Moore was 45 in LALD, how long did EON expect him/Bond to last?



  • And interesting to note that Connery was 31 when he shot DN and Lazenby was 29 when he made OHMSS. Hell, Brosnan was 33 (?) when they wanted him for TLD.

    Having said that I find it interesting that friends of mine always picture Bond as a guy in his 40s. I always think of him as a guy in his early/mid-30s.
  • Connery was 32 I believe. But he looked closer to 40.
  • PrinceKamalKhanPrinceKamalKhan Monsoon Palace, Udaipur
    Posts: 3,262
    So Roger Moore was 45 in Live And Let Die and that got me thinking, why hire someone older than Connery in on ongoing film series? Did EON not expect Bond to last with Moore and for the series to end (as many thought it would), or perhaps they only wanted him to do a few films.

    What do you think?
    I think that in 1972, Moore appeared to EON and UA to be the best possible choice after Connery and probably went on a film by film basis to see if the series would continue. Moore said in an interview, he initially didn't expect the series to go past 2 films with him. Broccoli said in footage that can be found on the Inside AVTAK documentary that every time they finished a Bond film, they would get countless letters asking for another one to be made. I figure that in 1972 the idea of the series still existing in 2011 seemed like too much of a far out concept to them and let's see how we can earn a profit now.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    And interesting to note that Connery was 31 when he shot DN and Lazenby was 29 when he made OHMSS. Hell, Brosnan was 33 (?) when they wanted him for TLD.

    Having said that I find it interesting that friends of mine always picture Bond as a guy in his 40s. I always think of him as a guy in his early/mid-30s.
    Really? Wow, I honestly had no idea. Lazenby looks much, much older than 29 in OHMSS.
  • Posts: 19,339
    Sir Rog was brought in to stablilise the ship.They needed someone reliable,who had been linked with Bond before and who was well known on both sides of the Atlantic.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited August 2011 Posts: 14,076
    In all fairness Dalton and Brosnan weren't that much younger. Dalton was 2 years younger at 43 and Brosnan was 3 years younger at 42.
    True, but whereas Moore's age caught up to him in FYEO, when Moore was what... 53 or 54, Daltons age held up through his 50's (through the 1990's). Brosnan started to look old in parts of DAD.

    ^ That's from the 2000 film, Possessed. I find it hard to believe, but Dalton would have been about 56 (same age as Moore in OP) there. Actually, I would go out an a limb, and say Dalton look Bondian at 56 than he did at 46.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    I actually believe Dalton would have been great until 2000, and Brosnan from 2002 to 2012, but I am in the minority on that one... Brosnan looked very Bondian at 57 in Ghost Writer. And also, he gained much needed acting talents post-2002, so maybe his acting in Bond would have been much greater.
  • Posts: 4,762
    Roger still looked very Bond-like at 45, and pretty much stayed that way until FYEO. I'd even go to say MR, but he looked decent in FYEO. That would make sense, considering the fact that he was supposed to quit after FYEO. I think they intended to use him for as long as possible, if he was willing to continue, that is.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    @DaltonCraig007, I agree. This is him arriving on set of 'I Don't Know How She Does It':


    Still looking great!
  • edited August 2011 Posts: 1,778
    In all fairness Dalton and Brosnan weren't that much younger. Dalton was 2 years younger at 43 and Brosnan was 3 years younger at 42.
    True, but whereas Moore's age caught up to him in FYEO, when Moore was what... 53 or 54, Daltons age held up through his 50's (through the 1990's). Brosnan started to look old in parts of DAD.

