Best Bond Villains Tournament (22 Bond Films, 116 Names, only 1 Winner)

j7wildj7wild Suspended
edited July 2011 in Bond Movies Posts: 821
The Best Bond Villains Tournament is starting today. 116 names will be entered. Only 1 will be left!!

Here are the rules:
<font color=red size=2>(some of it plagiarized from Kerim's Best Bond Girl Tournament - thank Kerim)</font>

1. Some of the names you will see have already appeared in the Best Bond Girl tournament:

Pussy Galore, Rosie Carver, Naomi, Elektra King, etc, etc BUT REMEMBER: you are now voting on them according to their Badness/Evilness/Threat to Bond, not according to their sex appeal!
2. Never Say Never is not included.
3. Every character that was not an Ally of Bond in the 22 movies are represented!!
4. Voting will be for a 24 hour period: London Time being 6 hrs ahead of mine, I will try to post a new round every 24 hrs at 10 pm my time (4 am London Time) before I go to sleep - so y'all can fight over the votes while I sleep and go to work.
5. In the event of a tie after voting has closed, I'll make the tie breaking vote.
6. Do not double post your vote. If you want to change your vote, just edit your post. The second vote will not be counted.

I have also borrowed Kerim's Randomnator and made improvements to it by replacing the tote bag with a plastic drink cup with a lid and a little slot cut in the lid.

The names are written on little pieces of paper, each one the exact same size, 1 inch by 1/4 inch (or 3 mm by 1 mm).

I shake the cup and turn it upside down and one of the pieces of paper will slip out from the slot.

The slot is only large enough that only one piece of paper will slip out at a time.

I went through 8 lids with different sizes slots cut into them before I was able to find the exact size slot.

<font color=red size=3>The first round will be posted tonight at 10pm my time (4am London Time), just in time for the weekend!!</font>


  • LudsLuds MIA
    edited July 2011 Posts: 1,986
    Locked. There are rules about games. You can add another in the queue though, but there's already a villain game in there.
This discussion has been closed.