The UK General Election



  • Posts: 4,619
    Do you feel that Scotland will eventually separate themselves from the UK?
    Yes, but not in the next 10 years. I would say about 30 years from now.
    If put to a vote today, would the UK leave the EU?
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    edited May 2015 Posts: 4,043
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    JCRendle wrote: »
    On several social media platforms and comment sections, (since the result was called) I have seen a lot of anti-Conservative posts, and hardly anything positive - which I find strange.

    If they were popular enough to get such a majority, why all the social media hate?
    Demographics - Tories are generally older - thus not on social media. Plus, of course, those who lost will usually make more noise

    Evenetually, also demographics will kick in in the UK. But for now the election system in the UK completely clouds that I think.

    If I were a UK citizen I would have voted LibDems.

    I also think it's necessary that LibDem and Labour come up with a charismatic leader in the upcoming weeks/months. That's also key to renewed success. Labout then also has to fear future backlash from the SNP, so I would love in the future to see a Labour-LibDem cabinet, in which Labour has around 220 seats and LibDems around 110 seats.

    My dream scenario :-P.

    I must say that I oppose Lib-Labism in all its forms. If you had lived in Britain at the time of the financial crash in 2008 I think you would too.

    I did and still do, typical case of the Tories blowing things out of proportion how long is Cameron going to go banging on about the what we inherited rhetoric for and that letter he pulled out on Question Time is so stale, it's like listening to a broken record.

    I won't be surprised if he starts blaming the Lib Dems for the last 5 years and that they held them back from realising what they wanted to do.

    We clearly have different opinions on what it is and was to live under Labour , I'll take it over 17 years of Conservative rule most of that being with Dame Maggie in control.

    The Tories have bred a total selfish attitude since they came to power in 1979, people looking after themselves and forgetting the bigger picture.

    The fact people sold into all that trickle down bollocks, giving the super rich tax breaks so it would getting poured back into the country and do us all good, when all it did was fill the pockets of the already filthy rich.

    Like I said the I'm All Right Jack society. 1% of the population own 40% of the countries whole wealth, yeah that's the legacy of the Tories.
  • MrcogginsMrcoggins Following in the footsteps of Quentin Quigley.
    Posts: 3,144
    The days of Maggie are well and truly over and now that the Libs are no longer under their feet we will all soon see some real changes to how this country is governed hold on to your hats.
  • Posts: 7,653
    And the financial crises all over the world was a banking crisis created by banks due to lifting regulations as the lobbyists managed to change politicians minds. The fact is that we can be getting one of these pretty soon again as there has been no real change effected after the last banking crash. It is still banking as usual.
    That said a banking crisis would hit Britain pretty hard with one of it major centers being in London.

    Not sure who removed all regulations but I am quite sure it was not the Lib-dems in the UK who can be held responsible for that, or SNP, the Greens or even UKIP.
  • Posts: 1,552
    JCRendle wrote: »
    That would be the only good to come out of Milliband winning. Imagine if all the other candidates dropped out and he won. Everyone turns to Katie Hopkins and motions a hand towards the coast, the population parting like the red sea. ;)
    Ah yes, doing a Reggie Perrin, but actually walking into the sea never to return.

    Are you suggesting that Hopkins might have tried to return as Martine Welbrush and armed with a full bushy beard?
    She would set up a website called where she would sell all her rubbish and useless opinions.
  • CElcIZaW0AANBcy.jpg:large

    I'd quite like to get hold of the cocksocket that did this. words cant explain how angry i am right now.
  • Posts: 1,552
    That is a disgrace! Expressing your opinion is one thing, but defacing a memorial to the brave women who did so much for the war is just sickening. Especially on VE day, when we're remembering everyone who gave so much for our freedom, including their lives. I am fuming.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited May 2015 Posts: 18,488
    The unrivaled depravity of an element of the hardline socialists/anarchists rarely surprises me any more.

    And on a more general note historically this tendency of the left to rewrite history with themselves in the leading parts can be read about in Quintin Hogg's The Left Was Never Right (1945).
  • Posts: 183
    "typical case of the Tories blowing things out of proportion how long is Cameron going to go banging on about the what we inherited rhetoric for and that letter he pulled out on Question Time is so stale, it's like listening to a broken record"

    A bit like the broken record of people still banging on about Maggie and how everything is her fault 25 years after she was in power.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    The unrivaled depravity of an element of the hardline socialists/anarchists rarely surprises me any more.

    And on a more general note historically this tendency of the left to rewrite history with themselves in the leading parts can be read about in Quintin Hogg's The Left Was Never Right (1945).

    People tend to forget that Stalin and Hitler were both left-wingers.
  • Posts: 4,619
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    The unrivaled depravity of an element of the hardline socialists/anarchists rarely surprises me any more.

    And on a more general note historically this tendency of the left to rewrite history with themselves in the leading parts can be read about in Quintin Hogg's The Left Was Never Right (1945).