    ^ That's from the 2000 film, Possessed. I find it hard to believe, but Dalton would have been about 56 (same age as Moore in OP) there. Actually, I would go out an a limb, and say Dalton look Bondian at 56 than he did at 46.
    I'll agree that Dalton aged gracefully through most of the 90s but I remember watching Possesed and thinking how old Dalton looked. I think that's just a really good picture of him. Anyway by 2000 I think he would've been too old for the part.
    I actually believe Dalton would have been great until 2000, and Brosnan from 2002 to 2012, but I am in the minority on that one... Brosnan looked very Bondian at 57 in Ghost Writer. And also, he gained much needed acting talents post-2002, so maybe his acting in Bond would have been much greater.
    I don't think your in the minority DC, I think your the only one. I don't know too many people who'd prefer their Bond to be nearing their father's age. And have you thought of the action sequences? Brosnan wasn't impressive in a fight scene in his 40s, in his 50s they'd be unwatchable. His stuntman would get equal billing as James Bond in the credits. Whether Brosnan debuted younger in TLD or older in 2002, I don't think it would've made any difference. He just didn't have what it took to be James Bond.
  • edited December 2011 Posts: 555
    Watching LALD and was thinking the same thing about Moore. But he does appear so much younger tan Connery in the previous film.

    Worst PTS ever, btw.
    First of all @JobeGDG that's Dalton pic. Get your own haha.

    I'm pretty sure Jobe made that image of Dalton
  • edited December 2011 Posts: 555
    Sorry. Double post.
  • edited December 2011 Posts: 300
    Didn't Sam Neill audition also at some point? I know he auditioned for TLD, but does anybody know if he auditioned for Bond before that? I always thought he would make an interesting Bond. Better than PB in my opinion.
  • AgentJamesBond007AgentJamesBond007 Vesper’s grave
    Posts: 2,637

    I'm pretty sure Jobe made that image of Dalton

    He did! during the Bond 17 fan art contest at good ol' KTBEU.

    I think EON wanted Rog until Moonraker and brough in a new Bond of the 80s. As times were stiffer, they kept resigning him until 1985z

  • I'm pretty sure Jobe made that image of Dalton

    He did! during the Bond 17 fan art contest at good ol' KTBEU.

    I think EON wanted Rog until Moonraker and brough in a new Bond of the 80s. As times were stiffer, they kept resigning him until 1985z

    Ah. I thought as much. So I suppose he has gotten his own, eh?

    Silly question, but I was only half paying attention while doing some work: does Moore not wear a Tux in his debut?

  • Posts: 2,341
    This is so funny in hindsight. Moore wanted to quit after Moonraker. the only one complaining about his age was Moore himself. He did manage to endear himself to fans for such a long time despite the widening gap between his age and his leading ladies'.
    Now lots of us fans say ,"duh, Moore should have quit a few films earlier". Yeah, right. Nobody was whinning about his age in FYEO, OP, AVTAK. It was long after he left that people started complaining about him.
    I hated to see him go, he had grown on me but now as I look back at the mid 1980's, I'm glad he did.
    Timothy Dalton was a good replacement.
  • St_GeorgeSt_George Shuttling Drax's lovelies to the space doughnut - happy 40th, MR!
    Posts: 1,699
    BAIN123 wrote:
    Moore, even in his older days, was still relitively sucessful and well liked even if the films themselves weren't as popular (they still did pretty well - especially OP in the States).

    About time someone made this point in this thread. L-)

    The other reasons, I'd argue, for Bond's diminishing box-office returns during the '80s were, one, the competition around - namely the fantasy adventure of/ inspired by Spielberg and Lucas and that featuring the likes of Arnie. Hollywood really did bite into the Anglo-American Eon's apple during that decade. And, two, the fact 007 felt a bit tired and flat that decade - and not necessarily because of Sir Rog's age, I'd argue, more because of the direction of John Glen (which was adequate but hardly inventive or outstanding) and overall quality of films. During the '80s, the cinematic Bond just didn't lead the pack anymore in the way it definitely had in the '60s and mostly did in the '70s.

    As to what Dalton was doing in the early '80s, I'd wager it was project after project for his first love - theatre. That would generally have come first for him before cinema, as it has most of his career. Can't blame him really, by all accounts he was a great stage actor - and a better one than he is a film actor, I suspect (and that's not necessarily to criticise his acting ability, peeps)... :)

  • I'm pretty sure Jobe made that image of Dalton

    He did! during the Bond 17 fan art contest at good ol' KTBEU.

