Favorite Bond Finale



  • Posts: 4,762
    Dr. No- weak climax compared to what is in store for us even just a few brief years down the road; it ends way too quickly and doesn't use its full potential
    From Russia with Love- decent, but not overly spectacular; Klebb's final attack is nice, but the boat chase ends too quickly and isn't used as it could have been
    Goldfinger- fantastic! Just a shame that this is really the only good thing to come out of the entire movie- the first of the famous "big Bond battles" as I might call them
    Thunderball- can get quite repetitive at times with the same old underwater moves, but nonetheless unique and exciting, especially the fight with Largo and his men on the Disco Volante
    You Only Live Twice- the best of the '60s finales! Larger-than-life level epic!
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service- the concept is excellent, but it doesn't come off as well as it seems, I'm afraid. The final fight with Blofeld on bobsleds is amazing though!
    Diamonds Are Forever- Lame and disappointing compared with the rest of the movie. The set-up was there, everything looked perfect, and then it failed to deliver. Simply not enough.
    Live and Let Die- it's a good thing the fight with Tee Hee on the train is as good as it is, because what came before it didn't deliver enough to even mildly satisfy.
    The Man with the Golden Gun- contrary to popular belief, this one is growing on me. I really like the tension in the duel with Scaramanga and the sense of imminent danger when Bond and Goodnight are trying to retrieve the Solex before the island blows to pieces!
    The Spy Who Loved Me- Truly amazing! This much action should be illegal! Hahahaha. It is absolutely thrilling!
    Moonraker- Mildly entertaining, but fails to deliver on the set-up given to it; also, it is over much too quickly, as far as the actual battle is concerned.
    For Your Eyes Only- the rock climbing is intense, and the fight with Kriegler, but it loses the intensity and the thrill shortly after that due to the rush and haste to get to the end.
    Octopussy- Unbelievably thrilling! A+ awesome!!
    A View to a Kill Same as OP!
    The Living Daylights- Extremely entertaining!!
    License to Kill- Amazing action! Undeniable intensity!!
    GoldenEye- PERFECTION!
    Tomorrow Never Dies- PERFECTION!
    The World is not Enough- Really awesome, but fails to deliver the final fight, unlike GE or TND, which provided excellent fights with Trevelyan and Stamper. Still, everything else leading up to that moment is excellent.
    Die Another Day- Neat concept, and does deliver the excitement for the most part, but in some areas seems to drag and feel boring. Sort of in the middle for me.
    Casino Royale- It's a little too short and not "big" enough in terms of scale and scope, but nonetheless quite engaging and action-packed fun!
    Quantum of Solace- Sweet!! Amazing action and thrilling energy!!
  • marketto007marketto007 Brazil
    Posts: 3,277
    TWINE, of course.
  • Posts: 5,634
    With all due respect Marketto, if that's your favorite ending, I'd hate to hear about your worst, the Brosnan and Richards nonsense was painful in the extreme that year, or even the submarine ending is quite dull for an otherwise standout release

    I may have mentioned Diamonds at some stage, lousy film, but the Kidd and Wint finale on the ocean liner more than componsates for the garbage that went before it
  • Posts: 4,762
    With all due respect Marketto, if that's your favorite ending, I'd hate to hear about your worst, the Brosnan and Richards nonsense was painful in the extreme that year, or even the submarine ending is quite dull for an otherwise standout release

    I may have mentioned Diamonds at some stage, lousy film, but the Kidd and Wint finale on the ocean liner more than componsates for the garbage that went before it

    You think so? I think the Wint and Kidd finale is just all right. Nothing extremely outstanding about it for me, in fact sometimes I find it a bit cheesy, what with Tiffany's lack of sense in throwing a cake, or maybe her cowering in the corner when she could have actually helped 007 out a little! Of course let's not forget the dumb tie pull, which just disappoints me greatly. I've seen the comic strip of the DAF novel, and I must say that the fight in the novel between Wint and Kidd and 007 is much more gritty and brutal than what is given to us in the movie. I would have much preferred that to the dinner sabotage. I mean it's better than the oil rig attack, which let me down considerably, but it's still not up there with other final atack scenes, like Tee Hee's in the next release.
  • Posts: 5,634
    Oh, Good evening Beast, I was just about to pass out with shock, there hasn't been a mention of Dark Knight or Batman for some 30 minutes now, I felt a bit faint...

