No Time To Die: Production Diary



  • Posts: 12,553
    doubleoego wrote: »
    RogueAgent wrote: »
    With Disney taking over 20th Century Fox? It does make we wonder whether they do have their eye's on the Bond franchise in the future?

    Disney don't need Bond at all. Like seriously.

    Maybe? But it is a cash cow that keeps on giving!
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    RogueAgent wrote: »
    doubleoego wrote: »
    RogueAgent wrote: »
    With Disney taking over 20th Century Fox? It does make we wonder whether they do have their eye's on the Bond franchise in the future?

    Disney don't need Bond at all. Like seriously.

    Maybe? But it is a cash cow that keeps on giving!
    Like I said, they won't want to be told what to do. That means no Broccoli. If Disney take it, they want it all. Everything or Nothing (pun intended).
  • peterpeter Toronto
    edited December 2017 Posts: 9,523
    That's unfortunate, then @noSolaceleft. I suppose you're going to skip B25, then? After all, what's the point in wasting valuable time and money, right?

    If you had any experience of what happens on a film set, on any production, you'd perhaps have a little bit of a different perspective.

    Once you've made eight or nine films, truly, how many will be hits, how many misses? But the goal is to set out to make the best picture you can.

    Barbara gave some great insights into the filmmaking process; explained how it's a collaborative industry. Yes, she's the leader, and she will misfire-- as EVERY single producer/director has before her, and will do so after her.

    Lets take a Master, Martin Scorsese: For every RAGING BULL, there's a NEW YORK, NEW YORK; for every GOODFELLAS there's an AFTER HOURS.

    But, in the end, I suppose when all we do is stew and yell against the wall, we start to hear only the messages we want to hear.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited December 2017 Posts: 23,883
    As long as these films continue to make them money they will go in a certain direction, until they feel like the cultural tide is turning or they see something in the marketplace which indicates a shift. Then they will turn back. That's what they did in 2006 and that's what they'll do again. At the end of the day they are practical film makers. The consumer does the talking with his/her wallet.

    As long as Broccoli doesn't let her noted adulation for Craig affect or compromise her broader judgement and objectivity (some of the comments she's made about him over the years give me pause) I'll be ok. Additionally, some of her repeated remarks about what makes Bond successful also give me some cause for concern.

    Yes, he is is an incorruptible hero as she's repeatedly said (and I realize 'super' heroes are all the rage, especially from the House of Mouse) but he is more than that to a lot of us. A symbol of what today could be considered bad behaviour, just sitting on/straddling the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable, but always delivered until recently in the film universe with a playful twinkle and a wink. An outlier. We'll get back there eventually, but it may take time.

    I agree that the SP script was a PoS that perhaps shouldn't have been filmed without a clean up, but they were already 2.5 years in and so had to get on with it, despite the studio in particular voicing serious concerns about the second half based on the leaks. Then they ran into further trouble with Craig. As long as they don't do that again (meaning have enough time so as not to rush production), we should get a half decent film next time out, despite it not being something I had hoped for.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Podcast with Barbara Broccoli. Interview lasts almost an hour, but doesn't begin until a little over 40 minutes in. Says all the major decisions to be made sometime early next year. Comments about the past are more interesting.

    I enjoyed that interview immensely, and I must say it laid some of my fears to rest.
    Also looking forward to the Gloria Grahame film.
  • Posts: 5,767
    peter wrote: »
    She's hardly the lazy, feminist-militant trying to re-shape Bond into something unrecognizable; she's not the directionless, clueless fool that's often been characterized on these pages.
    Well, there´s a charismatic person on the one hand, and there are the latest films on the other hand. I have the greatest respect for Barbara, but she can talk all day about the character being a center point, when Bond´s character is morphing faster than a mutant.

  • edited December 2017 Posts: 4,619
    After listening to this interview I'm now more convinced than ever that if BB &MGW really are considering selling the franchise after Bond 25, then Barbara Broccoli needs to man up, put her big girl panties on, and direct Bond 25 herself. She knows more about Bond than most active directors, is 100% familiar with the logistics of a 007 movie, and is probably madly in love with Daniel Craig. She would be perfect for the job.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,523
    I just find it a little strange that because of the minor hiccup that's SP, all of a sudden Barbara's lost her marbles, and we could all produce a better film than she-- in our sleep.

    It's as if Bond's never been through "lows" before.

    After all, it was her dad who signed, SIGNED, John Gavin (an American), and, as legend has it, also went after Burt Reynolds, Adam West and Clint Eastwood (who had to tell the producer that James Bond is an Englishman); Cubby didn't learn his lesson, and went after James Brolin later on!!

    And here we are today, ringing our hands because SP didn't turn out to be what they had expected, others chiming in that a good script is easy to write (if it was, we'd all be writing scripts at a million bucks per), that Barbara's relationship with Daniel is dangerous to the final execution of the films (as records show, Cubby and Moore were very, very close friends)...

