Craig Bond’s “out of character moments”…

royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
edited August 2011 in Bond Movies Posts: 4,423
Craig Bond’s “out of character moments”…

So, here’s the thing, I wanted to know, my fellow MI6’ers’, which one is your least favourite is it;

“Bond breaking into “M’s” flat” CR


“Bond dumping Matihs’ body into the dumpster” QOS?

I, for one, chose “Bond breaking into “M’s” flat” CR; Bond is meant to be a military man; he would never break into M’s flat. I just think it was the screenwriter’s idea to have Bond acting “out of control”.

Which brings me on to Mathis body; Bond was desperate, he wanted to hide the body, even if it was only for a few minutes, anything thing to give him a few minutes more…. I would imagine Bond would not like friend to be sharing the ground with his killers. As to the taking of Mathis money, like Bond says “he would not care”; he’s having to keep a lid on his emotions, bottling it up, like Fleming’s said, and he may needed the money in the future.

I know some would say that Bond never treated his friends in way, but I don’t see Mathis as Bond friend, per se. Remember that Bond only has only a few friends. He may have been, eventually, but it’s not Bond and Mathis from the novel, they only just met, not nearly enough time to form a last relationship.

Any thoughts?



  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited August 2011 Posts: 15,732
    I can't say, I both really dislike both scenes. Bond breaking into M's flat was totally irrational behaviour. And for the Mathis scene, let me just say I was really angry that they've killed him off so early. He should have been a regular in the Craig era.

    Another out of character moment (although not featured in the actual movies):

  • Posts: 1,497
    The issue I have with Bond breaking into M's flat is they don't show HOW he does it. We're just supposed to believe he's Bond and he can do anything. This could have been an opportune time to show off his spy skills. In the old days, we would have seen Bond, the the spy figuring out how to get into M's flat--like the Gumboldt scene in OHMSS as a perfect example. Now, Bond is presented more as a superhero
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    They aren't really out of character. Bond needed to get Mollaka's message send time located and he couldn't go right into MI6 after he shot up an embassy. It would be embarrassing and you would get scorned looks from everyone, possibly get permissions taken away. He knew M had MI6 access in her home, and it was a cool moment to see Bond playing cards while M stumbled in. He didn't do it to completely spite her. He left the laptop slightly open, maybe so she could see his initiative. This scene is yet another moment where Bond is on is way to being the Bond we know. He needs broken and told what is wrong by superiors, and M gives him his first of many tastes. As for the infamous QoS scene, it has all been explained in past threads. As much as it can be that is. It is a moment of Bond trying to work things out, plan while Greene has the police force in his pocket and he needs to stop Quantum. Like Fleming's Bond, when the death of a colleague occurs, he has to put it in the back of his mind and continue the mission. Thinking about it would make Bond falter in his effectiveness and MI6 protocol. So he mourns later(maybe in Bond 23 we get Bond at Mathis' grave??). He dumps the body, takes cash, because the dead don't need money; and drops the corpse in the trash bin. As much as it is plausible for me, I still have problems with this scene. Bond and Mathis are growing a good colleague to colleague relationship, but the coldness with which Bond tosses Mathis, almost in anger, is strange and doesn't fit the mood. Any thoughts on that? Out of protocol or not, these are the moments to talk about. Good thread.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Well @0Brady, I still think that Bond breaking into M's home was totally out of character. Maybe, as @JBFan626 explained, I would like the scene a bit more if they had showed how he entered the flat.
  • Posts: 11,216
    There is a bit of a "stroppy teenager" thing with Bond breaking into M's house :))

    "Bond...don't ever break into my house again"

    The bin thing does bother me a bit more however. More because it seemed that the producers were trying to deliberately be controversial by having Bond dispose of Mathis's body in that manner.
  • edited August 2011 Posts: 3,494
    @ O'Brady- I'd have to agree with DC and royale65 that the home invasion was more out of character. You have to ask yourself why didn't he just use resources available to him? Your explanation is good and makes sense, but I think it would have been better for him to tell M in one simple statement why he didn't go to the office. He shows his spy skills later when he creates a diversion and breaks into the Ocean Club security office, so it wasn't too important to show him doing so earlier.

