Same sex marriages in New York

DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
edited July 2011 in General Discussion Posts: 24,515
So, only six states in the USA allow same sex marriages. NY is now one of them.

Do you feel this is a good thing and that perhaps more states should follow their example or are you troubled by all of this? Your thoughts please.


  • Posts: 1,492
    Britain should do the same.

    They got around it by calling them 'civil partnerships' rather then marriages which is a copout.

    Personally I think James and Felix should apply for one - I'd go to the wedding.
  • Monsieur_AubergineMonsieur_Aubergine Top of the Eiffel Tower with a fly in my soup!
    Posts: 642
    "I gotta say Miss Case seems quite attractive...for a lady!"

    I say good on NY. Lets all Live and Let Live.
  • So, only six states in the USA allow same sex marriages. NY is now one of them.

    Do you feel this is a good thing and that perhaps more states should follow their example or are you troubled by all of this? Your thoughts please.
    The two arguments I hear most often are that SSM will "destroy marriage" and that it's "forcing the gay lifestyle upon us". Both of those fall apart at the slightest touch of logic.

    SSM has been legal in various parts of Canada since 2003. With every year that goes by straight people see that the sun still comes up and that their lives aren't affected at all. No staright couples that I know have been forced to get divorced because of SSM and no straight people have been forced to marry someone of their own gender because of SSM - so the two arguments above are false.

    Every time I've debated someone on gay marriage - including a former Leader of the Opposition at a town hall meeting - it always comes down to them not liking gay marriage. Is that a good enough reason to deny something to someone? At one point the majority of people, whether nationally, in a state, or in a city would have been opposed to inter-racial marriage. Should they have been allowed to dictate that inter-racial marriage should be illegal? What if someone is upset about a native-born Canadian marrying a foreign national (my uncle's wife is from New Zealand). Should they be allowed to prevent them from getting married? There were guys I worked with who would often make it known that when two overrweight people were a couple the idea of them having sexual relations was disgusting. Should they be allowed to prevent overweight couples from getting married simply because what happens in their bedroom seems disgusting to them?

    As for people who say that we need to keep the "traditional" view of marriage I ask, which one? The idea of trading a daughter for property? Polygamy, like in the bible? There used to be a "tradition" of not letting women vote - do we need to keep that tradition as well? Or is it acceptable to pick and choose which traditions we "need" to keep, like how some people claim SSM is bad because of the Bible yet these same people have pre-marital sex, eat shellfish, wear clothes with mixed fibres, and don't honour the commandment about "Thou shall not steal" (downloading movies off the internet instead of buying the DVD).

  • do_me_nicelydo_me_nicely Banned
    Posts: 106
    I say good on NY. Lets all Live and Let Live.
    more like live nad let Die (aids)

    J /k !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    I say good on NY. Lets all Live and Let Live.
    more like live nad let Die (aids)

    J /k !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And your contribution to this conversation would be...?

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    About time, actually. Kind of upsetting it's the 21st Century and we have only SIX states that allow SSM. Who is anyone to tell the LBGT that they are not allowed to be married in love for the rest of their lives? Just doesn't seem fair.
  • Look can I have alternate view without being branded as a looney and bigot?

    I myself think it's wrong and unnatural period.

    I understand that a lot of human beings say they are born that way and it feels strange not to be what they are. Maybe there is a gene that makes you that way, maybe it's just you're conditioned into being that way...who knows? But I do feel that is wrong. Now do we put this into we force people to live a double don't know what the answer is but to say SSM are the norm and are acceptable to me it's just wrong.

    I'm just waiting for Tommy Girl to come out of the closet and stop being a hypocrite.

  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    I myself think it's wrong and unnatural period.
    What makes it "wrong"? That you're uncomfortable with the thought?
    Calling it wrong is basically labeling homosexuality a bad thing. It really isn't. It's just not standard or the majority.

  • Monsieur_AubergineMonsieur_Aubergine Top of the Eiffel Tower with a fly in my soup!
    Posts: 642
    I say good on NY. Lets all Live and Let Live.
    more like live nad let Die (aids)

    J /k !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dude, a very dark, phobic and actually unrealistic response, there are enough swingers out there and single people of the older generation having unprotected sex so you can't just level AIDS at same sex marriage, it actually contains it to some respect. I am in a heterosexual marriage but just wish that people would relax about this issue for the reasons stated above.

    What makes me laugh is the ancient great civilisations e.g. Greeks, the Romans, etc all took part in homosexual acts and orgies yet it is modern day gay people who carry the stigma...

    There are reckless people out there but isn't everyone I can assure you.
  • Posts: 1,778
    I live in NY and the wedding business is booming. Could help the economy alittle bit. But James Bond would be opposed lol.
  • Look can I have alternate view without being branded as a looney and bigot?
    At any rate, you should be able to. Of course, I get supporting a legal union between gay people, but not agreeing with it seems to have become difficult without being thought of as crazy by at least someone. I don't want to get in any sort of argument, since they typically result in both parties getting upset that the other doesn't agree with them, and virtually always with neither's viewpoint changing, but whenever most people have asked what I thought of it, they've reacted as if it defied all logic that I should disagree with what they thought (in addition to having been verbally harassed for it). Again, I don't want an argument/debate/whatever on the topic, so I'm not going to engage in one, but I just wanted to say that.

  • Posts: 4,622
    I don't think it makes any sense whatsoever. I respect the traditional definition of marriage. Gay partnerships are something else. That said, I think America's decentralized approach to such contentious social policy is sensible. State's rights is a great thing. So is the U.S. constitution for that matter.
    If its the will of the people in some states to change the definition, then good for them.
    That way California, middle America, Texas etc isn't dictated to by a handful of states.
    Bond and Felix btw did seem to be dating briefly in QoS. If they hadn't been interrupted by gunmen at the Bolivian bar, it looked like they were considering getting a room.
  • I respect the traditional definition of marriage.
    I'm curious - which one? And why?
  • edited July 2011 Posts: 4,622
    :) Look I guess you think your "which one" question is real deep, so I'll play a long sort of.
    So take a wild guess as to which one.
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