SPECTRE Trailer/TV Spot Thread - NEW TV Spots Page 117 - Final Trailer Page 106



  • edited March 2015 Posts: 12,837
    I've always maintained that the first Goldeneye trailer is the best Bond trailer. And since 20 years have passed since that came out I'd pretty much accepted that no trailer will ever top it.

    But this one did. I thought I'd be annoyed at the lack of action but that trailer was amazingly well done. Dark, creepy, mysterious, etc. They were never gonna top the Mission Impossible trailer action wise (nothing in SP will beat that plane stunt) so they crafted something completely different and it worked brilliantly.

    Best Bond trailer ever for what I think could be (I might be setting myself up for disappointment here but I've read the script so I feel it's justified) the best Bond film ever. This movie has everything I've been asking for from the new Bond film for years. I can't wait for this.

    I'm expecting it to at least be the best Craig film and at least be in my top 5 but I really could see it taking the no 1 spot for me.

    EDIT: Reading peoples reactions on this thread now. I can see why people don't like the long lost brother idea, I wasn't much for it either at first. I guess I've just got used to the idea now (I found out when all the leaked stuff came out) so seeing it in the trailer didn't surprise or bother me.
  • edited March 2015 Posts: 6,601
    @Benny, if you read my post correctly, it doesn't complain about him having a different opinion, but that he NEVER EVER has a positive view on anything since I am on this board and that this makes it a bit hard to respect as an opinion instead of just being negative for the sake of it. He himself said, "you all know, what's coming", so he is well aware of that fact and I don't call that "sticking to his guns" I call that having fun being negative. I suppose, he can survive my take on his posts as much as I won't loose sleep over his.

    @Mahor: LOL at the fashion bit. Good one.
    But since you read the thread, you do know, very few disagree with me.

    I didn't expect you to not hit back. Its ok and we both had our saying.
  • Posts: 12,837
    The brother thing was handled pretty well in the shooting script. I thought it could come across as melodramatic and forced but in the final script, the one I read, I didn't mind it.

    And while this teaser does look very gloomy and serious (which I didn't mind because it was done really well) SP does have plenty of humour.

    Just trying to offer some reassurance to some who didn't really like the teaser.
  • Posts: 6,601
  • OnlyManWhoCanOnlyManWhoCan Greater London
    Posts: 202
    I honestly didn't notice the lack of action, and this is a trailer for the next film of an action/adventure franchise! It's kinda like having a trailer for the next Fast & Furious movie without any cars!

    And yet still it was brilliant!

    I was kinda worried about the short timescale to make the film, and the script troubles behind the scenes, but this trailer gives me renewed hope :-)
  • Posts: 159
    If only we knew Mr White comes from Liverpool or Birmingham... then we couldn't be so sure what he said, indeed. :P
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I watched the teaser three times in a row, and the last time I got goosebumps. That should mean I am impressed.
  • pachazopachazo Make Your Choice
    edited March 2015 Posts: 7,315
    Wow. I'm intrigued to say the least. I've remained spoiler free until viewing this so my reactions are mixed. I pretty much like everything except dealing with Bond's childhood again. Damn, I wish we'd have left that dead and buried at Skyfall. But... everything else looks fantastic.
  • DCisaredDCisared Liverpool
    Posts: 1,329
    Kostas_P wrote: »
    If only we knew Mr White comes from Liverpool or Birumingham... then we couldn't be so sure what he said, indeed. :P

    actually if he was from Liverpool you would clearly tell the difference in kite or c**t just as you can in the trailer.
  • Posts: 188
    I've got questions:
    1. Why is Bond called "Master" on the form?
    2. Why does Bond's appartment look like he's moving? Could that indicate that this is really only just after SF and he hasn't had time to finish decorating?
    3. Any idea why there would be a temporary guardian? I mean, Charmain was obviously already involved.
    4. Why is there a chessboard in Mr. White's hut? Isn't he there on his own?

    Oh well, most of those should only inspire speculation, but I really do wonder about the "Master". Is that some sort of aristocratic title?
  • Posts: 84
    bondjames wrote: »
    Superb teaser. Looks very mature and dark. Differentiates itself convincingly from the MI5 trailer from earlier this week. Bond is definitely the spy-master.

