Daniel Craig considers writing autobiography to dispel rumours

JamesPageJamesPage Administrator, Moderator, Director
edited August 2011 in News Posts: 1,380
Tired of all the false stories that circulate about his life and career, current James Bond star Daniel Craig is considering penning an autobiography to set the record straight. But it may be a few years before fans get to read it.

"I am going to write an autobiography with the title How It Really Was,” he said in the September issue of German magazine Prinz when asked what he plans to do after acting. “Because it is unbelievable how much crap is circulating about me."

Also in the interview, Craig reveals how he has been bitten by the flying bug whilst filming "Cowboys & Aliens" with co-star Harrison Ford. "He flew me occasionally from the hotel to the set in the middle of a rocky wasteland, where all the action scenes took place,” he explained. “I was so thrilled that I am seriously considering learning to fly by myself. Maybe he can give me some lessons."


  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited August 2011 Posts: 28,694
    That is sad that Dan feels so overwhelmed by public opinion. Tabloids and paparazzi see that he is a personal man and they feed on it and make up fake stories about him. It is pathetic when a hard working man can't keep low in the headlines and marry privately. People will say 'That's what he gets for playing James Bond'. Ignorant people. I'm looking forward to the book whenever it comes. Should be nice seeing Dan rip the idiot speculators a new one.
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,591
    To be honest I don't think h should react, and only write his biography if he wants to tell his fans about his life, which many will be interested in. Personally, I don't really care. I care about his work, and I've been very impressed by that. Not only becouse of Bond, but many others, especially Layer Cake and Archangel too. I'm very much looking foreward to Cowboys and Aliens.
    And as a former glider pilot myself I can only cheer him on as he takes on flying. As soon as I get the chance I will do so too again!
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    I'm sure in years to come this book, coupled with stories of Craig's life will be a good read - as long as it comes out post Bond.
  • For a hyper private man I very much doubt this.. I think he was using his usual dry sarcasm. ;-)
  • For a hyper private man I very much doubt this.. I think he was using his usual dry sarcasm. ;-)
    Yes, agreed. His dry sense of humour comes across in a TV interview but there have been a few print interviews where it gets lost in translation.

    And I doubt that an autobiography would correct anything for those who don't like him. Some of the rumours were so patently unbelievable and obviously false (such as the "Craig wants a gay scene" rumour or the inability to drive a standard) that I couldn't believe that anyone would have believed them in the first place. But then seeing people STILL believing them after they had been thoroughly debunked made me realize that they WANTED to believe anything bad about Craig whether it was credible or not. Oh well - haters gonna hate :-)

    Wealthy, married to a beautiful wife, respected actor, working at the top of his game, humble, wanted by women and respected by men - Craig has far more going for him than the people who complain about him (I'm guessing). He has nothing to prove.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    I agree @thelordflasheart - there is a few print interviews where Craig's dry sense of humour gets lost... Doesn't help that the interviewer makes it feel like Craig was serious.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Perhaps @DC007, and he was possibly being very dry in the Entertainment Weekly Cowboys and Aliens interview with Harrison Ford. He basically said "I didn't really like Sean Connery or Pierce Brosnan as Bond". I see it as a statement taken out of context meant originally to be a joke.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited August 2011 Posts: 15,732
    Yes, @0Brady, Craig was quite surely making dry jokes about Connery and Brosnan. I think Craig should help on giving dry one-liners for the script - I'm sure he'd come up with great ones a-la Connery in TB !!
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    Sounds quite interesting, though very upsetting that he has to go out of his way to write it to dispel rumors. I'll check it out.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Welcome back @Creasy !!
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Indeed @Creasy! Your polite presence has been missed, but we sure are glad to have you back in the loop! ;-) I hope everything went well at your college.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    Thanks, everyone! First two weeks had me insanely busy with classes, training, and work, but from here on out, I tend to be on a few times throughout a day.
  • edited August 2011 Posts: 4,622
    Some of the rumours were so patently unbelievable and obviously false (such as the "Craig wants a gay scene" rumour
    How is this a rumour. It was all over the web. Just do a google search and ye shall find, if you weren't paying attention, 3 years ago. Here. I'll help.

