James Bond and the Vietnam War Protests?



  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,141
    Travis Pike | October 7, 2021

    I love when military forces use something other than the same old standard issue kit. I like the what and the why of the situation–the mission sets, circumstances, and individuals who are forced to look outside the confines of the base armory for their loadout. The MACV-SOG weapons, like the very men in the elite and secretive unit, most certainly stand out.

    The Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group, or MACV-SOG, was one of the most secretive special operations groups in the world. MACV-SOG mixed a number of Special Operations forces and CIA men to form an elite team that could conduct special and black operations in places the United States could not acknowledge they were going at the time.

    The Why Behind the MACV-SOG Weapons

    To accomplish their incredibly dangerous and secretive missions, the men of MACV-SOG were armed with a variety of weird and unique weapons. One of the most significant reasons these special operators weren’t rocking the same firearms as the rest of the service was that the standard-issue weapons just didn’t fit many of their special mission profiles.

    Perhaps most importantly, however, MACV-SOG conducted secret operations fighting North Vietnamese guerillas in Cambodia and Laos, both nations U.S. troops were not authorized to fight in. The weird MACV-SOG weapons gave the United States a degree of plausible deniability in the event things went wrong and the MACV-SOG commandos didn’t make it back.

    Deception was also a critical factor in the survival of the MACV-SOG operators, and carrying indigenous weapon systems, or weapons that were capable of unusual and specific functions, sometimes aided in that effort.

    The XM177 Commando

    The Mk 22 Hushpuppy

    Swedish K


    The Uzi
    Walther PPK
    The Walther PPK is famed for its use by James Bond in numerous movies and books, but it also rolled with real black ops commandos in the MACV-SOG world. The Walther PPK was very small and fired the 380 ACP round. This round is subsonic by nature and with a suppressor, it’s a very quiet gun. This made it one of the earliest suppressed pistols used by Vietnam commandos and provided an off-the-shelf option before specially made weapons became available.

    This little pistol allowed SOG commandos to dispatch their enemies quite silently. It was also small and lightweight, and these guys liked shaving weight, seeing as they had to carry everything they used through the jungle.
    Cut Down RPD

    Browning High Power

    V-40 Mini Grenades
    Hitting Hard

    MACV-SOG weapons were capable weapons that allowed these soldiers to accomplish their unique missions. These forces provided a clandestine edge to American forces in Vietnam. While these small arms were really a tiny part of the greater war, in the hands of the men of MACV-SOG, they could accomplish a great deal.
    Why U.S. Special Forces Loved
    to Use Captured AK-47s in
    December 6, 2021 by War Is Boring
    Topic: AK-47 Region: United States Blog Brand: The Reboot
    Tags: U.S. ArmyVietnam WarNavy SEALArmy Special ForcesMACV-SOG

    The AK-47's dependability and the ability to surprise enemies were both factors in why American soldiers sometimes used the Soviet assault rifle.

    Key point: The practice of taking enemy weapons from the battlefield as trophies was hardly new in the 1960s. But captured weapons—especially AK variants—quickly became important parts of U.S. Army Special Forces and U.S. Navy SEAL Teams’ combat arsenals.

    While the Soviet Avtomat Kalashnikova has become the iconic weapon of bad guys in Hollywood blockbusters and big-budget video games, U.S. commandos made good use of the rugged rifles in Vietnam.

    By the end of the conflict, the American military had reissued captured AK-47s, made new ammunition for them and came up with a few other surprises.

    It’s often because the commandos hated their own U.S.-made guns.

    “Initially, the AK-47 was available in only small numbers to the Viet Cong fighting in South Vietnam,” historian Kevin Dockery explained in his book Special Warfare Special Weapons. “This resulted in the AK-47 being something of a prestige weapon.”

    This extended to the Americans.


    MACV-SOG’s personnel became among the most notable users of captured gear. In September 1970, the group even asked the Army’s Land Warfare Laboratory to modify six of its captured AKs.
    Less than a year later, the technicians returned the guns with silencers and modified sights, according to official progress reports. The weaponeers also created 10 silenced Walther PPKS pistols — the famed sidearm of fictional super-spy James Bond — as part of the project.

    Why MACV-SOG Used the Walther
    By Travis Pike - January 28, 2022
    The Vietnam War began the outline for the anti-insurgency tactics, gear, and firearms we’d use to this day. This long, drawn-out war forced the United States military to develop modern special operations forces, and alongside these forces, they developed equipment still in use today. This includes night vision, protective vests, and suppressors. One of the premier special observation units was MACV-SOG. This inter-branch Special Operations Group pioneered asymmetric warfare and used a variety of non-standard firearms. One odd firearm of choice was the Walther PPK.

    Sure, MACV-SOG was a secretive force, but they were no James Bond-level spies. While the little Walther PPK proved itself in the hands of fictional spies, it’s an odd choice for commandos. Those feisty Germans designed the Walther PP family as police pistols. In the United States, police pistols have always been full-sized firearms, but in most of Europe, a police pistol was rather small.
    The PP stands for Polizeipistole. The K model is the shortest variant of an already small pistol. It has a shorter barrel, grip, and frame with a slightly reduced capacity. From the ground up, the idea was concealment. In 1931 it hit the streets intended for plainclothes and undercover police work.

    Why The Walther PPK Was A Weird Choice
    MACV-SOG wasn’t hard up for handguns. Heck, they had the pick of the litter. Big Army had the M1911A1, and they could’ve certainly carried it. MACV-SOG had access to the Browning Hi-Power, the S&W 39, and even a number of revolvers. They had fighting pistols, so the Walther PPK seemed like an odd choice.

    The benefit of concealability wasn’t necessary. These guys were rocking Tiger Stripes and CAR-15s. They weren’t trying to appendix carry concealed carry rigs. The Walther PPK is a fine pistol in a concealed carry role but doesn’t have a lot of appeal when bigger options are available.
    Sure ounces, equal pounds, and all that, but the difference in fighting potential can’t be ignored. The Walther PPK fired the anemic 380 ACP. Modern 380 ACP is the minimum for concealed carry these days. Without modern ammo, I imagine those 380 ACP FMJs weren’t ballistically that impressive.

    The Walther PPK only held seven of those feisty little rounds. The sights are super small and would be tough to see even on a good day.
    It’s not a bad gun. It’s reliable, ergonomic, and accurate. However, it’s not designed to be a warfighting pistol and certainly wouldn’t excel in that role.

    So Why Did the PPK End Up In Service?
    Well, it’s quite simple, really. The Walther PPK worked very well as a suppressed pistol. Remember, this is the Vietnam timeframe. Most handguns used a Browning short-recoil design, and suppressors added weight to the barrel that would prohibit reliable function. Nielsen devices hadn’t seemed to catch on just yet, so the 1911, Hi-Power, and S&W 39 weren’t a great choice in the early days of the war.

    Sure, they figured it out before the war ended, but in the early days, there weren’t a lot of options. The Walther PPK fits the bill. It didn’t need a Nielsen device due to the fixed barrel and blowback design. Thus, it would operate without issue when suppressed.

    The 380 ACP cartridge might be anemic, but plenty of commercial loads was subsonic at the time. This made it very easy to have a reliable, suppressed pistol that was quite quiet. The small size of these pistols made them easy to carry with a suppressor on as well.

    I’d imagine they were used for up close sentry removal and guard dog elimination. The suppressors blocked the sights, so they weren’t that easy to aim with. It’s certainly a specialized setup that’s certainly seems designed on the fly.
    The Hushpuppy would be the future of Suppressed pistols in Vietnam
    Turning Bang to pew
    The Walther PPK isn’t the most well-known sidearm of the United States military, but it deserves a little glory. The little fella gave the MACV-SOG commandos a silent option at a time where a silent pistol could be tough to come by. It’s a testament to Walther’s design and the robustness of their pistol. It’s certainly an interesting part of American military firearm history as well.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,141
    Sir Roger Moore helps UNICEF fight iodine deficiency
    The World Today - Wednesday, 29 October , 2003 12:24:45
    Reporter: Tanya Nolan

    This is a transcript from The World Today. The program is broadcast around Australia at 12:10pm on ABC Local Radio.

    You can also listen to the story in
    ELIZABETH JACKSON: This year marks half a century since the United Nations Children's Fund first used celebrities to promote its cause and one of those who's been an active and passionate supporter of UNICEF for more than a decade now is the former 007, Sir Roger Moore, encouraged by his good friend and former goodwill ambassador, the late actress Audrey Hepburn.
    After travelling to more than a dozen countries and, as he puts it, "reminding Hollywood" of the plight of children in the developing world, Sir Roger Moore was knighted by the Queen this month for his efforts.
    He's currently in Vietnam, looking at UNICEF projects to combat iodine deficiency and childhood injury prevention, and he spoke to our reporter Tanya Nolan from Ho Chi Minh City.
    ROGER MOORE: It's a very difficult sell IDD, you know, first of all you have to explain what iron deficiency disorders mean and then to, sort of, get people to contribute towards something that they really don't quite understand. They don't understand why. Well, we have iodised salt; what do we have it for? You know, for goitres. We don't have goitres. No, goitres is not visible today because of the iodisation of salt, but it does affect one-fifth of the world's population.

    So, that's what we were looking at in Cambodia and also the fact that this week, the Prime Minister in Cambodia signed a decree that no salt would be sold or imported in Cambodia that was not iodised.

    TANYA NOLAN: Well, another issue that I understand you've been seeing a bit more about whilst in Vietnam is this issue of childhood injury prevention and I understand that the Vietnamese Government is about to embark on the world's first-ever childhood injury prevention program.

    Can you tell me a bit about that?

    ROGER MOORE: UNICEF has been working on it within Vietnam over the last few years and it was finally…agreements were signed this year and UNICEF started this campaign for education in schools and families of accident prevention because, if you can imagine 30,000 children die every year from an injury in Vietnam, which is 80 children a day.

    TANYA NOLAN: That seems like an extraordinary figure. What is causing these deaths?

    ROGER MOORE: Well, you know, it's all sort of things we may take for granted. If you take a country like this which is, you know, 3,000 kilometres long and there is a long coastline and there's much lowland and many rice paddies and many houses built on stilts on waterways, then you have an awful lot of drowning.

    TANYA NOLAN: How did you become a UNICEF goodwill ambassador? I understand that you were spurred a bit by the involvement of your good friend, the late Audrey Hepburn.

    ROGER MOORE: It was her passion talking about children that intrigued me into finding out more about the functions of UNICEF.

    TANYA NOLAN: Well, you've been doing this for UNICEF for about 10 years now…


    TANYA NOLAN: …and you were recently recognised for you work by the Queen, who knighted you. What did that mean to you?

    ROGER MOORE: Well, for me it was a) a tremendous honour but it was a recognition of the fact that there is an organisation like UNICEF, and that I am fortunate enough to be somebody who's reasonably well known and for that I have a use within UNICEF when it comes to fundraising.

    And it is a recognition of all the countless number of people that work within UNICEF, those that are paid and also those, the many thousands who are volunteers.

    TANYA NOLAN: Is it a recognition for being a "nuisance", as you described yourself?
    ROGER MOORE: (Laughs) Yeah, for being a nuisance with governments and ministers, sort of bending their ear, you know, all they want to sort of is ask you about what it's like to be James Bond and I just start telling them what it's like to be a child.

    TANYA NOLAN: And have you drawn on anything from your time playing 007 for your role as goodwill ambassador for UNICEF?

    ROGER MOORE: Well, first of all, role implies you're playing a part, uh, you know, James Bond was a part. When I was doing it I didn't think about the politics of it, it was just a piece of entertainment and wasn't, uh, a real thing at all.

    To me Bond, there was no reality because James Bond is supposed to be a spy who is…but he's recognised everywhere. He walks into a bar and everybody says, oh, 007 have a martini, shaken not stirred. They even know his alcoholic tastes! I mean, that is not a spy.

    TANYA NOLAN: Do people still ask you if you want a martini?

    ROGER MOORE: I do get that occasionally and I also get people saying, where's your halo?

    ELIZABETH JACKSON: In case you didn't get that, that's a reference to his TV role as The Saint. That was former secret agent James Bond, now UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Sir Roger Moore, speaking to our own Tanya Nolan.
    Remembering Bond actor Roger
    Moore and his heartwarming Vietnam
    By VnExpress, Reuters May 23, 2017
    UNICEF says the world has just lost 'one of its great champions for children.'
    Actor Roger Moore, who earned international fame playing British secret agent James Bond in seven movies, died of cancer on Tuesday at the age of 89, his family said.

    His 12 years as action man 007, the fictitious spy with a voracious appetite for danger and sex, made Moore a millionaire and a heartthrob the world over, though in reality he was a shy, private man who found some of Bond's escapades embarrassing.

    "It is with a heavy heart that we must announce our loving father, Sir Roger Moore, has passed away today in Switzerland after a short but brave battle with cancer," his three children announced in a statement on the Twitter account.

    Tributes poured in from celebrities including actors Russell Crowe and Mia Farrow and from UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund for which he worked as a "goodwill ambassador".

    The official Twitter feed of British composer Andrew Lloyd Webber posted, "Farewell dearestRoger, All our love", while U.S. reality TV star Kris Jenner dubbed Moore "the ultimate James Bond".

    The son of a London policeman, Moore once said the upper-crust image he portrayed both on and off the screen was a carefully nurtured cover for his shyness and timidity.

    “"I couldn't walk into a restaurant on my own for 20 or 30 years ...," he once said, saying that all changed when he found fame in the role. "(But) that's not really me. Timid me would rather stay home and have a sandwich."

    Moore said he was terrified by the stunts he had to perform as Bond and would steel himself before facing the cameras in sex scenes with a mixture of valium and beer.

    Moore's big breakthrough as an actor came in 1962, when he won the part of "“The Saint" in a popular television series of the same name. In this role, he honed his image of the urbane Englishman with a stream of damsels to rescue from distress.

    In 1973 came the role of James Bond, writer Ian Fleming's suave secret agent, and it held cinemagoers across the world in thrall. The Bond films were said to have earned Moore 14 million pounds ($22 million).

    Moore, who replaced Sean Connery as 007 and was the third actor to take on the role, starred in seven Bond movies including "The Man with the Golden Gun", "The Spy who Loved Me", "Moonraker" and "Octopussy".

    He moved to the United States to become a tax exile.

    "I don't see why a chap shouldn't do what he likes and live where he wants on his money, and the British government, which allows talent to go abroad because of taxation, has only itself to blame," he said in an interview in 1989.

    After handing over the role of Bond to Timothy Dalton, Moore went into semi-retirement, living a millionaire's life and travelling between his homes in Los Angeles, Switzerland and the south of France.

    He became an ambassador for UNICEF in 1991, a role he retained until his death.

    In October 2003, he visited Vietnam for the first time see first hand two crucial programs – water and environmental sanitation and childhood injury prevention.

    “I don’t like statistics but they are often necessary to get a message across – when two thirds of rural Vietnamese don’t have adequate sanitation and eighty children are dying every day from preventable injuries, something must be done," Moore said in a statement released by UNICEF at the time.

    "I will go away from Vietnam rich in the memories of smiling faces and the warmth of the people, in spite of the adversity still faced by many of them.”

    UNICEF goodwill ambassador and former James Bond star Sir Roger Moore (L) and his wife Kristina Tholstrup read children's notebook at a kindergarden at Trieu Thuan Commune in the Vietnam's central province of Quang Tri in a file photo taken in October 28, 2003. Photo by Reuters/Kham

    "With the passing of Sir Roger Moore, the world has lost one of its great champions for children – and the entire UNICEF family has lost a great friend," the agency's executive director Anthony Lake said in a statement.

    "In his most famous roles as an actor, Sir Roger was the epitome of cool sophistication; but in his work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, he was a passionate – and highly persuasive – advocate for children."

    Pinewood Studios, where Moore filmed several of the James Bond films, described Moore as "a force of nature" in a tweet. "His humor and spirit will be missed by all of us," it added.

    Moore is survived by his fourth wife, Scandinavian socialite Kristina "Kiki" Tholstrup, whom he married in 2002, and by his three children from an earlier marriage, Deborah, Geoffrey and Christian.
    I will go away from Vietnam rich in the memories of smiling faces
    and the warmth of the people, in spite of the adversity still faced by many of them.

    Roger Moore, Vietnam visit, 2003


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,141

    007 attends the virtual launching ceremony of
    Cambodia’s first “Safe Ground” campaign
    (IndochinaKings.org) James Bond actor Daniel Craig virtually attended the launch of Cambodia’s first Safe Ground on Jan 22 at 7.30pm in a live online event organized by United Nations Development Programme Cambodia (UNDP).
    January 23, 2021 274

    UNDP said Craig is the UN Global Advocate for the Elimination of Mines and Explosive Hazards.

    During the online event, Craig would speak about why he cared so deeply about this issue and what further efforts could be made to end the scourge of landmines which still claimed thousands of civilian lives each year.

    UNDP resident representative Nick Beresford said the event had been organized to support Cambodia’s goal to achieve mine-free status by 2025.

    Craig would be speaking with Cambodian Mine Action Authority (CMAA) first vice president Ly Thuch for the virtual event.

    Beresford said the Safe Ground campaign turned minefields into playing fields – safe spaces for children to learn and play.

    UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres launched the five-year Safe Ground campaign on April 4, 2019 as part of that year’s International Mine Awareness Day, which has been observed annually since 2005.
    The Safe Ground campaign would be launched in Cambodia in a small village in Battambang province at Stoeng Toch Krom primary school, which was located on a former minefield.

    Thuch told The Post on Jan 19 that Cambodia is happy to have such a famous celebrity to help raise awareness of the impact of mines in the country and to help raise more funds to support demining activities.

    “We have been working with UNDP and they invited Daniel Craig. He wanted to visit Cambodia but due to Covid-19, UNDP was forced to change the event into a video conference, ” Thuch said.
    The presence of “James Bond” at the Safe Ground event was meant to serve as a wake-up call to donors around the globe to consider the impacts of explosive remnants of war and to support Cambodia’s demining efforts.
    Thuch said Cambodia would show the planned video conference to the annual international mine assembly and at other big events related to the demining issue.

    He noted Cambodia still had 800sq km of land littered with mines – especially along the border with Thailand.

    “The Kingdom will need to demine more than 100sq km of land each year going forward in order to meet its mine-free target date of 2025, ” he said

    Daniel Craig's message for International Mine Awareness Day 2021 (2:18)

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,141

    The British fought Vietnam
    alongside Gurkhas, Indians, and
    Japanese POWs – and won
    Team Mighty | May 21, 2022

    For hundreds of years, the country we know today as Vietnam has been invaded and occupied by outsiders the world over. At the end of World War II, the Vietnamese had enough of colonialism and external rule by a foreign power. They were going to gain independence by any means necessary.

    In the annals of military history, the occupiers and invaders of Vietnam most often remembered are the French and the Americans, neither of which truly succeeded in subduing Vietnam. Even China’s invasion of the country was short-lived.

    For a short period of time after the end of World War II the United Kingdom went to war in Vietnam. The only difference was they were successful in achieving their wartime aims.

    The United States spent almost 20 years aiding South Vietnam and preventing a Communist takeover of the country from its northern neighbor. Before that, Vietnam fought a war for independence from French colonial rule in the years following World War II.

    What neither country could fully grasp from the locals was that the Vietnamese saw themselves as fighting for freedom from outside rule. They wanted a Vietnam run by the Vietnamese, and they were willing to pay any price to get it. That price was very high.

    War with the west wasn’t always the one way forward for Vietnam. During World War II, Ho Chi Minh and his Viet Minh fighters sided with the United States and the Office of Strategic Services to harass Japanese forces and rescue American pilots. After the war’s end, Ho declared independence for Vietnam, directly quoting the U.S. Declaration of Independence.
    Hồ Chí Minh, 1921 (Public Domain)
    Ho used the excerpt to get American support in keeping the French out of Vietnam after the war. It didn’t work. Just 11 days after the official surrender of Japan aboard the USS Missouri, fighting broke out in South Vietnam between the Viet Minh under Ho Chi Minh and a surprising mix of allies set to impose colonial rule on the country.

    Before World War II ended, it was decided that the Chinese under Chiang Kai Shek would receive the Japanese surrender in Northern Indochina while the British would accept a Japanese surrender in the South. Just before the Allies arrived, the Viet Minh had taken control of the government and imprisoned a French garrison as POWs.
    Chiang Kai-shek (Flickr, Public Domain)
    The POWs were eventually released, rearmed, returned to control of Saigon. But the Viet Minh began cutting off the city from the rest of the country. The impending return of French rule had turned the once-friendly communist forces against the Allies.

    By October 1945, Allied forces formed a motley crew of British, Indian, and French troops along with Nepalese Gurkhas and Japanese POWs to launch a campaign to push the Viet Minh away from Saigon and back north. The Viet Minh saw some successes in small unit combat, but were devastated by British air power and machine guns and, on one occasion, a Gurkha kukri knife charge.

    In the last major battle of the campaign, the Viet Minh were cut down in overnight fighting, losing 100 troops to British machine gun nests. The defending British and Indian troops didn’t have a single fatality. The Viet Minh spent the rest of the conflict conducting ambushes and hit-and-run attacks.
    General Leclerc reviews troops of the 20th Indian Division, Saigon, French Indochina, 22 December 1945.
    The British left Indochina in mid-1946 and the French took back control over the country. The win was fleeting, however. The French would have nominal control over Vietnam, fighting the Viet Minh until being forced to withdraw in 1954.


    Unhistory: Britain’s Forgotten Indochina Connection
    By Elliot Murphy | March 14, 2015

    The popular myth concerning Britain’s relation to the Vietnam conflict in the 1960s and 70s – accepted and repeated to the point of delirium – is that parliament did not send troops, and therefore had no involvement at all. In a recent think piece for the BBC News website justifying the logic of austerity through a discussion of historical antecedents to military spending cuts, feature writer Tom de Castella argues that Britain had ‘no place in Vietnam’, and that ‘the UK was not involved, prime minister Harold Wilson having refused to send troops’. But Wilson in fact supported the US, since MI6 dispatched a team of Malays and tribesmen from Borneo to South Vietnam to participate in a tour of duty alongside ethnic Montagnards. The Observer reported during the 1972 Christmas bombings that ‘the British government has no intention of joining in the international condemnation’ of US aggression, and ‘private comments leave no doubt that British official thinking supports Mr Nixon’s actions’ (Robert Stephens, ‘Britain silent on bombing,’ 24 December 1972).

    British academics have been silent on their country’s role in the Vietnam conflict, in which the US used 15 million tons of munitions, killing between 2 and 3 million people. Mark Curtis explains in Web of Deceit that ‘Britain conducted secret air flights from Hong Kong to deliver arms, especially napalm and five-hundred-pound bombs. MI6 also assisted the Malayan government to transfer arms and other military supplies secretly to South Vietnam. British counter-insurgency experts were also seconded to Saigon as part of a British Advisory Mission. Some soldiers were seconded to Fort Bragg, home of the US special forces, and then inducted into the US army. Britain trained US, Vietnamese and Thai troops at its jungle warfare school in Malaya in the late 1960s, and for several years one of Britain’s leading counter-insurgency experts, a veteran of the war in Malaya, advised the Nixon regime on Vietnam policy’ (Web of Deceit: Britain’s Real Role in the World, London: Vintage, 2003, p. 105).

    But Britain’s chief form of solidarity with the US army was intelligence sharing, with MI6 station heads in Hanoi sending reports to the US: ‘The British monitoring station at Little Sai Wan in Hong Kong provided the US with intelligence until 1975. The US National Security Agency coordinated all signals intelligence in Southeast Asia, and Little Sai Wan was linked to this operation. Its intercepts of North Vietnamese military traffic were used by the US military command to target bombing strikes over North Vietnam’ (ibid). Along with the Wilson administration, the Macmillan, Douglas-Home and Heath governments all lent diplomatic support to the US: ‘Conservative governments were especially enthusiastic but Labour leaders were also consistently sympathetic to basic US objectives and most of its actions. Despite occasional criticism of some specific US military strikes, one will search in vain for British government statements questioning the US’ basic right to conduct the war or questioning its supposed noble, moral motives’ (ibid).

    Of central concern to Whitehall in its support of the war was to ensure that the US continued to support Britain in its hostility towards the popular nationalist Sukarno’s Indonesia in his conflict with Malaysia, a vital British colony. The consequences for Britain’s policy in Malaya if it decided to defend the 1954 Geneva Accords and oppose US aggression were outlined by the Foreign Office in December 1964, which noted that ‘not least because we need American support over Malaysia, we probably have no option but to give diplomatic support, as long as we can, to whatever policy the US government choose to adopt [in Vietnam]’ (Foreign Office brief, ‘Visit to Washington by Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary’, December 1964, PREM13/692). Lord Milverton once cautioned the House of Lords ‘not [to] forget … that the prize in this contest is the richest country for its size and population in the world’, thanks to its ‘rubber and tin, the coal and iron ore … all the tropical produce of Malaya, from palm oil to pineapples – to say nothing of the oil of Brunei and Sarawak.’ This made Malaya the ‘greatest material prize in South-East Asia’ (House of Lords debate, 27 February 1952, Col. 333).

    In a conscious breach of international law, in September 1965 the British Foreign Office ‘agreed to export 300 bombs intended for the US air force “for use in Vietnam”, saying that “there must be no publicity” and that “delivery should be in the UK”. The previous month the Foreign Secretary had agreed to provide the US with 200 Saracen armoured personnel carriers for use in Vietnam “providing that delivery took place in Europe” and that there was “no unavoidable publicity”’ (Mark Curtis, Unpeople: Britain’s Secret Human Rights Abuses, London: Vintage, 2004, pp. 233-4).

    After over 40 years of journalistic experience, John Pilger added in the New Statesman: ‘In the aftermath of the US war in Vietnam, which I reported, the policy in Washington was revenge, a word frequently used in private but never publicly. A medieval embargo was imposed on Vietnam and Cambodia; the Thatcher government cut off supplies of milk to the children of Vietnam. This assault on the very fabric of life in two of the world’s most stricken societies was rarely reported; the consequence was mass suffering’ (‘The real first casualty of war’, 24 April 2006).

    In September 1970, Britain relaxed the restrictions on its arms sales and bombs and helicopter machine-gun turrets were sold to Thailand, which was proceeding to engage in air strikes against Cambodia and Laos. Yet major school textbooks in Britain completely ignore Heath and Wilson’s direct support of the US operations in Vietnam, opting instead to harass Sixth Formers and undergraduates with fun and exciting exercises to test their ability to blandly critique some overtly or – for advanced students only! – implicitly patriotic speech or cartoon. Efforts like Edulens, documenting the patriotic and pro-business biases in mainstream education curricula, act as small voices for the suppressed history of British state violence, and it’s not hard to imagine other creative ways to encourage suspicion of official truths. People don’t always react when you tell them things like this, they often nod and raise their eyebrows in bland agreement or shrug it off entirely; the goal is to hammer the point home enough until this form of behaviour turns into serious action.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,141
    Modern-day collaboration with the West circa 2015 for Spectre as Khám phá qua tầng (Explore through floors) and Kám phá than pho cua the gioi (Discover the Worlds Bar).

    HEINEKEN invites Viet Nam to open Bond's World
    As part of its integrated global Spectre campaign, Heineken® has unveiled a new TV ad entitled ‘The Chase’ featuring Daniel Craig as James Bond in a series of adrenaline pumping actions along a high-speed boat chase and an unexpected twist.

    Heineken®’s Spectre campaign is the brand’s largest global marketing platform of 2015. Spectre, the 24th James Bond adventure, from Albert R. Broccoli’s EON Productions, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, and Sony Pictures Entertainment, will be released in the UK on October 26 and in the US on November 6.

    The Heineken® TVC will be launched mobile-first via Facebook, and will be shown on TV and cinema screens worldwide 24 hours later. Heineken® is the only Spectre partner who has created a TVC starring Daniel Craig.

    Heineken®’s TVC uses Spectre cinematographers and stuntmen to ensure the action sequences are authentically Bond like the scene in the film Spectre. The added twist involves a young woman, Zara, who accidentally becomes involved in a high-speed boat chase where she helps the world’s favourite spy to save the day. Heineken’s Spectre TVC:
    Mr. Andre Koo, Heineken Vietnam Marketing Manager, Vietnam Brewery Limited said, “In celebration of a partnership spanning 18 years, our Spectre campaign is our most innovative ever. The very nature of the Bond film franchise gives us opportunities to take a cutting-edge and pioneering approach that both excites and adds real value to the film fan’s experience. By featuring Daniel Craig in our TVC once again we will give fans access to the world of James Bond”.

    To further heighten anticipation ahead of the movie’s release this autumn, fans will be given access to exclusive Spectre content, through an estimated half a billion Spectre bottles on sale around the world. Fans simply scan the Heineken® logo on special edition Spectre bottles, cans and packs to unlock exclusive content with Daniel Craig, plus behind the scenes footage from five of the movie’s dramatic locations; Mexico City, Rome, London, Austria and Morocco.

    The most anticipated event of the campaign is undoubtedly the glamorous, star-studded SPECTRE premiere night in Vietnam, hosted by Heineken. At this event, scheduled for November 5th 2015, Vietnamese fans will have an opportunity to take great photos in Bond’s world. Vietnamese A-listers and celebrities are expected to grace the event. The premiere night is set to bring an extraordinary experience to loyal fans of both brands and enrich the lives of the Man of the World with a sense of coolness, style and drama.



  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited October 2022 Posts: 14,141
    Another modern cross-over.

    Pho 007 Littleton, Denver. AKA Double-Pho Seven.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,141
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  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,141
    The Unimagined Community: Imperialism and Culture in South Vietnam, Duy Lap Nguyen. 2019.
    Chapter 6 Surveillance and spectacle in Bùi Anh Tuấn’s Z.28 novels Get access Arrow
    Duy Lap Nguyen

    Pages 214–247

    Chapter six proposes a reading of one of the most successful examples of South Vietnamese popular culture: Bùi Anh Tuấn’s Ian Fleming-inspired Z.28 novels. The novels’ primary source of appeal was the language of advertising employed in the prose, a phenomenon that became pervasive during the war. The novels consist of narratives of surveillance modelled on commercials for name-brand commodities. In the series, however, the character of the spy also appears as a symbol for the Republic. The frivolous tales of high mass consumption also suggest a reflection on the place of the nation within the Cold War balance of power. In the Z.28 series, the Republic appears as a state that is undermined by its ally, a nation threatened by its dependence upon its superpower patron. The American government is portrayed as both an ally and an object of political enmity. The Vietnamese spy, then, appears as a figure that opposes its ambivalent ally through the act of consuming American aid in the form of brand-named commodities. In the novels, therefore, the celebration of consumerism implies both an endorsement of US “neo-colonial” consumer culture, as well as a repudiation of the dependence on American aid that created this culture.

    The Unimagined Community:
    Imperialism and Culture in South

    Dr Duy Lap Nguyen
    with Jonathan Chan and Sharmaine Koh

    Transcribed by Law Ee Jean, Edward Nguyen, Sharmaine Koh
    SK: It’s fantastic that you brought that up [the Ngo regime], because one of the questions we wanted to ask was how exactly your book interacts with the idea of Anderson’s imagined and unimagined communities. You mention print culture, and we would like to know if you could share with us some interesting examples of print culture that were fun to work with or that you found particularly interesting?

    DLN: After the fall of the First Republic, the post- Ngô Đình Diệm governments was worried that the Americans were going to criticize them for not promoting enough press freedom. For the Americans, that was the barometer of democracy and the mandate of a viable government: lift censorship laws and maintain a free press. At that point, there was an explosion of newspapers. Newspapers can only survive if people read them. But people were only reading them if these newspapers contained serialized fiction. Suddenly, all of these novels, like by Kim Dung (Jin Yong) the martial arts writer, got serialized in these newspapers. I looked at this South Vietnamese copycat of the James Bond novels — the Z.28

    novels – which also got serialized in the newspapers. The papers are completely dependent on serialized fiction. People will only buy them if they have serialized fiction, which means newspapers can only get advertisers to pay for ads if they have the serialized fiction. But what ends up happening, is that newspapers in Saigon begin to contain more of this stuff. Stuff like horoscopes, instead of news of the war going on in the countryside.

    The communists think that this is some kind of imperialist plot, that the Americans are deliberately putting all of these martial arts novels in popular media to destroy the national spirit during the time of war. Instead of promoting consciousness and so forth, it was assumed that they were dumping mass culture onto the Vietnamese people to dissolve their national spirit. In fact, as the argument I make in the book goes, there was an autonomous effect of the free market for media. The South Vietnamese weren’t lying when they said they were a free society, because they just let the media take on a life of its own. But the unintended effect of all of that was to isolate the imagination of the urban population from the people in the countryside, without anyone trying to deliberately do this.

    JC: The Communists are not unfounded in their fears that this is a kind of capitalist encroachment, because this is literally a market mechanism at work for the press in South Vietnam. So that’s really interesting and as well as how there are these distortions, I guess, in the national communal imaginary of only certain kinds of stories being privileged, especially if they privilege urban subjects as you pointed out. But the base of this revolution is these profound changes and transformations that are going on in the countryside that are increasingly beyond the reach of print media. In terms of the kind of revolutionary literature that was being distributed, I assume the Communist Party and the Workers Party had their own respective chains of distribution that were bypassing what the regular press was doing?

    DLN: Yeah, the Communists are claiming that all of this popular fiction is destroying the will of the Vietnamese people to fight, but it’s also backfiring on the Americans because the Americans want to promote nationalism, so they want more content on television that makes people want to fight. But it turns out that most people want to buy things that are not nationalistic because nationalism is boring. But it also has an interesting effect on Communist propaganda, so the Communists try to find ways to combat this popular culture. There is one document that I found that was detailing all these urban propagandistic strategies that the Communists had, and one was to take these novels by Kim Dung (Jin Yong), these martial arts novels, and take out the pages and insert Communist propaganda inside, which as you can imagine, would be totally ineffective. Because you go out to these stores and buy one of these martial arts novels, and you open it up and it’s a bunch of propaganda on how bad the USA is - you probably won’t continue reading. So it seemed like it was difficult for them to develop an effective strategy against this kind of consumerist culture that was beginning to emerge in the South in this period.

    Other sources of interest:
    Z.28 and the Appeal of Spy Fiction in Southern Vietnam, 1954-1975, Cam Nguyet Nguyen, 2001.
    Sovereignty, Surveillance and Spectacle in South Vietnamese Spy Fiction, Duy Lap Nguyen, 2018.
    This essay develops a reading of Bùi Anh Tuấn’s Ian Fleming–inspired Specter over Red Square (Bóng Ma trên Công Trường Đỏ). Published during the war in Vietnam, the novel was one of the most successful examples of the new forms of mass culture that emerged in the context of the US military intervention in South Vietnamese cities. In the novel, the character of the Vietnamese superspy appears as a figure for the ambivalent political situation of the Republic of Vietnam within the geopolitics of the Cold War.

    PDF: https://www.academia.edu/36075505/Sovereignty_Surveillance_and_Spectacle_in_South_Vietnamese_Spy_Fiction_Duy_Lap_Nguyen

    Z.28 Specter over Red Square (Z.28 Bóng Ma trên Công Trường Đỏ), Bùi Anh Tuấn, 1969.
    [Short English translation]

    Z.28 The Phantom On The Red Square

    ACTION published 1969

    Chapter I - Ghost On Red Square

    Van Binh solemnly raised the bottle of vodka to his eyes. Vodka with tea is a popular drink in Russia. Van Binh is no stranger to vodka, although normally he only loves whiskey.

    Characteristics of vodka is transparent white color, smell no aroma. Vodka must be 46 degrees to be delicious. But the bottle of wine in Van Binh's hand gave off a pungent aroma. Frustrated, he slammed the bottle of wine down on the table.

    I thought it was a good wine, but like this, it makes my stomach hurt.

    The girl looked at him with innocent rabbit eyes. Perhaps for the first time she heard a foreign guest criticizing the vodka soda. She turned the bottle label towards Van Binh and said:

    Just drink it and you'll know. This wine is not bad. It is distilled in Leningrad with fermented wheat, mixed with cornstarch and potato starch. The hotel has a total of 50 vodkas, 30 of which are from the Leningrad factory. Each has its own scent, depending on whether it is mixed with sugar or pepper. Earlier, you told me something strong, so I brought this bottle for you. That coco, ten times better than Polish vodka...

    Van Binh smiled charmingly:

    - Just looking at her butt is enough to get drunk, no need to drink anymore. What is her name?

    - Do you remember where this is?

    - Mac private science.

    Must to. Moscow is not the same as Ballet or New York. The Métropole hotel he is staying at is managed by the State, not privately, so the staff is not obligated to pamper guests.

    - Wow, she has a very well-proportioned, well-proportioned body!

    The hotel staff girl's scowling face suddenly brightened. There's nothing beautiful about her. Her face, her mouth, her breasts, her butt were listed as average. Her round, moon-like face was no longer up to the standards of fame. Her mouth is a bit large, disproportionate to her face, but has thick, slightly curved lips, the kind of lips that men like to kiss, seem to be made of glue, touching and sticking for hours to release. She wore a thick, long, knee-length bra, covering the parts that Western women often try to show off, so Van Binh could not guess the size and tightness of the breasts. However, with an eye capable of penetrating flesh like an X-ray, he estimated that the girl was not of the super-volcanic class.
    [Vietnamese language]
    https://vietmessenger.com/books/?title=z28 bong ma tren cong truong do
    Người Thứ Tám

    Z.28 Bóng Ma Trên Công Trường Đỏ

    HÀNH ĐỘNG xuất bản 1969


    Bóng Ma Trên Công Trường Đỏ

    Văn Bình trịnh trọng nâng chai rượu vốt-ka lên mắt ngắm. Vốt-ka với trà là món uống phổ thông ở Nga sô. Văn Bình không lạ gì vốt-ka mặc dầu bình sinh chàng chỉ mê huýt-ky.

    Đặc điểm của rượu vốt-ka là màu trắng trong suốt, ngửi không có mùi thơm. Rượu vốt-ka phải đủ 46 độ mới ngon. Nhưng chai rượu trong tay Văn Bình lại tỏa ra một mùi thơm hăng hắc. Bực mình chàng dằn mạnh chai rượu xuống bàn.

    Tưởng là rượu ngon, chứ như thế này thì uống thêm đau bao tử.

    Cô gái nhìn chàng bằng cặp mắt thỏ đế ngây thơ. Có lẽ lần thứ nhất nàng được nghe khách ngoại quốc chê rượu vốt-ka sô viết. Nàng quay cái nhãn chai về phía Văn Bình rồi nói :

    Ông cứ uống thử thì biết. Rượu này không dở đâu. Nó được cất tại Lêningờrát bằng lúa mì lên men, trộn với bột bắp và bột khoai. Khách sạn có cả thảy 50 loại vốt-ka mà 30 loại là của nhà máy Lêningờrát. Mỗi loại có một mùi hương riêng, tùy theo được pha với đường hoặc hạt tiêu. Hồi nãy, ông dặn thứ mạnh nên tôi mang chai này cho ông. Rượu cô-sắc đấy, ngon gấp chục lần vốt-ka Ba lan …

    Văn Bình cười duyên :

    - Chỉ nhìn mông cô nói cũng đủ say rồi, chẳng cần phải uống rượu nữa. Tên cô là gì?

    - Ông còn nhớ đây là đâu không?

    - Mạc tư khoa.

    Phải. Mạc tư khoa không giống như Ba lê hoặc Nữu ước. Khách sạn Métropole mà ông đang ngụ là do Nhà nước quản lý, không phải của tư nhân nên nhân viên không có bổn phận chiều chuộng khách trọ.

    - Chao ôi, cô có thân hình nảy nở, cân đối ghê!

    Vẻ mặt đang cau có của cô gái nhân viên khách sạn bỗng tươi lại. Kể ra nàng chẳng có gì là đẹp. Mặt nàng, miệng nàng, ngực nàng, mông nàng chỉ được liệt vào hạng trung bình. Khuôn mặt tròn trạnh như mặt nguyệt của nàng không còn thích hợp với tiêu chuẩn thời danh nữa. Miệng nàng hơi lớn, không tương xứng với mặt, song lại có đôi môi dầy, hơi cong, loại môi khoái hôn đàn ông, dường như được làm bằng keo, chạm vào là dính chặt lấy hàng giờ mới nhả. Nàng mặc một cái ba đờ suy dầy, dài thòng đến đầu gối, che kín những bộ phận mà phụ nữ phương tây thường tìm cách bầy biện ra ngoài nên Văn Bình không đoán được kích thước và sự căng cứng của bộ ngực. Tuy nhiên, bằng con mắt có khả năng xuyên qua da thịt như quang tuyến X, chàng ước lượng là cô gái không thuộc đẳng cấp siêu giai nhân núi lửa.


    Z28 - Bóng ma trên công trường đỏ - Chương 01 (49:51)
    (Z28 - The Ghost on the Red Square - Chapter 1)
    [Vietnamese only; no English translation or subtitles; text reading overlaid with Bond theme, images from the films]

    Mời quý vị theo chân điệp viên Z28 trong một điệp vụ liên quan đến võ khí nguyên tử trên đất Sô VIết và Anbani.
    [We invite you to follow agent Z28 on a mission involving nuclear weapons on Soviet and Albanian soil.]

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited November 2022 Posts: 14,141
    Z.28 Specter over Red Square (Z.28 Bóng Ma trên Công Trường Đỏ), Bùi Anh Tuấn, 1969.

    Z.28 The Phantom On The Red Square

    ACTION published 1969

    1. The Phantom On The Red Square
    2. Dear Defeat, Danh List
    3. Ghosts
    4. Last Night in Moscow
    5. North China Beauty
    6. First Night in Tirana
    7. Atomic Bomb
    8. Z Bomb. 233

    Ghost On Red Square

    Van Binh solemnly raised the bottle of vodka to his eyes. Vodka with tea is a popular drink in Russia. Van Binh is no stranger to vodka, although normally he only loves whiskey.

    Characteristics of vodka is transparent white color, smell no aroma. Vodka must be 46 degrees to be delicious. But the bottle of wine in Van Binh's hand gave off a pungent aroma. Frustrated, he slammed the bottle of wine down on the table.

    I thought it was a good wine, but like this, it makes my stomach hurt.

    The girl looked at him with innocent rabbit eyes. Perhaps for the first time she heard a foreign guest criticizing the vodka soda. She turned the bottle label towards Van Binh and said:

    Just drink it and you'll know. This wine is not bad. It is distilled in Leningrad with fermented wheat, mixed with cornstarch and potato starch. The hotel has a total of 50 vodkas, 30 of which are from the Leningrad factory. Each has its own scent, depending on whether it is mixed with sugar or pepper. Earlier, you told me something strong, so I brought this bottle for you. That coco, ten times better than Polish vodka...

    Van Binh smiled charmingly:

    - Just looking at her butt is enough to get drunk, no need to drink anymore. What is her name?

    - Do you remember where this is?

    - Mac private science.

    Must to. Moscow is not the same as Ballet or New York. The Métropole hotel he is staying at is managed by the State, not privately, so the staff is not obligated to pamper guests.

    - Wow, she has a very well-proportioned, well-proportioned body!

    The hotel staff girl's scowling face suddenly brightened. There's nothing beautiful about her. Her face, her mouth, her breasts, her butt were listed as average. Her round, moon-like face was no longer up to the standards of fame. Her mouth is a bit large, disproportionate to her face, but has thick, slightly curved lips, the kind of lips that men like to kiss, seem to be made of glue, touching and sticking for hours to release. She wore a thick, long, knee-length bra, covering the parts that Western women often try to show off, so Van Binh could not guess the size and tightness of the breasts. However, with an eye capable of penetrating flesh like an X-ray, he estimated that the girl was not of the super-volcanic class.

    Van Binh understood why she changed her face. Women behind the iron curtain are rarely praised by men for their beauty, so much so that they no longer remember they are female, created to be cherished and flattered by men. Van Binh's compliment made her dizzy as if she had just drunk a glass of premium vodka. Van Binh saw that her hand was shaking slightly.

    He then approached her, his voice soft:

    - What's her name?

    She stammered:

    - Nina.

    - Huh, Nina… her name is as beautiful as a human.

    The girl stood still as if hypnotized by Van Binh. He wrapped his arms around her back, pulled her back, then kissed her softly on the lips. She shivered violently. In the blink of an eye, she was as soft as noodles.


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,141
    Chapter 1 - Continued
    She clung to him and refused to let go. Hearing the sound of shoes in the corridor, and the knock on the door, he hurriedly pushed her aside, then asked:

    - Who's that?

    Outside there is a reply:

    - Guy.

    Open door. The guest was a tall American young man with stiff gestures and serious facial expressions. The guest quietly waited for the girl to leave the room and closed the door before saying:

    - Hello. I'm Guy.

    Van Binh broke up and arrested:

    - Hello, Mr. Guy. As you know, I am Kevin.

    Despite being invited to sit, Guy stood in the middle of the room, his eyes glazed as if he were afraid of being eavesdropped. Van Binh asked:

    - Is it okay?

    - Thank you. U.S. embassy employees are not allowed to drink alcohol during business hours.

    For the first time, I got to know that monstrous command. In many places, the embassy staff drank with me and dropped the door. Sometimes I even invited the ambassador.

    - Do you remember where this is?

    Van Binh felt tickled. Five minutes ago, the waitress Nina asked the same question. Yes, this is Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union, the world communist power. Yes, this is the most secret city on earth, located between the elbows of the Mosqua and Dao rivers leading to the Volga, the 6 million inhabitants of the city also broke a remarkable record: the record of silence.

    Silent. It was quiet at night, and Moscow was as silent during the day as it was at night. There are only 300,000 cars in the city, most of which are state cars, and the roads are wide, so the scene of Moscow is always deserted. Last time, Van Binh was moved by the confusing, almost creepy silence of the Russian capital. Over time, things have not changed. The car ran slowly, the driver did not dare to change gears in a hurry for fear of damaging the gearbox and wearing out the tires, women and girls all looked down at the sidewalk, at the intersection, they did not hear the whistle, the sound was familiar. belonging to the nations on this side of the iron curtain…

    Van Binh shrugged his shoulders, repeating what he just said to the waitress:

    - Mac private science.

    Guy walked over to the window and looked down at the street.

    Maybe you just came here for the first time.

    - First time.

    - No wonder: On behalf of the embassy, ​​I need to tell you a few basic things during your stay in Russia. Before setting foot in Moscow department, imagine walking into a hospital.

    - You're wrong. I see Russian women and girls are French, much stronger than western women and girls.

    - I don't have time to come here to listen to your jokes. I use the word "hospital" not to mean that all Russians are sick and sick. He knew what was the first thing people had to do when they entered the hospital. That is to keep silent, absolutely silent. Sit in the cafeteria, ask him to wait patiently, and never squeeze his fingers or call a waiter.

    - So how to call them?

    - In western restaurants, you can do whatever you want. He could stomp on the soles of his shoes, or clapping his hands together, or clapping his spoon, or, if necessary, he could rush over to the safe and grab the waiter's lapel to study again. But here, those gestures are considered reactionary capital. Want to call the waiter, he just sat upright, looking towards them. If they don't come, wait. Wait until you meet them.

    - Yes, I'll wait. But my stomach can't wait forever. What if they ignore it?

    - I have to endure it. The hotel staff here are comrades, not cooks. Means on par with customers.

    - It's the same in the West. Waiter is not the servant for the guests?

    - But it's different here. In the West, restaurants and hotels have to compete for guests to live, here, the State is the only superior owner, neither needing profit nor afraid of losses, you can't wait to enter the restaurant. please come out...

    - Oh my God, if I knew it was this bad, I wouldn't have bothered to go to Russia anymore!

    - Whenever I have the opportunity to chat with tourists from home, I often advise them to return home as soon as possible. Too bad… you stay one night and you'll see. Oh, I heard you're here on business?

    - Must to.

    - I heard that you came here to sign a contract with the Ministry of Foreign Trade of the Soviet Union!

    - Right.

    - Can you let the embassy know the contents of the contract you are about to sign?

