My sister doesn't like Daniel Craig!



  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited August 2011 Posts: 14,076
    Can I say this Daniel Craig haters, not just Bond everything about are losers including your sister. The best thing is to Sh*t up & get a life.
    Take it easy, there. We're all entitled to our opinions.
  • Posts: 825
    Can I say this Daniel Craig haters, not just Bond everything about are losers including your sister. The best thing is to Sh*t up & get a life.
    Take it easy, there. We're all entitled to our opinions.
    Well I'm sorry it because since became Bond. Everybody can't relies he a good Bond beside a good actor. This post get me a lot annoyed.

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited August 2011 Posts: 28,694
    Can I say this Daniel Craig haters, not just Bond everything about are losers including your sister. The best thing is to Sh*t up & get a life.
    Take it easy, there. We're all entitled to our opinions.
    Well I'm sorry it because since became Bond. Everybody can't relies he a good Bond beside a good actor. This post get me a lot annoyed.

    What are you saying man?!
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    @Agent7F, unfortunately, your English is as such that most members don't understand what you're saying. Please pay more attention to it. If you need help with anything, you are welcome to contact a mod.
  • Posts: 2,107
    Well, I for one think he's a good actor and good Bond too. Even looks bondian to me. We all can't be pretty boys like Moore and Brosnan, you know.
  • Artemis81Artemis81 In Christmas Land
    edited August 2011 Posts: 543
    @j7wild, If your sister don't like DC, then she doesn't like DC. No need to slap her for it. Women will have different opinions of the man.
  • Posts: 5,634
    Craig as bond?, my initial reactions were a bit varied

    I thought Casino Royale was a good film, Craig did OK, Bond seemed a bit too buff this time around but he does the action bits well, although it seemed a bit more violent than previous episodes

    never had a real issue with any of the Bond actors, a lot of people castigated Lazenby in his one picture, I thought he did fine really
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    I did admit when I first heard about Craig being cast as Bond and when I saw his now famous boat ride introduction, I had my doubt too;

    especially the only thing I'd ever seen him in at the time was the Tomb Raider film
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I think this thread has far surpassed its time.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    I think this thread has far surpassed its time.
    I think the Bond films have far surpassed their time

    :"> :p ;;) :-" :-t
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited August 2011 Posts: 28,694
    I think this thread has far surpassed its time.
    I think the Bond films have far surpassed their time

    :"> :p ;;) :-" :-t
    If you think that, why the hell are you here?! I'm starting to get sick of your "I know it all" persona and useless posts. Your sister doesn't like James Bond. Wow, you're really getting serious with your threads(sarcasm). I and every other Bond fan in the world aren't concerned if your sister likes Bond or not. We've got a bad economy and wars to worry about. We're so selfish not to acknowledge your sister.
    L-) :-q
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    edited August 2011 Posts: 821
    I think this thread has far surpassed its time.
    I think the Bond films have far surpassed their time

    :"> :p ;;) :-" :-t
    If you think that, why the hell are you here?! I'm starting to get sick of your "I know it all" persona and useless posts. Your sister doesn't like James Bond. Wow, you're really getting serious with your threads(sarcasm). I and every other Bond fan in the world aren't concerned if your sister likes Bond or not. We've got a bad economy and wars to worry about. We're so selfish not to acknowledge your sister.
    L-) :-q

    Take it easy, there. We're all entitled to our opinions.
    those same rules apply to you, 0BradyM0Bondfanatic7!!!!!


    hey, if you think this post is so bloody useless, what are you replying to it?

    so my thread are useless to you but the ones that are floating around the forum like:

    "in which films they were the best"

    "so and so film vs so and so film"

    "so and so actor together with so and so actor vs. so and so actor"

    etc etc etc

    and there seems to be a dozen of those above threads but do you see me calling them useless? NO!!

    and if you are so worried about the bad economy and wars - why don't you go do something about it and CHANGE THE FREAKING WORLD instead of wasting your time criticizing a thread on the internet that you YOURSELF think it's USELESS?

    AREN'T YOU Wasting your USELESS time on a USELESS thread ACCORDING TO YOU!!

    Wouldn't that make you USELESS too?!?


    QUOTE: "I think the Bond films have far surpassed their time "

    :"> :p ;;) :-" :-t

    do you even know what they mean?!?




    YOU, 0BradyM0Bondfanatic7, ARE A HYPOCRITE!!