    I think EON wanted Rog until Moonraker and brough in a new Bond of the 80s. As times were stiffer, they kept resigning him until 1985z

    With that being the case I'll have to change my pic. And @Jobe my complements to you sir on a fine job.
  • And here it is. My new pic. Daniel Craig's first official photo as James Bond and IMO still his best. I really wished he would grow his hair out alittle, like in this shot. I hated his generic haircut in CR and QOS
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    That's EON copyrighted @DoubleOhhSeven, ao you'll have to change it again I believe, as anything EON is not allowed. Sorry to tell you this!
  • edited December 2011 Posts: 1,778
    Samuel001 wrote:
    That's EON copyrighted @DoubleOhhSeven, ao you'll have to change it again I believe, as anything EON is not allowed. Sorry to tell you this!

    You're kidding right? Serious question. I'll change it if I have to.
  • Samuel001 wrote:
    That's EON copyrighted @DoubleOhhSeven, ao you'll have to change it again I believe, as anything EON is not allowed. Sorry to tell you this!

    You're kidding right? Serious question. I'll change it if I have to.

    He's actually speaking the truth, @DoubleOhhSeven :)>-
  • edited December 2011 Posts: 555
    Samuel001 wrote:
    That's EON copyrighted @DoubleOhhSeven, ao you'll have to change it again I believe, as anything EON is not allowed. Sorry to tell you this!

    You're kidding right? Serious question. I'll change it if I have to.

    He's actually speaking the truth, @DoubleOhhSeven :)>-

    Oh dear. What have a caused? Forgive me OhSeven?
  • Haha it's cool guys. Can I use this one?
  • Posts: 278
    Go watch the tourist.
    In my opinion Dalton could still play Bond now, never mind up until 2000.
    Posts: 107
    Roger Moore has aged wonderfully well.

    When he continued the role in Live and Let Die he looked much younger than Sean Connery (mainly because Connery was out of shape in Diamonds Are Forever).

    I believe the Broccoli family or EON intended Moore be a long term 007 and the reason for this being they wanted a model professional (following George Lazenby's short and adolescent spell) - An experienced actor that can handle the pressures of being 007.
  • Posts: 562
    dchantry wrote:
    ...Dalton could still play Bond now, never mind up until 2000.

    Agreed. If I had my way, Dalton would have been Bond from 1980 until 2002.
  • edited December 2011 Posts: 12,837
    @Luds Yes, Dalton and TLD increased the attendance, but all that was for nothing - LTK made LESS than AVTAK, the least attended movie prior to LTK. So Even if Dalton had started in AVTAK, attendance would drop again in 1987 and again in 1989 for his third outing... As I see it, Dalton was condemned to a 2 tenure outing, or he'd be known as the Bond who killed the franchise.

    It wasn't LTKs fault, it got decent enough reviews, its just that people were losing intrest in bond as a whole and LTK had alot of competition. I stand by my opinion that dalton is the greatest bond ever and LTK is the best film.

    on another note, the legal issues were a pain but they did get people all excited for goldeneye because of the gap, it gave people a break and got them excited for when a new bond film was finally released.

    But on topic, I think eon just wanted to keep moore for as long as they could. I don't think they really like/liked changing actors frequently and taking a risk, which is why I think they kept moore for octopussy, but after AVTAK, they didn't have alot of choice.
  • Agent005 wrote:
    dchantry wrote:
    ...Dalton could still play Bond now, never mind up until 2000.

    Agreed. If I had my way, Dalton would have been Bond from 1980 until 2002.

    thats film heaven right there. It would be a shame to miss out on brosnan though, maybe dalton up until 1999 then brosnan for one or two films after.
  • Posts: 562
    Can't say I'd miss Brosnan. Same way that I can't say I'd miss Moore. Lazenby should have been in from '69 to '79.
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