    - The United States is a free country, American citizens have the right to freedom of movement, freedom to trade, and freedom to sign contracts with foreigners.

    - As long as it does not harm national security...

    - Yes. My contract is purely commercial advertising. I represent Maxman company, Ha Uy di. My company specializes in advertising foreign goods in the US.

    - You probably know that Russian goods are produced by the government. Despite the profit, they can still sell cheap oil at a high price.

    - Whether their goods are expensive or cheap has nothing to do with our company Maxman.

    But it concerns the American people.

    - How is it related?

    - The Soviet government will flood the US market with cheap goods, causing financial damage to American industry. On the other hand, American consumers will have sympathy for them.

    Guy of the embassy, ​​I'm a pure advertiser who doesn't like listening to politics.

    - I dare not propagate you, just ask you to think again...

    - It's no use if you want to propagate. My heart is forged in the furnace, Mr. Guy… Your words are delicious, but a hundred thousand dollars is much better.

    - Will they pay you a hundred thousand dollars?

    - Not a penny less.

    - Obviously they used meat to crush people. If they pay the hundred thousand, then I don't dare to convince you anymore. I just ask you…

    - Keeping true to the style of an American citizen...

    - Yes. Especially for women. The serious Russian people are used to smiling rarely and hate foreigners who often laugh.

    - Waitress Nina smiled at me earlier.

    "Standing outside the door, I also heard many continuous clicks, proving that he kissed her and was kissed back by her."

    - Have you admired my achievements yet?

    Guy shook his head in dismay.

    - No. You should also know that most if not most restaurant and hotel staff in Moscow are secret agents for the KGB. At this Metropole inn exclusively for foreigners, all staff from directors, managers, accounting clerks down to elevator keepers, waiters, waiters, kitchen assistants, are all secret information. real member. Maybe… if Nina smiled and hugged him. Tonight, if she opened the door to her room, climbed into bed, and took off her clothes and asked him to make love, he would be even more dangerous.

    - Huh ... to be given a treasure of thousands of gold by a beautiful Russian woman in the middle of a cold, cold night, which you think is a great danger?

    "Yes, before you many people have had the pleasure of sleeping with beautiful waitresses, many of whom give guests the impression that they are virgins, and they invite men to sleep for the first time. In fact, they are morons, female security guards who specialize in attracting foreigners. They have learned all sorts of tricks to conquer men, and all kinds of lovemaking.

    - The better. Trained women, of course, are better than amateur women...

    Well, I don't want to advise you anymore. Because after talking with him for a while I got the impression that he was a moth who came here to jump into the fire.

    Van Binh smiled softly. The American embassy employee was right in his criticism. However, he did not know that he was right. Van Binh is a moth, but not a stupid moth that keeps seeing light The lamp is swooping in to die unjustly, but it is a wise and wise moth who knows that the light is a death trap but still rushes forward. Rushing forward, with a strong belief that the fire will be extinguished…

    For a long time, Van Binh has played the role of a spy. Each time, he was lucky to return healthy. However, this trip was different from the previous ones. In the past, whenever he was active in communist countries, he would sneak in by parachuting, land by submersible, or sneak across borders. Five or ten disasters, he blatantly came through the front door disguised as someone else.

    Van Binh came to Russia this time under the guise of an advertising specialist of an American company that has many connections with countries in the socialist bloc. Advertising was not a strange profession to him, for in the past at least once he had played the role of an advertising specialist for espionage.

    Three weeks ago, success in Tahiti returned 1. Van Binh was allowed to go abroad to relax by Mr. Hoang. Usually Mr. Hoang does not force him to follow a certain route as long as he reports regularly to the Department. But this time he asked him to go to Ha Uy di.

    Worthy of, the scenery of the sky and sea, Ha Uy Di is charming, the women of Ha Uy Di are very docile, but compared to Phu Tang Tam Dao, it is only one heaven. The science of plastic surgery has made Japanese girls more beautiful and delicious than before, Japanese girls know how to pamper difficult boys, so Van Binh likes to go to Dong Kinh. Knowing that he was going to Ha Uy Di to recuperate, but also to wait for a new job, he suddenly asked:

    - When do you give the job?

    Mr. Hoang replied:

    - To be honest with you, I don't know how much. I have just received a call from Mr. Simmit asking him to be present in Ha Uy di within the next 10, 15 days.

    - I'm hired again?

    - Of course. If you are not employed, where can you get foreign currency to support the operation system of the Department? Mr. Simmit said he would go to the Soviet Union.

    - Huh… I haven't been there for a long time. What is the content of the work, sir?

    - Great, I will disguise myself as a senior employee of the American advertising agency Maxman, Ha Uy Di. This employee's name is Kevin. He is from Ha Uy Di, with a flat nose like you. His skin is a bit dark, he just needs to sit under the ultraviolet lamp for one day to catch the sun immediately. Your face resembles his, C.I.A. will modify it for you.

    - What did Kevin go to the Soviet Union to do?

    - The case file will be sent to me within this week. But rest assured, I will continue to contact you. A double job, he works for the C.I.A. working separately for the Department.

    Van Binh traveled to the fairy coconut island of Ha Uyen for exactly 10 days, then he was secretly taken to the plane to the US and then from the US to the Soviet Union. The real Kevin was caught by the C.I.A. blocking the road from the city center to the airport. The replacement was done so skillfully that Van Binh was also surprised. The director of Maxman also did not know that Kevin in the flesh had been drugged and was lying in the basement of a house near the beach.

    Van Binh changed planes in France. Climbing into the giant jet aircraft TU-104 of the Soviet airline Aeroflot parked at the Tycoon airfield, he had the impression that he had set foot in the Soviet Union. From the interior decoration to the dress, the gesture of the hostess, all are engraved with the familiar lifestyle of the western world.

    However, he was not quite as disappointed as the previous times. In the past, every time he was an Aeroflot passenger, he was frustrated and frustrated. In terms of the aviation industry, the Soviet Union is sure to lose to anyone, but in terms of the art of pampering passengers, they are ranked last in the world. They can spend tens of millions of dollars to buy the great jet iron bird TU-104, but they do not dare to hire a painter to decorate it beautifully and especially to recruit talking flowers that match the machine. modern hook. As a result, the interior of the plane is dark, the lights are empty, the seats are upholstered in jute fabric, which means one of the worst things, should have used luxurious, expensive chemical fibers. .

    Oh hello, the hostess made Van Binh even more upset! Hot as well as cold, they also have only one unique uniform, above white and blue below. It was too cold, so they put on three more clothes. With this thick skin on their bodies they became walking jars. Taking off their robes, in their blue Siamese and white shirts, they seem better, but Van Binh's keen eye still can't detect the curves of his breasts...

    This time, the flight attendants are still wearing the old uniform, but sewn tighter than before. He began to see nipples bulging behind the fabric. But this swelling could only help him confirm that the jar standing before him was female, not male. But it doesn't cause any intoxication at all...

    Having lived for many years in Europe, and having a lot of experience with women, Van Binh does not understand why Russian women are all fat or thin. When you're fat, you're fat, when you're thin, you're really skinny. But usually they are more fat than thin. Because of this obesity, Russian women and girls are classified as weak like slugs in the love field...

    Chien c The giant Tupolev landed at the airport of Cheremetievo exactly three and a half hours later. If it was on a French-American plane (or worse, a home-made Air-Vietnam plane), these three and a half hours would have turned into 21 magical centuries for Van Binh. He can wash his eyes, freely sit on the side of the chair to see the hostess's thighs and butt, or pretend to be thirsty for a period of time, to call the hostess to come and see her breasts... Hostesses in Southeast Asia already knows Van Binh's unique thirst disease. After the plane left the airport, he asked for a drink. The pretty girl is the one to be scolded by him the most (and strictly speaking, the hostesses all like that Van Binh suffers from thirst like that forever...)

    On the iron bird TU-104, Van Binh wanted to be thirsty but could not. Because for some reason, only two hostesses passed and walked in front of his eyes, and both were fat. Every time the graceful beauty passed by, he had the feeling that the plane's floor was sinking deeper. If the lovely lady kissed him, he would die of suffocation. Although he is good at martial arts, he is just a sharp frog next to the mountain of meat of a beautiful woman. So he closed his eyes, hoping to get to Moscow soon.

    Van Binh had just carried his suitcase into the airport when a special smell stopped him. Each capital has a special smell, but Moscow has a special smell of all, he cannot smell this smell at any airport in the world.

    It's the smell of gasoline.

    Every airport has the smell of gasoline, but the smell of Moscow is heavy, tickling, making visitors have to open their mouths wide to find air and put their hands on their chests to keep their hearts from pounding. The Soviet edth was a bad ester, so the smell of it penetrated the skin and viscera, anyone who had smelled it once would remember it forever.

    Van Binh was a bit surprised because Guy's clothes, the American embassy employee, seemed to smell of gasoline. He pulled out his blind-soak and wiped the sweat from his forehead even though it was cold as hell.

    Van Binh walked out the door, friendly voice:

    - Did you just come back from the airport?

    Guy rolled his eyes.

    - Yes. Why do you know?

    - Very simple. The smell of gasoline.

    Guy put his hand to his neck, as if to check if his head was still attached to his body:

    - Turns out he is a talented commenter. If I'm not mistaken, you are...

    Van Binh interrupted in an annoyed voice:

    - What, leave me alone. Ask him to keep his mouth shut.

    Guy shrugged and closed the door. Van Binh leaned against the door, looking at the furniture in the room. The sound of the American embassy employee's shoes had died down in the hallway.

    At this moment, a group of KGB staff members in black robes, wearing black felt, black glasses, with a ghostly expression, were holding their breath in front of the tape recorder located in the basement of the hotel. Van Binh is no stranger to the eavesdropping network of the Soviet secret service. Every hotel has a stealth recorder. The Metropole Hotel, the boarding house for foreigners visiting Moscow, has more tape recorders than any other. He regretted not being able to stay at the recently completed Rossia inn with three thousand rooms, only a short distance from Red Square and the Cam Linh Palace. Because he heard there the KGB staff who were in charge of recording were all women, young women, with a bust of nearly a hundred centimeters, the smallest waist circumference was 95 centimeters, the kind of rubber women that men like. Split hair into 8 also like.

    The furniture in this Metropole hotel room is still old furniture from the old days, the old furniture that even the lowest-class hotels in Saigon carry in the kitchen corner. It seems that Russia is a huge warehouse containing old things, in offices, inns, in homes, old things are everywhere.

    What surprised Van Binh the most when he came to Moscow for the first time was that Russian people, especially women, were wearing old clothes. Men, women, children, men, women, and children all wear three-piece robes manufactured by a state-owned sewing company, all in dark colors, short at the knee, and baggy on the top.

    Van Binh can't forget Soviet fashion because in the past it nearly killed him. At that time, he crept into Russia to execute an action plan of the Central Intelligence Agency C.I.A. He disguised himself as a Russian in Central Asia, his papers and personal belongings, including his clothes, were made entirely by the C.I.A. provided.

    American intelligence experts took care of everything, except for a small but very important detail. That is the width of the trouser leg.

    Russians are famous all over the world for their habit of wearing elephant leg pants. Depending on the region, the pants are sewn more or less wide, but the narrowest is also from over 30 centimeters. Prime Minister Cut-Boss pants leg, with a bull belly 122 cm, 5 cm larger than the bust, sewn up to 40 cm wide, breaking the world record.

    At that time, Van Binh wore 25-inch wide pants and walked across the street of Moscow. And he was followed by secret service agents. The reason for this observation was simple: he was the only foreign pedestrian to wear tight pants. If he lacked wisdom, transformation and martial arts, he was arrested by KGB agents.

    Unconsciously, Van Binh looked down at his trousers.

    He wore a suit of dark wool, a color common in Russia. Now he can wear tight pants because he is an American citizen after all, born in Hawaii. However, his trouser leg is still intact The garment is much wider than the trousers of Westerners. According to fashion, most men sew tight pipes of 22 inches or less. But the C.I.A. Drawing on past experience, he loosened his pants by 24 inches.

    He smiled to himself. Thanks to the talented and persuasive golden scissors of a famous Italian tailor 1. Cut-Boss changed his pants from a terrible width of 40 inches to 27 inches. Cut-The boss was about to wear 23-inch pants when he was demoted. The Cut-Boss dress revolution has failed...

    Van Binh opened the door slightly and looked down at the street.

    Below is a large park. The long winter is coming to an end. The durian trees are in full bloom with red flowers, giving the gloomy landscape a playful touch. If Moscow didn't have winter melons, the late-season cold would be much colder.

    Suddenly Van Binh felt cold. The sky is getting dark. Cold air like a sharp awl twisted into his heart. Whenever it was cold abroad, he would find a way to warm up in nightclubs. He was used to the cold weather, but he was afraid of the cold. The strange cold that came from nowhere made the lonely man in his thirties have to grit his teeth so that he wouldn't shiver to hold the scraper.

    The phone in the room rang. Van Binh picked it up and listened. Those who have been to Russia have noticed that the telephone bells there have a high-pitched ringing that makes listeners shudder, hair-raising, different from the familiar cheerful chirping in other capitals. Phones are a rare luxury item, must be installed by a high-ranking employee. The reason every motel room in the Metropole has a telephone, is not because the authorities want to treat travelers special, but because the KGB wants to eavesdrop. Moscow also does not have a telephone directory with the telephone number, name and address of the subscriber like in Saigon. Because the phone directory is a confidential document.

    Van Binh cleared his throat when he realized at the beginning of the second the sacred voice of a young girl.

    - Sir, are you Kevin?

    Van Binh replied:

    - Yes, I am Kevin in the flesh. I just arrived, sad, going to dinner without friends. Lucky to meet her.

    - Sorry, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you. I am the assistant to the director of the Department of Foreign Trade Development.

    - Bonkov.

    - Yes, Comrade Bolkov. We are very pleased to welcome you in Moscow. Earlier, I sent the car to the airport to pick him up. Soon, Comrade Bolkov will be at the office. Comrade Bolkov invited him to come and play. As far as I know, Comrade Bolkov is ready to accept the contract submitted by you.

    - You forgot it was already dark. At this time, the office is closed and closed.

    - But some offices are still open. For example, Office of Foreign Trade Development. Comrade Bonkov used to work every night until 2 or 3 am. Did you hear clearly?

    - Very clear. Would you like to have dinner with me?

    - Thank you for your kindness. I have to be at the office until 2 or 3 am, along with the director.

    - After that, you can invite her to go.

    - None of the restaurants are open until 12 midnight. Besides, it's cold like this, we women and girls don't dare to go late at night.

    - Are you afraid of the cold?

    - No.

    - I understand why you don't want to eat with me. Because she has a husband. And her husband is the man who won the jealousy championship.

    - You guessed wrong. It's been a long time since I've had a husband. When I get married I will choose the one who wins the jealousy championship.

    - Maybe her fiancé is terribly jealous, so she refuses.

    I don't have a fiancé either.

    - I'll come pick you up in a minute, then.

    - Can not.

    - Ask her to give the reason. I would also like to state in advance that I am not that ugly. My Russian is very good, I can confess to women in a poetic and legal way.

    - Thank you. The reason I did not dare to accept it was because I was afraid of wild animals.

    - God, the capital of Moscow has wild animals like in the jungles of Africa?

    - Yes, there are many. At night, there are often more wild animals than during the day. Well, I salute you.

    - Please think again... I promise to be very docile and gentle. If necessary, I will commit myself in front of Comrade Bolkov.

    - You are a strange man. Moscow lacks a beautiful daughter, but he cares about me.

    Because you're a lovely woman.

    - I'm not as cute as you think. People have listed me as one of the most difficult women in the Soviet Union.

    - The better. My heart is very fond of difficult women. I just haven't met the trio yet.

    - I'm ugly, sir. Meet me, you will be disappointed. So I honestly advise you...

    - Cai streak struck dead beauty. Are you satisfied yet?

    - Oh, you young people only promise to promise. Soon, he will forget all about it.

    - What kind of person do you consider me to be? If you accept, I solemnly promise that I will come to the office to invite you to eat and then take you home properly.

    - What if you missed an appointment?

    - God will beat me to death.

    - Okay, I'll record your promise.

    - Sir.. what's your name?

    - Velana.

    - Yes, hello lovely Velana, representative of Venus.

    Van Binh was about to discuss further, but the Soviet "representative of Venus" Velana hung up the phone. He shrugged and whistled. Naturally, his heart was as happy as a festival.

    Women everywhere on earth are the same. If you look closely, women are as beautiful as women bad, but the ancients had a saying "turn off the lights, tile houses are like cottages". However, it takes a connoisseur of enjoyment like Van Binh to understand that women in each country are different. In general, women in Soviet Russia are far behind women in free western countries even though they are all about the same height and have the same health. Western women are even more attractive in terms of attractiveness thanks to innovative cosmetics, lingerie and custom imitations. But if given the choice, Van Binh would take care of the women behind the Soviet iron curtain.

    The reason for this difference is very simple. Soviet women may be less beautiful, less proportionate, less attractive than Western women, but in the bedroom, in the most intimate and discreet moments between men and women forever, they are not. occupy the leading position. Van Binh found them to have an intense lovemaking power, partly due to the cold climate, but partly - and also mainly - because they were rumored in all aspects, especially in terms of love. Soviet society is like a giant prison, people are imprisoned, even the spontaneous love is chained. When they were given their freedom to express themselves, Soviet women rose up, like a flood that swept away a dike and flooded the city. As a result, they love greedily, intensely and persistently...

    Van Binh opened his suitcase and took out a light gray wool suit. Still whistling loudly, he stood in front of the mirror, solemnly buttoning his tie, to highlight the lilac dots on the light yellow background of the fashionable shirt of the year by Jacques Fath in Ba pear production. The thought of a Russian girl who was amorous, falling in love, reclining in his arms made him forget all the work he had to do. He went to the Soviet Union to carry out a dangerous work, not to go out... But love still covers everything...

    He opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. Accustomed to life in Russia, he left the key in the lock and did not bother to lock the door. Because locking the door is completely useless. As soon as he came out of the hotel, a man in a black felt hat, a black tuxedo, and black checkered shoes belonging to the KGB stomped through the room door. Secret service agents don't need to sneak up on time, because all hotel staff are paid by the KGB. They also don't need to search in a hurry. They slowly shook off each shirt, molded each hem, watched every button, smelled every cologne. They also have their own tools to find out if guests have hidden weapons in the bathroom or under the mattress. And to startle the travelers, they even opened the lid of their suitcases, and threw their clothes on the table, without bothering to close them.

    Having learned from experience, Van Binh only brought very few group items. His suitcase is not of the double bottom type, like the suitcase he often brings on business trips abroad. His shoes were just ordinary leather shoes, with a non-hollow sole, containing a sia-nuya bullet gun and a tool to open a safe.

    In the early days of his spy career, Van Binh carefully stuck a strand of hair into the lock of his suitcase. But gradually he didn't need a hair to keep an eye on it, but he still knew that the suitcase had been searched. His eye is as sharp as a camera, he only takes one look to collect all the details of the arrangement into his memory. No matter how skillful the opponent is, he can easily discover it. However, this experience became useless in the Soviet Union because not only did the KGB agents open the luggage of the guests, they also threw it away indiscriminately, forcing the owner to fold it.

    Van Binh bumped into a KGB officer at the end of the corridor. Seeing him, he tried to avoid, but he called out:

    - Tired, mate?

    The man paused:

    - No.

    Van Binh sneered.

    - Well then. I thought you were tired, so I invited you to my room to have a temporary glass of good vodka, properly labeled Cosac, only for mid-level employees. If I'm not mistaken, you're only allowed to drink low-end vodka.

    The KGB officer stammered:

    - Sir... sir... i...

    Van Binh patted him on the shoulder.

    - Well, dear, tell me what to do for life loss. The door to my room was still open, the bottle of wine I left on the table. Come in and drink to be healthy, then you want to search freely. How, are you satisfied?

    Without waiting for an answer, he approached the elevator. The KGB officer seemed to wake up and stop him:

    - Sir, the elevator just broke down.

    Van Binh grimaced when he saw the large white board on which was printed a line of red text nearly full width and length:

    - "Elevator broken"

    Broken elevator is one of the sufferings of people living in apartments and hotels. However, in Western countries, or even in Saigon, this situation happens from time to time. Meanwhile, elevators fail frequently in the Soviet Union. Broken so much that travelers are afraid to use it anymore. But in the end, the elevator is broken like that, which is beneficial. Because of having to walk from the towering floor to the lower floor, the legs become supple and the body is exercised strong.

    For Van Binh, running up and down the Metropole hotel dozens of times did not make him tired. But today he felt out of breath. He paused for a minute to catch his breath.

    After a while he came down to the reception room below. Not looking sideways, looking back, He quietly walked out into the street.

    It was only dark and the roads were already deserted. He had gone a short distance when he heard the clatter of shoes behind him. The man behind must be the secret service agent responsible for keeping an eye on him because he is always 10 yards away from him, based on the sound of the soles of his shoes on the pavement.

    The thing that annoys foreigners the most in Moscow is that KGB employees follow closely day and night like a shadow with pictures. The Secret Service followed openly, without concealment. When the guest returned to the inn, he paced back and forth down the street, looking up at the window every now and then, or going straight to the inn, standing lazily in the hallway in front of the room. Even when guests enter the public toilet, the secret service also comes in. However, depending on how much or little the customer is trusted by the KGB, the tracking will be increased or decreased. After all, Van Binh was also a special agent of the company Maxman who sympathized with the Soviet regime. He was still under the watch of the secret service, but this watch was not so strict.

    The sound of shoes still tapping behind him.

    This heavy, shrill sound proves that the KGB agent is wearing GUM boots. GUM is the name of a state-owned supermarket located near the hotel where Van Binh lives. The private commercial system does not seem to exist, the people want to buy anything they have to go to the supermarket of the State. That means having to wait in long queues and have to ask for trouble. Since the day Sitta Lin, the iron-blooded dictator, lay down and Cush-Boss took his place, the situation of long queues has decreased, goods are sold more. However, the quality is still as bad as before.

    And one of the most complained about appliance goods is leather shoes. Closed shoes are bad, leather is worse, it's soft in the sun, and it's hard as steel in cold weather. The Soviet Union is a cold country all year round, so the GUM shoes became torture, causing the feet to rub.

    The shoe factories of the State could not produce in time, so the number of shoes sold was limited, and the people were forced to save. The members who had to be careful with the soles of their shoes were the KGB staff who served in the Foreign Affairs Control Department. Their day-to-day task is to monitor suspects on the street, the soles of their shoes are always rubbing against gravel, so they soon have to wear out. Leather shoes were only issued according to the set period, so the Foreigner Control staff had to put a lot of iron fish on the soles.

    So every time they took a step, the soles of their shoes rang "pop, clap", as if they wanted to boldly announce the news to the person being followed in front.

    Cop, pup... copp....

    Van Binh pretended to tie his shoelaces to observe the secret agent's appearance. He was in his thirties, in the streetlight he looked old, with a big mouth, a tall neck, and a limp. Van Binh knew that he struggled not because of his disability, but because his GUM shoes were too hard. Suddenly he felt pity for the guy who followed him, pity for all the Soviet secret agents... With this thin, scurry body, the secret agent could only endure a gentle clump of his legs. he is rolling gongs on the highway.

    But he calmly walked forward.

    The road he was walking on was the main avenue of the Soviet capital with the History Museum and Lenin Museum, occupying two massive buildings, overlooking the vast Red Square.

    During the day, tourists are often present on this road to enter the GUM supermarket to admire, or spend 3 rubles to buy tickets to visit the exterior of the Cam Linh palace, the headquarters of the Soviet government, or visit the grave. part of Lenin, the ancestor of the Communist Party and the Soviet State. Previously, Sitta Lin was next to Lenin, but then he was taken away and disappeared. Such is life behind the iron curtain: no one dares to think about tomorrow, because it is impossible to know what tomorrow will bring.

    The sound of the secret agent's shoes still pounding behind Van Binh. Usually, KGB personnel work in pairs. An employee who follows Van Binh may be followed by another employee. And there may also be a third controller. However, Van Binh did not believe that the KGB allowed many employees to follow him. Because he is considered a sympathizer. Besides, he was just an American citizen craving Soviet rubles.

    Go to a wooden chair in Van Binh park and sit down. This place during the day pigeons come down in flocks, travelers often buy popcorn hawker to throw to birds to eat. It was late at night and the park was empty and empty. The pigeons and the popcorn sellers were nowhere to be found.

    The sound of shoes stopped.

    Van Binh turned to the left. The KGB agent had just sat down on a chair ten yards away from him. After putting his ass down, he quickly pulled his feet out of his shoes. Van Binh clearly saw his wrinkled face. Poor... the shoes were too tight, he had to walk again. If he wanders all night he will turn into a waste.

    Then he called out loudly:

    - Hey comrade?

    He jumped in his chair and dropped his shoe on the grass. Realizing him, he pretended to look away. Song Van Binh laughed at the guest:

    - Come here, comrade. What else are you pretending to be?

    He let out a sigh. His sigh was so loud that even the deaf one hundred yards in diameter could hear it.

    - Comrade called me?

    - Must to. It's just the two of us here. Should I call your comrade's young wife?


    Kosigin was the prime minister of the Soviet government. Kosigin's wife was of the white-haired, white-haired category. Knowing that, Van Binh still plays. The secret agent almost hurriedly:

    - Comrades, don't lie.

    Van Binh nodded.

    - If you don't want me to continue talking nonsense, come here and play with me. I massage very well. Learned from the nomadic tribe of Nepal but... Come on, let me squeeze your feet...

    The KGB officer continued to sigh:

    - I only do the tasks assigned by my superiors, please forgive me.

    - The mission follows me around the clock, right?

    - No, I only work from 6pm to midnight. You are foreigners, so we do not understand this fact well, we follow you not to control but only to help when needed. Life here is different from life in the US, he does not speak Russian fluently. It was very helpful to tell us that we were with you, and you didn't have to spend money: meanwhile, some Soviet officials went back to America to tell the story that in your country, if you wanted someone to follow you, you had to pay. hourly wages at exorbitant rates.

    Van Binh just laughed without explaining. Because he found the explanation useless. Besides, he went to the Soviet Union to work as a spy, not as a propaganda officer. In fact, the KGB agent was right: in the West, tourists have to pay for the guide, but the KGB agent didn't know that the tour guide and the Soviet secret service were polar opposites.

    The Soviet Union also has its own travel agency, called Intourist, but tourism is just a front, all male and female employees of the Intourist department are secret agents.

    Van Binh pulled the KGB officer to sit on a chair and started a conversation:

    - Where is the comrade's house?

    He shook his head.

    - According to the above order, I am not allowed to tell visitors my whereabouts?

    - Do you have a wife?

    - According to the above order, I am not allowed to...

    - Huh... whatever he brings to his superiors to threaten him... Maybe the above order forbids him to tell tourists that he has a wife, and his wife is quite beautiful, if not as beautiful as flowers. It is better to break off the wife of General Serov.

    The KGB guy squirmed in his chair. Serov was a Soviet spy security boss. Mentioning Serop's name is a blasphemy to the Russians, and ten times more sinful than the crime of a king and queen in ancient Vietnam.

    But Van Binh continued to provoke him with his sarcastic voice rising and falling:

    - Sleeping with your wife, you also have to ask for the above order, right?

    He had to go into the water, clasping his hands.

    - I salute you, comrade. If anyone can catch it, they will die. I was banned by my superiors for exactly one month for cheating on a Japanese tourist. Seeing him cute, I whispered to him some entertainment addresses in Moscow, who expected him...

    - Conspicuous blasphemy to be reprimanded by superiors.

    - Oh, if that's all, it's okay. After all, he is my colleague.

    - KGB staff?

    - Yes, although he is one hundred percent Japanese. At my words, he twisted, begging me to lead him to the most elegant spider nest. Because I haven't been corrupted for a long time, I immediately called a taxi. The next morning, when I went to the office to receive instructions, I was called to the office of the Chief of Staff, and was given a full report. I drank some vodka, had sex with which girl, it was all written down. Luckily, I didn't miss my mouth. If so, I wouldn't have had the honor of being your guide tonight. Exactly 30 days in a dark cell, with a piece of bread a day to repent. After the time of repentance, when I returned home, my wife scolded me again. The women in my country are famous for their jealousy, my wife is the jealous champion, so for many months I lost food, lost sleep, every time I met her, she scolded, scolded, pinched, enough love, enough guilt. After this accident, I swear to old age.

    Van Binh likes to laugh. Maybe the KGB agent was telling the truth. But maybe he invented it to drag him into the circus. Anyway, his story is filled with some amusing features.

    He then patted the KGB officer's stomach:

    - Hungry yet?

    He grimaced.

    - Please feel free, I don't dare.

    - Tsk. He is very lazy. I hate eating alone. If you go to Moscow to eat alone, it's better to fast. So I want to invite you. The Danube store is just around the corner.

    - Sir...

    - Does that mean you refuse?

    - Sir, according to the above order...

    - You know, you can't do anything without the above order. Sleeping with his wife also has to ask for permission, let alone accept the invitation to eat with foreigners...

    - But I tell you: if you refuse, I will send you back, not allowing you to follow. His superiors would reprimand him for his carelessness, and he would be locked up for another month in the penitentiary. Not to mention that I might be in contact with a Western spy...

    The KGB agent was panicking:

    - Yes, yes, I accept. To be honest with you, going out to eat, especially at Danube restaurant, is someone who doesn't like it, with a monthly salary that starves black people like me and I have not been able to go to this famous restaurant in my whole life. I beg to go, but otherwise, don't make jokes like before.

    - Joke? Did the Soviet Constitution forbid joking?

    - No. But for studying threatened to contact Western spies, so I was afraid.

    - I'm not damned. Real contact.

    - Again, I bow to you.

    - Well, to be honest, I don't believe it. I am a C.I.A employee. Came here on a mission to disrupt the KGB.

    - If you are a C.I.A. Indeed, he did not dare to shout loudly for everyone to hear. Besides, my superiors let me read about him: a special agent for the Maxman company, a company that helped the Soviet Union do many things. As for him, in thought as well as action, he is our close friend.

    Van Binh pouted his lips:

    - You still don't believe it?

    - Of course. Sir, the restaurant Danube is in the alley on the left.

    Van Binh shrugged and walked into a familiar restaurant. In fact, he had just come to this place for the first time, but he knew everything from the owner to the waiter, from the interior decoration to the famous dishes. Central C.I.A. There is a special archive containing everything there is to know about the Soviet Union. About hotels, restaurants, C.I.A. has collected thick documents by the autobiography Larousse, tiny letters.

    Therefore, even though Van Binh had just come to Danube restaurant for the first time, he also knew that the owner was Anonki, a Red Army officer discharged from the army due to an injury, his mouth was always warm, whenever he saw a customer, he shook hands cordially. like old friends. He also knew that Anonki was a KGB agent. Foreign tourists often come to enjoy stuffed cabbage, the immortal dish of Danube restaurant, so every table has a recorder.

    Archives C.I.A. is the result of decades of collection and of hundreds of employees rummaging around Russia. Mr. Hoang's Secret Service also established a fairly complete archive; however, the scope of activity is somewhat heavy on the Far East and Central Asia.

    Van Binh had just sat down on the chair when the old owner quickly approached. True to the document C.I.A. described, he was in his fifties, with small eel eyes, narrow nose and mouth, thin lips, rough fingers, all denouncing a sinister mind. He laughs sarcastically:

    - Hello, comrade. What do you guys use?

    Van Binh raised two fingers into a V shape.

    - Cocoa Chicken.

    Chicken Caucase is the gut dish of dictator Sittalin. When he was still alive, there was not a week when Sith did not lose weight of Cocoa chicken. The cooking method is very simple: cut the chicken in quarters, fry it with finely chopped onion, celery, carrot, cucumber and squash, mixed with bay leaves and dill. Then put in a handful of rice with a liter of water and put it in the oven for 75 minutes. Before serving, pour into another bowl.

    Speaking of Russian culinary art, it is also quite good, if it does not dare to compete with China and France, it is better than the US and UK. The reason for this popularity is simple: in fact, Russians do not have a distinct family background; The reason they cook well is passed on by good French chefs. Under the Tsar, most of the king's and court's cooks were French. Thanks to many mountains and rivers and lakes, Russia has enough household appliances to make mouth watering, mallard, quail, wild boar, deer, delicious; but the most significant is the egg caviar.

    However, Russian dishes lack the ethereal taste because there is too much milk, every dish is mixed with milk, and... radish.

    Van Binh pulled out a cigarette and invited the secret service agent. The smoked Soviet cigarettes made the throat dry and bitter, so there is nothing like Van Binh's minty Salem. He solemnly tapped the tip of his cigarette against the rim of his glass, then tilted his head back to light it.

    Meanwhile the old waiter brought a tray full of food. The secret agent gulped.

    - Zakútki, it's delicious. Invite him.

    Van Binh is no stranger to zakútki. It's almost like 4 Chinese dishes. Depending on the rich or poor, zakútki consists of more or less plates. It generally includes basic dishes such as chopped sardines, soaked in milk, fried onions; sliced ​​salmon mixed with oil and vinegar salad; egg caviar spread on a cake with raw onions; butter-fried bread stuffed with grilled goose meat and durian; and fried quail in vinegar...

    Van Binh has no sympathy for the Russian menu, except for the caviar dish. The zakútki dish was something he hated so much. Even if he didn't call, the restaurant still let them out, because they needed foreign currency and needed foreigners to come and cut to their heart's content. Indigenous people - if not the leading cadres belonging to the "new class" - do not try to move forward because the price is unbelievably expensive. When he first came to Russia, Van Binh was surprised. While outside can't find a piece of meat, every restaurant has to give tourists a lot of meat...

    Van Binh poured vodka for the secret agent to drink. Chilled vodka to drink in the evening before drinking with zakútki is great. The agent closed his eyes and took three gulps. Wine in and out, he talked frivolously.

    While eating, Van Binh suddenly pushed back his chair and stood up, then blurted out:

    - Dead pregnant?

    The agent put his vodka down on the table.

    - What did you forget?

    Van Binh took a towel to wipe his mouth:

    - Forgot to call to tell me I'm coming.

    - For Comrade Bonkov, director of the Department of Foreign Trade Development?

    - Must to.

    - Oh, I thought... I'm sure you won't see Bonkov until tomorrow.

    - No. Because maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I have to say goodbye to Moscow. Earlier, Velana had called me to say that Bonkov was waiting for me in the office. I can call on your phone a restaurant okay?

    - Okay. Anonki is my friend. Besides, you don't even have to be able to use your phone. He is assured. Let me tell Anonki.

    Anonki, the owner of the restaurant Danube, brought the body. Hearing that Van Binh needed a phone, he grinned and stood aside:

    - Invite him. The phone is near the safe.

    Van Binh finished his glass of wine and wandered back to the corner of the room. The most important moment of his career in Moscow was about to begin.

    Because, according to a predetermined plan, he would call the voice line to receive instructions at the restaurant Danube, the restaurant of the KGB. And he had to call the Soviet Department of Foreign Trade Development. Who will give him instructions? How to give instructions?

    Soon, he will know.

    1 This adventure of agent Van Binh Z-28 was narrated in the series "Faceless Enemy"
    2 This tailor is Angelo Litrico, currently opening a shop in Rome, specializing in tailoring and cutting for world celebrities. Litrico sewed clothes for Cut-Boss from 1957 to 1963.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited November 2022 Posts: 14,141
    Z.28 Specter over Red Square (Z.28 Bóng Ma trên Công Trường Đỏ), Bùi Anh Tuấn, 1969.
    https://vietmessenger.com/books/?title=z28 bong ma tren cong truong do

    Z.28 The Phantom On The Red Square

    ACTION published 1969

    1. The Phantom On The Red Square
    2. Dear Defeat, Danh List
    3. Ghosts
    4. Last Night in Moscow
    5. North China Beauty
    6. First Night in Tirana
    7. Atomic Bomb
    8. Z Bomb. 233


    Dear Defeat, Danh List

    Before holding the mouthpiece. Van Binh discreetly looked around the dining room. Most of the diners are foreigners. The characteristics of the restaurants in Moscow are that they seem to cater only to foreigners, and the prices are unbelievably expensive. Danube is a small but exorbitantly expensive restaurant, don't know Aragvi's guillotine, the best restaurant with native music, Prague restaurant, Czech cuisine, and Beijing hotel, Chinese restaurant, sweet iron anywhere else.

    Among the diners, he knew for sure there were KGB employees. It's not enough to manage Anonki, and the kitchen staff are KGB employees, the KGB also has eyes and ears. The most famous Soviet secret agent in the world, but also the most clumsy in the world. At a glance, Van Binh knew that the girl with great breasts sitting near the door was a KGB employee. Her face had a secret and serious expression, from time to time she watched the diners, and every time she looked at someone she fixed her knife eyes, as if wanting to sever the belts of people's pants. Van Binh clicked his tongue gently. He was inherently sympathetic to the weaker sex, but this girl did not occupy a square part of his vast heart. Her breasts rose massively, but he felt suffocating, rather than pulsating. Indeed, if the girl embraces and kisses him, his lungs will be crushed by her huge breasts, and he will suffocate and die.

    Anyway, he did not forget to give her a friendly smile. The girl didn't smile back, but just gave him a long wink and then turned her back, alas, a back as massive as an iron wardrobe.

    He put the phone to his ear and asked the Foreign Trade Development Department. Normally, the telephone exchange in Moscow operates as slow as a slug, sometimes smoking almost half a cigarette to call a government office located inside the impregnable fence, the Cam Linh Palace.

    Tonight, I don't understand why the call center is serving as fast as the electronic one. In the blink of an eye, at the end of the line, there was a voice like a piano note of the female comrade, assistant director of the Department of Foreign Trade Development, with the attractive name Velana.

    Van Binh says:

    - Hello, Miss Velana. Here is your slave.

    Velana immediately received Van Binh's voice:

    - Oh, Mr. Mr. Kevin. Haven't you been on vacation yet?

    - God, Moscow at night is as beautiful as heaven, how can I sleep!

    - Then you go see the director comrade!

    - I'm on my way to the Department here. I'm calling you from the Danube restaurant.

    - You're so bad!

    - Ma'am… I only drank aperitif, but didn't dare to use anything. Because she allowed…

    - Yes, I will wait for you. But you should eat to your heart's content, it's better to be full, because you won't invite me when you see me later.

    - Too bad, I made a commitment once, and you also recorded my promise earlier...

    - Yes… see you later.

    Velana hung up the phone. Van Binh glanced around the room. The KGB officer was poking his nose into a plate of immortal Coke chicken, greasy milk sticking to the sides. He looked up, saw him, quickly raised a finger. His fingers were also full of milk and chicken sauce. And as if afraid that Van Binh would go back to his seat to eat all the food, he tiptoed the biggest piece of chicken and stuffed it into his mouth and chewed. Chicken Cocoa made the secret agent forget his mission. Anonki was busy welcoming a new couple of tourists into the restaurant. The woman in military uniform wore the rank of major, and the man in camouflage, the stars of major generals flashed on his shoulders. This couple of tourists came from Poland, so Anonki is a must. Because recently Poland has inched closer to the elder brother of the Soviet Union. The big-breasted secretive girl sitting next to the door still had her back to him...

    That's lucky… Because if they watched Van Binh every inch, they would see him press a finger to the phone lever, which Velana had cut. But he also had to cut off the phone to ensure the safety of the upcoming conversation.

    As soon as the call with the Foreign Trade Development Department was hung up, another voice sounded on the receiver.

    This is also a female voice, but not Velana. This female saver speaks solid American, proving that she is a hundred percent American citizen.

    - Hello, golden friend, do you enjoy eating beef and grooving sheets?
    Strogonoff is Russian cheese fillet, thinly sliced, fried in butter with salt and pepper and hot peppers, mixed with chives, which are also fried until golden brown. Russian beef is the worst beef in the world, the fat is too fat, the fat is sick, the thin is too thin, the meat is mushy, and most of it is as tough as rubber. Therefore, Western tourists are very afraid of beef. As a gourmet, Van Binh is even more afraid, because like other Russian dishes, this fried beef dish is cooked with sour milk ...

    I don't understand which guy in the central C.I.A. sympathizers with dairy cows used strogonoff as the beginning of the password. Van Binh then replied:

    - Immortalize. The Cocoa Chicken is the best.

    According to the instructions, after exchanging passwords, Van Binh continued to talk as if the interlocutor was an employee of the Department of Foreign Trade Development. So he continued:

    -Do you know? I had to eat chicken to celebrate the signing of the treaty with the Soviet government.

    A woman's voice at the end of the line:

    - Remember what I'm about to say. The role he is playing is the role of an American citizen eager for money and eager to be drawn into the enemy's trap. The KGB had mastered the file on him, that is, on Kevin; so the new Ministry of Foreign Trade warmly invited him to Moscow to sign a generous contract, while some other advertising agencies demanded less money and were left out. According to an authentic source, the KGB will find a way to hunt him down, make him work for them. He only stayed in Moscow for one night before leaving for Albania, so it was certain that their guitar plan would be carried out within the night.

    A Chinese Communist delegation is about to stop by Moscow on its way to Albania tomorrow. Our source said that he would be forced by Bobos to "play" this delegation. "Play" how, to be honest we do not know. I've been talking for a while, now it's your turn. Just say it like before.

    Van Binh shrugged.

    - Is Mr. Director Bonkov present at the office? I'm so sleepy, Miss Velana!

    - Huh.. recently, you caught up with Velana girl at the Ministry of Foreign Trade. Soviet girls are like roses with thorns, my golden friend… KGB wants me to "play" the International Intelligence Service, will you "play" again, because if I'm not mistaken, this case involves the interests of the Soviet Union. America again.

    Listening to the girl at the end of the line repeat the word "play", Van Binh's face was hot. Then he blurted out:

    - "Playing" so much, it's a bit tired!

    The female voice suddenly became harsh:

    - Watch. Do not babble and lose your life. Anonki is pricking his ears to listen. Personally, I'm not afraid of your talent. If you want to give it a try, we'll play against each other in the United States next month. Well, hello. Bored is not a fish with a heart as he thought. Don't be fooled by your body and list, Mr. Kevin is sentimental and stupid!

    Van Binh was about to pour out a series of terrible adjectives, but the beauty on the line turned off the phone.

    Van Binh sighed and hung up the phone. The sound of his breathing has two meanings: for the KGB agent, it is a regret that he has not been able to talk to the beauty of the Foreign Trade Development Department, but for himself, it is a regret for not asking. Mr. Hoang and C.I.A. about the girl secretly in charge of the "telephone" at Moscow.

    Before hitting the road. Van Binh was only dimly informed that the C.I.A. There is a secure and modern communication system in the capital of the Soviet Union, where secret service agents and counterintelligence outnumber civilians. The feature of this system is that staff C.I.A. Steal their phones into the lines of some restaurants that receive foreign customers. And staff C.I.A. blatantly operated like this for 5 years, 5 long years with hundreds of secret phone calls that the KGB did not know at all.

    When Van Binh returned to his seat, the secret agent had finished his meal, was puffing his stomach, leaning back in his chair, in front of a nearly empty bottle of vodka. He grinned at him.

    - So delicious!

    He pushed the plate of chicken aside. Surprised Secret Service:

    - Hey, you haven't eaten anything… You should use it, it's very expensive.

    Van Binh shook his head.

    - I'm full.

    He stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

    - Hoai's!

    He probably meant to say "no matter what, if you knew you would criticize me for making all the chickens". Therefore, Van Binh smiled charmingly:

    - You eat more.

    He refuses to accept:

    - Where can. Turns out I'm a glutton.

    - I have the disease of greed ten times more than that. I'm just full because...

    - Understood. He was full because of Velana ... God, not only him, hundreds of people were in love with Velana's baby.

    - Do you know her too?

    - Oh, how can a rude employee like me know Velana? I only know her. I had the opportunity to meet her three or four times. She is horribly beautiful. The breath smells like perfume again… But sir, don't be so clever.

    - Does she have magic to drain men's bones and marrow?

    - Juniors have not been blessed to taste so they can't say. The reason why he should not be with Velana is because she is the fiancee of Comrade Bonkov. There were a few small children with her who were banished by Bonkov to the West Bank to see the snow.

    - Is Bolkov so powerful?

    - Because his youngest brother is a member of the Party Central Committee, in charge of security.

    "Does that mean that Bonkov is no longer young?"

    - Yes, he is about 60.65 or something. His beard and hair are white, but his body is still very strong. No wonder he intends to marry Velana.

    - How old is Velana?

    - Not even half the age of Comrade Director Bonkov.

    - 25?

    - Stop as even less.

    "She's so young, Bonkov must be jealous." When will she get on the flower car, you know?

    - The wedding should have been celebrated earlier this year. But it has to be postponed because the Central Government has not yet allowed it.

    - The Center thinks very right. Who allows the old man to be close to the mouth of the hole to have a relationship with a young girl who is so young?

    You misunderstood. In the West, old people playing drums may be unusual, public opinion is gossip, but in my country, it is normal. The Central Government has not yet granted a permit to Bolkov because it is heard that some comrades-in-arms also have deep feelings for Velana.

    - Ha ha ... then I have to beat the hands of some Central Party comrades to be able to...

    - Yes

    - That's dead… I lied, he also lied. Well, don't give me any more wine. In order not to get drunk on my words, I will speak lies and die early.

    Anonki, the restaurant manager, slowly approached. Anonki's face seemed to have the power to make the KGB agent quit drinking. He stood up quickly, muttering in his throat:

    - Invite him.

    That is, the secret agent was afraid that he would lose in front of Anonki, so he urged him to pay. As a rule, restaurants and inns in the Soviet Union did not have to tip. The Russians believe that bonuses devalue workers. Besides, a cook who receives a state salary like an official, receives a tip-tipping as well as taking a bribe. But when Van Binh put a few odd rubles on the table, the waiter still took it and put it in his pocket as usual. Manager Anonki saw it and quickly looked away. He pretended to be blind because soon this small reward would also be shared with him.

    It's cold as hell outside. Van Binh still walks on the sidewalk, instead of calling a taxi. The secret agent no longer stalked after him as before, but walked side by side with him cordially.

    The beautiful Velana's Foreign Trade Development Department is located in the Cultural Building, a massive 10-storey building near the Red Square.

    The Soviet Union is a land of strange contrasts. Since the death of the dictator Sit, his successors sought to woo the people with plans to build houses in the capital Moscow. Hundreds of pinnacles were sprung up, modern architecture, not inferior to New York. But in terms of amenities, it is hundreds of kilometers inferior to New York. There are apartments that have just cut the ribbon to inaugurate before they can live, the foundation has cracked, the floor is tilted. Most of them have crazy problems with electricity and water.

    Although the surface is very modern, the inside is sad as a husk bite. Bathrooms are shared, sometimes even the kitchen is shared; They stayed in many tents, three or four families had to huddle in one room. But objectively, the Moscow Bindings are also superior to the New York Bindings in one important point: that is, the facade is often sealed, the people living in the apartment often go in and out through the back door to avoid noise. harassment action.

    Van Binh was used to the way of building a Soviet, so he did not show his displeasure when he saw that the elevator of an official headquarters like the spacious Cultural Building was lying in a corner. He smiled and climbed up to the 9th floor by cement stairs. Climbing like this, when he met the beautiful Velana, he had a beard. Suddenly he thought of beauty. Maybe Velana didn't order the staff to cut off the power to the elevator, make him sweat and burn out in order to make him lose interest.

    The KGB agent sat smoking alone downstairs. Van Binh invited him upstairs, but he refused.

    The Department of Foreign Trade Development occupies half a floor. Van Binh was led to Velana's office.

    He froze when he met her. When he heard her voice on the phone, he knew she was beautiful. His rich imagination made her more beautiful. But he did not expect her to be so beautiful. She was even more beautiful than he imagined.

    Her skin is milky white and soft, fragrant like a newborn baby's skin, looking at it makes you want to take a bite. However, if he is allowed to take a bite, he will not care about the lotus-shaped face with dimpled cheeks. And he will bite her chest. She wore a long, loose gown that covered from the neck down to the knees, and her beautiful curves were still seductively flaunted, if she had taken off her gown, she could not understand how attractive her breasts would be.