    =="In an interview with the U.K.’s Daily Star, Craig said he’d like to see Hollywood “modernize” 007 by letting him bat for both sides. When asked whether he thought the infamous lady’s man should go bisexual, Craig replied, “Why not? I think in this day and age fans would have accepted it. No one blinks an eye.”
    Read more: http://digitaljournal.com/article/253049#ixzz1WEf8RP28

    2008: http://www.dailystar.co.uk/posts/view/33717/Live-And-Let-Bi/

    As for the above, he has to live with that one.
    This story below, might be one he'd like to dispel, or maybe just better to ignore.

    2010: http://www.showbizspy.com/article/205944/daniel-craig-fuels-gay-rumors-by-french-kissing-another-sexy-guy.html

    I'm actually not sure what he needs to clear-up though or set straight. His musing about a bi-Bond is on the record, and he seems good with dressing in drag for the Equals piece, so what's to clear-up?
    That he can't drive standard? What else?
    To be honest I don't think h should react, and only write his biography if he wants to tell his fans about his life, which many will be interested in. Personally, I don't really care. I care about his work....
    I'm not sure, I'd be that interested in a Craig auto-bio either, or even a Sean one, for that matter, or Broz or Dalts or Laz. Craig's public utterings are quite uninteresting I find. He's most interesting on screen, which I think is the case with most actors.
    Rog I think is the most interesting story-teller of of the lot. His book bears that out.

  • edited August 2011 Posts: 886
    Some of the rumours were so patently unbelievable and obviously false (such as the "Craig wants a gay scene" rumour
    How is this a rumour. It was all over the web. Just do a google search and ye shall find, if you weren't paying attention, 3 years ago. Here. I'll help.

    =="In an interview with the U.K.’s Daily Star, Craig said he’d like to see Hollywood “modernize” 007 by letting him bat for both sides. When asked whether he thought the infamous lady’s man should go bisexual, Craig replied, “Why not? I think in this day and age fans would have accepted it. No one blinks an eye.”
    Read more: http://digitaljournal.com/article/253049#ixzz1WEf8RP28

    2008: http://www.dailystar.co.uk/posts/view/33717/Live-And-Let-Bi/

    As for the above, he has to live with that one.
    This story below, might be one he'd like to dispel, or maybe just better to ignore.

    2010: http://www.showbizspy.com/article/205944/daniel-craig-fuels-gay-rumors-by-french-kissing-another-sexy-guy.html

    I'm actually not sure what he needs to clear-up though or set straight. His musing about a bi-Bond is on the record, and he seems good with dressing in drag for the Equals piece, so what's to clear-up?
    That he can't drive standard? What else?
    To be honest I don't think h should react, and only write his biography if he wants to tell his fans about his life, which many will be interested in. Personally, I don't really care. I care about his work....
    I'm not sure, I'd be that interested in a Craig auto-bio either, or even a Sean one, for that matter, or Broz or Dalts or Laz. Craig's public utterings are quite uninteresting I find. He's most interesting on screen, which I think is the case with most actors.
    Rog I think is the most interesting story-teller of of the lot. His book bears that out.

    Hate to be difficult but since when is something true just because it's all over the Internet?

  • Hate to be difficult but since when is something true just because it's all over the Internet?
    You beat me to it, Danslittlefinger. Timmer, surely you don't believe everything that you read on the internet? There was a story on the internet - repeated on several sites - that CR was going to feature a full-frontal nudity scene of Craig and it never happened. And think of how many casting rumours for previous Bond films have been reported "all over the net" yet they proved to be false. Or the stories that have posted plot details or character names for Bond 23 which turn out to be taken from Carte Blanche?

    Timmer, you mentioned this rumour once before and I asked you to provide a credible source for it. You told me to look it up myself. If you want someone to believe an assertation that you make then the onus is on you to provide evidence. I didn't go looking for any before but now I see that you have provided links.

