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I didn't know that. What would a Cuaron Bond film look like do you think? I'm not familiar with his films
@Jordo007 Check out Gravity. It's a 2013 space thriller film by him.
I don’t think many directors will have films that directly point to their Bond vision (short of doing a film like Bond/a very specific type of action or thriller). We can only look at Cuaron’s strengths as a filmmaker, and he certainly has many. It’s another thing altogether seeing what he’ll bring to this specific film.
Yes. Children Of Men is another good one. Also, I'm not saying he's going to do a Harry Potter on James Bond, but the way he made The Prisoner Of Azkaban a serious and complex Potter film than other Potter films, means he can make James Bond impressive.
You're right the passion for cinema shows in every frame of AZKABAN. Cuaron said he went about it by serving the material rather than any particular vision of his own, the I would love to see him give that kind of approach to Bond.
Well, we know EON thinks he does, because they asked him to signed on the dotted line before in the past.
Yeah. I really hope so. But you could argue that EON thought Fukunaga had the Bond feel, but he clearly didn't. But yeah, I have no doubt about Cuaron's skills and I would have much preferred him to Apted for TWINE. But it's always an added advantage for a director to understand James Bond. Like those Bondian moments where he does extraordinary things. What I like about James Bond is, he poses with a gun in the posters, but the action and moments aren't just about guns, but inventive stuffs. I think apart from the Matera sequence, NTTD lacked those moments a lot.
In Fukunaga’s defense, he had to replace a director. Above all though, he basically co-direct with a star who openly said that he really didn’t know how to direct or write. So, while we don’t know if Fukunaga will ever be considered again, he arguably deserves more of a clean slate next time around.
What do you mean?
Yeah, but I think it isn't entirely about the script, though. We can see that Spectre with all its script problems, feels like a Bond film. In the Cuba sequence for example, I don't think the script stopped Fukunaga from allowing Bond do something inventive than just firing a machine gun or the Norway forest sequence which showcases a beautiful shot of the cars and bikes flying in the air, but apart from's just Bond using his car to hit other vehicles.
Even QoS had Bond handing upside down from a rope and trying to reach for his gun before Mitchell does. The plane sequence, the way Bond escapes the hotel. Even the car chase had Bond driving with one door.
But I'm not saying directors should just make Bond films and not worry about the script. But I mean at the very least, let Bond do something inventive.
In The Making of NTTD book, several people said that DC basically directed some scenes. Namely the Blofeld prison scene. Phoebe Waller-Bridge wrote that scene alone, apparently.
No matter who directed, I loathe that sequence, how it’s written, how it’s acted, everything.
Same here.
As per the book:
"Daniel had a lot of ideas for the first two monologues of that scene" says Fukunaga. "I think there were some things Bond wanted to say to Blofeld that did quite come out in the last film. Phoebe and I went through and edited it, but the bones of it are what Daniel wanted".
Fukunaga is pictured on the set with Waltz in the book, so I dont think DC directed the scenes per say.
FWIW I dont like the sequence, Craig's weird hand movements and overacting (yes I know we are aware of the heracles on his hands we dont need hitting over the head with it), and the dialogue isnt great nor the delivery of it. Cuckoo.
As I said before and paraphrased from the book: Co-directed.
I agree and I hated how Blofeld was handled as a second rate baddie who gets bamboozled and wiped out by another more competent villain. The one thing we know about Blofeld is he is the ultimate mastermind. He's supposed to be the one pull other people's strings, not the opposite.
Yeah. A lot of things felt forced in NTTD. If NTTD were a standalone Bond film, the filmmaking would have been more relaxed. Too much focus on fixing loose ends, than focusing completely on the present story at hand.
It doesn't sound like he directed or co-directed scenes from that.
Count me in with your opinions. Hopefully, Amazon will learn from EON’s mistakes. Namely in the writing department.
Yeah. The writing, though. That needs intense focus now.
Pulled from Wiki, I wonder if Cuaron would make a Bond actor do a first-person summary of Bond's life, lol.