003:1/2 The adventures of James Bond Jr.



  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,165
    CHAPTER 23
    Mrs. Raggles in Action

    The washing room seemed to refresh him. He left his filthy things on
    the bathroom floor and hopped out in pajamas and bathrobe
    to get a walking stick from the hall stand. Then he went into
    the breakfast room, his exhaustion suppressed by a feeling of
    triumph. He was back, alive, safe.

    But Mrs. Raggles was hardened as she made the cocoa. "You
    got away with it this time, my lad," she said. "But not again."
    She sat down opposite him, glaring. "You put years on my life.

    James didn't care how many years he'd put on her life. "I
    found out," he said. "It is hidden in the ammunition dump. They
    had a man-trap there. And a new dog. It was on a snap chain."
    James's voice had been mounting and he couldn't control him-
    self. "Don't you see, Mrs. Raggles? It must be in the ammunition
    dump. I've proved it. "

    Mrs. Raggles said, "Yes, dear, I see. I'm beginning to see."
    James was asleep with his head on the table. But for the mo-
    ment Mrs. Raggles did nothing more than finish her cut of cocoa
    and cigarette. Though she would never have admitted it to
    anyone on earth (including herself), James had disturbed her
    more than anyone she had net in her life. The way this school-
    boy had bucked everyone in this blind drive to find what was
    hidden in Hazeley was as good as anytjing that precious 007
    had done.
    Twenty minutes and two cigarettes later, she went into the
    living room and picked up the telephone. She dialed Marsham
    22. The bell rang and rang, so long that Mrs. Raggles was going
    to replace the instrument in its cradle, when a voice said, "Who
    the hell's that ringing at this benighted hour?"

    "This is Mrs. Raggles from Monkshill, Sir Cuthbert. I
    wouldn't've dreamed, only it's very, very urgent..."

    CHAPTER 24
    A Public Hero
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,165
    CHAPTER 24
    A Public Hero

    He lay back on the pillow and closed his eyes. He felt very
    strange, quite apart from the stiletto pain which came each
    time he breathed. His body was burning and the single blanket
    and eiderdown weighed like lead.
    1553420704.png Eider-Duck-4-Game-Birds-Wild-Fowl.jpg
    Mrs. Raggles looked at James as he had seen his parents,
    schoolmasters and others look at him on dozens of accusing oc-
    casions, when they were trying to find ways of not telling the
    truth without telling outright lies. "You telephoned him,
    didn't you, Mrs. Raggles? And he called the police."

    "That's not the way it is at all, as you'll hear for yourself on
    the transistor when I bring it up," Mrs. Raggles said. "It seems
    the Commander suspected them right from the start. Him and
    Miss Wedderburn, what breeds guard dogs when she isn't on
    the telly."
    She went over and pulled the curtains back. "Don't want
    these drawn on a lovely evening. It seems the Commander was
    suspicious from the start."

    "Then why didn't he tell me?" James asked. "I don't believe
    it. It's a lie. If you'd heard what he said to me..."
    "What did the radio say?"

    "They captured the lot," Mrs. Raggles said. "Twelve men
    and a woman. And all the bullion." She went towards the

    "But Sheelagh? What did they say about her?"
    "Oh, your 'little girl friend'? Never said nothin' 'bout her."

    The chimes sounded from below.

    "What did they say, then?" James suddenly realized that
    however criminal the gang might be, their arrest would leave
    Sheelagh without a friend in the world.

    The chimes sounded once again.

    "The doctor!" Mrs. Raggles apologized. "The B.B.C. news
    said Sir Cuthbert was 'a public 'ero.' "

    CHAPTER 25
    A Visitor
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,165
    CHAPTER 25
    A Visitor
    As he examined the ankle, he continued his bedside conver-
    sation without really expecting an answer. "You certainly have
    got yourself into a pretty mess, young man. Don't like the look
    of that ankle. What've you been up to? Assisting 007 to solve
    the bullion robbery, no doubt. Ha! Ha! But the gallant Com-
    mander beat you to it, eh?
    Jolly lucky you've got to stay in
    bed with pneumonia, in a way. Because you'd have to rest up
    that ankle. Nothing broken. But a torn ligament takes longer
    to mend."

    As he bandaged the ankle, he returned to Sir Cuthbert. "I
    take my hat off to the Commander. Must say I was surprised.
    Thought he was getting a bit past it. But as Mrs. Hartshorn
    remarked, 'Once in Naval Intelligence, always in Naval Intel-
    ligence!' Though what's haval about it perhaps is a trifle ob-
    scure. Now could I have a glass of water, Mrs. Raggles, so that
    we can give James Bond Junior his antibiotic broadside?"

    Mrs. Raggles went to fetch a glass of water and Dr. Hart-
    shorn took a pink pill out of a bottle. "Think we'll give you a
    little something to make you sleep, James Bond Junior. Or
    should I say 003½, eh? Mus remember to tell my wife. That's
    what I'm going to call you--003½! You'll have to do something
    pretty stunning to live up to that, young man, when you're on
    your feet again, won't you?"
    "Aha!" Sir Cuthbert smiled, though certainly not with pleasure.
    "When you've been in intelligence as long as I have--as one day
    you well might be, James, because you've something of your
    uncle's flair--well, you'll know what a nuisance the amateur
    sleuth can be."
    "But. . . but . . . " James felt so outraged he could scarcely
    speak. "I wanted to hand it over to you. And you wouldn't
    help. You told me not to be a silly little boy. And . . . I might
    have lost my leg in that man-trap!"

    "Because you didn't take my advice, m'boy. I couldn't tell
    you what I was doing."
    "All right," James said. "I promise. I won't tell anyone."

    "Good!" Sir Cuthbert nodded his head approvingly and
    patted the bed as if James was an obedient dog. "I knew
    you'd be a sensible fellow."

    CHAPTER 26
    A Den of One's Own
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited January 2019 Posts: 14,165
    CHAPTER 26
    A Den of One's Own

    As days passed and his lungs and ankle
    mended, James's anger against the Commander did not abate.
    The injustice rankled. He was sure that Mrs. Raggles must
    have telephoned and given the Commander the information on
    which the Police had acted. But he did not cross-question her.
    As Sir Cuthbert said, "Least said, soonest mended."
    The one person for whom he felt concern as he lay in bed
    was Sheelagh. A liar, a petty thief, she seemed to James in
    some ways more truthful and honest than Commander Sir
    Cuthbert Conningtower or Miss Audrey Wedderburn, who had
    already given her glib evidence at the preliminary hearing.
    What had happened to Sheelagh?
    It was the Clarion that finally discovered the disappearance of
    Sheelagh. The story was brought to light through the efforts of
    Les Bottomme, their crime reporter.

    Blonde, gypsy-eyed Katharine Smith, released today from
    Holloway Prison after six months for shoplifting, sought her
    twelve-year-old blonde daughter, Sheelagh. "I want my kiddie,"
    she told Les Bottome, whose Clarion exclusive broke the bullion

    "I begged Mo [Mrs. Maureen Gubb, alleged accessory to the
    robbery] to look after my babe till I got out. And then she done
    this to me."
    A quarter of an hour later, he was in the walled garden. The
    door was locked but he knew that Sheelagh had found some
    way to climb in. So he was less surprised to find her in the cot-
    tage than to see she was all set to leave it.
    James had a sudden wild idea. Since Sir Cuthbert had been
    proclaimed "a public hero," let him behave like one! James
    went over to the Jaguar. "You know about Sheelagh Smith, sir,
    that girl that's missing?"
    Exactly what Sir Cuthbert did, James never found out. But
    next morning, at the head of the Clarion exclusive "SISTER MO"
    article, there was a large close-up of Sheelagh hugging her be-
    wildered-looking mother. James clipped the photograph and hid
    it with his other private papers in a box in the cupboard under
    the rafters. The photo would have been joined by any letter
    from Sheelagh, but weeks passed and none came.
    But in a way, it had, because Hazeley Hall came on the
    market again. This time it was really sold in separate lots. As
    a result of the notoriety from the bullion robbery and the way
    the property had been neglected, the lots went at much lower
    prices than expected. Captain Bond bought the stables,
    the walled garden and the cottage so cheaply that he was able
    to do what he called "a first-class conversion job" and show a
    profit on the sale of Monkshill.
    "So you see, 'All things come to him who waits," he re-
    marked to James. "You've got your cottage in the end. And I
    must say, son, I envy you. There's nothing like a den of one's

    "Yes, Dad," James said, smiling. He was already thinking of
    the devices necessary to keep it his own, the burglar-proof lock
    for which he would have the only key, the safety catches on
    the windows and the one-way glass which would enable him to
    look out and prevent anyone from spying in. Then he could
    equip himself to deal with any emergency that might arise, like
    a truly professional operator.
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  • Posts: 6,082
    One interesting little coda : as those who read YOLT know, Bond is said (in his obituary) to be an only child. But in his boigraphy, John Pearson gives him a brother, something that was ignored by other subsequent writers (notably Higson and Cole in their Youn Bond series). Do you think he was inspired by this book ? It wouldn't be surprising.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited January 2019 Posts: 14,165
    Yeah, @Gerard, I take that all as a nod to the concept of James Bond Junior on its own being absurd.

    If pressed I can rationalize that MI6 wouldn't publicize a living family member of an agent, mindful of putting them in danger even after a double-oh's passing. (Though surely as an author Ian Fleming would have mentioned it.)

    Could Glidrose at the time encourage Pearson (in 1973) to follow the lead of James Bond Junior (1967)? Well, pursuing a Marvel-type Bondverse would be pretty innovative for the time. But Pearson's Bond sibling is Henry, and James Bond Junior's father is Captain David Bond. While as you pointed out there's no brother (updated) at all for Higson and Cole's Young Bond. I don't know if it's absent from the cartoon series as well, seems like it would be required.

  • Posts: 872
    Well, rereading the Orbitary, Fleming/M never said that Bond was a unique child...

    So now you finished it Richard, what do you think of this novel?
  • Posts: 6,082
    While as you pointed out there's no father at all for Higson and Cole's Young Bond. I don't know if it's absent from the cartoon series as well, seems like it would be required.

    You meant "no brother", surely. Or sister, for that matter.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,165
    @Gerard, in a sloppily incomplete way I meant no father to James Bond Junior (and necessarily no James Bond Junior/Jr). I'll change it to brother to be clear. And you can call me "surely" on these corrections any time.
    Well, rereading the Orbitary, Fleming/M never said that Bond was a unique child...

