Where Rosa Klebb and Irma Bunt fear to tread...

One advantage of M snuffing it thanks to Silva's helicopter gunship attack, Kincade's torch waving and Bond's calamitous errors of judgement is that at least she didn't have an old age eked out in a care home.

I wonder if some of you UK citizens might sign a petition for a parliamentary inquiry into them? They are ruddy awful.

My mother has been in a few in the last 3 years and I can tell you that they are generally disgraceful, even the 'good' ones. She nearly died last year after one left her dehydrated and she went into A&E. Others from that home actually did. While you can leave an opinion on a Bond film on imdb, there are no such review sites for care homes or nursing homes, probably because the homes are highly litigious.

You have a month to sign it.

Story behind petition, you sign at bottom

Please read and sign if you can!

Napoleon Plural's experience:

Fun times at Firtree Nursing Home

Here are some more details:
The seasonal debacle of Merok Park care home in Banstead, Surrey. Shut down at short notice by the Care Quality Commission because it stank of urine and found residents were bruised and battered. All moved on a cold November night in their nightshirts, and two of them die shortly afterwards, one of pneumonia. The details initially hushed up. The CQC slammed nursing homes in its reports but did not publish them or make them known to residents' relatives. Bizarre - you can post a review of a make-up item or new pop LP or hotel on Amazon or TripAdvisor, but try to get user information about the care home you are putting your relative in - forget it. It is the Wild West out there and no sheriff in town.

No one in authority is taking legal action against the rich nursing home owners, who are quoted by local reporters as saying they 'don't care'.

Currently all exposes of care homes come from journalists or concerned relatives with hidden cameras. Not Social Services of the CQC.

And here's the thing. FFS Get Power of Attorney in Health and Welfare for your ageing parents. Esp if they have early onset Parkinson's or Alzheimers. Otherwise once it kicks in and they have dementia, you will not be able get it for them, and arrogant medics and power-mad social services will then own your relative. You will be papering over the cracks of their incompetence only to find they get resentful and come down on you hard. You could fear for your dad's life in some deathtrap nursing home and decide to whisk him back to your place for safety - social services will turn up on your doorstep and put him back there. They will have the power to decide what is good for him. Not you.

Please sign the petition - or I'll send Klebb around to give you a good kicking!


  • MrcogginsMrcoggins Following in the footsteps of Quentin Quigley.
    Posts: 3,144
    Dear NP done only too pleased to add my name to this petition hope you get your result
    Look after your Mother you only have one .
  • DragonpolDragonpol https://thebondologistblog.blogspot.com
    Posts: 18,488
    Already signed and tweeted, Nap! :)
  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    Posts: 3,675
    If I was a UK resident I would gladly sign it. Hope it turns out good.
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