Bond game experience : Time travelling and reliving past events of the franchise as they happened...

DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
edited July 2011 in Bond Movies Posts: 15,732
Alright mates, here's how this works :

We will try to imagine this community has the ability to move back in time, letting us relive important moments of the franchise (example : Connery quitting after YOLT, Lazenby announcing he quits after OHMSS..). So we will try and comment these events as if we were witnessing them in real time. It's as if this forum and this community of members had existed since 1962.

Rules : You can only base your comments/arguments on what happened BEFORE a particular event we will relive. Example : When Connery quits after YOLT, we can only base our arguments/comments on what happened BEFORE this event (1962-1967) but not AFTER. So Lazenby cannot be mentioned until, in our time-travel voyage, he actually gets the role. So we can speculate on WHO will replace Connery, but also on if the franchise can survive without Connery... We relive these events exactly as they happened, with the same knowledge people had at the time of these events. In other words: If we go back to 1968, and Lazenby has just been cast, try to forget everything that happened after that (What OHMSS turned out to be, and that he would only do one film)... The purpose of this game is to try and understand what went through Bond fans' mind during these events.

I hope I made myself understood... ;;)

I have a list of events I think it will be interesting to re-enact.

Please give your approval if you want to take part in this game... The more we will be, the more fun it will be !!


  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    Well, we could open each discussion in a particular year. So, we start off with a conversation based in 1961. News of Bond being adapted to the cinema has broken and casting is under way. Names are being thrown around like Cary grant, Richard Todd, James Mason and a couple of lesser knowns - Sean Connery and Roger Moore have been mentioned.

    IS this how you envisage the game DC?

    Will everyone need to have real time knowledge of who was genuinely in the frame back in 1961?
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited July 2011 Posts: 15,732
    @NicNac I don't mean 'real time' as in every news that happened. I meant it the way when we discuss a particular event, we can only discuss what has 'already happened'.

    Here's an example: For OHMSS, we start with Connery quitting, then unknown Lazenby gets casted, and Lazenby announces he will only 1 film. By 'real time', I mean we cannot mention Lazenby doing only one film when he is cast (as it didn't 'happen' yet).

    You really don't need a real time knowledge of every news concerning each casting. I was going to make it simple (ie 1987: Roger quits... Brosnan rumours... Dalton is chosen).

    And I also didn't want to limit the game to recasting... I though we could do a discussion on the MR-FYEO transition (where can the franchise go next after MR ? Can Moore pull-off a more serious performance ?)

    We've had some of these discussions before, but I thought making a game out of it (acting as if the events enfolded right infront of us. But keeping it simple.

    Basicly if we did the post-YOLT recast, you can simply put forward names that either have been actually in the game to replace Connery, or simply wishful thinking of your part. Basicly this is Bond #6 casting rumours (Owen, Jackman, Cavill...) only transposed in the past.
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    Sounds cool :)
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited July 2011 Posts: 15,732
    Sounds cool :)
    Thank you royale65 !! :-bd
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    Best thing is, DC you open the proceedings and we will follow. Say, it's 1979 and MR has been released, it's a huge hit but did it go too far? How can the next one possibly be more over the top than MR?
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited July 2011 Posts: 15,732
    Allright, here we go...

    Breaking news this morning :

    Sean Connery announces he will NOT return as James Bond in the upcoming Bond film due in 1969.

    After 5 films, DN, FRWL, GF, TB and YOLT, Connery retires from the James Bond role.

    Cubby Broccoli and Harry Saltzman have spoken of their intention of recasting the role.

    Wow, this is huge news. Who can replace him ? Is the role too well-linked with Connery to be recasted ? Can the franchise survive without it's main star ?

    We shall know soon who will be the new James Bond.

    So, fellow Bond fans... What are your views and comments on this very important news that has just happened ? Who is your main choice for Connery's replacement ? Do you think there can be a Bond film without Connery ? Do YOU want a Bond film without him ? Will this delay the new film past 1969 ?

    Note : Rules apply : George Lazenby cannot be mentioned yet. Everything that takes place after YOLT and Connery's retirement announcement HASN'T 'happened yet'. We can only speculate on what "might happen".
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    Well, I can't imagine a Bond film without Connery. He inspires Beatlemania type scenes wherever he goes and he is so linked to the role that anyone else would be a stand-in.

    Having said that, PAtrick McGoohan from The Prisoner and Terence Stamp would be interesting choices if they decided to plough ahead.

    Will there be a new Bond film? Probably. It's worth a punt even if it fails because the Bond brand is so huge it may survive this incalculable loss.