    No, it's just the humor aspect of it all, I liked the elaborate deaths of them both, it is genuinely amusing. St John adds to the humor also, now for the special - 'a bombe surprees',... 'oh that looks delicious, what's in it?',.... 'then there would be no surprees madam' etc, just makes me smile, and the... 'he left with his tails between his legs' just for good measure, if it makes you laugh then it must be doing something right. I wish they had escaped and made a subsequent appearance in another Bond film to be honest, they would of been great in Moonraker
  • Posts: 4,762
    Oh, Good evening Beast, I was just about to pass out with shock, there hasn't been a mention of Dark Knight or Batman for some 30 minutes now, I felt a bit faint...

    No, it's just the humor aspect of it all, I liked the elaborate deaths of them both, it is genuinely amusing. St John adds to the humor also, now for the special - 'a bombe surprees',... 'oh that looks delicious, what's in it?',.... 'then there would be no surprees madam' etc, just makes me smile, and the... 'he left with his tails between his legs' just for good measure, if it makes you laugh then it must be doing something right. I wish they had escaped and made a subsequent appearance in another Bond film to be honest, they would of been great in Moonraker

    Now that's a novel idea! Let's say that final attack scene was never filmed, in which case 007 and Tiffany Case just enjoy the cruise for the ending of the movie, and Wint and Kidd are left in question, only to return again in Moonraker! That'd be neat, I could see that being a nice fit for them to make a re-appearance. Just axe both Jaws and Chang altogether and include Wint and Kidd! I'd like this!
  • Posts: 5,634
    Moonraker is too long a time span after Diamonds, I would of liked to have seen it, bit ideally we should be thinking about Live and Let Die or Golden Gun as a return. Even Jaws and Pepper were brought back after their immediate appearances, Kidd and Wint making a return in 1979 just doesn't seem viable now maybe

    I'm being quite serious when I say I would of liked Kidd and Wint and Pepper altogether in that somersault jump in Golden Gun, heh, just thinking about it now, I would of really liked to have seen that, damn it, that really would of been something I do believe

    We're going to bed now

    Goodnight I-)
  • Posts: 4,762
    @Baltimore_007: See you tomorrow! Get some good rest for the fast-paced, quality discussions tomorrow! Hahahaha.
  • OP was cool. i liked Roger sliding down the rail with The ak-47.

    tswlm is great-EXCEPT the gay men's chorus thing lol
  • Said it before, and I'll say it again.

    LTK. Bond jumps off plane, hijacks tanker, has epic chase then kills Sanchez with a lighter. Epic.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    Said it before, and I'll say it again.

    LTK. Bond jumps off plane, hijacks tanker, has epic chase then kills Sanchez with a lighter. Epic.

    That finale is very cool, and it has always been one of my favorites. I bought this book at a fair when I was in elementary school, and it laid out all of the Bond films, talking about the big scenes, characters, gadgets, and the finale, and that was one that I always thought looked very cool, but never got a chance to see. It certainly didn't disappoint when I finally watched it.
  • Licence To Kill. For all the reasons that @thelivingroyale stated.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    Very nice choice. Mine still stands at GE, which holds that Number One position in many aspects that I don't think will ever be beat.
  • Posts: 4,762
    Creasy47 wrote:
    Very nice choice. Mine still stands at GE, which holds that Number One position in many aspects that I don't think will ever be beat.

    I too vote GoldenEye as the best finale. Bond and Natalya sneaking in, the little gunfight between Bond and Trevelyan's soldiers, the suspense with Boris and the grenade pen, and 007 vs. 006 showdown in gunfight and fist fight prove more than worthy for the title as the best.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    edited August 2012 Posts: 41,106
    Almost every shot of the GE finale is memorable in my eyes, even when Bond and Natalya book it out of there after the pen explodes, and they just smack the elevator button and escape in a matter of seconds.

