HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
edited December 2014 in General Discussion Posts: 4,399
**for the mods - I could've sworn we had a thread like this already... but if we did, it's long gone, buried deep somewhere...

With Bond 24 right around the corner, i think enough time and viewings have passed that we can finally do a comprehensive Fan Verdict on Skyfall... I was surfing around the main site, and saw that Skyfall is the only film yet to have a "fan rating" attached to it, so i figured what better time than now to revisit the 2012 film that set a new box office standard for 007.

Long time regulars will remember how this all goes... but to the newbies, it's quite simple.. Below are 11 elements, and 7 Best Of bits... the elements you rate on a 1-10 scale based on how feel each was represented in the film. Once you've rated each element, you take the average score out of all your ratings - and that will give you you're ??/10 score (the math is simple.. but in case you need a refresher: add up all your ratings, and divide that total by 11)... Best Bits are just like it says, it's the part of the film you feel is "the most bondian moment" or "the funniest scene" etc..

usually along with the ratings, a small review of the movie itself is welcome - but not necessary.... have fun, and as always, lets keep it clean...

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rate the following elements of the movie on a 1 - 10 scale (10 being the best).

1. Bond
2. Babes
3. Villains
4. Humor
5. Sadism
6. Snobbery
7. Action
8. Locations
9. Gadgets
10. Music
11. Tilt
(represents any qualities or elements that aren't represented in the main elements)

Overall Score: ??/10

Best Bits
1. Most "Bondian" moment
2. Funniest Scene
3. Best Line
4. Best Location
5. Best Action Sequence
6. Best Bond Girl
7. Best Overall Performance


  • edited December 2014 Posts: 12,604
    1. Bond (9/10): In my opinion, this was actually Daniel Craig's weakest performance of his three outings so far, but that doesn't mean it was bad at all. He's still currently my favorite actor to play 007, and he did a tremendous job balancing the dry humor with the cold-killer attitude here. Classic performance necessary for the role.
    2. Babes (7.5/10): Severine is a serviceable Bond girl, but in my opinion, nothing special. She looked fine and acted well, but the part was too small and mysterious to give a higher rating.
    3. Villains (10/10): Javier Bardem is a true scene-stealer as Raoul Silva, who I firmly believe to be one of the greatest villains of the long-running franchise (Top 5). His sense of humor and mannerisms always amuse me, and his evil side is still plenty to take him seriously. Patrice was a solid henchman as well, and had a terrific fight scene in Shanghai with Bond.
    4. Humor (9/10): While a few of the jokes fell flat for me after some viewings, most of them still hold up, and Bond's dry humor comes naturally most of the time for me. Silva's little mannerisms and sayings can be funny sometimes, too; for the most part, the humor is well-done in the film.
    5. Sadism (8/10): Fairly violent, but not quite on the level of CR or QoS from my memory.
    6. Snobbery (9/10): Ben Whishaw as Q delivered the goods here; even as a young one, he had the same patience as the Llewelyn's older Q.
    7. Action (9/10): Most of the action sequences were terrific; it seems under-appreciated, but I loved the entire finale at the Skyfall estate. I wish there had been one or two more one-on-one fights, but the grand-scale action was nailed every time.
    8. Locations (10/10): Perfect variety of locations; the thrilling opening in Istanbul, plenty of London (of course), the sequences in Shanghai (probably my personal favorite), and the finale at Scotland were all brilliantly used in my opinion. Can't complain at all here.
    9. Gadgets (8.5/10): Glad they didn't go overkill here; the palm-reading gun was cool. Still, nothing here to really bump the score up a whole lot.
    10. Music (9/10): Like the finale, also under-appreciated in my opinion. I liked a lot of the film's soundtrack, particularly Jellyfish and She's Mine. Anyways, I thought most of the music was fitting and enjoyable - just not quite as impressive as CR and QoS.
    11. Tilt: N/A

    OVERALL: Mathematically about a 9/10; really feels like anywhere from 9 to 10/10 for me. When I saw it in the theaters, it skyrocketed into becoming one of my favorite Bond films, and has remained that way upon several re-watches. For me personally, Bond 24 has a tough task ahead of it to top Skyfall.