    The Mathis thing was more understandable to me in only one sense, because I grimaced with distaste the first time I saw it. He couldn't exactly drive off with his corpse so he only had two choices. Leave Mathis in the street or get him off. I think it would have been more callous behavior to leave him in the street, plus it's better that his body is missing so Greene and Quantum will have to consider that Mathis may still be alive. I don't think Bond was angry at all with Mathis, even if he told him some things he'd have rather not heard at that moment. Overall, the scene leads you to believe that they weren't the good friends some here feel they were and I can see why. I think it was very obvious that Bond didn't trust Mathis at the end of CR, and really only turned to him for help when he felt he had little choice. I don't think it qualified them as good friends compared to how he is with Leiter, all things considered the scene isn't one of Bond's shining moments as a human being but it wouldn't be the first time Bond left a dead ally behind with little thought while doing his job.

    When I think about Craig's out of character moments, I think you hit it on the head. All of this regarding the last two movies is supposed to be about Bond learning what is and isn't expected of him. If you are comparing this Bond to the character as portrayed by the other actors, then you will probably have a negative view of the 2 movies. The idea here according to what I've seen is not to do that and to watch the character grow into what he would become, and there is ample evidence that this is what the writers are trying to get across. Now if that doesn't happen in BOND 23, then I would have to wonder if maybe my opinion needs some further examination.

  • Posts: 1,894
    “Bond breaking into “M’s” flat” CR
    He obviously did this because he had embarrassed MI6 and could not be seen at MI6. When M came in and said "You've got a bloody cheek", it's not because he broke into her flat, but because he had showed himself when it would have been better to stay underground.
    “Bond dumping Matihs’ body into the dumpster” QOS?
    Again, this was done for a reason - Bond knew Quantum was pursuing him, and needed to buy time. By dumping Mathis' body in the dumpster, he was staging the crime scene to make it look like a robbery or mugging that had gone wrong (he clearly takes money from Mathis' wallet at throws it away) in the hopes that the La Paz police would treat Mathis' death and the shooting of the two police officers as separate crimes.

    I disagree that Mathis was not Bond's friend. The films are a little hazy on what made Bond believe Mathis was innocent, and Mathis clearly lies (or at least only tells half a truth) when Bond asks why he came to Bolivia. I always thought Mathis was filled with this great sadness, and that he was looking for a place to die. He felt that if he stayed with Bond, then he might find what he was looking for. And he did.
  • Posts: 5,634
    I only watched Quantum Of Solace the once and that was three years ago on it's official release, I remember some parts of it (as well as feeling empty and frustrated as I left the theater that night) including Mathis getting killed and Craig casually putting his body in a dumpster, which seemed a bit wrong somehow, even if it IS only a movie

    I watched the intro to Casino again the other day, Craig is in M's residence etc before she comes home, they never explained how Bond could know her address (same way as I found out your name), that was never expanded on either, they just came to an abrupt halt.

    The stabbing at the Florida show seemed a bit out of place, I expect Bond to go hunting for targets with his Walther, but can't remember anyone getting knifed before, although there may well have been an incident somewhere along the way. I did question the moment when I saw it.

  • Posts: 1,894
    I watched the intro to Casino again the other day, Craig is in M's residence etc before she comes home, they never explained how Bond could know her address (same way as I found out your name), that was never expanded on either, they just came to an abrupt halt.
    It doesn't matter how he got it - the fact that he has it is enough. Explaining how he did it only diminishes it.
    The stabbing at the Florida show seemed a bit out of place, I expect Bond to go hunting for targets with his Walther, but can't remember anyone getting knifed before, although there may well have been an incident somewhere along the way. I did question the moment when I saw it.
    Yes, that's a fantastic idea: pull a gun in the middle of a crowded exhibition hall. All it would take is for one person to see it in order to start a panic, and Bond would lose any chance he had of catching Carlos and preventing the attack.