    So now you finished it Richard, what do you think of this novel?
    Good question, @moneyofpropre2. It's well written for young adults, at a level (of adulthood) above say Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew mysteries.

    I think I commented earlier on what I thought was surprising content. Some related to the descriptions of Sheelagh as literally dirty but also in a salacious way, with the banana I took as a phallic symbol as one example. Death is another item. First the dead puppy held by Sheelagh (James is compelled to voice his innocence there). For a young adult and myself, the sudden killing of a dog by a "good" character was a shock. Later another guard dog is killed by its owner, the villain. Injuries to James become more and more severe through the story. Then there's the implied adulterous activity of Sir Cuthbert, a not so straight shooter James has to accommodate but eventually manipulate on a good way.

    The book shows careful character development through the chapters, James is wilder at the start and more controlled at story's end. And there's a trade-off involved. He regains his cottage digs but doesn't get the girl, even after he finds a way to reunite the disappeared Sheelagh with her mother just out of prison. Bittersweet, and it makes sense the adventure inspires him to look for more.

    What I enjoyed most were the details of the British countryside and life in the sixties. The bottle-bees, the Jaguar, the Alsatians and Doberman. The Greek name Cerberus was a plus. And the almost endless stream of food dishes prepared by Mrs. Raggles.

    Thanks to @dragonsky for planting this discussion seed some time ago, I wouldn't have read the book otherwise. James Bond Junior wasn't of interest to me, and in a similar way I haven't touched the Young Bond materials though by their reputation I expect they're very good. To today, I really haven't had an interest in Bond before he was a double-oh. But I may get there.

    As Bond history, it's of interest and I enjoyed it for what it is. Kind of an anomaly that doesn't fit with Fleming or the films. Unless I didn't appreciate the exchange in Diamonds Are Forever.
    Hood: I gotta brudduh.
    Bond: Small world.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited April 2019 Posts: 14,165

    I'm gonna take the bullet and watch the James Bond Jr cartoon episodes. I'll start by saying I don't think this material deserves the respect given to proper Bond novels and films, so spoilers are a given and I don't feel limitations on that count.

    Will heavily call out comparisons to Bond film content here. Nauseating detail at times likely.
    Opening theme and titles, circuiting through characters and action to come.
    James Bond Jr. Theme, Dennis C. Brown, 1991.
    Maxine Sellers, vocals

    Bond, James Bond Jr.
    No one can stop him but S.C.U.M. always tries,
    young Bond cuts through each web of spies,
    he learned the game from his uncle James,
    now he's heir to the name,
    James Bond (Bond, James Bond Jr.)

    Look out he is comin' through,
    he's gotta job to do,
    while he rescues the girl,
    James Bond Jr. chases S.C.U.M.
    (James Bond Jr. chases S.C.U.M.)
    Around the world.
    James Bond Jr Episode List (1-65)
    1 “The Beginning” En route to his new school, Warfield Academy, Bond Jr. is chased by S.C.U.M. who is interested in stealing the Aston Martin DB5.
    2 “Earthcracker” Bond, I.Q. and Tracy travel to find El Dorado, the Lost City of Gold. They are met by Oddjob and Goldfinger and their deadly weapon, Earthcracker.
    3 “The Chameleon” A class trip to Washington, D.C. is curtailed by a face-changing villain with plans to steal a top-secret army prototype from the Pentagon.
    4 “Shifting Sands” While assisting in the excavation of an ancient Egyptian tomb, Bond Jr. is caught up in Pharaoh Fearo's plans to steal oil from under the Middle East.
    5 “Plunder Down Under” When Tracy's sailor uncle goes missing along with his ship off the coast of Greece, a scuba expedition reveals a fiendish plot by Walker D. Plank to create a deadly pirate fleet.
    6 “A Chilling Affair” Doctor No kidnaps Professor Frost, a scientist involved in cryogenics, in order to thaw out a master criminal who hid his fortunes before being frozen.
    7 “Nothing to Play With” A desperate plea for help from Hong Kong sends James Bond Jr. and his friends into a head-on collision with Walker D. Plank's illegitimate foray into toy manufacture.
    8 “Location: Danger” After making a fool of himself by insulting the action-film star father of a new student, Anna Genue, James decides to make amends by helping to organize her 16th birthday party. When her father doesn't come James decides to reunite her with her father by taking her and his friends to Hollywood. On their arrival Bond encounters one of S.C.U.M.'s agents; Felony O' Toole kidnaps both Anna and Prof. Braintrust so that S.C.U.M. can force him to program the Galaxy defense system which they stole.
    9 “The Eiffel Missile” After encountering Skullcap in a daring airport escape, James Bond Jr. intercepts Dr. Derange's plans of launching a missile it the Eiffel Tower.
    10 “A Worm in the Apple” When Phoebe invites James to the official opening of New York's Mile High Skyscraper, he encounters the Worm, a terrorist bent on sinking the city.
    11 “Valley of the Hungry Dunes” After rescuing the daughter of Sheikh Yabootie, Bond and his friends are invited to his royal palace, where they discover Dr. No's sinister plot to steal all the water supply of the middle east.
    12 “Pompeii and Circumstance” The Worm's plan to ransack the ancient treasury temple of Pompeii spells disaster for the city above.
    13 “Never Give a Villain a Fair Shake” Walker D. Plank hijacks a ship carrying a device capable of producing powerful earthquakes and threatens to flood Britain with a tidal wave.
    14 “City of Gold” Goldie Finger uses the curse of the golden dragon to scare off local people to her plan to melt down an ancient city made of solid gold into her stolen tanker. However, she wasn't counting on James Bond Jr. to arrive at the Caribbean island for a field trip.
    15 “Never Lose Hope” A new science teacher at Warfield Academy, Miss Eternal, quickly makes herself popular with the pupils – but is soon kidnapped, apparently by agents of S.C.U.M..
    16 “No Such Loch” Walker D. Plank and Jaws are in Scotland, using the legend of the Loch Ness Monster as a cover for an attempt to steal powerful missiles from the British Navy.
    17 “Appointment in Macau” Doctor No kidnaps Lily Mai, a new student at Warfield, in an attempt to settle old scores with Macau's chief criminal organization, the Raven Triad.
    18 “Lamp of Darkness” James, IQ and Phoebe take off for the Middle East in a race to find the legendary Lamp of Aladdin before Maximillian Cortex gets there first.
    19 “Hostile Takeover” James and his friends are forced to fight a war on the homefront when Warfield Academy's staff are mysteriously called away for a retraining program.
    20 “Cruise to Oblivion” During a cruise on one of Phoebe's father's ships, James runs into Goldfinger in Bermuda during his attempt to raise a sunken galleon filled with gold.
    21 “A Race Against Disaster” Doctor Derange uses the 24-hour race at Le Mans, France, as a cover for a daring plutonium theft from a nearby nuclear facility.
    22 “The Inhuman Race” James and his friends head to South Germany to represent Warfield in high school competition. However, Trevor gets abducted by Skullcap and Nick Nack so that Dr. Derange can use him for a guinea pig to bring a prototype mutant android to life.
    23 “Live and Let's Dance” James and his friends escort a ballerina to Switzerland, but Baron Von Skarin hires an assassin, posing as a famous ballet dancer, to go after her and the King.
    24 “The Sword of Power” James Bond and his friends head to Tokyo, Japan to recover a Japanese sword stolen by Dr. No's Ninjas in his plan to learn of the sword's powerful material origin and uses it to create a powerful weapon for his arsenal.
    25 “It's All in the Timing” Dr. Derange's plot threatens to stop the rotation of the Earth. It's up to James Bond, IQ and a Swiss police officer to stop him. Elsewhere, Trevor Noseworthy cheats in the bicycle race in Bern by using IQ's bicycle motor on his bike.
    26 “Dance of the Toreadors” When IQ falls in love with flamenco dancer Dulce Nada and follows her to Pamplona, he has no idea that she's unwittingly embroiled in Baron von Skarin's plot to cause a nuclear meltdown in Britain.
    27 “Fountain of Terror” James, IQ and Phoebe go to Tibet to find IQ's cousin, who was kidnapped by Dr. Derange, Jaws, Ms. Fortune and Snuffer, who use him to show him the way to a secret village where he hides a fountain that gives people eternal life.
    28 “The Emerald Key” James and IQ's friendship is under threat when IQ has taken a fancy on a pretty girl who uncle has been abducted by Derange to get his hand on a golden statue which is a key to a fortune of gold in a temple in Mexico.
    29 “Ship of Terror” A theft by a S.C.U.M. agent of a pendant belonging to James's friend Prince Malmo leads the gang on a deadly cruise, stalked by Walker D. Plank and a metallic henchman.
    30 “Deadly Recall” James and the gang's trip to Monte Carlo with Trevor turns into another adventure when Dr. Derange uses his hypnotic roulette wheel to hypnotize and rob wealthy people blind before transforming them into S.C.U.M agents. And Trevor becomes their next candidate.
    31 “Red Star One” The Russian treasury reserve is in danger when Doctor Derange and the Chameleon seize control of a satellite laser system.
    32 “Scottish Mist” James and Gordo help their science teacher Prof. What to find his former colleague who is abducted by Spoiler so that Baron Von Skarin can learn the formula to his secret catalyst for clearer fuel.
    33 “The Art of Evil” Young Bond has to clear his name when the Chameleon uses his ability to frame him for the second museum robbery in Paris. At the same time, he has stop the Chameleon and his partner Lex Illusion from robbing the Mona Lisa and other priceless painting from the Louvre.
    34 “The Heartbreak Caper” Ms. Fortune uses the power of love on Mr. Milbanks so that she can get her hands on a new discovered painting of Da Shinci. But Bond and Tracy aren't fooled by her disguise.
    35 “Mindfield” Ms. Fortune kidnaps a female Warfield student who has telepathic ability for her latest plot.
    36 “Leonardo da Vinci's Vault” James Bond Jr. and his friends head to Venice when they find out that the museum that IQ went to visit got robbed by a mastermind named Maximillian Cortex who stole a newly discovered painting of Leonardo da Vinci, which has a map showing the location of his secret weapon hidden in secret vault under Venice.
    37 “Far Out West” James Bond Jr. helps Mr. Mitchell find his missing brother when they arrive at his ranch in South Dakota.
    38 “Avalanche Run” Under instructions from S.C.U.M Lord, Jaws and Nick Nack hijack a train with James Bond Jr's friends on board and send it on a collision course for a nuclear power plant in S.C.U.M Lord's latest scheme to rob the evacuated cities of Switzerland.
    39 “Queen's Ransom” In Hong Kong young Bond helps a young woman named Jade, who escapes from Walker D. Plank, who took her father and stole a shipment of slikworm missiles.
    40 “Barbella's Big Attraction” Barbella's high blood pressure leads her to mutiny when S.C.U.M lord insulted her. So Barbella uses the incoming asteroid that S.C.U.M. Lord wants to go on a collision course with London and send it to destroy Rio de Janeiro where the S.C.U.M conference is taking place.
    41 :”There But For Ms. Fortune” Ms. Fortune attempts to kidnap IQ and him for ransom for Q's ice formula so that she use it to freeze Colorado river to shut down most of the United States' power supply. But her plan goes awfully wrong when she mistakes Trevor for IQ and kidnap him instead.
    42 “Invaders from S.C.U.M.” Student Hayley Comet and her scientist father are both convinced they've made first contact when a UFO lands at Warfield, but James suspects the truth is closer to home.
    43 “Going for the Gold” Barbella makes several failed attempts to get rid of James Bond Jr. when he and his friends represent Warfield in the High School games in Barcelona; Goldie Finger plans to rob the Columbus museum of its golden treasury.
    44 “A Deranged Mind” When an UFO is shot down by a military close to New York, the craft is taken for analysis to a military research laboratory.
    45 “Catching the Wave” Jaws and Nick Nack prepare to gatecrash a secret meeting of the Government Technology Committee.
    46 “The Last of the Tooboos” While visiting the London Zoo, James interrupts Skullcap during his theft of a rare animal, a tooboo, whose unusual enzymes Dr. Derange wants for himself.
    47 “S.C.U.M. on the Water” James Bond Jr. and his comrades are planning a great day out at the regatta. But he doesn't consider on the appearance of Captain Walker D. Plank, whose latest scheme involves building the deadliest ship that ever hoisted the Jolly Roger. He kidnapped marine engineer Walter Gibson to this end.
    48 “Goldie's Gold Scam” While in Africa, the group is attacked by a rhino wearing a strap with a micro chip in it. Tracking it back to its source, Bond and IQ uncover a plot by Goldfinger and Goldie Finger to seize all the gold mines in the area for themselves.
    49 “Canine Caper” James, IQ and Gordo use a stray dog which follows Bond back to the Warfield to locate its master who had the security plan of Scotland Yard, who is abducted by Skullcap; Dr. Derange needs the microfilm so that he can break through Scotland Yard's security so that he can place his acid bomb in Scotland Yard's building foundation and destroy it.
    50 “Weather or Not” Dr. Derange takes control of the national weather satellite so that he would have complete control of the weather across England. He attempts to cause chaotic weather across the capital so Skullcap and his henchmen can do a series of robberies.
    51 “Ol' Man River” Captain Walker D. Plank plans to flood New Orleans by destroying the Levee with a large amount of explosive placed in a fake 'River Queen'. During evacuation of New Orleans, Plank attempts to use this to his advantage to gain access to the U.S. mint and steal the printing press.
    52 “Between a Rock and a Hard Place” James and his friends race against time to get to an advanced prototype fighter jet which has crashed somewhere in wild country of Australia before Dr. Derange and his henchmen get there first.
    53 “Sherlock IQ” In London, James and IQ come from a Sherlock Holmes convention, but Baron von Skarin, with his henchmen Jaws and Nick Nack, use a prototype super tank they stole and attack the city, but then a knock on the head causes IQ to think he is Sherlock Holmes.
    54 “Killer Asteroid” Goldfinger hijacks a space shuttle in midair so that he can use it to bring an asteroid made up solid gold on a collision course with Earth. With the tracing software being designed by IQ, James and the gang head to Iceland where the signal of the space shuttle is coming from.
    55 “Danger Train” James Bond Jr. and IQ get caught in a S.C.U.M. feud between Ms. Fortune and Walker D. Plank over stealing a super powerful engine from the 'Cold Fusion' Train.
    56 “Quantum Diamonds” James and his friend visit Yellowstone National Park where Dr. Derange attempts to extract a crystal from Old Faithful for his latest plot.
    57 “Rubies Aren't Forever” James saves a girl named Ruby who was captured by a gang who wanted her necklace, but she was set up by her aunt, Tiara Hotstones, who tries to bring them to Baron von Skarin in Germany to use them to steal the F-15 Jets for himself.
    58 “Garden of Evil” In Hong Kong Trevor picks a purple rose, but it somehow hypnotizes him; now it is up to James, IQ, Tracey, and Jasmine to go to the field of the purple rose to find a cure; however, Doctor No and Oddjob try to stop their plan.
    59 “The Thing in the Ice” The gang is in Antarctica, where they see the massive devastation caused by a metallic monster with acid-spitting tentacles.
    60 “Goldie Finger at the End of the Rainbow” James, Phoebe, Gordo, and Trevor head to Ireland to investigate a haunted castle which was taken by a leprechaun who was actually Nick Nack who is scaring the people to find the secret treasure room for Goldie Finger.
    61 “Dutch Treat” In Holland, Tiara Hotstones stole an emerald from the museum to get to a counterfeit artist named Rembrandt, but she accidentally drops it into a box of chocolates that Phoebe brought.
    62 “No Time to Lose” A case of mistaken identity leads Spoiler to kidnap IQ, as part of Doctor No's plan to build an impenetrable government airship known as the Vulture.
    63 “Monument to S.C.U.M.” James and the gang are in Arizona and entering the scientist competition contest. Meanwhile, Dr. Derange uses a magnetic generator to change the Earth's core.
    64 “Northern Lights” The Warfield students arrive in Toronto on a clean-up project, unaware that Baron von Skarin is also in town with a scheme to hold the city's electricity for ransom.
    65 “Thor's Thunder” Captain Walker D. Plank and Skullcap are on the prowl in Norway to find Mjölnir, which gives infinite power to whoever wields it.


