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Indeed. The Munich comment I made was merely alluding to the intimidation of other parties rather than insinuating they might be planning a final solution for the English.
I think that's the Welsh, isn't it?
Welcome to your opinion, however after doing a candid interview on the BBC during the referendum criticising the White paper I received death threats and was spat on, I actually went to Ibiza for 3 weeks to get away from it all. Nazi is an abreviation of Nationalsozialist the English being Nationalist. I did't compare them to the German Nazi's, still Nazi's all the same. Some of the behaviour from the vile mob is no different the rising of the German party for which it shares its name. Just look at the symbol of the SNP and the adoption of the flag.
Alex Salmond admiration for Putin -
Salmon clearly studied mein kampf in how he worked on the poorer in society to draw rage and fury, leading the weak, uneducated by filling their head with nonsense that the powers protect their own and hold all the wealth.
The sooner the SNP are out of the picture the better. I believe in our Union, our pooling of risks and being party of something bigger. My cousins are English I don't want to have to consider them foreigners.
Has Alex Salmond been reading Mein Kampf?
In Mein Kampf, Hitler used the main thesis of "the Jewish peril", which posits a Jewish conspiracy to gain world leadership.
The SNP uses as it main thesis for Scottish independence, the oppression of Scotland by “the Westminster peril”, which posits an unfair domination of Scotland by England in far off London.
Hitler wrote of his hatred of what he believed to be the world's twin evils: Communism and Judaism. The new territory that Germany needed to obtain would properly nurture the "historic destiny" of the German people; this goal, which Hitler referred to as Lebensraum (living space), explains why Hitler aggressively expanded Germany eastward, specifically the invasions of Czechoslovakia and Poland, before he launched his attack against Russia. In Mein Kampf Hitler openly states that the future of Germany "has to lie in the acquisition of land in the East at the expense of Russia
Alex Salmond frequently states his belief that there are two evils; Westminster and the United Kingdom that are preventing Scotland's people from achieving their “historic destiny” Salmond has constantly sited Scotland rights to North Sea Oil & Gas as the cornerstone of achieving greater world importance for the future of Scotland and the key to that ambition is winning maximum acquisition of North Sea waters and the riches below those waters at the expense of the United Kingdom.
During his work, Hitler blamed Germany's chief woes on the parliament of the Weimar Republic, the Jews, and Social Democrats, as well as Marxists. He announced that he wanted to completely destroy the parliamentary system, believing it to be corrupt in principle, as those who reach power are inherent opportunists.
Salmond has blamed Scotland’s chief woes on the Westminster Parliament of the United Kingdom, the Tories and Labour as well as the LibDems. He wants to abandon the current Parliamentary system in Scotland as he says that all those who achieve power excepting himself apparently, are incompetent or corrupt and instead he wants to adopt the Scandinavian model in use in Norway.
Alex Salmond is an opportunist politician, sadly not a competent one, he is misleading the Scottish people by accentuating tribalism and promoting a false sense of future prosperity in a Scotland divorced from the United Kindom which is very very doubtful as is shown by the SNP white paper which makes great play of the expected benefits for an independent Scotland by is makedly short on proof of how that will all be paid for.
Caveat Emptor!
The SNP Method "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."
Well not really. The literal translation would be 'National Socialist'. I would consider myself an English nationalist on this issue (the rise of SNP and devolution) but far from a socialist so I dont think the words nationalist and Nazi are quite so interchangeable. That said most of the SNP are socialists as well so I guess in their case it would be reasonable but for the obvious genocidal connotations the word 'Nazi' evokes, which for some strange reason tends to stick in people's minds more than their political chicanery.
I presume you arent suggesting the SNP plan to pile all the English into the gas chambers are you?
Of course not. But some of the Anti English drivel that comes out of the old SNP gaurd such as Jim Sillars it would not suprise me that they would if given the chance. Disgusting mutants.
Give it time when their supporter realise that Cameron is still PM come Friday morning and in a few years when nothing has changed their false promises and prophecies are shown to have been nothing more than to suit their own agenda for independence by the back door and failed, their supporters will ditch them for good.
Whats the SNP's real plan. Another referendum in their next Scottish manifesto. They intend to blackmail a hung parliment in to granting them what they want in exchange for support on other issues that the in power party wish to push through.
The SNP proclaimed the NHS was at threat of being privatised under Torry and Labour. Yet it was found it was the SNP who sold of NHS services in Scotland
The SNP inflated their oil projection in their White paper.
The said that Scotland could substain itself on clean energy but failed to explain to voters that Wind power are subsidised by £250,000 per year and wont turn a profit for another 25 years.
They minipulate the minds of the weak, desperate and vulenerable in society with the fear of big bad westminster when really its just propeganda to suit their own agenda.
Scotland receives more public money Capita per head than the rest of the UK fact!.
The sooner the SNP are gone for good the better.
This is the key point but the blame for it can hardly be levelled at the SNP. Thats down to lily livered English politicians in Westminster letting them get away with it. Nigel Farage is the only one who has said he will stand up for the English by binning the Barnett Formula. Cameron has made some snivelling remarks about English MPs only voting on English issues but this will be quietly forgotten after the election.
The SNP argue Scotland does'nt get a fair deal, thats what they project to those in hardship to get them to buy into their idealism. They don't tell truth that Scotland gets a better deal than anyone else in the UK.
"Disgusting mutants." - class. It's hard to criticise anyone for talking drivel and then call them mutants. Just childish IMHO, can't we show a minimum of respect?
Anyone who spits at me and puts things through my door threatning me is a mutant. Anyone who calls me a traitor and that the flag is not mine just because I don't accept the Nationalist agenda. Where was their class eh?
My town centre is like down town Kabul with Tribal SNP supporter calling for the head of anyone who does not buy in to their BS!
I personally think mutant is the only word to discribe the vulgar, aggressive and intimidating behaviour.
NS is the queen Mutant. Her agenda all along is to scrap Trident leaving us with no detterant, that's why she joined the SNP shes a closet Green and married Peter Murrell, who is the current chief executive of the SNP the master mutant.
Patb you can respond to my posts taking a moral high ground but if you had put up with with what I have had from SNP members over the last 12 months you would possibly understand why I object their poison. Their whole principal and propeganda machine makes them all mutants by association.
"don't tell others who you vote for, its a private belief, politics like religion causes conflict because its at the core of who we are and we become defensive when our own core is questioned".
I agree political and religious beliefs are a private matter so I will refrain from posting on here further.
Shes certainly no looker.
I think all @patb is asking for is an intelligent debate. It seems a shame to abandon the discussion because you cant refrain from calling people mutants.
The only fit politician I know:échal-Le_Pen
If its a choice between her or Nicola Sturgeon theres no choice. And I'd also rather shag her too!
Theres nothing like intelligent political debate is there?
Either the Swedish, or Norwegian president ? Because she's a very beautiful
woman .
( I might be getting my politicians mixed up)
Michelle doesn't look too impressed
Obama got a good old talking to after. ;)
Who ever is running against him, gets police/ secret service protection. So
Would anyone know in the UK, do all politicians get police protection, when out
and about. Or does it depend on how many MPs the party has etc. Or do they
Have to pay for their own security ?
You seem to have forgotten about Caroline Flint MP, Minister for Pleasure: