Mendes? More like Nolan, or Fincher

I suppose I'm not too surprised at all these references pointing to the teaser footage from this movie as well as Skyfall appearing quite "Nolanesque" in terms of filming style and atmosphere. But if you ask me, I got more of a David Fincher vibe from the teaser trailer. The whole scene where Bond was on his way to that cabin in the mountains and talking to whom appeared to be a world-weary Mr. White seemed like something right out of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo to me (despite the cold environment). Also the other scenes where we see Bellucci's character browsing around and the immense table with Waltz and presumably Spectre members seemed very much similar to scenes from Gone Girl or The Social Network. It's interesting how Sam Mendes is almost "borrowing" if you will from a David Fincher style of direction.


  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    I don't know enough about Mendes to know what his style was prior to SF (I don't think I've seen any of his previous films) but I agree that there is a Fincher'esque element to the SP trailer.

    A lot of that may be Hoyte Van Hoytema, but certainly Mendes has provided the direction.

    I like it a lot actually and am a huge huge fan of Fincher too, so if SP gets closer to that look, I'm all for it
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited June 2015 Posts: 4,572
    From Skyfall i expect it going to be more like Road to Perdition who style is closer to QOS. You wil understand how more i disapointed i was in Skyfall when i seen Jarhead who has a bit of same style as QOS too but nothing or it be used in Skyfall. Only Skyfal ending look like on some scene's in Jarhead and Devil's Breath from Twine.


    What i wrote in September:
    Someone like Hoytema you expect earlier for Skyfall or The Dark Knight, based on some pictures of ''Her'' look very much on Shangai/Elevator style from Skyfall. A style i hate moost of the time, i only like the moment when Bond sitting at the bar. But Skyfall be shot digital, if it is true there go back to film, then it mabey look better.


    But i think the art directers wil be very inportent for DOP too. Because i also get feeling he mabey fit better with Dennis Gassner production design den Deakins.



    But moost exited iam about the picture's from ''Låt den rätte komma in'' QOS style.

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