiac decided to start wiping out planets. Or rather digitise planets and people.

  • Posts: 1,107
    Flashpoint Paradox is awesome one of the best movies I saw.
  • Dalton12 wrote: »
    Flashpoint Paradox is awesome one of the best movies I saw.
    May order it now in fact, heard good things about it.
  • Posts: 1,107
    Dalton12 wrote: »
    Flashpoint Paradox is awesome one of the best movies I saw.
    May order it now in fact, heard good things about it.

    You won't regret it :)
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,997
    Dalton12 wrote: »
    Flashpoint Paradox is awesome one of the best movies I saw.
    May order it now in fact, heard good things about it.
    Damn, I need that one- still haven't seen it.
  • edited November 2014 Posts: 1,107
    Ok how much do you people like Man of Steele ??

    I think The whole 'dark' interpretation makes the character of Superman really unsympathetic. As a child I remember seeing Christopher Reeve and feeling Superman was a hero, but with this interpretation you can't root for Superman, so he's not a hero but a tortured soul.

    The plot was terrible. After the highly expositional back story (which is annoyingly non-linear - lots of flashbacks) it's turns into a more, more, more CGI violence fest.

    This is nowhere near as good as Reeve's '78 outing. Even Superman Returns was better.

  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    Here's my review of Superman 78 from February.
    Murdock wrote: »
    Superman The Movie (1978) (A review and a comparison to Man of Steel.)

    This is personal review and is very thought out. These are just my opinions. If you liked "Man of Steel." That's good for you.

    I'll admit I've never seen any of the Christopher Reeve Superman films before. In fact I've never really watched a superman movie in full. I remember bits and pieces of Returns but I couldn't tell you what it was about. The only Superman movie I have ever seen in it's entirety up till now was Man of Steel so It's a new experience for me. First off, I enjoyed STM a million times better than MOS.

    Superman the movie was probably one of the best movie going experience I've had in recent years. It made me feel all kinds of different emotions. Mostly positives, but I'll get into the negatives very soon. This movie was literally Superman. This is how a Superman movie should be. Fun, colorful and exciting. This is the perfect Superman movie. It had his origins, his time with the Kent's and his transformation into Superman himself. Man of Steel tried very hard to copy this movie but because it had to be a "Dark and Gritty" reboot to cash in on Nolan's universe, it failed miserably.

    STM made me feel a wide range of emotions due to the believable fleshed out characters. (Pa Kent's death in STM really hit close to home as it's very similar to my own father's passing. I actually related to Superman in that scene. The same cannot be said for Man of Steel's John Kent death scene.) Everybody in Superman the movie had a purpose and served it well. They had reasons to be there. It also had a better origin story and better suspense. These characters felt real.

    In Superman the Movie, I could see the Clark really loved and cared about his adopted family. They had a good relationship. The only flaw with STM is that it didn't get a chance to show more of Clark's relationship with the Kent's. What also made STM great? John William's epic heroic score. It was perfect. It excelled the movie and it enhanced it's scenes. Superman the movie is the definitive Superman movie that didn't need to be remade or rebooted.

    After watching this, I can safely say Man of Steel was a product aimed at Nolan Batman fans who may not have liked Superman or even cared about him. Man of Steel is not a Superman movie. It's a poorly written mess of a film that wasted a bunch of good actors in favor of showing of it's CGI disaster porn while riding Nolan's coattails. Man of Steel isn't superman. This is. If you haven't seen either. I suggest you watch this film and avoid Man of Steel altogether.

    Superman the Movie.

  • edited November 2014 Posts: 1,107
    Murdock wrote: »
    Here's my review of Superman 78 from February.
    Murdock wrote: »
    Superman The Movie (1978) (A review and a comparison to Man of Steel.)

    This is personal review and is very thought out. These are just my opinions. If you liked "Man of Steel." That's good for you.

    I'll admit I've never seen any of the Christopher Reeve Superman films before. In fact I've never really watched a superman movie in full. I remember bits and pieces of Returns but I couldn't tell you what it was about. The only Superman movie I have ever seen in it's entirety up till now was Man of Steel so It's a new experience for me. First off, I enjoyed STM a million times better than MOS.

    Superman the movie was probably one of the best movie going experience I've had in recent years. It made me feel all kinds of different emotions. Mostly positives, but I'll get into the negatives very soon. This movie was literally Superman. This is how a Superman movie should be. Fun, colorful and exciting. This is the perfect Superman movie. It had his origins, his time with the Kent's and his transformation into Superman himself. Man of Steel tried very hard to copy this movie but because it had to be a "Dark and Gritty" reboot to cash in on Nolan's universe, it failed miserably.