    He suddenly understood why silver-haired comrade Bolkov wanted to marry her and why powerful comrades in the Central Committee prevented the marriage. If she lived in the West, every time she walked around the street she would not lose money for a car, dozens of taxis would follow each other to take her without taking money for the period. When she enters the restaurant, the owner will set the menu first and respectfully invite her to enjoy it because "your presence has made the restaurant famous". On a beautiful Saturday afternoon, the beauty strolled on Tu Do Street, surely the cars would crash into each other, the prince would follow her in long lines to fight the enemy, causing the police to use gas. teardrops and batons for mistaking anti-government demonstrations…

    I saw him come in. Velana calmly stood up, bid farewell to invite her to sit. He tried to ask her in a clear voice and in Russian with the right accent:

    - Velana?

    She lamented:

    - Yes I'm. Nice to meet Mr. Kevin. Please sit and wait a moment.

    - Are you busy?

    Yes, I'm always busy. Not especially for him. The reason I invited him to wait was because the director had just left. Comrade Minister called in to have something to do.

    - Obviously unlucky.

    Yes, I think the same as you. Before leaving, the director asked me to apologize to him. It's a case of force majeure. The director was only absent for about 15 minutes to half an hour...

    - That's why I say unlucky.

    - What did he say? You want the director to stay in the office?

    "Before I came here, I could not wait to see Mr. Bonkov. But now I think differently. Bonkov's absence from 15 minutes to half an hour was unfortunate for me. Is there any way you can ask Bolkov to leave?

    - Go now? Where do you want Bolkov to go? And what did Bolkov have to go like that for?

    - For what all she understood.

    As he spoke, Van Binh walked closer to Velana.

    She begged:

    - Don't Mr. There is a guard outside.

    Van Binh chuckles.

    - Did the guard forbid you to stand near guests?

    - That's not it. I'm just afraid …

    - Are you afraid of Bolkov?

    - I have no reason to fear Comrade Bolkov.

    - Oh, you forgot the important reason. Bonkov is her fiancé.

    - Well, you just came to Moscow and investigated the top of the field… Yes, you're right, but only partially. Last week, Bonkov was my fiancé, but this week I have categorically refused.

    - Reason?

    - You're a foreigner, you shouldn't do any research. Besides, tomorrow morning he said goodbye to Moscow. Knowing how much more only suffers him more.

    - I am a man who likes suffering a lot. Miss Velana, if I'm not mistaken, you have feelings for me. She also accepted to have dinner with me…

    - Yes, I promised, and I promise to keep it. But you can only take me out to eat after signing a contract with Comrade Bolkov.

    - No need to sign anything.

    - You should think again. The contract will bring him hundreds of thousands of dollars. He traveled a long way from the US to come here not to invite a secretary to eat. Anyway he…

    - Even if the contract will make me a billionaire, I don't need Rockkfele. Having a meal with her is worth a million times more than the contract.

    - I honestly advise you...

    Van Binh approached the Velana people. She stood up, panic-stricken face like an adulteress afraid of being caught by her husband:

    - I… I…

    She didn't have time to say it all. Because he had hugged the frog around the waist, pulled her into his body, and kissed her wet lips like slime. The Russian girl's voice was drowned in raging breathing. As if hypnotized she stood on tiptoe and clung to him.

    Although he was drunk, Van Binh was still awake. He heard a crackling sound. While Velana stood up and stood on tiptoe to receive the kiss comfortably, the two flaps of her tank top were suddenly pulled back to the left, and exposed… her pale skin.

    It turned out that the wool coat was the only garment on her body. Velana, frantic with fear, released his hand. But he had enough time to observe closely.

    Velana is so beautiful. Her face was already amazingly beautiful, her body was even more beautiful. He had guessed right earlier: the long woolen coat was not enough to conceal the unique treasures of the perfectly proportioned, flourishing, white and smooth body.

    Velana was about to close the hem of her shirt to avoid being naked, but Van Binh slipped his hand inside and opened it wide. And his soft hand grasped one of the nipples. She froze in her boundless joy because Van Binh used internal energy to transfer heat to her chest.

    Still, she kept her composure to shove him away and said:

    - I'm dead!

    Van Binh smiled and did not answer. He kissed Velana mechanically, not because he really loved her, but just to try again the answer to the security problem. Yet this mechanical gesture still made the muscles and tendons in his body tremble. If he kissed her honestly, I wonder how much he would tremble.

    He already knew why the two flaps of her bado-shui had fallen back. Usually, women who wear poorly buttoned blouses are as naked as she is when suddenly standing up. Earlier he had looked carefully at Velana from top to bottom. It is true that she buttoned the buttons carelessly. But to want the skirts to slip off the sides to reveal half of her naked body, she had to hook a rubber band from the buttonhole to the back of the chair. She was on tiptoe, the rope had to stretch… And then it fell to the floor of the room.

    Velana did the magic trick of love skillfully. But she did not expect agent Van Binh to be a wise and experienced young man. While kissing her, he saw two tiny rubber bands at the bottom of the chair. It turned out that she had deliberately taken off the bathrobe to infer for him to "wash his eyes".

    This tip-toe-kiss trick to unbutton his shirt is no longer a novelty for Van Binh. It has been taught in every spy school from east to west since the second world war. Although it is an old tactic, people still continue to use it because the exposed skin of a beautiful woman often has the magic to make male agents forget all security experience.

    The modern espionage industry has also invented many other strange devices of deception during sex. Van Binh was holding in his hand a stimulant half the size of a lighter, when kissing a man and a female spy concealed in the palm of his hand. The tiny box emitted a slight electric current that made the man's body tremble in pleasure. These boxes have two buttons, light and strong, the light button only produces ordinary happiness, but the light button can raise the pleasure to a height that makes… 2

    - Miss Velana?

    Velana replied:

    - Yes. Comrade director, right?

    - Must to. Bonkov here. Has Mr. Kevin of the American advertising agency Maxman come to the office?

    - Yes, just arrived.

    "Excuse me, sir, but I was busy discussing an important matter with the minister, so I didn't return on time."

    - Sir... what time do you want to meet again? May I ask Mr. Kevin to come back to see you tomorrow morning?

    - Can not. The plane to Albania will take off very soon.

    - Then please postpone until the next trip.

    - Can't either. Mr. Kevin has to meet the Albanian government tomorrow. Do you think Mr. Kevin will wait for me at the office?

    Velana covered the mouthpiece, turned to Van Binh and asked:

    - Did you hear what the director said?

    He shook his head.

    - No.

    - Comrade director could not return within half an hour.

    - Oh, what to think… I would like to sit and wait.

    - Can you be late?

    - If you are by my side, I can wait a century, without eating or breathing oxygen.

    - Huh ... he is the most brazen flirting man in the world. Now you kiss me, later you kiss another woman...

    Van Binh opened his mouth to protest. Velana snorted, then opened him and said:

    - Comrade, I just asked Mr. Kevin. He was willing to stay and wait. As long as it's not too late. Because tonight he needs to sleep to regain strength to go tomorrow morning.

    Velana lied like the devil. Van Binh never went to bed early. But she glanced at love, smiling softly.

    On the phone, Bonkov said:

    - I try to get back as soon as possible. At most 45 minutes to an hour. However, I can also leave earlier. She took out the wine and poured it for Mr. Kevin to drink.

    Velana hung up the phone on the shelf and said:

    - Did you hear Comrade Bolkov invite you to drink? Must be a guest to be treated like this. Bolkov knows that he is too chaotic… Dare to embrace and kiss the fiancee of the director comrade…

    - Oh, she gave up on the kiss, and then...

    - Must to. I've given up on the marriage, but that's not an excuse for you to touch me. Bonkov was the most jealous man in the world. If he knew that you kissed me, Bolkov would not have signed a contract with you again.

    - That's it.

    - Don't be too quick to think. Bonkov was old, but he was very good at martial arts. You will be knocked down by Bolkov in the blink of an eye. Not to mention the gunfight.

    - I'm not that good at shooting.

    - But you don't have a gun that shoots mediocrity or not. Bolkov always carried a gun in his pocket. He has two hands, unless he is a boxing champion or his body is covered with thick iron to hope to escape death.

    - To die by your side is the wish of all of us men.

    - You're lying again. Mr. Kevin, you should go back to the hotel. Because if you stay here, you will drink wine, then you will continue to mess with me, halfway back Bonkov will lose his life...

    - Thank you.

    - If you don't listen, I won't dissuade you. Now I make you a drink. What wine do you drink? How about vodka?

    - I told you you can give me anything to drink...

    - What if I put the anesthetic in?

    - The better.

    - You took a real risk. I have never met a man as daring as you. Don't worry, I won't give you an anesthetic. He patiently waited a minute. He will enjoy a special cup-hand called Bahalaika. Have you used Balalaika before?

    - Not yet.

    Van Binh lied. Lying to a drinker like him, there was no wine on this narrow earth that he did not know. Vodka is a low alcohol used to make cocktails - there are only about 20 ways to mix it around - so Van Binh must know Balalaika. It's a sweet cocktail, vodka mixed with chang, Phat's Cointreau liqueur, and served with a few slices of orange peel in a glass. Vodka is inherently heavy, people mix it with liqueur to make it easy to drink and easy to get drunk. A novice man or a woman with a weak heart that drinks Balalaika will make the body hot… However, there are a few things that are more intoxicating with vodka and cocktails. One thing that is often invited by the international prince to drink beautiful women to easily take advantage of has a meaningful name, "spiral". It only consists of vodka with orange juice and sugar, a lot of sugar ... Drinking is drunk, women with a "virtue of virtue" also become crazy love moths.

    Van Binh drank Balalaika many times. He drank dozens of glasses but was not drunk.

    Yet he felt dizzy when he finished the first cup of cocktail that Velana had brought to his hand. She looked surprised.

    - God, the wine is so drunk, you shouldn't drink it all at once.

    Van Binh lamented:

    - Better drunk than not drunk. I'll make you another drink.

    Velana returned to the pub. This wine cabinet is built in the wall, next to the tiny refrigerator, she presses the button on the desk, it appears from the wall. The office of the Director of Foreign Trade Development has been fully equipped with tourist facilities. . Van Binh suddenly remembered dozens and hundreds of foreigners who had entered this office, and talked ... drank wine with Velana. They foolishly fell for the KGB. Velana is a dangerous woman...

    Based on the shock, Van Binh knew that Velana had sneaked drugs into the wine. She must not have poisoned him, for if it were necessary to kill the Soviet agent, there were many other legal methods. She also did not give up the anesthetic. Because the KGB wanted him to stay awake…

    That means Velana has put aphrodisiac in the cup. Many aphrodisiacs are sold on the market, some are only mildly provocative, and others turn the victim into a hungry tiger, despite difficulties and morals. Victims may blush, turn purple, scream, tear their clothes, and hastily drop bad tricks.

    Van Binh was used to some aphrodisiacs. As for the light stuff, he considered it not because the Department's Specialized Department had already injected him with appropriate antibodies, in case he was tricked into drinking by the other party. But he was not used to the heavy aphrodisiacs made by special spy agencies.

    Van Binh just had a headache, dizziness, trembling hands and feet, if the drug was absorbed into the blood, he did not know how he would react. So he had to ask for a second drink to give him enough time to deal with it. As soon as Velana turned back, he straightened his shoulders, inhaled a lot of oxygen into his lungs, then suddenly held his breath, put his finger inside his shirt, poked into the labyrinthine area under the armpit, near the point of Tapao, one of the Shaolin's grave, touching the victim must cause unconsciousness. Solving the fascia is only an inch away from the ta-pao point, a slight deviation of the finger will cause the opposite effect. The effect of the moon ta-pao is to stimulate some ganglia in the body to secrete toxins, and at the same time stimulate the nervous system to keep the five senses awake.

    This desensitization is one of the very few Shaolin techniques passed down to posterity. Must be a master who knows the position of acupuncture points on the body, and especially good at atémi, to be able to solve the delusion on his own.

    Van Binh felt a stream of cold air emanating from his internal organs, repelling the hot substance that had just risen. His delirium had begun to take effect.

    He slowly exhaled the carbon trapped in his lungs. Just then Velana finished making her second cocktail.

    She gave him the wine, imploringly:

    - You shouldn't drink anymore. Because he needed to stay calm to talk to the director.

    Van Binh looked around the room. Velana's office has three doors. The largest door opened into the hallway. That is the entrance. Earlier, Van Binh entered through this door. The second, smaller door opened into the office of Director Bonkov.

    The third, smaller door on the left is half open. Van Binh saw a low bed, covered with pure white mattress. Most of the offices of senior officials in the Soviet government were attached to such a small room. Particularly, the dictator Sittalin had two or three rooms with beds and cabinets next to his office to be able to receive two or three beauties at the same time. In principle, this small room is used as a place to lie down at noon or at night. Senior officials often work regardless of hours, often sleep in the office at night, so it is not a strange thing to have a closet with a full mattress. But in fact, they used the closet as a convenient dating place, the female secretary and the director could bring each other into it and have sex easily. Velana deliberately opened this door for Van Binh to see the mattress inside.

    Van Binh predicted what would happen in the next few minutes. Aphrodisiacs drive him crazy, he will rush to her, hug her, force her to obey, and then make love in a hurry like a man chased by a ghost. However, this mood development should last from 5 to 7 minutes. During that time, Van Binh could also play tricks on the KGB and especially the jealous Bonkov.

    Van Binh knew in advance that Velana could only resist the temptation. She will let him throw him on the bed. She was wearing only a sweatshirt, and he would have no trouble trying to crack the cave. If his limbs are wobbly, she can even help him burn his period...

    At the decisive moment, KGB personnel will rush in with cameras in hand. And he became their docile card...

    He looked around the room. Sure, the room had a secret tape recorder, but no secret camera. Perhaps they were waiting outside, or in the next room. Velana will press the bell button to signal… To overtake the KGB, Van Binh must act 5 minutes in advance.

    First, he must conquer Velana. After finishing his second cup of handshake, he hugged her and kissed her. Although her heart is cold iron, although she graduated valedictorian from the KGB's love defense course, she still could not remain indifferent to Van Binh's stormy attack. Because Van Binh's seductive art has reached the point of being super squishy.

    His strange kiss touched her flesh, as strong as thunder. She was stunned. But not dizzy fatigue. It's drunken stupor. The numbness made him lose all sense of time.

    He flung off her cloak. She was lying on the bed, her nose up and down. Being in the offensive position, Velana was dropped to the defensive position. He saw her slowly slide her bare arm closer to the night table.

    It turned out that the electric button was mounted on the night table near the comfortable green light...

    Velana's finger almost touched the bell button when Van Binh bent down to kiss again. His flesh was glued to hers. She froze. He pulled her hand, crossing the back of his neck. He could hear Velana's gasp. She tried to resist the terrible temptation.

    But to no avail.

    He completely won. The most solid fortress of Velana was captured by Van Binh.

    She moaned softly. Time passed slowly. 3 minutes… 5 minutes…10 minutes… He lifted her paralyzed arm and placed it on the underground bell button.

    His face was close to hers… He pretended to be infatuated with orgies. But he could still hear the door opening, the creaking footsteps and the creaking of the camera.

    Then the shout:

    - Damn it!

    It was Director Bolkov's shout.

    Floating on a soft rubber mattress, her nose fluttering as if she had just inhaled pure heroin, Velana quickly got up. Bolkov's shout hit her ears like thunder. Her eyes fluttered open in terror. She grabbed her nightgown and put it on, as if afraid Bolkov would see her naked body.

    On principle. Bonkov used the word "bastard" to call Van Binh. However, judging from Bolkov's blood-red line, he knew he wanted to curse Velana. Velana's unusually appalled attitude and Bolkov's ferocious anger did not surprise Van Binh. He foresaw what was going to happen. He used his mind to fool the KGB secret service.

    According to the KGB order, Velana had to seduce Van Binh right in the office when the director was away. But she is only allowed to spoil Van Binh to a certain extent. The KGB didn't expect it… and Velana herself didn't expect it either…

    Bolkov believed that Velana had enough courage to seduce Van Binh without being surrounded by love nets. But in reality, she gave herself obediently to the strange man. By the time the KGB delegation rushed in to catch them, it was too late.

    Of course, the photographer managed to capture sensational images in the film, with two actors completely naked, doing what the common man called a "pig game". But if the KGB planned to catch Van Binh red-handed at the moment of preparation, Van Binh wisely went 10 minutes ahead.

    The sticky rice did not burn, but Bonkov could only see the end of the play.

    After putting on her dress, Velana trembled and went down to the ground. The giant Bolkov approached Van Binh:

    - You are Kevin, American nationality?

    At that time, Van Binh was still naked. Not a piece of cloth on his body, he is much more attractive when wearing clothes. His body grew steadily, and his strong and handsome appearance contrasted with the old, thin appearance of Comrade Director Bonkov. He was furious, but his espionage instincts kept him calm. Van Binh deliberately teased him by squandering his shoulders and smiling, as if he considered him a waste.

    Van Binh should have put on his pants first, but strutted, he pretended to unbutton his tie slowly, then pulled the shirt hanging at the head of the bed closer to him. Bolkov shouted out loud, almost out of breath:

    - Are you Kevin?

    Van Binh calmly replied:

    - Maybe I'm Bonkov.

    Bolkov waved his hand to strike:

    - Don't be confused. I will slap you to lose your teeth.

    Van Binh looked up at him.

    I honestly advise you not to touch me. I'm young. Much healthier than you. He beat me, forced me to hit back, and then, the one who lost his teeth would not be me.

    Bolkov slapped Van Binh on the left very hard. Van Binh dodged easily. Bolkov chased. Van Binh threw his shirt on the bed and stood up. Once again Bolkov missed. He pulled out the pistol in his body, loaded it, and shouted:

    - Invite comrades to shoot?

    Bolkov roared:

    - Well, you slept with Velana, but you still raised your voice ambiguously. Let me give you a shot…

    But a dry voice command emerged:

    - Put down the gun, Bonkov.

    Bolkov was still contemplating, when the big voice continued:

    - Bolkov, ask comrade to put down the gun. Comrades must not disobey orders.

    The man who had just given orders to Bolkov, the director of the development department of Foreign Trade, was a thin, pale man with an Eumig camcorder in his hand. He is a photographer who just shot the movie "pig game".
    1 Strogonoff is almost the only beef dish in the Russian home, if not including the bitoke, also with beef. Dai so that the Russians only know how to cook beef with milk, so it's boring to eat. Instead of beef, people often eat chicken, pork, and especially wild meat and seafood.
    2 Dear reader, forgive the Eighth man for leaving this sentence out. The author thought for a long time but had to suffer the guilt of being helpless, unable to find a suitable writing style to properly describe the present.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,141
    Z.28 Specter over Red Square (Z.28 Bóng Ma trên Công Trường Đỏ), Bùi Anh Tuấn, 1969.
    https://vietmessenger.com/books/?title=z28 bong ma tren cong truong do&page=3

    Z.28 The Phantom On The Red Square

    ACTION published 1969

    1. The Phantom On The Red Square
    2. Dear Defeat, Danh List
    3. Ghosts
    4. Last Night in Moscow
    5. North China Beauty
    6. First Night in Tirana
    7. Atomic Bomb
    8. Z Bomb. 233


    Bóng Ma

    Trong hàng ngũ điệp báo cộng sản, nhiều chuyện tréo cẳng ngỗng thường xảy ra. Giám đốc công sở nhiều khi chỉ là nhân viên của thư ký đánh máy. Tài xế riêng của ông đại sứ ở hải ngoại đều là sĩ quan cấp tá, có quyền lấn át đệ nhất tham vụ, tùy viên quân sự. Lại có trường hợp gã gác cửa sứ quán ra lệnh cho ông đại sứ nữa …

    Vì vậy Văn Bình không ngạc nhiên khi thấy Bônkốp nguội ngay cơn nóng giận, tuân lệnh gã thợ chụp hình có bộ mã quê mùa như người miền quê mới đến thủ đô Mạc tư khoa lần thứ nhất. Tuy nhiên Bônkốp còn tiếc rẻ:



    In the ranks of the communist spy agency, many goosebumps often happen. The office manager is often just an employee of the typist's secretary. The ambassador's personal driver overseas are all officers of the rank of colonel, having the power to overwhelm the first service officer, the military attache. There was another case where the doorman of the embassy gave orders to the ambassador...

    Therefore, Van Binh was not surprised to see that Bonkov immediately cooled down his anger, obeying the order of the photographer, who had a rustic look like a countryman who had just arrived in Moscow for the first time. However, Bonkov still regretted:

    - You think… I'm the one who suffers the most.

    Serious photographer:

    - We all have the duty to forget our own interests to serve the common good.

    Then turned to Van Binh:

    - Put your clothes on.

    Van Binh shrugged.

    - I have to leave it like this for you to take! How to wear clothes?

    The guy took a picture of his toothless teeth:

    - Done. I took a full roll. Print it out, I've watched it every week.

    Van Binh wears a shirt. Bonkov pointed to the pants:

    - No, this one first.

    Van Binh tilted his face:

    - Everyone has their own habits. My personal habit is to wear a shirt first, pants back.

    Bolkov gritted his teeth.

    Unfortunately, I haven't been able to beat him yet. But in a moment, you will see.

    - Ha, ha… he threatened again. What is Velana to you? Your wife?

    - Is not.

    - So is the fiancé. But, brother, Velana has just confided to me that she has broken up with you. He is as old as an 80-year-old man, and his body is wrinkled, unless it is crazy that Velana accepts as his wife.

    Bolkov shouted:

    - Shut.

    Van Binh replied obliquely:

    "You've got to slap me with two teeth, so I can keep my mouth shut." Think about it… Velana is so delicious, I've been blessed to have sex with her, so I have to talk a lot to make people crave. Poor guy… the road is a fiancé that someone else slaps on.

    Van Binh intentionally put the love enemy into a jam. And he foolishly fell for him. Forgetting the cameraman's orders, Bolkov grabbed the china plate containing the cigarette butts on the table and slammed it on the head. He had seen his reckless gesture. If only he could not see him, he could still dodge by listening to the wind. But he stood still. Stand still to receive Bolkov's jealous blow.

    Even though Bonkov attacked with a heavy metal object, Van Binh remained unharmed. His head had turned into a block of steel after years of meticulous training. When needed he can knock down a thick wall, let alone a porcelain plate that weighs less than a kilogram.

    Dozens of pieces of porcelain were scattered on the floor of the room. Van Binh let out a scream, staggered for a few seconds, and then fell onto the foot of the bed.

    Velana shouted:

    - God, you killed Kevin!

    The cameraman's panicked cry rang out once more. The three Soviet secret agents did not expect that Van Binh was acting. He fell close to the foot of the bed, and pretended to be unconscious so that he could watch and hear what was to come.

    Velana ran back, but Bolkov eloquently raised his hand to block:

    - Where are you going? You're going to save this bastard, aren't you?

    Velana shoved him away:

    - You have no rights. I just obeyed Comrade Khrushchev's orders.

    It turned out that the guy who took the picture was Khrushchev.

    Khrushchev looked down at Van Binh and then picked up his hand to take his pulse. With worried eyes, Velana asked:

    - Is his life in danger, comrade?

    Khrushchev shook his head.

    - No problem. Only fainted for 5, 10 minutes.

    Bolkov pointed to Velana's face:

    - Now I understand your heart. He was the enemy she wished for him to live. As for me, she wished for me to die. Right, I was…

    Velana interrupted Bolkov's words:

    - You talk too much.

    - How dare you forbid me from telling the truth. She just slept with him. His flesh had enchanted her, forgetting the duty.

    Khrushchev got angry:

    - I ask two comrades one last time. This is not the place for us to argue.

    Velana said coolly:

    - Comrade forgot that this is the office of the director of the Department of Foreign Trade Development. I'm just a lowly secretary, and you're just a technical assistant.

    Bolkov came to:

    - Ah, Miss Velana dared to mock me. I can't take the humiliation anymore. Gotta beat her up, come wherever.

    He slapped Velana in the face. She fell down on the mattress, her nose bleeding profusely. Khrushchev quickly grabbed Bolkov's arm and twisted it behind his back. Khrushchev's heart was to prevent Bolkov from continuing to fight. But in his blind anger, Bolkov mistakenly thought that Khrut had joined Velana to provoke him.

    Without time to think, Bolkov pushed his elbow into Khrushchev's throat. Out of contempt, because he did not expect Bolkov to even hit himself, Khrushchev could not avoid the blow. With the bony elbow into Khrushchev's throat, Khrushchev was in pain, and his eyes were filled with fireflies. He grabbed the table so as not to fall, his mouth lamented:

    - Bonkov is really good! Bonkov is really good!

    While wiping the blood from her nose, Velana threw her blindfold on the ground. She got up and ran to the door. Bolkov stopped her, his voice threatening:

    - Escape to where?

    Velana scowled.

    You just committed an unforgivable crime. Crime of assault. I ran to the next room to make a call.

    - Ah, you call the US embassy! All right, you tell the C.I.A. to free your mistress… I've lived with you for a long time, but I don't mind.. slut…the anti-Party…

    The look of terror on Velana's meek face vanished. She was no longer scared. She was no longer meek as usual. She has revealed herself as the evil KGB woman. As soon as Bolkov finished her sentence, she rushed forward and pointed her sharp finger at him. Bolkov, who was scratched with blood, jumped back. But she followed. Her fingernails pierced Bolkov's face.

    The victim howled. Red blood makes Velana more fierce. She squirmed like a wounded tigress, her ten fingernails racing to dig deep into Bonkov's flesh.

    Khrushchev stood up. He smiled faintly when he saw Bolkov being attacked by Velana.

    Just then the door to the room opened.

    A short, balding man entered. Accompanied by two bodyguards, pistols strapped to the belt.

    Van Binh stuck out his tongue and licked the invisible drop of water at the edge. He felt faint. Because that bald, short man is the most fierce god of the Soviet Counterintelligence facility.

    His name is Bored.

    Boret is about 55 years old, the same height and width as the former prime minister Kut Sep. The Kut family is famous for its belly, and Bored's waist is equally large. Bored's face was not much different from that of Kut Shep, except that he was younger, and seemed gentler. However, he is the most evil counterintelligence player in the world.

    Boret was originally a secret service investigator in the southeastern Soviet Union. At the age of 25, he was noticed by his superiors thanks to his special talent in torturing prisoners. All those who passed through Bored's interrogation room confessed. Even more remarkable was that Bored wanted them to confess what they all wrote sporadically.

    Bored did not torture with rods, toenails and fingernails, to burn flesh, to prick with needles, to water, to block the heavy stone on his chest, that is to say, ancient methods, which left quite a few injuries. Boret used only one familiar device: the electric camera.

    Electric tracing is a terrifying invention of the 20th century. Most of the countries apply the electric tracing method. However, the best in electrical engineering were only two people. The first is Lombila, in charge of the Special Security Service in Asia under President Peron. The second is President Morinigo's police chief in Paraquay 1.

    But compared to Boreth, they were the students. Because Lombila started the torture by beating the victim to death, then tied to a table, pricked with electric needles all over the body. The police director of Paraquay also accepted the victim's head into a bucket of cold water, forced him to drink until his stomach swelled, and then used a wooden baton to beat his stomach to vomit all the water out.

    To send electricity to the victim, Bored only needed a small windowless room, a thousand-candle lamp hanging from the ceiling, shining down on a long iron table, on which the victim was tied and shackled like a sausage. The reason why Bored achieved such great results was because he had an art of his own. His electric camcorder was also different from the usual ones. Boret kept the art of electrospinning and the construction of electric machines a secret. Just know that he has phoned who has to surrender within a day and a night.

    Because of this unique talent, Bored was promoted and transferred to central Moscow. In the past time, he has become an excellent counterintelligence leader and is trusted by the Cam Linh Palace.

    Van Binh had never met Boret before; yet he was more familiar to him than any of the spies of the Russo-Chinese world. He knew he weighed 108 kg even though he was just over 1m6 tall. 1m6 tall is too short for western standards, but it seems that God has grudgingly molded really short people to give huge jobs. The dictator Sitta Lin is also just over 1m60 tall. Küsheb, as well as Hitler. Napoleon was not much taller than Boreth.

    Bored is a heavy mass of flesh that, when moved, turns as nimble as a young man with a well-proportioned body. The reason is that Bored is good at Sambo, a traditional martial art of the Russian people. Martial arts only specializes in two hands, Boret studied diligently since childhood, so he can kill people with a light slap. Bored's master was an old man who lived to be 130 years old before he died. He lives in the Cocoa mountains where many of the world's oldest people live, thanks to the climate, suitable soil, and year-round climbing. During his years of climbing, Boret's master had learned the secret of running and jumping of the ape, an unusual species of ape that weighs twice as much as a human and moves faster than a human. Bored was passed on this secret by his master.

    One day, Mr. Hoang gave Van Binh some detailed information about Boret's martial arts.

    - Meet him, you should be careful "the word of Mr. Hoang", you don't think he is as fat as a jar of water, but slowly progressing and regressing. When needed, he can attack at lightning speed. This agility combined with his excess weight made him a formidable fighter. Sooner or later you will have to confront him. If you despise it, you will lose your life like a game.

    Several Anglo-American spies lost their lives due to miscalculation. His huge pot of broth contained a formidable force. He often has a habit of tricking the opponent into headbutting his stomach and then pulling back, causing the opponent's head to stick. He just dropped his hand. The bones of the skull, which were as solid as iron, were also broken.

    However, his power is not as dangerous as the melancholy strategy. Of the living communist spies, Bored was the one with the most stratagems.

    That day, the general manager showed Van Binh a special album with Bored's picture on it. The number one weakness of international intelligence operators is women. Most are obsessed with beauty. But Bored was completely indifferent to beauty. He is still single. There were hundreds of good girls in his school, but he didn't care. It seems that Bored's nervous system lacks all the parts that cause vibrations before beauty.

    It is not clear whether by accident or purpose (Van Binh believes that Mr. Hoang was intentional) that today Van Binh encountered Boret in Moscow.

    Bored strutted in, a large Havan cigar in his mouth. Bored is like the British Prime Minister Sissin in that he always smokes a cigar and is a cigar that does not burn. Bored was never seen smoking a cigar, though expensive cigar boxes and solid gold lighters were always in his pocket. In his office, he had all kinds of cigars and lighters. If put together, they can fill two large suitcases.

    Van Binh clearly saw the long scar near his hand, lying on the back of Boret's neck. This scar is the evidence of a wild boar hunt in western Asia.

    Six years ago, Bored accompanied a central delegation on a hunting trip. He is a marksman, so he was chosen as a special guide and bodyguard for General Serop, the boss of the Soviet secret police. It was getting dark, and Serop approached a stream when he met a herd of boars. This wild boar has long, pointed fangs and has an aversion to humans. Serop is also a good shooter, so he casually approached the group of wild pigs. They all ran away, leaving only the leader of the pack. In military terms, this leader stayed behind with the task of blocking the enemy's advance.

    At that time there were only General Serop and Boreb in the forest. Wait for the beast to be only 10 yards away from Serop before pulling the trigger. Unfortunately, the bullet got stuck in the barrel. Before Boreb had time to shoot himself, the giant pig jumped back. General Serop panicked and tripped over the roots of a tree and fell to the ground. If he was crushed by a wild boar, Serop would surely die. Bored brought his body to make carpentry to save his master. His extraordinary fist hit the beast's body. But the beast knocked him down and blocked him up.

    Empty-handed, Bored sparred with the dangerous wild boar. After five minutes of hard struggle, he beat the beast to its head. However, his clothes were torn, and his skin was covered with scratches. The doctor had to sew nearly twenty stitches, and Bored had to stay in the hospital for a month to fully heal. His neck was crushed, plastic surgeons spent a lot of effort to mend, but still could not cover the scar on the back of his neck.

    After this unfortunate hunting trip, Bored was considered by General Serop to be a special assistant, in charge of Overseas Action.

    Boret personally went to see Van Binh at the Foreign Trade Development office, so all the work he was about to do must be of an unusually important nature.

    Bored's presence was like a 220-volt electric current that passed through the three secret agents in the room. Bored took out a cigar and held it in his hand, then slowly looked at everyone. His expression did not change when he saw Velana's ferocious gesture, the bloody scratches on Bolkov's face, and Khrushchev's smug smile.

    He asked coldly:

    - Where's Kevin?

    Khrushchev replied:

    - Comrade, he is lying near the foot of the bed because he was knocked unconscious by Bonkov.

    Boreth ordered the bodyguard:

    - Drive Kevin back to the office, take care of him to wake up and wait for me.

    Two muscular bodyguards, hairy limbs, flat heads, square necks, it must mean that the Mongols bent down to pick up Van Binh. Van Binh weighs more than 70 kilograms, yet the two bodyguards lifted it up slightly, proving that they have extraordinary health.

    However, Van Binh was not surprised. He had known for a long time that KGB agents recruited young Mongolian men as bodyguards. These young people are usually not genuine Mongols but Mongols of mixed Russian. After World War II, the Soviet Union moved some Russians from Central Asia to Mongolia for the purpose of breeding. Nearly two decades later, the amalgamation of the two colors has produced an above-average kind of wise, alert, courageous, and healthy person. The KGB Secret Service selects the best elements and brings them to Moscow for special training.

    Van Binh closed his eyes, pretending to breathe weakly. At the same time, making the bodyguards believe that he was in a coma, he silently operated his attacks on the four solstices, making his limbs stiff.

    Two bodyguards carried Van Binh to the stairs.

    At that time, in the room Bored was still standing, an unlit cigar still in his hand. He sternly asked Bonkov:

    - Are you jealous?

    With a pale face, the director of the Bonkov Department of Foreign Trade Development replied in a timid voice:

    - Sir ... because Velana did not follow the plan.

    - I haven't asked you if Velana is following or disobeying the plan. I just need to know one thing: are you jealous?

    - Yes... so angry, I can't stand it.

    - Means you were jealous. If Velana is his wife or lover, he has no right to be jealous, let alone Velana has not had a close emotional relationship with him. Jealousy is a professional taboo. Do spy work, never be jealous. Even if his wife slept with someone else, it was normal. More than anyone else, he knew that Velana had slept with many men. Making love to men is Velana's main duty, have you forgotten?

    - Dear... sir, comrade...

    - You need to be trained again for a while. Tonight, he had to prepare his luggage to leave tomorrow. He will study the course “Emotional Control” in Leningrad.

    Bored turned to Velana:

    - Why did you disobey orders?

    Velana's voice trembled:

    - Comrade, I dare not. From start to finish, I thoroughly followed all the instructions listed in the work sheet. I don't understand why until the last minute...

    - Keep talking. Every time we finish a job, we need to check it out. Why did she give herself to him at the last minute?

    - Yes... I don't understand either. At that time, I lost all my conscience. My body turned into a machine for him to command.

    - After she lay in bed, what tricks did he play?

    - He kissed me.

    - Kiss like?

    - Comrades...

    - Khrushchev pretended to be Kevin, she imitated Kevin hugging and kissing Khorut for me to see.

    Velana clumsily imitated Van Binh's affectionate movements. Bored ready his voice:

    - He doesn't caress you?

    - Yes, yes.

    - How to caress?

    Bored attentively watched Velana's hand glide over Khrush's body. Bored stopped:

    - Well, I know. It was natural for her to lose to him. Based on the way he caressed, I guess Kevin must be someone who knows the secret of acupressure. Did you know who he is?

    - Yes not yet. Comrade Bonkov only said roughly that Kevin was an American, and we have to mate with love.

    - Well, now you should know. Kevin is a powerful spy of the C.I.A.

    - Sky!

    "Tomorrow, I will let you go with him to Albania.

    Nhe said that Bonkov froze. He raised his hand to protest. But suddenly remembering the iron discipline he quickly stood still. Velana going to Albania means that he will lose her forever. She will continue to devote herself to him. Hot blood throbbed on both sides of the membrane, and Bonkov tried to hold it down. He had a way to deal with it. His mouth mutters in a low voice that only he can hear:

    - Then you know my hand!

    Out of the vast corridor, the two bodyguards stopped and put Van Binh motionless on the smooth brick floor. At first, Van Binh thought they were tired. But one guy brought a cloth bandage. Van Binh smiled happily. Lying on the stretcher is more comfortable than being carried around. For a long time he had not enjoyed the pleasure of lying on a stretcher for KGB personnel.

    Two bodyguards walked around the corridor to the elevator. This is a private elevator, hidden in the wall, the type of elevator for senior officials. Poor! Earlier, Van Binh thought that this massive building had only one broken elevator, so he had to waste labor and climb cement stairs. He was not tired, but according to Chinese physiologists, if he had saved a few hundred calories, the time with the beautiful Velana would have been even more magical.

    The elevators of the big men are different, it runs smoothly as if gliding on cotton, down to the lower floor and stops without him knowing. Van Binh was carried out of the elevator again. A dump truck was parked in the front yard. The trunk is like a box, like a refrigerated truck. The stretcher is placed neatly on the floor of the car.

    The warm climate in the car made Van Binh comfortable. It turned out that the trunk was fitted with a heater.

    The car slowly rolled. The two bodyguards sat opposite each other but did not look at each other and did not speak to each other. Using Mongolian bodyguards has the advantage of being quiet and not having the disease of curiosity.

    Van Binh felt the car stop, then there was the sound of a heavy iron gate opening, the driver drove into a rough road. Although he couldn't see the outside, Van Binh also guessed that he was being taken into the special headquarters of the KGB in the cruel and cruel prison Lubianka. This examination hall has a large and spacious outside yard lined with bumpy stones. Running all the way to the stone yard, the driver must turn to the left, go through another large iron gate, and then descend into the tunnel.

    He guessed right. His head started bouncing back. The car is going down the tunnel.

    5 minutes later, the car's expansion. Van Binh opened his eyes, and exclaimed:

    - How do I do this?

    A Mongolian bodyguard pulled him to sit up:

    - Are you awake? Step down.

    He holds his hand:

    - Where is this?

    He bared his teeth.

    - Death examination.

    Pretending to lose color Van Binh asked rumors:

    - A death sentence, is this a death sentence? What crime did I commit to being put on death row? Besides, if I'm guilty, I have to go to court too! Who are you? You guys got it wrong. My name is Kevin, employee of Maxman company. Did you guys hear that? I am Kevin.

    As he said that, he jumped out of the car. It turned out that he was in a large room. At a glance at the decoration, he knew immediately that it was in the cellar of Lubianka's prison.

    Two bodyguards grabbed him by the armpits and dragged him through a small door frame, into another room, full of lights. Van Binh is in the middle of nowhere:

    - Who are you?

    One of the bodyguards tapped the butt of a pistol on his head:

    - You do not need to know.

    If he didn't play the role of Kevin, Van Binh gave the insolent bodyguard a month of porridge. He just flicked his elbow and the bone broke him. But the boy obediently took the blow.

    Another door opened. In front is a deep corridor, both sides are cells, black painted iron doors are closed, outside there are big locks.

    The bodyguards pushed him into cell No. 5. This cell is square, two meters on each side. Van Binh only stands on tiptoe to touch the ceiling. Except for the door, the cell has no doors. There are also no vents. The walls of the room were painted with black tar. A golden lamp mounted in the wall, the outside of which was covered with a large lattice of steel with a wand, cast a dull and numbing light.

    There is no bed. No blankets. No cleaning tools. The cold night air filled the cell. Van Binh wore warm clothes and was used to the cold, but still shivered.

    He had heard a lot about the suspect's cell in the Lubianka prison cell. Cells two meters each side are already wide, most of the cells are just big enough for prisoners to lie stooped or sit and not be able to stand. Dangerous prisoners who are being interrogated are often locked in a small cell like a coffin, lying down all day and night, or just standing, or just sitting with their knees bent. Bored to treat him like this was generous.

    He knew why Bored was nice to him.

    The two bodyguards quietly returned. Van Binh grabbed his shirt and followed:

    I vehemently oppose. You have no right to keep me here.

    The bodyguard shook his hand:

    - Huh, being imprisoned is still a blessing. Go shoot again.

    - I am a foreign citizen. American citizen. You have no right to arrest Americans.

    - Ha ha, what else is there to say resentfully...

    - Request you to inform the US embassy.

    - Do you still want to protest?

    Van Binh tried to come out, but the Mongol bodyguard pushed him down:

    - Lie down.

    The cell door slammed shut. In his life, he was in a cell many times. The cell in Hanoi is not much worse than the cell in Lubianka in terms of horror. However, having entered Lu-bian-ka, there is a chance like Ton, and there is little hope of escape. To enter Lubianka is to hold death in hand.

    But this time imprisoned in the death cell in Lubianka, Van Binh was not afraid of death. Because Bored will use him. Use for what he does not know. But he was certain that he would be dropped off by Boret tonight at the Hotel Metropole.

    He should have used the opportunity to get some compensatory sleep. But he dared not. Because of this happy hour, electronic ears and eyes are watching him. Most of the cells in Lubinaka are equipped with television cameras. KGB specialists were watching his reaction.

    He had to act to deceive them. Then he slammed his fist on the iron door.

    - Bolkov, Velana, open it for me.

    After a while of hand fatigue, he sat down on the cold cement floor. Then he stood up and shouted:

    - Open for me! I am Kevin, American citizen. I am innocent...

    He pretended to be silent. Because the sound of people crying had just come in from the hallway. It's a woman's voice:

    - Gentlemen, it hurts so bad, I'm dying.

    Men's voices:

    - Oh, just plucked the nail that she cried out. So what did it hurt?

    - It hurts, it hurts, sir?

    - Rest for a while, then toenails. Pulling the new toenail is really painful.

    - You forgive me.

    - Have you confessed to the crime yet?

    - Sir, what crime?

    - Slipping again. Crime of spying for the enemy, but what else?

    - Sir, I did not spy for the enemy.

    - Oh well. Now to the toenails. Let's see in a few minutes, will you have any more denials?

    The woman's howl.

    - It hurts, it hurts!

    - Lots of mouth, deaf ears, no one can stand it... The pliers are not given to me.

    - Yes, I will confess. I plead guilty.

    - Light does not like, only likes heavy. Before, did you have to admit your fingernails if you confessed?

    - I'm so sorry, sir!

    - Shut up. You say another word and I'll cut off my tongue.

    The victim was silent. Van Binh heard the sound of people being dragged. Then came the voice of another victim, a man:

    - You took me to shoot? I haven't been to court yet...

    Voice of the sentinel:

    - The court has no time to try imperial spies like you. Stand up ... you can rest assured, Soviet soldiers hit very hard, every bullet is stuck in your body, you will die right away, not knowing any pain at all.

    Van Binh heard the iron door close.

    Then there was complete silence. He sat cross-legged on the cement floor, looking at the yellow lamp with a frightened expression on his face.

    He sat like that for 15 minutes when outside there was a clatter of shoes. The cell door opened. The two bodyguards from earlier stood in front of the door, ordering him to step out. He obediently followed them down the deep corridor, down one spiral staircase and then up another spiral staircase. He understood why the KGB forced him to go down the ladder, up the ladder so consecutively. They wanted his heart to beat. They want him to be scared to the extreme.

    He was led into another cell above. So he asked?

    - Oh hey, am I still in jail?

    One bodyguard replied:

    - Please wait a moment. You will be questioned by your superiors.

    The cell door was locked again. This cell is bigger than the cell in the cellar. However, the furniture seemed more formal with the iron bed fastened to the wall, and high near the ceiling was a door frame with huge bars, and covered with lattice steel. This door frame overlooked the courtyard because he heard people behind him.

    He stood on the bed on tiptoe, clinging to the ledge of the window. He guessed right: behind was a small courtyard, nestled between towering stone walls.

    He heard again the sound of shoes, the sound of buckles, the clank of iron chains, and then a death penalty appeared in the midst of a group of muscular guards. Inmates are escorted to the wall opposite the cell door frame.

    Van Binh clearly saw a lamp in the yard being lit. He even saw his face as white as the death sheet when he was tied to the stake. The execution team split into two, half standing, the other half kneeling. At the command of the captain, they raised their guns and pointed them at the death penalty.

    Doan, bang, bang… a series of gunshots rang out. The criminal jumped up and turned his head to stop breathing. A white coffin was delivered. The dead person was untied, pulled from the stake, and placed in a box. In an instant, the execution squad disappeared from Van Binh's sight. He sighed and slid off the bed.

    However, he deliberately slipped to fall to the floor of the room.

    He was sprawled, face up, looking around the cell. He had just seen the television camera. He pretended to be in pain and continued to whine.

    He groaned like that for almost half an hour before someone opened the door. Still two familiar bodyguards. He obediently went out again, down the stairs and up the stairs. Every staircase consists of more than 50 steps, in a spiral shape, the bodyguards urge to climb quickly, the weak of heart can fall and faint. Van Binh railing on the railing, panting:

    - So tired, guys!

    One of the bodyguards thrust his gun into his ribs and said harshly:

    - Well, I'll be tired after a while.

    10 minutes later, after going up the stairs, down the stairs, walking around the endless corridor. Van Binh entered a large room, the electric lights were as bright as day. In the room, there was only an iron table and an iron chair. On the walls, and around the room, were torture devices. The most formidable instruments in the history of human torture...

    Boret was leaning on his hips, looking at Van Binh, with a cigar on his lips that was still unburnt. Van Binh quickly stopped and stammered:

    - Sir …

    Bored coldly:

    - Yes, hello. You know what I brought you here for?

    - Sir, I am innocent...

    - Innocent or guilty, let's discuss it later. There's still a lot of time, don't be afraid to go anywhere.

    - I have to go to Albania tomorrow morning.

    - Can not. You try to stay here with us for a few days and then it's not too late to leave...

    - Sir, you allow me to go to Albania.

    - Is not.

    - So, where can I go?

    - Go to the underworld.

    - God, does that mean I'm going to get shot?

    - Of course.

    - You save me. If you save me, I will do anything to repay the favor.

    - Relax. I used to hate being hasty. Have you heard who I am?

    - Yes, not yet.

    - You're not lying, are you?

    - No.

    - Then I would like to introduce myself. I'm Bored, Soviet Counterintelligence Specialist, Special Assistant to General Serov, KGB Overseas Administration. I'm famous in the world because of a little talent. I brought you here to see me perform this meager feat.

    - I'm so sorry, sir!

    - Oh, this Kevin is so evasive! Yes, you are very unfair, hundreds of people with serious crimes have been arrested here like you have also complained. Go ahead and complain, I don't forbid it. But when I show my talent, he certainly won't like to complain anymore.

    Bored pulled out of his pocket a box of Havan cigars, a cigar as small as a filtered cigarette. This box of 10 cigars was exported by Cuba to Russia, in exchange for weapons. He held the box close to Van Binh's face and said:

    - Don't be fooled. It's not a cigar. It's a fake cigar. It contained a unique torture device that Western security circles dubbed the “electric camera,” or “coffee mill” in slang. It has two tiny batteries, enough to make the machine run for 12 hours. It's really small, but its use is very effective. I just hooked one end of the string to his lips and pressed the button and within a minute he would bleed from his mouth and nose. Within two minutes, blood will pour out of the eyes, ears, and anus. His tongue will be paralyzed, he will not eat well for the rest of his life. That is not to mention the consequences for his five mandarins. After being electrocuted, he will suffer from poor eyesight and hearing loss. Half a year later, he will be blind and deaf. Now, may I invite you to try it out for a few minutes?

    Van Binh trembled:

    - Please forgive me.

    Boret smiled faintly.

    - Are you afraid? Fear is right. Elephants are also afraid of sweating, let alone humans. He was afraid of the coffee mill, so I introduced him to some other goodies.

    Boret led Van Binh by the hand to the end of the room. Seeing that he was walking unsteadily, he put his hand on his shoulder.

    - What a coward man! Hey, do you see that spanish bracelet hanging right in front of you?