    1. Most "Bondian" Moment: Gotta be the Aston Martin revival for me. Just loved it.
    2. Funniest Scene: Probably the meeting between Bond and Q at the museum; there's several funny moments, but this is the one scene that constantly funny. The exploding pen line was the best part for me.
    3. Best Line: "Last rat standing." (Bond says to Silva as he dies). Really impossible to pick a best line from the whole film, but that's one that comes to mind.
    4. Best Location: As stated above, Shanghai for me.
    5. Best Action Sequence: Really, the explosive finale at Skyfall is my favorite.
    6. Best Bond Girl: Severine makes it no choice. But if we consider any woman non-sexually, then it would be Judi Dench's M.
    7. Best Overall Performance: Gotta g with Javier Bardem as Raoul Silva. Craig, Dench, and the others were all fantastic as well, but I thought Bardem helped elevate the movie to greatness. He was always captivating and entertaining to watch.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited December 2014 Posts: 4,399
    1. Bond (10/10) - Once again Daniel turns in another great performance.
    2. Babes (7/10) - Naomie is attractive, Berenice however is a showstopper - easily the most gorgeous Bond girl in a very long while.. even the girl Bond shacks up with briefly in the beginning is a looker.
    3. Villains (10/10) - Silva is towards the top of my list when it comes to Bond villains. I think it's because Javier quirky performance. He wasn't the A typical cliche' acting menacing and threatening Bond villain - he did have all of those qualities, but he also had a very bizarre and macabre sense of humor to him as well..
    4. Humor (8/10) - There was plenty of humor to go around this time, more so than in both of Craig's previous films combined, some subtle, some very much on the nose.. but it all worked.
    5. Sadism (7/10) - It had it's share of violent moments: Patrice's assassination of the art guy, and the William Tell shot glass bit.
    6. Snobbery (6/10) - Plenty of snobbery i feel from M towards Bond in the beginning, as well as from Mallory - even Q gets in on the act as well.. though i do feel it ooze from Bond during the unveiling of the Aston towards the third act of the film.
    7. Action (9/10) - For a director who hasn't been seasoned in Action films, I thought Mendes handled the scenes marvelously. Unlike the previous film, where it looked like the scenes were shot from inside a dryer, everything here is more traditionally laid out, which i appreciate - especially the fight between Bond and Patrice in Shanghai... but in terms of the sequences themselves, I feel like there was just enough to keep the pace of the film moving along. A couple big action sequences, and then a few small ones sprinkled in for good measure.
    8. Locations (7/10) - Istanbul is played out for Bond - would've loved to see India like it should have been for the PTS, but oh well...Shanghai was nice, would've liked to spend more time there, same with Macau... that is my one problem with QOS, and SF is a little guilty of it as well - too much globe hopping to different locations in films never really establishes a sense of place.. the earlier films usually spent time in 1, 2, maybe 3 locations at most.. in these current films we are squeezing in 5 to 6 different locales - waay too much.. but with all that said, i did like the use of London and Scotland in this film.
    9. Gadgets (6/10) - i liked their simplicity, but they were plays off of gadgets we've seen before - the palm reader gun like in LTK, and the radio tracker beacon like in GF... i thought the palm reader gun would have a better payoff for the end of the film - but i thought how it was used in the film was ok... just nothing special..
    10. Music (7/10) - Newman's score works well in the film, but listening to it on it's own causes me to skip around a lot.. though there are several highlights in the score, like "Shanghai Drive" "Jellyfish" "Silhouette" "Komodo Dragon" "The Chimera" "Tennyson" and "Enquiry".. i just wish he could've incorporated more of Adele's theme into the score - it's briefly heard in "Komodo Drago" but then never shows back up..
    11. Tilt (0/0)

    Overall Score: 7.7/10

    Best Bits

    1. Most "Bondian" moment

    The straightening of the cuffs after jumping off the digger arm onto the train car

    2. Funniest Scene
    Almost every scene with Silva - such a jovial villain... but I do also have to mention the bit where Bond sees the bulldog and goes "The whole office goes up and that bloody thing survives."

    3. Best Line
    "Welcome to Scotland."

    4. Best Location
    Skyfall Lodge

    5. Best Action Sequence
    The Siege on Skyfall at the end was awesome.

    6. Best Bond Girl
    Dame Judi Dench.. lets face it, she was the Bond girl this time, in her final performance in the series.

