Are there any Continuation Novels you would like to see adapted as video games?

edited June 2011 in 007 Gaming Posts: 9,913
one of the problems of bond video games (except for Bloodstone and James Bond 007 for the game boy) is the original ones tend to have extremely outlandish plots

From The Duel (a machine that creates villains really?)
to Agent under fire (cloning the world leaders uhm really?)
To Everything or Nothing (come on nano bots titanium tanks)

In a way to circumvent that would you be happy if they instead took a continuation novel and adapted it. It's more likely for Activision to create a Carte Blanche Video game then to see it turn into a film in 2014.

Personally Colonel Sun is such a fan favorite and a good plot that could be updated I honestly wouldn't mind Seeing Colonel Sun Staring Daniel Craig come out for XBox 360.

what do you think?

Also describe levels and cast here to :D


  • edited July 2011 Posts: 669
    I want to see:

    Nobody Lives Forever
    Zero Minus Ten
    Never Dream of Dying

    and by the way, the list you wrote above, I'm looking forward to see nanobots, cloned villains, etc.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited July 2011 Posts: 4,399
    To Everything or Nothing (come on nano bots titanium tanks)
    Nanobots and titanium tanks were the least absurd thing to come out of the Brosnan era of Bond - and that's from a video game lol..

  • Posts: 669
    To Everything or Nothing (come on nano bots titanium tanks)
    Nanobots and titanium tanks were the least absurd thing to come out of the Brosnan era of Bond - and that's from a video game lol..

    But, at least they were Bondian, not Bourne-ish.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    To Everything or Nothing (come on nano bots titanium tanks)
    Nanobots and titanium tanks were the least absurd thing to come out of the Brosnan era of Bond - and that's from a video game lol..

    But, at least they were Bondian, not Bourne-ish.
    Why can't Bond steal something for once?.. i say who cares.... A lot of action movies have stolen from Bond over years, why can't 007 take something from someone else for a change lol....... besides.... in the next 10 -15 years, will Bourne movies still be made? - doubtful, Bond will be near 30 films by that point.... Jason Bournes come and go, Bond is forever...

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Jason Bourne is a character who can't just keep getting situations recreated for him. The books only offer so much and the movies barely follow them. Bond has been around since the 50's and Bourne arrived in the 80's in the form of 3 Robert Ludlum novels. Bond can have any plot set around him and fans would see it. Bourne could never get amnesia again. The plot line has been written out and finished perfectly. And he couldn't return to Langley after the trouble he caused trying to find out who he was. The films are fine as they are. The Bourne Trilogy is certainly a masterpiece, especially Paul Greengrasses's genius.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    Wow, this sort of devolved from "What continuation novels should become games" to "Bond Vs. Bourne". Wow...

    ON THE SUBJECT, I'd rather see one of the Fleming novels get turned into a game. I mean taking directly from the novel, not the films. Back in 2006 (or 2005, not sure which), a Da Vinci Code game came out, based on the novel. From what I've heard from some basement dwellers, it's not that bad.
  • Posts: 1,894
    one of the problems of bond video games (except for Bloodstone and James Bond 007 for the game boy) is the original ones tend to have extremely outlandish plots
    Uh, while BLOODSTONE might not have had an outlandish plot, it did have a convoluted series of twists and turns that were needlessly complicated for the sake of padding out the single-player campaign.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    My problem with Blood Stone was that you get halfway through it, everything seems like it's over, and then the game basically became its own sequel after that.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    My problem with Blood Stone was that you get halfway through it, everything seems like it's over, and then the game basically became its own sequel after that.
    You had a problem with the game being longer than expected?

  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited October 2011 Posts: 4,399
    My problem with Blood Stone was that you get halfway through it, everything seems like it's over, and then the game basically became its own sequel after that.
    my biggest gripe with BS was it's multiplayer, or lack thereof... but I thought the campaign was decent - though flawed..

    biggest problem with the campaign that i say, in terms of story...

    1- the never make the connection between the title and the plot of the film.. granted it's just a title, but having it called Blood Stone, and then featuring diamonds in the opening credits, and then nothing beyond that really confused me... correct me if i am wrong, but there was absolutely no mention of diamonds, or a "Blood Stone" in the whole rest of the game.... it's like they sat around trying to think what to call the game - and the Judas Priest song "Bloodstone" came on, and they all went "heyy - that sounds Bondian, let's use that."



    2- it's never really explained how Nicole Hunter was the one pulling the strings - before she ends up getting killed at the end..


    beyond that, gameplay I thought was okay... but that is enough about Blood Stone, that isn't what this topic is about.....

    I honestly haven't read through many of the continuation novels - i'm still working my way through them... but Carte Blanche seems like it would make an interesting game thus far.


    the cover art for Blood Stone sucked as well.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    My problem with Blood Stone was that you get halfway through it, everything seems like it's over, and then the game basically became its own sequel after that.
    You had a problem with the game being longer than expected?

    No, not really that. It's just that when you get to the end of the Siberia portion, most of the loose ends are tied up, it seems like the game's about to end, then BAM! Bond remembers something and a whole separate story arc begins. I have absolutely no problem with the game being longer than I thought, it's just the way it became longer that I have a problem with.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    edited October 2011 Posts: 7,854
    My problem with Blood Stone was that you get halfway through it, everything seems like it's over, and then the game basically became its own sequel after that.
    my biggest gripe with BS was it's multiplayer, or lack thereof... but I thought the campaign was decent - though flawed..

    biggest problem with the campaign that i say, in terms of story...

