007 & Due Process in Goldfinger (and more)

OnlyManWhoCanOnlyManWhoCan Greater London
in Bond Movies Posts: 202
Today I was listening to the James Bond Radio podcast's review of Goldfinger and while they were discussing the iconic scene where Jill Masterson's gold-covered body is discovered I started to wonder why nobody called Goldfinger in for questioning.

I am not 100% sure if Bond and Masterson remained in Goldfinger's suite or if they retired to Bond's room after rumbling the card-cheat's game, but I do not think it would be a stretch of the imagination for the authorities to suspect Goldfinger in the murder of Jill. Since she was employed 'to be seen' with Goldfinger then the Miami police would (at the very least) wish to bring him to ask him where he was at the time of her murder.

Or course, it was Oddjob who committed the crime and Goldfinger could have been many miles away when the murder took place, and this investigation could have happened off-camera before we catch up with him in England. However, it did get me thinking about other times in the James Bond movie series where contacting the authorities could have been the correct (or more realistic) option rather than sending a secret-agent-cum-assassin after a criminal. Can anyone think of any examples?

Happy to be corrected about this I'm I'm wrong, too ;-)


  • SarkSark Guangdong, PRC
    Posts: 1,138
    Sending some police to investigate the disappearances on Crab Key might have worked ;)

    I'm sure @JamesBondRadio will be glad to hear you're listening.
  • OnlyManWhoCanOnlyManWhoCan Greater London
    Posts: 202
    The more I think about it the more I realise the creators do a pretty good job of ensuring Bond continues to investigate the villain. The only other time I can think of is A View to a Kill, where Zorin is clearly behind multiple attempts to murder Bond, which is more than enough reason for Bond to have him to arrested!

    I have recently discovered @JamesBondRadio and am enjoying listening to Bond geeks chat! I also love the James Bonding podcast so I'd recommend that if you've not heard it!
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