    7. Best Overall Performance
    That's really though, because I feel like everyone - EVERYONE turned in terrific performances... but I think I have to go with Javier Bardem on this one..
  • edited December 2014 Posts: 7,507
    There are a few categorys that feel completely pointless and silly to rate. Why do every Bond fan have to rate "gadgets" and "sadism" for instance as major elements of a Bond film? Isn't that more down to personal taste? And on top of that even give them the same importance as "Bond", "Action" and "Villains"? I mean, come on! And what about other important elements like "Plot", "Script", "Cast" etc...

    But since I understand its a tradition, well... I'll respect it. Seems pretty


    1. Bond (10/10
    People said Craig couldn't do oneliners... Yeah right! :-j

    2. Babes (8/10)
    Both are stunning, and I don't mind their smaller supporting roles that much... only a littlebit...

    3. Villains (10/10)
    Silva should be included in the hall of fame of Bond villains.

    4. Humor (7/10)
    Light and well timed. Not too much. Never too silly.

    5. Sadism (7/10)
    The film is pretty violent I guess... Although Bond himself is less brutal than in Craig's previous films...

    6. Snobbery (7/10)
    Who cares anyway?

    7. Action (9/10)
    Few elaborate stunts or massive action set pieces. But the film doesn't need it. Bond action should always be about suspense for me, and Skyfall definitely delivers in that regard.

    8. Locations (8/10)
    Nothing incredibly mindblowing or exotic, but Deakins makes everything look incredible and the production design is also great. Scotland looks good, and so does Istanbul and Shanghai.

    9. Gadgets (10/10)
    Pointless category! Should not effect the final score! [-(

    10. Music (8/10)
    Only thing missing was more usage of the theme tune.

    11. Tilt (10/10)
    Still one of the best cinema experiences I've ever had! (Casino is still better though...)

    Overall Score: 8,5/10

    Best Bits

    1. Most "Bondian" moment

    "With pleassure, M, with pleassure." (Bond theme kicking in...) \m/

    2. Funniest Scene

    "He's keen to get home!"

    3. Best Line

    It's tempting to go with Tennyson here...

    4. Best Location

    The Macao Casino... Wow!

    5. Best Action Sequence

    The entire sequence starting with Bond following Patrice in the car and ending with the shots of Severine at the skyscraper... Pure suspense gold!

    6. Best Bond Girl


    7. Best Overall Performance

    Has to go to Daniel Craig, although Bardem loses at the line by photo finish.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
  • Posts: 7,653

    1. Bond [10/10]- DC is convincing

    2. Babes [7/10] - Severine saved the day, easil ythe most impressive lady from the Craig era.

    3. Villains [5/10] - great casting but let down by the script 2nd half of the movie, went from menacing to poor mans Moore villain.

    4. Humor [6/10] - Craig and humour somehow never is too convincing

    5. Sadism [6/10] - shagging a former prostitute owned by the baddie is very Fleming, shooting her for whatever reason would have offended Fleming.

    6. Snobbery [4/10] - DC is no snob more a thug

    7. Action [6/10} - outside of the trainchase and fight there was never anything really exciting happening, this movie failed a wow factor.

    8. Locations [5/10] - Istanbul looked allright, London looked grey, Shanghai looked manifactured instead of really using the city, Macau was so obvious a stage, Scotland was never really used. A long way away from the Broccoli days of great location shoots.

    9. Gadgets [7/10] just solely for the Aston Martin.

    10. Music [6/10] an improvement after the last two movies.

    11. Tilt - [3/10] the movie annoyed me more than the good parts could ever make up for

    Overall Score: 5.9/10

    Best Bits
    1. Most "Bondian" moment - the costume tug while entering the train
    2. Funniest Scene - Q in the museum
    3. Best Line - ressurection
    4. Best Location - Istanbul
    5. Best Action Sequence - Istanbul
    6. Best Bond Girl - Severine
    7. Best Overall Performance - Lady Dench
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited December 2014 Posts: 17,989
    SaintMark wrote: »
    I'm gonna shamelessly copy your post & just tweak it since we seem to have basically the same opinions here:

    1. Bond [9/10]- DC is convincing, but he needed a better hairstyle.

    2. Babes [9/10] - Severine saved the day, easily the most impressive lady from the Craig era.

    3. Villains [5/10] - great casting but let down by the script 2nd half of the movie, went from menacing to poor mans Moore villain.

    4. Humor [5/10] - Craig and humour somehow never is too convincing

    5. Sadism [6/10] - shagging a former prostitute owned by the baddie is very Fleming, shooting her for whatever reason would have offended Fleming.