    Van Binh is no stranger to what is called the spanish ring. It's almost like a shackle, except that it's wooden, it's iron, with heavy lead blocks, spiked spikes. It is worn around the neck of the criminal and then screwed up to narrow it down. Sharp nails pierced the throat and back of the neck, the sinner would lose all his blood or suffocate and die. In the Bell Tower of London, the British royal government displayed some of the torture devices used in Europe during the Middle Ages. Van Binh had come to see it to learn from experience. The old building, built 900 years ago, could be considered the world's most terrifying torture museum. Van Binh saw the spanish ring, as well as the nail extractor, the 20-kilogram shackle and especially the two-piece armor like a peanut, the sinner was locked inside and then tightened outside. , sinners will suffocate, flesh and bones will be crushed…

    Boret pointed to a bunch of round, square, and varied weights, and explained:

    - These lead weights are used to press the chest of criminals. Even the bravest person must confess. The chest presser image is considered simple and powerful, there is only one sinner in the world who can withstand 200 kg 2. He looks red in the flesh, his shoulders and chest are enlarged, but he can't stand 100 or 150 kg. . Oh, by the way, I'll tell you. In the 17th century, in England, there was a strange law, in which criminals were required to confess or deny guilt, but not keep their mouths shut. Prisoners often keep their mouths shut because then the court will not be able to hear them, and even if they are tortured to death. The state still cannot confiscate his property. The court punished the person who kept his mouth shut by squeezing his chest with a weight. By the way, I want to advise you of one thing: you should confess.

    Van Binh sighed heavily.

    "Sir, before I confess, I should at least know what crime I have committed...

    Bored shrugged.

    - He's stubborn again. But well, that's for later. I haven't introduced him yet. Please follow my finger. In the picture hanging on the wall, do you see it?

    Without waiting for Van Binh's reply, he calmly continued:

    - These are the common tools in China. Today, China has adopted socialism but the method of torture remains unchanged. To be honest with you, as an expert on torture, I have never seen a country with a more sophisticated and effective torture technique than China. If you continue to be stubborn I will lock you in a small cage like a birdhouse, or make you wear a special type of cuff, which is not heavy but when you put it on it is pulled up by two ropes, making you must stand on tiptoe. The Chinese are very clever, the shackles were only pulled up high enough, he only stood for half an hour and his body ached...

    Mr. Kevin, the Chinese have been famous for thousands of years for their tying skills. A prisoner who is tied up by the train cannot escape. The Chinese used the art of tying to torture as well. Have you heard of the sport of "ape picking peach fairy"? Probably not. This figure consists of 2 crossbars like the crossbar used for jumping exercise. Inmates who are tied up on the beams will become disabled because of blood clots in their limbs, broken spines. However, the sport of "ape picking peach fairy" is not as terrible as "sacred dragon roll", meaning that the prisoner is tied up like a shrimp, his neck is tied to his feet, only a few hours is required. unconditional surrender. Hey Mr. Kevin, I ask this question, are you ready to answer?

    Van Binh swallowed his saliva.

    - Sir, I dare not disobey orders.

    - Very good. My aim is for you to surrender unconditionally.

    - Maybe I'm crazy. Whatever he wanted, he said it out loud, opening it up like this, my nerves were getting more and more tense every minute. I don't deny that I made love to Velana but...

    - You can't deny it because every single move of tons of sex games has been recorded in the movie.

    - The KGB set up a trap for me.

    - Almost the same.

    - I got it. He took pictures of me sleeping with Velana to force me to spy for him. I can do anything, except go against my country.

    - He is a very commendable patriot.

    - I was not brought here to hear your praise. What do you want me to help the KGB with, please let me know immediately.

    Bored slowly sat down in his chair. The room only had one chair, so Van Binh had to stand indifferently in front of the desk. This layout is intended by the KGB to create an inferiority complex for the victim. Bored fiddled with the end of his cigar and nodded.

    - Are you Kevin?

    Van Binh clicked his tongue:

    "If it weren't for Kevin, I wouldn't have had the pleasure of going to the KGB's interrogation headquarters."

    - Ask him to answer seriously. I used to hate stubborn members.

    - Yes, I'm Kevin. John Kevin, 36 years old.

    Bored opened the file on the table:

    - He was born in Canada, Toronto, on August 22, at 4 am. His great-grandfather was an American who immigrated from Finland. His mother is a Hawaiian. He lost his father when he was 8 years old. Two years later, his mother remarried and followed her new husband to her hometown of Ha Uy di. From the age of 10 onwards, he lived on Ha Uy Di island. When he was 16, he graduated from high school when his mother died in a car accident. His stepfather married another wife. Since then, he has established himself, both working and continuing to study. He graduated with a Bachelor's degree and joined the commercial advertising industry. He joined Maxman company for exactly 8 years and 10 months. Are the details I just said about your background true or false?

    Van Binh was startled. He was genuinely surprised, not faking it. It turned out that the KGB had mastered Kevin's file from beginning to end. Fortunately, his role was carefully prepared, otherwise he would have been crushed in the hands of counterintelligence boss Boret.

    The film of memory in Langle, where the headquarters of the Central Intelligence C.I.A. slowly returned to his mind. That day, it was raining heavily. He had just arrived in Hoa Thinh when he was transported directly to the headquarters by Mr. Simit's private helicopter.

    Picking him up at the prosperous Hoa airport and also going with him back to Langley was a young woman in her fifties, with white hair, wearing short-sighted glasses that fell down her nose, a stern and taciturn face. This young woman is a special assistant to the general manager, Simit. Ding Ning C.I.A. Knowing his character, he let the young beauty come out to pick him up, Van Binh suddenly lost interest. Along the way he did not say a word. The silver-haired young woman was as silent as the statue.

    But when he arrived at the headquarters, he made a mistake. Stupidly stupid and childish. Because this old lady is a girl in the spring of love. Mr. Simmit sent her to go with Van Binh to try again the answer of a technical problem: the problem of plastic surgery. In recent years, the cosmetic surgery of espionage has made great progress. Things that never seemed possible have become reality. The 25-year-old girl of the C.I.A. was transformed into a woman in her fifties by a specialist doctor after 3 short hours in the operating room. In the past, it took weeks, sometimes months, for the incisions to have enough time to pull the young skin and the chemicals to cover the scars.

    The girl – the old woman took him to the FR area of the C.I.A. an area for surgical disguise services. Two doctors and three nurses were waiting with an album full of pictures of half-body, full-body, lying down, sitting, standing, all kinds of advertising specialist Kevin. In height, he was close to Kevin, but in width he was larger than him. He is also 5 kg heavier than him. In terms of face, he resembles him. Otherwise, it was only in that he was more handsome, his eyes were sharper, more determined, and his features were darker, more oily. Doctor C.I.A. Using a separate camera, take a picture of Van Binh and then project it on the big screen to study. It takes only 30 minutes to study facial features. Then came the surgery to change the nose, eyes, eyebrows and teeth ... Total from the time he entered the room, climbed onto the surgical table until the work was completed, it took 3 hours.

    Leave the FR area. Van Binh has become the real Kevin...

    Bored stroked his beard, his voice triumphant:

    - How, Mr. Kevin, am I right or wrong?

    Van Binh's face turned pale:

    - That's right. That's right, don't get drunk.

    - Do you know why I'm right or wrong? Because we have been following you for a long time. Your files fill a drawer of my office. The reason I repeat the details of his life is to remind him to be honest. You should be more honest…

    - What did I hide from you?

    - So you get a C.I.A. salary. from when?

    - I… I don't understand what you mean? I work in the advertising industry, so I'm very familiar. Maybe among the people who deal with me there is a C.I.A. employee, but…

    - It's nothing... If you try to deny it, I'll be forced to torture you.

    - Yes, I would say.

    - You earn C.I.A salary. from when?

    - Actually, I don't get a monthly salary. But only occasionally receive subsidies. Hundreds of companies, tens of thousands of employees are C.I.A. subsidies, not just me.

    - Maybe they threw money out the window for you to spend. It's all reciprocal, they subsidize it for later use. Up to now, he received from C.I.A. how much?

    It's dead! He thought he was well prepared, but he did not expect that there were so many details about Kevin that he did not know. Kevin received the C.I.A. from when? How much money did Kevin receive in all? He then replied tersely:

    - I don't remember anymore.

    Bored grimaced with displeasure. But he continued to ask:

    - What do they usually make you do?

    - Get news.

    - At home or abroad?

    - Usually abroad, especially in Europe. Because I am a close associate of the company's director Maxman and have the ability to always go abroad, C.I.A. take advantage of these overseas trips to ask me to gather information.

    - In the past time, which countries have you visited?

    - I am like a bird flying in the sky, a year 12 months is almost 8 months abroad.

    - No, I mean which countries you visited with the mission by the C.IA. entrust the other.

    - Three months ago, I went to Berlin to negotiate with a pharmaceutical manufacturer, C.I.A. ask me to wait near the east-west line to receive an umbrella.

    - An umbrella?

    Yes, because it rained heavily that day. I hid under the eaves when a stranger came and set up his umbrella next to mine. Two minutes later, he left, and deliberately took the parachute.

    - Is there a secret document in this umbrella?

    - Hey, I know. Even though I know, I don't have time to open an umbrella to see. Because staff C.I.A. follow me every hour, every minute.

    - After this Berlin trip, what other jobs do you do?

    - Is not. The Berlin case is the only one since the 20th of this month.

    Bored stood there, pacing around the room. Suddenly he stopped and pointed his finger at Van Binh:

    - What did you do in the Soviet Union this time?

    Van Binh felt that his whole body was pale. His voice suddenly hoarse:

    - Perhaps to receive documents.

    - Why do you use the word "probably"? Commanding Officer C.I.A. told you how?

    - Sir, I was only ordered to go to the Metropole hotel to get a room and then contact the Ministry of Foreign Trade as usual.

    Boret smiled faintly.

    - From whom did you receive this instruction?

    - I do not know.

    - Why don't you know?

    Because I can't face him. From the date of operation for the C.I.A. I have never met a superior. The benefits are sent to me through a bank intermediary. When I have money in my account, the bank will notify me to receive it. All instructions are stored in “dead mailboxes”. Before leaving for Moscow, I went to get instructions in a payphone cabin in New York. They glued it with duct tape to the bottom of the tile- the inside of the cabin.

    - Is that all?

    - Yes, that's all.

    - Then I will supplement! He had a mission to go to the Soviet Union to contact the remnants of Penkovsky's party. Do you know who Penkovsky is? Or do you deny that you don't know?

    - Yes, I know.

    Penkovsky is a man that the whole world must know. In 1963, he was tried and executed for spying for Anglo-American. He was a colonel of the Red Army, a senior officer of the GRU Military Intelligence Service, one of the famous names of Penkovsky espionage who had transferred thousands of top secret documents to the West. His activities caused great harm to the Soviet defense and security system. He was executed, but the chain of the spy organization he led continued to operate.

    - Know how?

    Penkovsky was tried on May 7, 1963 in the court of the Supreme Court of the Soviet Union along with a British merchant citizen named Greville Wynne. And on May 16, Penkovsky was executed.

    - I didn't ask you that. What you just said was published in the newspaper. I just wanted to ask you about Penkovsky's remnants.

    Van Binh shook his head.

    "Sir, I have nothing to hide from you, for I must save my life." I'm just a courier, nothing more, nothing less.

    "You stay in Moscow every night, which means that the documents of the remnants of Penkovsky must be given to your grandfather tonight. Who gave it to you, you know?

    - If I knew, I would have told you earlier.

    - Huh… I hope you don't pass me by. Tonight's document handover at the Metropole hotel was approved by the C.I.A. known as Ghost agent. Penkovsky is dead, his spy organization is just a ghost!

    - Sir, for the first time I heard two voices "Ghost" ...

    - Who will come to your room tonight?

    Van Binh shook his head again.

    - I told you I don't know. Totally don't know.

    - Really? Let me ask him to come in here and argue with you, okay?

    Van Binh's body was cold. He told the truth to Bored: C.I.A. did not tell him anything about the Penkovsky faction who was about to meet him that night at the hotel.

    Suddenly a light flashed in his mind like lightning in the night of the thirtieth of December. Oh my god, he remembered...

    Bored waved his hand to a bodyguard standing at the door. The door opened.

    One person was pushed into the room.

    That's a pretty girl.

    She is Nina, the waitress full of life and love of the state inn Metropole. She promised to come to his room tonight.

    1 Lombilla and this Paraguayan police chief are two real people. Dr. Alberto Caride witnessed Lombilla's phone calls. Lombilla threatened to kill, so Caride did not dare to reveal. It wasn't until the day Caride came to the US as a refugee and President Juan Peron was deposed. Caride recently denounced the public in five continents.
    2 It's Blueskin, a thief.
    3 These details are real. Penkovskiy was executed, but some of his friends continued to work with Western intelligence in Soviet territory.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited January 2023 Posts: 14,141
    Z.28 Specter over Red Square (Z.28 Bóng Ma trên Công Trường Đỏ), Bùi Anh Tuấn, 1969.
    https://vietmessenger.com/books/?title=z28 bong ma tren cong truong do

    Z.28 The Phantom On The Red Square

    ACTION published 1969

    1. The Phantom On The Red Square
    2. Dear Defeat, Danh List
    3. Ghosts
    4. Last Night in Moscow
    5. North China Beauty
    6. First Night in Tirana
    7. Atomic Bomb
    8. Z Bomb. 233


    Đêm Cuối Ở Mạc Tư Khoa

    Văn Bình đau nhói ở đan điền như vừa bị một tay cao thủ đánh vào huyệt đạo. Chàng đau nhói không phải vì nhìn thấy cô gái khả ái hồi nãy đã trở thành tội phạm của KGB, thân thể trần truồng, hai bàn tay xinh xắn bị còng tréo nằm tênh hênh trên mặt đất. Làn da trắng muốt của nàng in hằn những vạch dài ngoằn ngoèo như một đàn rắn đỏ, chứng tích của trận đòn tra tấn bằng roi gân bò.

    Văn Bình đã biết rõ tác dụng của roi gân bò KGB.


    Last Night in Moscow

    Van Binh had a sharp pain in the dantian as if he had just been hit by a master at the acupuncture point. His pain was not because he saw the lovely girl who had become a KGB criminal a while ago, her body naked, her beautiful hands handcuffed lying on the ground. Her white skin was imprinted with long zigzag lines like a herd of red snakes, the evidence of the torture with bull tendons.

    Van Binh knew well the effect of KGB beef tendon. This type of whip is soaked for many hours in salt water mixed with vinegar to keep its properties both soft and hard. Just swinging the whip, you can hear the horrible whistling sound, the weak have lost their limbs, their skin has goosebumps, let alone beaten. Each lash on the body is a swollen red streak, the red color turns purple and then black blood, the victim is in pain from the bone marrow to the skin, and has not recovered for months. The KGB personnel in charge of the use of beef tendons are well trained, they do not bring down their full force, but only slowly hit the weak parts of the body, where the nerve endings are the most.

    The reason Van Binh's pain in the dantian was because the image of a naked girl reminded him of the past. His room at the Hotel Metropole bears the number 413, a number that any Western spy operating undercover in Moscow during the post-war period would have engraved in his mind, because 413 was the room number of Major Kirilov, a soldier. KGB agency.

    In 1940, Nora, a Soviet dancer, flirted with a British embassy attaché, MI-6 employee named Murray, at the Metropole Hotel. She conquered Murray easily thanks to her pretty body. She was not a Secret Service agent, but the Secret Service forced her to fish Murray for them. And in the end, Murray unwittingly becomes a valuable source of information for the Soviet secret service...

    Van Binh remembers the time when the maidservant blossomed and trembled in his arms in the room with the fateful number 413. Was Nina a spy member of the Penkovsky faction? Or is she a KGB agent playing a humiliating trick?

    His mind was confused. He suddenly felt infinite love for her.

    Bored pressed the toe of his shoe against Nina's tight chest, snarling:

    - It's delicious to die like this!

    Nina lay dozing, her eyes closed. Perhaps she was beaten so badly that she fainted. Her round breasts rose and fell as if inviting Van Binh. A whip was lying on the left nipple, red blood was oozing out. Impatience rose in the heart of Van Binh, who was once famous for having a heart of stone.

    He quickly asked Boreth:

    - Are you going to kill her?

    Bored bit into an unlit cigar:

    - Of course. According to Soviet law, spies were executed regardless of whether the crime was serious or minor. Their accomplices were also executed.

    Van Binh's voice trembled:

    - Mean …

    - That means you will also be executed. Because you are Nina's accomplice.

    - She revealed me?

    - Honestly, not yet. But soon, when she wakes up, she will tell. The trial will be held next week. He was like a group of troops besieged on all sides, going forward also died, but when retreating, they also died. However, I am ready to erase all your sins, as long as ...

    - I've said it over and over again. I am ready to cooperate with you. As for Nina's fate...

    - Nina is not involved in this case. She is a Soviet citizen. The Soviet Court couldn't take it easy on her. She must be tried. She will be dragged to the penitentiary to set an example for others. Her death will cause the Penkovsky party to recoil.

    - Too bad for her!

    - I feel sorry for her, too. But the law is the law, I can't have my own love...

    - I beg you, I beg you ... please show mercy and forgive her.

    - Where not. I'm not a senior security chief in Moscow yet. There are many more important people above me.

    - I will explain the reason for the release to the superiors to understand.

    - Oh, you've lived in the intelligence business, it's no wonder the barter issue. I can only ask my superiors to spare Nina's life if you accept all my conditions...

    - Oh my God !

    - Do not worry. My condition is not that difficult. Before him, many western spy agents also accepted. We treat foreign employees very kindly. How do you agree or refuse?

    Van Binh was silent. Boret continued:

    There is a Russian proverb that says "silence is contentment". Besides, anyone in his position at the moment would be content. After the job is done, he will be free to return to the US, in addition, he will be rewarded with a large amount of money.

    - What about the contract with the Ministry of Foreign Trade?

    - It's not too late to sign tomorrow morning. This contract will help him go home many times without fear of suspicion. If I'm not mistaken, after deducting the costs of advertising in newspapers, radio and television, the Maxman Company has a profit of about $50,000.

    - You are very correct.

    - Out of $50,000, the company will give you 20%, which means 10,000. We decided to give him a separate 50,000 ; On this trip, he made a total of $60,000. With this money you can buy a big mansion. In the future, he will receive many other payments. Honestly, I have enough pressure to make him do what he wants; A sex case with Velana right at the office of the Department of Foreign Trade Development was enough, only to have Nina's testimony in the Bong Ma affair conducted by C.I.A. arranged with the remaining Penkovsky party… But I still think about bonus money, a lot of money. This distinction needs to be remembered. Wondering if the C.I.A. give you $60,000 for a job?

    - No, sir. Never.

    - Of course. The class of couriers like you are only paid a monthly salary of $1,000 at most. New hires get about $3 to $500. As for the salary for each season, this trip to Moscow he can only receive from $ 2,000 to $ 3,000. Arrested, or brought to court, or killed, he had to endure, because the $3,000 collected included danger allowance and compensation for life. Human life has been C.I.A. The maximum rating is $3,000… In your opinion, which agency is generous to its employees, the KGB or the CI.A.?

    Van Binh was silent again. Bored was partly right. Readers of popular spy novels often think that western spy agents earn more than the president of the United States, but the truth is completely different. They also receive a salary, a monthly salary or a contract salary, just like any other government employee. Their salary, of course, is more than the salary of the "early pick up the umbrella and bring it back" with some special allowances, but only twice as much, three times as much. With that double or triple salary compared to human life, everyone finds it too cheap.

    Thousands and tens of thousands of spy agents around the world have accepted such cheap money, among them is Van Binh. If he spends lavishly, playing with the emperor, it is not because of his salary. It's the money "oh my god" paid by the spy agencies.

    Comparing wages between western and communist spy agents, communist employees receive more. But that is only the prerogative of a few. Communist spy agencies such as the KGB, Smerch, and Department intelligence often stole promised bonuses.

    Bored approached Van Binh, and patted him on the shoulder affectionately.

    - $60,000 ! He worked all his life like a valet in Ha Uy Di and couldn't save that huge amount of money. Well, what did you come to Albania for?

    - Just like in Moscow. I went to the capital Albania to negotiate the organization of a traveling exhibition throughout the United States. The Maxman Company demanded $300,000. The Albanian embassy in Washington was expensive, and they did not have the right to decide, so I had to go to Tirana myself.

    - That means you will stay in Tirana for many days?

    - Yes. The Albanian government is very lenient towards American tourists. They had a pre-existing affection for the Maxman advertising agency, so they were even more lenient with me.

    - In contrast, the Albanian government considers the Russians as lepers. Because, as you know, they are close allies of China. Although the relationship with the Soviet Union was not interrupted in principle, it did occur in practice. They don't like America, but they need to moderate in response to the new US policy towards China. For many years, Soviet intelligence agents could no longer operate openly.

    - I got it. He wanted to ask me to come to Tirana to do the courier work.

    - We don't need you as a courier. Because our secret system continues to work. I want to give you another job.

    - Danger?

    - Of course. Working on foreign land is no job without danger. He is an American citizen, operating in France-British are allied countries but it is also dangerous, let alone operating in Albania, a hostile country.

    - I came to Tirana purely for commercial purposes, C.I.A. didn't ask me to contact intelligence there.

    Well, I'm just giving an example. The Albanian Secret Service would not have given him a warm welcome if they discovered he was an undercover agent of the C.I.A. By the way, I need to let you know that the Albanian agent is very ruthless, ten times more ruthless than the KGB. They don't handcuff you, escort you to the airport, send you off the earliest plane. They would hold him for weeks, months in the basement for torture. They forced him to tell the truth, but when he told the truth, they thought he was a liar, and in the end, they brought him to the court to persecute him. The Albanian Secret Service, they have many torture methods of the Chinese Department of Intelligence, so they are very proficient in the subject of mausoleum. Do you know what a curse is?

    Well, you Americans are a civilized people, you probably don't know. Let me explain to you. Lang Tri, meaning stagnation, is the most terrible punishment of ancient China. The victim was cut into pieces of meat to death. In the examination hall of the Albanian secret service, there is a separate area for the mausoleum, under the direction of a Chinese advisor.

    The victim is locked in a steel lattice cage like an armor, the steel cage is tightly folded, making the victim's flesh protrude in lumps. People use sharp blades to cut these lumps of flesh out of the body, one piece a day. The Albanian Secret Service organizes funerals in accordance with the 14th century Chinese tradition. There are 4 forms of mausoleum, from heavy to light, 120 pieces of meat are severed, 72 lighter pieces are cut off, and 72 lighter ones are lighter. 36; The lightest is 24 pieces. The mutilation takes place in the following order: 1 and 2 are eyelid surgery; 3 and 4 are shoulder cuts; 5 and 6 are breast mutilation; 7 and 8 are forearm mutilation; 9 and 10 are armpit meat cutting; 11 and 12 are butt butt cuts; 13 and 14 are calves; 15 and 16 are heel cuts; 17 and 18 are chopping off the hand…

    Van Binh interrupted, impatiently:

    - I got it. What will I have to do in Tirana?

    Bored clicked his tongue:

    - If you don't like to hear it, fine. However, you should also know that the secret procedure of the Albanian Secret Service also contains many interesting details. They do not sequentially go from mutilating eyelids to cutting off limbs, but mutilating according to the lottery. 24 or 36 knives are put together in a big box, each stick with a piece of paper with each part of the body, the secret service agent who gets the knife says which part, then cuts that part. Oh my, this blasphemy alone makes a lot of money. Wanting to die immediately, the victim had to bribe so that the first knife pulled out of the box bore the word "heart". Just one stab to the heart is fine...

    Van Binh clenched his fists on the desk and rattled:

    - Speak… speak… what shall I do in Tirana?

    Bored showed no anger. On the contrary, he also smiled, happily:

    - Good, you keep hitting the table again. His last gesture proved that he was too afraid. His nerves are tense to the extreme, if I continue to talk about the punishment, he will have a heart attack and die. That's enough, isn't it? Now, let's get to work…

    Bored rang the bell. Two bodyguards entered the room through two opposite side doors.

    Bored raised his jaw:

    - Take this girl out, get dressed, take care of her medicine and give her a good meal, you hear? Ah, bring the chair in here… that chair is so soft…

    A minute later, the two bodyguards placed a large black leather chair in front of the table. Boret held out his hand in a friendly voice:

    - He sat down to ease his tired legs. I was too careless, ever since I made him stand still.

    Van Binh chuckled. He knew well that Bored was not careless. Making the victim stand during interrogation is one of the elementary tricks of the Scientific Police. Bored hit him on the head with intimidation. Now comes the redemption.

    Bored told the bodyguard:

    - Hey, what are you doing standing there? Get my best vodka and the best snacks.

    The passage turns to Van Binh:

    - Drink and you'll see. The Metropole Hotel is home to a wide range of premium vodkas. But they only get the Cossack. The wine that Nina brought to his room (Van Binh pretended to look at Bored with shocked eyes mixed with fear). My wine is a special wine brought from Norway. As you understand, Uyghur is the homeland, the paradise of vodka; There is no region in Russia where vodka is as rich and attractive as in the Uyghur region. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet established his own factory in Norway, selecting the best ingredients and the most skillful workers to cook special vodkas. Only the leading comrades in the Cam Linh Palace can drink. Yesterday, General Serop gave me a bottle. Usually, I have to save until a formal occasion to open the wine. You are my guest today...

    Van Binh closed:

    - Thank you.

    Boret poured wine into tiny glasses lined up on a golden tray. This type of glass is made of expensive French-made crystal. The gold tray also came from a famous jeweler in the city of light, ballet.

    Van Binh counted 12 cups in all, each with a capacity of two cups of Vietnamese jackfruit seeds. Noticing Van Binh's troubled expression (he couldn't tell that Van Binh was artificially confused), Boret explained:

    - You don't understand why only two people drink but have to use 12 glasses? This is an elegant and classy way of drinking vodka. Vodka as well as French cod should only be drunk whole, not mixed with soda or iced. And should only drink in a small glass, and take a sip...

    Drinking vodka in the right way is to wait for a guest to arrive before putting the bottle of wine in the refrigerator, along with a set of glasses. When the glasses are cool, the bottle is drinkable. Vodka poured into a large glass like a whiskey or lave is not interesting at all. But if you pour it into a small glass, it's equally bad to drink it. Therefore, two drinkers have to buy a set of 12 glasses. Did you try to see the color of the wine? Do you find it crystal clear?

    If you put it up to your nose, you won't smell it, but when you drink it, oh my god, the cold intestines suddenly warm up, it's snowing outside, the temperature is below zero, and people feel like summer on the beach. sea ​​…

    The bodyguard brought out a plate of fragrant grilled pork rolls. Boret tattooed Van Binh a piece and said:

    - This is koulebiaka, the Russian intestine dish. It's made of meat or fish, drinking vodka without koulebiaka is like lying on a cotton mattress in a room with a fireplace without a beautiful woman on one side...

    Bored clinked a glass with Van Binh with a happy face. He drank six glasses of vodka in one go. He took the last glass, raised it above his head, and threw it to the ground. The glass broke into pieces. Bored smiled and said:

    - Drinking vodka often has to break the glass like that to be correct… Hey, drink it… Afraid of getting drunk? It's okay. We have a special drug, each pill is only as small as a pea. If you are drunk, you will be able to quit drinking within 10 minutes and wake up as if you have never drank alcohol ... Wish you tomorrow on the plane with The delegation of Chinese scientists was allowed to go out safely.

    - I will go to Tirana with a delegation of Chinese scientists?

    - Must to.

    - Did they visit Moscow?

    - Must to.

    - If I am not mistaken, Beijing officials have not been granted visas to Moscow for many months. And Beijing also ordered all of its overseas delegations to Eastern Europe to stay away from Moscow.

    - But this time was different. Between the Soviet Union and China, there are negotiations in Dong Ba Linh about border conflicts. So we allowed them to come back. On the other hand, when the delegation from Central - Asia flew in, it was impossible not to stop in Moscow to refuel the plane. The delegation consisted of 3 famous scientists and some close collaborators.

    - What science subjects do they specialize in?

    - Theo lời họ nói với sứ quán Liên sô tại Bắc kinh thì 3 khoa học gia này chuyên về địa chất học. Gần đây, Anbani đào được môt số giếng dầu. Phái đoàn Trung quốc đến Tirana để làm cố vấn về phương diện đào khoét và khai thác giếng dầu.

    - Tôi không tin rằng phái đoàn Trung quốc chỉ gồm các khoa học gia địa chất.

    - Phải. Họa chăng chỉ có con nít mới tin như vậy. Cả 3 nhà bác học Tàu đều là chuyên viên lỗi lạc về kỹ thuật nổ võ khí nguyên tử.

    - Chuyên viên nguyên tử lực ở Trung quốc rất khan hiếm, còn khan hiếm hơn nước trên sa mạc nữa, họ làm gì có nhiều để gửi qua Anbani những ba người có tiếng tâm như vậy. Có lẽ họ chỉ là chuyên viên trung cấp. Theo tôi …

    - A, anh lại về hùa với Bắc kinh rồi ư? Anh vểnh tai lên đển nghe tôi trưng bằng cớ. Tôi là một trong số ít người am hiểu tình hình thí nghiệm nguyên tử ở Hoa lục hơn ai hết. Vì năm 1968, tôi có chân trong phái đoàn kỹ thuật sô viết đến thăm Viện Khảo cứu Nguyên tử Bắc kinh, và tôi còn là người chở đến Viện này bộ điện trì thí nghiệm công suất 6.500 kilô-oát do Liên sô viện trợ. Trái bom nguyên tử đầu tiên của Trung quốc được chế tạo do công trình của 50 khoa học gia, trong số có 23 trước kia đã phục vụ tại Tây phương. Khoa học gia lỗi lạc nhất thường được coi là cha đẻ của trái bom nguyên tử đầu tiên là bác sĩ Tsien-San-tsang, cựu giảng viên vật lý tại đại học đường Sọt-bon bên Pháp. Và anh biết 3 nhà bác học sắp đến Mạc tư khoa ngày mai có liên hệ như thế nào với Tsien-San-tsiang không?

    - Không. Nếu biết, tôi đã không hỏi.

    - Họ đều là cộng sự viên thân mật của Tsien. Đáng kể nhất là Chu-Yao, cánh tay phải của Tsien, Yao chuyên về điện tử.

    - Như vậy phái đoàn Trung quốc đã bị lộ tẩy rồi còn gì … Các anh chỉ cho nhiếp ảnh viên đến phi trường chụp hình Chu-Yao, rồi đăng tùm lum lên báo. Bắc kinh sẽ không còn dám chối cãi nữa.

    - Không được. Qua tin tức bí mật, chúng tôi biết Chu-Yao là chuyên viên nguyên tử. Nhưng trên giấy tờ hắn là địa chất gia. Chúng tôi không tìm được bằng chứng cụ thể nào về việc hắn đội lốt. Cho dẫu hắn bị lộ tẩy là khoa học gia nguyên tử nữa thì chúng tôi cũng chẳng làm gì được. Vì việc hắn định làm chưa xảy ra …

    - Việc gì?

    - Nổ một hỏa tiễn nguyên tử.

    - Ở Anbani?

    - Phải, ở Anbani.

    - Trời ơi !

    - Hừ … đừng kêu trời nữa, hãy bắt tay vào việc đi … Hỏa tiễn mang đầu đạn nguyên tử này do Trung quốc chế tạo tại Lob-nor dưới quyền điều khiển của Tsien-San-tsiang. Phái đoàn Chu-Yao được Tsien phái đến Anbani để lập giàn phóng và khai hỏa …

    - Khai hỏa thí nghiệm, hay là …

    - Đồ ngu … Nếu họ đến Anbani chỉ để khai hỏa thí nghiệm thì chúng tôi chẳng phải nhờ đến anh, chẳng phải huy động toàn bộ nhân viên ở Hoa kỳ điều tra về anh, bố trí cho anh qua Liên sô, và yêu cầu Vêlana làm tình say sưa với anh … Hỏa tiễn này không nổ chơi, nổ thí nghiệm, mà là nổ thật …

    - Tầm bắn của nó được bao nhiêu cây số?

    - Độ hai, ba ngàn. Nghĩa là có thể bắn tan bất cứ thị trấn nào ở Âu châu.

    - Anh đã khám phá ra vị trí của giàn phóng chưa?

    - Khi Anbani còn giao thiệp mật thiết với Liên sô, thủ tướng Cút-Sép đã cho thiết lập một giàn phóng ở gần Tirana. Liên sô đã cung cấp hỏa tiễn cho họ. Nhưng cũng tương tự như Hoa kỳ đối với các quốc gia trong minh ước Bắc Đại tây Dương, các hỏa tiễn này không có đầu đạn nguyên tử. Sau đó, Anbani hục hặc với điện Cẩm linh, các chuyên viên hỏa tiễn sô viết bị rút về. Giờ đây, họ đã di chuyển giàn phóng đến nơi khác. Trung quốc chỉ cần lắp đầu đạn nguyên tử vào là … a lê hấp …

    - Họ sẽ bắn qua Liên sô?

    - Điều này, chúng tôi chưa biết. Họ có thể phóng vào lãnh thổ Liên sô và đổ tội cho Hoa kỳ. Thế chiến thứ ba có thể nổ bùng trong giây phút nếu Mạc tư khoa bị hỏa tiễn tàn phá, và Liên sô sẽ bấm nút phá tan Hoa kỳ.

    - Ngược lại. Hoa kỳ cũng sẽ bấm nút phá tan Liên sô.

    - Hai đại cường quốc nguyên tử sẽ bấm nút phá tan lãnh thổ của nhau một cách vô ích. Ngao cò tranh chấp, ngư ông sẽ thủ lợi. Và ngư ông này là ai, hẳn anh đã đoán biết.

    - Nhưng nếu họ không bắn vào Liên sô?

    - Thì họ vẫn có thể bắn vào một mục phiêu nào khác. Ba lê, hoặc Tây Bá linh chẳng hạn …

    Một ngày kia, thành phố Ba lê lãnh một trái hỏa tiễn nguyên tử, hàng trăm ngàn người chết. Tây phương sẽ nghi cho chúng tôi. Pháp cũng có hỏa tiễn nguyên tử. Pháp sẽ bấm nút. Chúng tôi sẽ bấm nút trả đũa. Rồi Hoa kỳ sẽ nhảy vào vòng chiến. Quá nửa nền văn minh của nhân loại sẽ bị tiêu diệt.

    - Trong khi ấy Trung quốc vẫn tọa hưởng thái bình …

    - Đúng, Sở dĩ thế giới ngày nay còn được sống trong hòa bình là vì có hai đại cường quốc Nga-Mỹ cầm chịch. Nếu Nga-Mỹ bị kiệt quệ, Trung quốc sẽ nắm ngôi vị bá chủ. Không riêng gì các anh, chúng tôi cũng không ưa cộng sản Trung quốc. Tôi nghĩ rằng các anh cũng như chúng tôi đều có bổn phận đoàn kết với nhau để loại trừ hiểm họa sắp đến.

    - Nghĩa là tôi sẽ đi Tirana để tháo gỡ đầu đạn nguyên tử.

    - Phải. Chúng tôi hoàn toàn đặt tin tưởng nơi anh.

    -Nhưng tôi nhận thấy anh lạc quan quá nhiều. Tìm ra giàn phóng đã khó, tháo gỡ đầu đạn còn khó hơn nữa. Một mình tôi không tài nào làm nổi, ít ra …

    - Điều cần thiết là anh có sẵn sàng hợp tác, và là hợp tác thành thật hay không? Nếu anh sẵn sàng, chúng tôi sẽ tích cực giúp đỡ …

    - Về vấn đề hợp tác, anh đã hỏi nhiều lần và tôi cũng đã trả lời nhiều lần.

    - Vậy anh ký vào đây.

    - Trời ơi, anh vẫn chưa tin tôi sao?

    - Tôi có bổn phận lập hồ sơ về anh và báo cáo với cấp trên. Một công tác quan trọng như vậy phải có giấy tờ, không thể nói bằng miệng được.

    - Ừ thì ký. Anh chắc lép thật. Đã nắm đầu cán trăm phần trăm mà anh vẫn chưa bằng lòng.

    Bôrết đẩy một tờ giấy đánh máy đến trước mặt Văn Bình:

    - Anh nên đọc lại trước khi hạ bút ký.

    Văn Bình chắt lưỡi:

    - Chẳng sao. Tôi có thói quen ký không cần đọc lại.

    Chàng ký tháu tên Kêvin rồi ném tờ giấy về phía Bôrết, dáng điệu khinh bạc:

    - Bây giờ tôi quay về khách sạn được chưa?

    - Chưa. Còn một vài chi tiết nữa … Phái đoàn khoa học gia Trung quốc gồm cả thảy hơn 20 người.

    - Anh vừa nói 3, giờ đây lại nói 20.

    - 3 khoa học gia và 17 phụ tá. Bề ngoài, họ là thư ký, chuyên viên hành chính, nhưng thật ra họ đều là sĩ quan tình báo và an ninh.

    - Có mấy phụ nữ?

    - 2. Anh đánh hơi đàn bà tài thật.

    - Chẳng có gì là tài cả. Hầu hết phái đoàn Trung quốc xuất ngoại một thời gian dài từ 2,3 tháng trở đi, đều mang phụ nữ theo. Phụ nữ đây không phải là vợ của nhân viên phái đoàn. Mà là nữ thư ký. Những nữ thư ký này làm việc văn phòng thì ít mà phụ trách ủng hộ sinh lý cho các cấp bộ thì nhiều.

    - Chuyến đi này hơi khác. Vì trong sô phụ nữ có con gái của Chu-Yao. Cô bé này học về cơ khí tại đại học đường Tirana được về Bắc kinh nghĩ hè. Nhân tiện nàng theo cha đi Anbani để nhập trường.

    - Nàng đẹp không anh?

    - Không biết.

    - Thôi, anh đừng giấu nghề nữa. Trước khi kết nạp tôi, anh đã nghiên cứu tường tận. Vòng ngực cô bé rộng bao nhiêu phân, nàng mặc xú-chiêng hiệu gì, màu gì, anh cũng biết, huống hồ …

    - Nói trước sợ gặp anh sẽ mất hứng. Anh yên tâm, Chu-Linh rất đẹp.

    - Tên nàng là Chu-Linh?

    - Yes, Chu-Linh. Exactly 18 years old. Her face is as beautiful as a queen. Her skin was whiter than snow.

    "If I'm not mistaken, he wants to show off his flirting and conquering her.

    - You are not mistaken. I see you have a genius in this subject. His outstanding ability was demonstrated to Nina and Velana. I trust you will succeed with Chu-Linh…

    - Huh ... the daughter of China today has completely changed, don't put too much trust in me and be painfully disappointed.

    - Chu-Linh suits you very well. Then you will see that it is beneficial to cooperate with us. Ten times more profitable to cooperate with C.I.A. We will take care of you fully.

    Van Binh joked:

    - Even the love affair?

    Bored's voice is still mature:

    - Of course. Soon, my own car took him back to the inn. And Velana was waiting for him in the room.

    - Will she stay with me?

    - Of course.

    Van Binh stood up.

    - Then there's nothing …

    Bored also stood up.

    - No foreign spy has ever been treated with the same respect as you. Bringing Velana to the Metropole to be your wife tonight, I made a bold move. Bolkov will be angry. Some high-ranking figures who are heavily in love with Velana will also be disgruntled. I hope you repay this favor well.

    Van Binh smiled brightly. He had seen through the guts of counterintelligence boss Boret. He provided him with carnal pleasures, not because he treated him with respect. But for another reason. His last night in Moscow may well be the last night he gets to hold a woman. Velana's love is only a privilege for the death penalty before execution.

    Two muscular Mongolian bodyguards, hairy limbs, flat heads, square necks appeared again. But this time their strange and disdainful attitude gave way to a friendly smile. They invited him to the elevator.

    Downstairs, Van Binh looked around anxiously. One of the bodyguards asked him:

    - You want to find the guy waiting for you, right?

    Van Binh nodded. Bodyguard said:

    I let him go to sleep. From this moment on, he was completely free. The KGB will no longer allow staff to follow you.

    The atmosphere of the five-story inn Metropole with its ugly ancient architecture, the balconies with black iron railings, the luxuriant groves of secret trees, the brazen neon lights had become friendlier than ever. time out. Van Binh pounded the heels of his shoes on the wide marble corridor between the dusty red velvet curtains, in an attempt to make noise to prank the hotel staff accustomed to mute silence. But he saw no one. Bored must have ordered everyone to retreat into the room.

    Two bodyguards led him to the foot of the stairs and back. Velana was waiting for Van Binh behind the door. She cupped his neck and kissed him hesitantly:

    - I love you so much!

    Van Binh pushed her away:

    - I know. You love me because Bored commands.

    Velana pouted her lips:

    - Don't be so quick to despise me. Bored has the right to order me to come to your room and pamper you. But pampering also has many ways. If you do not have feelings for me, I will have to embrace a cold, inanimate body. Answer, do you want to have sex with a tree, or do you want to have sex with a woman who really loves you?

    Van Binh pinched her cheeks:

    - You've given up.

    Seeing a luxurious tray of food placed on the table, Van Binh cheered:

    - Are you hungry?

    - No Bored told the hotel to bring it up for you.

    - Huh... eat enough to die!

    - You're greedy. There is plenty of time between now and morning. Go ahead and eat, I'll wait.

    Van Binh with a bottle of vodka on the table. Velana stops:

    Let me pour you a glass.

    - You are not. Let me mix the medicine for you to drink?

    - It was different then, different now.

    She brought the glass of wine to his lips. He drank it all in one gulp. She whispered:

    - You're great. I mixed the whole pill that you took soberly. The laboratory said that so far, no one has been able to withstand half a pill.

    - I'm sorry?

    - No. If sorry, I wouldn't have responded enthusiastically.

    Velana took off her leather coat and threw it over the head of the bed. Inside, she was still wearing nothing. Her naked body stretched out on the mattress, her hands clasped behind her neck, to puff out her large breasts, her mouth smiling softly at him:

    - Lie down with me, will you?

    - Van Binh shrugged.

    - Let me take a shower.

    Van Binh whistled and entered the bathroom. He took a bath for almost half an hour before he finished. Usually he bathed very quickly, both hot and cold. Located outside of Velana must urge:

    - I want you up.

    Exactly an hour later, Van Binh strutted out, still wearing the same neat clothes, Velana was so surprised:

    - Oh, why do you...

    Van Binh also pretended to be surprised:

    - What do you want me to do?

    Velana humbly turned her face to the wall:

    - If you don't like it, you don't need to act.

    Van Binh quietly took out a cigarette and smoked. He didn't pretend to be as dismissive as she thought. The truth was that his burning heart had suddenly cooled down as if immersed in a sea of ice. Van Binh is a passionate person, but this time Mr. Hoang has carefully advised. Even if they are passionate, they must remember.

    Remember the work assigned by Mr. Hoang.

    Remember the meeting with Trieu Dung at Bourge Airport, Ballet.

    This meeting happened completely out of the blue. When entering the office of the Department in Saigon. Van Binh was only asked by the general manager to go to Ha Uy di to wait for the day to cross the iron curtain and work secondly for the C.I.A. Mr. Hoang told him to wait for orders from the Department. This is a private order, Mr. Hoang does not allow C.I.A. know.

    Seeing Trieu Dung, Van Binh tried to call his name, but quickly restrained himself because the station was too crowded. Maybe the C.I.A. for someone to keep an eye on him until the plane took off. It is also possible for the counterintelligence to sniff it out and let the people follow him. So he must be careful.

    Trieu Dung is Mr. Hoang's right hand man. It must have been the most important thing that Mr. Hoang sent Trieu Dung to rush to France, waiting for Van Binh at the airport.

    Trieu Dung sat sipping coffee, the latest Constellation magazine expanded in front of her. Everyone thought he was drunk with the magazine. Particularly, Van Binh knew that Trieu Dung bent down but did not read. A few minutes later, Trieu Dung stood up, put Constellation in his jacket pocket and went to the washroom.

    Van Binh went back to the safe to buy a similar constellation. Trieu Dung had just finished wiping his hands when Van Binh walked in. Two newspapers were exchanged from one pocket to another in the blink of an eye. Finished, Trieu Dung came out, didn't say a word to you. Van Binh went to the toilet, pulled out a small piece of paper with tiny typed letters from the newspaper.

    The following content:

    About work with C.I.A. ask him to try to succeed. Because at home I received money from Mr. Simit. Get half in advance, half wait until you're done.

    About the Department's own business - which we don't let the C.I.A. know – you will be in contact with an important spy, I will call it Z. 233. Since 12 months, Z. 233 has been providing us with information and top secret Soviet defense documents in Moscow.

    I don't know who Z. 233 is, man or woman, civilian or military, but from the television documents I received, Z. 233 must have had a lot of high-level contacts, especially in the central KGB. The films provided by Z. 233 have helped us a lot in terms of financial development, as well as general security of the free world.

    Z. 233 demanded to meet with a plenipotentiary of the Department to discuss an important plan. Y did not give the content, so I could not give him clear instructions. Meet him, he will arbitrarily decide. Try to convince him to stay in the Soviet Union to continue his activities. Regarding money, I opened his own account in Switzerland, he was informed of the name, address of the bank and the secret number of the account. He told him that up to now, his account had been one million three hundred dollars.

    In the event that Z. 233 wants to escape for fear of being exposed, you should find a way to postpone the trip to Tirana, under the pretext of a sudden illness. And he contacted Areb, the second in charge of the Iraqi embassy in Moscow. Arep is a trusted agent of the Department. Iraq is a friendly country with the Soviet Union, so the KGB will give you special treatment, you will be able to communicate easily. I repeat: you only contact Areb in case Z. 233 asks to go abroad. He will put Arp in charge of getting Z. 233 out of the Soviet Union. Face-to-face exchange with Arep:

    He said: winter, cold snow, airplane.

    Areb replied: vodka, coke, zakutka. (Can you put a sentence with the above 3 words?)

    About meeting Z. 233, you stay in the hotel room Metropole, he will come.

    Arrival time: 4:15 p.m., Moscow time (morning).

    Password: Z. 233 says: Leningrad, mink coat.

    He said: Ballet, Tirana.

    In the event that Z. 233 does not come as scheduled, he continues to go to Albania. If possible, I will contact you later in Tirana.

    I repeat: appointment time, 4:15 am, if there is a delay, it is only 5 minutes late at most.


    By the time Van Binh finished taking a shower, the clock showed 4 o'clock. Exactly 4 am. Velana lay sprawled on the bed, her skin white, her breasts and ass delicious, but he had no heart to think about enjoyment anymore. Because in just 15 minutes Z. 233 shows up.

    He wants to get rid of Velana but has not found a way. He could not cause trouble to do evil to her. He also could not open the door, invite her out. Even if he uses polite or rude words, she will not come out. Bored had ordered her to come to his room to make love, but with the intention of controlling him.

    Van Binh's mind was as tangled as silk. At first meeting the waitress Nina, he was a little suspicious. He began to hope when she promised to come the night. However, he did not believe that Nina was Z. 233 because he indirectly suggested the password and she remained indifferent.

    Nina's presence in the KGB clinic stunned him. Central C.I.A. did not ask him to contact Penkovsky's comrades in Moscow. Was Boreth completely fabricated, or was the incident completely real? Van Binh did not have enough factors to answer. Is Nina an unjust victim or a comrade of the anti-Soviet spy organization Penkovsky? Or is she a KGB agent who plays the "disgraceful scheme"?

    Van Binh wondered more and more, so his inherent and endless craving was extinguished before the fiery body of the female body curled on the white mattress.

    4g 5p.

    10 minutes left.

    Van Binh must have a decisive attitude. Then he pulled Velana to look at him. Thinking he was demanding, the Soviet girl quickly leaned over and hugged him tightly. Startled, he pulled away:

    - No no.

    Velana propped her elbows on the bed.

    - You don't love me anymore?

    - To be honest with you, I'm a bit tired.

    - It's okay, you'll be tired soon.

    - But …

    - Stop making excuses. Hey, I'm asking you, who are you waiting for?

    - Don't wait for anyone?

    - Why did you chase me?

    - You didn't chase me.

    - Then I lie down. If you're tired, I'll ask you to take a nap. Last night worked until almost morning, now sleepy too.

