Global Domination for Beginners - free until 8 June

Will_OnceWill_Once Surrey, England
in Fan Creations Posts: 22
Global Domination for Beginners is a comedy novel about the James Bond story told from the other side.

This time we get to see someone actually take over the world. This is the Bond story told from Blofeld's perspective.

Along the way, we will learn how to recruit a henchman. You can't simply put a recruitment ad in the local newspaper can you? Wanted, trainee minion for organisation bent on global domination. Must be able to drive a car, pilot a speedboat and fly a helicopter, but unable to hit anything with a machine gun. Uniform provided.

Global domination has been getting nothing but five star reviews on, and Goodreads. But not enough of them. It desperately needs readers. People need to know it's there.

So what have you got to lose? It won't cost you a bean. It's an affectionate parody of the spy novel. If it takes off and becomes a massive hit, you will be able to say that you were one of the first to get it for free. That would be like owning a first edition of Casino Royale.

Hell, if you get it during the free period and don't like it, I'll give you your money back.

Get it here:




  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,522
    I've already got my copy.
  • Will_OnceWill_Once Surrey, England
    Posts: 22
    Bless you, bless you!

    Hope you enjoy it. Can I ask a favour? Whether you love it or hate it, can you let me know please? The only way I can get better at this writing thing is if people tell me what they think.
  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    Posts: 3,675
    Thanks for the warning! Picked it up just now. Looks good!
  • Posts: 6,432
    Will give it a read, good luck. Sounds like a similar premise to Nemesis.
  • Will_OnceWill_Once Surrey, England
    Posts: 22
    Today is the last day of the free giveaway for Global Domination for Beginners. So if you were wondering about whether to take the plunge or not, now is the time to decide.
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