    Even the sweat on Bond's brow as Boris clicks away at the pen is intense.
  • Posts: 4,762
    @Creasy47: It's Brosnan sweat! Of course it is intense! Hahahaha.
  • GE is my 3rd favourite, behind LTK and TSWLM. You two are right, it's really exciting and intense, and I love the fight with Bond and Trevelayn, along with the "for England James" line, brilliant.
  • Posts: 1,146
    I like a kinetic Bond, so Thunderball is an awesome spectacle for me. The end of Goldeneye is absolutely fantastic, and to me is in the conversation for best of all time. That sequence makes that film, if you ask me.
  • LicencedToKilt69007LicencedToKilt69007 Belgium, Wallonia
    Posts: 523
    I mostly agree with @00Beast

    Mines are :

    - GoldenEye (even the dialogue is epic now !)
    - TSWLM (it's just amazing, same remark as above)
    - FYEO (thrilling and full of suspense)
    - TMWTGG (brilliant duel, smart)
    - OHMSS (perfect and sad)
    - LTK (awesome action, terrific villain kill)
    - TLD (how romantic and feeling of an accomplished job)

    Good endings :

    - TND (the last great battle, slightly too unrealistic and overacted romance that can be silly, especially underwater)
    - TWINE (as explained above, it just lacked of a true fight)
    - Goldfinger (great battle and villain kill)
    - Octopussy (good)
    - Skyfall (big humane hunting, moving enough and surprising MI6 situation)

    Quite bad/boring endings :

    - Dr. No (nothing great)
    - FRWL (ok but nothing exceptional)
    - Thunderball (another Bond battle, quick boredom)
    - YOLT (it was too weird for me)
    - DAF (lacked something exciting)
    - LALD (the last moment with Baron Samedi's laugh is good, IMOO)
    - Moonraker (another Bond battle, funny villain killing and great dialogues)
    - AVTAK (lacked of punch, a bit silly but well imagined)
    - DAD (wasted and silly all the way, one of the best action)
    - CR (way too fast and...bad. Interpretation IMO)
    - QoS (couldn't save the film but had real energy and explodes)
  • 1.Goldeneye
    2.The Spy Who Loved Me
    3.From Russia With Love
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    Nice to see a lot of love for the GE finale. It's definitely my favorite, as well. I've been holding off on watching it on blu-ray - mainly so I can start a proper Bondathon - but I get wrapped up in other films and can never kick it off.
  • Goldfinger as before, has a very decent ending, with the Fort Knox sequence and Bond and Sekata doing battle and the timer countdown. Pity about all what came before it..

    The Man with the Golden Gun also, with Lee and Moore doing cat and mouse, is also a worthy inclusion, and Nick Nack being discovered on the junk boat

    Thing is though, nothing really stands out above all the others, I couldn't say what is the best ending of all the releases I don't think. It's so hard to just choose one above all else. Many people will say For Your Eyes Only, but it just drags on for too long, and you feel you're getting nowhere as Bond takes forever and a day just to climb to the mountain top monastery. Pity really, as before that, it's a very good watch for the most part
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    Goldfinger as before, has a very decent ending, with the Fort Knox sequence and Bond and Sekata doing battle and the timer countdown. Pity about all what came before it..

    The Man with the Golden Gun also, with Lee and Moore doing cat and mouse, is also a worthy inclusion, and Nick Nack being discovered on the junk boat

    Thing is though, nothing really stands out above all the others, I couldn't say what is the best ending of all the releases I don't think. It's so hard to just choose one above all else. Many people will say For Your Eyes Only, but it just drags on for too long, and you feel you're getting nowhere as Bond takes forever and a day just to climb to the mountain top monastery. Pity really, as before that, it's a very good watch for the most part

    I think what makes the FYEO finale so entertaining is how nerve-wracking it is watching him make his way up the mountain, only to nearly reach the top and get thrown back down again. The action that ensues at the top is nice, too, and I think this is one of my favorite finales.
  • ChevronChevron Northern Ireland
    Posts: 371
    I love the ending to Licence to Kill. When I see those four tanker trucks pulling out of the garage I look forward to seeing them destroyed one by one.
  • No, License to Kill is a very good release, and Dalton gives a superlative performance not seen since Connery over 25 years previous, (or at least as far as Daylights even), but the Kenworth trucks chase, just goes on to long, and to be honest, it's boring even. Bond just drives around and a few villains meet absurd deaths, and the Bond theme gets played out by machine gun fire, and Bouvier is more of a distraction than anything else as she flies around. Still, it's worth the wait, as the Davi and Dalton finale "Don't you want to know why", is a very good ending and one of the best villain deaths of the entire series. Will have to watch this again some time
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