My name is Erik Hollander - Brand Newbie here. Pleased to meet you all. I decided to release some stills I took while on the set of LTK 27 years ago as a background extra. Although a small few of these were published in "The Complete James Bond Encyclopedia" by Steven Jay Rubin back in 1989, all the original negatives sat in storage for all these years, until I discovered them and thought I should scan and digitize them to share with the Bond fan community. Then I found this site. After seeing so many cool, rare photos from 007 history being enjoyed by so many here, I figured this was probably the best venue to debut these. I will post more shortly, but here's a Boatload for now... Enjoy!
1_Dalton_Erik by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
2_Dalton_Sketch by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
3_Dalton_Soto_Jeep by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
4_Dalton_Erik_Set_Break by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
5_Dalton_Soto_Talk by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
6_Jeep_Erik by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
7_Del_Toro_Field by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
8_John_Glen_Directs by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
9_Davi_Erik by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
10_Davi_Victor by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
11_Dario_Perez by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
12_Shooting_Swamp by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
13_Perez_Dario_Waiting by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
14_Swamp_Wideshot by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
15_Felix_Swamp by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
16_Dario_Emerges by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
17_Henchmen_Flee by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
18_Henchmen_Erik by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
19_Smoke_Break by
ErikHollander, on Flickr
Dalton seems like a nice chap, what did you talk about? ;)
Dalton? Didn't ask. Truly a man of few words.
Ha! Not anymore....
He looks perfectly normal in the first two casual photos above and then we see his 'in film' hair which is terrible (only recently surpassed by Craig's crew cut for SF).
Thanks for posting @eHollander. Takes me back to when I first saw this movie.
You're most welcome! More on the way.
Yes, I think they wanted a disheveled look to accent his rogue status on this one. the first two photos you reference above were actually taken before he did TLD. Thus, the better hair...
Glad you like them Chevron. I got a bunch more coming, plus a detailed account of my three day visit on the set in Key West.
I was 22. more than half my life ago.
yikes already.
Ah, that explains it. He looks really dapper in those first two. This further confirms that Moore really should have packed it in after OP, and maybe we would have got one more out of Dalton in his prime pre: TLD. Oh, well....
He was very soft spoken and friendly. Though I found out quickly that you NEVER ask Cubby his "favorite" Bond film... :)
more than welcome.
Glad to do it. More coming in a moment.
Cool photos. :)