    I'm completely stoked.

    The music certainly makes you feel the tension - if Thomas Newman composed it then we're in for a soundtrack treat.

    I totally agree, but regretfully the music is done by the same people that do the trailers. I wish they got the job of doing the whole film personally......Newman is shy of using bond traits and a full blown orchestral sound. Shame Mendes is so fixed on using him instead of David Arnold ((
  • RC7RC7
    edited March 2015 Posts: 10,512
    My only real issue with the hints so far of a long-lost brother gone rogue, as hinted at in the trailer, is getting worn and tired. We had a version similar to this way back in GE with Sean Bean's character, and we've had reworkings of it ever since, particularly in the last film with Silva.

    EON are in danger of treading over old ground again. This trailer seems to be more of the same from where we left off in SF - Bond uncovering more of his roots, and another villain is unearthed similar to how Silva was unearthed in SF.

    OK, I'm with you on this. It's been discussed previously in different threads concerning whether Oberhauser is simply Oberhauser, or is there a Blofeld connection. I've satisfied myself with a hypothesis and pray that the story plays out along those lines, because if it doesn't, and it's as literal as people are taking it here, it would be pissing on Fleming's grave for sure.

    I basically considered the idea that for some reason 007 is considered by SPECTRE to be the major thorn in their side, the number one operative who's been responsible for foiling most of their operations and killing their members. This only works if Quantum are connected and with the appearance of White I'm guessing could play out as such. So bearing that in mind how does the world's greatest criminal mastermind eliminate this operative, 007? Does he simply execute him, or does he psychologically destroy him? I'm hoping the latter and by way of adopting this Oberhauser persona. It wouldn't be a stretch for his organisation to dig up every bit of dirt on Bond, the organisation must have infiltrated every level of society. So, that's my theory. I hope it's all a ruse.

    Also lets take a step back and look at the trailer again. Would a trailer really hint that this guy from Bond's past is the leader of criminal organisation and the film play out exactly in that manner? I'm not so sure.

    Anyhow, I hope this is the case because the family drama angle makes me uncomfortable if it were to play out literally.

    Oh, and let's give Hoyte Van Hoytema some love on here. His work is probably the best element of this trailer.
  • edited March 2015 Posts: 1,314

    'Master' is a normal title given to male children in the Uk. Female children it's 'Miss'

  • Posts: 116
    roko wrote: »
    I've got questions:
    1. Why is Bond called "Master" on the form?
    2. Why does Bond's appartment look like he's moving? Could that indicate that this is really only just after SF and he hasn't had time to finish decorating?
    3. Any idea why there would be a temporary guardian? I mean, Charmain was obviously already involved.
    4. Why is there a chessboard in Mr. White's hut? Isn't he there on his own?

    Oh well, most of those should only inspire speculation, but I really do wonder about the "Master". Is that some sort of aristocratic title?

    1. my guess it has to do with the form of addressing in the British aristocracy[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl "]en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl [/url]

    2. Considering the destroyed MI6 building at the beginning I assume all takes palce shorty after Skyfall.
    4. It's not unlikely for chess enthusiast to "replay" famous chess games all on their own.
    I suppose he doesn't play online against a virtuell opponent in that litte lodge in the middle of nowhere.

  • edited March 2015 Posts: 116
    sorry double post
  • Posts: 284
    The brother thing was handled pretty well in the shooting script. I thought it could come across as melodramatic and forced but in the final script, the one I read, I didn't mind it.

    And while this teaser does look very gloomy and serious (which I didn't mind because it was done really well) SP does have plenty of humour.

    Just trying to offer some reassurance to some who didn't really like the teaser.

    Is the humour witty dialogue or slapstick?
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I love the line "It s been a long time, and finally here we are." For me it has a double meaning. Finally after all this time, SPECTRE and Blofeld are back in the Bond series. Not seen since its childhood.
  • Posts: 188
    Matt007 wrote: »
    'Master' is a normal title given to male children in the Uk. Female children it's 'Miss'

    Really, not Mister? That's weird, but I guess many traditional titles and forms of address are. It just sounded weird, and I thought it had something to do with him owning an estate and all.
    dunda wrote: »
    4. It's not unlikely for chess enthusiast to "replay" famous chess games all on their own.
    I suppose he doesn't play online against a virtuell opponent in that litte lodge in the middle of nowhere.