    6. Snobbery [8/10] - The new Q provided it.

    7. Action [4/10 - after CR & QOS I was let down big time.

    8. Locations [5/10] - Istanbul looked allright, London looked grey, Shanghai looked manifactured instead of really using the city, Macau was so obvious a stage, Scotland was never really used. A long way away from the Broccoli days of great location shoots.

    9. Gadgets [7/10] just solely for the Aston Martin.

    10. Music [4/10] lift music.

    11. Tilt - [0/10] the movie annoyed me more than the good parts could ever make up for

    Overall Score: 6.2/10

    Best Bits
    1. Most "Bondian" moment - the costume tug while entering the train
    2. Funniest Scene - "Go ahead. Eject me. See if I care."
    3. Best Line - resurrection
    4. Best Location - Istanbul
    5. Best Action Sequence - Istanbul
    6. Best Bond Girl - Severine
    7. Best Overall Performance - Lady Dench[/quote]

  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,367
    Bond: 8
    Possibly Craig's best outing.

    Babes: 6
    Does Moneypenny qualify as a Bond babe? If not, there are no babes in this one except the rather forgettable Séverine.

    Villains: 7
    Bardem is great, but once again no henchman worth remembering.

    Humour: 7
    Kincade is the one providing the humour here.

    Sadism: 6
    I agree with: "shagging a former prostitute owned by the baddie is very Fleming, shooting her for whatever reason would have offended Fleming."

    Snobbery: 3
    Bond drinks Heineken and he takes shots with a scorpion on his hand. This is the part where the new ones really fail to deliver. This Bond is too thuggish.

    Action: 7
    Rather good, but not exceptional.

    Locations: 8
    Thanks to Roger Deakins, the locations are gorgeous.

    Gadgets: 7
    Aston Martin DB5.

    Music: 5
    The title song is good, the rest of the soundtrack is hardly worth mentioning.

    Tilt: 6
    The allies, Dench, Harris, Fiennes and Finney, are excellent. The plot, however, is fairly ridiculous and does so without the slightest notion of self-awareness.

    Overall: 5.7

    Most 'Bondian' moment: the costume tug while entering the train.
    Funniest scene: "What was it you said you did for a living again??"
    Best line: "Murder?" "Employment."
    Best location: Shanghai.
    Best action sequence: skyscraper chase and fight.
    Best Bond girl: can I pick Moneypenny?
    Best overall performance: Albert Finney.

  • Posts: 4,325
    Bond: 9

    Babes: 6

    Villains: 7

    Humour: 7

    Sadism: 6

    Snobbery: 3

    Action: 7

    Locations: 6

    Gadgets: 6

    Music: 7

  • mcdonbbmcdonbb deep in the Heart of Texas
    Posts: 4,116
    jobo wrote: »
    There are a few categorys that feel completely pointless and silly to rate. Why do every Bond fan have to rate "gadgets" and "sadism" for instance as major elements of a Bond film? Isn't that more down to personal taste? And on top of that even give them the same importance as "Bond", "Action" and "Villains"? I mean, come on! And what about other important elements like "Plot", "Script", "Cast" etc...

    But since I understand its a tradition, well... I'll respect it. Seems pretty


    1. Bond (10/10
    People said Craig couldn't do oneliners... Yeah right! :-j

    2. Babes (8/10)
    Both are stunning, and I don't mind their smaller supporting roles that much... only a littlebit...

    3. Villains (10/10)
    Silva should be included in the hall of fame of Bond villains.

    4. Humor (7/10)
    Light and well timed. Not too much. Never too silly.

    5. Sadism (7/10)
    The film is pretty violent I guess... Although Bond himself is less brutal than in Craig's previous films...

    6. Snobbery (7/10)
    Who cares anyway?

    7. Action (9/10)
    Few elaborate stunts or massive action set pieces. But the film doesn't need it. Bond action should always be about suspense for me, and Skyfall definitely delivers in that regard.

    8. Locations (8/10)
    Nothing incredibly mindblowing or exotic, but Deakins makes everything look incredible and the production design is also great. Scotland looks good, and so does Istanbul and Shanghai.

