How does it end for 007?



  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    I say he needs a Moriarty. A villain that is to Bond what Moriarty was to Holmes. Of course, this sadly will leave the door open for Bond to make a miraculous return after dying at the Reichenbach falls, but... you get what I mean.
    The head of Quantum is waiting to fill that role I hope.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    If not him/her, I hope somebody fills the role. Bond needs a man who is truly an equal, unlike Alec Trevelyn, who wasn't really an equal. When he gets that, Bond may TRULY be on the verge of death.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited October 2011 Posts: 13,369
    Blofeld (in the novels) was never Bond's equal but he did have give Bond a good run for his money. Being Bond's equal is not a necessity in my opinion and often goes wrong. Just look at some of the girls...
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    Yeah, and Novel Blofeld is kind of what I'm shooting for as the "equal". I don't literally mean matching punch for punch, in a way I mean that Bond's "equal" needs to be two or three steps ahead of where Bond thinks he is, even if Bond thinks he's two or three steps ahead anyway. This guy kinda needs to out-Bond Bond.
  • edited October 2011 Posts: 44
    How about this:-

    Similar to YOLT and Blast From The Past novel and short story...

    A set of 2 part films...

    I have adapted this story from the books and not kept completely to the originals (but isn't that what all the film makers do) ;)

    Bond settles down and marries (this will be for the first time as we are in reboot universe). His wife becomes pregnant but she keeps it from him as he has just been called back to London for a very special assignment only he can do and is in some way blackmailed by MI6 to do so, this is how the first film ends after a normal Bond style plot and then we have this as an ending, with her rubbing her belly or something as the credits go up.

    Then we start the next film with Bond in action in the pre-titles finishing off his mission. Then he returns to London and M tells him his wife has been killed along with unborn baby that he didn't know about in an accident of some kind. This tips him over the edge, goes drinking, gambling, having lots of women etc. He starts making wild accusations that he will destroy MI6 for blackmailing him back into the service and this prevented him from protecting his family or dying with them (as he would prefer that to living without them). He runs into Felix who is worried about him and tells Bond that his wife/baby's death was not an accident as thought.

    Bond goes on a crusade after Felix gives him some sort of lead. He finds the killer who happens to be a woman he wronged in the past and the only way for him to kill her and get revenge is to kill himself as well (I'm sure some scene could be written for this). He does so and then we see Felix standing over his body or some sort of explosion and the end credits roll.


    I think that would be pretty good spread over 2 films with side plots running as well, and the woman who killed his family has another major plot also as just a revenge job doesn't really cut it, like in QOS.

    But this is all hypothetical as they will never kill off the franchise while it is making plenty of money, which is what it's all about!
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Well, now that Splinter Cell: Conviction has been adapted into a film...
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited October 2011 Posts: 28,694
    I say he needs a Moriarty. A villain that is to Bond what Moriarty was to Holmes. Of course, this sadly will leave the door open for Bond to make a miraculous return after dying at the Reichenbach falls, but... you get what I mean.
    Holmes never actually went over the falls though.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Yes, I know that, but in "The Final Problem", we're led to believe he went over the falls.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited February 2012 Posts: 28,694
    Yes, I know that, but in "The Final Problem", we're led to believe he went over the falls.
    Yes, that was Conan Doyle's way of killing "The Beast" once and for all. Then after threats came he came up with the cockamamy story behind Sherlock's survival in "The Empty House". The story served no purpose but to bring Holmes back, and it was great to see him return again. And Doyle was kind enough to let him fictionally retire to bee-keeping. Boy do I love Holmes. :-D
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,599
    Personally I'd still go with the Red Dead ending, or a nuclear bomb he just couldn't disarm in time and takes the target and Bond with it.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Personally I'd still go with the Red Dead ending, or a nuclear bomb he just couldn't disarm in time and takes the target and Bond with it.
    A nuclear bomb would take much more than just Bond and the target with it... ;-)
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,599
    Personally I'd still go with the Red Dead ending, or a nuclear bomb he just couldn't disarm in time and takes the target and Bond with it.
    A nuclear bomb would take much more than just Bond and the target with it... ;-)
    Well, ' going out with a blast' ought to be something for a (minimum) 23-film series, right?

  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Personally I'd still go with the Red Dead ending, or a nuclear bomb he just couldn't disarm in time and takes the target and Bond with it.
    A nuclear bomb would take much more than just Bond and the target with it... ;-)
    Yes, but over the past 49 years, it has been proven that ONLY a nuke can kill James Bond. A nuclear bomb, and the public's reaction to his beard.
  • Posts: 44
    Perhaps it should not be a nuclear bomb but instead a bomd that opens a blackhole and destroys the earth as well? Hell knows we would have been at that stage in the films had Brosnan stayed on and there had not been a reboot!

    Also because I can't imagine a world without Bond so it would have to be destroyed along with him! :)
  • Maybe when Craig grows his full beard someone will mistake him for a were wolf and Bond gets nailed by a silver bullet or something

    In all seriousness we may never see 007 be killed off in our lifetimes, maybe one day the series will come to an end but I can't see it any time soon, sure there may be future legal disputes and hold ups and all that we've seen before but the franchise will continue to grow for sometime yet you would imagine

    As long as people continue to fill theaters and pay the money the series will continue, even though QOS was disappointing we will still arrive next year in eager anticipation of what they have put together
  • how does it end? Not well.
  • WillardWhyteWillardWhyte Midnight Society #ProjectMoon
    Posts: 784
    Q will take revenge for not getting his gadgets back, and finally goes crazy killing Bond and M in the process.
  • yes, maybe Cleese will show Craig the entire series of Fawlty Towers and Bond puts a pistol to his head :-))
  • Posts: 6,081
    One name: Randy Macallan.
  • Posts: 1,856
    James bond will return

    That sadly will be how it ends.... It just stops.