    Van Binh looked at his watch again.

    Damn, it's been 4 hours and 12 minutes. He couldn't wait any longer. He had to point the acupoints for Velana to fall asleep. But Velana was already hanging on to the bed. Like him, she looked down at her watch. If he stepped forward, waved his finger, she would know. When she wakes up, she will report to Boret, Van Binh has to use the lower hand. He walked quickly to the door and put his hand on the knob.

    Velana left her naked body, waved her feet, and followed:

    - Where are you going?

    Van Binh turned sharply:

    - Lie there. He went out to call the waiter.

    - For what?

    - Bring up a bottle of wine.

    - There is no alcohol in the room, you will not finish drinking from now until tomorrow night.

    4g 15 min. Appointment time with Z. 233.

    Van Binh heard the soft footsteps of shoes on the carpet outside the corridor, and then the door to the room was shoved in. If he wasn't a good martial artist, he would have fallen.

    The person who had just knocked on the door was the one he didn't believe was coming, the one he hadn't been waiting for.

    He is Bonkov, director of the Department of Foreign Trade Development.

    Van Binh's body was cold. Why did Bolkov come to his room at 4:15? Could he be Z. 233?

    With a red face, Bonkov closed the door with a shrill sound, then stuck his finger in Van Binh's face, his voice as loud as a scream:

    Kevin, you're an asshole!

    Velana hurriedly put on her coat. But Bolkov snatched it down and threw it on the floor, shoving his shoe on top. Van Binh stopped him:

    - What are you doing?

    Bolkov's voice hissed:

    - I will kill you.

    Consciousness of profession arose in Van Binh's heart. Bonrov is jealous. Horribly jealous. But maybe he's just pretending to be jealous. He pushed the door of Van Binh's room, was about to say the code, when he met Velana. He could not reveal to her that he was Z. 233, specializing in stealing defense documents for western spies. So he had to continue playing the game of extreme jealousy.

    Van Binh then held his hand gently:

    "Look, I thought you went to Leningrad.

    Bolkov was shocked:

    - What to do in Leningrad? You want me to go out of your sight so you can sleep with that prostitute Velana?

    Van Binh has just padded the "Leninist", the first part of the password. He must be more clear:

    - Oh, it's cold like this and you don't wear a mink coat?

    Bonrod howled with laughter.

    - Crazy... You told me to go to Leningrad, now you tell me to wear mink coat. You're crazy but I'm not… Kevin, I can't take it any longer. Hey, open your eyes and see…

    Leningrad… mink coat… Van Binh just reminded him of the password. Bolkov gave no friendly reaction. He's not Z. 233. So who's Z. 233?

    Van Binh was about to say two more words "Ballet" and "Tirana" when Bonkov pulled out his gun. He loaded his bullets to the floor and raised the gun to his chest. Doan ... muzzle of fire, smoke rising up green. Van Binh squinted his eyes to the side, the bullet scraped through the membrane, only a few inches away.

    Van Binh knew that Bolkov deliberately killed him. If he fired a warning shot, he would have targeted his limbs. Bolkov was a good shooter who could only miss the first shot. So he had to stop him from firing the second shot.
    Unfortunately for him, while dodging the first bullet he didn't notice the polished floorboards and missed a long track like an ice skater. This disastrous slip caused him to lose his balance. Unless Bonkov ran into an accident such as a gun jam or misfired again, Van Binh had no hope of escaping death.

    But in that extremely perilous second a miracle happened.

    Before Bolkov could pull the trigger, a figure rushed forward. This figure is Velana. She risked her life to jump into Bolkov's hand in an attempt to deflect Bolkov's firing line.

    And she succeeded. Afraid to shoot Velana by mistake, Bolkov hurriedly crossed to the left. But Velana was entwined with him. Bolkov shouted loudly:

    - Get out and let me shoot it.

    Velana clung to Bolkov's shoulder.

    - How can you? You have to think about the mission. You must remember Comrade Boreth's regular words.

    Bolkov pushed Velana down onto the bed.

    - Fuck Bored. It trusts the right to bully us. Don't be afraid, I kill Kevin and then I will make a hearing and submit it to the Central Committee of the Party.

    Velana scrambled to get up. Bolkov turned the gun and pointed it at Van Binh's chest. But by then it was too late. Van Binh was able to cope with ease. He was standing only an arm's length from Bolkov. Before he had time to release the bullet, Van Binh hit atémi in the hand holding the gun. Although he is good at martial arts, he is still not an opponent of Van Binh. If he only needed a butterfly judo to neutralize him.

    Bolkov should have known his identity and retreated to the defensive. Then he continued to attack. He crouched down, then fanned a tattoo into Van Binh's throat. Meanwhile, his left foot was thrust into the acupoint near the crotch. Bolkov's two Russian martial arts moves are both extremely unique, and Van Binh will die any time he gets hit by the same blow. Indeed, Bolkov refused to give up his intention to kill.

    Van Binh spread his arms to block the pharyngeal blow and raised his knee to control Bonkov's left foot. Touching Van Binh's limbs, Bonkov was numb to the brain, as if his body was made of reinforced concrete. He staggered before falling onto the night table. The night lamp above was pulled to the ground, the thin porcelain lampshade shattered into pieces, making a dry sound.

    Once again, Van Binh was contemptuous. Or rather, Van Binh was still clinging to the hope that Bonkov was Z. 233. So he just resisted with tears. He waved a light foot, and Bonkov was in a daze. But he stood still. And he even mentioned the second part of the password:

    - Do you have anything? Too bad, from Ballet to Moscow and Tirana I only had trouble.

    “Ballet” and “Tirana” are the main languages of the password. But Bolkov responded by putting his hand in his pocket. When Velana saw it first, she cried out:

    - Be careful, the cyanide gun!

    It took Bolkov half a second to unbuckle the safety lock, and push the horribly murderous chemical bullet into the barrel. I don't understand why Van Binh is a great kicker, attacking as fast as lightning, but at the same time standing indifferently before the muzzle of a small sia-nuya gun with the size of a Packe sewing pen. Perhaps he was going through a violent conflict inside.

    And once again he escaped death.

    Escape from death, thanks to Velana.

    At that time, she stood beside Bonkov. The director of the Foreign Trade Development Department was still struggling with the modern gun - because it was too advanced, the machinery was sophisticated - when Velana crouched down, sweeping the back of his hand to Bonkov's temple. Unexpectedly, her beautiful woman's hooves contained an extraordinary power. Hit in the middle of the membrane, Bonkov fell to the right. He shook a little and lay still.

    Velana panicked, stood up and called to Van Binh:

    - Kevin, Mr. Kevin...

    Two massive Mongolian bodyguards kicked open the door of the room and ran in. In the middle of speaking, Velana paused.

    A bodyguard asked Velana:

    - What's going on?

    Velana replied:

    - Comrade Bolkov suddenly came here to use a poison gun to shoot down Mr. Kevin. Due to force majeure circumstances, I have to intervene… Now ask you to contact Comrade Boreth.

    The bodyguard looked at Bolkov lying on the floor and asked:

    - Comrade director is dead?

    Van Binh shook his head.

    - No. Probably just fainted for a moment.

    The bodyguard picked up the phone and asked for Bored's number. Within a minute, Bored's voice was on the line. The bodyguard said his name and reported the incident.

    Bored grumbled:

    - Does anyone in the hotel know?

    The bodyguard replied:

    - No.

    - Then you carry Bonkov by the back door and take him to the recovery area. At the same time, call Velana to the office to submit a call.

    - What about Mr. Kevin?

    - Tell him to go to sleep to regain strength. Tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock someone will wake you up.

    The bodyguard obeyed for a while and then hung up the phone. Van Binh sighed and pulled out his last cigarette.

    Contact with Z. 233 failed. Has Z. 233 come or not yet? Who is Z. 233? The confused question marks swirled in Van Binh's mind. With a lethargic posture, he leaned his hand on the window and looked down at the vast Avenue of Marx.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,141
    Z.28 Specter over Red Square (Z.28 Bóng Ma trên Công Trường Đỏ), Bùi Anh Tuấn, 1969.
    https://vietmessenger.com/books/?title=z28 bong ma tren cong truong do

    Z.28 The Phantom On The Red Square

    ACTION published 1969

    1. The Phantom On The Red Square
    2. Dear Defeat, Danh List
    3. Ghosts
    4. Last Night in Moscow
    5. North China Beauty
    6. First Night in Tirana
    7. Atomic Bomb
    8. Z Bomb. 233


    Người Đẹp Hoa Bắc

    Thế là hết một đêm ở Mạc tư khoa .

    Văn Bình hằng ao ước cơ hội được nghênh ngang đến thủ đô Liên sô, la cà xuống xóm yêu hoa, uống rượu vốt-ka Lêningờrát trong phòng ấm áp với người đẹp giữa lúc bên ngoài đổ tuyết . Nhưng ao ước của chàng không thành.


    North China Beauty

    That was the end of a night in Moscow.

    Van Binh always longed for the opportunity to go to the capital of the Soviet Union, hang out in the flower-loving village, drink Leningrad vodka in a warm room with a beautiful woman while it was snowing outside. But his wish did not come true.

    Moscow is a trap for western tourists, every step is followed by secret agents, but it is also paradise. Because the Soviet Union craves foreign currency more than the land craves for rain, visitors can freely enter state-owned stores to buy things and pay in foreign currency, without having to exchange according to annoying foreign exchange laws. Accustomed to the scene of waiting for a taxi to lose limbs in Saigon, Van Binh wishes to call a taxi in Moscow. In the city there are 11,000 taxis owned by the State, always calling for it because people simply can't afford a taxi. They can only spend 5 kopecks to ride the subway or bus. Moving in this way is very convenient: there are no ticket sellers on the bus, guests are free to put money in the box at the back of the car, so many citizens have stolen money from the State. They reasoned that the State was too rich, and it was okay for them to die of starvation.

    In theory, prostitution has been completely eradicated. But in fact, the Moscow blue-collar society is even more expansive than in Western countries. Playing girls in the Soviet capital is not afraid of getting sick. Because girls are luxury products, only for high-class characters and … tourists.

    The Russian people are so poor, they have been turned into the most miserly people in the world by austere life. Cars parked indoors are also covered with tarps to prevent dust. Suitcases, luggage brought on board ships are carefully wrapped with oil cloth...

    That was the end of a night in Moscow.

    If not pulled up, Van Binh would still sleep until noon. Bored took care of it very carefully and generously: as soon as he opened his eyes, two delicious waitresses were already waiting. As usual, he went to the bathroom. A girl followed, and kindly told him:

    - Ask comrades not to shave.

    Van Binh was surprised. Only one day he forgot to shave and his beard grew dull. Why did the beautiful Soviet Union not want him to shave. As if reading his mind, she continued:

    - This is the order of Comrade Boke. Clothes that should have been ironed to make them flat, I crumpled them up. Because …

    - I got it. Because I am a foreigner expelled by the Soviet government.

    - Correct. Comrades, do not bother. We were ordered to take special care of you. Comrades have whatever they need.

    - I need something very hard to find.

    - The KGB warehouse contains the most difficult things in the world. Acbelo 3 1794 Champagne is almost 40 dollars per bottle and there are dozens of cases.

    - You're wrong. The cheapest Abelo 1794 champagne is well over a hundred dollars. But I don't like champagne.

    - What do you need, comrade?

    - Need you. If it's convenient, you need both of them.

    The waitress cum KGB employee blushed:

    - Comrades, we do not specialize in ... this subject. If you want, I'll give you a call.

    - No. She's not an expert. Would you mind reporting to Bored that I want to make a complaint.

    - Comrades...

    - I hate being called comrade. You should call me in another language. The reason I appealed because she refused. When do I have to go to the airport?

    - Sir… within an hour.

    - She still had time to submit it to Bored. She told me that I changed my mind. I don't go to Albania anymore. It's your fault not going. She made me angry.

    - I'm sorry, please have mercy on me.

    The girl crept up to the bed with a pitiful look on her face. Van Binh pulled her back to kiss and then burst out laughing.

    - Well, I'm joking. I'm not harassing you guys.

    He shoved the KGB waitress away. She should have been happy when Van Binh let her go. On the contrary, she was even more sad. She stuck out her tongue and licked her lips, a regretful gesture. Van Binh understood the reason. His kiss made her numb. She sat motionless beside him, her mouth parted, her eyes pleading, as if begging him to kiss again, kiss more. And she was ready to wait for him to go further, to go further.

    But Van Binh put on his shirt, his gesture was calm. The girl stood dumbfounded. He stroked her cheek:

    - Now, if I need you, would you mind?

    Without saying anything, the girl hugged him tightly. Her passionate act of love was a hundred times more eloquent than her words of consent. This time Van Binh caressed longer, with more art. When he let go, the girl sat down on the floor, covering her face and crying like a child.

    At half past eight, Bored arrived. He held out his huge hand and said in a friendly voice:

    - Are you OK?

    He replied with a shrug. If he knew that he was Van Binh, surely Boret would not laugh anymore. He asked him:

    - Does my staff please you?

    He rubs his hands together.

    - Thank you. Everything is perfect, except for the woman…

    Bored scratched his bald head.

    - Sorry baby. The good girls live in the suburbs, so they can't come back in time. Next time you come here, I will invite you to enjoy the most beautiful women in the Soviet Union.

    “Next time”… Bored had promised him so many times. More than anyone else, he knew that there was no "next time". When he is done in Tirana, he will receive a bronze bullet in the heart. Bored does not have to pay back to protect the secret of the work.

    Boret gave Van Binh a small piece of paper and told him:

    - Read it carefully. The plane carrying a delegation of Chinese scientists is about to land at the Chermetievo airport.

    Bored paced the room, his hands clasped behind his ass. After finishing reading, Van Binh returned the paper. Bored asked:

    - Belonging yet?

    Van Binh replied:

    - Already.

    Boreth held out his hand again.

    - Have a nice trip.

    His hand was as cold as a ghost's. Bored had been wearing sheepskin gloves earlier, so he hadn't noticed. According to experience, Van Binh can guess the mood of strangers by holding hands. The barrel hand is usually the hand of the honest person. Most dry, or cunning people have cold hands.

    However, Bored's hand exuded a strange aura. If he was not good at domestic work, Van Binh would have been weak. He had heard much of his skill, and now he saw the truth clearly. Bored had a stout, slow, and heavy build, but that was only an insignificant appearance. Significant is the air force. Because energy determines victory or defeat in all martial arts matches. This hand exuding a strange cold air proves that Soviet counterintelligence boss Boret is as good at luck as he is. That means he has the ability to turn hot hands into cold, cold hands into hot. Normally, his hand was just warm. Boret pulled out his gloves and transferred the gas to his hand to test Van Binh's talent.

    Bored's eyes blinked slightly. He discovered that he was a top martial arts martial artist. For a moment he looked confused. Van Binh must immediately calm down so as not to show his confusion on his face. Because if he's confused he can change his mind. He could order his bodyguards to kill him.

    When I got to Van Binh airport, I breathed a sigh of relief. The weight of a thousand pounds was lifted from his chest. The car drove past the airport gate, and two Mongol bodyguards of Boret grabbed his hand after apologizing:

    - Don't bother me! By law, deported aliens are not free to board the plane. Law enforcement officers have to handcuff and escort them to the airstrip.

    The airport is vast, all entrances and exits are strictly guarded. KGB's car seems to have a miracle going anywhere without being asked for a paper. The driver drove at full speed on the smooth cement airport.

    When the rear door is opened. Van Binh narrowed his eyes at the bright morning sunlight. Although it was sunny, the cold still hurt the bones. He saw a group of people come out from the airport. At the forefront is Velana. Next was Khrushchev, the pale, toothless secret agent using the Eumig camcorder at the office of the Foreign Trade Development Department. Bored sent Velana and Khrushchev with him to keep watch.

    Velana was still wearing her dark evening gown, but he noticed that it was shorter and better tailored. Her shoes and socks were of the finest quality, made beyond the iron curtain. Velana also saw him. But she turned away again.

    The KGB secret service team also had 5 other people, all men, dressed in the same clothes, with the same taciturn expression. Each person carried a small suitcase. A large car full of luggage slowly followed.

    Van Binh's delicate eyes recognized the familiar figure of Boret on the terrace of the airport cafeteria. That curvaceous fat body, and especially that round, shiny bald head could not be mistaken. Bored, wearing a pair of black sunglasses, was leaning against the railing looking down at the airport.

    The long jet was lying in front of Van Binh. Reading the words on the body, he knew it was a Czech plane. Behind the iron curtain, the Czech plane is considered to be similar to the western plane, otherwise only in terms of ... personnel. Seemingly a fixed rule, flight attendants of communist airline companies are all below average beauty. Anyway… he still hoped…

    He was about to jump out of the car, but a bodyguard stopped him:

    - Relax. Wait for the passengers to board. Don't forget you are a foreigner deported for violating Soviet law.

    Van Binh laughed. The bodyguard hastily condemned in front of him:

    - Don't laugh... Your hands are still gong, what fun are you laughing at? It is dangerous for anyone standing on the terrace to see it.

    - I smiled at Comrade Boreth...

    - Lie. Comrade Boret instructed us carefully. You are not allowed to be intimate with us. If you want to laugh, want to laugh to your heart's content, come back to Moscow after your work is done.

    Suddenly Van Binh changed to another matter. He elbowed the bodyguard's back:

    - Your lover has a very well proportioned body! I guess she is about 24.25 years old. But from experience I do not believe that she is still virgin.

    The bodyguard turned pale and turned around:

    - How do you know I have a lover? How did he know she was fit? How do you know she is no longer a virgin?

    He asked three questions at once. Van Binh sighed.

    - When he asked, I almost choked. Last night, at KGB headquarters, people didn't bully me like that. Well, the passengers have boarded, can I get off now?

    The bodyguard raised his hand in panic.

    - Not yet.

    Van Binh let loose:

    - You want me to stay in Moscow, right? Agree. I will listen to you, don't get on a plane to Albania.

    The bodyguard was afraid to sweat even though the weather was still cold as hell:

    - No, you misunderstood me. I bow to you, you say a word to ease my suffering. Do you know her too?

    Van Binh laughed.

    - If I'm mean to you, I'll say yes. But brother, just believe in her faithfulness. I have never met her.

    - Why …?

    - There's no such thing as a secret. I knew her body was beautiful because I had the pleasure of admiring the color photo of her taken on the Black Sea coast wearing two tiny bikinis like blind-blossom blowing her nose.

    The name of the bodyguard clutched Van Binh's shoulder:

    - Where did you get this picture? Because I took pictures for her myself. Only I have that picture.

    - Do you keep it in your pocket?

    Listening to Van Binh's reminder, the bodyguard hurriedly put his hand in the back pocket of his pants. Oh my god, his leather wallet is gone. He looked at Van Binh with lost eyes.

    - So you took my wallet… Well, you give it to me.

    Van Binh stretched out for him to hook the wallet that was in his pocket. At the same time, he returned the sensational photo to him.

    He muttered, admiringly:

    - He's really talented... he's really talented... he pulls out his wallet when I don't know...

    The second bodyguard cleared his throat;

    - Finished yet? Let people down.

    The victim who lost his wallet also raised another question:

    - Please teach me. Why only looking at the picture did he discover that she was...

    His friend chuckled.

    - You are the dumbest man in the Soviet Union! Your lover wears a bikini showing her belly, exposing her butt, you can only see it at a glance. Oh my god, is that big belly and big butt from an innocent girl?

    The bodyguard kept silent and put his fingernails in his mouth to bite. From that moment to the time he got off the plane, he didn't say another word. The beauty must have sworn that she knew only him in the world.

    Van Binh was able to unlock the public key at the bottom of the plane's ladder. Before climbing up, he spat on the ground, then pushed his shoe on top, in a disdainful manner. He played exactly the role Bored had assigned him. At that moment, standing on the terrace, Bored must have smiled and satisfied.

    Behind Van Binh, there was the sound of shoes and people calling:

    - Kevin.

    He turned back. It was the second act of the drama that Bored directed.

    The one who just called him Guy, the dumbass employee who likes to put on the face of the US embassy. Bored informed the embassy of Kevin's expulsion.

    Van Binh squeezed his wrist to make Guy notice that he was taken to the airport in handcuffs. But Guy didn't care. Perhaps he was used to the sight of KGB officers handcuffing foreigners to the plane. Or maybe he is miserly with gestures and words. The manual for American diplomats operating in the Soviet Union and communist countries promoted silence. Silence in all cases. Speak up only when absolutely necessary. And speak only with extreme caution.

    Guy came two meters away from Van Binh and stopped. He did not shake his hand. Americans rarely shake hands. Besides, he purposely stood far away so that he wouldn't have to shake hands.

    His voice is cold.

    - Mr. Kevin.

    Van Binh replied:

    - Mr. Guy.

    - The Moscow security incumbent has just informed the embassy about your regrettable act. He should have been arrested to be prosecuted in court. Thanks to the embassy and my personal intervention, he was released to board a plane to leave Moscow.

    - Thank you. He has such a special diplomatic talent that the president did not appoint him as an ambassador, what a waste!

    Kevin, this is no joke. I did not come here on behalf of the embassy to listen to your jokes...

    - I'm sorry, I'm used to joking. Did the ambassador send you to the airport to see me off or for what?

    - One job, two jobs. First to see him off. Then tell him a story.

    - Good or bad? I am willing to listen, but once again I would like to remind you not to propagate in vain.

    "If I'm not mistaken, you also objected to me when you first arrived." The embassy does not propagate but only reminds American citizens to remember the rules. We are very sad that you violated the Soviet rule. He was supposed to negotiate with Bolkov, the director of the Foreign Trade Development Department, to sign a huge contract, but he quarreled unreasonably about politics. Then assaulted Bonkov, causing chaos in the office...

    - He hit me first, I was just defending myself.

    - According to the record, you assaulted Bonkov while acting randomly. The proof is that Bonkov had to be treated in the hospital, with quite a few serious injuries. However, assaulting Bolkov was not as foolish and dangerous as attacking the Soviet Union and defending communist China in border disputes and ideological disputes.

    - The United States is a free country, the constitution allows me to freely express my opinion.

    - In prosperous Hoa, you want to lash out at anyone or defend anyone, as you like. The Constitution allows him to lash out at the President of the United States and defend the Prime Minister of the Soviet Union, if he so desires. But this is the Soviet Union. This is Marxism. His support for Beijing is like slapping Moscow in the face. Moreover, in his anger, unable to control his blood, he also called Mao Zedong a great proletarian hero and the Soviet leaders were revisionists... Fortunately, the security authorities gave leniency to them. he returned home...

    - He thanked Sistalin for me.

    - Damn, are you crazy? Sittalin's been dead for a decade, he's still trying to be naughty… That stupid game will hurt him… This trip is also his last…

    - Ah, you're going to scare me!

    - The Embassy reported on Hoa Thinh, requesting to withdraw his passport as soon as he set foot on American soil.

    You are murderers, reactionary capitalists, chainists, destroyers of freedom...

    - Ha, ha ... what else, he continued to say more for pleasure.

    - I will not return to America again.

    - That's your right.

    - I will go straight to Beijing. I will use my talent and experience to serve China. I will give up my American citizenship, and join the citizenship of the People's Republic of China...

    Guy didn't reply anymore. His face flushed red with anger, he turned away, slamming his heels back into the airfield. Van Binh also slammed his fists together, looking angry.

    The second act of the drama is over. Van Binh spoke loudly, so that the staff of the Chinese delegation on the plane could hear clearly. However, there is still a third act to impress the scholar delegation. As planned, Van Binh was given a seat near the flight room. He went from the back of the plane, past the group of passengers to get to the seat. With a blank expression, he did not look to the sides, so he did not have the opportunity to admire the beauty of Chu-Ling.

    The plane door was closed. He let out a gentle sigh.

    - That way out of hell!

    The plane revved up, preparing to take off. Suddenly, the sound of the engine died down, and the door to the crew room opened, and a flight attendant hurried to the door.

    Khrushchev spoke up:

    - Is the plane broken?

    The hostess replied:

    - No. The control tower ordered to open the door for security personnel to come up.

    - For what?

    - I do not know.

    Van Binh unbuckled the seat belt and stood up. One of Bored's Mongolian bodyguards climbed onto the plane and called out:

    - Kevin.

    Van Binh looked at him with disdainful eyes. The bodyguard's name continued:

    - Where is Mr. Kevin?

    Van Binh cleared his throat:

    - Me.

    The bodyguard approached him, his voice harsh:

    - Why did you hear me cry but didn't speak?

    Van Binh smiled faintly.

    - Because I'm not Kevin. It was Mr. Kevin. Now what more do you want?

    The bodyguard gave Van Binh a large envelope:

    - You left this at the office of the Department of Foreign Trade Development.

    - What's in the package? I never forgot anything. If so, then I'll just forget the nauseating memories of 24 hours visiting Moscow.

    - Huh… you haven't changed… This envelope contains four copies of the contract. All documents were approved, and finished typing, just waiting to sign, but because of his rude gestures towards comrade director, all was canceled. The office did not need to keep these contracts, so they returned them to you.

    Van Binh grabbed the envelope and threw it on the chair.

    - Yes, thank you.

    The name of the mighty Mongolian bodyguard:

    - Ah, you intend to provoke the Soviet law enforcement!

    Van Binh resisted his hips and replied:

    - These papers are mine, I want to throw them on the chair or step on my feet, it's my right, you have no right. It's legal to have to kneel to receive it and raise it to your level, right? Again, I need to tell you, I'm a US citizen...

    - I advise you to keep your mouth shut… otherwise you won't be able to get a visa to enter the Soviet Union next time.

    - You can rest assured. I will never apply for a visa to the Soviet Union.

    The bodyguard gritted his teeth and looked at Van Binh for the last time as if to threaten "be careful, then you know my hand". But Van Binh also looked back with fiery eyes. Passengers on the plane watched the verbal duel between the two with obvious amusement. Pleasure also appeared on Khrushchev and Velana's faces. They were able to trust Van Binh. The Mongolian bodyguard will probably report to Boret with much sympathy...

    Finally, the plane took off.

    Moments after the plane reached the upper deck, the "no smoking, buckle up" light went out. Van Binh strutted to his feet and walked to the bathroom at the back. He did not belong to the class of men in their thirties and forty years old, who were weak and weak, and every time they got on the plane, they had to give their hair to the bathroom. He is also not in the class of ticklers, the paper bag provided by the airline was full of sour food from his stomach, so he had to go to the bathroom to continue vomiting ...

    The reason he had to go there was to take advantage of the opportunity to observe the passengers.

    It seems that a man is from jelly and a beautiful woman is iron. Oil in the dark, oil lost among hundreds of other miscellaneous materials, from jelly to iron is to run, iron to meet from jelly is to be sucked tightly. Therefore, the passenger he saw first was Chu-Ling.

    Besides her, there was another woman. The Chinese delegation consisted of two women. She did not give her name, nor did Van Binh see her picture, but he could already tell that she was Chu-Ling.

    For sure, maybe because Van Binh's sixth sense has a special ability to see through the guts of people. I know for sure, maybe because she's so beautiful. She is the most beautiful, and most watered, rose in a wilted garden.

    She sat behind him, three rows from him. She sat outside, he could walk past her and touch her.

    At that time, Chu-Ling was sitting. The power of Van Binh's jelly made her raise her head, the picture magazine still wide open in her lap. The thing that hit Van Binh's senses was Chu-Ling's eyes.

    His weakness is that he likes big eyes. He thinks that women with big eyes are beautiful. Because the eyes are the door to the soul. The eyes are a test of the intensity of the body's passion in love. From the time he knew how to love, he only loved women with big eyes. Chu-Ling's eyes were not like the beautiful eyes he had met. When she bent down, her long thick eyelashes covered her eyes, she looked up, her dark brown eyes widened, emitting a strong electric current that tickled Van Binh's spine, and the tendons of his arms and legs trembled. run. This feeling is often found in the hearts of amorous men, enjoying striptease, suddenly seeing a beautiful woman taking off her bikini, revealing herself under the bright lights of thousands of candles...

    Chu-Ling's eyes alone captivated him, not to mention her nose, her mouth, her teeth, her chin, her neck, her hair, all in proportion to the extraordinary beauty of her eyes. Though she didn't get up, he knew she wasn't tall. By Asian standards, she was just average. So the curves on her chest, belly and butt are also just average. But it is because of that small beauty that Chu-Ling is even more attractive.

    She was like a wonderful doll, snow-white skin, black hair flowing down her shoulders, bouncing over his tender chest and thin waist, which fit neatly into his arms. She had on her knee-length dark ribs and nylon stockings on her feet, so he could only admire the rounded shape of her calves and the tiny feet she pulled out of her iridescent velvet shoes.

    While walking, Van Binh stood still. Chu-Ling blinked a few times. Perhaps her heart had just heard the thunder. The thunder of love. Her eyes became wet, and she quickly lowered her head to the newspaper.

    Sitting next to her was a middle-aged man in a proper black suit, short-sighted glasses, bald forehead. Van Binh immediately knew he was Chu-Yao, the head of the Chinese "geologists" delegation because his face resembled Chu-Ling's.

    Behind Chu-Ling, he saw another woman in her thirties, that is, nearly 10 years older than Chu-Ling, with a plump body, and quite proportionate. Talking about the beauty of people today is not so mediocre. Song Van Binh did not notice. Because Chu-Ling's beauty overshadowed everything...

    Chu-Yao's collaborators were all dressed in the same attire - black suits of thick felt, black ties, white shirts, soft collars; only 5 people wearing nearsighted glasses must be scientists, most of them belong to the class of "mirror cabinets", weigh from 65 kg or more, and are over seven feet tall, large face, wide neck, short haircut, shoulder thick, proving that they are regular customers of the dojo.

    Van Binh hurriedly entered the bathroom. He looked at his reflection in the mirror hanging on the washbasin and was startled. God, his normally red face had turned blue. The green color of people who are being captivated by foxes like Bo Tung Linh described in Lieu Trai... Boret wants him to conquer Chu-Ling. If Chu-Ling is a high-powered witch, he will fail without armor.

    He stood for a minute to let his blood vessels run smoothly, then returned to his seat. He grabbed a magazine printed in Czech to read to ease his wandering mind. In fact, he only looked at the pictures, but did not understand anything because the Czech language was as foreign to him as the South Vietnamese country girl with a thin, almost naked nightgown made by Originals for Western women.

    From now on, he forgot about the flight attendants of Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia has remained a vassal of the Soviet Union since the second great war, but the cool wind of freedom has blown through the iron curtain into Czechoslovakia, making people's hearts and scenery change. Among the juniors of Eastern Europe, Czechoslovakia has a relatively high standard of living, and is quite close to the West in terms of entertainment, clothing and living facilities. Therefore, the commercial aircraft of the Czech Republic is relatively more advanced, more beautiful than the commercial aircraft of other vassals ...

    The fuselage door opened again. It seems that Van Binh's brain was created for a special radar, the flight attendant girl was far from him by a thick iron wall, but he could still smell her clothes and skin. She stepped out of the spaceship, wearing her forgotten navy blue uniform.

    Like many western hostesses, she was "played by" Van Binh. According to international aviation law, passengers' carry-on luggage should be placed under the seat, not on the shelf, because there is a risk of falling and causing an accident. One of the hostesses' duties is to bring down guests' suitcases from the shelves.

    As soon as she stepped out, she saw Van Binh's giant bag. She then spoke in English.

    - It's dangerous to store your luggage up here, will you allow me to take it down?

    Of course he allowed it. If she didn't come and get it, he begged her to help him. Because the hostess uniform consists of two separate parts, a suit and a Siamese. Normally, the shirt covers the skirt, but when you tiptoe, the shirt has to be lifted up… to reveal the skin of your belly and… navel. The ancients used to say "woman is the navel of the universe". According to beauty connoisseurs, a woman's navel is one of the most beautiful and poetic parts of the body. It has round belly buttons, its edges are pink, its mouth is as deep as a well. Again, there are white, pale navels, raised on the skin of the abdomen. Although the shape changes, the color changes, the navel of a woman from the neck to the needle as well as from the east to the west gives men the privilege of contemplating an unchanging feeling: that is, the feeling of numbness as if just aiming. brandy or just hugged a virgin…

    Van Binh waited for the flight attendant to tiptoe on her 8-inch-high shoes before slowly raising her head. The soft skin of her belly and her fragrant belly button were just a knuckle away from his face. Perhaps she discovered his mischief, and her cheeks flushed red.

    Then he changed his tactic:

    - Can I have a drink?

    As for the alcohol issue, he was in trouble most of the time on the plane. Under international law, the intake of alcohol is restricted. US companies offer only two glasses of spirits to first class passengers and three drinks to first class passengers. The flight attendant also has the right to refuse to allow drunken passengers to board the plane. So every time he went abroad by air, he had to choose either familiar flight attendants or easy-going, affordable flight attendants: in case he didn't know anyone, he had to bring alcohol with him. His carry-on suitcase is usually full of whiskey, over a dozen flat bottles, totaling nearly two liters.

    On a trip to Hong Kong, he nearly caused an Air-Vietnam flight attendant to faint. He stacked a batch of whiskey bottles on the lid of his suitcase and brought them one by one to his mouth. In a flash, he had slaughtered half a dozen. The flight attendant panicked and ran to the flight room to report to the pilot. I don't understand how hastily the beauty fell and fell, her head hit the foot of the chair, just a little bit more lost.

    After being treated, she regained consciousness immediately. In a frightened voice, she reported to the crew that a passenger was committing suicide with alcohol. The chief pilot rushed down to the cabin and met… Van Binh. Turns out Van Binh is a friend. The flight attendant was embarrassed.

    Van Binh told stories all day and night without having finished anecdotes about alcohol. Drinking at friends' houses, in shops, on airplanes, everywhere he drives people crazy. But one of the anecdotes he most often remembers when riding on an iron bird that wanders in all directions is related to a young and beautiful stewardess of Pan American Airways, running the Pacific route.

    She loves Van Binh, so every time she visits Saigon, she doesn't forget to stay with him for a night. Every time he goes to America, he also waits for every trip to have a new girl. She pampered him dearly. He drank wine like a dragon drank water, wherever she brought him he drank it all, causing her to…steal the company's wine to serve him.

    Normally, passengers only drink through tangerines, so every flight has alcohol left over. The remaining balance must be returned to the company, with proper books. Each flight, the flight attendant must make a report on the amount of alcohol used, in English slang called booze report. Van Binh's beauty must learn international magic to get alcohol. This spell, any flight attendant knows (sincerely sorry!), is to sprinkle a few drops of alcohol on the foot mat and then add cold water to the wine stain. That was enough: when she landed at the airport, she only needed to report that she was carrying two trays of wine in both hands, each tray had 6 glasses, each had 12 glasses, when the unlucky ship wobbled so hard that it made her sister The weak willow dug up the silk and knocked it all over the deck. The alcohol on the plane is stored in small bottles, so she can freely keep 12 bottles and write in the "smashed" section. The board of directors knew that they were doing magic, but they didn't dare to cough because only God could find evidence, and they didn't pay the company for their flight uniforms and smelly white skin. The smell of wine is already a great blessing...

    Asking the question of alcohol with the Czech hostess, Van Binh believes that she will imitate her female colleagues in the world, smiling and saying:

    - You can only order a maximum of two drinks.

    He didn't expect her to shake her head wildly.

    - Sir, this plane has no alcohol. Only coffee or tea and cakes.

    - Do you have any entertainment books?

    Western planes usually have all kinds of books, except what men like most, which are erotic books. Many times, Van Binh does not understand why the US is a free country but bans Playboy magazine on the plane. Granted, Playboy only prints pictures of naked women, but they are all beautiful and artistic pictures. Although nude, the beautiful Playboy only revealed a pair of flower petals.

    The flight attendant was quick:

    - Sir, yes.

    She brought him a stack of garishly printed magazines. Song Van Binh waved his hand:

    - Oh my god, it's all pictures of workers plowing fields, raising pigs and shoveling soil, I don't like it...

    - So what do you like?

    He looked up at her with an inviting smile. Again, her cheeks were red. In her shyness, she was resoundingly beautiful. Van Binh wants to pull her into his arms, kiss her glossy lips...

    The plane slowly ascended.

    The front row of seats was empty, so Van Binh stretched his legs cross-legged on the arm of the chair. He turned the knob to make the chair recline to lie down comfortably. He put his felt hat over his face and pretended to be asleep. Normally, the plane seat for him was an ottoman. Before the plane took off, he was fast asleep. Many times when he got there, he still refused to get up. He has a habit of sleeping like this because he rarely has the opportunity to close his eyes on the ground, partly because he has to do dangerous activities constantly, partly because he has fun for weeks and months awake. next to the beauty.

    But on this Albanian trip he was not sleepy. Even though he has a lot of luck, his autism strongly suggests to find sleep, his eyes are still open. Not because he was nervous about the dangers to come. But because his mind was being flooded by the graceful and beautiful figure of the girl sitting only a few yards away from him.

    The plane flew to the southwest. This road, Van Binh walked many times during the second world war. After the war, working in the Balkans, he visited the newly established pro-communist republics, on the outside as a gentle tourist but inside to connect with the local anti-Soviet elements to serving the spy system of Mr. Hoang.

    So he just looked at his watch to know which country the plane was flying over. Through Uyghur, the plane crossed the Soviet border and entered Romania's airspace. He had only been away from this area for a while, but the situation had changed. Lu is no longer an obedient junior of the Soviet Union. The plane rose higher and higher and passed through the northern land of Bao Gia. Finally, fly across the south of Yugoslavia before reaching Albania.

    No one in the plane said a word to anyone. Van Binh sat slightly tilted to look behind him through the gap in his leather hat. He couldn't see Chu-Ling so he didn't know what she was doing beside her father. But he had seen in his imagination that she was still entwined with the newspaper, her large, sensuous brown eyes still bent over the thick black page without reading a word. And Chu-Yao, her father, still fidgets with the pencil and the thick black paper with numbers and zigzag math formulas...

    On the left hand side, the passengers dressed in black and white shirts continued to sit still like stone statues. The statue of Lenin standing in the middle of the Red Square in Moscow was only so motionless. Seemingly obeying an invisible director, the Chinese delegation of "geologists" all leaned back in their chairs, contemplative expressions on their faces. Didn't see anyone smoking. Nor did anyone get up. And most of all, no one called out to the hostess. Van Binh has the impression that they never know thirst, or hunger. The hostess brought something, they all used it, didn't leave it unfinished but didn't ask for more.

    The "mirror cabinet" bodyguards sitting in a pile in the back seemed to be more active. However, they are also not as active orally as most western bodyguards. They only work with their eyes. The bright eyes hidden under their bushy eyebrows were always looking horizontally, vertically. From time to time they all looked at Chu-Yao father and son, as if they were afraid that the leader Chu-Yao would turn into a mosquito and fly away.

    But even though Chu-Yao turned into a mosquito like the great saint Qi, they found it in the blink of an eye. Because mosquitoes flap their wings to fly, they must make a whirring sound. The sound of breathing in the plane can also be heard, let alone the flapping of the wings of the mosquito...

    However, Van Binh did not believe that the bodyguards were staring at Chu-Yao for the purpose of protecting security. They must have used the excuse of looking at their master to sneak a peek at their master's fairy-like daughter. Because with the corner of his eye, Van Binh noticed that some "mirror cabinets" swallowed their saliva. They swallow with difficulty, the veins on the temples swell, indicating that the desire in the body is at its peak. Van Binh thought to himself that they are human after all, people in Mainland China desire more beautiful women than people anywhere else on earth.

    The Soviet Secret Service sat in the back row near the rear of the plane. Khrushchev was hustling with the cameras, and Velana was still as beautiful and delicious as ever.

    Van Binh sighed softly. The plane was flying over Yugoslavia. His heart suddenly fluttered strangely. In the past, he had once peeked at passengers on an airplane with a gap in his felt hat and with the corners of his eyes. At that time, he boarded a military plane carrying a group of anti-communist politicians in the Balkans to Italy. Among the passengers were also beautiful women. So beautiful that just a glance is enough to make you blush. Van Binh wasn't afraid of being bruised, but he didn't dare to look straight ahead because alas, they were all married girls, and their husbands were big men. Craving so much that he didn't know how he pretended to be asleep, putting his hat on his face to peek.

    At that time, he lost his soul for a month. Because the beauty also has feelings for him, it is impossible to fall in his arms on the plane. In fact, he had had a chance to fondle and make love in stealth. But it was that sneakiness that made him want more.

    Women in Central-Europe don't fall in love, once they fall in love, they love like a hurricane. Probably because they drink a lot of lave and especially wine. However, wealthy Hungarian women are most famous for their love. Famous, not only in Europe but also in the world. The reason Van Binh was so close to the Hung girl was partly because in the exile group at that time there was a Hungarian woman who loved him, but mostly because he had a lot of personal experience. Whenever he went to the West, he always sought out Hungarian women, they were not cold like English women, greedy like French women, stiff like German women, easy-going to the point of chilling like Swedish and Danish women. , as dry as a woman south of the Great Mediterranean. Hungarian women love with an intense but gentle and enduring love...

    This strange love is also due to the weather. Because Hung is a country with terrible good wine. Better than the best French wine. Every year Hungary produces 4 million hetoliters of wine. Hung's first cup has the poetic name of tokay.

    French wanderers often brag that the good Hungarian wine was imported by the French. This is absolutely not true. Hung's special vine grew thousands of years ago in the hills. Drinking wine in Hung has to follow a poetic procedure: opening glass, guests will drink light, guests who are about to say goodbye to the owner will invite a fragrant glass to make guests numb. Guests are even more numb if the owner is a beautiful woman, and invites to drink ash-du wine from the Tokay region.

    Van Binh has enjoyed the ace-du wine from the white hand of the goddess Venus, so he will remember it all his life. Adu wine is not made according to a familiar formula, when picking grapes, people choose large and succulent bunches to leave on branches to dry in the gentle autumn sun. When autumn is coming to an end, the bunches of grapes on the branches have dried up, shrunk, and secreted the smell of honey. People picked them, pressed them to get bile, and brewed them with yeast into wine. Normally, it must be aged for 5 to 8 years to be delicious, but if you want it to be delicious, you have to keep it for three or forty years; The best food is usually three or four hundred years. No wonder King Loy 14 of France had to praise tokay wine as the king of wine and also the king of wine.

    Drinking special wine from many generations, Hungarian women are not like women in five continents in terms of love, that's why. However, the land of Hung has another product that increases the fire of love to another level.

    This product is paprika. That is chili. Lots of chili. Chili has become an indispensable spice of the indigenous family. People eat chili to mask the fishy smell of fish, over here the Hung eat chili with any dish, even fried potatoes, boiled bamboo shoots also remove chili. Even more strange, the Hung people also like salads mixed with vinegar and ... chili.

    This spice has the use of aphrodisiacs, so Hungarian women often love two or three times more than ordinary people.

    Van Binh sighed again.

    For many years, he had not been able to see the beauty of the flight into exile the other day to drink tokay and aim with paprika.

    Suddenly he was startled. He just remembered an important detail. Last night, Velana was not fluent when conversing in Russian. From time to time she added a Hungarian. It turned out that she was a Hungarian woman. What convinced him that she was a Hungarian woman was a plate of cakes on her desk.

    Oh my god, he didn't know that! This plate of cake is a plate of cake, the national soul cake of Hungary, as well as a jar of raw price and pho for Vietnamese people. Pancakes are just rolled dough, very thin, as thin as possible, then mixed with a few drops of fat and water to make it fat, covered with a little fruit jam, put in the oven. The cake consists of many thin layers of dough overlapping each other, looking like dozens of thin sheets of cardboard. The art of this cake is rolling the dough very thin, many Western restaurants want to learn it but have failed, even the Hungarian women have very few skillful people who can roll the dough very thin to roll the cake.

    No wonder… no wonder Velana fell in love with a storm!

    Through the gap in his hat, Van Binh stole a glance at Velana. Miraculously, she was also glancing at him at the time. It took an X-ray eye like hers to see his stealthy line hidden by the brim of his hat.

    Why did she peek at him? Did she really love him? Also makes sense. But if she was too amorous, would the counterintelligence boss Boret allow her to go with him to Albani? Van Binh did not believe that Bored rewarded him with Velana. Of course, it was her duty to keep an eye on him. Her eyes were not the cold, prying eyes of a Soviet spy. It's the eyes that are burning with love, the eyes of passionate dating...

    The plane suddenly lurched.

    From Yugoslavia to Albania, there are often whirlwinds in the upper air that make planes roll. To the person who used to think of airplanes as a bed, used to be the test pilot of the fastest American X-plane in the world, and once mastered the art of aerobatics, this swaying meant nothing. over. However, he had to find an excuse to go to the bathroom again. Then he pulled out his blindfold and wiped his mouth, then took the armrests on both sides and walked step by step down to the tail.

    Chu-Ling was still as fresh as sitting on the living room sofa on the ground while the male scientists covered their faces, covered their ears, and tied their belts tightly. He did not dare to think of sitting on a small face anymore. Seeming to have guessed his intentions, Chu-Ling opened her mouth with a small smile. She smiled, meant to smile at him, but her eyes were looking away. Van Binh fell in love with his mind and almost fell.

    He almost fell for real, not a bunch of tricks. He had to grab onto the arm of Chu-Ling's chair and stop. He hastily said:

    - Please forgive me. I'm a bit tired...

    He speaks in English. Before Chu-Ling could reply, her father interrupted:

    - It's okay. When he boarded the plane, he looked tired, seemed to have lost sleep...

    A priceless opportunity has come to Van Binh. The happy flag arrived, he still hesitated to wave it. He thought that the scholarly delegation, especially the leader of the group Chu-Yao, had a speech disorder, he did not expect that Chu-Yao would be so polite and easygoing.

    He then replied:

    - Yes.. I had trouble sleeping last night at… KGB headquarters. I didn't do anything illegal that they threatened and suppressed.

    - I know, I know. I heard what you said to them at the airport. He also went to Albania?

    - Yes, I am an advertising specialist of Maxman company, Ha Uy di. I went to Tirana to sign an advertising contract with the government of the Albanian people's republic. My name is Kevin.

    - I'm Chu-Yao. Nice to meet you.

    Saying that Chu-Yao bent over the paper covered with equations spread across his lap. Chu-Yao was only allowed to confide like that. Besides, Van Binh doesn't want to drink more coffee. Because his purpose is to flirt with his sweet, petite daughter. While the two talked, Chu-Ling looked up at him. Oh my, why were her eyes so wide, so black, so brown, so dreamy and so deep?

    She just looked at him without speaking. Van Binh wanted to speak, but his voice was stuck in his throat. He was originally a guy who flirted with girls and talked without stopping, but standing in front of the goddess Chu-Ling, he fell ill with stuttering.

    Ngượng ngùng, Văn Bình muốn quay lại ghế ngồi, nhưng lại bị một ả tiếp viên mập mạp bịt kín lối đi. Như vậy mà may, vì nếu quay lại ghế ngồi chàng đã mặc nhiên thú tội với toàn thể hành khách là chàng giả vờ xuống phòng rửa mặt để tán tỉnh người đẹp Chu-Linh. Chàng đành rảo bước về phía đuôi.

    Vêlana từ phòng vệ sinh bước ra. Nàng lườm chàng bằng đuôi mắt sắc như dao cạo. Dường như nàng muốn cảnh cáo chàng “coi chừng, coi chừng, gái này không chịu thua đâu”.

    Chết rồi … Vêlana ghen. Một khi nàng ghen, nàng sẽ làm hỏng kế hoạch của Bôrết. Ruột gan rối như tơ vò, Văn Bình kéo cánh của sắt mỏng.

    Trên bàn rửa mặt, chàng thấy một khẩu súng.