    STM made me feel a wide range of emotions due to the believable fleshed out characters. (Pa Kent's death in STM really hit close to home as it's very similar to my own father's passing. I actually related to Superman in that scene. The same cannot be said for Man of Steel's John Kent death scene.) Everybody in Superman the movie had a purpose and served it well. They had reasons to be there. It also had a better origin story and better suspense. These characters felt real.

    In Superman the Movie, I could see the Clark really loved and cared about his adopted family. They had a good relationship. The only flaw with STM is that it didn't get a chance to show more of Clark's relationship with the Kent's. What also made STM great? John William's epic heroic score. It was perfect. It excelled the movie and it enhanced it's scenes. Superman the movie is the definitive Superman movie that didn't need to be remade or rebooted.

    After watching this, I can safely say Man of Steel was a product aimed at Nolan Batman fans who may not have liked Superman or even cared about him. Man of Steel is not a Superman movie. It's a poorly written mess of a film that wasted a bunch of good actors in favor of showing of it's CGI disaster porn while riding Nolan's coattails. Man of Steel isn't superman. This is. If you haven't seen either. I suggest you watch this film and avoid Man of Steel altogether.

    Superman the Movie.

    Great review Murdock couldn't say it better.

  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    Thank you @Dalton12. :)
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,997
    @Murdock, like I said before, wonderful review.

    Hey guys, is Justice League Doom good? That's another I haven't seen.
  • Posts: 1,107
    chrisisall wrote: »
    @Murdock, like I said before, wonderful review.

    Hey guys, is Justice League Doom good? That's another I haven't seen.

    I now Im repeating myself but it's good even better than Crisis On Two Earths in my opinion Batman is great in this .
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited November 2014 Posts: 17,997
    I've posted this before, but this is a new thread and maybe some of you haven't seen this- it's a BBC show called Arena that me & my friends appeared on after showing our fan film Superman: The Spoof to Jerry Siegel, Joe Schuster & the folk at DC Comics back in 1981...

    Go to 6:50

    We were so thrilled to actually meet Superman's creators. And they said the thought our little film was funny without disrespecting their creation. :\">
  • edited November 2014 Posts: 1,107
    chrisisall wrote: »
    I've posted this before, but this is a new thread and maybe some of you haven't seen this- it's a BBC show called Arena that me & my friends appeared on after showing our fan film Superman: The Spoof to Jerry Siegel, Joe Schuster & the folk at DC Comics back in 1981...

    Go to 6:50

    We were so thrilled to actually meet Superman's creators. And they said the thought our little film was funny without disrespecting their creation. :\">

    WOW that must have been great chrisisall. Im so jealous :)
  • edited November 2014 Posts: 4,813
    Dalton12 wrote: »
    Ok how much do you people like Man of Steele ??

    I think The whole 'dark' interpretation makes the character of Superman really unsympathetic. As a child I remember seeing Christopher Reeve and feeling Superman was a hero, but with this interpretation you can't root for Superman, so he's not a hero but a tortured soul.

    The plot was terrible. After the highly expositional back story (which is annoyingly non-linear - lots of flashbacks) it's turns into a more, more, more CGI violence fest.

    This is nowhere near as good as Reeve's '78 outing. Even Superman Returns was better.

    I personally loved Man of Steel, however someone on another forum made a very good point that would have helped the movie immensely (particularly fixing the non-linear problem) .

    Open the movie with the destruction of Metropolis.

    I'm imagining they could literally play the scene as-is when Zod is the only bad guy left and he holds the ashes in his hands- then he and Superman fly towards each other, make impact and then.....


    the rest of the movie is the flashback, and linear too. Show Krypton, young Clark, older Clark all in chronological order. Then at the end we could see the fight.

    This fixes two big problems with the movie: the all over the place linear story that some people have a problem with, and it will split in half the loooooooong final battle, which would greatly improve the pacing.

    Not to mention opening with that would make the viewer go 'holy crap, how do they end up in THIS mess?' The best part is that anyone with some editing skill could make this happen!
  • chrisisall wrote: »
    Dalton12 wrote: »
    Flashpoint Paradox is awesome one of the best movies I saw.
    May order it now in fact, heard good things about it.
    Damn, I need that one- still haven't seen it.

    Still not seen Justice League Doom either, bit behind on JLA.

  • edited November 2014 Posts: 1,107
    Dalton12 wrote: »
    Ok how much do you people like Man of Steele ??