    First Up:
    Episode 1:
    The Beginning

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited February 2019 Posts: 14,165
    James Bond Jr Ep. 1 "The Beginning", Francis Moss, Ted Pedersen, writers, 16 September 1991.

    Car chase between an Aston Martin DB5 and a Rolls Royce.
    Car gadget: the bullet-proof rear window plate. (TB)
    Chase continues, motorcycles with built-in weapons/rockets. (FYEO)
    Bond ends the chase going off a cliff. (TSWLM, GE)
    DB5 converts to airplane. (TMWTGG, or more CCBB)
    Villain S.C.U.M. Lord has a white pet (dog in this case, bull terrier, named Scuzzball). (FRWL, SP, others)
    Main story
    100?cb=20121004193140 208525_mobile.jpg?v=1
    An assembly of characters with an older Brit (Mr. Millbanks, headmaster who runs Warfield Academy in the English countryside) and younger folk.

    James flies in and parks. James Bond Jr is introduced as Bond. James Bond. Junior. And is quickly confined to the school for a week.
    (American character: "Whoah! It's an Aston Martin DB5!")
    He gets a tour of the grounds by a former FBI agent (!?) Buddy Mitchell who worked with OO7. Obviously American with his high-top tennis (basketball?) shoes and VERY 80s athletic dress.
    His dorm mate is IQ (Horace Boothroyd III: "My Grandfather Q and Your Uncle are friends, you know." Yes, we know.), running his own lab there. ("You're Major Boothroyd's grandson--I should have known!") [Props to IQ's experimental superconductive liquid attempt to boil a 2-minute egg in ten seconds--Bond and eggs is a plus for me.] IQ's watch gadget has a mini-rocket launcher.
    Gordo Leiter (Felix Leiter's son) is introduced. ("You know, my dad works with Your Uncle!" Yes, we know. "This is like old home week.") Long-haired blond muscly talkative American surfer type.

    James and "Tracy" (!)
    thumb.php?src=nUE0pQbiY3ZkYzEgL_EhYz5yqP9UFQHmZF9-ZwDjYI8mFl5dpTpcXltbGKyDo3WhIzyxYzAioFysrQV0ZP0mnl5dpTp5v7P&w=176&h=144 125?cb=20121004193107
    Tracy Millbanks (daughter of ex-RAF Headmaster Millbanks, VERY American for some reason) is next. She's hot and cold to James. Another mousy American, Phoebe Farragut, is an instant James Bond Jr admirer with no reservations.
    British youth Trevor Noseworthy IV is set up as James' stuffy school nemesis.

    The villain S.C.U.M. Lord and henchman Jaws from the opening reappear, watching the young folk through binoculars. Not targeting Bond, but his Aston Martin (which reportedly has a top secret high powered electromagnetic pulse generator--capable of erasing the data from every computer in a 50-mile radius!).

    James gets notice there's a package from His Uncle (I'm going to start using that and variations on it as a proper noun) for him at the post office. Though grounded, Tracy has a way out on the condition she comes along for the ride. IQ objects, then acquiesces and assists. (Trevor tries some mischief, Gordo throws water on that idea.)

    At the post office there's no package. Jaws hot wires (bites the wires under the dash) the DB5 and takes off. [It's a cartoon so Jaws easily fits in the driver's seat.] IQ finds a way to track the homer in the car (all MI6 vehicles have them) plus use a remote gear shift feature. The team give chase, sees the DB5 loaded into a truck, and continues to give chase. IQ offers James an additional gadget: the watch (his pride and joy) updated to include a small buzz saw. (LALD)

    They arrive at an airstrip (Gordo: "Way cool! This looks like something out of a war movie!") A S.C.U.M cargo jet arrives. What's S.C.U.M.? asks Phoebe. "Organization that will stop at nothing in its quest for world domination," says James. (Saboteurs and Criminals United in Mayhem.) (Gordo: "Sounds yuck-o-la! So what do we do now, dudes?")

    James puts the superconductive liquid in the S.C.U.M. truck, it overheats. Getting to the Aston Martin, he rescues Tracy who was hiding in the boot (!). Jaws finds them, puts them back in the boot, drives back out of the truck to load it on the cargo plane.