    Khẩu súng của Vêlana.
    1 Đó là Grando Fine Champagne Arbellot, một trong những thứ rượu đắt tiền nhất thế giới.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,141

    Z.28 Specter over Red Square (Z.28 Bóng Ma trên Công Trường Đỏ), Bùi Anh Tuấn, 1969.
    https://vietmessenger.com/books/?title=z28 bong ma tren cong truong do

    Z.28 The Phantom On The Red Square

    ACTION published 1969

    1. The Phantom On The Red Square
    2. Dear Defeat, Danh List
    3. Ghosts
    4. Last Night in Moscow
    5. North China Beauty
    6. First Night in Tirana
    7. Atomic Bomb
    8. Z Bomb. 233


    Đêm Đầu Ở Tirana

    Đó là khẩu Colt Agent, loại súng bỏ túi, rất nhẹ do Hoa kỳ chế tạo. Nòng trái khế của nó chưa được 6 viên cỡ trung bình, tầm bắn không xa song vô cùng chính xác. Nhân viên F.B.I mặc thường phục khi đi công tác chìm hay dùng loại súng này. Colt Agent bằng thép cũng chỉ nặng trên 300 gờ-ram, vậy mà khẩu này lại toàn bằng nhom, nòng được chế bằng một thứ kim khí cứng rắn mà nhẹ hơn thép.


    The First Night in Tirana

    It was the Colt Agent, a very light, pocket-sized gun made in the United States. Its barrel has less than 6 medium-sized bullets, its range is not far, but it is extremely accurate. F.B.I employees wear plain clothes when they go on a business trip to sink or use this type of gun. The steel Colt Agent also weighs just over 300 grams, yet the gun is all made of brass, the barrel made of a tough metal that's lighter than steel.

    Van Binh tossed the gun on his palm, it only weighed about 150 grams. It fit in his hand, in a pocket it was only the size of a pack of filtered cigarettes. The steel one is on the market for $71, and this particular one costs three or four times as much.

    A small piece of paper is placed underneath the cannon. Above is a line of pencil scribbles:

    “Careful, seems to be exposed”

    Van Binh stuffed the gun into the small bag made in his jacket under his armpit. He did not believe that the Tirana police and customs made him take off his clothes to search. After all, he was their comrade. On this trip, he was listed as a valued guest by the Albanian government.

    Why did Velana give him the gun? If necessary, Bored had given him a gun since he was in Moscow. Why does Velana say "apparently exposed?" Perhaps the Chinese secret service team on the plane suspected him, and Velana was lucky to overhear a few stories. Revealed, he will be arrested by the Albanian secret service. And he will reveal Velana. Did Velana give him a gun for self-defense? Should he let him handle it himself?

    Van Binh quietly went out. He walked straight past Velana and the horse-headed KGB men. Although he did not look to the side, he could still see Velana's eyes fixed on him, and he felt a tickle on the nape of his neck.

    The plane lowered gradually.

    And finally landed.

    As usual. Van Binh reviewed one last time the historical details of the country he was going to. Albania, a close ally of communist China in the Balkans, was a mountainous state bordered to the north and east by Yugoslavia, to the south by Greece, and to the west by the Adriatic Sea. Two-thirds of the population is Muslim. In 1939, Albania was invaded by the Axis forces. After World War II, the kingship of King Zog I was overthrown, and communist leader Enver Hoxha took over. Since then, Hoxha has continued to reign. With a population of only 2 million, the living standard is among the lowest in Europe, and the secret service operates in a brutal way beyond imagination, so the internal situation is quiet. But in terms of espionage, this little vassal played an important role. Anglo-American intelligence often used Albania as a bridgehead to separate the Soviet Union and China. Taking advantage of the difficult terrain, the West has established a communication line through Albanian territory.

    The giant iron bird gave a great shudder before it came to a complete stop.

    Arrived in Tirana.

    The sun outside poured into the plane. The Chinese geological delegation was invited to come down first. The hospitality procedures of communist airlines are different from those of the West: when buying tickets, passengers pay the same amount, but when boarding or disembarking, passengers must follow the arbitrary instructions of the flight attendant Phai. The Chinese delegation went down first because a solemn welcome was prepared below.

    Chu-Yao takes the lead. Bodyguards on both sides. Finally came Chu-Ling. A bodyguard drifted to the side, offered her hand to ask her to come down first, but she shook her head and refused. In ancient times, Chinese women had to go after men. It was too polite to invite like that, so the bodyguard casually set foot down the stairs.

    Van Binh noticed Chu-Ling slowing down. She seemed to be looking for an opportunity to look back at him. Neck guy says:

    - Hello, Miss Chu-Ling.

    She nodded in greeting. A beautiful smile bloomed on her beautiful heart's lips. Van Binh froze as if he had just finished drinking a jar of sticky rice wine.

    The sound of military music came from the airport. It was originally the national anthem of the People's Republic of China. Next comes the Albanian national anthem. Waiting for the band to finish playing the two national anthems, the remaining passengers were allowed to disembark. In fact, there was no one on the plane, except Van Binh, Velana, Khrushchev and KGB spies.

    In what capacity did the Velanas and Khmers come to Tirana? Why does the Albanian government allow them to enter? In a clock star Van Binh has just discovered a part of the truth. The Hoxha government firmly refused if it knew they were KGB employees. This means that Velana and Khrushchev are new faces in the village of Soviet espionage.

    Van Binh breathed a sigh of relief when he reached the bottom of the stairs, and put his feet on the straight concrete floor. So he went to Albania by the front door! He felt a familiar atmosphere pervading the airport. In the past, he had entered the cabinet of communist countries many times through the front door. When he went from Bangkok to Hanoi, he was also welcomed by military music, by hundreds of people dressed neatly in a horizontal line, and especially by an army of children in red scarves, le te ran to bring wreaths. neck.

    Right after that is the lecture section. The Chinese delegation was invited to a rather high wooden platform, standing in front of the microphone. The sun shines down a lot, but it's cool and comfortable. Thanks to God, he was fluent in Chinese, so Chu-Yao understood everything he said. Chu-Yao spoke for a while, then paused to wait for the translation.

    It turned out that the interpreter was a beautiful lady Chu-Ling. She spoke Albanian as fast as the wind. When she spoke, her mouth moved gracefully.

    20 minutes passed. The delegation of scholars hugged and kissed the children, shook hands with the reception staff again, and then got out of the car. Cha cha, Albania is a socialist country, hates western capitalism but uses all Mercédès. Please, this is not a Mercédès 800, which means an eye-catching kind, close to 10 thousand dollars a piece. Saigon is the capital of making money and spending money like garbage, but no one dares to play the 300 (the author should note that except for the Z-28) only a few government cars but all are old Mercédès stale.

    Mercédès welcomes the Chinese delegation of the Pullman 600; twice as expensive as the top-class 300, exactly 621 centimeters long, approximately 3 tons in weight, including 6 doors, the rear can be opened electrically and the seats are raised so that people on both sides of the road can admire the great view. dwell inside. Stop the driver and prevent the owner from sitting with a windshield, the owner commands the driver by phone. The owner's compartment has two rows of seats opposite, the seats are as wide as a sofa. At the owner's fingertips are a full range of modern amenities, refrigerators for wine and ice, phonographs, phonographs, telephones, and ultra-frequency radios. At a speed of over two hundred kilometers-hour, the owner sits quietly as if lying on a foam mattress.

    There were three long, shiny, black-painted Mercés in all, one after another on the runway.

    In the blink of an eye, the upper class convoy was deformed. Van Binh did not hear the explosion. He licked his lips lustfully. No matter what, he must buy this noble chariot to play with his relatives in Saigon! The streets of Saigon are packed with vehicles, his 600 will make teenage girls sitting on motorbikes cross their eyes. And he will also attach a special tube of bamboo shoots, which emits a fragrance mixed with rose water essence. He will not forget to attach a small signboard with his address on the back, so that the ladies can take notes in their notebooks and find them. The back of the Pullman was suitable for his endless and unconventional enjoyment of flowers. Its length and width are all just right, and its smoothness is excellent. After all, he is too young to be an adult and is about to suffer from back pain, so enjoying love must have all the comforts.

    As long as he has a Mercédès 600 Pullman he will joke around, play hard with the stork of the First District of the Pearl of the Far East. One Saturday afternoon at the end of a certain month, "because at the end of the month, people will go out to winter", especially when the weather is dry, he will make Le Diep team up as a driver to drive him around the city. At Tu Do Boulevard, near the traffic light, Caravelle Hotel is the most crowded place, and the stork is most interested in, then park. Thousands of eyes will admire and praise, everyone wants to touch a little bit to see how the car's direction is. Elegant boys and girls crave the direction of the car, of course, but of course more than that, the fairy spirit of a girl sitting inside wearing thin clothes, and especially the V on the chest is so deep and so bold. violent.

    Waiting for the public to be black around the car, he pressed the button for all the rims in the car to automatically pull back. Van Binh's car turned into a sealed box. Le Diep wanted to look behind, but it was useless because the separating glass was also covered with thick rims. In the car, he and she confided, outsiders could not hear the sound. He is not a stupid poet, so he does not know how to converse with a pen. It's talking orally, with hands and with natural talent...

    Oh my god, there's nothing more interesting than… conversing with a beautiful woman right on Freedom Avenue in the midst of a forest of admirers. There will always be a wise man who knows his naughty and arrogant intentions. They will find a way to open the door. Futile. Because he will buy a Pullman that opens and closes all electric. They will try to break the windshield. In vain. For he would ask Mercédès to supply the non-swirling machine-gun bullet glasses. Le Diep will quickly open the switch to let the car run away from the curious crowd. Just wasted effort. Since he will secretly install a second switch, when he opens it, the driver will be able to turn on the engine and open the door. Le Diep only had to cry out to God like a bag and picked up the phone to plead, begging him to let go. He will pick up the loudspeaker and put it to one side to invite Le Diep to listen to some unique sounds that boys and girls experience in love cannot help but recognize...

    The storks will disperse the crowd. Only then did he pull out his fringe and open the door. But half an hour has passed...

    Delighted, Van Binh burst into laughter.

    - Mr. Kevin? Are you Kevin?

    Tired of letting his soul follow the stream of dreams ... joking with Saigon stork Van Binh forgot that he was no longer in Saigon but standing as if planted by heaven on the hard concrete of a communist country that hates naughty people. and hates spies like him.

    - Mr. Kevin?

    The stranger rang his voice twice before Van Binh heard it. He jerked back, turned around.

    - Yes I'm here.

    Recently, Van Binh suffered from a new disease, dementia. He told himself many times "I'm Kevin, I'm Kevin" but he still forgot, had to call again and again, call him forever to remember. Speaking of the past, Van Binh often forgets that. But lately he seems to have forgotten more. Perhaps because of the alcohol ghost, and especially the haunting love ghost. But maybe it was because he had begun to despise his enemies irresponsibly.

    The first task of a spy when he sets foot on a foreign land, especially an enemy land, is to remember the borrowed name, and carefully remember the biography. But the introductory lesson in espionage school teaches that. In fact, many western spies have lost their lives unjustly because they forgot their names. A major in the C.I.A. pretending to be a stage actor of a communist Central-European country, waiting for the subway in Moscow, was handcuffed, taken to the Lubianka clinic, received a bullet in the back of the neck because a KGB officer called his name three times right away. in the ear without saying. A British businessman and MI-6 employee was also killed in a similar case in Tirana: he had sex with an Albanian girl, an undercover agent of the Sigurimi Secret Service while intoxicated, the girl called his name, he was just indifferent, so he accidentally revealed that he was wearing a fake name.

    Secret Service Sigurimi is famous in the world for the trick of calling strangers by name suddenly to uncover Western spies in disguise. Van Binh's surprise could be a sign that the secret service is suspicious.

    Van Binh quickly hid his surprise with a bright smile. Fortunately, his change was only fleeting, so it was not noticed.

    The person calling his name was a rather short middle-aged man, by western standards. Not only was he short, he was also fat. From head to toe he was just a mass of squishy flesh, a coconut skull as round as a marble placed on a round neck, and stuck to the round body. He had the impression that he had no neck. If he didn't hold out, Van Binh would have the impression that he didn't have any hands.

    Van Binh suddenly thought of Bored, of the secret agent who picked him up at the Moscow airport, of the State employees who greeted him behind the iron curtain. The whole is like a drop of water. Just like in the baggy black suit, the pants are wide enough, the jacket is as wide as a borrowed shirt, and even the waist of the pants is tens of inches wider. But the most similar is the height and width. Most are not tall. Most are horizontal. And it seems that they only eat meat and fat, so everyone is as fat as a jar. And it seems that they are even fatter, so everyone sews two or three sizes larger...

    Thinking so, Van Binh smiled.

    The fat man laughed too. He shook his hand vigorously and asked:

    - Do you think of a happy day in Moscow?

    Van Binh replied:

    - Yes, it's fun. It's only a pity that I stayed for 24 short hours.

    - You are an American with a sense of sarcasm. You must be very angry with them!

    - Oh, did you also know that I was being harassed by the Soviet government?

    - Know very well. What we don't know. We sincerely commend him. During your stay you will see a completely different treatment. You will see that the Albanian People's Democratic Government is completely different from the Soviet revisionists.

    The airstrip has begun to empty. After the mercédès convoy disfigured, the welcoming crowd also dispersed. Hundreds of people with all the bulky musical instruments, with children in red scarves, hands heavy with wreaths, disappeared like magic.

    Van Binh also did not see Velana and Khrushchev anywhere. The fat man patted him on the shoulder.

    - Invite him to the car.

    Only now did he have time to observe him. His face is not that bad even though everyone knows that he is a real cop at a glance. He had taken his hand-held felt hat, but the way he bent the brim of his feathers showed that he was a professional agent. His eyes are a bit small, which is a disadvantage when looking at a distance, but in return he has large, oversized nostrils that can smell flavors up to a hundred yards in diameter. His ears perked up like flat-dog ears and were just as long and pointed. Of course he must be a good listener.

    He only complained a little with his mouth. The small mouth is always tight, the lips are both thin and dark. Thin lips are the kind of people who cheat and lie. The smell of mint coming out of his teeth made Van Binh chuckle. Using mints to pick up foreign guests, he was cautious and polite. He saved him from suffocation.

    He did not introduce himself, nor did Van Binh want to ask his name. For asking is useless. If questioned, he will tell a lie. And maybe he would question his curiosity. Working behind the iron curtain must know how to control curiosity.

    He walked over to a black painted car parked outside the runway. Albania is another close ally of China, and cars are also sent from Beijing, even though Europe is the home of millions of cars every year.

    Looking at Van Binh, he knew that it was Fan Hoan's car. It means Phoenix. The name is phoenix but it does not have the slightest virtue of the phoenix, that is, beautiful shape and extraordinary speed. As for the exterior, it's just a clumsy and clumsy pick up from a mercédès 15 years ago, a square, flat windshield that doesn't curve like trendy cars, its legs are tall and tall. more than Rolls. Van Binh has not been able to sit in a Fan Hoan car because each year the Chinese industry can only produce 500 units at the Shanghai factory as well as 50 luxury Hongshi produced in Manchuria annually, and only for customers. bigwig.

    The car's mattress is covered with yellow khaki fabric, making its already gloomy code even more gloomy. The fat guy just put his ass, the car mattress has sunk. He shrugs and the tires don't seem strong enough to bear the weight of his flesh. He occupied nearly half of the back band, Van Binh had to hide to one side.

    His mouth babbled:

    - Have you had the opportunity to ride this Fan Hoan car? Good good to. Its speed can reach 150 km-hour.

    Van Binh nodded.

    - Not yet. This is the first time. It's a pleasure for me. It's a quiet engine!

    Fat guy squinting his eyes:

    - I will reserve a Fan Hoan for you to visit scenic spots in the city. Did you just come to Tirana for the first time?

    Yes, the first time.

    - Oh, you will probably spend a lot of time on the scenic spots. Don't be afraid that we have a duty to take good care of you.

    Van Binh expressed his thanks. He knew what the "duty of care" of the Sigurimi agent was.

    The car drove out of the airport.

    The fat guy is telling the truth! Fan Hoan is a "good-for-you" car. Before leaving the airport, the driver was speeding. He glanced at the speedometer: 130 kilometers. For western cars, it's normal to go on highway 130. Many times Van Binh has run over 200. But for the Fan Hoan, 130 km is now a formidable achievement, because its four wheels jump, swerve to the left, to the right, the tires rumble like caustic soda. Remove all screws and loosen all welds. Van Binh had to grab the handle on the door to avoid shaking.

    Perhaps wanting to show off his Chinese ally's car-assembly skills, the driver did not hesitate to play with death. But if you think about it carefully, the road from the school to the city center, although not very good, can run over 200 km-hours easily.

    Because the Fan Hoan is almost the only car. Every once in a while, there's a car going in the opposite direction. Not a single one sounded deafeningly behind his back, nor was one whistling past his face. Suddenly Van Binh had the desire to stay in Tirana. He used to like to drive fast, really fast but never had the opportunity. On the international racing car market, there are already cars that run 300 km-hours or more. Every time the speed rapids rose in his heart, Van Binh had to hold back because of the roads in Asia, and even in America, it was not allowed to go up to 300. In the year, only ten paintings Van Binh could be blessed to look at the tree. red needle crossed the number 300. Those times were in Europe, on short sections of the road for motorcyclists, or on private highways designed by car companies to experiment with mechanical magic.

    If he was in Tirana, he would enjoy driving. If necessary, he will ask the authorities to ban traffic for several hundred kilometers so that he can show off his skills.

    The fat man shouted in his ear:

    - It's Dajti Mountain, you see?

    Van Binh woke up from his dream. Through the fields and factories along both sides of the highway, the car began to drive into the outskirts of the capital, Tirana. The city of Tirana is located in front of the beautiful Dajti mountain range.

    The driver drove into the city. Just like on the highway, the driver doesn't have to blow the horn. However, he also slowed down. Van Binh felt pity and admiration for Saigon's drivers. It was scorching hot, sitting behind the wheel from morning to noon, had not eaten or drank water, the dust on the road was dark, the smell of gasoline from thousands of wax-and-stick tubes burst out, stuffy noses, aches and pains. but still have to squeal the trumpet, the more you squeeze the more you see the two-wheelers appear swarming, the more people seem to be distracted, don't listen... Drivers of Tirana as well as those of communist capitals will be unemployed if they are sent. went to Saigon to work as a… driver. If they are not unemployed, they will be examined by Chi Hoa for the crime of causing traffic accidents ...

    The car passed the Parliament building. Finally came a wide boulevard. At the end of the boulevard is the Scanderbeg site. Like Ba Dinh Square in Hanoi, this is an immense circulation axis that is used as a place to celebrate and beat the island. Van Binh noticed that communist capitals had many similarities. Every capital has a vast square in the center, large enough to accommodate half a million people. And in this square there must be a great leader wall.

    Standing before Van Binh's eyes is a wall placed on a massive marble pedestal of Sitta Lin. The dictator wrote a large plot of land in the square. While all the walls and portraits of the Sitites were taken down in the Soviet Union, the Albanian government continued to worship them.

    Van Binh may not be able to see the statue of Sitta Lin, but it is impossible not to see the portrait of Enver Hoxha, the "great" leader of the Albanian People's Democratic Republic. Dozens of Hoxha's pictures were placed or hung all over the square, everywhere, in front, behind, on the right, on the left Van Binh looked in any direction, turned his face in any direction, and had a feeling. I thought Hoxha was watching his every reaction with wide eyes.

    Before leaving, Van Binh carefully read Hoxha's resume. Since 1946, Hoxha has been the great leader of Albania. Under Hoxha, the local secret service became an extremely effective agency. Western spy agents are afraid of the mainland secret service as much as they are afraid of the Albanian secret service. He muttered to himself:

    - So I got there!

    Sitting next to him, the fat man stirred, causing the Fan Hoan to shake violently:

    - Yes, there it is.

    He meant the Dajti Hotel. This hotel built by the Italians is considered a wonder in Tirana, because there everything is the biggest, the most expensive and the most luxurious. Only foreigners, and must be capitalist foreigners, dare to go there because the room and food costs are expensive beyond the imagination of the people in the country.

    The building is already large, the guests are few - because it is allowed for the important people - so it looks even bigger from the outside, as if there are no people living in it.

    The Fan Hoan was parked in front of the inn. Van Binh was overjoyed when he saw the long caravan of Mercédès. The delegation of Chinese scientists has just come down. They stayed here to make his job easy. However, he cares less about work (because it's not his job) but more about Chu-Ling. Her smile and meaningful eyes told him that she had a crush on him. From affection to love is only a short distance.

    The fat man waddled out of the car. A young man about the same size was waiting outside the hotel door and ran back. He whispered into the fat man's ear.

    The fat man returned to Van Binh:

    - As you know, I am an associate of Comrade Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade Melet. Tomorrow, the deputy minister will receive him. By the way, let me introduce you to one of my associates.

    Collaborators, collaborators ... everywhere are collaborators, why doesn't he say that both Melet, and he and his partner are all paid by the evil nerve agent Sigurimi?

    The young man bowed to Van Binh. After saying hello, he crept out his hand to shake. Looking at him, everyone thought he was the most humble and gentle person in the world. But Van Binh could not think like that. His irises, his feigned humility had revealed to him that he was an experienced security guard, twice as experienced as the KGB that followed him as pictured with the shadow in Moscow.

    The young man said in fake English:

    - I have a duty to help you in every way. Whatever you need, just let me know, I'll make you happy right away.

    Van Binh was about to say, "You have a lovely sister, I need that very much", but thanked him again. Because if he insists, he will find a way to satisfy. Maybe he took his sister to his room, but she was also a secret agent. Maybe he didn't introduce a green house girl, but the money-making world in Tirana was notorious for venereal diseases ... Gluttony and then had to drink antibiotics for kilograms, had to go to the department's clinic in Saigon for treatment. risk. The female agents of the Secret Service, among them Thu Thu, Nguyen Huong, and Quynh Loan are ready to forgive him for cheating, but will never be ready to welcome a colonel Z 28 who has an illness... love, a terrible disease. most disgusting to the upper class.

    The fat man had lost his head. It turned out that he was only responsible for escorting him from the airport to the inn. From this moment on it was the responsibility of the average young man.

    He is about 25, 26, the age is neither old nor young. For commercial or industrial activities, 25 years old is young, but in espionage, it is old age. Most spy agents either die or retire before they turn 30.

    His body and appearance were nothing special. Van Binh couldn't name him fat guy or skinny guy. Every part of his body is of medium size, neither tall nor short, neither large nor small, neither long nor short, neither heavy nor light. He has mediocre code as well as thousands and thousands of other skilled security personnel around the world. It is that mediocrity that is very dangerous.

    The only distinctive feature on his face was a scar. This stain is no big deal. It is hidden under the ear, you have to look closely to see it.

    Not knowing his name, Van Binh had to name him "scar guy".

    Scary guy leading the way. Van Binh was about to pick up a suitcase containing clothes when a sick hotel employee ran out. Where has he been hiding but now he is seen. Better late than never, because it's a blessing to be able to carry a suitcase. In communist countries, carrying suitcases for guests is considered a first-class luxury. It is sometimes considered a violation of national sovereignty. On the occasion of activities in Hanoi, Van Binh had to carry his luggage upstairs, down the stairs, tired hands and neck.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited February 2023 Posts: 14,141
    Under Maintenance
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,141

    Z.28 Specter over Red Square (Z.28 Bóng Ma trên Công Trường Đỏ), Bùi Anh Tuấn, 1969.
    https://vietmessenger.com/books/?title=z28 bong ma tren cong truong do

    Z.28 The Phantom On The Red Square

    ACTION published 1969

    1. The Phantom On The Red Square
    2. Dear Defeat, Danh List
    3. Ghosts
    4. Last Night in Moscow
    5. North China Beauty
    6. First Night in Tirana
    7. Atomic Bomb
    8. Z Bomb. 233


    Trái Bom Nguyên Tử

    Chu-Ling dính vào người Văn Bình rất lâu, tưởng như không chịu rời ra nữa. Nụ hôn giáo đầu đã làm tứ chi nàng mê mẩn. Văn Bình ghì chặt lấy eo của nàng, bắt nàng phải ngửa mặt ra, và kiễng chân lên, cái áo Tàu bị tuột khuy cổ tạo cơ hội cho chàng nhè nhẹ luồn bàn tay vào. Nàng rùng mình thật mạnh rồi đột ngột buông chàng ra, miệng rên lên một tiếng:

    - Anh ơi!


    Atomic Bomb

    Chu-Ling stuck to Van Binh for a long time, seemingly refusing to let go. The first spear kiss had captivated her limbs. Van Binh grabbed her waist, forced her to face up, and stood on tiptoe, the buttoned Chinese shirt was unbuttoned, giving him an opportunity to gently slip his hand in. She shivered violently and then suddenly let go of him, moaning loudly:

    - Hey bro!

    Van Binh eased down the chair. She obediently obeyed him. She sat still and waited. Song Van Binh just kissed her again. He did not want to go any further because he knew that Khrushchev and the KGB were watching every inch of it. Besides, Chu-Ling is a precious flower, he can't be tormented in public under the cold afternoon dew, but must display it in a closed room, on a soft mattress.

    He asked her in a friendly voice:

    - Where do I live?

    She snuggled into his armpit.

    - Dajti Hotel.

    - Fortunately, I have a room in Dajti hotel like you. What's your room number?

    He already knew she was in room 308, but he wanted her to speak for herself. He doesn't like forced love.

    - Room 308. And you?

    - Lower frequency, 212. Are you going anywhere soon?

    - Have. I went to a party with the delegation.

    - So sad huh?

    - Why do you sad?

    - I'm sad that I can't talk to you.

    - So I stay at home, don't go anymore.

    - Did your father say anything?

    - Are not. My father loves me very much. Since the day my mother died, I was the only source of joy for my father, I got whatever I asked for. The party tonight is only diplomatic, nothing important. Will you eat with me now?

    Van Binh was silent. He did not expect things to progress so quickly. Don't wait for him to respond. Chu-Ling pulled him away. She leaned into his ear.

    - What are you afraid of? Don't mind at all. Let me tell Sigurimi staff not to follow you anymore.

    - You are a guest of the government, what is Sigurimi staff following you for?

    "Even though you're the wife of another minister, Sigurimi sent someone along."

    - Then what is freedom anymore?

    - I've known you for a long time. Besides, I think it's better to have staff Sigurimi follow. If I hadn't banned them, I wouldn't have been harassed by two strangers earlier.

    Scared Baki was pacing behind a bronze statue of dictator Hoxha. Maybe he waited too long for him to show his face. Seeing Chu-Ling, he bowed his head. She asked him:

    - Where's my car?

    He respectfully replied:

    - Sir, the driver is still waiting for you at the parking lot.

    She ordered:

    - I asked the driver to drive over here.

    - Yes, Mercedes.

    - Are not. My private car. Tell the driver to fill up with gas. I went to the Red Star store at the beginning of the street.

    - Sir... it's almost time for the party.

    - Please tell my father that I am in pain.

    - You hurt… sir, I don't dare.

    - If you don't help, let me call Major General Kolit.

    The scarred man heard the name Kolit suddenly panic as if he heard that his house was on fire. He paused and nodded like a machine.

    - Yes, I will obey your orders. I'll have the driver fill up the Skoda in the garage and tell him to drive to the Red Star restaurant right away.

    - Thank you, Sergeant.

    - Afraid.

    The scarred man turned away. He was walking, almost running. Chu-Ling watched and laughed.

    - This guy is one of the messiest Sigurimi employees in the hotel. He's just tired of me.

    - I'm Chinese, but I know Tirana like Beijing, I know everything.

    - Oh, I know Tirana better than Beijing. Because I've lived here since I was a kid. I studied here since elementary school. I have had my own room at Dajti inn since 6 years. The Sigurimi are all smooth on me. I'm Kolit's friend again, so they're afraid of me like a tiger.

    - Who is Kolit?

    - Don't you know? But you don't know yet, because you're a foreigner, you just came to Albania for the first time. All Albanians know the name of Major General Kolit, because he is the chief of the Sigurimi secret service.

    Van Binh was silent. Now he understood why Bored and the KGB were trying to let him conquer Chu-Ling. Because her reputation will ensure that he completes the task easily.

    He changed the subject.

    - Are you studying engineering? When will I graduate?

    - Right. Next year I graduate.

    - Why did you take the trouble to come here from China to study engineering? In terms of science, Albania is not much better than China.

    - You are right. Your presence has many reasons. First, there are political reasons. China supports the Republic of Albania, so I need to come here to study to strengthen ties. The Chinese envoy here is my biological uncle, the fifth brother of my father. My uncle was one of comrade Hoxha's staunch supporters and was highly respected by Hoxha. Therefore, I live in Albania and have more power than I do in my hometown.

    - What did your father and the delegation of scientists come to Tirana for?

    Chu-Ling hesitated for a minute before answering:

    - To help your country Albania complete an important plan. This is a matter of national defense secret, you are not allowed to disclose, I forgive you. So I was being very honest with you because if I wasn't honest I would have said that the Chinese delegation went to Albania to conduct geological exploration as reported by the press and radio.

    The two had just arrived in front of the Red Star restaurant when the white Skoda was parked. Gasoline behind the iron curtain is considered a luxury product, filling the tank is not easy. In Tirana, gasoline is considered more than a luxury product but a defense material, yet it only takes the driver 5 minutes to get the car out of the garage to ask for a gas ticket, and drive to the gas station of the house. water for fuel. This proves that Chu-Ling is a very powerful person.

    Van Binh has had many occasions to drive inside communist countries, so it is no surprise that the formidable nuisance of refueling. If in Saigon or anywhere in the free world, a car owner just needs to drive over and park in front of a gas station, raise a finger to be a gas station attendant - sometimes to buy off the sympathy of customers, people We also used female staff with tight bodies and half-open clothes - le te ran over, politely bowed, then in Tirana a different situation must have happened. In the whole capital, there are only three or four gas stations, all of which are managed by the government. If you want to buy gasoline, you have to ask for a ticket. Not everyone gets a vote. Must be a high-ranking official, and if you are a private person, you have to wait every day or every week to get a ticket. Each voucher is only valid for a maximum quantity of 10 liters of petrol, and for a period of 24 hours. After this time, the gas coupon is automatically canceled. When applying for a ticket, the private person must make an application, stating where they need fuel to go. Sometimes the ticket is in hand, but the gas station is dry. Or the order to sell gasoline was canceled at the last minute.

    The driver obediently got out of the car and greeted Chu-Ling in a respectful manner. He only closed the door gently, as if he was afraid that closing the door would be disrespectful to her. She told him:

    - Come on, send the sergeant back. Have you checked the machinery carefully?

    The driver replied.

    - Yes.

    Van Binh inhaled when the light inside the car illuminated the special soft leather seat cushions. He had driven many times a Skoda, the darling of the Czechoslovak auto industry. If the economy were not dependent on the Soviet Union, this Eastern European country is not inferior to Italy, Germany, France in the level and technology of car manufacturing, and perhaps even further. Because of this dependence, the Skoda factory, which has more than half a century of experience in car manufacturing, can only produce small, old, and less comfortable cars.

    Skoda cars look similar to Opel cars 10 years ago, only the rear-mounted engine like Renault of France, the speed is not impressive. However, the machine is quite durable and the price is quite cheap, it is only slightly more expensive than the French 2-horse.

    Van Binh drove a Skoda because of a mandatory mission, he had to be familiar with all types of vehicles and weapons of the enemy. Normally, he doesn't like to ride in slow cars with maximum speeds of 120, 130 km per hour. His mechanical horse must consume 200 kilometers an hour or more...

    But Chu-Ling's Skoda caught Van Binh's attention in a special way. It's a 1000 MBX model, that is, a new, two-door, engine nearly a thousand distribution. A glance at the circular clocks on the dashboard. Van Binh knows that Chu-Ling's Skoda is equipped with an engine twice as large as the normal one, all four wheels have disc brakes - a luxury product of the communist car industry - a shock absorber - an even more wonderful luxury product. - the result is that she can go up to 200 km an hour, and sit in the car through deep potholes as comfortable as sitting on a luxury foam-lined sofa.

    The driver pressed the electric button for the car's glass to turn up tight. Van Binh admired:

    - My car is beautiful!

    She smiles gracefully:

    - Major General Kolit gave it to me.

    Van Binh is cold in the spine. He thought that Kolit was an old man with gray beard or salt and pepper, if his back was not bent, his kidneys would have been weak, his body was soft, and he did not dare to bear young love anymore. He did not expect him to look at Chu-Ling again. Then he asked:

    - Kolit is really smart. As beautiful as you have to wear this beautiful Skoda to deserve it.

    Chu-Ling pulled him into the restaurant:

    - This year Kolit is 49 years old. His wife died 8 years ago in a plane crash. He hounded me with the intention of asking me to be his wife. I neither consented nor refused, my father said that I was too young, had to wait for me to graduate from university. Strictly speaking, my parents want me to marry Kolit, because maybe in the future I will become the president of the Albanian people's republic… But my father let me choose.

    - Then you go to eat with me like this, my father is angry!

    - You speak too well. I want to see Kolit's reaction, not your father's. Because I know that your father is a radical father. When they were young, the three of them studied in Sweden, as you know. Sweden is the most open country in terms of love. I used to live in Sweden too, so I'm used to being liberal. Kolit understood that well.

    - Does that mean that Kolit allows you to have many boyfriends?

    - Incorrect permission. Because Kolit is not yet my husband or lover. He was just a friend, like dozens, of my close friends or sisters. Not only did Kolit not show any discomfort, on the contrary, he was happy. He explained that I was young, I had not tasted life, I needed to go through it so that later, if I became a wife, I would have full experience and would be faithful to my husband. He's very decent, sir.

    - Probably more decent than you.

    - Of course. He has known me for a long time, used to go out to eat and hang out with me many times, but he has never kissed me as suffocatingly as I did in the park earlier.

    - Are you upset? So I give it back to you.

    Chu-Ling burst out laughing.

    - You joke is so funny! If I was upset, I wouldn't have let you kiss me. And once you've kissed it, how can you return it? Horrible, I want you to kiss me right here in this restaurant in front of everyone. You don't have to scare me, let me kiss you... Major General Kolit challenged you to a sword fight, don't blame him.

    Van Binh did not have time to react. Chu-Ling was up; the armrests on the edges of the table, face forward, pressed her lips to his. Van Binh shivered. He did not feel numb. It's fear. A drop of sweat from her forehead slowly rolled down her cheek.

    Chu-Ling slapped him on the cheek again:

    - Leave it alone. Who told you to provoke me to do anything? I'm Chinese but was trained in the Swedish way of life. If you continue to provoke me, I will be even bolder. Have you been afraid?

    He sighed.

    - I'm scared.

    Van Binh is really afraid, not playing a role. If only two people were sitting in the car… He would teach her a lesson. The original Swedish woman is even worse than the guy who is no longer strong, let alone Chu-Ling is just a student of Swedish women...

    Chu-Ling glanced at the menu and then threw it on the table, gesturing extremely politely:

    - The food here is only cooked in Turkish style. Shall I order the menu for you?

    Van Binh nodded. Among the meat dishes, he is most disgusted with lamb, but the mainstay of the Turkish family is sheep. Although charcoal-grilled lamb was considered quite delicious, he still didn't like it. He continued to nod as Chu-Ling meekly gave orders to the waiter, occasionally looking at him as if to consult.

    The waiter brought out a plate of grilled lamb Chachi kebasi reeked of onions and greasy milk sauce. Then came the plate of onions - onions again - mixed with tomatoes, garlic, pepper, vinegar oil and boiled purple fish. I don't know how delicious this vegetable dish is, but the Turks named it imam bayildi, which means "the emir fell faint" and it was so delicious that he fainted.

    But if he did not cooperate with Turkish lamb, on the contrary, he cooperated closely with Turkish coffee, because this coffee has an unusually unique taste. Making Turkish coffee is not the same as Western coffee, which means grinding small coffee, putting it in a thermos and then pouring boiling water in (the author does not want to mention the tragic art of coffee making of the uncles. ...) but mix coffee, sugar into water, bring it to a boil, it's fine for three walks; On the surface of the water, there will be a layer of yellow foam, people pour a few drops of water, the coffee grounds will settle to the bottom, so bring it out to drink. The characteristic of Turkish coffee is that it is not ground into powder, but only broken into pieces, so the aroma is more intense...

    After drinking coffee Van Binh did not forget to order a bottle of whiskey. He thought Chu-Ling criticized alcohol, no doubt that she did not lose to him. This Chinese girl has many international talents, and it is difficult for men with poor combat experience to conquer her.

    An hour later, the two left the restaurant. Although drinking nearly half a bottle of Chu-Ling wine, he was still awake. She sat in front of the steering wheel, looked at him, friendly voice:

    - Are you drunk?

    He replied:

    - Don't ask me again, I'm too worried.

    - Are you busy tomorrow?

    - I have an appointment with the Ministry of Foreign Trade. The work will probably be resolved within a day. In the afternoon he will be free. Tomorrow night, tomorrow night you are also free.

    - Day after tomorrow?

    - According to the program, if the work is conducted satisfactorily, he must leave Albani as soon as the contract is signed.

    - Does that mean you're leaving the day after tomorrow?

    - Yes, the day after tomorrow.

    - Can't you stay a few more days?

    - It can not be.

    - Are you afraid that Maxman's board of directors will make it difficult?

    - Actually, if you come back late, they can make it difficult. But work is not important to him. He was paid very well by them, almost two thousand dollars a month excluding commissions, which means that his salary is more than the salary of the general director of many companies in the US, in this fierce competition, he can earn a place in the market. Such a social position is not easy. But money can't make love, if I need to quit my job, or leave the country to stay with you, I'm ready without the slightest regret. And I can't ask to stay long, even if I can only be with you for a few more days... The reason I have to go home urgently is because of my mother...

    - Grandma in pain?

    - Severe pain. His mother is over 80 years old. This pain must be the last, so he must be present before the time of death.

    Chu-Ling's voice is sad:

    - I'm sad to hear you say that. I don't know why I feel so bored with everything.

    Van Binh wisely turned to another matter but still made Chu-Ling think about the upcoming separation:

    - When do I enter school?

    - In this week. However, I would like to postpone it for as long as possible. Even though I didn't study, I still graduated with honors as usual.

    - Yes, who dares to destroy General Kolit's beloved brother!

    - Don't make fun of me like that. Kolit had nothing to do with this. She has a special talent in mathematics, so she is always at the top of her class and far ahead of the second-place student. I didn't study and passed because the program was too easy for me.

    - Sorry to you…

    Van Binh suddenly stopped. In the rearview mirror he saw an old-fashioned car. Chu-Ling slows down:

    - Is there a car following behind?

    Van Binh nodded. Chu-Ling expressed frustration:

    I told them but they didn't listen. Let me park the car and scold you for a beat.

    Chu-Ling is not concerned because the car behind is the Sigurimi agent. Song Van Binh thinks otherwise. His sensitive instincts saw a terrible danger. However, he remained seated. He needed patience to see the next act of the school play.

    Chu-Ling drove to the curb. Meanwhile, the driver behind her passed her car and parked right above. Jumping out of the car, three men in three-pointed skirts and felt hats fell down close to their eyes. They ran towards Van Binh and Chu-Ling.

    Chu-Ling poked her head out the car door:

    - What is that?

    The man in the lead quickly stopped.

    - Ma'am, I'm here.

    Turns out he was the scarred Baki. Chu-Ling scolded:

    - Well, I told you, but you don't pay attention, you want to talk to me.

    Baki bowed:

    - Ma'am, I don't disobey your orders. It's just because General Kolit ordered the opposite.

    - What is the order?

    Baki lowered his voice:

    - Yes, I dare not say, because… because…

    Van Binh intervened:

    - Because I'm a stranger, right? So, I got out of the car to give you the freedom to report.

    He slammed the door. Chu-Ling also got out of the car, her voice was as sour as vinegar:

    - Tell me, I don't have time to wait for you. General Kolit doesn't mind me sharing a car with Mr. Kevin, does he?

    Baki replied:

    - Sir... General Kolit gave another order. Because there was news that a stranger was planning to harm her, General Kolit ordered us to follow him for protection.

    Van Binh approached the scar man:

    - That means you suspect that I am a stranger who intends to assassinate Miss Chu-Ling? Huh, like this, what other heaven and earth!

    Chu-Ling scowled.

    - Sergeant Baki, I ask the sergeant major to turn the car back. If not, don't blame the sergeant major.

    The scar man grimaced miserably:

    - I want to obey you but I dare not. General Kolit gave the order decisively.

    Van Binh gently pushed the scar:

    - One last time, I asked you to get in the car to leave us alone.

    Loud scar:

    - Please don't misunderstand. I only respect you if you don't get in the way of my work.

    Van Binh looked between his eyes:

    - You threatened to hit me, didn't you? I agree with all of you.

    Van Binh deliberately caused trouble without Chu-Ling knowing. Fearing confusion for Van Binh, she quickly reconciled:

    - Stop. Baki, you have to respect me. He got in the car.

    Gentle fighting scar:

    - Ma'am, I can't do anything. Only Mr. Kevin interfered in our private affairs. He is a foreigner, by law we have to control every second, every minute, he can relax like this because of your guarantee, our understanding...

    Van Binh put his hand across the scar's mouth. Angry, he pushed him away. He pretended to be in the car. Chu-Ling hastily shouted:

    - Baki, you can't be rude.

    The purpose of the Sigurimi agents was not to make Van Binh lose face. But his provocation awakened the rough nature of their hearts. Van Binh again cornered them into a reluctant duel. Because he grabbed the arm of the secret agent who was leaning on his hip near the car, knocking him down on the road. The second guy jumped to help but was also kicked under the car by him.

    The scar is left. Knowing that he did not have enough skills to resist Van Binh, he pulled out a gun to threaten. He did not expect that Van Binh just waved his hand and the gun flew into the middle of the road. The scarred man was on the move when he gave an atémi to the acupoint in the abdomen. He struck very lightly, but it was enough for the scarred man to roll on the sidewalk, hit his head on an old tree three meters away and then die.

    With a pale face, Chu-Ling asked him:

    - Are you injured?

    He shook his head, cheerfully.

    - Are not. Baki too, he only fainted for 5, 10 minutes.

    Chu-Ling says:

    "If you beat him to death again, I don't need it, and I'll be more than happy." The Sigurimi have a reputation, sometimes they need to be punished to make them less messy.

    - But I'm afraid that Kolit will cause trouble for you!

    "Of course old man Kolit has to make excuses to make things difficult. But Kolit could only put him on the plane at the earliest. Kolit wouldn't dare arrest you. As for you, unless you die, Kolit dares to touch you. Don't worry, though, I'll make a radio call to Kolit right away.

    She climbed into the car and turned on the radio. The voice of the person in charge of the Sigurimi switchboard came, and Chu-Ling said:

    - Let me talk to General Manager Kolit.

    - Sir, who are you, please tell me your name.

    - I'm not you, I'm you. Is General Kolit in the office?

    - Sir... outsiders are not allowed to talk to the CEO. If you have something to say, please tell the officer on duty.

    - Get the officer on duty for me.

    - But… who are you?

    - Am I… who would dare to use a super frequency phone to call General Kolit directly at night. Within 60 seconds if the officer on duty does not respond, don't blame me for not telling.

    - Yes, I'll call right away.

    In the blink of an eye, the voice of the officer on duty was heard at the end of the line. Chu-Ling eloquently:

    - I'm here, Chu-Ling is here.

    The officer's voice was filled with respect:

    - Best regards. You want to see General Kolit?

    - Right.

    - I immediately moved to the desk.

    Kolit just spoke up. Chu-Ling immediately let out a breath:

    - What did you promise me? Do you remember? Why did you send the staff behind my car? You don't want me to have friends anymore, do you? Ask me to explain so you can figure it out.

    Kolit replied in a low voice:

    - If you go out with someone you know, I don't dare to disturb you. This way…

    "You mean you forbid me to associate with Kevin?"

    - You have the right to do whatever.

    - Once again, I would like to remind you that I am a girl who likes to live freely.

    - I'm sorry. From now on, such unfortunate things will not happen again. Are you still mad at me?

    - The anger is over. Please send a car to take your employees to the hospital. This time, I just give them a light blow, next time I'll die with you, I'll shoot them all.

    - Damn, I'm hot as fire.

    - Asians are hot as fire. You just can't stand me.

    - God, you made me become your slave, I am also willing to obey, let alone such a petty condition. All right, I'll send a car to pick up the Bakis right away. Are you free tomorrow night? Let's go to eat. I just hired a chef to cook delicious Western dishes. I told him to make fried shrimp with sauce for you. Shall I accept?

    - Of course I accept.

    Chu-Ling hung up the phone. She smiled at Van Binh:

    - It's done. Kolit respects me very much. Whatever I tell him, he listens.

    Van Binh leaned on her shoulder and did not answer. It was not unusual for Kolit to pamper her. In the world, old men playing drums are in the same situation as Kolit.

    Chu-Ling drove back to the hotel. Van Binh walked side by side with her, his face blank, not paying attention to the Sigurimi employees who were looking at him with piercing eyes. They should have looked at Chu-Ling because she is a treasure of flesh and blood of nature. But they looked at him again. The restrictive life of the communist regime changed people's mentality.

    Go to his basement. Chu-Ling paused, voice regretfully:

    - Come to my room later!

    Van Binh grabbed her hand and pulled her close to her chest, so she could pull her body into him. The two blatantly embraced and kissed in the presence of two secret service agents. After a few minutes, Van Binh copied his mouth, sadly:

    - Let's go up!

    He said that, but his hand still held hers. She hesitated for a minute and then asked:

    - Do you need to go to your room now?

    He replied quickly:

    - Are not.

    - Well, then why don't you come up with me. Later, my father came back from the party room.

    Two Sigurimi employees reached aside for Chu-Ling to step upstairs. The view above is different from Van Binh's floor. If the word "desert" could be used to describe the bottom, it would have to be a "prosperous city" with electric lights so bright, so bright that even a dropped pin on the white room floor could be used. can be found easily.

    If the room is not lined with ordinary flower tiles but white embossed marble. The cool ivory color of the room floor contrasts gently with the white color of the brick wall. The corridor is wide and wide, along the balcony of Van Binh, you can see a small white pot containing orchids with purple flowers. Under the bright electric light, the orchid petals seem to move, opening and facing.

    In the middle of the hallway is a red carpet. This carpet is not like the carpet on Van Binh's floor. It's nicer, thicker, quieter and, of course, ten times more expensive.

    It turned out that Van Binh was a guest of the Albanian government, but only a junior guest! The great Chinese advisors are the real guests.

    The two staff members greeted Chu-Ling softly. She took him by the arm and walked past without looking at them, and without answering. Surely she had heard their greetings. But she was used to contempt, for contempt was one of the necessary virtues of the new class in communist society.

    With a glance, Van Binh caught a glimpse of discomfort on the faces of two Secret Service agents. They watched him intently as if they were a monster in a zoo. In their hearts, they must have been terribly greedy.

    Chu-Ling opened the door wide, inviting him into the room. Although she knew in advance her luxurious lifestyle. Van Binh still couldn't help but be surprised. In the middle of the room is a round bed, upholstered in red felt, with a white cotton mattress. The circular bed is a modern invention of the Western decoration industry, it has a leg like a chair leg, its feature is that it can rotate, turn to any side, there is a button to make the bed rotate. , and another button stops the bed. The French circular bed, called the Manhattan, which millionaires and art stars race to buy, is much worse than Chu-Ling's bed. Because her bed mattress is made of the rarest mink fur in the world, living in the snowy region of Western Asia.

    However, what surprised Van Binh even more was a large crystal vase opposite the window, filled with roses. In his life, he met and fell in love with many beautiful people who liked roses. Rose Tou-Fan who once fought him on the island of Tahiti is also a one-of-a-kind rose lover behind the iron curtain.

    But Chu-Ling's rose vase proved that Tou-Fan's beauty rose hobby was just an apprentice flower hobby. Among the most famous rose growers on earth, the French must be mentioned. The French rose village consists of about 30 different types of flowers. The vase near the window contains more than 20 roses, each of which is a type, which is a dark pink Parrot, and Angel, light pink Milrose, mixed pink. yellow Jean de La Lune and the most beautiful is pink Passionate about 2 trendy and popular roses of the year.

    Chu-Ling cooed:

    - Do you think my roses are beautiful?

    Van Binh shook his head.

    - Ugly.