    1- the never make the connection between the title and the plot of the film.. granted it's just a title, but having it called Blood Stone, and then featuring diamonds in the opening credits, and then nothing beyond that really confused me... correct me if i am wrong, but there was absolutely no mention of diamonds, or a "Blood Stone" in the whole rest of the game.... it's like they sat around trying to think what to call the game - and the Judas Priest song "Bloodstone" came on, and they all went "heyy - that sounds Bondian, let's use that."



    2- it's never really explained how Nicole Hunter was the one pulling the strings - before she ends up getting killed at the end..


    beyond that, gameplay I thought was okay... but that is enough about Blood Stone, that isn't what this topic is about.....

    I honestly haven't read through many of the continuation novels - i'm still working my way through them... but Carte Blanche seems like it would make an interesting game thus far.


    the cover art for Blood Stone sucked as well.
    I believe it's either mentioned, or you can easily see that diamonds are a part of the main villain's special knife, which has shed quite a bit of blood.

    Okay, that's the best I've got, there.

    And Bond makes the connection to the villain (I don't remember his name, sadly) and Nicole by either the design of the knife, or the aforementioned diamonds in the knife. Then the game sets her up as working for someone else, either a SPECTRE or Quantum-like agency, and then she dies, hinting at a sequel that I personally hope gets made.

    Daniel Craig's films seem to have "serialization" in mind, and thus every film (or game) is just one piece of a larger story.

    And I preferred Blood Stone's cover art to GoldenEye 2010's. That game's cover art was just... bad. GoldenEye Reloaded's doesn't look much better.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    And I preferred Blood Stone's cover art to GoldenEye 2010's. That game's cover art was just... bad. GoldenEye Reloaded's doesn't look much better.
    Actually I thought the Bloodstone cover art was pretty bad; it was a pic from QoS and that's just being lazy. I didn't mind the cover art for GE (2010) and I think GE:R looks pretty cool. But that's just me I guess.

  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited October 2011 Posts: 4,399
    I'm sorry, but as a graphic artist - i gotta respectfully disagree...

    it's unimaginative...

    it's bland...

    lacks anything eye catching...

    no real focal point of interest...

    MOD EDIT: And it's the sort of copyrighted material we can't post, @haserot. ;;) (DD)

    I would expect something along the lines of the cover for EON - at least that revealed something of the plot to a degree... this one did not... it took a random photo of Craig from QOS, made it black and white, slapped it on the cover with the title and called it a day....... in my opinion, that's either laziness, or something that was done in rush - either way... any self respecting graphic artist would be ashamed by that.. i know i would..... not all of my fan art is the greatest - but the difference is, I'm not being paid to care... someone was - and thats the sad part, that that is the end result...

    as a cover, you gotta approach it as that is your billboard, that is your marquee, that is your attention grabber... when you make a cover, it should be treated as something that is going to stand out from the other mess of games, and make someone want to play it (or for a book, read it).. you want that person to stop and pick up your game based on your design - granted, with the internet, and everything else, people know what they are going into a shop to get - but for someone casually strolling through that had no clue a new Bond game was out?.. come on - this was a halfhearted attempt at fan art, that somehow passed for a game cover..

    the only thing that i've seen worse than that was the US cover art for Carte Blanche - what an absolute joke.
  • Posts: 1,894
    My problem with Blood Stone was that you get halfway through it, everything seems like it's over, and then the game basically became its own sequel after that.
    You had a problem with the game being longer than expected?
    No, not really that. It's just that when you get to the end of the Siberia portion, most of the loose ends are tied up, it seems like the game's about to end, then BAM! Bond remembers something and a whole separate story arc begins. I have absolutely no problem with the game being longer than I thought, it's just the way it became longer that I have a problem with.
    That's what i was talking about - the plot is needlessly complex, and it feels like it was done to pad the single-player campaign out.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    the only thing that i've seen worse than that was the US cover art for Carte Blanche - what an absolute joke.
    I know! I remember seeing a cover for it, before it came out, on the internet that made me excited for it. Then when I went to get my copy it was nothing like the one on the net; it was just a black book with big red words that said "Carte Blanche". I felt so ripped off.
  • edited October 2011 Posts: 1,856
    My problem with Blood Stone was that you get halfway through it, everything seems like it's over, and then the game basically became its own sequel after that.
    I found it to short... It's like; What's next... Oh this seems like an end... It can't be I've only had it a day it can't be over.......Damn

    Back on topic

    Silverfin etc. heck stuff like games I WANT FILMS!!!
  • Posts: 2,107
    I liked Blood Stone. The things I did detest was ;

    1. Shortness of the game
    2. Every driving section (although all very cinematic) were just chase ones, where you caught the vile scum when you hit a certain point.
    3. Even though the plot was respectful to the Craig-era, things were left unresolved, and now that I think the name and titles have absolutely nothing to do with the plot. Ok, so, Kahn, or whatever his name was, showed Bond the knife designed by Miss Hunter and that was about it. I expected plot that had more to do with diamonds. So, now that I look back, I feel cheated. Also, the ending pretty much disappointed me.

    But I am hopeful that Raven will answer the questions left open in their upcoming Bond game.

    So continuation novels I'd like to see turned into games? Hmmmm... I don't actually remember much of the plots, but some of the Gardner novels...
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    Now, I think Cold Fall (COLD in the UK) would make a pretty good game. I don't really remember the plot, but I know I liked it.
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