    What I find interesting is that the places reporting this "story" are either tabloid newspapers or gossip sites. Not exactly what I would call credible. They run sensationalistic stories to catch people's attention and increase circulation or page views. Ask yourself this - who do you find more credible - the Daily Star or The Guardian?


    Here's a good explanation of why stories like this shouldn't be taken at face value:


    So you have an original story citing an un-named source who says that Craig *reportedly* said something. On the other hand you have a direct quote from Craig's publicist and then a direct quote from Craig himself in a reputable newspaper. Hmm, which to believe..? Such a difficult choice...

    Usually celebrities are encouraged to not respond to stories like this because all it does is draw attention to the original story, its writer, and the paper or website it appeared in - exactly what these types of sensationalistic stories are designed to do. Can you imagine how many statements a day Daniel Craig (or Brad Pitt, or Johnny Depp) would have to make to counter every false story that appeared about them in The Enquirer, TMZ, Dlisted, etc? They'd never have time to shoot a film!

    Anyway, you won't have to worry about Craig any longer. According to a story I read online today (yes, I really did see this) Robert Pattison is taking over as James Bond now that the Twilight movies are finished.

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    If Pattinson becomes Bond I am through as a fan. At the least Michael Fassbender should get the part.
  • edited August 2011 Posts: 4,622

    Hate to be difficult but since when is something true just because it's all over the Internet?
    It's not that is all over the internet, it's that he's on the record, quoted and published in a story by the Daily Star's Peter Dyke.

    Timmer, you mentioned this rumour once before and I asked you to provide a credible source for it. You told me to look it up myself. If you want someone to believe an assertation that you make then the onus is on you to provide evidence.
    That's your opinion. We are not writing legal briefs here. Its a message board. His remark is three years old and was widely reported. It's out there. Google search and ye shall find.
    Something new, topical and fresh, though I would happily provide a link. Otherwise you can do your own googling.

    Ask yourself this - who do you find more credible - the Daily Star or The Guardian?
    Well, you I am sure, would consider the Guardian, NY Times, Toronto Star etc beyond reproach. They all have a similar bent ;-)
    As for me. Dyke's item in the Mail and Ben Child's blog post in the Guardian both put Craig on the record, unlike the Ireland-on-line, piece from two years earlier (Dec.2006) which was aggressively denied by his publicist. Interestingingly Gelf is not terribly inpressed with the publicist's denials.
    To wit, "Publicists are expert deniers, and proving a negative is essentially impossible. (Baum didn't respond to two follow-up queries asking whether she checked with Craig, and what he thinks about the idea of full-frontal nudity, or a gay scene, in a future Bond film.) But on balance, Gelf is inclined to believe an on-the-record comment over an unattributed quote that was then plagiarized and transmuted."
    Rather, Gelf is more dissuaded by Ireland On-Liine's failure to put Craig on the record, then by the protestations of the publicist.

    As for the 2008 on-the record Craig remarks. The 2nd doesn't contradict the former. Craig comes across as kinda wishy washy. In the first quote he muses on what he might be open to and in the second quote a few months later he offers what he doesn't think is likely to happen and confirms that it hasn't been discussed with the filmmakers. Two rather different takes on the same general theme.

    ==I guess Craig might have lots of stuff he wants to get cleared up in his own autobiography, after-all.
    I don't think it would be a big seller though. He's not terribly interesting when pontificating on anything really. IMO of course. If he does take the plunge though, maybe Rog can show him how it's done.

  • edited August 2011 Posts: 886
    Fair enough Timmer but we also have to take into account his type of humour - dry sarcasm.
    I do feel he wanted/s to do a nude scene as goodness he's got those down pat.
    Unless Craig says it in a filmed interview and he looks as if he means it (and I haven't worked out his look for that) I take all with a chin scratch.

