Please read: Before you start a new thread

DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
edited November 2015 in MI6 Headlines & Feedback Posts: 24,514
Why we prefer fewer threads
Dear friends, with the release of SPECTRE, nothing seems more joyful than to de-construct the film in all its aspects and single out one of these for a new thread. The problem is, new threads are flooding the place; good ones drop several pages in the list, which unfortunately causes duplicate threads to be created soon.

When we ask our members to make use of existing threads, we do so in order to keep things tidy and easy to go through. Now the list of threads seems endless because some folks create a new thread for every question about the Bond films that pops up or for every minute detail that was spotted in SPECTRE.

Thus, we must once again ask - no, demand - that existing threads be used as much as possible, that individual threads cover more ground than merely one detail. For example, you want to discuss stunt X in SPECTRE? Why not create a thread "stunts in SPECTRE"? That way, stunts Y and Z don't need their own threads and we know that all talk about the stunts can be found in that one thread.

How can we find existing threads
Simple trick: find the proper section and go through the list. But of course because of all those duplicate threads and all those threads individually discussing singled out details, the lists have grown endless. People are often angry when we close a duplicate thread but this is what you get: now no-one wants to search through the list because it's a mess. Mess creates more mess!

Fortunately there's an easy trick. Say you want to talk about Blofeld. Type "mi6community + Blofeld" in google. The search engine will give you several options. Good chance you can find the proper thread there. And please, be creative. If you want to discuss the man's accent for example, don't create a new thread just for that purpose. The "Blofeld of your choosing?" thread might be a good place to talk about the various Blofelds' voices and accents.

Don't be fascists!
We're not. But the mod team is committed to keeping the forum manageable for the benefit of us all. Duplicate threads, spam threads, microspecific threads - which often die a slow death after half a page or so - are in no way useful and only serve to further complicate matters.

Thank you for giving this some thought. Helpful suggestions and comments can be posted here.


  • I love it. I've been on other forums (not Bond related), and I often find myself missing how they run things here.

    Keep up the good work!
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Bumping this seems to be in order.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited January 2019 Posts: 18,483
    Bumping this seems to be in order.

    Have there been a lot of these types of threads recently then? I'm afraid I've not been paying attention.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Bumping this seems to be in order.

    Have there been a lot of these types of threads recently then? I'm afraid I've not been paying attention.

    Not a lot, but a handful the last couple of months. Potential newcomers may need some advice.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited January 2019 Posts: 18,483
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Bumping this seems to be in order.

    Have there been a lot of these types of threads recently then? I'm afraid I've not been paying attention.

    Not a lot, but a handful the last couple of months. Potential newcomers may need some advice.

    Yes, it wouldn't do any harm I'm sure. A lot of the same ground does tend to get covered, especially in threads on the Bond films, which understandably make up the lion's share of the threads here.

    I suppose we'll have to look forward to this type of thing again once Bond 25 is released in 2020.
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