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They may have had sex but I doubt there was any romance involved. He was a cold bastard and she was deranged.
I think her impulses were too strong to be able to contro them, that woman was always horny and part of that was killing the men who were with her.
She would have killed him accidentally
I'm inclined to agree. She was incapable of safe sexual relations. She would have killed Alec without meaning to.
I didn't read the novelization. Maybe the answer is there.
I was thinking that myself but it's been too long since I last read it to remember if it mentions anything about this.
Either way it is pretty warped that they watch the sex and then watch as the man is killed.
That’s a very long non-stop journey for a helicopter.
I also assumed that the unseen potential voyeur was Ouromov.
As to a sexual encounter between Alec and Xenia, surely he did. Who wouldn’t?
No idea about Alec and Xenia. We like to think they did though, don't we? What's clear is they both like strawberries!
They change clothes though. I don't think it's supposed to be Ouromov in Monaco. Plus it's clearly a day or so later as Bond returns to the UK in that time.
That one boggles me too. Clearly, Ouromov looks nothing like Chuck.
Or the same plastic surgeon as Mister Angelo got in TB?
Either way, please remember, we use Science Fact in Bond films. ;)
Regarding the doppelganger, I always understood it was inspired by Angelo in TB.
I think Trevelyan loved Bond. The movie makes more sense if you see it this way.
That's a different take on things, certainly.