    Bond will evolve and be a man of his time under this stewardship, but, the DNA will stay the same (I don't think Cubby would object to anything his daughter's done, or, WHY she did it to keep the franchise thriving).

    Apart from the know it alls, that podcast showed a very grounded, humble and passionate/knowledgeable woman. Bond's in safe hands.

    Always has been, despite any hiccups, which are a part of the film industry.

    (Personally, I thing SP was a "beautiful mess", as I have called it many times; it was the perfect storm of events, including the blown-out knee of its star, that led to a very uneven film.

    I've read a few drafts of SP, but never the "shooting script"; something I don't think we will ever learn is how much was being re-written, because of circumstances, on the set itself.

    In some ways, it's amazing we even got the film we did, in my humble opinion (and I'm a person that is ready to admit many of it's mistakes (that includes a terribly bland third act, and a lack of rhythm-- which is not surprising, considering Mendes was still editing the Final Cut, right up to the last days before the premiere). These people faced a shit storm, and came out the other end.

    B25 will be fine. Some audiences will love it; others won't. That's the nature of the biz. But, as Broccoli herself said, Bond will survive. Fleming knew it. Her father knew it. She knows it. She comes from quite a pedigree.

    We are, on the other hand, and unfortunately for some of us, just fans on a website, throwing tantrums and holding our breaths...)

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Craig thought making Blofeld his stepbrother a grand idea even before hurting his knee.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited December 2017 Posts: 23,883
    Surely that's the intrigue of the internet. Differing opinions. Keyboard warriors. Never a dull moment. No rights or wrongs. Just lots of fun.

    As for post of the day, I have to give it to Panchito. Controversial and hilarious as always.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    bondjames wrote: »
    Surely that's the intrigue of the internet. Differing opinions. Keyboard warriors. Never a dull moment. No rights or wrongs. Just lots of fun.

    As for post of the day, I have to give it to Panchito. Controversial and hilarious as always.

    Post of the day!! How about this one?
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited December 2017 Posts: 23,883
    No @Thunderfinger, that's a post of 'yester'day. It's all email and social media these days.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I am too middle-aged for this shit.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,523
    Differing opinion is healthy; some of the things on here recently have been cultish— everyday complain about the same things, repeat, repeat, repeat.. if it’s said enough times it just might become reality.

    @Thunderfinger, I doubt we will ever know, definitively, who came up with the foster bro angle. As the podcast proved we never really know anything; a story making the rounds about M’s death in SF was attributed to Mended (I thought that too), but she corrected this statement and said it was the writers who came up with M’s death.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited December 2017 Posts: 23,883
    No need to get so worked up. Nothing is reality until it's announced by EON or MGM. I think we all realize that. Everything else is conjecture and internet fun. Speculation. It's a free place. As long as users aren't taking pot shots at one user (or users in general) I don't see the problem personally. That's just me.
  • // Nothing is reality until it's announced by EON or MGM.//

    Not necessarily. Bamigboye reported in early March that Purvis and Wade were hired to write Bond 25. It wasn't confirmed until July 24. Clearly it was true before Eon and MGM announced it. That's the case with lots of things.

    The trick is to figure out which outlets actually know something, as opposed to some of the goofy things that came out.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    bondjames wrote: »
    No need to get so worked up. Nothing is reality until it's announced by EON or MGM.

    A new philosophical school, unlike anything before.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    The trick is to figure out which outlets actually know something, as opposed to some of the goofy things that came out.
    A difficult task given all the conflicting info out there surely. We have a respected fan site saying Nolan is involved and Baz indicating that he's not (although in fairness he just said Nolan didn't mention it to him).

    I realize EON/MGM have been evasive (and perhaps have actually mislead fans - I believe I read that here too) in the past, but really until they positively affirm something it's up in the air.

    I'm just curious about the 'leaks'. Someone leaked Craig's return to the NYT. However, nothing has leaked about the global distributor. Curious, that.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,523
    Well @bondjames, subtext rarely makes its way through forums like these: I'm not getting worked up.

    Observations, that's all.

    Recently I've become friends with a long-time forum member. One who works in the film industry and had worked on Bond (as well as many friends of his, who still work with EoN).

    What you call "fun" and conjecture, drove this one member off this site-- and he was giving us pearls of factual information (both from EoN's past and present). He knew (knows) things, but was "shouted down", was pretty much called a liar, and, in the end, he wiped his hands of the childish behaviour.

    I don't think that's "internet fun" at all.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    peter wrote: »
    Well @bondjames, subtext rarely makes its way through forums like these: I'm not getting worked up.

    Observations, that's all.

    Recently I've become friends with a long-time forum member. One who works in the film industry and had worked on Bond (as well as many friends of his, who still work with EoN).