  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,591
    I'm not very inclined to believe any of those papers when it comes down to movie stars. If I remember correctly it was Brosnan who wanted more nudity in Bondfilms. That was his take with DAD anyway, and I guess that's becouse of his experience with The Thomas Crown Affair or something. As Craig has played a gay man before, it would be logical for journalists to claim he'd want that for Bond too. If he then has/had made a sarcastic remark in that direction, there would be ' proof'. As above, the Journalist of the Irish Enquirer doesn't know if Craig is angry with him when he answers the Jane Austen question with 'F*ck off, man'. Come on! How could you not understand he's just joking around?

    Anyway, I'd start worrying about such scenes if they really showed up in the films. Until then, there's nothing to worry about. Craig seems to be a fun guy to drink a pint with, but he's not much of a storyteller Imo. So, not waiting for that book of his, that isn't coming anyway..
  • edited August 2011 Posts: 886
    As Craig has played a gay man before ,

    Again, hate to be difficult and take this off thread for a moment, but in what film has he played a gay man?
    Love is the Devil? I thought Geroge Dyer was a bi-sexual opportunist who saw a chance for a good life with Bacon?
    Infamous as Perry Smith? Again not classified as gay in my mind, never proven.
    Enduring Love? Jed was the one who kissed Joe due to stalker fantasies.

    Or have I missed something?
  • Posts: 4,622
    Fair enough Timmer but we also have to take into account his type of humour - dry sarcasm.
    I do feel he wanted/s to do a nude scene as goodness he's got those down pat.
    Unless Craig says it in a filmed interview and he looks as if he means it (and I haven't worked out his look for that) I take all with a chin scratch.
    Yes Craig does have a dry sense of humour. He doesn't like to answer some questions directly, at least not provocative ones. He often tries to make light of the question sometimes before he answers it, as if to diffuse the question's impact. But you see a lot of actors do this. They tend to be in performance mode, even when answering questions, especially awkward ones.
    They can't just simply answer the questions because that's what regular non-performer people do.

  • Posts: 80
    I think something may have got lost in translation from the German magazine Prinz September issue. I doubt whether he will ever write an autobiography. It was probably a wry comment to shut the interviewer up. Daniel has a track record of not discussing his private life, and that includes family and friends.

    September Edition of British Esquire
    "I have a responsibility to protect the people around me. And I can't protect them if I just give them up. You know, 'Let me tell you something about them...' That's shooting them in the back, because how can they defend themselves?". "That goes for my family, my friends - and I expect that of the people I have around me. I say, 'OK, we'll look after each other, protect one another.'"

    Most of the time stuff is made up, misinterpreted or printed out of contexts, in the knowledge that making a statement of denial puts the onus back onto the victim to prove it’s untrue. Best not to respond and fuel further gossip, detractors will always exist, Mr Craig is getting on with his life and leaving the piranhas hungry, in time they’ll find someone else to feed of.
  • I think something may have got lost in translation from the German magazine Prinz September issue. I doubt whether he will ever write an autobiography. It was probably a wry comment to shut the interviewer up. Daniel has a track record of not discussing his private life, and that includes family and friends.

    September Edition of British Esquire
    "I have a responsibility to protect the people around me. And I can't protect them if I just give them up. You know, 'Let me tell you something about them...' That's shooting them in the back, because how can they defend themselves?". "That goes for my family, my friends - and I expect that of the people I have around me. I say, 'OK, we'll look after each other, protect one another.'"

    Most of the time stuff is made up, misinterpreted or printed out of contexts, in the knowledge that making a statement of denial puts the onus back onto the victim to prove it’s untrue. Best not to respond and fuel further gossip, detractors will always exist, Mr Craig is getting on with his life and leaving the piranhas hungry, in time they’ll find someone else to feed of.

    Based on that and his notorious approach to not discussing his private life, an autobiography looks about a likely as Hugh Jackman not doing cabaret for the rest of his life.
  • Posts: 4,622
    Rog didn't write his auto-bio until he was 80, so he could talk about a lot of people that were already long dead and relate good stories from long long ago.
  • Daniel values people’s right to privacy, so I think the chances of him divulging much about anybody or anything is rather remote, his response has always been mind your own business, hence why he gets negative press from certain sections of the media.
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