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Oh I have seen your type @j7wild. A man who insists on giving advice but never takes it, and a man who probably has some physical deformity or negative trait to the point that they feel the need to overcompensate with objective views about others and the use of BOLD type and red letters which no more instills the reader with any more knowledge than if they were to read it off a cereal box. Let me finish this quick so I can "go change the world". The thread names you listed are far from useless. It is great to see threads where Bond films face against each other and I like to see the opinions of MI6 members. Same effect with the "so and so was best in:" threads and the actor v.s. actor match-ups. Don't feel jealous. With a little thinking threads are easy to come up with. As to the overused quip of "go change the world" I would love to. If you saw the write up I did when @DC007 posted the crash in Afghanistan that happened not too long ago, you'd see my meaning. Here's the link. I'm the fourth comment down:

    Now back to what I was beginning to say. I don't want to endanger the lives of family and friends and to an extent myself for a couple of suits in Washington who make more at a desk job pushing papers and refilling printer ink than a guy on the ground in dangerous areas on the globe. The politicians of this world shoot themselves in the foot, same with government officials who pretend to have the best interests of their people in their hearts. There are two types of men in this world @j7wild. Men who make excuses for their failures and shrug off the ever wavering glances of the people they entered their position to serve but now who they can stomach to watch wither and die in front of their eyes. Then there are men who stand for the true values of America. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happyness. Values that have been stamped on as America's leaders began to care more about the inner workings of other countries(spying on them) and trying to signify a war on faceless claims than carrying the true mark that American ingenuity had when Jefferson and the other signers of the Declaration of Independence knowingly committed treason to free their people from the Brits. Men like that. Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, etc; every last one of the legendary leaders. Those men would be absolutely disgusted to see that the thing that fought so hard for is now a festering and decrepit expanse of land that has taken away freedoms to its people and instead spies and lurks everywhere they go, getting any information they can about them. A country surprised when allies of the past turn on them, a country so obsessed with its "good" image it denies the true problems within it. A country who feels the need to bail out the real causes of corruption and decline. Come be apart of it.
    Before the mods begin to moderate for a lack of a better term, note that this thread is going nowhere but down. There is no place to get back on topic, because it was never on topic. A man's(?) sister doesn't like James Bond. Alright. Yeah. Interesting. @j7wild, I needn't have to BOLD face or add a red tinge to my text to give it meaning. That was a good try by you. I've said 1,000X more than that in the classic style. Much like the country I live in, you were probably good in the older days, but those days are too far off to think about and now a persona of ignorance is in place.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    All right, cut it out now!

    @j7, what's with the bold, the colours and all? Seriously, we don't need that. This thread is pointless and hardly discusses Bond, unlike the other threads you mention. We have threads were Craig can be evaluated. This one begins with the premise that your sister doesn't like him and you wonder if she needs a slapping. Seriously, you claim you're an adult and a former police man but with such thoughts openly stated here on this forum, more and more members find it hard to believe that. If she doesn't like Craig, tell us in a thread where Craig's performances are discussed. And no need for a grown-up man to suggest slapping his sister over a Bond related opinion. Frankly, it gets me worried that if you were indeed a police man - which I'm starting to doubt - you and a firearm were a dangerous combination. You attack people the minute they counter your opinion or prove your statements false, you go ballistic when so much as discussing Nolan's new Batman film and whether you're serious or not, you talk about slapping your sister because she doesn't like Craig...
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    edited August 2011 Posts: 821
    Much like the country I live in, you were probably good in the older days, but those days are too far off to think about and now a persona of ignorance is in place.
    it takes one to know one, you said it so you are the ignorant person!!

    as if you don't know anyone who doesn't like Daniel Craig as Bond and we are not allowed to discuss it?

    do me a favor and don't open my threads - I don't need your ignorant and useless opinions in my threads!!

    by the way, this was a thread about Daniel Craig, why did you bring up Politics?

    You want to discuss Politics, go start another thread, don't do it in mine!!
    All right, cut it out now!

    @j7, what's with the bold, the colours and all? Seriously, we don't need that. This thread is pointless and hardly discusses Bond, unlike the other threads you mention. We have threads were Craig can be evaluated. This one begins with the premise that your sister doesn't like him and you wonder if she needs a slapping. Seriously, you claim you're an adult and a former police man but with such thoughts openly stated here on this forum, more and more members find it hard to believe that. If she doesn't like Craig, tell us in a thread where Craig's performances are discussed. And no need for a grown-up man to suggest slapping his sister over a Bond related opinion. Frankly, it gets me worried that if you were indeed a police man - which I'm starting to doubt - you and a firearm were a dangerous combination. You attack people the minute they counter your opinion or prove your statements false, you go ballistic when so much as discussing Nolan's new Batman film and whether you're serious or not, you talk about slapping your sister because she doesn't like Craig...
    I don't like Nolan's Batman movies and I am entitled to my opinions as much as the next person; if you don't like my opinions about it, fine!!

    FURTHERMORE, none of you ever once said in your lifetime you want to slap someone because they disagree with you?

    it's a figure of speech!! PERIOD!

    it doesn't mean I am going to slap my sister just because she doesn't like Daniel Craig.

    You folks really really need to lighten up!!

    p.s. I owe a large collection of firearms and I never once pulled it on anyone in anger or without just cause or have one discharged by accident so you don't have the right to judge me!!
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,303
    This has gotten silly. Arguing over if your sister doesn't like James Bond.
    It was borderline lockable to begin with, the insults and arguing between members is enough.

This discussion has been closed.