Similarities between Lord of the Rings and You Only Live Twice

in Literary 007 Posts: 686
I have noticed some eerie similarities between LOTR and YOLT. To be clear, I am not accusing Ian of lifting in any way. However, what I liked about LOTR I liked about YOLT. It is a story in which there is a trip West to East; North to south to a bad land to battle and destroy evil. Was Shatterhand's castle like Mordor - a volcanic land surrounded by a "Morgul Vale " of plants of death? Weren't the Black Dragons who tailed Tiger and Bond like the Nazgul?

I also suspect that, like Frodo and Sam, Bond probably did not feel like, either win or lose in his battle, that he would return.

Also, I believe it is a story of both personal and political redemption - Whether it be the British or Westernesse; Bond or Aragorn. I liked how Bond's depression and turns to cynicism and finally he is reborn. You can also get a sense of the world that used to be and how the "world was changing" in the discussions between Bond and Tiger and Bond and Dikko. You can feel this coming through the pages. This was Fleming's "Hell" as OHMSS was his "Heaven".


  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,166
    A very interesting post as always, @Perdogg. Perhaps you could write up these connecting into an article. As you may know I enjoy writing about the YOLT novel myself as it is one of the most symbolic pieces Fleming wrote.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,053
    I haven't read LOTR but I can somewhat follow your point. :-)
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