    People tend to forget that Stalin and Hitler were both left-wingers.

    Nonsense. Hitler wasn't left-winger.
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    The unrivaled depravity of an element of the hardline socialists/anarchists rarely surprises me any more.

    And on a more general note historically this tendency of the left to rewrite history with themselves in the leading parts can be read about in Quintin Hogg's The Left Was Never Right (1945).

    People tend to forget that Stalin and Hitler were both left-wingers.

    So now we are calling Labour and the Lib Dems Nazi's?

    Isn't time you got some perspective!

    As I said 1% of the country own 40% of the countries wealth please try and justify how this is fair and this is down to the Tories and giving huge tax breaks to the filthy rich.

    No this isn't ancient history the results of Maggie and her time have been responsible for it, some of you might be so rich you couldn't give a damn about the rest but some of us think about the bigger picture rather how the City is coining it in.

    Also nice to see their scare mongering is encouraging this hatred toward Scotland, is it any wonder some of them want independence from us when you hear the vile comments coming from some people.

  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Shardlake wrote: »
    JCRendle wrote: »
    That would be the only good to come out of Milliband winning. Imagine if all the other candidates dropped out and he won. Everyone turns to Katie Hopkins and motions a hand towards the coast, the population parting like the red sea. ;)
    Ah yes, doing a Reggie Perrin, but actually walking into the sea never to return.

    Am I the only one who finds her hilarious?

    Yes. She's a vile, stuck up posh bully who's made a living off insulting other peoples appearance despite the fact that she herself is ugly as f**k. She's a hypocritical attention seeking twat. I could deal with her insulting people if she was actually funny doing it (like Frankie Boyle is), but she's not, there's no wit, her insults aren't clever, she's just nasty, and she often insults people who have done absoloutely nothing to warrant it. I would honestly love to see one of the women she's insulted for no reason beat the sh*t out of her.

    What do you expect from someone who thinks Maggie's days were the glory days, I'd interested to know if you were actually affected by her polices or you are just going by the history books Wizard.

    The I'm all right Jack society we live in pretty much guarantees a Tory government for the foreseeable future!

    Oh I get it now - you actually think Katie Hopkins is serious? It's called showbiz folks. She's realised she can make a right earner out of playing the pantomime villain.

    Yeah it's only Maggie who f**ked the country up. Blair and Brown left it in a great state didn't they with the infamous 'there's no money left' letter? Poor old Ed Milliband just had to pretend that never happened but thankfully the electorate weren't about to forget which party left us in the shit.

    And it may surprise you to learn that it's not only bankers who get the vote. Maggie wouldn't have got landslide after landslide with just a tiny sector of the population voting for her, likewise Cameron wouldn't have won with only the support of the 'filthy rich'.

    Love how the loony left think its fine to castigate one sector of society (who pay a ton of tax incidentally) but if you dare to slag off feckless dole scroungers who contribute absolutely nothing you're a monster. But I guess these poor souls are forced into watching Jeremy Kyle all day because the evil bankers hold them back from filling their potential.

    And after all in the communist state some people seem to yearn for there are very few problems that can't be solved by taxing bankers more and more punitively.

    I'd quite like to get hold of the cocksocket that did this. words cant explain how angry i am right now.

    Disgusting. Can anyone seriously argue against the person who did this being executed?
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    I find the Desecration of war memorials hugely offensive, not just to past generations but for those serving at the moment protecting us.
    On Katie, my only annoyance with her is she doesn't believe anything she says. If I called
    her up for a show to defend Nazi ideas, she do it. If I then asked her to do a show attacking nazi ideas, she also do that. It has started to come back on her, she had a contract for a chat show, but it was dropped as No one would come on it, or wanted to be associated with her, not to mention the amout of times, people have wiped the floor with her in an argument.
    I agree she is the pantomime villain, but a hugley offensive one, when people start burning effergies of you, That might be a sign that you've made a few wrong life choices. :)) still we do live in a free country if she has fans good luck to them, I switch over when shes on ( thankfully less and less) as I think her star has started to go out.
  • Posts: 4,619
    Disgusting. Can anyone seriously argue against the person who did this being executed?
    Wow. Do you really believe the person who did that should be killed? While I obviously do not think that writing that on a war memorial was a decent thing to do, the way the right wing media uses that photo against the left wing is ridiculous. At the end it was probably just one person who did that, and it's just paint on an inanimate object.
  • RC7RC7
    edited May 2015 Posts: 10,512
    Disgusting. Can anyone seriously argue against the person who did this being executed?
    Wow. Do you really believe the person who did that should be killed? While I obviously do not think that writing that on a war memorial was a decent thing to do, the way the right wing media uses that photo against the left wing is ridiculous. At the end it was probably just one person who did that, and it's just paint on an inanimate object.