    What you call "fun" and conjecture, drove this one member off this site-- and he was giving us pearls of factual information (both from EoN's past and present). He knew (knows) things, but was "shouted down", was pretty much called a liar, and, in the end, he wiped his hands of the childish behaviour.

    I don't think that's "internet fun" at all.

    I remember that, and it s just typical. If Fleming himself had come here, he would be ridiculed.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    Sorry to hear that @peter. Hopefully he decides to return and share his pearls with us, when he's ready of course.

    Also glad to read that you've made friends here.

    Again, I don't personally have a problem with the speculation about the future that goes on in this thread, in lieu of hard facts. If someone has something real that they can share with us, then they are welcome to do so. If they don't feel comfortable to do that, because they have to protect such information, then that is their right and privilege as well.

    As I said in my last post, a respected fan site suggested Nolan was involved, and we've had fun debating and opining on it here.

    Blaming the site, members of the site or individual members for opinions and conjecture isn't the way to go in my view. Especially on a speculation thread.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,523
    Not blaming the site, @bondjames ... And I said I made a "friend" not friends-- I would never push it to more than one (that's my poor attempt at humor, in case that came off in the wrong way as well).

    But some worshippers, who bow at the altar of "EoN can't do anything right" do take their negativity too far, they did drive this guy off the site (and, since having met him, I know his work, and deeply respect this industry insider), calling someone with real knowledge a liar-- asking him to prove himself.

    Unfortunately for us, we've lost an amazing member through ignorance (those that know nothing about the film industry, or the way in which it works, essentially tried to silence the genuine article).

  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited December 2017 Posts: 23,883
    Well that's a pity @peter and as I said, hopefully he chooses to return in the future. Or, not. It's entirely up to him. It's a free world. I'm sure none of the criticism was on account of malintent. Just on account of frustration with weeding out the real from the presumed and the frivolous.

    Ultimately, I personally only take an EON/MGM positive announcement as fact and failing that, something from Baz. The site that mentioned Nolan is said to be accurate too, so I look forward to learning which way it finally leans when the announcement comes. For now, I don't think it's Nolan.

    This is a fan site though and not an official EON outlet. Fans love many elements of the series. Old and new. Some don't like the direction things have been heading in recently. They're voicing their frustrations in a way that they can. Expressing themselves. They voice their love for other elements of the franchise that they do like (everyone likes something of course). Nothing wrong with that at all. Fans aren't official keepers of the franchise. Just frantic and passionate internet warriors. They should be looked at as such. Nothing more. Nothing less.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    peter wrote: »
    Not blaming the site, @bondjames ... And I said I made a "friend" not friends-- I would never push it to more than one (that's my poor attempt at humor, in case that came off in the wrong way as well).

    But some worshippers, who bow at the altar of "EoN can't do anything right" do take their negativity too far, they did drive this guy off the site (and, since having met him, I know his work, and deeply respect this industry insider), calling someone with real knowledge a liar-- asking him to prove himself.

    Unfortunately for us, we've lost an amazing member through ignorance (those that know nothing about the film industry, or the way in which it works, essentially tried to silence the genuine article).

    Him and who else I wonder.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,523
    Have I said I take issue with people expressing their love of the character? Or elements that they love about the past? Or have I been critical of someone's dislike of the present direction? No. I haven't, but thanks for reminding me that there's nothing wrong in that.

    So, at the risk of being accused of spamming this thread, it's time to read and enjoy the other posts!
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    Your earlier comments take issue in general with posts by members on this thread. Posts by members freely expressing themselves. That's what I am referring to. By all means provide your counterviewpoint, but I was referring to your comments about tantrums and what not here. I really just see fans commenting, both positively and negatively.

    Yes, good decision. I think I'll do the same.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,523
    I agree @Thunderfinger, I know of at least one other member who's in the film industry, who has also left because of the mob mentality that can take over a few on this site every once in a while.

    These film guys are just hard workers in the industry that were trying to shed light on the filmmaking process, perhaps alleviating some of the misguided tension, and lack of knowledge of some forum members, and they were called liars and outright dismissed as frauds.

    (I don't know the other gentleman personally, but know of him through a mutual friend).
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,539
    I enjoyed that interview.

    I had forgotten that Babs has other siblings. Clearly they are not involved in Bond but I'd guess they still share in the profits.
  • Posts: 6,601
    Its too Bad, People like Solace, WHO badmouth pretty much every positive and insideful opinion (and I remember fairly well some of the duscussions you are referring to and with whom. ) This guy is allowed to spred his negativity, while driving away people, who are actually trying to be useful. Shame.
  • Posts: 6,601
    And folks like bondjames, who accepts and apologizes almost every behavior in the name of " let's be a gutmensch and embrace every mean and insulting post as opinion" doesnt help in doing so.
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