    9. Gadgets (10/10)
    Pointless category! Should not effect the final score! [-(

    10. Music (8/10)
    Only thing missing was more usage of the theme tune.

    11. Tilt (10/10)
    Still one of the best cinema experiences I've ever had! (Casino is still better though...)

    Overall Score: 8,5/10

    Best Bits

    1. Most "Bondian" moment

    "With pleassure, M, with pleassure." (Bond theme kicking in...) \m/

    2. Funniest Scene

    "He's keen to get home!"

    3. Best Line

    It's tempting to go with Tennyson here...

    4. Best Location

    The Macao Casino... Wow!

    5. Best Action Sequence

    The entire sequence starting with Bond following Patrice in the car and ending with the shots of Severine at the skyscraper... Pure suspense gold!

    6. Best Bond Girl


    7. Best Overall Performance

    Has to go to Daniel Craig, although Bardem loses at the line by photo finish.

    This seems to me to be more of a review of elements and not so much the film itself.

    Besides it's a different perspective to judge the film and kinda fun.
  • DrShatterhandDrShatterhand Garden of Death, near Belfast
    Posts: 805
    Bond: 7: Hmmm an over-the-hill Bond with a terrible haircut and stupid beard who decides to sulk about being shot and hang out on the beach. Drinking Heineken. But while I'might not crazy about the characterisation, Craig himself is very watchable.

    Babes: 5
    Moneypenny doesnt really do it for me and Séverine, while gorgeous, is hardly in the film for 5 minutes.

    Villains: 5
    Bardem should've been one of the greats but he was indulged far too much. I'm knocking off a point just for the hair.

    Humour: 7
    The scenes when Bond returns to MI6 drip with sardonic humour that really fit DC. Not so keen on the RM-era bits on the tube though.

    Sadism: 6
    I agree with: "shagging a former prostitute owned by the baddie is very Fleming, shooting her for whatever reason would have offended Fleming.". CAN'T ADD TO THIS

    Snobbery: 3
    Bond drinks Heineken and he takes shots with a scorpion on his hand. This is the part where the new ones really fail to deliver. This Bond is too thuggish. NOR THIS.

    Action: 7
    The PTS felt very generic (crashing into market stalls..again?). The fight with Patricia in Shan
  • DrShatterhandDrShatterhand Garden of Death, near Belfast
    edited December 2015 Posts: 805
    Bond: 7
    Hmmm an over-the-hill Bond with a terrible haircut and stupid beard who decides to sulk about being shot and hang out on the beach rather than return to work. Drinking Heineken. But while I'might not crazy about the characterisation, Craig himself is very watchable though and is the best thing in it.

    Babes: 5
    Moneypenny doesnt really do it for me and Séverine, while gorgeous, is hardly in the film for 5 minutes.

    Villains: 5
    Bardem should've been one of the greats but he was indulged far too much. I'm knocking off a point just for the hair.

    Humour: 7
    The scenes when Bond returns to MI6 drip with sardonic wit that really fits DC's portrayal. Not so keen on the RM-era bits on the tube though.

    Sadism: 6
    I agree with: "shagging a former prostitute owned by the baddie is very Fleming, shooting her for whatever reason would have offended Fleming.". CAN'T ADD TO THIS

    Snobbery: 3
    Bond drinks Heineken and he takes shots with a scorpion on his hand. This is the part where the new ones really fail to deliver. This Bond is too thuggish. NOR THIS.

    Action: 5
    The PTS felt very generic (crashing into market stalls..again?). The fight with Patrice in Shanghai was stunningly staged though. Train crash was pointless and felt tacked-on. I expect more out of a Bond finale than gunplay and helicopters...where's the invention?

    Locations: 5
    Deakins made everywhere look gorgeous, which was just as well seeing as they hardly left the UK.

    Gadgets: 4
    We don't really go in for that sort of thing any more do we? (well, not until the next film any way). Don't get me started on the DB5.

    Music: 5
    The musical highlight of the film is the mournful queue as Bond descends the depths that takes us into the titles. After that, it's generic techno-thriller lift music and Hans Zimmer rip-offzzzzz all the way.

    Tilt: N/A Don't really understand this category

    Overall: 5.2

    Most 'Bondian' moment: "With Pleasure M...with pleasure"
    Funniest scene: Q introduction
    Best line: "Day?" "Wasted" or "Try not to cock it up"
    Best location: Shanghai (via London)
    Best action sequence: Skyscraper fight.
    Best Bond girl: M
    Best overall performance: Craig, with Fiennes just behind.

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