    And Bond wasn't the one who pulled the knife - Alex Dimitrios did. Bond simply overpowered him and used the knife to kill him quietly.
  • Posts: 5,634
    didn't think of that, been a long day etc, but (in my defense) there was enough inplausible scenes throughout that movie so I guess another one wouldn't of made much difference

    If Bond can leap and run around Madagascar like a greyhound on amphetamines and jump off tall buildings and structures like it was an everyday occurance it won't harm the viewer to put in anything that follows

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    The scenes you mentioned aren't inplausible @Baltimore_007. The Madagascar chase was done for real by a parkour artist and he did all of it without any injury. Yes wires probably helped(if he had any) but the impact of the jumps were real stunts. If he could do it, a well trained and physically strong Bond could. The moments were Bond stumbles in the chase(flipping over the fence, failed jump on the crane where he is left hanging) do a great job of comparing Bond's rumble and tough style to Mollaka's fast and stamina filled style.
  • Posts: 5,634
    I understand that the colored guy was some sort of performance artist capable of doing some neat stunts but I did question it when I saw Bond in pursuit with a constant nearness and never lagging behind, I wondered if I had gone to see the wrong picture when I first saw it, you just don't expect james Bond to be doing those kind of things, maybe I remember too well the calmness and simplicity of the Dalton/Moore era when bond was regular behavior (most of the time)
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Craig's Bond brought reality after Brosnan's three duds(you know which I mean). Naturally Bond would run into present day bombmakers/terrorists and they would run and need to be chased. And please do think about this: If Carter wouldn't have compromised the operation, Bond wouldn't have needed to run after Mollaka.

  • Posts: 5,634
    as far I can understand the bombmaker didn't know the Craig ally from Adam, so if he saw him touching his ear or with an earpiece (most likely not) why would he take off like that, all said and done it's only a fictional spy story and we shouldn't really read into too much of what happens.

    Also, when Bond and Green are on the upstairs corridor and some bad guys are around and come passing by, the try to look innocent and have a smooch and one of the guys amazingly happens to see Craig wearing a hardly distinguishable earpiece as they go past and mayhem unsues, these people have very fine attention to detail or some extra sensory perception is all I'll add
  • What's interesting is that Bond is caught out by his earpiece, just like the agent that he was getting angry at! Nice touch, that.

    One of the things that I loved about CR was that we saw people in the spy world who were highly trained professionals - makes it much more interesting and also more tense IMHO.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Wow you need to watch the Bond films over. Especially GF and CR it seems. Mollaka is a bombmaker, who you guessed it makes bombs for all colors of bad men. Naturally he would be on the grid and would be watched by legions of intelligences services, in this instance MI6. He would by then be very keen to what is around him, as he knows the danger of his work and how easily he sticks out(the burn scars on his face for crying out loud!). So Mollaka knowing he is in bed with dangerous men, the fact that he could be tailed by intelligence agencies, teem all that with the fact that they could all identify him(the burn scars again), then you have there what would be a paranoid man. So when Mollaka sees Carter clearly putting a finger in his ear to listen better(Mollaka would know he had an earpiece in) and looking straight at him, he knows to run. If you were a bombmaker, why would a random guy put a finger to his ear and just start talking as he is staring blankly at you if he wasn't wearing an earpiece and on your tail? I can't believe I just had to explain that....