    Just paint on an inanimate object? I'd say it just about sums up the intelligence of these belligerent fuckwits. Probably some student 'anarchist' bell end.
  • Posts: 4,619
    RC7 wrote: »
    Just paint on an inanimate object? I'd say it just about sums up the intelligence of these belligerent fuckwits. Probably some student 'anarchist' bell end.
    Compared to a living person's life, yes, it's just paint on an inanimate object.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    RC7 wrote: »
    Just paint on an inanimate object? I'd say it just about sums up the intelligence of these belligerent fuckwits. Probably some student 'anarchist' bell end.
    Compared to a living person's life, yes, it's just paint on an inanimate object.

    It's symbolic of certain subsets of society who would be best staying at home and reading a book before climbing on their high horse and riding into town.
  • Posts: 4,619
    RC7 wrote: »
    RC7 wrote: »
    Just paint on an inanimate object? I'd say it just about sums up the intelligence of these belligerent fuckwits. Probably some student 'anarchist' bell end.
    Compared to a living person's life, yes, it's just paint on an inanimate object.

    It's symbolic of certain subsets of society who would be best staying at home and reading a book before climbing on their high horse and riding into town.

    There are idiots on all sides...
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    RC7 wrote: »
    RC7 wrote: »
    Just paint on an inanimate object? I'd say it just about sums up the intelligence of these belligerent fuckwits. Probably some student 'anarchist' bell end.
    Compared to a living person's life, yes, it's just paint on an inanimate object.

    It's symbolic of certain subsets of society who would be best staying at home and reading a book before climbing on their high horse and riding into town.

    There are idiots on all sides...

    I didn't say there wasn't.
  • Posts: 1,552
    What they should do is publicly name and shame the person when they find him - he/she would be a social pariah, they'll be associated with the stupid and deeply hurtful act and they would have to live with it. Family and friends would ostrasised them - much worse than death if you ask me.
  • Posts: 15,409
    There are laws against vandalism and the idiot should be punished accordingly. Otherwise, let's not fall into hysteria. What he did was wrong, illegal, vile even. But it's not terrorism or murder. It's a particularly tasteless brand of vandalism.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Disgusting. Can anyone seriously argue against the person who did this being executed?
    Wow. Do you really believe the person who did that should be killed? While I obviously do not think that writing that on a war memorial was a decent thing to do, the way the right wing media uses that photo against the left wing is ridiculous. At the end it was probably just one person who did that, and it's just paint on an inanimate object.

    Maybe it's overstating it ever so slightly to say the state should take their life however I'd be lying if said I'd lose a wink of sleep if the Sun leaked his name and address and a crazed mob went round and kicked him to death.

    I'm quite happy with @JCRendle's approach of naming and shaming him. Maybe some sort of public stocks?
    Perhaps also some sort of register like they have for paedos so that whenever he applies for a job it has to be disclosed what an odious little prick he is. Presumably the cretin thinks he's Russell Brand but alas, to coin a phrase, he's merely 'vile scum'.

    Out of interest any lawyers on here who can shed any light on what the maximum they could throw at him is? I imagine only a feeble vandalism charge. Could a case be made for treason (which used to be a capital offence not so long ago)?
  • Posts: 7,507
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    The unrivaled depravity of an element of the hardline socialists/anarchists rarely surprises me any more.

    And on a more general note historically this tendency of the left to rewrite history with themselves in the leading parts can be read about in Quintin Hogg's The Left Was Never Right (1945).

    People tend to forget that Stalin and Hitler were both left-wingers.

    So Hitler was 'left wing' now? Ha, talk about rewriting history... :-j
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    Maybe he went so right wing, that he came round the other side. :))
  • Posts: 7,653
    jobo wrote: »
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    The unrivaled depravity of an element of the hardline socialists/anarchists rarely surprises me any more.

    And on a more general note historically this tendency of the left to rewrite history with themselves in the leading parts can be read about in Quintin Hogg's The Left Was Never Right (1945).

    People tend to forget that Stalin and Hitler were both left-wingers.

    So Hitler was 'left wing' now? Ha, talk about rewriting history... :-j

    I was wondering that as well.

  • edited May 2015 Posts: 7,507
    It's very confuing yes... But then again I am a leftist, so I am obviously wrong, as we always are. I mean, it's written in a book, who can argue with that?

    In fact I am so wrong I probably should be executed...
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I never said Hitler was a marxist or liberal. He was a radical, progressive socialist. The fascists in Spain and Italy were right-wingers, as was the conservative Churchill. Mr Hitler was leader of the National Socialist German Labour Party. He implemented housing programs and labour programs and fed the Germans. Sounds pretty socialist to me. The socialists of today are a different matter, as they are internationalists and against the nation state.
  • MayDayDiVicenzoMayDayDiVicenzo Here and there
    Posts: 5,082
  • Posts: 4,619
    While I have very ambivalent feelings about Farage, I'm happy that he deciced to stay at the end. UKIP went from a 3.1% party to a 12.6% party in the last 5 years, it's just that Britain has a terrible voting system.
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