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I have a feeling the next Bond adventure is going to look a lot different to what us Bond fans are used too.
I can see Amazon attempting to go quickly, but for reference when Star Wars was taken over by Disney they started work immediately and that took 3 years and two months from the deal with Lucas being finalised to the film’s release. Perhaps they could scale things down for Bond/strip it back, or really go safe by using the broad story template of an existing film (which is not unusual and all Bond films do to some extent, but even then they need something fresh).
But these don't happen sequentially. They can find a release date while production is underway, as is common practice, and they can be hiring talent in conjunction with developing a script. It's extremely rare to find a case where they only move into the next aspect once the current one is 100% completed.
The question is will they? Wasn’t it Jennifer Salke who was mentioned as having not a single Bond film pre-Craig?
Not wrong, at least for the release date. I lumped everything in together in my paragraph. But it may well be the case that the best release date is outside that 2.5 year window anyway, and of course they need to get certain things in line before committing to it.
Oh, I think they must. They simply have to. They're now in charge of a huge name. Everyone around the world knows James Bond...even casual fans. So it's not something Amazon can just toy with. I think they're very much aware of that, because they must have read the negative reviews, concerning their take-over of 007.
I agree that they must - I’m just not feeling super optimistic. I think the Bond brand has the potential to go the way of Marvel/Star Wars by way of over-saturation if Amazon exploits it in the way we all suspect - and that’ll be a sad day for me.
Yeah. That's true. But I'm just trying to stay optimistic. Because surely, Amazon wouldn't want to prove us right, because they already know we don't expect good Bond outputs from them. So I'm banking on them to prove us wrong. If Bond 26 makes us cheer loud, that means they've succeeded...and I hope that's the case.
Or a dozen different ways.
How does that first conversation go?
That pretty much sums it up. "Sit down 007............what do you know about.............."
Perhaps a look at what we are in for?