  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited July 2011 Posts: 14,076
    Well, I loved You Only Live Twice (the best Bond film) yet and am kind of sad to see Connery go, but we can't force the man to stay against his will. As for the next actor, I saw a film last year called Deadlier Than The Male, it's lead, Richard Johnson, I think would make a craking Bond. However, if the films continue to be released in a 2 year cycle, Johnson will be 42 when the next Bond is filming. That would make him 10 years older than Connery in DN, but I think Johnson could pull the Bond roll off.
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    I dont know how they’ll do it without Connery; the man is James Bond. Good call on Richard Johnson, Major. Did you know he was Terence Young’s first choice as Bond?

    42, hey Major? At least that will provide a bit of continuity, maybe...

  • edited July 2011 Posts: 303
    They can't possibly do a Bond film with another actor, it just wouldn't feel right, we've grown up with Sean, and he IS Bond, you cannot possibly get people to watch a Bond film without the actual Bond. (Full Stop.)
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    The last 2 outings were great (TB and YOLT). But I think a Bond film without Connery will be a commercial failure. The audience is well too fond of him to imagine anyone else in the role. I am very pessimistic about this. I doubt the franchise will survive without him. Even if, by chance, it works, I expect a major drop in Box Office revenues.

    As for a possibly replacement, I agree with NicNac - McGoohan is a very good choice.
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    Doesn’t McGoohan have some problem with the role of Bond; a moral one?
  • Posts: 269
    At last ! Connery's going ! I've been hoping every Bond film would be the last for the past 7 years ! They should have never tried to adapt Fleming's book. This Bond has nothing to do with the novel universe, and every new film must have Fleming spinning in his grave. I wonder if he didn't die because of what they were going to do to Goldfinger !
    Anyway, I don't think they'll be able to go along with this so-called 'serie' after the departing of the main actor. Forget these 5 films, and let's get back to the novel!

    (funny game actually. I would have missed Internet if I was born in these years^^)
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    At last ! Connery's going ! I've been hoping every Bond film would be the last for the past 7 years ! They should have never tried to adapt Fleming's book. This Bond has nothing to do with the novel universe, and every new film must have Fleming spinning in his grave. I wonder if he didn't die because of what they were going to do to Goldfinger !
    Anyway, I don't think they'll be able to go along with this so-called 'serie' after the departing of the main actor. Forget these 5 films, and let's get back to the novel!

    @-) @-) @-)
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423

    The first two Bond films were close to the books, but I can see your point over the other three… But the Bond films, like the novels, is pure entrainment; if one is particularly inclined to look, Fleming’s essential character remains, caught up in outlandish, yet enjoyable action - adventures; the very spirit, if not the context, of Fleming’s original novels. And besides, I hope, the longevity of the franchise should be assured by broadening its fan base.

  • ChevronChevron Northern Ireland
    Posts: 371
    I was watching The Saint the other day and my mate suggested that the actor guy in it might be a good Bond. Sounds a bit farfetched. It would be like listening to the Beatles without earmuffs.

    I'd love to watch Goldfinger again. Does anyone know if it will be re-released soon? If only there was a way to watch movies at home whenever you wanted to...

    Oh well, I'll make do by reading my Pan paperback of the novel with the movie poster art on the cover.
  • A Bond film without Bond? Ridiculous. Connery IS Bond. He's a once-in-a-generation movie star that created one of the great characters of cinema. As much as I Iike McGoohan the idea of him as Bond is ludicrous. He doesn't have the presence of Connery, he doesn't have his raw animal sexuality, he isn't as forceful or as manly as Connery, he doesn't have that effortless charisma, and he isn't as handsome. I can't think of a single actor today that can embody those traits in a way that's even close to Connery.

    As sad as I am I think we had a great run.
  • AgentJamesBond007AgentJamesBond007 Vesper’s grave
    Posts: 2,637
    Have you seen the poster You Only Live Twice? Sean Connery IS James Bond, no one replace him. The series won't last much longer. He had a great run while it lasts an Connery will probably never return as our hero.

    Maybe Richard Johnson or Patrock McGoohan can become James Bond with Connery's charm and charisma that he brought to his infamous role.
  • Posts: 1,856
    NOOOOOOoooooooo...... :-t

    It will never work. HE IS BOND!!!!!