    So Villain, Henchman, Girl, and James are all on the plane in flight. Tracy asks how much time to get to S.C.U.M. HQ--"Of course! Time!" James exclaims OO7-style. From the gadget watch he uses a laser/power beam that blows the trunk lid open. The flight features of the Aston Martin don't work. Jaws finds them. He lifts the car up, bites a chunk off its bumper. New plan: Tracy and James skydive with one parachute. Jaws jumps without one. The cargo plane crashes. Jaws falls through the roof of a barn. Chickens scurry. "One day I'll get that Bond Kid!"
    At story's end, Trevor still tries and fails to get James into trouble with the Headmaster. Mr. Mitchell former FBI stops in. His (and "Your Uncle's") intel says the top secret high powered electromagnetic pulse generator was never in the Aston Martin, everyone was misinformed. Now the DB5 is destroyed, Mitchell says the pieces were recovered--outside the window is "a gift...from Double-Oh Seven!"

    Gordo: "Radical wheels, my man!"
    Tracy: "Ooh, it's a grrrr-RATE car, James!"
    Phoebe: "Oh, and I just love the color!" (It's red.)
    James and IQ go for a ride.
    IQ: "Oooh look at all these gadgets! Think of what I could do with this car!"
    James: "Oh, no you don't!"

    Looks very similar to a Lotus Elan Turbo circa 1991.
    Loud and clunky presentation, not a surprise for Saturday morning type cartoons since forever. The writers carelessly, sometimes shamefully draw on Bond history, violating areas beyond expectation even in this arena. Naming an American character Tracy is beyond my understanding. Jaws is horrifically presented as an unsympathetically stupid chatterbox--and his "jaws" are more in line with Spielberg's than Lewis Gilbert's. [And I'm aware Oddjob will get even worse treatment.]

    Badly dated on many sides, worst recurring item for me are all the characters wearing high-top sneakers. Former agent Mitchell, the young characters, but worst of all James Bond Jr. Sheesh. Plus there's a mullett.

    So I somewhat enjoyed it. Disclaimer: I'm hopeful the next episode does not involve a racial slur.
    James Bond Jr One-liners
    Sunday drivers! (Chased by the Rolls and missile-firing motorcycles.)
    I thought this was the dorm, not the science lab. (Meets IQ.)
    Dr. Jekyll I presume. (Introduces self.)
    This time I believe the yolk's on us. (Failed experiment.)
    Getting friendly with you would be a pleasure no matter whom your father is. (To Tracy.)
    I hope this works as well on engines as it does on eggs. (Puts experimental liquid in truck's radiator.)
    Frankly I don't find the stewardesses attractive. (Responding to Jaws' welcome to S.C.U.M. Airlines.)
    Now let's see if we can cancel this flight. (After escaping from the boot of the DB5.)
    When in doubt, push a button! (On the DB5 of course.)
    I think we better catch a later flight! (Looking to exit the aircraft.)
    We'll just have to share and share alike. (One parachute.)
    But first, let's put a little life in the party here. (Uses remote for DB5 on a loop.)
    Film roll-up. (Of course items may copy past or anticipate future movie content)
    Bond film staple: Aston Martin DB5.
    TB: Car gadget is the bullet-proof rear window plate.
    [Not sure why this remains up the rest of the episode.]
    FYEO: Motorcycles with built-in weapons/rockets.
    OP, AVTAK: Vehicle launches up
    TSWLM, TLD, GE: Bond ends the chase going off a cliff.
    TMWTGG, or more CCBB: Car converts to airplane.
    FRWL, SP, others: Villain has a white pet (dog in this case, bull terrier).
    LALD: Gadget watch has a small buzz saw feature.
    SP: "Of course!" outburst.
    TND: Remote control car.
    MR, QOS: Bond plus one exit an airplane in flight with one parachute.
    TSWLM, MR: Jaws falls from a great height onto and through a structure. (He's okay.)
  • edited February 2019 Posts: 872
    Good luck, I have watched the 65 episodes too last year !

    May I add some in Reading List (Optional) ? :
    - http://www.commander007.net/2017/12/james-bond-jr-document-datant-de-preproduction-de-serie/ a prepoduction document of the creator of the show
    - http://www.commander007.net/2018/02/a-decouverte-de-quelques-comics-rares-de-james-bond-jr/ Some very rare comics of Bond Jr.
    - http://jamesbondjronline.angelfire.com/ bond Jr. Encyclopedia

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited February 2019 Posts: 14,165
    Thanks, @moneyofpropre2, for your well wishes and the links--believe it or not I'd already updated to include one from the French-language site http://www.commander007.net, so I've added your two plus http://jamesbondjronline.angelfire.com/.

    Before moving on I can recognize Episode One was used to kick off the Marvel Comic series for a total of twelve. The complete US comic is linked below. Plus there are cross-overs in book form.
    James Bond Jr No. 1 The Beginning, Marvel Comics, January 1992.
    A View to a Thrill, John Vincent (John Peel), 1 January 1992 (US), 30 January 1992 (UK).
    Puffin Books/Fantail.
    Episode 2:
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    Posts: 5,628
    @Ludovico this might be of interest to you since you mentioned the cartoon in another thread.

    I wasn't aware there was also a comic book. Who granted them the rights to produce the show and the comics? Seems that the creators of both took many liberties with some classic characters. I'm surprised Broccoli allowed it but I guess if the pay was right might have resulted in a blind eye being turned.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited February 2019 Posts: 14,165
    United Artists, Danjaq, and Eon themselves are responsible as the rights holders to Bond. Beyond my understanding, as well.

    Notice the Marvel connection and the potentiality to bring OO7 into Marvelverse. Give the people what they want: Bond in several films a year.

    [Obviously not real above, someone's wishful thinking of Spidey and Bond on a DC cover.]
  • Posts: 6,082
    Well :


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited February 2019 Posts: 14,165
    Admitting there are possibilities for DC-verse.

    330px-Showcase_-_Dr_No_%281963%29.jpg 40426bfe4e446b540f193184d6b7dec775bf0b425b5528e0ab4d029881217d2a_1.jpg

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited February 2019 Posts: 14,165
    James Bond Jr Ep. 2 "Earthcracker", Mel Gilden, writer, 17 September 1991.


    The truck that housed the DB5 the previous episode seems to be back, dropping off a mini-tank with Odd Job on patrol. He chases the group around near Warfield (with lasers!) and kidnaps Lotta Dinaro (British accent?). But not before letting loose his steel-brimmed hat. (Doesn't seem concerned about getting it back from the tree it's lodged in.) James hitches a ride intending to rescue Ms. Dinaro.

    A running gag here is that Trevor banged his head getting away from melee, so when he reports the fantastic goings on the Headmaster doesn't believe him. Works fine for the story.

    James views the cargo plane destination: Puerto, Peru. Reporting back to Coach Mitchell, he learns about Lotta's father and the obsession with El Dorado, the imaginary/mythical/fabled/lost city of gold. With the gang, it's revealed the missing Mr. Dinaro has been working on a secret project for over a month in Peru. So they're off to see the Peru tourists don't.

    IQ follows film formula by revealing all the features he's added to the wristwatch: it fires a piton with a strong cord, for use in mountainous areas he says. Camcorder is a gold detector, range up to 25 miles (I wonder what that is in km). Its batteries are small grenades. James asks, but it doesn't take pictures. There's also a clunky homing device. Commenting on all its attachments (suction cup, hanger, etc.) James observes that the gadgets don't always work. IQ takes offense, responding that they just have to be used the right way.
    James recognized Odd Job in the opening, and they both conclude Goldfinger(!) is involved. [So this takes place after the events of the 1964 film. But Odd Job and Goldfinger died in that one, so it must happen before. Okay, never mind.]

    On the ground in Peru, wildlife establishes the location. Transport mode: mule. James' mule is named Moneypenny. He leaves IQ and Tracy to look for gold, while they look for a hotel in the small local town. A couple uniformed toughs ("Mountain Men") rough up a local.

    James finds gold on the mountain ("Jackpot!"). Odd Job shows up in a helicopter, James slingshots the homer onto it ("Bulls-eye!"). An earthquake threatens James on the mountain and the town, even IQ in his hotel bathtub. Most of the town is reduced to rubble, the townsfolk walk away nonplussed as if knowing the event over. Tracy and IQ follow.

    Using a battery grenade, James frees himself from a cave-in. Tracy and IQ later come through that spot, recognizing James used the grenade to get free and must be okay. ("Besides, James is not the burying kind," says IQ.)

    Goldfinger is revealed, and he threatens Mr. Dinaro using daughter Lotta (Hispanic accent?). Goldfinger seeks El Dorado. He reveals his device "Earthcracker", a channeled ultrasound generator used to produce earthquakes, crack open mountains. But he needs to know which mountain will reveal El Dorado. He uses Earthcraker at low power on Lotta until Mr. Dinaro submits. A mountain is targeted. Hearing protection is worn by all, and the gold city is now Goldfinger's.

    Odd Job uses his hat to cut the rope Jamesis descending on. (Commercial break). Brings him to Goldfinger. James introduces himself as Bond. James Bond. Junior. Goldfinger sees the family resemblance, including the talent for making trouble. His plan: melt all the gold into plates for easy smuggling out of the country. ("It is not just gold! It is an archeological find of enormous value!" declares Mr. Dinaro.)

    The device is now a laser again, to use for melting the gold and forming into bricks that look like pizza slices. Lotta, Mr. Dinaro, and James are on the large statue being melted with the intent they become melted with it. Goldfinger/ bids them...farewell. Odd Job tips hat. A bunch of Goldfinger's soldiers show up.
    IQ and Tracy cause a rock slide down to Goldfinger's group. James uses the wristwatch device to pull the statue sideways for their escape. Then he does a slide for life and shoulder roll to get to Goldfinger's device and destroy the operation (plus cuts Odd Job's hat in half!).

    El Dorado is once again buried. Lotta thinks Goldfinger and Odd Job are buried with it, James wonders about that. James credits IQ with their success. "I get the credit and you get the girl," remarks IQ. "I guess you two have that...golden touch."

    "Let's go, James" moans Tracy.

    Goldfinger and Oddjob
    MV5BMTU3MjMxYzktN2JkNy00ZGY1LTk3YTAtY2IyYzEyNDQwYmMxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTM5NzI3OTA@._V1_UY268_CR87,0,182,268_AL_.jpg 160?cb=20121004183143

    There's no putting logic to how Goldfinger and Odd Job are here, or who knows who. So I won't.