    - Well, I'm the first person to have the courage to say that your roses are not beautiful. I don't believe you're a stranger to the art of floriculture. Unless you're trying to make fun of me. Because you know? I love roses the most. Planted with my own hands, cultivated with my own hands, I choose all the superior varieties of flowers. Who criticized me for being ugly, I lost sleep and food for weeks.

    - I'm telling the truth, I didn't mean to make fun of you. He is also no stranger to floriculture. He used to visit the most beautiful rose gardens in the south of France. Your vase of roses would be beautiful if displayed in another room. And here, he found it too bad.

    Tears flowed around, Chu-Ling asked:

    - Why?

    Because you're so beautiful. You are so beautiful that the beauty of a rose becomes meaningless.

    She burst into tears. A minute ago, she had tears in her eyes because she was offended. Now, she bursts into tears of joy. Thanks to his expertise in psychology, he hit her weak point. He then hugged her. She was still sobbing. He led her back to the dreamy round bed. She pulled him against her.

    Van Binh is strangely excited. However, if he didn't think about the work he was about to do, thinking about the secrets behind the dining door leading to the next room, which he guessed was the room of her father Chu-Yao, he was even more excited. Chu-Ling stretched out on the round bed, her white skin whiter than the mattress, strikingly striking against the red felt, she pressed the button again to make the bed rotate slightly. Chu-Ling is a disciple of the liberal eroticism of Nordic boys and girls, so her love is always ignited like a mountain of fire, she just needs to love, demand love, love indiscriminately, love forever, don't bother know the consequences. Van Binh is a god with enough miracles, able to bring extreme satisfaction to the most demanding women, so when he meets Chu-Ling, he forgets everything. She was only afraid that Van Binh would leave, leaving her alone with wild desires.

    She closed her eyes, enjoying the magical caresses of the international man. Van Binh's body had to be split in half for Chu-Ling, the other for careful observation in the room. He couldn't guess wrong: Chu-Yao and his son had to live in two rooms next to each other, Chu-Yao loved his son dearly, so he certainly didn't want to be away from him.

    Chu-Ling was beginning to fall in love. She clung tightly to Van Binh, her sharp nails making him bleed. He had calculated carefully (perhaps as carefully as the calculations of American scientists about the Apollo space program), if she was a minute early or a minute late, she might wake up. With a subtle art, he drew her from gentle to violent, from slow to urgent, and when she was about to reach the climax of pleasure, he slid his index finger under her left armpit. .

    He slid his finger under Chu-Ling's armpit to find the acupoint.

    His goal is to make her pass out for 10 to 15 minutes, enough time for him to complete his plan. He can point at one of dozens of points on her body, but these points create an unusual stupor, headache, nausea, and when she wakes up, she will know that she has been hit atémi.

    The atémi department of Japanese judo only teaches how to point acupressure points for paralyzed, comatose, or dead opponents. The acupuncture points of Chinese boxing are considered more delicate; However, a large part of the mysterious acupuncture points have been lost. Thanks to luck and diligent study. Van Binh was well acquainted with the points-paragraphs of the famous schools of Shaolin, Emi and Kunlun.

    But it was by sheer luck that he learned the magic of pleasure acupressure. Ancient China, with its kings and emperors having three palaces and six palaces, paid special attention to the pleasures of love. But China is only good at prescription drugs and surgery, and in super love magic it is far behind peninsular India. On the whole, Turkey is a junior to China and India, but in some ways it is a senior.

    Van Binh learned the secret of the pleasure point while wandering in Muslim Turkey. This country is connoisseur of love only natural because the Mohammedan, considered the Muslim leader, has eleven wives, not to mention the number of wives and unofficial lovers. Following the example of the Prophet Muhammad, the ancient Turkish kings selected hundreds of beautiful girls to bring to the forbidden palace. The nobility as well as folk also followed the example of kings, spending a lot of time and money on sex. Therefore, some monks have worked hard to research and experiment to make aphrodisiacs 3. The king's palace consists of many separate rooms, special rooms 3 specializing in lovemaking techniques.

    A 15th-century director of Division 3 discovered a system of pleasure acupuncture points on a woman's body. In all, there are over 10 points, but Van Binh only learned 2, one near the left armpit, and one next to the coccyx.

    Immediately after Van Binh's finger touched the point, Chu-Ling shivered slightly and immediately lay flat, eyes closed, nose and nostrils closed. She was fast asleep. Although she was fast asleep, she was still awake, because she was living a beautiful dream, a dream that brought the most innovative sensations. In her fascination, she did not see the surroundings, she did not hear all the noises around, she completely left the present but faded into the fairy nothingness.

    After a while, when she wakes up, she won't remember anything. She only vaguely remembered that the moment of unprecedented pleasure had come to her.

    Van Binh let go of Chu-Ling and sat up. The hotel room was still silent even though the window overlooking the street was wide open and it wasn't too late. In the capitals on the other side of the iron curtain, 11 and 12 o'clock at night is the time when people come out to the street, vehicles of all kinds race on the street. Saigon was a war city where life was bustling well past midnight, and if the curfew were lifted, elegant men and women would still be awake until dawn.

    But in Tirana, on this side of the iron curtain, it was too late at eleven o'clock at night, and the people had gone to bed. Occasionally, the sound of a car engine could be heard from down the street.

    Van Binh turned off the bright light on the ceiling, turned on the night table lamp, covered Chu-Ling's chest with a blanket to cover the provocative naked body of the Chinese girl, and then got out of bed. He put on Chu-Ling's five-color Shanghai brocade nightgown, struck a match and lit his familiar Salem cigarette before heading for the door adjoining the next room.

    The door was locked, but for Van Binh it was just a minor obstacle. He only needed a small steel wire and 20 short seconds to conquer the solid lock.

    The next room was also luxuriously furnished, but less lavish than Chu-Ling's room. An elderly man's room was different, with a bed, chair, table, and cupboard, all made of furniture ordered in Western Europe, but full of solemnity.

    In the large room, there was only one neon lamp, casting a cool blue light on the patten-colored Turkish wool rug.

    Van Binh's delicate eyes immediately focused on the light gray painted iron table in the corner of the wall. In addition to the large rectangular bed and small sofa set with 4 chairs, in the room there was only a mirror cabinet and a writing desk that could be used to store documents.

    Van Binh's purpose was to sneak into this room to rummage through documents. He guessed right: this is the room of Chu-Yao, the father of the beautiful Chu-Ling. On the desk was a picture of Chu-Yao's bust. In the photo, the scientist looks younger than outside. Next to this picture is a picture twice as large, framed in an 18-carat solid gold frame, inside are father and son standing side by side, smiling at their son, the background is a flower garden in his hometown of China. green.

    Van Binh put his hands in the drawers. Every compartment is locked. The desk includes a total of 5 drawers on both sides and one extension in the middle. This type of table is similar to ordinary iron tables in the West with only one lock, opening this lock, the remaining 5 drawers can be opened easily. Van Binh knelt down to observe the main lock. He didn't seem disappointed when he saw that the lock was of the safe type. He struggled for almost two minutes and it was still inert. He then stood up, slowly exhaled all the carbon dioxide out of his lungs and continued to unlock the door.

    Thanks to the lungs expelling all the carbon dioxide, Van Binh became healthier. So within two minutes he had conquered the sturdy safe lock.

    Inside the drawer was a thin Samsonite leather briefcase, which also had a proper lock. This type of lock is not an obstacle for Van Binh. In the blink of an eye, the leather briefcase was opened, revealing a stack of documents and graphics.

    All in Chinese characters. Fortunately, Van Binh is fluent in Chinese, so it is not difficult for him to read. The documents contained in the leather briefcase involved a small atomic bomb and a missile system with a range of a thousand kilometers. The graphics are drawn very carefully. Van Binh calmed down for a moment to capture it all in his memory. Unless there is a last-minute obstacle, he can go to the place where the rocket launcher is located, sneak inside and carry out the plan.

    He looked at the clock. Almost 10 minutes have passed. He put the documents and graphics in their original place, locking the drawer carefully. Before going back to the next room, he also looked at Chu-Ling's picture next to his father, framed in a solid gold frame. Yellow-red dahlia is one of the most beautiful flowers, yet its beauty has been faded by Chu-Ling's beauty. Van Binh came to Tirana to search for an atomic bomb of communist China. One fruit becomes two. The second atomic bomb was probably more powerful than the first.

    Van Binh stood ecstatically in front of the round Manhattan bed. The pink blanket draped across her chest accentuated Chu-Ling's pink and white skin. She was fast asleep, her breasts undulating. In her sleep, she had an unusually gentle and endearing countenance.

    Meanwhile there was the sound of shoes walking down the hallway. Van Binh lay down beside Chu-Ling, pulled the blanket together and pressed it against her back. She turned around and turned around.

    She started to wake up. Outside, the sound of shoes became more and more clear.

    But she could not hear the sound of shoes. The soft footbed has absorbed all the sound, so there are only soft sounds. She hugged him tightly, moaning.

    - Kevin, I love you so much!

    1 Please read the recently published "Faceless Enemy" (Z. 28), Tan Quang, 54 Le Van Duyet, general public, to learn about the period of the "Tou-Fan rose" and Van Binh on the island of Tahiti.
    2 That is the Passionata rose.
    3 These pleasure-making monks, known in Turkish as meadschindschian, practiced since before the A.D. era; However, this "industry" was only famous in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries with various love charms, perfumes, or a pill, known as the pastilles de sérail. ) sold at a very expensive price all over Europe.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,141

    Z.28 Specter over Red Square (Z.28 Bóng Ma trên Công Trường Đỏ), Bùi Anh Tuấn, 1969.
    https://vietmessenger.com/books/?title=z28 bong ma tren cong truong do

    Z.28 The Phantom On The Red Square

    ACTION published 1969

    1. The Phantom On The Red Square
    2. Dear Defeat, Danh List
    3. Ghosts
    4. Last Night in Moscow
    5. North China Beauty
    6. First Night in Tirana
    7. Atomic Bomb
    8. Z Bomb. 233


    Trái Bom Nguyên Tử

    Chu-Ling dính vào người Văn Bình rất lâu, tưởng như không chịu rời ra nữa. Nụ hôn giáo đầu đã làm tứ chi nàng mê mẩn. Văn Bình ghì chặt lấy eo của nàng, bắt nàng phải ngửa mặt ra, và kiễng chân lên, cái áo Tàu bị tuột khuy cổ tạo cơ hội cho chàng nhè nhẹ luồn bàn tay vào. Nàng rùng mình thật mạnh rồi đột ngột buông chàng ra, miệng rên lên một tiếng:

    - Anh ơi!


    Atomic Bomb

    Chu-Ling stuck to Van Binh for a long time, seemingly refusing to let go. The first spear kiss had captivated her limbs. Van Binh grabbed her waist, forced her to face up, and stood on tiptoe, the buttoned Chinese shirt was unbuttoned, giving him an opportunity to gently slip his hand in. She shivered violently and then suddenly let go of him, moaning loudly:

    - Hey bro!

    Van Binh eased down the chair. She obediently obeyed him. She sat still and waited. Song Van Binh just kissed her again. He did not want to go any further because he knew that Khrushchev and the KGB were watching every inch of it. Besides, Chu-Ling is a precious flower, he can't be tormented in public under the cold afternoon dew, but must display it in a closed room, on a soft mattress.

    He asked her in a friendly voice:

    - Where do I live?

    She snuggled into his armpit.

    - Dajti Hotel.

    - Fortunately, I have a room in Dajti hotel like you. What's your room number?


    He already knew she was in room 308, but he wanted her to speak for herself. He doesn't like forced love.

    - Room 308. And you?

    - Lower frequency, 212. Are you going anywhere soon?

    - Have. I went to a party with the delegation.

    - So sad huh?

    - Why do you sad?

    - I'm sad that I can't talk to you.

    - So I stay at home, don't go anymore.

    - Did your father say anything?

    - Are not. My father loves me very much. Since the day my mother died, I was the only source of joy for my father, I got whatever I asked for. The party tonight is only diplomatic, nothing important. Will you eat with me now?

    Van Binh was silent. He did not expect things to progress so quickly. Don't wait for him to respond. Chu-Ling pulled him away. She leaned into his ear.

    - What are you afraid of? Don't mind at all. Let me tell Sigurimi staff not to follow you anymore.

    - You are a guest of the government, what is Sigurimi staff following you for?

    "Even though you're the wife of another minister, Sigurimi sent someone along."

    - Then what is freedom anymore?

    - I've known you for a long time. Besides, I think it's better to have staff Sigurimi follow. If I hadn't banned them, I wouldn't have been harassed by two strangers earlier.

    Scared Baki was pacing behind a bronze statue of dictator Hoxha. Maybe he waited too long for him to show his face. Seeing Chu-Ling, he bowed his head. She asked him:

    - Where's my car?

    He respectfully replied:

    - Sir, the driver is still waiting for you at the parking lot.

    She ordered:

    - I asked the driver to drive over here.

    - Yes, Mercedes.

    - Are not. My private car. Tell the driver to fill up with gas. I went to the Red Star store at the beginning of the street.

    - Sir... it's almost time for the party.

    - Please tell my father that I am in pain.

    - You hurt… sir, I don't dare.

    - If you don't help, let me call Major General Kolit.

    The scarred man heard the name Kolit suddenly panic as if he heard that his house was on fire. He paused and nodded like a machine.

    - Yes, I will obey your orders. I'll have the driver fill up the Skoda in the garage and tell him to drive to the Red Star restaurant right away.

    - Thank you, Sergeant.

    - Afraid.

    The scarred man turned away. He was walking, almost running. Chu-Ling watched and laughed.

    - This guy is one of the messiest Sigurimi employees in the hotel. He's just tired of me.

    - I'm Chinese, but I know Tirana like Beijing, I know everything.

    - Oh, I know Tirana better than Beijing. Because I've lived here since I was a kid. I studied here since elementary school. I have had my own room at Dajti inn since 6 years. The Sigurimi are all smooth on me. I'm Kolit's friend again, so they're afraid of me like a tiger.

    - Who is Kolit?

    - Don't you know? But you don't know yet, because you're a foreigner, you just came to Albania for the first time. All Albanians know the name of Major General Kolit, because he is the chief of the Sigurimi secret service.

    Van Binh was silent. Now he understood why Bored and the KGB were trying to let him conquer Chu-Ling. Because her reputation will ensure that he completes the task easily.

    He changed the subject.

    - Are you studying engineering? When will I graduate?

    - Right. Next year I graduate.

    - Why did you take the trouble to come here from China to study engineering? In terms of science, Albania is not much better than China.

    - You are right. Your presence has many reasons. First, there are political reasons. China supports the Republic of Albania, so I need to come here to study to strengthen ties. The Chinese envoy here is my biological uncle, the fifth brother of my father. My uncle was one of comrade Hoxha's staunch supporters and was highly respected by Hoxha. Therefore, I live in Albania and have more power than I do in my hometown.

    - What did your father and the delegation of scientists come to Tirana for?

    Chu-Ling hesitated for a minute before answering:

    - To help your country Albania complete an important plan. This is a matter of national defense secret, you are not allowed to disclose, I forgive you. So I was being very honest with you because if I wasn't honest I would have said that the Chinese delegation went to Albania to conduct geological exploration as reported by the press and radio.

    The two had just arrived in front of the Red Star restaurant when the white Skoda was parked. Gasoline behind the iron curtain is considered a luxury product, filling the tank is not easy. In Tirana, gasoline is considered more than a luxury product but a defense material, yet it only takes the driver 5 minutes to get the car out of the garage to ask for a gas ticket, and drive to the gas station of the house. water for fuel. This proves that Chu-Ling is a very powerful person.

    Van Binh has had many occasions to drive inside communist countries, so it is no surprise that the formidable nuisance of refueling. If in Saigon or anywhere in the free world, a car owner just needs to drive over and park in front of a gas station, raise a finger to be a gas station attendant - sometimes to buy off the sympathy of customers, people We also used female staff with tight bodies and half-open clothes - le te ran over, politely bowed, then in Tirana a different situation must have happened. In the whole capital, there are only three or four gas stations, all of which are managed by the government. If you want to buy gasoline, you have to ask for a ticket. Not everyone gets a vote. Must be a high-ranking official, and if you are a private person, you have to wait every day or every week to get a ticket. Each voucher is only valid for a maximum quantity of 10 liters of petrol, and for a period of 24 hours. After this time, the gas coupon is automatically canceled. When applying for a ticket, the private person must make an application, stating where they need fuel to go. Sometimes the ticket is in hand, but the gas station is dry. Or the order to sell gasoline was canceled at the last minute.

    The driver obediently got out of the car and greeted Chu-Ling in a respectful manner. He only closed the door gently, as if he was afraid that closing the door would be disrespectful to her. She told him:

    - Come on, send the sergeant back. Have you checked the machinery carefully?

    The driver replied.

    - Yes.

    Van Binh inhaled when the light inside the car illuminated the special soft leather seat cushions. He had driven many times a Skoda, the darling of the Czechoslovak auto industry. If the economy were not dependent on the Soviet Union, this Eastern European country is not inferior to Italy, Germany, France in the level and technology of car manufacturing, and perhaps even further. Because of this dependence, the Skoda factory, which has more than half a century of experience in car manufacturing, can only produce small, old, and less comfortable cars.

    Skoda cars look similar to Opel cars 10 years ago, only the rear-mounted engine like Renault of France, the speed is not impressive. However, the machine is quite durable and the price is quite cheap, it is only slightly more expensive than the French 2-horse.

    Van Binh drove a Skoda because of a mandatory mission, he had to be familiar with all types of vehicles and weapons of the enemy. Normally, he doesn't like to ride in slow cars with maximum speeds of 120, 130 km per hour. His mechanical horse must consume 200 kilometers an hour or more...

    But Chu-Ling's Skoda caught Van Binh's attention in a special way. It's a 1000 MBX model, that is, a new, two-door, engine nearly a thousand distribution. A glance at the circular clocks on the dashboard. Van Binh knows that Chu-Ling's Skoda is equipped with an engine twice as large as the normal one, all four wheels have disc brakes - a luxury product of the communist car industry - a shock absorber - an even more wonderful luxury product. - the result is that she can go up to 200 km an hour, and sit in the car through deep potholes as comfortable as sitting on a luxury foam-lined sofa.

    The driver pressed the electric button for the car's glass to turn up tight. Van Binh admired:

    - My car is beautiful!

    She smiles gracefully:

    - Major General Kolit gave it to me.

    Van Binh is cold in the spine. He thought that Kolit was an old man with gray beard or salt and pepper, if his back was not bent, his kidneys would have been weak, his body was soft, and he did not dare to bear young love anymore. He did not expect him to look at Chu-Ling again. Then he asked:

    - Kolit is really smart. As beautiful as you have to wear this beautiful Skoda to deserve it.

    Chu-Ling pulled him into the restaurant:

    - This year Kolit is 49 years old. His wife died 8 years ago in a plane crash. He hounded me with the intention of asking me to be his wife. I neither consented nor refused, my father said that I was too young, had to wait for me to graduate from university. Strictly speaking, my parents want me to marry Kolit, because maybe in the future I will become the president of the Albanian people's republic… But my father let me choose.

    - Then you go to eat with me like this, my father is angry!

    - You speak too well. I want to see Kolit's reaction, not your father's. Because I know that your father is a radical father. When they were young, the three of them studied in Sweden, as you know. Sweden is the most open country in terms of love. I used to live in Sweden too, so I'm used to being liberal. Kolit understood that well.

    - Does that mean that Kolit allows you to have many boyfriends?

    - Incorrect permission. Because Kolit is not yet my husband or lover. He was just a friend, like dozens, of my close friends or sisters. Not only did Kolit not show any discomfort, on the contrary, he was happy. He explained that I was young, I had not tasted life, I needed to go through it so that later, if I became a wife, I would have full experience and would be faithful to my husband. He's very decent, sir.

    - Probably more decent than you.

    - Of course. He has known me for a long time, used to go out to eat and hang out with me many times, but he has never kissed me as suffocatingly as I did in the park earlier.

    - Are you upset? So I give it back to you.

    Chu-Ling burst out laughing.

    - You joke is so funny! If I was upset, I wouldn't have let you kiss me. And once you've kissed it, how can you return it? Horrible, I want you to kiss me right here in this restaurant in front of everyone. You don't have to scare me, let me kiss you... Major General Kolit challenged you to a sword fight, don't blame him.

    Van Binh did not have time to react. Chu-Ling was up; the armrests on the edges of the table, face forward, pressed her lips to his. Van Binh shivered. He did not feel numb. It's fear. A drop of sweat from her forehead slowly rolled down her cheek.

    Chu-Ling slapped him on the cheek again:

    - Leave it alone. Who told you to provoke me to do anything? I'm Chinese but was trained in the Swedish way of life. If you continue to provoke me, I will be even bolder. Have you been afraid?

    He sighed.

    - I'm scared.

    Van Binh is really afraid, not playing a role. If only two people were sitting in the car… He would teach her a lesson. The original Swedish woman is even worse than the guy who is no longer strong, let alone Chu-Ling is just a student of Swedish women...

    Chu-Ling glanced at the menu and then threw it on the table, gesturing extremely politely:

    - The food here is only cooked in Turkish style. Shall I order the menu for you?

    Van Binh nodded. Among the meat dishes, he is most disgusted with lamb, but the mainstay of the Turkish family is sheep. Although charcoal-grilled lamb was considered quite delicious, he still didn't like it. He continued to nod as Chu-Ling meekly gave orders to the waiter, occasionally looking at him as if to consult.

    The waiter brought out a plate of grilled lamb Chachi kebasi reeked of onions and greasy milk sauce. Then came the plate of onions - onions again - mixed with tomatoes, garlic, pepper, vinegar oil and boiled purple fish. I don't know how delicious this vegetable dish is, but the Turks named it imam bayildi, which means "the emir fell faint" and it was so delicious that he fainted.

    But if he did not cooperate with Turkish lamb, on the contrary, he cooperated closely with Turkish coffee, because this coffee has an unusually unique taste. Making Turkish coffee is not the same as Western coffee, which means grinding small coffee, putting it in a thermos and then pouring boiling water in (the author does not want to mention the tragic art of coffee making of the uncles. ...) but mix coffee, sugar into water, bring it to a boil, it's fine for three walks; On the surface of the water, there will be a layer of yellow foam, people pour a few drops of water, the coffee grounds will settle to the bottom, so bring it out to drink. The characteristic of Turkish coffee is that it is not ground into powder, but only broken into pieces, so the aroma is more intense...

    After drinking coffee Van Binh did not forget to order a bottle of whiskey. He thought Chu-Ling criticized alcohol, no doubt that she did not lose to him. This Chinese girl has many international talents, and it is difficult for men with poor combat experience to conquer her.

    An hour later, the two left the restaurant. Although drinking nearly half a bottle of Chu-Ling wine, he was still awake. She sat in front of the steering wheel, looked at him, friendly voice:

    - Are you drunk?

    He replied:

    - Already. But not drunk with alcohol. It's drunk because of your leaning beauty.

    She shrugged.

    - Because I'm in love with your beauty, I have to take you back to the hotel. The Kolit employees guarding the front of the Red Star restaurant were bleeding in anger. It's not good that Kolit had a heart attack and died.

    Van Binh sat quietly and looked to the side of the road. Evenings in Tirana are dreary. Although he said he was driving back to the hotel. Chu-Ling galloped straight again. Just put in 1st gear, she stepped on the gas pedal, the speed needle jumped over 100 kilometers per hour. Seeing her speeding, Van Binh chuckled. Women who like to drive fast are often burning love, craving love more than drought waiting for rain. With such Chu-Ling, he will complete the "Ghost" task easily.

    Minutes later the Skoda was out of the residential center and down a wide road, flanked by tall trees and blackened fields. Van Binh leans into her ear:

    - Can I park again?

    She pouted:

    - What do beans do? Well, I know, don't try to make a mess. I have a radio in the car, I just press the button and General Kolit will let the staff chase in a moment.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,141

    Even so, she slowed down and drifted to the side of the road. The capital Tirana is a paradise for powerful men and women. Because at night people stay at home, the street is only for security personnel and soldiers. Boys and girls are free to love each other, not afraid of the intervention of the customary soldiers like in… Saigon.

    Van Binh just turned off the engine and pulled her into his lap. She shouted:

    - Don't you!

    She couldn't scream anymore because he had placed a fiery kiss on her mouth. She struggled for a moment and then lay still. Van Binh opened the car door and picked up Chu-Ling. She snuggled into his muscular arms, as if a newborn were in a mother's arms.

    Dark sides. In the distance a few faint lights of the city flickered. The scene is really poetic. Chu-Ling did not object when Van Binh gently laid her down on the grass mattress. The grass here is as soft as the one-inch thick foam mattresses in large western hotels. Even with back pain, Van Binh did not pay attention.

    It seems that nature wants to accompany him, so a bird perched on a high tree suddenly sings, Van Binh has experienced many open-air fun on the grass, but perhaps never has made him as satisfied as in the past. Tirana.

    This roadside grass mattress was softer than the grass mattress of a thousand-odd-night hotel on the outskirts of Jaipur, India. Whenever he had the opportunity to go to India, and had time to tear down the fence, Van Binh would fly to Jaipur, "there was a vast and magnificent castle of a deceased emir, transformed into a great king by his descendants. inn. This emir has a long name of fighting against the enemy, as long as a widow waiting for a widow in her youth: Saramad I Rajah Hai Hindustan Raj Rajendra Shri Maharajad-hiraj Sir Sawai Madho Singhji Banadur II. GCSI, GCIE, GCVO, GBE, LLD…

    When the emir was still alive, his castle was home to the greatest concentration of journalistic pleasures on earth. The castle was built in the English style. The room is spacious, the bathroom is as large as the bedroom of the modern hotel, the ceiling is high, in each corridor, each door has a bell, the guest is a slight jerk and the servants rush out to serve. Today, a climate control system has added to the magic of the thousand-odd-night castle.

    However, Van Binh went there not to enjoy the immense beauty of the large rooms. His purpose is to enjoy the beauty of the luxuriant acres of land, with its green lawn and… unusually soft back. The owner of the inn raises and mows the grass to please some tourists who like to lie on the grass in the shade of green leaves. There are hundreds of equally green peacocks, preening each other lovingly in front of guests. And on the green leaves, there are also dozens of monkeys frolicking, kissing...

    Van Binh usually waits for the sun to set before the flower garden opens and lies on the grass mattress. He was not a monk, so he rarely lay down alone. He felt that the scent of fresh grass penetrated deeply into his skin, numbing his body. The numbness of the grass, however, is only one percent of the erotic numbness.

    Yet tonight on the sidewalk outside Tirana Van Binh felt ten times more numb than the numbness in the regal hotel near Jaipur.

    ° ° °

    Van Binh did not check the time, but guessed that it was almost 10 pm when Chu-Ling returned to the car to drive back to Dajti inn.

    For the first few minutes she said nothing. As the city lights streamed through the windshield she suddenly turned to the side, her voice losing her composure:

    - When are you leaving?

    Van Binh sighed.

    - Don't ask me again, I'm too worried.

    - Are you busy tomorrow?

    - I have an appointment with the Ministry of Foreign Trade. The work will probably be resolved within a day. In the afternoon he will be free. Tomorrow night, tomorrow night you are also free.

    - Day after tomorrow?

    - According to the program, if the work is conducted satisfactorily, he must leave Albani as soon as the contract is signed.

    - Does that mean you're leaving the day after tomorrow?

    - Yes, the day after tomorrow.

    - Can't you stay a few more days?

    - It can not be.

    - Are you afraid that Maxman's board of directors will make it difficult?

    - Actually, if you come back late, they can make it difficult. But work is not important to him. He was paid very well by them, almost two thousand dollars a month excluding commissions, which means that his salary is more than the salary of the general director of many companies in the US, in this fierce competition, he can earn a place in the market. Such a social position is not easy. But money can't make love, if I need to quit my job, or leave the country to stay with you, I'm ready without the slightest regret. And I can't ask to stay long, even if I can only be with you for a few more days... The reason I have to go home urgently is because of my mother...

    - Grandma in pain?

    - Severe pain. His mother is over 80 years old. This pain must be the last, so he must be present before the time of death.

    Chu-Ling's voice is sad:

    - I'm sad to hear you say that. I don't know why I feel so bored with everything.

    Van Binh wisely turned to another matter but still made Chu-Ling think about the upcoming separation:

    - When do I enter school?

    - In this week. However, I would like to postpone it for as long as possible. Even though I didn't study, I still graduated with honors as usual.

    - Yes, who dares to destroy General Kolit's beloved brother!

    - Don't make fun of me like that. Kolit had nothing to do with this. She has a special talent in mathematics, so she is always at the top of her class and far ahead of the second-place student. I didn't study and passed because the program was too easy for me.

    - Sorry to you…

    Van Binh suddenly stopped. In the rearview mirror he saw an old-fashioned car. Chu-Ling slows down:

    - Is there a car following behind?

    Van Binh nodded. Chu-Ling expressed frustration:

    I told them but they didn't listen. Let me park the car and scold you for a beat.

    Chu-Ling is not concerned because the car behind is the Sigurimi agent. Song Van Binh thinks otherwise. His sensitive instincts saw a terrible danger. However, he remained seated. He needed patience to see the next act of the school play.

    Chu-Ling drove to the curb. Meanwhile, the driver behind her passed her car and parked right above. Jumping out of the car, three men in three-pointed skirts and felt hats fell down close to their eyes. They ran towards Van Binh and Chu-Ling.

    Chu-Ling poked her head out the car door:

    - What is that?

    The man in the lead quickly stopped.

    - Ma'am, I'm here.

    Turns out he was the scarred Baki. Chu-Ling scolded:

    - Well, I told you, but you don't pay attention, you want to talk to me.

    Baki bowed:

    - Ma'am, I don't disobey your orders. It's just because General Kolit ordered the opposite.

    - What is the order?

    Baki lowered his voice:

    - Yes, I dare not say, because… because…

    Van Binh intervened:

    - Because I'm a stranger, right? So, I got out of the car to give you the freedom to report.

    He slammed the door. Chu-Ling also got out of the car, her voice was as sour as vinegar:

    - Tell me, I don't have time to wait for you. General Kolit doesn't mind me sharing a car with Mr. Kevin, does he?

    Baki replied:

    - Sir... General Kolit gave another order. Because there was news that a stranger was planning to harm her, General Kolit ordered us to follow him for protection.

    Van Binh approached the scar man:

    - That means you suspect that I am a stranger who intends to assassinate Miss Chu-Ling? Huh, like this, what other heaven and earth!

    Chu-Ling scowled.

    - Sergeant Baki, I ask the sergeant major to turn the car back. If not, don't blame the sergeant major.

    The scar man grimaced miserably:

    - I want to obey you but I dare not. General Kolit gave the order decisively.

    Van Binh gently pushed the scar:

    - One last time, I asked you to get in the car to leave us alone.

    Loud scar:

    - Please don't misunderstand. I only respect you if you don't get in the way of my work.

    Van Binh looked between his eyes:

    - You threatened to hit me, didn't you? I agree with all of you.

    Van Binh deliberately caused trouble without Chu-Ling knowing. Fearing confusion for Van Binh, she quickly reconciled:

    - Stop. Baki, you have to respect me. He got in the car.

    Gentle fighting scar:

    - Ma'am, I can't do anything. Only Mr. Kevin interfered in our private affairs. He is a foreigner, by law we have to control every second, every minute, he can relax like this because of your guarantee, our understanding...

    Van Binh put his hand across the scar's mouth. Angry, he pushed him away. He pretended to be in the car. Chu-Ling hastily shouted:

    - Baki, you can't be rude.

    The purpose of the Sigurimi agents was not to make Van Binh lose face. But his provocation awakened the rough nature of their hearts. Van Binh again cornered them into a reluctant duel. Because he grabbed the arm of the secret agent who was leaning on his hip near the car, knocking him down on the road. The second guy jumped to help but was also kicked under the car by him.

    The scar is left. Knowing that he did not have enough skills to resist Van Binh, he pulled out a gun to threaten. He did not expect that Van Binh just waved his hand and the gun flew into the middle of the road. The scarred man was on the move when he gave an atémi to the acupoint in the abdomen. He struck very lightly, but it was enough for the scarred man to roll on the sidewalk, hit his head on an old tree three meters away and then die.

    With a pale face, Chu-Ling asked him:

    - Are you injured?

    He shook his head, cheerfully.

    - Are not. Baki too, he only fainted for 5, 10 minutes.

    Chu-Ling says:

    "If you beat him to death again, I don't need it, and I'll be more than happy." The Sigurimi have a reputation, sometimes they need to be punished to make them less messy.

    - But I'm afraid that Kolit will cause trouble for you!

    "Of course old man Kolit has to make excuses to make things difficult. But Kolit could only put him on the plane at the earliest. Kolit wouldn't dare arrest you. As for you, unless you die, Kolit dares to touch you. Don't worry, though, I'll make a radio call to Kolit right away.

    She climbed into the car and turned on the radio. The voice of the person in charge of the Sigurimi switchboard came, and Chu-Ling said:

    - Let me talk to General Manager Kolit.

    - Sir, who are you, please tell me your name.

    - I'm not you, I'm you. Is General Kolit in the office?

    - Sir... outsiders are not allowed to talk to the CEO. If you have something to say, please tell the officer on duty.

    - Get the officer on duty for me.

    - But… who are you?

    - Am I… who would dare to use a super frequency phone to call General Kolit directly at night. Within 60 seconds if the officer on duty does not respond, don't blame me for not telling.

    - Yes, I'll call right away.

    In the blink of an eye, the voice of the officer on duty was heard at the end of the line. Chu-Ling eloquently:

    - I'm here, Chu-Ling is here.

    The officer's voice was filled with respect:

    - Best regards. You want to see General Kolit?

    - Right.

    - I immediately moved to the desk.

    Kolit just spoke up. Chu-Ling immediately let out a breath:

    - What did you promise me? Do you remember? Why did you send the staff behind my car? You don't want me to have friends anymore, do you? Ask me to explain so you can figure it out.

    Kolit replied in a low voice:

    - If you go out with someone you know, I don't dare to disturb you. This way…

    "You mean you forbid me to associate with Kevin?"

    - You have the right to do whatever.

    - Once again, I would like to remind you that I am a girl who likes to live freely.

    - I'm sorry. From now on, such unfortunate things will not happen again. Are you still mad at me?

    - The anger is over. Please send a car to take your employees to the hospital. This time, I just give them a light blow, next time I'll die with you, I'll shoot them all.

    - Damn, I'm hot as fire.

    - Asians are hot as fire. You just can't stand me.

    - God, you made me become your slave, I am also willing to obey, let alone such a petty condition. All right, I'll send a car to pick up the Bakis right away. Are you free tomorrow night? Let's go to eat. I just hired a chef to cook delicious Western dishes. I told him to make fried shrimp with sauce for you. Shall I accept?

    - Of course I accept.

    Chu-Ling hung up the phone. She smiled at Van Binh:

    - It's done. Kolit respects me very much. Whatever I tell him, he listens.

    Van Binh leaned on her shoulder and did not answer. It was not unusual for Kolit to pamper her. In the world, old men playing drums are in the same situation as Kolit.

    Chu-Ling drove back to the hotel. Van Binh walked side by side with her, his face blank, not paying attention to the Sigurimi employees who were looking at him with piercing eyes. They should have looked at Chu-Ling because she is a treasure of flesh and blood of nature. But they looked at him again. The restrictive life of the communist regime changed people's mentality.

    Go to his basement. Chu-Ling paused, voice regretfully:

    - Come to my room later!

    Van Binh grabbed her hand and pulled her close to her chest, so she could pull her body into him. The two blatantly embraced and kissed in the presence of two secret service agents. After a few minutes, Van Binh copied his mouth, sadly:

    - Let's go up!

    He said that, but his hand still held hers. She hesitated for a minute and then asked:

    - Do you need to go to your room now?

    He replied quickly:

    - Are not.

    - Well, then why don't you come up with me. Later, my father came back from the party room.

    Two Sigurimi employees reached aside for Chu-Ling to step upstairs. The view above is different from Van Binh's floor. If the word "desert" could be used to describe the bottom, it would have to be a "prosperous city" with electric lights so bright, so bright that even a dropped pin on the white room floor could be used. can be found easily.

    If the room is not lined with ordinary flower tiles but white embossed marble. The cool ivory color of the room floor contrasts gently with the white color of the brick wall. The corridor is wide and wide, along the balcony of Van Binh, you can see a small white pot containing orchids with purple flowers. Under the bright electric light, the orchid petals seem to move, opening and facing.

    In the middle of the hallway is a red carpet. This carpet is not like the carpet on Van Binh's floor. It's nicer, thicker, quieter and, of course, ten times more expensive.

    It turned out that Van Binh was a guest of the Albanian government, but only a junior guest! The great Chinese advisors are the real guests.

    The two staff members greeted Chu-Ling softly. She took him by the arm and walked past without looking at them, and without answering. Surely she had heard their greetings. But she was used to contempt, for contempt was one of the necessary virtues of the new class in communist society.

    With a glance, Van Binh caught a glimpse of discomfort on the faces of two Secret Service agents. They watched him intently as if they were a monster in a zoo. In their hearts, they must have been terribly greedy.

    Chu-Ling opened the door wide, inviting him into the room. Although she knew in advance her luxurious lifestyle. Van Binh still couldn't help but be surprised. In the middle of the room is a round bed, upholstered in red felt, with a white cotton mattress. The circular bed is a modern invention of the Western decoration industry, it has a leg like a chair leg, its feature is that it can rotate, turn to any side, there is a button to make the bed rotate. , and another button stops the bed. The French circular bed, called the Manhattan, which millionaires and art stars race to buy, is much worse than Chu-Ling's bed. Because her bed mattress is made of the rarest mink fur in the world, living in the snowy region of Western Asia.

    However, what surprised Van Binh even more was a large crystal vase opposite the window, filled with roses. In his life, he met and fell in love with many beautiful people who liked roses. Rose Tou-Fan who once fought him on the island of Tahiti is also a one-of-a-kind rose lover behind the iron curtain.

    But Chu-Ling's rose vase proved that Tou-Fan's beauty rose hobby was just an apprentice flower hobby. Among the most famous rose growers on earth, the French must be mentioned. The French rose village consists of about 30 dozen different types of flowers. The vase placed near the window has more than 20 roses, each flower is strange.

    Chu-Ling cooed:

    - Do you think my roses are beautiful?

    Van Binh shook his head.

    - Ugly.

    - Well, I'm the first person to have the courage to say that your roses are not beautiful. I don't believe you're a stranger to the art of floriculture. Unless you're trying to make fun of me. Because you know? I love roses the most. Planted with my own hands, cultivated with my own hands, I choose all the superior varieties of flowers. Who criticized me for being ugly, I lost sleep and food for weeks.

    - I'm telling the truth, I didn't mean to make fun of you. He is also no stranger to floriculture. He used to visit the most beautiful rose gardens in the south of France. Your vase of roses would be beautiful if displayed in another room. And here, he found it too bad.

    Tears flowed around, Chu-Ling asked:

    - Why?

    Because you're so beautiful. You are so beautiful that the beauty of a rose becomes meaningless.

    She burst into tears. A minute ago, she had tears in her eyes because she was offended. Now, she bursts into tears of joy. Thanks to his expertise in psychology, he hit her weak point. He then hugged her. She was still sobbing. He led her back to the dreamy round bed. She pulled him against her.

    Van Binh is strangely excited. However, if he didn't think about the work he was about to do, thinking about the secrets behind the dining door leading to the next room, which he guessed was the room of her father Chu-Yao, he was even more excited. Chu-Ling stretched out on the round bed, her white skin whiter than the mattress, strikingly striking against the red felt, she pressed the button again to make the bed rotate slightly. Chu-Ling is a disciple of the liberal eroticism of Nordic boys and girls, so her love is always ignited like a mountain of fire, she just needs to love, demand love, love indiscriminately, love forever, don't bother know the consequences. Van Binh is a god with enough miracles, able to bring extreme satisfaction to the most demanding women, so when he meets Chu-Ling, he forgets everything. She was only afraid that Van Binh would leave, leaving her alone with wild desires.

    She closed her eyes, enjoying the magical caresses of the international man. Van Binh's body had to be split in half for Chu-Ling, the other for careful observation in the room. He couldn't guess wrong: Chu-Yao and his son had to live in two rooms next to each other, Chu-Yao loved his son dearly, so he certainly didn't want to be away from him.

    Chu-Ling was beginning to fall in love. She clung tightly to Van Binh, her sharp nails making him bleed. He had calculated carefully (perhaps as carefully as the calculations of American scientists about the Apollo space program), if she was a minute early or a minute late, she might wake up. With a subtle art, he drew her from gentle to violent, from slow to urgent, and when she was about to reach the climax of pleasure, he slid his index finger under her left armpit. .

    He slid his finger under Chu-Ling's armpit to find the acupoint.

    His goal is to make her pass out for 10 to 15 minutes, enough time for him to complete his plan. He can point at one of dozens of points on her body, but these points create an unusual stupor, headache, nausea, and when she wakes up, she will know that she has been hit atémi.

    The atémi department of Japanese judo only teaches how to point acupressure points for paralyzed, comatose, or dead opponents. The acupuncture points of Chinese boxing are considered more delicate; However, a large part of the mysterious acupuncture points have been lost. Thanks to luck and diligent study. Van Binh was well acquainted with the points-paragraphs of the famous schools of Shaolin, Emi and Kunlun.

    But it was by sheer luck that he learned the magic of pleasure acupressure. Ancient China, with its kings and emperors having three palaces and six palaces, paid special attention to the pleasures of love. But China is only good at prescription drugs and surgery, and in super love magic it is far behind peninsular India. On the whole, Turkey is a junior to China and India, but in some ways it is a senior.

    Van Binh learned the secret of the pleasure point while wandering in Muslim Turkey. This country is connoisseur of love only natural because the Mohammedan, considered the Muslim leader, has eleven wives, not to mention the number of wives and unofficial lovers. Following the example of the Prophet Muhammad, the ancient Turkish kings selected hundreds of beautiful girls to bring to the forbidden palace. The nobility as well as folk also followed the example of kings, spending a lot of time and money on sex. Therefore, some monks have worked hard to research and experiment to make aphrodisiacs 3. The king's palace consists of many separate rooms, special rooms 3 specializing in lovemaking techniques.

    A 15th-century director of Division 3 discovered a system of pleasure acupuncture points on a woman's body. In all, there are over 10 points, but Van Binh only learned 2, one near the left armpit, and one next to the coccyx.

    Immediately after Van Binh's finger touched the point, Chu-Ling shivered slightly and immediately lay flat, eyes closed, nose and nostrils closed. She was fast asleep. Although she was fast asleep, she was still awake, because she was living a beautiful dream, a dream that brought the most innovative sensations. In her fascination, she did not see the surroundings, she did not hear all the noises around, she completely left the present but faded into the fairy nothingness.

    After a while, when she wakes up, she won't remember anything. She only vaguely remembered that the moment of unprecedented pleasure had come to her.

    Van Binh let go of Chu-Ling and sat up. The hotel room was still silent even though the window overlooking the street was wide open and it wasn't too late. In the capitals on the other side of the iron curtain, 11 and 12 o'clock at night is the time when people come out to the street, vehicles of all kinds race on the street. Saigon was a war city where life was bustling well past midnight, and if the curfew were lifted, elegant men and women would still be awake until dawn.

    But in Tirana, on this side of the iron curtain, it was too late at eleven o'clock at night, and the people had gone to bed. Occasionally, the sound of a car engine could be heard from down the street.

    Van Binh turned off the bright light on the ceiling, turned on the night table lamp, covered Chu-Ling's chest with a blanket to cover the provocative naked body of the Chinese girl, and then got out of bed. He put on Chu-Ling's five-color Shanghai brocade nightgown, struck a match and lit his familiar Salem cigarette before heading for the door adjoining the next room.

    The door was locked, but for Van Binh it was just a minor obstacle. He only needed a small steel wire and 20 short seconds to conquer the solid lock.

    The next room was also luxuriously furnished, but less lavish than Chu-Ling's room. An elderly man's room was different, with a bed, chair, table, and cupboard, all made of furniture ordered in Western Europe, but full of solemnity.

    In the large room, there was only one neon lamp, casting a cool blue light on the patten-colored Turkish wool rug.

    Van Binh's delicate eyes immediately focused on the light gray painted iron table in the corner of the wall. In addition to the large rectangular bed and small sofa set with 4 chairs, in the room there was only a mirror cabinet and a writing desk that could be used to store documents.

    Van Binh's purpose was to sneak into this room to rummage through documents. He guessed right: this is the room of Chu-Yao, the father of the beautiful Chu-Ling. On the desk was a picture of Chu-Yao's bust. In the photo, the scientist looks younger than outside. Next to this picture is a picture twice as large, framed in an 18-carat solid gold frame, inside are father and son standing side by side, smiling at their son, the background is a flower garden in his hometown of China. green.

    Van Binh put his hands in the drawers. Every compartment is locked. The desk includes a total of 5 drawers on both sides and one extension in the middle. This type of table is similar to ordinary iron tables in the West with only one lock, opening this lock, the remaining 5 drawers can be opened easily. Van Binh knelt down to observe the main lock. He didn't seem disappointed when he saw that the lock was of the safe type. He struggled for almost two minutes and it was still inert. He then stood up, slowly exhaled all the carbon dioxide out of his lungs and continued to unlock the door.

    Thanks to the lungs expelling all the carbon dioxide, Van Binh became healthier. So within two minutes he had conquered the sturdy safe lock.

    Inside the drawer was a thin Samsonite leather briefcase, which also had a proper lock. This type of lock is not an obstacle for Van Binh. In the blink of an eye, the leather briefcase was opened, revealing a stack of documents and graphics.

    All in Chinese characters. Fortunately, Van Binh is fluent in Chinese, so it is not difficult for him to read. The documents contained in the leather briefcase involved a small atomic bomb and a missile system with a range of a thousand kilometers. The graphics are drawn very carefully. Van Binh calmed down for a moment to capture it all in his memory. Unless there is a last-minute obstacle, he can go to the place where the rocket launcher is located, sneak inside and carry out the plan.

    He looked at the clock. Almost 10 minutes have passed. He put the documents and graphics in their original place, locking the drawer carefully. Before going back to the next room, he also looked at Chu-Ling's picture next to his father, framed in a solid gold frame. Yellow-red dahlia is one of the most beautiful flowers, yet its beauty has been faded by Chu-Ling's beauty. Van Binh came to Tirana to search for an atomic bomb of communist China. One fruit becomes two. The second atomic bomb was probably more powerful than the first.

    Van Binh stood ecstatically in front of the round Manhattan bed. The pink blanket draped across her chest accentuated Chu-Ling's pink and white skin. She was fast asleep, her breasts undulating. In her sleep, she had an unusually gentle and endearing countenance.

    She started to wake up. Outside, the sound of shoes became more and more clear.

    But she could not hear the sound of shoes. The soft footbed has absorbed all the sound, so there are only soft sounds. She hugged him tightly, moaning.

    - Kevin, I love you so much!
    1 Please read the recently published "Faceless Enemy" (Z. 28), Tan Quang, 54 Le Van Duyet, general public, to learn about the period of the "Tou-Fan rose" and Van Binh on the island of Tahiti.
    2 That is the Passionata rose.
    3 These pleasure-making monks, known in Turkish as meadschindschian, practiced since before the A.D. era; However, this "industry" was only famous in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries with various love charms, perfumes, or a pill, known as the pastilles de sérail. ) sold at a very expensive price all over Europe.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,141
    Z.28 Specter over Red Square (Z.28 Bóng Ma trên Công Trường Đỏ), Bùi Anh Tuấn, 1969.
    https://vietmessenger.com/books/?title=z28 bong ma tren cong truong do

    Z.28 The Phantom On The Red Square

    ACTION published 1969

    1. The Phantom On The Red Square
    2. Dear Defeat, Danh List
    3. Ghosts
    4. Last Night in Moscow
    5. North China Beauty
    6. First Night in Tirana
    7. Atomic Bomb
    8. Z Bomb. 233


    Trái Bom Z. 233

    Văn Bình cũng ôm ghì lấy Chu-Ling. Toàn thân chàng nóng ran dưới sự mơn trớn của nàng song trí óc chàng vẫn lạnh băng. Chàng vẫn tỉnh để chuẩn bị đối phó với những việc sắp xảy ra. Trong khi ấy Chu-Ling tỉnh lại để rồi mê mẩn tâm thần. Nàng rời hẳn thực tại, bay bổng trên chính tầng mây tình ái.