    >Cries< :-S
  • Posts: 1,778
    Supposidly Roger Moore, best known for his role as Simon Templer on the Saint, is indeed in talks to take over the role for On Her Majesty's Secret Service, which to my knowledge is still set for a December 1969 release. What do you guys think about this guy replacing Connery? I suppose it'd make sense to cast a British sctor to play Bond and he certainly looks the part. He's only 2 years older than Connery, 41 years old, but he looks much much younger.
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    Supposidly Roger Moore, best known for his role as Simon Templer on the Saint, is indeed in talks to take over the role for On Her Majesty's Secret Service, which to my knowledge is still set for a December 1969 release. What do you guys think about this guy replacing Connery? I suppose it'd make sense to cast a British sctor to play Bond and he certainly looks the part. He's only 2 years older than Connery, 41 years old, but he looks much much younger.
    If Roger "The Saint" Moore ever gets cast as Bond I will personally give you £10,000 and my wife for a night.
    As much as I Iike McGoohan the idea of him as Bond is ludicrous. He doesn't have the presence of Connery, he doesn't have his raw animal sexuality, he isn't as forceful or as manly as Connery, he doesn't have that effortless charisma, and he isn't as handsome
    Rubbish. If Patrick MacGoohan fails to get the Bond role I will personally give you £10,000 and my wife for a night.

    :-bd Loving this game...
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Well, Roger Moore sure got the charm. He was really good in The Saint. But he's a bit too lighthearted for Bond, not tough enough... He's the complete opposite of Connery on that regard... Will the audience accept such a change of direction ? I know I wouldn't... They can always try to make him imitate Connery, but it would not be credible at all...
  • edited July 2011 Posts: 1,856
    Okay just got over the shock, Chaps. Moore would make a good bond, MacWho?


    Just Saw the weirdest chocolate advert.

    (LOVI'N THIS :-D )
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited July 2011 Posts: 15,732
    Here is an interview made a few years ago... Moore could be a good Bond.

    He's got real charm !!
  • Well, Roger Moore sure got the charm. He was really good in The Saint. But he's a bit too lighthearted for Bond, not tough enough... He's the complete opposite of Connery on that regard... Will the audience accept such a change of direction ? I know I wouldn't... They can always try to make him imitate Connery, but it would not be credible at all...
    I agree that he's charming, but in a bit of a "pretty boy" way. He just doesn't have the presence or manliness of Connery, and he comes off as a bit too "upper class". One of the things a friend of mine likes about Connery is that he's British but a man's man - not the kind of stuffy, overly mannered person that some people think of when thinking of an "English gentleman".

    As for the comment about changing direction - huh? Why in the world would the producers do that? They have a winning formula, people love the series, and none of its imitators can even come close to replicating it. Changing direction in the character of Bond is ludicrous. I know it's over 25 years old now but everyone knows Gone With the Wind - could you imagine a sequel where Rhett Butler is now a more light-hearted, less manly character? It would be a betrayal of what came before (or think of a Bogart movie with a young top 40 singer in the role).

    Unless they can capture lightning in a bottle a second time and find another star in the making like Connery I don't think they should continue with more films. As good as the films are we go to see Bond (Connery) and everything else is great set dressing around him.

  • Posts: 1,778
    I'll take that bet Nic Nic.

    But I haven't much else in regards to Moore. A name I keep hearing is Timothy Dalton who is a stage actor and has only one cinematic appearance to my knowledge. That would be The Lion in the Winter. What strikes the most about him is that he's only 25 years old. That's WAY too young to take over Connery's worldly and mature character. James Bond is not some young upstart. Im not saying he's a bad choice. I loved him in the Lion in Winter. He's just not ready for it.

    Anyway time is running out. Im really ancious to find out who inherits Conney's tux and shoulder houlster.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    There should be more films without a doubt, if only to see some more of the remaining novels adapted.
  • Posts: 1,778
    @ DaltonCraig007. I just watched the interview. Im sold on Roger Moore. He's so deboniar and has seemingly effortless charm. He just needs to develop a bit more a rugged side and he'll be perfect. Moore for 007
  • Posts: 2,495
    lol great thread :)
    i think that Connery shouldnt have left.he made great movies,who can change him?? even if someone change him how cubby can expect the same success with the movies?connery is bond if there is new bond how they will explain what happened with him? i hope this is just stupid rumour and connery will continue making movies
  • ChevronChevron Northern Ireland
    Posts: 371
    Ah, that's a good point, how can they explain the new actor? They can't have some new guy appear and say 'my namesh Bond, Jamesh Bond' and think we won't notice it's a new actor! Audiences won't accept that.

    Mmmm... Unless.... Plastic surgery! Bond changes identity!
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