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If pressed I can rationalize that MI6 wouldn't publicize a living family member of an agent, mindful of putting them in danger even after a double-oh's passing. (Though surely as an author Ian Fleming would have mentioned it.)
Could Glidrose at the time encourage Pearson (in 1973) to follow the lead of James Bond Junior (1967)? Well, pursuing a Marvel-type Bondverse would be pretty innovative for the time. But Pearson's Bond sibling is Henry, and James Bond Junior's father is Captain David Bond. While as you pointed out there's no brother (updated) at all for Higson and Cole's Young Bond. I don't know if it's absent from the cartoon series as well, seems like it would be required.
So now you finished it Richard, what do you think of this novel?
You meant "no brother", surely. Or sister, for that matter.
Good question, @moneyofpropre2. It's well written for young adults, at a level (of adulthood) above say Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew mysteries.
I think I commented earlier on what I thought was surprising content. Some related to the descriptions of Sheelagh as literally dirty but also in a salacious way, with the banana I took as a phallic symbol as one example. Death is another item. First the dead puppy held by Sheelagh (James is compelled to voice his innocence there). For a young adult and myself, the sudden killing of a dog by a "good" character was a shock. Later another guard dog is killed by its owner, the villain. Injuries to James become more and more severe through the story. Then there's the implied adulterous activity of Sir Cuthbert, a not so straight shooter James has to accommodate but eventually manipulate on a good way.
The book shows careful character development through the chapters, James is wilder at the start and more controlled at story's end. And there's a trade-off involved. He regains his cottage digs but doesn't get the girl, even after he finds a way to reunite the disappeared Sheelagh with her mother just out of prison. Bittersweet, and it makes sense the adventure inspires him to look for more.
What I enjoyed most were the details of the British countryside and life in the sixties. The bottle-bees, the Jaguar, the Alsatians and Doberman. The Greek name Cerberus was a plus. And the almost endless stream of food dishes prepared by Mrs. Raggles.
Thanks to @dragonsky for planting this discussion seed some time ago, I wouldn't have read the book otherwise. James Bond Junior wasn't of interest to me, and in a similar way I haven't touched the Young Bond materials though by their reputation I expect they're very good. To today, I really haven't had an interest in Bond before he was a double-oh. But I may get there.
As Bond history, it's of interest and I enjoyed it for what it is. Kind of an anomaly that doesn't fit with Fleming or the films. Unless I didn't appreciate the exchange in Diamonds Are Forever.
Bond: Small world.
I'm gonna take the bullet and watch the James Bond Jr cartoon episodes. I'll start by saying I don't think this material deserves the respect given to proper Bond novels and films, so spoilers are a given and I don't feel limitations on that count.
Will heavily call out comparisons to Bond film content here. Nauseating detail at times likely.
First Up:
Badly dated on many sides, worst recurring item for me are all the characters wearing high-top sneakers. Former agent Mitchell, the young characters, but worst of all James Bond Jr. Sheesh. Plus there's a mullett.
So I somewhat enjoyed it. Disclaimer: I'm hopeful the next episode does not involve a racial slur.
May I add some in Reading List (Optional) ? :
- a prepoduction document of the creator of the show
- Some very rare comics of Bond Jr.
- bond Jr. Encyclopedia
Before moving on I can recognize Episode One was used to kick off the Marvel Comic series for a total of twelve. The complete US comic is linked below. Plus there are cross-overs in book form.
I wasn't aware there was also a comic book. Who granted them the rights to produce the show and the comics? Seems that the creators of both took many liberties with some classic characters. I'm surprised Broccoli allowed it but I guess if the pay was right might have resulted in a blind eye being turned.
Notice the Marvel connection and the potentiality to bring OO7 into Marvelverse. Give the people what they want: Bond in several films a year.
[Obviously not real above, someone's wishful thinking of Spidey and Bond on a DC cover.]
I will say Goldfinger is fairly presented here. Before I try to describe how horrific the visual of Odd Job dressed in the style of an 80s rapper is. Really has to be seen to be believed, words don't approach the injustice there. And presenting poorer taste than the cut-off workout fashion of Mr. Mitchell is really saying something, like there's internal villainy at work in the cartoon production itself.
To be fair, this Johnny Quest-type adventure works pretty well to play out in 20+ minutes, not bad. And the James-IQ interaction is pretty well done with appropriate back and forth, and each helping the other. Points there. The smaller scale caper of the villain mixed with South American legend of El Dorado are good ideas, they work for the limited time and storytelling. For a Saturday morning, not so bad.
James Bond Jr: "People in the room below are going to be complaining about a draft!"
James Bond Jr: "I think you're on rather shaky ground with that one, IQ!"
James Bond Jr: "Which reminds me--we're going to be cutting it pretty close if we want to see the opening of the mummy case."
James Bond Jr: "I happen to know where there's a great little cafe in Cairo."
James Bond Jr: "Good grief, is it Halloween already!"
James Bond Jr: "No doubt diamond drills and portholes cost you a pretty penny!"
James Bond Jr: "I can tell you're really steamed!"
James Bond Jr: "Asleep on the job!"
James Bond Jr: "Actually, I find your methods rather crude!"
James Bond Jr: "You know what they say, XXX, oil and water don't mix!"
James Bond Jr: "Looks like we gave him the slip!"
James Bond Jr: "I see your point!"
James Bond Jr: "I just had a bright idea!"
James Bond Jr: "Your mascara is running Pharaoh, and just when you have company!"
James Bond Jr: "We thought we'd bring a breath of fresh air to the proceedings!"
James Bond Jr: "No problem, Tracy, he's too wrapped up in his work!"