    I think The whole 'dark' interpretation makes the character of Superman really unsympathetic. As a child I remember seeing Christopher Reeve and feeling Superman was a hero, but with this interpretation you can't root for Superman, so he's not a hero but a tortured soul.

    The plot was terrible. After the highly expositional back story (which is annoyingly non-linear - lots of flashbacks) it's turns into a more, more, more CGI violence fest.

    This is nowhere near as good as Reeve's '78 outing. Even Superman Returns was better.

    I personally loved Man of Steel, however someone on another forum made a very good point that would have helped the movie immensely (particularly fixing the non-linear problem) .

    Open the movie with the destruction of Metropolis.

    I'm imagining they could literally play the scene as-is when Zod is the only bad guy left and he holds the ashes in his hands- then he and Superman fly towards each other, make impact and then.....

    the rest of the movie is the flashback, and linear too. Show Krypton, young Clark, older Clark all in chronological order. Then at the end we could see the fight.

    This fixes two big problems with the movie: the all over the place linear story that some people have a problem with, and it will split in half the loooooooong final battle, which would greatly improve the pacing.

    Not to mention opening with that would make the viewer go 'holy crap, how do they end up in THIS mess?' The best part is that anyone with some editing skill could make this happen!

    that's a great idea don't get me wrong I don't hate the man of steele I just didn't like it comparison to the rest of the movies sure it isnt that bad.

  • Posts: 1,107
    How would you rank the Superman movies you have seen (both live action and animated) in terms of best to worst?

    1.Superman: The Movie The film that proved that superhero/comic based adaptations can be more than above average campy films. Reeve remains to this day in my personal opinion, the best actor to ever play a superhero, no matter how good others play them, I still see Christian Bale playing Batman, or Robert Downey Jr playing Iron Man while Reeve became the character, which became a double edged for his acting career.
    2.Superman II (Both cuts) Both have their positives and negatives. Terrence Stamp's General Zod remains as one of the positives, KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!
    3.Superman: Doomsday The fight between doomsday and superman was awesome
    4.Superman Unbound SUPERMAN: UNBOUND is a great addition to the DC Animated Features. It is based on a great comic story so I would expect as much. John Noble is excellent as Brainiac.
    5.Superman vs. The Elite Despite some shoddy animation this is one of my favorite Superman movies. The voice acting is phenomenal, it's well paced, it has great action, and it's overall a really superb Superman movie.
    6.All-Star Superman doesn't hold up to the comic, I'm afraid- but still does the best job of everything on the list of showing how bombastic and explosive Superman's world is
    7. Superman Returns It was a better made film than 3,4 and MOS, I admit
    8.Superman III Despite the overuse of comedy, there's a good movie somewhere in 3, I really liked the Smallville scenes as it gave Reeve a chance to explore the mild mannered Clark Kent side of his character, Anna O'Toole of later Smallville fame was a pretty good Lana Lang and the darkside of Superman was entertaining.
    9.Man of Steel For all it's problems, I still enjoyed MOS.But I have a mixed feelings about the movie - some great moments/ideas & some really bad moments
    10.SUPERMAN IV it's in no way a good movie, in fact it's quite a bad one but I
    just enjoy how bad it is, plus Reeve still does a great job as the Man of Tomorrow.

    Also Rank the actors who have played Superman/Clark Kent in TV and Film.

    1.Christopher Reeve What is there to say that hasn't already been said about Reeves? He was Superman when I was a child, so he holds a special place in my heart as the best. But bias aside, Superman: The Movie is considered by a lot of people to be a classic movie. His performance as the superhero and as Clark Kent is flawless, and he manages to shine, especially in Superman III and IV, which were not great films. Reeves will always be the best.
    2.Tom Welling Not only did it launch his career, but it was on air for 10 years, which became the longest run any comic-book-based show had ever had on television. And let's not forget that Christopher Reeves and critics gave Welling props for his portrayal.
    3.Henry Cavill Henry Cavill looked the part and he comes across well in his interviews and was one of the biggest positives about the film, if only the script was better.
    4.Brandon Routh Routh does what he can with the material he has. Sadly, we never get to see Superman duke it out with a super-powered villain. Routh’s Kent is a bit more confident than Reeve’s and only slightly less socially awkward. Routh has no onscreen chemistry with Kate Bosworth’s flat and uninspiring Lane, but that’s more due to Bosworth’s lack of charisma and the forced estrangement between Supes and Lane than it is Routh’s fault.
    5.Dean Cain I remember my dad watching Cain in Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. Sure, the TV show was cheesy and the plotlines weren't always that great, but he and Teri Hatcher, who portrayed Lois, had excellent chemistry, and Cain got stronger as an actor as the show progressed.

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