    I will say Goldfinger is fairly presented here. Before I try to describe how horrific the visual of Odd Job dressed in the style of an 80s rapper is. Really has to be seen to be believed, words don't approach the injustice there. And presenting poorer taste than the cut-off workout fashion of Mr. Mitchell is really saying something, like there's internal villainy at work in the cartoon production itself.

    To be fair, this Johnny Quest-type adventure works pretty well to play out in 20+ minutes, not bad. And the James-IQ interaction is pretty well done with appropriate back and forth, and each helping the other. Points there. The smaller scale caper of the villain mixed with South American legend of El Dorado are good ideas, they work for the limited time and storytelling. For a Saturday morning, not so bad.
    James Bond Jr One-liners
    James: "Useful if I want to...hang out." ("Please, James--these things could save your skin!")
    James: "The detector sees gold in those mountains--I'll go see if it...pans out."
    James: "I see we use the same travel agents."
    James: "So now that you've found El Dorado, Goldfinger, what do you plan to do with it? Give guided tours?"
    James: "I'm afraid things are about to heat up."
    James: "Simply smashing!"
    James: "One gold touch...slightly tarnished!"
    Film Roll-up
    GF: Goldfinger and Odd Job characters.
    TWINE: wristwatch with a piton device and high tensile cord.
    TB, LTK: camera that does other things to detect something or provide a weapon.
    GF: use of a homer to track the bad guys.
    GF: Golden touch reference in the dialog/lyrics.

    James Bond Jr No. 3 Earthcracker, Marvel Comics, March 1992.

    JBJr-3-Thumbnail.jpg JBJr-3-Thumbnail.jpg JBJr-3-Thumbnail.jpg

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited February 2019 Posts: 14,165
    A couple connections to the El Dorado element.

    Live and Let Die, Ian Fleming, 1954.
    Chapter XVI - The Jamaica Version

    It was five in the evening when they circled over Tampa Bay and headed East. The sun was low on the horizon. A big jet from Pensacola swept by, well to port, leaving four trails of vapour that hung almost motionless in the still air. Soon it would complete its training circuit and go in to land, back to the Gulf Coast packed with oldsters in Truman shirts. Bond was glad to be on his way to the soft green flanks of Jamaica and to be leaving behind the great hard continent of Eldollarado.

    Live and Let Die, Guy Hamilton, 1973.
    1971 Cadillac Fleetwood Eldorado Dunham Coach Coupé
    1973 Cadillac Fleetwood Eldorado Convertible
    1973 Cadillac Fleetwood Eldorado Coupé
    Chevrolet Corvette 'Corvorado' Superfly Custom by Dunham Coach C3

    Pimp Mobile: A white 1973 Cadillac (New York license plate # 347 NDG) is actually a Chevrolet Corvette fitted with the fiberglass molding of a Cadillac Eldorado - the vehicle was marketed as the "Corvorado" by Dunham Coach of Boonton, New Jersey. Other Dunham conversions featured in the film included a Cadillac Fleetwood and Eldorado (seen parked in front of the Fillet of Soul restaurant). Les Dunham stated that he kept possession of the Corvorado after the film was completed; it has been modified several times for appearances in other films and/or car shows. He claimed that the car was used in the film "Superfly" (1972). The license plate of the white "Pimp Mobile" was 347-NDG. The address on the registration of the vehicle was 33 E. 65th St., New York, NY 10021.

    Episode 3:
    The Chameleon
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited March 2019 Posts: 14,165
    James Bond Jr Ep. 3 "The Chameleon", Jeffery Scott, writer, 18 September 1991.


    The Chameleon

    View from the Washington Monument

    Bond and Blond
    The Chameleon tasers and face-changes his way through a military base to get a 4-star general's uniform. He escapes in the rain.

    Back at Wilburn they're about to start a trip to Washington, D.C. IQ has an FM cassette player with homing device in the headphones. Trevor has a fear of flying, which IQ addressed by making his long underwear out of a parachute. Tracy has an expired passport and can't go. (Observed elsewhere--isn't she very American? Or maybe Canadian.)

    [Aerial view of the Washington Monument and surroundings are both surprisingly green and barren.] The Chameleon pursues fixing his face--the micro-motors shorted out in the rain. Once fixed, soldiers arrive. (The Chameleon changed to the appearance of a black man, hiding with a copy of The Man magazine covering his face.) The soldiers are overcome, the villain finds a report on one of them with details of a lieutenant set to meet General Armstrong at Dulles Airport to give him details of the theft (of the uniform?).

    The lieutenant turns out to be Lieutenant Shelley Kaysing. She offers James and the group a lift into D.C. in her Army jeep. The Chameleon follows. "What would your superiors say if you took us on a short tour of the city," asks James. "I think they'd say it was very good foreign relations!" she says. "Besides, I have an hour before I have to be at the Pentagon." The Chameleon follows.
    First stop, the Lincoln Memorial. Literally, the jeep drives right up to its steps. [Phoebe comments, "Hmm, what an impressive statue." Isn't she American? Or Canadian, maybe.] Shelley works for Internal Security and is investigating the "mysterious theft of a uniform from Fort Meade." Coach Mitchell stays behind here--"I'll catch up later once I finish reading the Gettysburg Address."

    Next stop, the Washington Monument. An "old lady" jumps onto the elevator with James and Shelley, pushes the button and they're off to the top. "It sure is a beautiful view!" says Shelley. "I-i-i-it looks pretty good from here, too," says James as she turns away and he appears to be admiring her backside. The "old lady" pushes Shelley out onto a thin ledge-hold, then James as he tries to help Shelley.

    "Please, give us a hand!" yells James. The Chameleon reveals himself, gives mock applause--"Why of course...a wonderful performance...the most touching death scene I've ever witnessed!" "Enjoy the view!"

    IQ and the rest get to the top and discover James and Shelley in danger. Shelley is retrieved, Trevor and James end up in freefall saved by the parachute IQ sewed into Trevor's long underwear. From the air they spy The Chameleon's getaway and James ascends onto the escape vehicle. IQ tracks him with the homer.

    At the Pentagon General Armstrong reviews plans for a battle armor prototype, arriving that day. Back with James, he's at The Chameleon's hotel and spies (through a keyhole) the stolen uniform and the villain. He poses as a hotel worker to deliver Indian food. All heck breaks loose. The Chameleon imitates Trevor to cause confusion for his escape.

    A crate arrives at the Pentagon marked R.A.T.S.-- Robot Armoured Tactical Soldier. The Chameleon imitates a senator to get to the general and imitate him. Inside the battle armor, he starts battling James and the group who've arrived. Shelley picks up a shoulder-fired light-antitank-weapon and makes a direct hit, to no effect. "Nothing can stop this R.AT.!" declares the villain.

    (Unbelievably!) James ducks out an exit but hits the close button, trapping Shelley behind the metal door. The Chameleon threatens Shelley, picking her up with the metal arms. James returns, busting through the metal door driving a tank. In the battle the ceiling water sprinklers are triggered, shorting out The Chameleon once again.

    Emerging from the police station, the group piles into Shelley's jeep. "Hop in! The General wants me to give you a VIP tour of the city!" Coach Mitchell arrives on site, but decides he probably doesn't want to know what went on.
    Another good choice of locations, put to light but decent use. But also strange to see the cartoon morphing of detail, distance, and other realities of the Washington, D.C. area. Just as fast and loose with military protocols, expected. Shelley is cute and interesting, dropping equality bombs through the story. The two-legged R.A.T.S. prototype is clearly lifted from RoboCop, probably a good move on the animators' part.
    James Bond Jr One-Liners
    James: "Might I recommend the Pandori chicken!"
    (Puts a spicy drumstick in the mouth of a man with a gun.)
    James: "Not before we do some celebrating!"
    (Pops the cork on champagne to overcome a man with a gun.)
    James: "I’m delaying that order, Chameleon!"
    James: "I guess it takes a rat to catch a R.A.T."
    James: "I've just been checking out the many faces of Washington, D.C. "
    Film Roll-Up
    DAF, DAD: Technology changes the face of the villain.
    TND: James and a female hang from the side of a structure.
    DAF, TLD: Cassette player as part of the plot.
    TND, DAD: Use of a taser.
    MR, QOS: Two persons in freefall with one parachute.
    GF, SF: Villain in disguise using a uniform.
    TLD, DAD: Military body armor used by the villain.
    GE: Use of a military tank to change the odds.
    DN, DAF, SF: Dialogue regarding rats.

    Episode 4:
    Shifting Sands
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,165
    James Bond Jr Ep. 4 "Shifting Sands", Doug Molitor, writer, 19 September 1991.

    Enjoy the nostalgia of the tracking lines. VHS or Betamax?

    Egypt. Tracy must have straightened out her passport. The gang is warned of a curse on anyone that violates the 3000 year old tomb..they're opening and entering. Two huge Arab toughs are inside who try to destroy them with lit dynamite. Trevor is no help. James Bond Jr tosses it out of the chamber and it explodes, knocking the two down.
    ("Whoah! Major babe alert!") Cleo Daweh is a student of Egyptology and despises invaders that destroy their tombs and loot their treasures. The beetle medallion James Bond Jr found has a map of the peninsula inside, marked with notional pipelines.

    IQ provides a couple normal looking canteens that--when the caps are turned the wrong way--the released a capsule that turns the water into the most power acid (!). Plus a sonic shovel that duplicates a magnitude 6 earthquake. And a wristwatch with a battery-powered circular saw... that will cut anything!

    Returning to the tomb later, screams indicate the mummy is missing. Trevor activates the sonic shovel causing seismic havoc. Structures collapse trapping the gang inside. James Bond Jr and Cleo Daweh find the treasure room... with a steel door! They are captured by the Pharaoh Fearo. (James introduces himself as simply: "Bond. James Bond.") They're traveling in The Subterranean, the world's first underground warship.
    James frees himself with the wristwatch circular saw. The mummy returns to the gang. Pharaoh Fearo sends his guards after James. He discovers Pharaoh Fearo is after oil. James and Cleo Daweh are recaptured. Pharaoh Fearo threatens to put Cleo Daweh in the Oil. The warship readies to pump the oil, with James and Cleo Daweh in the pipeline. The canteen gadget comes in handy to create an escape path through the steel. They escape plus flood the control room of the warship.