    P.S. Bond was after Le Chiffre(not Greene) in CR and the earpiece wasn't what gave Bond away. It has obviously been a while for you so I'll tell you how he was exposed. If you remember Mathis gives Bond a tracker and listening device. Bond places that in Le Chiffre's inhaler to track his movements during the break in the card game. Le Chiffre meets a suprise guest, a Mr. Obanno who lost his money when Le Chiffre played the stock market. He puts Le Chiffre in a minor choke hold and threatens him and his girlfriend before leaving. Snap back to Bond in the doorway kissing Vesper trying not to give himself away. Obanno's guard hears Le Chiffre gasping and inhaling via the tracker and listening device which Bond can hear from his earpiece. The sound alerts the guard and the tussle ensues. Sorry to correct you so much, but you should brush up on some of the films. As Le Chiffre would say, I mean nothing sinister. ;-)
  • edited August 2011 Posts: 11,216
    There are some good explainations/discussions here but I'm still not quite sure whether I can visualise Fleming's character breaking into his own bosses flat - as many people said he's too experienced and respectful for that. In fact I think Bond jepordising Mi6 full stop is out of character.

    Here's how I think it would go if he ever did something like that (which I'm doubtful of anyway) - Bond would make that mistake go back to his flat, have a stiff drink, fall asleep and the next day take a shower in preparation to face the music at M's office. The original character WASN'T a rookie and was prepared to take responsibility for his actions.

    In fact Bond embarrassed Mi6 quite badly in the events leading up to the YOLT book -and knew it full well. From what I remember he had offered to resign but M wouldn't allow it after earlier being talked out of firing him by his colleagues.

    I quote M in the YOLT book:
    "He (Bond) didn't make mistakes before now suddenly he's become accident prone".

    Bond was too good to make the type of mistakes he made in the first part of the CR film. When he DID make mistakes it was out of character - it was unusual. Bond also had a good reason to be off colour as his wife had just been killed.

    I think the "rookie Bond" works quite well in the context of the new era of films but it doesn't really reflect the original character of James Bond - at least IMO.

    Another thing: I re-watched some of CR last night - who has a lift leading DIRECTLY to their flat?
  • Posts: 1,894
    There are some good explainations/discussions here but I'm still not quite sure whether I can visualise Fleming's character breaking into his own bosses flat - as many people said he's too experienced and respectful for that. In fact I think Bond jepordising Mi6 full stop is out of character.
    But you have to remember that Fleming never wrote an origin story for Bond. Casino Royale contains clear references to multiple assingments Bond has taken in the past, but Fleming never wrote a Bond novel that saw a Bond before he joined the secret service.

    Plus, the entire point of the film and QUANTUM OF SOLACE is to show how Bond became the character that Fleming wrote. It's character development.
  • SharkShark Banned
    edited August 2011 Posts: 348
    The scenes you mentioned aren't inplausible @Baltimore_007. The Madagascar chase was done for real by a parkour artist and he did all of it without any injury.
    .. but the crane jumps were done by a stunt double, wires were removed in post production, and the backdrop beneath the cranes was given an extra 200 feet in height thanks to a computer. All in all, I'd say it's a physically possible, overlong, and over-constructed (no pun intended) setpiece, that feels more like a SEGA or Nintendo platform game (I keep expecting gems to drop out of crates as Donkey Kong Bond smashes em). Bond isn't meant to be some world class athlete or superhuman.
  • Posts: 1,894
    I seem to recall your ideal version of Bond involving him sitting around enjoying meals in airports.
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    Very cool, keep discussion it.!
  • edited August 2011 Posts: 11,216
    I seem to recall your ideal version of Bond involving him sitting around enjoying meals in airports.
    If your a Fleming purist (as I suspect Shark is) then yes, that's the kind of thing you would want. Most of the world however isn't. The general audience want action. Take the end for instance, it would have been more daring to end Royale with Bond finding Vesper dead in the hotel room. Instead we get the crowd pleasing sinking house setpiece.

    (I'm certainly no expert on Fleming, i'm just stating my observations).
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I see your view point on CR @BAIN123. I wish there was some cutroom footage using that scene just so we could see how it would have looked. That scene didn't set Mr. White up with the briefcase though. That's the only big issue. Regardless it would have been great to see a pale Craig/Bond looking at Eva/Vesper in the bed, knowing there is nothing he could do. The suicide note a la the CR novel would have been another string in the harp. Bond would react finding the note as he did we he found out about the money withdrawal. We can't always get what we want though.
  • Posts: 11,216
    As it is I think the film is still very good but it would have been interesting to see a more low-key ending.

    i.e. Bond rings M and we have the "I got your note" conversation where Bond finds out about the money.