    Chàng ôm ghì lấy nàng không phải để biểu lộ yêu đương mà để ngăn nàng nghe những tiếng động ở phòng bên. Thoạt đầu là tiếng chìa khóa được vào ổ, đến tiếng cửa mở rồi tiếng giày bước vào phòng. Tiếng giày bước đàng hoàng và chững chạc, chứng tỏ chủ nhân đã về.


    Bomb Z. 233

    Van Binh also hugged Chu-Ling. His whole body felt hot under her touch, but his mind was still cold. He was still awake to prepare for what was to come. Meanwhile, Chu-Ling wakes up only to be psychotic. She left reality completely, soaring above the clouds of love.

    He hugged her not to show his love but to stop her from hearing the noises in the next room. First the sound of the key being put in the lock, then the sound of the door opening, then the sound of shoes entering the room. The sound of shoes walking properly and maturely, proves that the owner has returned.

    Chu-Yao is back.

    Chu-Yao loves you very much, so after returning from the party, you have to go to your room. At that time, Van Binh was about to throw the blanket up, get up, and exit the room. But for some reason, he lay pressed more against Chu-Ling.

    Van Binh looked at the dining door leading to Chu-Yao's room. Before, he was just aloof. He had turned off all the lights, but the light in the next room was still shining so that he could clearly see everything around him. There was a knock on the door and Chu-Yao's voice:

    - Dad, are you still sleeping or awake?

    Chu-Ling came out from under the blanket:

    - I'm awake. Did you come back from the party?

    Dead... Van Binh craves a stormy life, then a storm is about to happen. Chu-Yao will catch him lying in bed with his alcoholic daughter. The Chinese nuclear scientist could make a fuss, and call the Sigurimi staff. Chu-Ling will defend him, but General Kolit cannot let go. It is also possible that Chu-Yao was afraid of crocodiles and kept silent. Van Binh hoped that Chu-Yao would be quiet because that way he could complete the planned program.

    Chu-Ling's attitude was also good, he was surprised. She should have kept quiet when she heard her father ask. Or afraid that she would keep quiet. Chu-Yao would tiptoe over, kiss her forehead and cover her with blankets, she could still reply that she was busy. Women and girls can be busy at any time! Understood, Chu-Yao will wait, and in the meantime he still has time to jump off the bed, disappear into the hallway...

    Again in Chu-Yao:

    - Yes, I just got back... I have a lot of fun stories that I want to tell you. Can you come to my room?

    Still lying in the blanket, she called out, wrapping her arms around his back:

    - Okay! I also have a good time...


    Van Binh went from one surprise to another. Why was he lying in bed and she let her father into the room? Why have sex with a strange young man she considers "no less fun"?

    Chu-Yao turned the light on. Van Binh had foreseen everything would happen like this, but when the light filled the room, he panicked, his face red.

    Chu-Yao who was entering suddenly stopped. He just saw Van Binh. Chu-Ling sat up, calmly put on a nightgown and ran over to her father to hug and kiss her cheeks. Chu-Yao quietly accepted her daughter's kiss, saying nothing. Chu-Ling cooed to her father:

    - Dad, don't be mad at me!

    Chu-Ling called Van Binh:

    - Wake up, don't be afraid. That's my dad. My father said nothing.

    Chu-Yao's face changed slightly when she realized that the man lying on her child's bed was Kevin. However, he still held out his hand, in a friendly voice:

    - Hello sir.

    Van Binh humbly:

    - Please forgive me.

    Chu-Ling laughed.

    I told you not to be afraid of anything...

    Chu-Yao turned to her daughter:

    - I'm going to take a shower. Because soon I had to go. I need to talk to Mr. Kevin for a moment.

    Chu-Ling pouted:

    - Yes, I would like to take a shower. But you must not speak ill of me. Dad promised me.

    Chu-Yao made a serious face:

    - I think back over the years, my father never offended me, he always thought of my happiness, even though he had to lose everything. Well, I'm willing to promise. Go take a shower or you won't make it in time.

    - When are you on the road?

    - In an hour.

    - Can I stay?

    - I can't, baby. I know that in this world, my father is the only consolation. I can't live away from you even for a few hours.

    Chu-Ling whistled like a boy, raised his hand to wave at Van Binh, and entered the bathroom. After she closed the door, Chu-Yao said to Van Binh:

    Oh, why haven't you sat down yet?

    Van Binh noticed that the Chinese scientist's voice sounded emotional. In front of her daughter, it seemed that Chu-Yao was trying extremely hard to stay calm. He thought that Chu-Yao would throw him a scornful "you are unqualified" and then invite him out. He did not expect Chu-Yao to begin with a cordial thank you:

    - You brought happiness to my daughter. I sincerely thank you.

    Before Van Binh answered, Chu-Yao stood up, took out his white glasses from his eyes and wiped them on his sleeve. He glimpsed her tears. As if forgetting to talk to a stranger. Chu-Yao put the glass down on the table and clasped his hands behind his ass, pacing the room. In a monotone, he began his monologue:

    - Listen to me, and don't interrupt. The reason why I need to express myself at length is to avoid misunderstanding. You see my daughter as easygoing, you must think we are moral scoundrels...

    Van Binh interrupted:

    - I never dared to think like that.

    Chu-Yao frowned slightly.

    - I asked you to sit and listen, but you refused. If you accept the condition that I continue, otherwise we should stop here.

    Van Binh nodded.

    - Yes, I accept.

    Chu-Yao was still pacing around the room:

    - Outwardly he approved, but in his heart he probably thought I was crazy. I'm not crazy sir, my mind is clearer than ever. My daughter is also not an upper class person in the bride, but a daughter of a noble family. Before the Xinhai Revolution happened, my father was an official in the court. My ancestors have held high positions for generations. According to the East Asian tradition. Chu-Ling has inherited a precious spiritual legacy. As a child, I raised him in the strict Confucian pattern. When she was born, my husband and I wanted her to become a daughter full of good manners to later marry and sell to the place of registration. But our ambition did not come true because the revolution completely changed the life of China.

    - Sir, 1949?

    Van Binh interrupted Chu-Yao again, but somehow the scholar forgot and replied:

    - Yes, in 1949. That year, the People's Liberation Army won a complete victory, my family had to evacuate from North China to Shanghai. Actually at that time we did not intend to leave, but during the great panic of the Chinese people we followed to Taiwan. My wife has an uncle who trades in Northern Europe, so we left Taiwan to go to Northern Europe to settle down.

    We live in Sweden, if we are not happy, we are not so miserable. The husband and wife were very good to us. Thanks to his advice and help, I enrolled in college despite being a bit old. I had a talent for math since I was a child, so like a dragon meets a cloud, I won the most difficult prizes in school. I studied so well that it only took 4 years of studying to get a PhD in Mathematics. Since then, my life has gone up like a kite.

    I'm lucky on the road of education, I'm also lucky on the road of instant death. I came to Sweden for a while, just in my first year of university, my wife got pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful son. If it was still alive, it would be 3 years younger than Chu-Ling.

    - Chu-Ling's brother is dead?

    - She died, and her death was the clue to everything that happened to my family, to my daughter, and still haunts me to this day. After graduating from graduate school, and submitting a thesis on spatial mathematics, I was noticed by the Swedish Academy and invited to be a university professor. Since then we have lived very comfortably.

    When Chu-Ling was 10 years old, the incident happened. That year, Mr. Lee was 7. The two sisters were entwined with each other all day. After school, they dragged each other out, even at night they had to scold them before they went to bed. Although he is a younger brother, Lee wants to dress like his sister. Whatever he has, Ling also shares with Mr. Lee. One night, I came home late from a party, so my wife nagged. Mr. Tinh, Sweden is a country with a wide range of conceptions of love, men and women love each other, adultery is common, so my wife is afraid that I will learn from the natives and marry another woman. I won't hide from you that you have cheated on my wife many, many times, but you are also a man so you understand how men feel. A man whose wife is cheating with a woman who is not his wife does not mean that he has betrayed his wife. Much of it is just a matter of dealing with physiology. Or the problem of changing the atmosphere of the person who has reached the age of 40, the age of the most energetic love.

    To be honest, that night I slept with a Swedish girl. But I still love my wife dearly. My wife is a virtuous woman, always calm, gentle with her husband. After many years of living together, she has never raised her voice. I don't understand why she raised her voice at me. Once used to my wife's unconditional submission, I also raised my voice. The couple had an argument. I smashed all the dishes in the house, and my wife cut my tie with scissors.

    For the first time since we got married, we slept separately. And also for the first time, we forgot to take care of the children, put them in the bedroom as usual. Chu-Ling is only 10 years old but already knows how to behave like an adult. Mr. Lee too, he saw his parents arguing, he expressed his sadness and asked her to go out to the garden to play. It was very cold at night in Sweden, it was a winter night, so it was terribly cold. That winter night was the first and last night that Lee went to the garden to play in the cold snow.

    To this day I still don't understand why the two children have such strange reactions. It's cold below zero, wearing woolen clothes, they don't even dare to go outside, the two of them only wear pajamas. Our house is in the suburbs, near a dense forest, the two sisters ran from the garden into the forest, when they felt cold they thought of returning, it was too late.

    Ling tripped over a tree root and fell, Lee picked her up, but could not bring her home because the cold had numbed her limbs, so the two sisters had to lie down on the cold ground.

    After midnight, the jealousy subsided, my wife entered the room to kiss the baby as usual. Not seeing them, my wife quickly informed me. We forgot our anger at each other, rushed to find it. With the help of the police, we found two sisters lying hugging each other, about half a kilometer from home. Both were dying, only a moment later Chu-Ling was also dead.

    The two sisters were taken to the hospital. Lee had been dying for a week before he took his last breath. Ling was lucky to be alive, but six of his toes were amputated due to the cold. And what's more dangerous is that from then on he became a madman, you know?

    The doctor stopped talking. The air in the room was cool, but he took out a towel to wipe the sweat. Van Binh noticed that he pretended to wipe the sweat to wipe the tears that were rolling down his cheeks. Chu-Yao's sad voice still resounded in his ears "6 toes were amputated because of the cold..." It turned out that the beautiful Chu-Ling had lost 6 toes after that sad fateful night in Sweden! He suddenly remembered when he made love, she took off everything but still kept her socks. He thought it was a normal reaction of some western women, they wanted to keep something on their body, either a pair of socks, a pair of gloves, or a pair of earrings, a watch. deceive themselves that they are not yet completely naked. He didn't expect Chu-Ling to leave her socks on to hide 6 amputated toes...

    After wiping away her tears, Chu-Yao continued:

    - Yes, from that night my daughter became crazy. I spent a lot of time trying to fix it, but it still didn't recover. Its madness is not like the madness described in medical books. Because sometimes it's crazy and sometimes it's sober. Gradually, over time he became more awake than mad. The older it gets, the more beautiful it becomes, a father with a beautiful daughter is like a bomb in the house, having a crazy but beautiful daughter is an even more formidable bomb. I tried to advise her to get married, but she firmly refused, although many prominent psychologists advised her, who believed that her physiological conditioning would help her overcome the adversity that was imprinted in her subconscious. . Think about it, my sister died, my mother died, the two dearest people in the world died together within a year, so it wouldn't be neurotic.

    - Dear, the housewife died because of sadness?

    - Almost the same. Right after the night we got into an argument and there was a tragic accident my wife lost her mind. She lost her mind forever until she died, so I don't understand the reason, because she is still angry with me, or she regrets it, or because she loves her children too much. That afternoon, Linh and her sister had just come out of the emergency room when my wife collapsed and fell into a coma. Almost a month later, she suddenly woke up in the hospital. I'm glad she's recovered. She asked to see her son, I could only bring Ling to, and lied that Lee was being treated at the orthopedic center because of a toe amputated so he had to be absent. She laughed and talked very happily, the doctors were all amazed that it was a miracle of nature.

    Turns out she cheated on me. She used the last of her energy to laugh and talk to reassure me. She knew that Mr. Lee was dead. At night, she committed suicide by drinking poison. Hospital staff tried their best to give first aid but to no avail. She died.

    Fearing that the angry Chu-Ling would die, I had to pamper him with all my might. Until one day... One day he recovered somewhat, thanks to something that no one expected, famous doctors also never expected. Yes, that object is the eyes.

    Thinking Chu-Yao was crazy, Van Binh slammed his hand on the table and asked:

    - What do you say? You say that Chu-Ling is not crazy partly because of a pair of eyes?

    The Chinese atomic scientist turned his bloodshot eyes back:

    - Yes, my daughter was suddenly recovered thanks to a pair of eyes. The beautiful eyes of a man she met on holiday on the Albanian coast. At that time, I was also present, so I immediately understood his mood. We were lying on canvas chairs looking out to sea when a young man walked past. This young man had big, wet eyes, eyes exactly like my wife's eyes, Lee's eyes. You must have had the opportunity to observe my daughter's eyes, she has large and beautiful eyes. Mr. Lee's eyes are much more beautiful. When talking with relatives, his eyes are always wet. But when it was serious, its eyes were as bright as steel. Seeing this young man, he yelled "Oh my god, brother Lee", I immediately said "no, brother Lee is dead". It replied "Lee is dead but Lee's soul is alive, and Lee has reincarnated into this man".

    I think my child was imagining nonsense, even if the theory of reincarnation is correct, Lee cannot reincarnate into that young man, because he is still young while the other young man is almost 30 years old. But I dare not let my daughter down. I complied with it, trying to get acquainted with the strange young man. I let him take my daughter out. And he took advantage of my daughter's illness to lie down like husband and wife. I didn't dare say anything because the moments of love made my baby less crazy and gradually get better. I thought of partnering this young man with Ling even though he was just a playboy.

    But for some reason, after a week of intimate living with him, Ling refused. When I asked him why, he said that this young man was not Lee. Is my body miserable? He met the young man with big and bright eyes at 6 pm, so from then on, every afternoon and every afternoon at exactly 6 o'clock, he went to the park bench to wait. It said that it would wait forever to meet. And it met you.

    Van Binh sweats. No wonder Boret and Khrushchev asked him to go to the park in front of the Dajti hotel at exactly 6pm! It turned out that the Soviet KGB knew the heart of beautiful Chu-Ling's illness. They chose him as their prey because he had big and bright eyes unique eyes like those of Lee and Chu-Ling's mother!

    Everything appeared as daylight. Discover the truth. Van Binh began to fear...

    The Chinese scientist did not care about his change of attitude and continued, in the same monotone voice:

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,141


    - When I saw you on the plane, my daughter was startled. It asked me to invite you to talk again. I begged it to Tirana. Arriving at the hotel, it asked again, I had to make an appointment until the evening. I was going to meet General Kolit so that someone could find him, but unexpectedly he met Chu-Ling. Where did you meet it?

    - Yes, in the park.

    - At 6 p.m.?

    - I don't remember the exact time. Because the atmosphere in the hotel was not comfortable, I went to the park to get some fresh air. By chance I saw two thugs assault and attempt to rape Ms. Ling. I quickly ran to the rescue. Then Ling invited me into the car. Drive to the suburbs.

    - Did you sleep with it?

    - Yes.

    - Did he voluntarily bring you to his room?

    - Yes. Again, please forgive me.

    - If you need to apologize, it should be me. For I would say that you are not the first man with unique eyes that my daughter has made love to. There were many people before him, and after the young man on the seashore. Whoever he loves, he loves storms, loves madly like he is afraid that the earth will explode soon. But only a few days later, sometimes a few hours later it becomes boring. It has cruelly abandoned many men. So cruel that I am ashamed. But sir, you should understand my family's special situation and forgive it.

    - Sir, I never dared to think about it, because the poor person must be Chu-Ling. I am only afraid that Major General Kolit will not leave me alone.

    "Ah, you already know Kolit, I need to tell you that too. Yes, Kolit still caresses my daughter even though he is almost 50 years old. Speaking of proportions, Kolit isn't that bad either. He is old, but his face and body are young, his temperament is lovely, if he were to be my son-in-law, I would be more honored. But my daughter did not agree, so I had to beg, delay, say that it is not too late to wait for her to graduate from school and then get married. Kolit was a generous man, not jealous, but after all he was just a man like you and me... maybe in his anger there were no rude gestures. However, believe me, I will try to make arrangements so that Kolit won't be jealous. When are you leaving Tirana?

    - The day after tomorrow.

    - I'll take you to the airport.

    Chu-Ling has been out of the bathroom ever since. She wore a purple rib of artificial silk the color of ivory and white beans, tightly hugging her bulging breasts. Look at her who dares to make her crazy. Hearing what her father said, she let out a sigh and then pouted:

    - Dad talked bad about me again, didn't he?

    Chu-Yao kissed her forehead:

    - Are not. My father only told Mr. Kevin about our family and Mr. Kevin was completely sympathetic.

    She laughs:

    - You're so stupid. Do you know that I don't plug my ears to listen to my father's words?

    She threw on the table two round, long, soft nylon buttons. Then turn to Van Binh:

    - The doctor is evil. Make me plug my ears every time I shower. They are afraid that water entering the ear will affect the brain. Did your father tell you that you're crazy?

    He shook his head.

    - Are not.

    - Don't lie. How can you lie to me? He has eyes like Lee's. Every time you lie, your irises have to change color. Your eyes are bright and gray, so I know you're lying. I need to say frankly that before, I was crazy, mad because I love you, love my mother, but from this afternoon until now, I am not crazy. I will love you forever. I will be your wife.

    Chu-Yao says:

    - What a fool!

    - I choose a lover, I choose a husband that you think is bad?

    - That's not it. Whoever you choose, I will accept. The reason I think it's wrong is because I'm afraid you'll change your mind tomorrow. Just like before, I have changed my mind many times.

    - Different before, different now.

    - Dad is very happy. But that's just my opinion. Kevin's agreement is still required. Maybe Mr. Kevin has a family. Maybe for some reason Mr. Kevin had to refuse.

    Chu-Yao's words confused Van Binh. He didn't know how to answer: if he refused - because his professional duty forced him to refuse - the "Ghost" mission would fail, but if he accepted, he would commit a crime with conscience because it only is feigned consent. But Chu-Ling covered his mouth:

    - Don't say, you shouldn't say anything. He said yes or no also worried me. I'd rather be silent and wait for the time to decide.

    Chu-Yao sighed.

    - Each time there is a more difficult to understand. It's about to be fixed. I waited a while, then we got out of the car.

    Chu-Ling pointed to Van Binh:

    - I'm not satisfied. Dad had to let Kevin go with the other child.

    The Chinese scientist hesitated:

    "You must have known that Mr. Kevin could not go.

    Chu-Ling stammered:

    - Well then. My father always said that whatever I want, I will follow. For the first time, I ignored your pleas. Yes, I know, did you ever love me? I only love my profession, my job, and my body like Lee's body is just a meaningless object...

    She burst into tears. The scientist quickly pulled the crazy girl into his lap and comforted:

    - Yes, I will make you happy. But you should also know that this is very dangerous. Dad's status may be...

    - Then you should resign.

    - You're lying again. To negotiate with General Kolit.

    - I knew in advance that he refused.

    - If you explain, he will accept. Free swimming pool in area A outside the Center. The father there controls the work by phone as well. Hey, are you happy again?

    - Happy again. Dad is my savior.

    She hugged her father, kissed her, and kissed her. When Chu-Yao went to the next room, she grabbed Van Binh and dragged him to the bed. Her body was as hot as if it had come out of a furnace.

    Fifteen minutes later, Chu-Yao appeared at the door and said:

    - Kolit agreed. Me and Kevin will share the car with you.

    Chu-Ling took Van Binh's arm and went down the stairs. She is as cheerful as a child receiving lucky money on New Year's Day. Van Binh also smiled back, but his mind was agitated. His work will be done tonight. Blood will be spilled. Some people will lie down. But whose blood will be shed? Who will lie down? He glanced at Chu-Ling with the corner of his eye. In his heart, he prayed for her to live. Not because he was in love with her, but because he didn't think she deserved to die. Adversity has made her a sex patient, she is pitiable, not hateful.

    The paid "pimp" waiter of the KGB is still lurking downstairs. He turned away, but Van Binh was sure that he did not ignore all the gestures and language of the Chinese scholarly delegation. As soon as he left the hotel, he would report to Khrushchev. Perhaps Khrushchev already had eyes and ears in the scholarly delegation, and was waiting for him...

    The 6-door Mecédès convoy was long, and its shadow seemed to reflect in a mirror, obediently parked in front of the inn. Van Binh had many occasions to sit in the Pullman 600, the most expensive in the world, but was also dazzled by the luxurious decorations inside the Mercédès 600 exclusively for Chu-Yao.

    This 600 includes two climate control systems, the rear compartment of the owner gives off a cool, faint scent of roses. Closing the door, the people in the car did not hear the noise outside, making Van Binh feel like he was lost in a magical vacuum. He sat down beside Chu-Ling, facing Chu-Yao. The chief scientist of the group seemed to be contemplative while his daughter laughed and talked.

    In the blink of an eye, the convoy was out of the city. Ahead was an armored vehicle that opened the way. Running at the end is also an armored vehicle. On an empty road, the driver drove at a speed of 150 kilometers an hour. Through the massive streets, the convoy came out to the field. Albania is a country with many hills and mountains, so after only half an hour out of the suburbs, the convoy had climbed uphill, the slopes zigzagged like giant snakes crawling under the dark night sky.

    Because from the dark side, he was not familiar with the road, so he only knew that the convoy was going south. Exactly 50 minutes after shifting gears, the Pullman 600 carrying Chu-Yao stopped.

    In front is the control station. The document control was only procedural, so the driver continued to rush the gas station, 10 minutes later to the second checkpoint. This station is located on the mountainside, next to the narrow pass road, just two cars running in parallel. Van Binh noticed that during the journey there was not a single car going in the opposite direction. It seems that the Sigurimi agent has set up a barrier, forcing all cars from the front to change lanes.

    The convoy stopped at the second checkpoint longer than before. Then the driver drove to the left, down a gentle slope into the valley. The missile rig is probably placed in a circle, surrounded by mountains on all sides to avoid the prying eyes of aircraft and reconnaissance satellites. Van Binh suddenly understood why the KGB did not know the exact location of the missile launcher even though the Soviet satellite was always flying over Albanian airspace.

    At the end of the ramp, the car passed through a large gate lit by electric lights in a passive defensive fashion, into a large residential area consisting of a dark-painted ground floor that did not reflect light. Although Chu-Yao did not explain, Van Binh still knew that this was the residence of the service staff at the Center. Probably the missile rig is hidden in the mountain tunnel, it can't be seen from the outside.

    The driver wandered around for a while and then parked in front of a large building surrounded by high walls on all sides. Outside the door, two soldiers wearing helmets and holding submachine guns stood guard. Van Binh saw only Chu-Yao's Mercédès turning into the yard while the others sped straight. When he got off the car, he bumped into a team of muscular bodyguards sitting in two convertibles, most of them Chinese. There were three Albanians, probably employees of General Kolit.

    It seems that they are used to Chu-Ling's impulsive love sickness, so no one notices him. No one greeted him, no one looked at him, they considered him absent. However, he knew well that everyone was stealing glances at him. The reason they ignored it was for fear of offending Chu-Ling. But they still have the duty to follow him every step of the way.

    The bodyguards divided every entrance to the ground floor building, while Chu-Yao opened the iron door and entered the large room filled with electronic machines. Chu-Yao looked at his watch and told his daughter:

    - Dad will work here until morning. I took Mr. Kevin to the next room.

    She kissed her father's forehead, her voice soft:

    - Do you mind too much?

    Chu-Yao replied:

    "If you mind, I won't allow Mr. Kevin to go with you. Now and in the future, I will do anything as long as you are happy.

    The next room was decorated in a state-of-the-art fashion, with two large wall-mounted refrigerators and an iron bed with white linens, perhaps a resting place for the base staff. Chu-Ling rummaged through the refrigerator for wine and sandwiches. Van Binh sat down on a chair, pretending to smoke a cigarette to observe around the room. Until this moment he did not understand how he was able to enter a top secret Albanian base. Everything had happened so easily that he thought it was a dream. He had a premonition that all Chu-Yao's charms were just traps. He sent him here because of Chu-Ling's request, but he could not let him return. He sees him as a game for girls, and after the orgy, Chu-Ling is fed up, he will send his bodyguard to kill him to protect the secret.

    Suddenly, he heard a noise. Hearing the swelling of the wind, he quickly ducked his head to dodge, but the lead-coated rubber whip hit the back of his neck. He knelt down. Chu-Ling turned around, but a dry and fierce command was spoken:

    - You must stand still. This gun is loaded. If you cry out or make any resistance, I'll shoot you dead.

    Van Binh was not surprised when he recognized Khrushchev. Chu-Ling put the wine bottle on the table, her face pale.

    - Who are you?

    Khurut shrugged.

    - I'm a KGB employee.

    - How did you get in here?

    - Oh, very simple. I was in the trunk of your Pullman.

    - My father's bodyguards were standing guard outside, I just shouted that they ran in. You should leave us alone. Tonight, I don't like to see blood shed.

    - Don't cry in vain. Because among the Sigurimi staff standing in the corridor were my comrades. We have a thoughtful arrangement. Even if the bodyguards rushed in, they wouldn't dare touch me. Because they're afraid I'll shoot you. I know they don't dare to kill mice for fear of breaking precious jars.

    - What do you want?

    - I want you to call your father in here.

    Van Binh stood up. Khrushchev is a martial artist skilled in rubber whips. He just needed a light whip enough to make him numb. Khrushchev had aimed at the kochu point, the death point, near the first vertebrae of the spine. Taking advantage of any random chance, he controlled the whip accurately, falling into the center of the kochu hole. Fortunately, Van Binh was able to practice his iron skin, and especially change the position of acupuncture points on his body, otherwise he would have died.

    This means that Khrushchev decided to kill him, or else he would also seriously injure him. Since the lemon has been squeezed, it's time to remove the peel...

    Khrushchev looked at Van Binh with arrogant eyes. He didn't whip anymore because he knew his limbs were still working. Seeing Van Binh hold his hand against the wall to keep his balance, he smiled faintly:

    - He is a man with super martial arts, so he was able to get up like that after receiving a blow to the kochu hole. But I also need to tell you more that your martial arts have become junk. Because behind my brother I had a submachine gun ready.

    Van Binh looked at the corner of the wall. Khrushchev was right: a KGB officer was pointing a black Soviet machine gun at Van Binh's chest. Chu-Ling loudly:

    - Did you put your guns down?

    Khurut nodded.

    - Please invite your father in here and I will obey you. Whatever she wanted, I was satisfied.

    Chu-Ling thought for a minute and then approached the door. Khrushchev opened it slightly, and she poked her head into the next room and cried:

    - Dad, Dad?

    Chu-Yao had just opened the suitcase and put the papers on the table when she heard her daughter call. Despite being disturbed, he was still fresh:

    - Dad is going to have to work. What three things do you need?

    - I invite you to come here with me, there is a very urgent matter.

    Chu-Yao just stepped out of the doorway. Khrushchev raised his jaw:

    - Hello sir.

    Chu-Yao was shocked:

    - Who are you? What are you doing in this room? Did you know that unauthorized personnel are not allowed in this room?

    - Do you know? Because I'm a KGB officer.

    - KGB officer? Are you crazy? There's no KGB here... Let me call the bodyguards to get you out.

    - Don't mess around. Once again I repeat, I am a KGB officer, if you don't believe me, just ask Kevin.

    - Kevin is also...

    - No, he is a bit different from me, although he also works like me. He is a spy officer. But the spy C.I.A.

    Chu-Yao rubbed his eyes as if he was dreaming:

    - God, I'm the KGB and Kevin is the C.I.A. Why did the KGB and C.I.A. to enter this top secret center?

    Khurut smiled faintly.

    - Because General Kolit's Sigurimi department is an organization made up of children, do you understand?

    Chu-Yao gets angry:

    - Ask him to be polite.

    Khrushchev still smiled faintly.

    - Yes, for you as an elderly person and a brilliant scientific mind, I would like to be very polite. But I could not do the same to his beautiful daughter Chu-Ling.

    - Bastard. You touch my child, I will risk my life with you. You must know that I love my daughter more than my life. I would do anything to protect my daughter.

    - What is it, I'm asking you to do it. If you will, I will set you and your daughter free. Otherwise, I will shoot Chu-Ling dead in front of you.

    Chu-Ling stepped closer to Khrushchev and threatened:

    - Here, you shoot? I dare you to shoot!

    The guy holding the submachine gun in the corner shouted:

    - Shut up.

    Chu-Yao said to his daughter:

    - I leave the three things alone. Dad won't let them touch you.

    Khrush said:

    - As a KGB officer, I can assure you that we have never had a grouchy attitude towards Miss Chu-Ling. However, in return, you must help us prevent the "Fire God" plan from being carried out.

    Chu-Yao opened her mouth wide in surprise.

    - Plan "Fire God"? Oh my God. Does the KGB know there's a Fire God plan?

    - Because I know, I have come here from Moscow. We already know most of the details. We should have denounced in front of international public opinion, but we were afraid that you would deny our guilt and say that we were spitting blood, so we tried to catch it. The "Fire God" plan was a secret plan drawn up by the governments of Beijing and Tirana to fire a nuclear-tipped missile to a Western European city, bringing the Soviet Union and the United States to war. the third great war. If I'm not mistaken, your aide is preparing to mount the warhead at the launch pad 3 kilometers away at the moment. You are the team leader, you should order them to stop and destroy the missile rig.

    - I just follow the instructions of my superiors, I can't...

    - Even if you don't listen to me, just order the staff to fire, the "Fire God" plan still fails, not only that, Albani also has to suffer the disastrous consequences of radioactive fallout. Because the missile platforms on land, and on the surface of the sea surrounding the Republic of Albania, were prepared by the Soviet Union. The nuclear missile that China provided to Albania had not yet left the launch pad, it was destroyed, radioactive dust would fall on the city. That is not to mention the political and diplomatic consequences in the world.

    Chu-Yao stood silently in the middle of the room, looking thoughtful. Khrushchev looked at his watch and urged:

    - Only 30 minutes left. In 30 minutes the rocket will be fired. I suggest you contact the Chinese envoy, your brother. The special envoy was an old friend of comrade-leader Enver Hoxha. Everything will be arranged smoothly and quickly.

    Chu-Yao sighed.

    - Yes, I agree. The phone is in the next room. Will you allow me to go to the next room?

    Khurut shrugged.

    - Okay. He is completely free. But on the contrary, he needs to keep the following conditions in mind: first, the nuclear warhead must be transported from the launch pad to the volleyball field in front of this building, a special KGB helicopter will land to carry Go ; second, order the defense forces around the base not to fire on helicopters when flying in and out; and third, Miss Chu-Ling will be allowed to stay, and Kevin and you will have to take the helicopter with us as hostages.

    Chu-Yao shook his head.

    - I accept the conditions set forth by you. However, I found the third condition to be lacking in guarantees for me. What if you tricked me into getting on a helicopter and running straight? I repeat that I cannot live away from my daughter. If you won't, I'd rather die here with it.

    Khrushchev replied:

    - So, both you and Miss Chu-Ling boarded the helicopter.

    - I don't believe General Kolit approves.

    - You can rest assured. General Kolit will approve, because shortly after the helicopter lands on the volleyball court there will be Comrade Boret. Comrade Boret, the former advisor to General Kolit, representing the KGB and the Kremlin, will be a person that President Hoxha can rely on.

    - Yes, if there was Mr. Bored, everything would be different. I'm calling the wire right now. Please wait for me.

    Chu-Yao slammed the door. Khrushchev turned and invited Chu-Ling, in a friendly voice:

    She sat down so her legs wouldn't get tired.

    Chu-Ling grabbed Van Binh's shirt and tugged:

    - You lie to me. Unexpectedly, he was a C.I.A employee. But who you are, I don't need. I still love you dearly.

    Khrush said:

    - Poor you. She would be even more angry if she learned Kevin's true whereabouts. Since the person standing in front of her was just a C.I.A. employee. masquerading.

    Van Binh smiled.

    - Have you found Kevin?

    Khrushchev replied:

    - Right. Contingent. Rather, due to the reprehensible negligence of the C.I.A. The real Kevin has escaped from captivity. The press is making a fuss about this case in Ha Uy Di.

    - Does that mean the Tirana government knows?

    - Maybe not yet. I just found out a few hours ago. But I'm sure General Kolit already knows by now. Anyway, I honestly commend you, you're so good at disguising. We have been interested in the "Fire God" plan for a long time, initially planning to use anti-missile systems to destroy missiles in the sky above Albania, but luckily we caught him. His eyes are very rare in the world, and they are Chu-Ling's favorite eyes because they are Chu-Lee's eyes. In addition, he has a knack for women...

    - Me, or Kevin?

    - Both. The real Kevin is not as good as him, but only one 8 one 10. Miss Chu-Ling is a special type of person, so it takes a special genius to conquer.

    Hearing the two of them talk, Chu-Ling smiled. She didn't seem upset or angry. On the contrary, she felt pleasure. Perhaps the madness wasn't over in her mind yet. After Khrushchev finished speaking, Chu-Ling quickly commented:

    - You're right. Since growing up until now, I have not met a man with the art of charming love like Kevin.

    Khrush said:

    - He's not Kevin. It was Van Binh, Colonel Van Binh.

    Chu-Ling stood up.

    - Van Binh means Z. 28?

    Van Binh smiled and nodded. Chu-Ling grabbed him, kissed him, and kissed him.

    - Then I love you more, more and more. I've heard a lot about you. To be loved by you, even for a short time, I am more than happy.

    The room door opened. Chu-Yao entered with two men in their fifties. Of these two, the one on the left looks exactly like Chu-Yao, just as Van Binh guessed was the Chinese envoy. The person walking on the right looks pompous, although he is old, it must be Major General Kolit.

    Kolit stopped and greeted Van Binh with a harsh voice.

    - Are you the fake Kevin?

    Van Binh replied:

    - Yes.

    Khrushchev interjected:

    - Remember, General Kolit, I am the proactive one. You are here only to accept my conditions.

    The ambassador rolled his eyes.

    - Don't talk nonsense. Soldiers have surrounded this building, just waiting for orders to rush in.

    Khurut sneered:

    - Thank you for taking care of me. But we have calculated carefully. To the great leader Enver Hoxha, or the general director of the Kolit secret service, the most precious thing on earth was Miss Chu-Ling. General Kolit wanted to marry Miss Ling as his wife, and President Hoxha did not want to offend the Chinese ambassador as well as the effective collaborator Kolit. Currently, Ms. Ling is our hostage. And I believe you will not dare to do anything to hurt Ms. Ling's life.

    Kolit swallowed his saliva:

    - I ordered the defense to allow Boret's helicopter to land. Now invite him to the volleyball court. The plane will land in 5 minutes.

    Khrushchev slowly pulled out of his pocket a small box the size of a matchbox. He pressed the box to his ear and said in a Russian accent, "Water God, Water God". From time immemorial a voice said "heard, heard, contacted General Kolit, go to the volleyball court". Khrushchev put the box in his pocket and said:

    - Excuse me. Comrade Bored told me, so I had to obey.

    Khrushchev was still soft and amiable as in a social gathering. However, Van Binh knows for sure that he is an extremely brutal person. When needed, he can cut open the stomach of a pregnant woman, throw the newborn baby into the fire without being touched.

    The volleyball court is filled with light. Khrushchev went behind Chu-Ling, the barrel of the pistol pressed against her back. Two other KGB officers walked on either side, submachine guns in hand, soldiers and secret agent Sigurimi stood everywhere. Each corner of the volleyball court has a mound of shiny bronze machine guns.

    In the midst of that iron and steel arrangement, Khrushchev remained calm. Everyone stopped. In the air, the twinkling lights of the helicopter appeared. Khrushchev pushed Van Binh's chest:

    - Do you like it?

    Van Binh laughed.

    - Very cool. Thank you.

    With his limbs free, he could rescue Chu-Ling easily. But he couldn't do that. Because in the current situation he has to align with the KGB. Khrushchev let him relax because he knew that he did not dare to rescue Chu-Ling.

    Helicopter propellers whirred, causing dust to fly chaotically. General Kolit glanced at Khrushchev. He smiled faintly, motioned for Kolit to notice the gun that was glued to the spine of the beautiful Chu-Ling.

    The helicopter slowly landed. Korit and the Chinese envoy approached the door of the plane. Bored stepped down. No one shook hands or greeted anyone. Van Binh stood far away, so he couldn't hear the exchange of voices between Boret and Kolit.

    5 minutes later, Bored pulled out a cigar from his pocket and stuck it in his mouth; As usual, he just sucked, not smoked. His round, jar-like mass of meat moved swiftly again as if he had a qi gong magic.

    General Kolit said to Chu-Yao:

    - Please rest assured. We made an agreement. A private helicopter of mine will follow. At the border, they'll park you and her down, and climb into my helicopter.

    Van Binh caught Velana's gaze. She sat in the helicopter staring at him without him knowing. It seemed that she wanted to talk to him, but couldn't say it. Bored went up and sat next to her. Next came the Chinese scientist father and son, Khrushchev and the KGB bodyguards. Finally, the nuclear missile head is stored in a round iron barrel.

    The helicopter quickly took off. In an instant, the houses in the valley disappeared behind darkness. Helicopters over the mountains, flying over the forest. Albania is a tiny country, not more than 150 kilometers across, so the helicopter just flew over the forest and saw the coast. To the north is the Adriatic Sea, to the south is the Lonian Sea, before reaching the Mediterranean. Only 50 kilometers from Tirana to the sea, Van Binh guessed that Soviet submarines were waiting for Boret offshore.

    From the moment he arrived in Tirana, he sought out the enemy's means to escape, but Khrushchev was very careful. The helicopter door is closed tightly, each side has a bodyguard sitting, hand in hand with submachine gun. In the front and behind the crew were Bored, father and son of the Chinese scientist and Velana. Khrushchev sat behind him. This situation was completely hopeless for him, for even if he defeated the two bodyguards and plunged into the sea he would still be mortally wounded by the high-flying helicopter.

    He had to wait for the plane to land. But if it was to land on the Soviet submarine deck, he would also be revealed. He had to sit still, quietly looking into the dark night.

    Underneath the sparkling water. The helicopter has reached the sea. Van Binh noticed that the helicopter carrying General Kolit from behind had passed over. Kolit's voice echoed in the radio:

    - Arrive at the designated location, ask the helicopter to land.

    Bored replied:

    - We will dock in 5 minutes to wait for the submarine to surface.

    Velana uses infrared telescopes to observe the sea surface. She immediately exclaimed:

    - Here it is. Submarine is emerging.

    The place where the Soviet submarine surfaced was nearly 500 yards from the coast. Bored made radio contact with the captain and ordered the crew to land on the shore.

    Two helicopters landed at the same time. What Van Binh did not expect happened. He only heard a loud explosion and General Kolit's helicopter caught fire.

    Bored had landed on the wet sand. Chu-Yao howled:

    - Oh my gosh, you guys rebelled! You tricked to put explosives in General Kolit's helicopter!

    Bored shrugged.

    - I also lost a loyal employee. Since 6 years, he has been a bodyguard for Kolit. Now, I have to sacrifice him.

    Chu-Yao was startled:

    - You kill Kolit means you do not intend to return us to the Albanian government!

    Bored replied:

    - Of course not. The People's Government of China has arrested our three key electronics specialists, with fake spy documents. Mr. and Ms. Chu-Ling will be used as barter.

    Chu-Ling asked:

    - And Mr. Kevin?

    Bored half smile.

    - We cannot spare Van Binh, because Colonel Van Binh is our sworn enemy. She consented.

    - If you change your mind, I also change my mind.

    - Don't be selfish, it's useless. In the event that you resist, I will be forced to shoot you with anesthetic bullets to make you faint and then carry you down to find the water jug.

    The fire was exploding about 100 yards away from where everyone was. The sandy beach at night is as bright as day. Two KGB bodyguards with guns on Van Binh's side. Khrushchev used a flashlight to communicate with the Soviet navy officer who was driving the motorboat close to the shore. Boret still quarreled with the father and son of a Chinese scientist. Van Binh was only afraid of Velana, because she stood in front of him, if she reacted quickly he would die. But before and after dying, it is better to choose death in battle.

    Quick as lightning, he swung his arms, knocking the two submachine guns pointed at his back. At the same time, his legs turned into a circle, and the two KGB bodyguards were swept and rolled to the wet sand. The third bodyguard was far behind him, so he couldn't see. But he saw him attack his friend. He immediately dropped a barrage of submachine guns tacata, tacata...

    But in a moment of panic he shot towards the sea. Van Binh grabbed the machine gun in the hand of the fallen bodyguard. Before he could pull the trigger, Khrushchev turned back. Knowing that there was no hope of shooting first, he had to roll in the sand; however, he knew that Death could not be avoided. Unless Khrushchev jams bullets, or...

    The miracle that Van Binh had been waiting for happened... Khrushchev was pointing a gun at Van Binh and was about to shoot, but Van Binh's benefactor shot first and hit it very well. Khrushchev received two submachine bullets in the face and fell to the ground. The bodyguard who just missed the shot also fell down because the second volley of bullets was intended for him.

    Meanwhile, the crew of Soviet crews, having just dropped in, rushed to sea and opened fire on the shore. Their barrage of bullets was answered immediately. The sound of submachine guns exploded, breaking the silent night air. Van Binh's benefactor was indeed a gunner, because after a barrage of bullets answered from the shore, the sailors in the motorboat suddenly fell silent. Silence because most were shot dead or seriously wounded.

    Van Binh had just stood up and was not about to deal with it when a voice cried out:

    - Z. 28, beware Bored!

    He didn't care who called his secret number Z. 28. He only thought of how to deal with Bored. Bored's one-hundred-thousand-pound piece of flesh was already standing before him. He took a stab at his face. He raised his hand to brush, and at the same time spread his left hand wide and crossed it from right to left. In the first minute, he used the Russian lattice slap to destroy him. He knew that Bored's slap could break the Spanish bull's brain, so he did not dare to take the usual blow. He lowered his weight to avoid the thunderous slap and then rushed back, grabbing his collar, using the esoteric melee moves of judo to knock him down.

    But he did not have the opportunity to perform martial arts on the Albanian coast under the light of fire and before the observation of the beautiful. For a gun hit the greasy nape of Bored's neck, softening his body and fainting. A series of bullets followed, ending the life of the Soviet counterintelligence boss.

    Only 4 people remained on the wide sandy beach: the father and son of the Chinese scientist. Velana and Van Binh. Chu-Ling hugs her father in fear. Velana held a submachine gun that fired in circles on the sand, as fierce as a female general.

    He hastily shouted:

    - Why kill them? Velana?

    He intervened too late because the father and son Chu-Yao had collapsed. Van Binh broke his chest in front of Velana's smoking gun:

    - As for me, what are you waiting for without firing a shot?

    Velana said sternly:

    - Van Binh, do you know who I am?

    Van Binh was stunned like a lost soul. Velana continued:

    - I'm Z. 233, whom Mr. Hoang ordered you to contact at Red Square. I tried to show up many times but I couldn't. For the last time, at the hotel, it was almost time for the appointment when Bonkov interrupted again.

    Van Binh looked between her eyes and said as if chanting:

    - Ballet... Tirana...

    Velana burst into laughter.

    - Well, you still don't believe me, so I should tell you the password to make me answer with Leningrad and mink coat? Poor him, in Moscow he assumed that Bonkov was Z. 233, so he kept repeating the password. Are you satisfied now?

    Van Binh sighed.

    - I didn't expect... you're Z. 233. I heard you need to see Mr. Hoang's representative. That person is you. What do I need, please let me know.

    - Oh, I have some top secret military and political documents from the Kremlin that I want you to bring back.

    Velana gave him a thin leather briefcase and said:

    - There are nearly a thousand pictures in all, taken on television.

    - Mr. Hoang said that my account in Switzerland currently has one million three hundred thousand dollars.

    - Regarding these documents, would you mind telling Mr. Hoang that I need another five hundred thousand dollars.

    - I will remember. By order of Mr. Hoang, I ask you to leave the Soviet Union, because...

    - Huh... you forgot. Mr. Hoang regularly persuaded Z. 233 to stay in the Soviet Union, not to leave. We should not put our own love above the common meaning. The money that I asked to pay was not for me to spend, because if I wanted to spend it I would have gone to the West: I stayed, and used the money earned to organize a liberation army for my country. I am not a dry and cruel woman, I had to kill Chu-Yao father and son because of forced circumstances. If you ask them to follow you to the West they will listen right away, but what about you, what about your Organization? I had to return to Moscow, so they had to die. Die to preserve the secret. Tell me, you're Z. 28, so I let you live, but if you were someone else, I wouldn't have forgiven you...

    - Why?

    - You understand yourself.

    Van Binh hesitated, from looking at Velana to looking at Chu-Ling's body lying on the waves. Blood and sea water soaked her hair and face. When she died, she was still beautiful, still innocent. Velana urged him:

    - Get on the helicopter. He crossed the strait to reach Italy. This helicopter has a maximum speed of 500 kilometers an hour, which means it takes him just over 10 minutes to be safe.

    - Where are you going?

    - Like I said, I have to go back to Moscow.

    - Return how?

    - The KGB has a powerful organization here. They will arrange for you to cross the border to Yugoslavia and from there to the Soviet Union.

    "They will ask you about the deaths of Bored and Khrushchev." I'm sure they'll kill you.

    - I had a way of persuading the KGB. Besides, the KGB is not a dangerous trap for me. Because I'm the action director's lover.

    Seeing that he was silent, she quickly smiled.

    - He is a lover but I have never loved him. Before we part, perhaps you should also know that you are the one I really love.

    Van Binh held Velana's hand. Then he pulled her close to him. He assumed she agreed. Memories of Moscow came back to life abundantly in his heart. In love, she reacts more passionately than any other woman. I don't know why she took it out of his arms. Then urge:

    - I want you up. If you delay, the helicopter of the Sigurimi agent will come, and unfortunately both you and I will die.

    Van Binh sighed and turned on the helicopter. Fan blades whirring. Standing on the sparkling sand, Velana pulled out her scarf and waved, her hair fluttering in the sea breeze. Then she ran straight to the north.

    Van Binh had to bite his lip to keep from crying. However, two tears still rolled down her cheeks. He did not know that at that time Velana was also crying. She ran into the dark and stopped. The helicopter was flying high. Tears wet Velana's white scarf.

    [kết thúc]

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,141

    Apollo Lemmon on April 6, 2020
    Saigon Secret Agents
    Back in January, Luna Nguyen (Luna oi! on Youtube) subtitled and released another Vietnamese film,
    with a title she translated as Saigon Secret Agents. It’s a slow-burn spy film that I became engrossed

    Saigon Secret Agents is a four-part series that
    tells stories about the secret heroes of Vietnam.

    It is the first and the only one series, to this day, about
    the secret agent force of Saigon city -- the capital of
    the USA-backed government in the South of Vietnam.

    Saigon Secret Agents played an important role in the success of
    the Communist revolution which brought indepence to the
    south of Vietnam and unified the whole country.

    This series was released in 1986, when Vietnam was rebuilding our
    country in the path of socialism and communism.

    Saigon Secret Agents - a Communist Spy Movie! [Episode 1] (1:21:35)
    This is the first in a quadrilogy of Vietnamese communist spy movies, based on true stories about the Secret Agents of Saigon!


  • DragonpolDragonpol https://thebondologistblog.blogspot.com
    edited January 2024 Posts: 18,487
    1966: Lord Avon (formerly Sir Anthony Eden) (UK British Prime Minister, 1955-1957) says US bombing achieves nothing in Vietnam:

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