James Bond Jr: "I think he just misses his... mummy."
LALD: wristwatch with a buzz saw.
OP: gadget creates acid for an escape.
TLD: joke about knowing a good "local" restaurant/cafe.
TSWLM, TND: villain has a (war)ship.
TND: a huge drill passes through solid objects.
TWINE: villain's plot involves a pipeline.
DAF, TWINE: Bond is threatened in a pipeline.
QOS: female character threatened with oil.
James Bond Jr: "Scuba diving? I hope his teeth start to rust!"
James Bond Jr: "Now let's get to the bottom of the sea!"
Gordo: "Oooh! We're fish food!"
James Bond Jr: "I should have smelled you behind these foul crimes, Walker D. Plank!"
James Bond Jr: "If you ask me I'd say you've seen a few too many pirate movies!"
James Bond Jr: "Now's your chance to play the ultimate video game!"
James Bond Jr: "We must find a way out of this salty hideout!"
James Bond Jr: "I'll handle that over-grown piranha!"
James Bond Jr: "Come on fang-face, let's see you put the bit on me!"
James Bond Jr: "I think Jaws bit off a bit more than he could chew!"
James Bond Jr: "It's not whether you win or lose--it's finding someone to play with!"
FYEO, TND: a vessel with a military crew is threatened/sunk/captured.
TB: Villain with an eye patch.
LALD: electromagnetic feature to watch.
TSWLM: Jaws defeated by a magnet and dumped into water.
DAD: laser feature to watch.
DAD: ring gadget.
FYEO, TLD: talkative parrot.
I did like the bit with the Japanese restaurant that played with geography, sushi, blowfish, and potential death. Liquid nitrogen is thrilling way to threaten or kill someone.
James Bond Jr: "Impatience is the root of all evil."
James Bond Jr: "Thanks to IQ, I always come prepared!"
James Bond Jr: "Ladies first!"
James Bond Jr: "Till we meet again!"
James Bond Jr: "Oh-oh seven seconds to spare!"
LTK: hero jumps from aircraft onto vehicle.
TLD: hero on top of vehicle threatened by a weapon from below.
SP: hero falls from a bridge to river waters below.
AVTAK: hero uses a tire's inner tube in a watery escape.
LALD: bound hero and girl are to be lowered into a threatening liquid.
TMWTGG, GE: threatened by liquid nitrogen.
LALD, TWINE, others: a watch gadget saves the hero.
DAF, LTK: vehicle goes on two wheels to navigate a space.
FYEO: chopper picks up an object with its runners and drops it.
I like the locations and the toy scheme. And the monster robot finish. Plus they didn't shamefully tarnish Fleming or film characters this time.
(IQ: That MANIAC has a one track mind!")
James Bond Jr: "Yeah--unfortunately that track IS HEADED STRAIGHT FOR US!"
James Bond Jr: "Don't worry, IQ. The solution is mere child's play!"
James Bond Jr: "I guess they don't make 'em like they used to !"
James Bond Jr: "Poor Trevor--so far to travel for a crummy puppet show!"
DAF, TLD: Carnival shooting gallery.
QOS: Character books a flight at an airport to follow others.
GF, YOLT, TMWTGG: Asian character Ling.
OHMSS/TWINE: James impersonates another wearing glasses; he's revealed/found out.
OHMSS: Villain plans to send his McGuffins around the world to be called on for destruction.
MR: Bond and python.
FRWL: Villain's face is not revealed.
FRWL: Henchman wears a mask to look like the hero.
DN: Fire-breathing mechanical dragon.
James Bond Jr: But these SpyMan flicks are so stupid! He's nothing like a real spy! He probably does toothpaste commercials on the side!
James Bond Jr: Hollywood?! Nobody will believe a story like that!
GF: Fight with villain inside the plane.
GE: Use of ejector seat to escape.
LTK: Parachutes into a public event.
DAF: Hovercraft transport.
DAD: Hovercraft chase.
FRWL: Drums of fuel dropped and lit aflame during a chase.
DAF: On a cruise type vessel, flaming dessert threatens hero and girl, henchman goes overboard.
AVTAK: Paris locations. Eiffel Tower. Transfer from riverboat-bridge.
MR: Hero and girl threatened by missile launch.
James Bond jr: I've never flown one of these before--but I've never flown anything before!
James Bond jr: You should keep your seatbelt fastened until the light goes out!
James Bond jr: It makes me wish I were an artist so I could keep looking at you!
James Bond jr: He really is a mad scientist--he even talks to himself!
James Bond jr: Just setting my watch to Moscow time, old boy!
With the humorous ending it's kind of racy for a kid's show. Maybe future episodes will flirt with that kind of thing.
OHMSS, FYEO: horse-drawn carriage ride.
AVTAK: runaway horse.
AVTAK: Hijacking a commercial (or public) vehicle.
FRWL, AVTAK, QOS: chases through tunnels.
JamesBond Jr: "There's an old Bond family cure for the worries--dancing to loud music!"
James Bond Jr: "You're hiding more than your face behind those glasses!"
James Bond Jr: "C'mon, Tracy, all I did was some rocking and rolling and picking a worm out of the Big Apple!"
Funny. I don't think any of the female characters rated action figures. Not even the female villains.
Or not funny.
Because it would not be so PC
Back in '85 Baxter from TMNT (the black Baxter , not the white fly man) tried to tear down the WTC so the idea is not new in fiction
I did a quick scrub of (East) Asia content. It's pretty well represented. Unless being represented well means not appearing in a James Bond Jr cartoon at all.
There's even some forward-thinking going on with Episode 62's title.
My question: How can "1 Season" have 65 episodes?