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Try to Star Wars fans that. Lucasfilm makes The Force Awakens and Solo familiar, they get criticized not taking risks. They do the opposite with Rogue One and The Last Jedi, they are told it’s too different. As for Bond, when AVTAK was made in the 80’s, it was criticized for being a copy of GF, in more ways than one. Amazon will have to strike a familiar, yet risky ground, to prove their worth.
I don't think i've seen any Star Wars fans dunk on Rogue One, if anything it gets a lot of praise from the fanbase. Literally the only time i saw someone who didn’t like RO was once in the Expanded Universe subreddit.
I think so too. If anything those are the lessons they can take from films like GE or TLD (even something more left field like CR struck that balance between familiar and new).