    The mummy returns to the gang. Bedouins on the surface capture James and Cleo Daweh. James warns them what caused the earthquake and who is trying to steal their oil. The sheik gives James his pick of a bunch of luxury autos. They assault the warship, circling it. James breaks into the hatch before it can dive, and overcomes Pharaoh Fearo. Cleo Daweh sets a course back to Egypt. They free the gang, and expose the mummy as Pharaoh Fearo's cousin Viper.

    Later, James in a black dinner jacket, white shirt, red bow tie. "James, we are like oil and water. Our cultures are too different to...blend. But I would like you to have something to remember me by." Trevor tries to listen in, but interrupts by falling into the water below.
    Good locations. Decent action. I'm already desensitized.
    James Bond Jr One-Liners
    James Bond Jr: "It must be the dry desert air!"
    James Bond Jr: "People in the room below are going to be complaining about a draft!"
    James Bond Jr: "I think you're on rather shaky ground with that one, IQ!"
    James Bond Jr: "Which reminds me--we're going to be cutting it pretty close if we want to see the opening of the mummy case."
    James Bond Jr: "I happen to know where there's a great little cafe in Cairo."
    James Bond Jr: "Good grief, is it Halloween already!"
    James Bond Jr: "No doubt diamond drills and portholes cost you a pretty penny!"
    James Bond Jr: "I can tell you're really steamed!"
    James Bond Jr: "Asleep on the job!"
    James Bond Jr: "Actually, I find your methods rather crude!"
    James Bond Jr: "You know what they say, XXX, oil and water don't mix!"
    James Bond Jr: "Looks like we gave him the slip!"
    James Bond Jr: "I see your point!"
    James Bond Jr: "I just had a bright idea!"
    James Bond Jr: "Your mascara is running Pharaoh, and just when you have company!"
    James Bond Jr: "We thought we'd bring a breath of fresh air to the proceedings!"
    James Bond Jr: "No problem, Tracy, he's too wrapped up in his work!"
    James Bond Jr: "I think he just misses his... mummy."
    Film Roll-Up
    TSWLM: Bond in Egypt.
    LALD: wristwatch with a buzz saw.
    OP: gadget creates acid for an escape.
    TLD: joke about knowing a good "local" restaurant/cafe.
    TSWLM, TND: villain has a (war)ship.
    TND: a huge drill passes through solid objects.
    TWINE: villain's plot involves a pipeline.
    DAF, TWINE: Bond is threatened in a pipeline.
    QOS: female character threatened with oil.
    Episode 5:
    Plunder Down Under
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,165

    James Bond Jr Ep. 5 "Plunder Down Under", Perry Martin, writer, 20 September 1991.

    A freighter on the open seas (with a Navy crew) is sunk by some unknown force. The gang is visiting the Med. Coach Mitchell reports another ship has disappeared. Reports of a sea monster. The captain (Tracy's uncle!) is missing.

    IQ is dying to try out his mini-homing device. And a ring that fires a laser that can cut through solid steel. And the wristwatch now packs a powerful electromagnetic charge (meaning it acts as a focused magnet).

    Preparing to go scuba diving, the gang spots Jaws at the pier. They follow him underwater. Instead of a sea monster, they find a mechanical arm--it snatches an oil tanker and takes it to an underwater location. A "great white shark" swallows Gordo then the whole gang--they're in a submarine with Jaws (who James Bond Jr met in episode one). Which takes them to an underwater city and a bunch of stolen ships. Tracy triggers a fire alarm/sprinkler system for their escape from Jaws. They find Captain Millbanks (British?) imprisoned.
    Recaptured they're taken to the villain--Captain Walker D. Plank, who James has met before. "So, we cross swords again--YOUNG BOND!" His master crime here: "The mightiest fleet of pirate ships... IN HISTORY!" (Arming the stolen ships with high-tech weaponry. Remote controlled, he doesn't have to leave his undersea hideout.) Jaws informs them that once the modifications are complete, the ships will be sent to the surface to conquer the world! For effect Jaws picks up a cannonball and bites it in half.
    On command, the parrot activates the remote controls to release the ships. "Pillage and plunder! Pillage and plunder!" Meanwhile, IQ figures a way to use Gordo's electronic game married to the transmitter of the homing device. In Gordo's control, he takes control of Plank's fleet. Using them to destroy each other, actually. And they crash through the giant dome, flooding it. Plank moves to his escape sub. James uses the laser ring to escape, they rescue Captain Willburn. Jaws confronts them. Gordo: "He looks like he's gonnna chew us out--for real!" James overcomes Jaws by using the electromagnet feature of the watch.

    Coach Mitchell and Phoebe use the homing device receiver to find the gang. They search the ocean by boat. The tanker and the shark submarine surface with the gang. Gordo foregoes the long anticipated video game challenge with Trevor as anti-climactic.
    These stories move quickly. Timely content of the video game for the audience. Piling on the pirate stereotypes is welcome here--and a pirate with his own peg-legged, hook-equipped, eye-patched talking parrot is a plus. Jaws is pretty disrespected in a speaking role and with his metal jawline, buzz-saw teeth. The Johnny Quest type of story works fine here. Not sure if the illustrators themselves know why why the crew of Captain Millburn's ship are in navy military uniforms.
    James Bond Jr One-Liners
    James Bond Jr: "Handy for when you lose your keys!"
    James Bond Jr: "Scuba diving? I hope his teeth start to rust!"
    James Bond Jr: "Now let's get to the bottom of the sea!"
    Gordo: "Oooh! We're fish food!"
    James Bond Jr: "I should have smelled you behind these foul crimes, Walker D. Plank!"
    James Bond Jr: "If you ask me I'd say you've seen a few too many pirate movies!"
    James Bond Jr: "Now's your chance to play the ultimate video game!"
    James Bond Jr: "We must find a way out of this salty hideout!"
    James Bond Jr: "I'll handle that over-grown piranha!"
    James Bond Jr: "Come on fang-face, let's see you put the bit on me!"
    James Bond Jr: "I think Jaws bit off a bit more than he could chew!"
    James Bond Jr: "It's not whether you win or lose--it's finding someone to play with!"
    Film Roll-Up
    TSWLM, MR: Jaws.
    FYEO, TND: a vessel with a military crew is threatened/sunk/captured.
    TB: Villain with an eye patch.
    LALD: electromagnetic feature to watch.
    TSWLM: Jaws defeated by a magnet and dumped into water.
    DAD: laser feature to watch.
    DAD: ring gadget.
    FYEO, TLD: talkative parrot.

    James Bond Jr. #4 - Plunder Down Under!, Marvel, 1 April 1992.


    Episode 6: A Chilling Affair
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited September 2019 Posts: 14,165
    James Bond Jr, Episode 6: "A Chilling Affair", Mark Jones, writer, 23 September 1991.

    A ninja-style team storms a facility, takes a cryogenic coffin under the direction of a green-skinned Fu Manchu type later revealed to be... Dr. No. They blow up the facility.
    More video game stuff for Gordo. A publicly amorous Phoebe (grabs his arm: "Give me James over video games any day!") activates some function to James' watch, melting his ice cream. IQ shows off a gadget that can electronically control any device. It malfunctions on a vending machine. ("Instant soda jerk!" says Gordo.) Then an ATM. That won't stop issuing coins.

    Phase two for Dr. No has millions of dollars at stake. The gang happens to be in the vicinity of the laboratory where Dr. No's ninjas (No-jas?) effort to kidnap Professor Ivan Frost (actively reviving a frozen mouse) and his daughter Julia. James fights them very effectively before he's ethered to pass out. The daughter is left behind and tells them about the cryogenics research. (James, raises and lowers hands: "Cryogenics is the science of freezing living organisms.") IQ finds an important clue one of the attackers dropped: matches advertising Taka's Sushi Bar. East End of London. They go, minus IQ and Gordo who planned to study.

    At Taka's, IQ is surprised the fish isn't cooked. James loves it. James suspects the cook as hiding something in his bandana. They watch him prepare a blowfish--famous for being poisonous to the diner if not exactly cut correctly. James says the last time he had it was Shikoku--and reveals the cook as a bad guy who tries to escape. James apprehends him, and threatens the poor guy with being forced to eat a piece of the blowfish. He sings like a canary--Dr. No is behind the kidnapping, gives the location. James: "Dr. No--I should have known!" (Not sure why he should have known.) James eats the blowfish when they're done.
    Nighttime. James, IQ, Phoebe, and Julia seem to be driving through desert/mountains (outside London?). Dr. No's lair has him forcing Professor Frost to thaw the cryogenic specimen--one of the greatest master criminals of all time (and a dead ringer for IQ!). Meanwhile he sends his No-jas after the gang. Heat-seeking missiles from a chopper threaten them. James and Julia fall off a bridge into the river below--James using a tire's inner tube to propel them to shore. (Julia, holding his arm: "That was unbelievable, James! You're incredible!") James and Julia are captured, IQ and Phoebe follow.

    Dr. No: "So, Bond, we meet again!" He reunites Julia and Frost. No wants to defrost the gangster, finish the poor guy's caper, then dispose of him. No to James after a quip: "Always the clever remark, young James!" James and Julia are bound and hung above a threatening vat of liquid nitrogen (oddly an orange color). They're to be instantly frozen. Dr. No walks off as they're lowered. James sets his watch to full power, to overcome the liquid nitrogen at -300 degrees Celsius. It becomes solid (heating a liquid to become a solid?!? I wish Professor Frost was there) and they walk across it to safety.
    James and Julia escape through the vent. IQ and Phoebe discover the watch in the vat, fear the worst. They escape through the vent. Dr. No arrives and declares the James escaped through the vent. James and Julia meet up with IQ and Phoebe in the vent. They all get to the Professor, who says he can't resuscitate the gangster. James hatches a plan to substitute IQ. Dr. No promises a 50-50 split on the platinum bars from the scheme in play. James, Phoebe, Julia are captured. James deploys a parachute to get away from the guards, steals a chopper. He listens in on Dr. No traveling by truck with the Professor and the "Gangster". Jumps from the chopper to the top of the truck, he's threatened from below. Truck goes on two wheels to navigate a narrow bridge.
    James jumps back on the chopper, notifies Scotland Yard. Then using the chopper he spears the truck and drops it in a pond. Police arrive, Dr. No is gone. IQ, Phoebe, and James race back to the chopper and use it to get back in time for their science exam. Headmaster Millbanks gives a countdown to the start--they arrive at 0:07 seconds to spare. The running gag here was Trevor trying to expose James' absence.
    Okay, this is harder to rationalize than usual. How can Dr. No be there, plus how can he know James Bond Jr? Why is he green? If the gangster has been frozen for 100 years as stated, what does that make the current year? What is the wristwatch device that I thought heated the ice cream, but also turns liquid nitrogen to solid form? (I can't tell what IQ calls the thing.) How far away from East London do the gang drive in the jeep to find Dr. No? How does James know how to fly a helicopter? Why does Scotland Yard allow him to leave the crime scene in Dr. No's helicopter to get back to his science exam?