    He runs down the corridoor to look for Vesper and see's her dead in an empty room. He reads the letter, scrawls it up and then finds the phone with Mr White's number on it.

    It then cuts to M's conversation with Bond on the boat and we go back to the regular ending.

  • I disagree that Mathis was not Bond's friend.
    I'm curious Shadow, what makes you think that?

  • edited August 2011 Posts: 1,894
    Take the end for instance, it would have been more daring to end Royale with Bond finding Vesper dead in the hotel room. Instead we get the crowd pleasing sinking house setpiece.
    Actually, Vesper's death in CASINO ROYALE forms a completely different function than it does in the book. In the book, she was a Chinese double-agent, and killed herself out of guilt. In the film, she was an unwitting sleeper agent for Quantum, forced to commit treason against her will to "save" Yusuf's life. Committing suicide by overdosing on sleeping pills would not have been a very effective scene in the film, no matter how "daring" it might have been, simply because Vesper was an unwilling traitor. She killed herself because she knew enough about Quantum to know how dangerous they were, and that they had to be stopped. Her death, and the knowledge of who was responsible, meant that Bond would be forever out of Quantum's reach; i she was alive, they could get to him. But so long as he held them accountable for her death, they would never be able to turn him (and as Mr. White implied in QUANTUM OF SOLACE, they certainly tried). Vesper committing suicide with sleeping pills would have had none of that effect. Especially since it meant she would be unable to lead Bond to Gettler and the drop site.
    I'm curious Shadow, what makes you think that?
    I explained it in that post.
  • SharkShark Banned
    edited August 2011 Posts: 348
    Take the end for instance, it would have been more daring to end Royale with Bond finding Vesper dead in the hotel room. Instead we get the crowd pleasing sinking house setpiece.
    Actually, Vesper's death in CASINO ROYALE forms a completely different function than it does in the book. In the book, she was a Chinese double-agent, and killed herself out of guilt.
    Huh? In book, Vesper was a treasury agent, blackmailed by SMERSH to entrap Bond - under the threat of killing her boyfriend (a pilot in the RAF).

  • edited August 2011 Posts: 3,494
    I'm curious Shadow, what makes you think that?
    I explained it in that post.
    Ok. Based on that I could see Mathis thinking Bond was his friend, but not the other way around. Agreed that it's never explained why Bond may have had a change of heart regarding putting any trust in Mathis, but it doesn't add up for me between using Mathis as a human shield (Bond had a gun that he could have used to protect him) and then putting his corpse in the dumpster.
  • Posts: 1,817
    In my opinion, the Bond of the books wouldn't have breaked in M's flat, because he was Miles Messervy. In CR M is another person which holds a different relationship with Bond in which the former action would be plausible according to the context.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I don't think Bond used Mathis as a shield in QoS @SirHenry. Bond was lifting a barely alive Mathis out of the vehicle, and before Bond could do anything(since both of his arms were around Mathis) the corrupt police shot him in the back. And I don't think Bond had a gun in that scene, or from the point of his entry in Bolivia to when Fields is found dead because Bond has no gun in the sinkhole and has to steal a gun from the one of the men leading him out of the hotel in Bolivia on M's orders. I think a lot of Bond fans get the Bond and Mathis relationships in the novels and movies greatly confused. In CR I think Bond and Mathis had a good working relationship. They had efficiency, and seemed to know each other a little. I always remember the scene where the bodies of Obanno and his bodyguard are used to get one of Le Chiffre's associates. Mathis says to Bond about Vesper:"Has the girl met with your cold heart yet?" I sometimes think they had a past meeting, but maybe Mathis knew about Bond's ruthlessness from the way he killed Obanno and his past work on file. I dunno. :-??
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