    And for Bond as a character, in his sleep I think
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited October 2011 Posts: 28,694
    There will, at the end of it all, be a last film finishing with James Bond will NOT return...

    * Reaches for tissues* :'(
  • There will, at the end of it all, be a last film finishing with James Bond will NOT return...

    * Reaches for tissues* :'(
    So it would turn you on?
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    It all depends on the way that he's killed as to whether or not it would turn me on.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,897
    Celebrating his retirement in a jacuzzi with Kim Basinger.
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 12,837
    As all the bonds are different I'll l describe what I think would happen to each one in alternate timelines.

    Connery- happy ending, after he retires he moves abroad and lives basically like he lived before, a new girl every 5 minutes, but eventually settles down n gets married.

    Lasenby- after he retires he dies alone mourning tracy.

    Moore- once hes retired he lives like the playboy he is and has a ton of girlfriends, but never gets married,

    Dalton- daltons dark, cold, bond would be perfect for the missing in action scenario. He was always reluctant to take orders he didn't like and one mission pushes him too far and he simply never returns, everybody presumes him dead but nobody really knows.

    Brosnan- marries jinx or something, happy ending anyway.

    Craig- dies in action. He's that reckless it was inevitable.
  • Bonds end? Nope, When they thinks Bonds major plots have gone far enough....they reboot it.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    In bed - dead but with a smile on his face, a gorgeous girl by his side, and an empty martini glass on the nightstand.

    Just natural causes catching up to the man after a well lived adventurous life. Oh and after saving the world (again and again). Fade out ...

    but I really hope not!

  • edited October 2011 Posts: 5,745
    If they do end it, heres some criteria:

    1. Has to die in action
    2. Can not be by his own mistake, he doesn't mess up so why change that
    3. Can not be killed by a one time baddie, has to be a true nemesis
    4. It has to be a truly emotional moment, in well trained directorial and writing hands
    5. Arnold can not be in charge of the soundtrack
    6. The film/films must be longer than 2 hours

    I feel it would be a female villlain that will take him out. Someone he trusts, and loves. A nuclear bomb is within reach, and she grabs Bonds arm as he goes to defuse, and kisses him. As she does she handcuffs the both of them to the bomb. He embraces her, and he can finally be with a woman he loves without anybody's intervention.

    -The bomb is in a nuclear research facility that nobody will miss, and the radiation element has been removed leaving only the explosion. Bond's nemesis in the film expects him to defuse, and doesnt expect it when he doesn't. Bond and his love have broken laws and are surrounded outside by a baddie army, theres no hope. We see the main baddie/nemesis close his eyes as the blast knocks him back, and then the rest of the film focuses on Bond and his baddie love, locked in each others embrace as they kiss, not-arnolds score bringing the viewer to the ultimate torture of the hapiness and sadness of the moment.

    James Bond is happily ever after,
    thanks for 100 years of support.
    Eon Productions

    Sean Connery,
    George Lazenby,
    Sir Roger Moore,
    Timothy Dalton,
    Pierce Brosnan,
    Daniel Craig,
    And Insert
    As Ian Fleming's James Bond, 007

    Bernard Lee,
    Robert Brown,
    Dame Judi Dench,
    And Insert,
    As M

    Etc for MP, Q, FL, etc
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    All this talk of killing Bond off is absolutely absurd. You don't do that to a figure/icon/legend so revered the world over such as James Bond and kill him. It just can't be done. None of this mooshy gooshy he dies with his love crap, or that he is offed by his nemesis. Bond ALWAYS comes out on top. He is never the man to die even through all the stuff he has been through in his life. As far as I am concerned Bond will never die, forever remaining at 35 years of age(or pretend to if you are Sean and Roger ;-) ). If EON did decide to finally kill him I would flash forward time, showing camera shots of all the things he did age 35 onwards in his lifetime. Diffusing a nuclear reactor, dismantling Quantum, saving the Queen, etc; etc. Then we get a shot of him in bed with a woman, who is his wife. He had found a woman he could love through his job, and she took him for what he was and the baggage that accompanied him. He has his arms around her, kissing her forehead and then pulling away, looking at the British flag and smiles knowing his time has come. With one final salute he slips away, dead and going where all great heroes must sometime go.

    Now, I would normally end these final tales in a sad way, with Bond maybe looking in the mirror at all the scars he has and all the pain he has endured from working his body to the limit, and he sips a martini with a shaking hand until it drops, Bond dead where he sits. But I love him. I wouldn't be here on this site if I didn't and I care way to much for him as a character to see him go out like that. Some characters simply deserve to go out peacefully, like Bond, and if you are going to end a character's life do it right and keep him dead if you dare to do it *COUGH* Conan Doyle * COUGH* instead of making up some cockamany tale to bring him/her back later on * COUGH* Conan Doyle * COUGH*.

    Man I need to do something about this cough.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited October 2011 Posts: 15,732
    @0Brady I agree that killing Bond off is absurd... But so is your 2nd paragraph. It is absolutly absurd to think that EON would give the franchise a closure. EON has the optic that there will always be a demand for Bond films, so why end the franchise in 2056 when there will most likely be huge demand for a new Bond film in 2058 ? It's all about the money, so they will always make an open ending so Bond can return to please audiences. ;-)
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