    I did like the bit with the Japanese restaurant that played with geography, sushi, blowfish, and potential death. Liquid nitrogen is thrilling way to threaten or kill someone.
    James Bond Jr One-Liners
    James Bond Jr: "Definitely good taste!"
    James Bond Jr: "Impatience is the root of all evil."
    James Bond Jr: "Thanks to IQ, I always come prepared!"
    James Bond Jr: "Ladies first!"
    James Bond Jr: "Till we meet again!"
    James Bond Jr: "Oh-oh seven seconds to spare!"
    Film Roll-Up
    OP: parachute as a diversion to aid in escape.
    LTK: hero jumps from aircraft onto vehicle.
    TLD: hero on top of vehicle threatened by a weapon from below.
    SP: hero falls from a bridge to river waters below.
    AVTAK: hero uses a tire's inner tube in a watery escape.
    LALD: bound hero and girl are to be lowered into a threatening liquid.
    TMWTGG, GE: threatened by liquid nitrogen.
    LALD, TWINE, others: a watch gadget saves the hero.
    DAF, LTK: vehicle goes on two wheels to navigate a space.
    FYEO: chopper picks up an object with its runners and drops it.
    James Bond Jr, Episode 6 A Chilling Affair, US VHS, 1 April 1992.


    Episode 7: Nothing to Play With
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited September 2019 Posts: 14,165
    James Bond Jr, Episode 7: "Nothing to Play With", Jeffrey Scott, writer, 24 September 1991.

    (very poor quality)

    Plank in hand
    Asia. The villain threatens a man ("To do what ya told Chow-Ling!") with his Babyface doll that cries tears of acid. Cut to credits.
    The Annual Warfield Fun Festival begins. More video games for Gordo. IQ has an infrared remote access lock--opens anything electronic by merely pointing at it. (It blows up an arcade game.) James, Trevor, and Tracy try the shooting gallery. James gets the prize--a teddy bear with a note written in Chinese. I'm fluent declairs James and reads it without skipping a beat. It's from a father begging help for his daughter Mei Ling. Address: 14 Orange Blossom Street. But WHERE? The manufacturer's tag on the bear says it's made in Hong Kong, their additional clue. That's enough for the gang to suddenly be on their way to Heathrow Airport and Hong Kong, Trevor follows their actions at the airport.

    The villain's toy factory is revealed, with Captain Walker D. Plank on board. Plank picks out the small Plank action figure, its deadly weapons controlled remotely by Babyface, and it causes some damage. Babyface plans to ship deadly toys around the world and create havoc with his satellite controller. From toy stores!

    Exiting the Hong Kong airport, they ask the taxi driver to take them to 14 Orange Blossom Street. The gang follows the message to the little girl (they walk right into the apartment, she has a huge Western-style bedroom). Her father owns the toy company and he's been missing for weeks. She's received a threatening note. (James reads: "Your father is alive! But if you tell the police he won't be for long!") She's understandably terrified. Tracy stays behind with her. Trevor ridiculously walks the streets of Hong Kong looking for the gang.

    Getting closer, James recognizes the factory guards a SCUM operatives. James calls on the toy company, introducing himself as James Boothroyd of Boothroyd toys. Sounds like a good idea to the bad guys, a new toy line to spread their mischief. (Elsewhere Trevor is playfully menaced by seals.) James as "Boothroyd" plus IQ visit the factory. Plank thinks "Boothroyd" looks familiar (“Shh!” warns Babyface, who’s onto them). They're found out, between James fighting and IQ's gadget they escape with Mr. Ling. They're stopped by Plank action figures holding guns on them. Babyface warns they can combine as toys to become a ten foot killing machine. To rob banks, hijack jets, take over governments. Because all children love toys and will buy them by the millions!

    Babyface puts the three on a toy train track to be run through--by the nitro glycerin in the box car. Babyface is smart--he removes James' wristwatch and drops it JUST out of reach. Then walks off. They work out an escape, the explosion makes it seem they were killed. Next stop for Babyface and Plank: the Bank of Hong Kong, and $20 million in deposits!

    Absent a vehicle, James and IQ and Mr. Ling take a forklift to give chase. Mei Ling gives Tracy the slip to find her father. Trevor wanders Hong Kong, ends up threatened by Babyface's toys in a store--they assemble into a huge robot, crowds on the streets of Hong Kong scream and panic. James interferes with the forklift. Mei Ling shows up, the monster robot grabs her. IQ's gad,get save them all, James catches May Ling, the robot turns on Babyface. "Bond may have ruined my game this time, BUT I'LL BE BACK!"

    Trevor (from Hong Kong) fails one more time to show James and the gang left school grounds (when they've already returned to Wilburn).
    Time, space, distance relations excepted. Logic be damned.

    I like the locations and the toy scheme. And the monster robot finish. Plus they didn't shamefully tarnish Fleming or film characters this time.
    James Bond Jr One-Liners
    James Bond Jr: "You did say you wanted the beautiful Chinese Girls to stay away from me!"
    (IQ: That MANIAC has a one track mind!")
    James Bond Jr: "Yeah--unfortunately that track IS HEADED STRAIGHT FOR US!"
    James Bond Jr: "Don't worry, IQ. The solution is mere child's play!"
    James Bond Jr: "I guess they don't make 'em like they used to !"
    James Bond Jr: "Poor Trevor--so far to travel for a crummy puppet show!"
    Film Roll-Up
    DAD: Hi-tech glove controls things.
    DAF, TLD: Carnival shooting gallery.
    QOS: Character books a flight at an airport to follow others.
    YOLT, TMWTGG, DAD: Hong Kong.
    GF, YOLT, TMWTGG: Asian character Ling.
    OHMSS/TWINE: James impersonates another wearing glasses; he's revealed/found out.
    OHMSS: Villain plans to send his McGuffins around the world to be called on for destruction.

    Episode 8 - Location: Danger
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,165
    James Bond Jr, Episode 8: "Location: Danger", Misty Taggart, writer, 25 September 1991.

    Cannibals. IQ and Tracy tied up. James swings in on a vine wearing a tux. Belt gadget: miniature hologram projector, the distraction lets them escape via a rope ladder to a chopper. But it's all James' dream, he's asleep in a movie theater.

    The theater plays action film Spyman. In the audience Tracy stands up and cries, "Careful Spyman!" James wakes. On screen the Spy climbs a rope ladder into chopper. James mocks it all. He's challenged by Ann Genue, new student at Warfield. And daughter of Neville Genue. "You know, the guy who plays Spyman in those mega-boring movies!" says Gordo.

    Next the gang is gathered at James' red sports car filled with presents, getting ready for Miss Genue's 16th birthday party. James checks in with IQ. He has a continuum cam-corder that "records what already happened" using infra-red to see what occurred hours, days earlier. A news report announces the Galaxy Defense System ("Oh my, that's the most sophisticated defense weapon system in existence!" says IQ) is missing during transit in southern California. But they have a party to go to.
    Villains from SCUM are after Professor Braintrust. Professor receiving an award is excited that he's about to meet SpyMan. Back at the party, the gang decides to fly to California to celebrate with father SpyMan. Permission? James will handle that. They sneak out the gate of Warfield in a delivery truck.

    In California they witness a SpyMan action sequence, filmed in one take. Professor Braintrust is there. Neville Genue doesn't seem to recognize daughter Ann. SCUM's own Felony O'Toole is there, Ann follows them.

    IQ's camcorder reveals SpyMan was kidnapped. "SpyMan" is revealed as some henchman. The Professor doesn't realize he's kidnapped, thinks it's all a movie production of Lizartron, fire-breathing metal creature and all. He's there for the computer work. Lizartron threatens the gang. IQ saves them with the mini-computer he built into James' school pin used to turn off Lizartron.

    The gang climbs into a helicopter. Not sure whose it is. James admits he doesn't know how to fly it but it looks easy. IQ points out the special effects buttons. Phoebe takes over, she's had lessons. Reunited with Ann, Neville admits if he'd just gone to the birthday party all would be well. Special effects from the chopper bombard Felony's car and save the day (Ann and Neville were tied to rockets on the HOLLYWOOD sign, almost sent into orbit). Neville wants to be a good father now.
    I was really enjoying the craziness of the opening, which turned out to be a dream. The rest is a little less crazy but still fun. Quite a mix of stuff for less than 20 minutes run time.
    Film Roll-Up
    OP: Bond swings on a vine like Tarzan (in a tux, here!).
    MR: Bond and python.
    FRWL: Villain's face is not revealed.
    FRWL: Henchman wears a mask to look like the hero.
    DN: Fire-breathing mechanical dragon.
    James Bond Jr One-Liners
    James Bond Jr: My uncle's speaking at a save-the-python fundraiser in Bogata. I must return before dessert!
    James Bond Jr: But these SpyMan flicks are so stupid! He's nothing like a real spy! He probably does toothpaste commercials on the side!
    James Bond Jr: Hollywood?! Nobody will believe a story like that!

    Episode 9 - The Eiffel Missile

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited September 2019 Posts: 14,165
    James Bond Jr, Episode 9: "The Eiffel Missile", Doug Molitor, writer, 26 September 1991.

    James in Heathrow Airport spots a SCUM agent and gives chase finding his way toward fighting Skullcap on a plane. Grabs an envelope with important plans. Then ejects to safety, landing in line at a sporting event at Warfield with Coach Mitchell.

    Serious business: the Warfield school trip to Paris is canceled. [Due to stolen nuclear warheads and terrorist threats and such.] James works out with boxing gloves and a bag marked with the SCUM logo. IQ recognizes plans to the Achilles missile. And there's the Paris connection. The gang conspire to sneak out of Warfield Academy and get to Paris on their own.

