Let's do this poll a bit differently
>:). Try to put yourself in the shoes of a SPECTRE-operative. Just......try to demolish all Bond-fandom in your thought. Loathe all the Bond-geeks in this forum. Think of how you would use that poisonous shoe on someone who always belittled our beloved brotherhood. And instead, cherish and value something that is much much more satisfactory:
S.P.E.C.T.R.E. 8-X!
It's time to vote in this new poll dear members of SPECTRE.
What do you think was the best SPECTRE-film? In which Bond film got the plan from our No# 1 operative your most respect? And what ideas do you have to make SPECTRE even more resourceful, more sinister, more......
effective on the whole, while you are ranking below movies?
Therefore, please vote for below 7 movies and hand in your TOP 4 of Best SPECTRE-films.
1 POINTS: to your 4th placed SPECTRE-film
2 POINTS: to your 3rd placed SPECTRE-film
3 POINTS: to your runner-up SPECTRE-film
5 POINTS: to your SPECTRE-film that must win, obviously because it contained the most ambitious SPECTRE-project ever
01. SPECTRE in "
Doctor No" (
02. SPECTRE in "
From Russia With Love" (
03. SPECTRE in "
Thunderball" (
04. SPECTRE in "
You Only Live Twice" (
05. SPECTRE in "
On Her Majesty's Secret Service" (
06. SPECTRE in "
Diamonds Are Forever" (
07. SPECTRE in "
Never Say Never Again" (
But I remind you all:
SPECTRE is a dedicated fraternity whose strength lies in the absolute integrity of its members. And if the culprit -a leak to anyone outside our brotherhood, or any other act of embezzlement- becomes known to us, we WILL decide on an appropriate action:

Do not take this warning lightly
If we're voting plans, my choices are:
5 points: FRWL - best constructed, most chance of success
3 points: DN - simple sabotage, why not? I like it!
2 points: TB - bit outrageous but pretty cool
1 point: OHMSS - yeah, biological war fare does frighten me
I decided to put the film in the poll, as then there are slightly more options. Also, the reference is so obvious Blofeld/SPECTRE. Moreover, "Blofeld"s plan could have worked. If 007 did not discover in time how to unwire the RC-wires, then we had a dead Bond no ;-)?
I would have thought that seven films is sufficient. I just don't think that including FYEO purely for the fact that there's a chap who could be Blofeld in its PTS. I thought the point of the scene is meant to show that SPECTRE is no more, and he's turned slightly mad and wishes to settle an old feud with his nemesis.
Here's mine:
5 points for: Thunderball- Not the best film by far, but it is the film where I think SPECTRE were at their best. The Paris HQ scene is fantastic, and Ken Adam's set is delightful. The plot, although unfairly tainted by future Bond spoofs (this film did it first!), is grandiose, but not to the extent where it becomes OTT. It's a definitive Bond villain plot. TB is where SPECTRE are their most threatening (what with dispensing of insolent operatives!).
3 points for: From Russia With Love- another classic SPECTRE appearance.
2 points for: On Her Majesty's Secret Service- up there with TB and FRWL, but I feel that the film focuses more on Blofeld.
1 point for: You Only Live Twice- A solid appearance. SPECTRE's most OTT scheme.
3 points- FRWL: Rosa Klebb's poison tipped shoe is ingenious, and it's all around a slick plan, too!
2 points- DN: The original world domination plot.
1 point- TB: How would one go about hollowing out a volcano and building a station in it?
4 points for YOLT-SPECTRE brought the world to the brink of nuclear war, a feat that others only thought possible by US-Soviet oneupmanship. Or a radar glitch.
3 points for DN-SPECTRE successfully toppled an unknown number of American rockets as well as killing Quarrell, Honey's father and Strangways. That's some measure of success.
2 points TB: a fiendish plan, cunning in its simplicity. And SPECTRE demonstrated on three different occasions the cost of betrayal (or trying to renegotiate agreed-upon terms, which is almost the same thing).
1 point FRWL-A clever plan, but I'm not entirely sure why Rosa Klebb, head of SMERSH, wouldn't be capable of bringing SPECTRE a Lector herself.
Runner-up Thunderball. A plot of global scale.
3rd.Diamonds Are Forever. Again Blofeld is very much on his game, threatening massive global destruction.
4. Dr No. The good Doctor had a great set-up until 007 interfered.
3 points: On Her Majesty's Secret Service
2 points: Thunderball
1 point: You Only Live Twice - daft but ingenious!