    I suppose not. Would he even have internet access there?
  • Posts: 15,417
    So many things to love: inspiration from Octopussy (the short story of course), the crows, White as a shadow of himself, the meeting reminding me of Eyes Wide Shut, etc.
  • edited March 2015 Posts: 12,837
    @craigrules Dialogue. We haven't had slapstick since the Moore films and that's not gonna change any time soon.

    I mean don't get me wrong, it's not a campy film or anything, it doesn't go too far the other way. It does have it's fair share of funny lines though, something I thought I'd mention to try and reassure those who thought the teaser looked too gloomy.

    The tone is pretty much the same as SF I'd say. Funny dialogue but it's nowhere near a farce, there's still a serious story and no slapstick or dumb gags like in the Moore era.

    Except it's much more OTT and "classic" than Skyfall and it has none of the pretentiousness that bogged that film down either. I can't wait.
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited March 2015 Posts: 4,572
    Just trying to offer some reassurance to some who didn't really like the teaser.

    I try to be my expections low. Not very exited about that ''secret'' part. Possible there wil make connection to Bond his Family. Dench ''M'' words in QOS get another meaning from the moment Spectre return. Whyle in the first place i thaught it whas hint for the audince/third person. Malory did this too later on with '' It is no shame your lost a stone'', also Silva behaviour. But Everthing wil be based on plot and other things. I am happy henchman and Sedoux are not include.
  • Posts: 1,314
    Mr is adult. Master is on most official correspondence to my two year old for example a letter from the doctors etc. it's a quick way of knowing whether a person is aged 18 or not.
  • Posts: 15,417
    I love the line "It s been a long time, and finally here we are." For me it has a double meaning. Finally after all this time, SPECTRE and Blofeld are back in the Bond series. Not seen since its childhood.

    Yes, very good observance. Mise en abyme, the story talking of the story, without blatantly breaking the fourth wall.
  • Posts: 1,314
    I like the idea that Bond will sit down at the chess board with white. Play a move say 'check mate' and then shoot him. I just made it up but it'd be cool!!
  • pachazopachazo Make Your Choice
    Posts: 7,315
    roko wrote: »
    4. Why is there a chessboard in Mr. White's hut? Isn't he there on his own?
    He keeps replaying Kronsteen's match over and over to see if he could have defeated him. ;)
    RC7 wrote: »
    Anyhow, I hope this is the case because the family drama angle makes me uncomfortable if it were to play out literally.
    Oh goodness, yes.

    Ludovico wrote: »
    the meeting reminding me of Eyes Wide Shut
    It did for me as well. I am enjoying this secret society vibe. I hope it plays out as well in the finished product.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Matt007 wrote: »
    I like the idea that Bond will sit down at the chess board with white. Play a move say 'check mate' and then shoot him. I just made it up but it'd be cool!!
    Who will play white if that is the case?
  • edited March 2015 Posts: 199
    Anyone else noticed that when Bond enters the SPECTRE meeting is a different scene and location to the one where Waltz is talking to Bond?
  • Big_GeeBig_Gee Wales
    Posts: 24
    Teasing teaser - I don't think anybody has yet made the observation that Mr Craig's co-star, Lea Seydoux, does not appear in one frame of it.......once again Eon, Nobody does it Better
  • Posts: 188
    Matt007 wrote: »
    Mr is adult. Master is on most official correspondence to my two year old for example a letter from the doctors etc. it's a quick way of knowing whether a person is aged 18 or not.

    It's funny though, right? I mean because usually the title master is used in dichotomies like Master and Servant, Master and Slave, or to describe someone who has mastered a particular art/craft. It sounds as if a person called Master should be more powerful or knowledgeable than a simple Mister, when the opposite is the case. English is weird sometimes. :)
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Mr Hinx is not there either.
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