    By hovercraft transport. He introduces himself (in French) to Marcy Beaucoup. Later alone, she radios her controllers to tell them she's with 007's Nephew and that he's looking for the warhead. Skullcap on a chopper attacks the hovercraft. IQ deflects a "shot" with a mirror back at the aircraft damaging it. The hovercraft moves on land and the chase continues. The gang roll off drums of fuel behind them and light it on fire--it attracts a heat-seaking missile and the explosion downs Skullcap and his helicopter. Into a pig pen. They hovercraft on.

    At the Eiffel Tower, James waxes poetic on Expressionist art. But they have a job to do, looking for a gantry entrance to the tower. James remains distracted by Marcy. IQ brought helpful gadgets: french bread that conceals a sword ("A bit sharp for my taste!"), a beret that doubles as land mine ("That would blow my mind!"), and watches that act as homer-tracker. And the acetylene torch with timer ("That should come in hand if dinner's cold!").

    James is off to dinner on a riverboat and later the opera with Marcy. Skullcap is there with Dr. Derange. James confronts Marcy about her mistaken comments for Expressionist vice Impressionist paintings. Her sketch of Bond was in ink, on the other hand she was holding a pencil. Dr. Derange comes as them with a flaming dessert on a cart. James mostly puts it out with champagne, sends the henchman overboard. Marcy uses martial arts on Skullcap, also sent overboard. Turns out her father is with the French police and she's trying to help find the warhead.

    Hopping off at a bridge, they spy Skullcap and Dr. Derange at the shore entering a drainpipe. ("I not only know the streets of Paris, I also know the sewers!" says Marcy.) They enter the sewer. James deduces the Eiffel Tower as the perfect spot to launch a missile.

    Nighttime at the Eiffel Tower and some nearby missile silo. Dr. Derange is alone shouting his plans to send the missile to Moscow--France will be BLAY-med (blamed) "and Perestroika will go up in a cloud of nuclear smoke!" Apprehended, James and Marcy are chained to the missile. The missile rises from the ground beside the tower. The wristwatch homer fails to be useful (the rest of the gang were arrested as potential watch thieves.) The acetylene torch function of the watch comes in handy to release the chain. James disconnects the guidance system. He sets up a sling line for their hasty exit to the ground. The missile launches but not for Moscow. Dr. Derange vents his fury until James turns off the monitor.

    James receives a kiss of gratitude from Marcy, leaves him speechless. Phoebe: "Our being arrested must have really shaken him!" IQ: "He looks not shaken...but stirred!" James and the gang return to Warfield. And with the nuclear threat over, the plan to visit Paris is back on the schedule, which suits James fine. He's heard the Eiffel Tower is "a real blast!"
    Quite a lot going on here, and some of the animation for the physical action--flips and judo--plays pretty well. A villain that speaks like Inspector Clouseau is a decent idea. Crazy enough to entertain.
    Film Roll-Up
    OP: James on the outside of a plane, finds his way in.
    GF: Fight with villain inside the plane.
    GE: Use of ejector seat to escape.
    LTK: Parachutes into a public event.
    DAF: Hovercraft transport.
    DAD: Hovercraft chase.
    FRWL: Drums of fuel dropped and lit aflame during a chase.
    DAF: On a cruise type vessel, flaming dessert threatens hero and girl, henchman goes overboard.
    AVTAK: Paris locations. Eiffel Tower. Transfer from riverboat-bridge.
    MR: Hero and girl threatened by missile launch.
    James Bond Jr One-Liners
    James Bond jr: I've never missed a plane in my life and I'm not going to spoil that record!
    James Bond jr: I've never flown one of these before--but I've never flown anything before!
    James Bond jr: You should keep your seatbelt fastened until the light goes out!
    James Bond jr: It makes me wish I were an artist so I could keep looking at you!
    James Bond jr: He really is a mad scientist--he even talks to himself!
    James Bond jr: Just setting my watch to Moscow time, old boy!

    James Bond Jr #2: The Eiffel Target, John Vincent, 1991.
    James Bond Jr #2: The Eiffel Missile, Marvel Comics, February 1992.

    Episode 10 - A Worm in the Apple

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited September 2019 Posts: 14,165
    James Bond Jr, Episode 10: "A Worm in the Apple", Jeffrey Scott, writer, 27 September 1991.

    New York City, Statue of Liberty in view. Cut to homeless men sleeping on the street. Man threatened in a phone booth by a jackhammer ("One of The Worm's guys!") calls the police. They're gonna be too late.

    Back at Warfield Academy. Lecture on Chaucer and Middle English. James has some virtual reality specs from IQ. Phoebe is invited to New York City for a mile-high skyscraper dedication. So James goes, too, of course. Tracy is jealous. Trevor fakes permission as well to make the trip.

    So they're on the street in NYC, James wearing the specs allowing IQ and the rest of The Gang to see what's going on. They check into the Broadway Arms--Bond. James Bond. Jr. The beautiful Peggy Laslow introduces herself, daughter of the skyscraper architect.

    They ride a horse-drawn carriage to the Rock Club. On the way an explosion from the sewers spooks the horse, James climbs forward and saves them all. Are the frequent explosions related to the terrorist The Worm? The Worker that used the jackhammer earlier jumps into the open manhole, James gives chase.
    The Worker returns to The Worm, he's identified James. How can he be sure? (Speaking slowly) "I found his pass port." The Worm doesn't like the light. At the rock club (named Rock Club), the music is loud. Tracy gets a glimpse of the goings on through the IQ glasses. The Worm starts a series of explosions--"Now we'll see some rockin' and rollin'!" James and companions are trapped in the Rock Club. No elevator. No stairs. They desperately seek the roof before they run out of air! So they force open a door. (I don't see any other survivors from the club, but they don't seem to consider that or be concerned.)

    The Worm sees them escape. They hijack a pizza delivery truck, give chase, and James wakes IQ back at Warfield to get a map of NYC for directions. Following into some tunnels, James discovers a nasty plan to dig tunnels under the skyscrapers, then with explosions bring them all down. The Worm comes out--"Now, can't you ask... WHY?!?" Not for a parking lot. To get $1 billion in deposits in the ground floor bank. James grabs The Worm's glasses to reveal his weakness to light. The Worm takes the IQ glasses in place of them, IQ sees all. And calls Sergeant Polinsky of the New York City police, who isn't convinced.
    The Worm and his caper
    Trevor gets distracted by a toy shop. The Worm continues to launch his plan. James uses IQ's "diamond-tooth comb" to saw through the thick chains holding him. At the dedication for the World's Tallest Building, on hand are The Worm and his detonator, Trevor and a remote control car he bought, and James. In a scuffle the remote controls are mixed up. The Worm grabs his back. James directs IQ to remotely turn up the light on the glasses, causing The Worm great sudden pain. The detonator is recovered, cops grab The Worm. Peggy is VERY grateful. "Oh, James! You saved my father's building! You're wonderfu!" Hugs. Kiss.

    Back at Warfield, Tracy has a plan to keep eyes on James with the glasses. James quickly hands his off to Coach Mitchell. Who promptly goes into the men's locker room. Tracy: "Aaaahhhh!! Ooooooh mmmmyyyy GOSH!!!"
    Nothing too fantastic, in fact 10 years later the successful plot to bring down skyscrapers in NYC casts a shadow on this episode. The Worm even has a diorama of the buildings and executes a realistic tabletop collapse of the tallest. So, surprisingly predictive.

    With the humorous ending it's kind of racy for a kid's show. Maybe future episodes will flirt with that kind of thing.
    Film Roll-Up
    TWINE: eyeglasses have a special function.
    OHMSS, FYEO: horse-drawn carriage ride.
    AVTAK: runaway horse.
    AVTAK: Hijacking a commercial (or public) vehicle.
    FRWL, AVTAK, QOS: chases through tunnels.
    James Bond Jr One-Liners
    James Bond Jr: "If your rock music is as explosive as your manholes I think we're in for quite a night!"
    JamesBond Jr: "There's an old Bond family cure for the worries--dancing to loud music!"
    James Bond Jr: "You're hiding more than your face behind those glasses!"
    James Bond Jr: "C'mon, Tracy, all I did was some rocking and rolling and picking a worm out of the Big Apple!"

    Funny. I don't think any of the female characters rated action figures. Not even the female villains.

    Or not funny.
    Episode 11 - Valley of the Hungry Dunes

  • edited September 2019 Posts: 1,723
    Why No isnt asian in the toon ?

    Because it would not be so PC

    Back in '85 Baxter from TMNT (the black Baxter , not the white fly man) tried to tear down the WTC so the idea is not new in fiction
  • Posts: 872
    What do you mean, he is green but he appear in every asian plot
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited September 2019 Posts: 14,165
    Yeah it's true bombings of the World Trade Center were planned and even executed prior. But I think the later events that actually brought them down put the JBJ episode in an entirely different light.

    I did a quick scrub of (East) Asia content. It's pretty well represented. Unless being represented well means not appearing in a James Bond Jr cartoon at all.

    Episode 2 - Earth Cracker. Oddjob.

    Episode 6 - A Chilling Affair. Dr. No.

    Episode 7 - Nothing to Play With. Hong Kong. Bond Jr Girl Mei Ling.

    Episode 11 - Valley of the Hungry Dunes. Dr. No.

    Episode 17 - Appointment in Macau. Dr. No kidnaps student Lily Mai.

    Episode 20 - Cruise to Oblivion. Oddjob.

    Episode 24 - Sword of Power. Tokyo. Ninjas. Dr. No.

    Episode 37 - Far Out West. Dr. No. Oddjob.

    Episode 39 - Queen's Ransom. Hong Kong. Bond Jr Girl Jade and her father. Silkworm missiles.

    Episode 44 - A Deranged Mind. Oddjob.

    Episode 48 - Goldie's Gold Scam. Oddjob.

    Episode 52 - Between a Rock and a Hard Place. Oddjob.

    Episode 54 - Killer Asteroid. Oddjob.

    Episode 58 - Garden of Evil. Hong Kong. Dr. No. Oddjob.

    Episode 62 - No Time to Lose. Dr. No.

    There's even some forward-thinking going on with Episode 62's title.

    My question: How can "1 Season" have 65 episodes?

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