Tell me @AceHole ;-). Why is it complicated ;-)
Just a bit of fun Gustav ;)
It's not really, strictly speaking, but at first glance is does seem to be :D
Loved that! Always love how Donald Pleasance introduces himself, classic! ^:)^
3 points: On Her Majesty's Secret Service - again terribly audacious - Angels of Death indeed. Biological warfare. Even Al Qaeda or Assad couldn't come up with this stuff!
2 points: Thunderball - blackmailing Western powers - stealing nuclear weapons. Surgical alterations and doubles! A little extravagant and out of this world, but was it ambitious for its day ...
1 point: You Only Live Twice - Blofeld takes it a little too far here but I admire the scale of his ambition. So good in fact that his tactics were stolen by two future Bond adversaries (Stromberg in TSWLM & Carver in TND). His revelation was, however, terribly underwhelming given the amazing buildup of the faceless, 'stroking' villain in FRWL & TB who just seemed bigger and more menacing than Pleasance. Hoping not to have a similar disappointment in SPECTRE.
My word, doing this exercise reminds me of how damn good those old Bond movies' plots were. What happened?
SPECTRE had better be up to scratch. This is Blofeld we are talking about for heaven's sake. Not some two bit ex-Mi6 hacker with a grudge and a mommy complex!
Great trailer huh? I loved it. It captures the essence of SPECTRE perfectly, even slightly more sinister with the added music and perfectly edited scenes. The trailer has been features on Slashfilm as well now:
Okay, and some more wunderful links! Did you know that quite a few movie websites (the geeky ones and established ones) have now dedicated some time and effort in the history of SPECTRE? I think that's really nice, and was not possible with previous Bond films ;-):
Time Magazine:
The Dissolve (includes the wunderful fan trailer):
FirstShowing.net (includes the wunderful fan trailer):
It's especially nice to read some of the comments that non-Bond-fans make. For instance on that Slashfilm-article:
"I haven't seen the OLD Bond Movies, just from Goldeneye forward.
Maybe we will see the rise of Blowfeld/Spectre, how he got his scar."
Truly funny :-P
Or from FirstShowing.net:
"I remember seeing this as a kid for the first time... they just dont make movies like this anymore.."
Be prepared lady :-D!
Well, even in real world there are connections to this. Albeit very indirectly. But if Russian banks are co-financing ultra-right-wing parties in the European Union. And if these Russian banks are "officially" not linked to Putin's wunderful Orlov-esque agenda, then one could say "The Russians" are trying to destabilize prosperity and democracy in the EU.
Does that not ring a bell @bondjames :-)?
You're right @Gustav_Graves.
The same thing is in fact going on today in geopolitics. Deception is the name of the game at the highest levels of government, with the average man in the street the pawn, and a complicit media. Only this time the war is 'financial' in nature. Currency manipulation, sanctions (or tariffs as they used to call it), commodity price manipulation etc. It's also 'technological' (phone tapping, Snowden etc.). There are definitely hidden agendas, and I'll contend that it goes both ways....Putin is definitely a player in this game of deception, but so is Obama (or rather, his western backed financiers & large multinational corporates along with Saudi oilmen - all of whom influence western policy).
The real villains today are multinational corporates. Perfect hiding place for Blofeld.
If only Ian Fleming himself lived in today's world....if only he could give his comment now :-)
2. OHMSS (3). SPECTRE is kind of minimalized at this point, but very effective. Telly Savalas was the best of all Blofelds.
3. TB (2). Only SPECTRE could have come up with this wild of a plan and nearly pull it off.
4. YOLT (1). I know, I know, hollowed out volcano. But we meet Blofeld.
5. DN (0). Yeah, SPECTRE is mentioned but, no real representation other than the Doc.
T6. DAF and NSNA (- 1 kazillion points). Need I explain this?
01. 5 points - FRWL
02. 3 points - TB
03. 2 points - DN
04. 1 points - OHMSS
Total score so far after 10 votes:
01. 33 POINTS - "From Russia With Love"
02. 27 POINTS - "Thunderball"
03. 21 POINTS - "On Her Majesty's Secret Service"
04. 12 POINTS - "You Only Live Twice"
05. 11 POINTS - "Doctor No"
06. 07 POINTS - "Diamonds Are Forever"
07. 00 POINTS - "Never Say Never Again"