Making peace with the Bonds

in Bond Movies Posts: 2,143
As an original Bond fan, my first big jolt in the Bond franchise came with OHMSS. Loved the film, but not crazy about GL (then). Both glad and disappointed with SC's return in DAF. Appalled by RM. Liked TD. Lukewarm to PB. Bond is back with Craig. Like many, I've often had a love/hate relationship with the series or actors, trying in some way to come to terms with
the chronology, continuity, styles, etc. Finally, I've decided I can no longer view the series as whole, trying somehow to connect the films of one actor with another. Despite the fact that some of the supporting players worked with different Bonds, I no longer view them as tying the series together. I no longer compare SC to RM or any of the actors. For me, making peace with series is to view the works of each actor as a series unto itself. I don't imagine what OHMSS would have been like with another actor, because it didn't happen. I don't bother myself with trying to imagine if Thunderball was in Craig's Bond's past or future, because there's no way to determine that. But, I don't subscribe to the notion that Bond is a name given to successive agents. That idea doesn't work for me. Anyway, after all these years, that's how I've come to terms with the series.

How about others? Have you come to terms with the series? How do you view it?


  • ThomasCrown76ThomasCrown76 Augusta, ks
    Posts: 757
    I adore the first five Connery bonds. Ohmss is good, but flawed. Lazenby was a disaster, and the producers had no one to blame but themselves. Connery looked terrible in 1971. Never say never again was a waste of money and film. Twelve years of roger Moore was a joke and did more damage to James Bond than anything spectre could dream up. I don't care how much money his movies made.
    Dalton was terrific, but after 12 years of Moore, people weren't sure of him. They wasted space stations and camp.
    Brosnan started out good, but got dealt die another day. He deserved better. I love what Daniel Craig is doing, but think bond 25 will be his last.
    I don't own all of the bonds on dvd, let alone blu Ray. I grew up with them
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