As some of you may know the film image of James Bond and his adventures was used in the mass protests in the United States (and no doubt other countries) against the continuation of the unpopular Vietnam War. In the excellent book James Bond: The Legacy (2002) by John Cork and Bruce Scivally for instance there is a picture of one such public protest in the United States against the war where the protesters held up a specially made banner showing the then President Lyndon B. Johnson in Goldfinger poster pose with a gun and with the title "BLOODFINGER" appended to the image. No doubt there were similar protests when President Richard Nixon extended the war into Cambodia and Laos.
Kingsley Amis also refers to the Vietnam War in his interesting essay 'A New James Bond' (1968) (which was reprinted with some additions in his essay collection What Became of Jane Austen? and Other Questions [1970]) and how his being associated with Ian Fleming and Bond meant that he was labelled by the Left as pro-American and by extension in favour of the Western imperialism that led to the unpopular Vietnam War.
There's also the fact the there was a plan to film TMWTGG in Cambodia with Roger Moore as Bond in 1968 but this had to be scrapped due to the civil unrest in that country and the wider context of the Vietnam War. Veteran Bond director Guy Hamilton also said in the SE/UE Making of TMWTGG extras that he wanted to have James Bond visit Saigon in Vietnam but he decided this wasn't a very bright place to send James Bond in light of the ongoing conflict there.
And finally, James Bond also accidentally strays into North Vietnamese waters in TND due to the off-centre GPS device.
The purpose of this thread is to collect together any other links with Bond and the Vietnam War and specifically these types of protests.
I'm looking forward to getting some interesting feedback from my fellow members, as always! :)
A more ripe film target was John Wayne who had the complete support of the U. S. govt. in the 'Green Berets'(1968) and was supplied equipment and use of a military training site as a location.
Just not buying the premise of taking an obscure banner and developing it into more than just that-an outlier.
Thank you for your interest, @PropertyOfALady and @Thunderpussy!
Yes, I see your immediate point of course, @FLeiter but I have more evidence built up and am planning to do a write-up on it all when I get it collated as I find it a fascinating sort of footnote to the James Bond character of the 1960s and 1970s. I perhaps should have made more it a bit more clear that I was not including Ian Fleming or the original Bond novels that he penned in this thread as of course Fleming died in 1964 before the Vietnam War had escalated. As one can see I have placed this thread in the 'Bond Movies' sub-section of our community for just that reason. Perhaps it was my reference to Kingsley Amis' essay that served to muddy the waters on this issue?
By the way, I'm going to bulk out the OP to make it clearer that there are a few more connections between James Bond and the Vietnam War and that although an obscure Bondian topic it is still worthy of more study and research from serious-minded Bond fans.
As promised I've added some more details to the OP of this thread in order to expand the discussion somewhat.
I'd love to hear from you, as always! :)
I do find it a fascinating (and largely ignored) Bond topic. See the OP for the evidence I have collated so far.
Some time ago, I offered this, as you might remember:
We should have merged the threads.
Thanks for that link, @TripAces. I'll gratefully add that to my research reading list on this topic as I feel I need to explore it further in an upcoming blog article.
That's the closest related item I found skimming the book after seeing the recent headline "A New Book Reveals James Bond’s Vietnam War-Era Origin Story" (below).
I also notice the described Universal Exports activity in Europe and elsewhere mirrors real world Air America (1946-1976) airline as the CIA's covert assistance during the Vietnam War to Asian players. Even allowing or assisting Laotian drug smugglers' activity.
Timothy Dalton on the set of "The Living Daylights"
Sunset Boulevard/Corbis/Getty
And my interest was piqued of course by the mention of protests directed at US President Lyndon Johnson and the Bloodfinger poster. Hadn't seen it so I searched it out to represent here as well. 00$ indeed.
Interesting that at a time US public sentiment was going against the Vietnam War, it began to draw support from Kingsley Amis and his associates. Therefore the group letter in the Times, "US Policies in Vietnam."
Detail from the 1970 Pan Books cover of Colonel Sun.
Kingsley Amis in 1965, three years before the publication of Colonel Sun.
Photograph: PA Wire
Daniel Craig in Spectre, one of the Bond film adaptations featuring details inspired by Colonel Sun.
Photograph: Allstar/United Artists
The letter.
Semic Press, September 1987.
True: The Man's Magazine, April 1968.
Jean-Luc Godard filming scenes for 'Sympathy for the Devil' in 1968.
Andrew Maclear/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Notable example Major General Edward Lansdale as "The American James Bond". More detail in the complete article for the content of Graham Greene's novel The Quiet American, divergent perspectives of two film versions.
And still more in Max Boot's book The Road Not Taken: Edward Lansdale and the American Tragedy in Vietnam.
Major General Edward Lansdale, 1963 (U.S. Air Force Photograph)
South Vietnam fighter pilot and later activist Ly Tong, known as "The Vietnamese James Bond".
Former fighter pilot Ly Tong hijacked a plane flying from Thailand to Vietnam in 1992
to distribute thousands of leaflets calling for the overthrow of the communist government.
Above, Tong waves as he arrives at court in Bangkok in 2006.
(Pornchai Kittiwongsakul / AFP/Getty Images)
Pilot Ly Tong gestures as he responds to a reporter after receiving medals from the
Brothers to the Rescue and the Cuban American Veterans Assn. in Miami in 2000.
(Alan Diaz / Associated Press)
Ly Tong flips through a booklet describing his past exploits during a visit
to Little Saigon in Westminster in 2008.
(Marc Martin / Los Angeles Times)
Not specific to Vietnam but over the years I've lived and worked in Korea and Japan. While in Korea in the 90s especially I took a bunch of Asian Studies courses, including some on Vietnam. My larger interest earlier was the Korean Conflict and Korean War movies, I must have read 40 or so books on the war. Then I eventually refocused on Vietnam almost as completely, maybe 25-30 non-fiction books and novels. And about 10 years ago, before departing Japan I visited Vietnam and Cambodia as a tourist with my family, had a very good experience there.
You Only Live Twice (1967)
Inside The Man with the Golden Gun Original 007 Documentary Behind the scenes (30:58)
0:00 Patrick Macnee narrating: 0:30 0:45 Roger Moore: 0:49 Charles "Jerry" Juroe, former VP Marketing EON Productions: 0:52 Roger Moore: 1:04 2:14 Guy Hamilton, Director
The Man with the Golden Gun (film) Kiernan, Ben, and, “The Samlaut rebellion, 1967-68.” In Peasants and Politics in Kampuchea, 1945-1981, edited by Ben Kiernan and Chanthou Boua, 166-193. London: Zed Press; New York: M.E.Sharpe Inc., 1982.
19 - Kiernan, 1982, p.176
20 - Kiernan, 1982, p.177
23 - Kiernan, 1982, p.178
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
Recalling dialog in
Spoof poster 1968
And also in the war protest lane.