Pierce Brosnan or Roger Moore



  • Roger Moore easily wins. I admire how he managed to fill up the big shoes left by Sean Connery and brought something new to the table. He didn't copy and paste Sean and instead gave new properties to the character. Brosnan however, just mixed Sean's and Roger's characteristics, though I also like him as Bond.
  • DrNoDrNo North Hollywood, California, USA
    Posts: 81
    Brosnan all the way. I'm slowly starting to appreciate Moore a little....more, but it was like watching Adam West play Bond.
  • Posts: 107
    Roger Moore by a mile. Poor Pierce Brosnan didn't have a shot to match Roger Moore because the creative team around him lost their minds for 10 years. Then they got their sanity back with Daniel Craig.
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,263
    Brosnan, easily. Took the role seriously, was believable as both a ladies man and an action man and only has one turd to his name - Moore has Moonraker, OP and AVTAK which aren't rated very highly by me.
  • Posts: 82
    Brosnan was my bond growing up The movies,Merchandise, Video Games but now that im older and seen all of the bond films i will take roger moore any day. Btw i dont dislike any of the bonds

    Sean Connery
    Roger Moore
    Daniel Craig
    Pierce Brosnan
    George Lazenby
    Timothy Dalton
  • It has to be Moore, but Brosnan simply wasn't nowhere near the humor Bond that Moore was, especially towards the end, and I applaud him for that. But I simply enjoyed Moore's tenure more. Both will never be able to stand on a plateau with Connery or Dalton with regard to all round Bond-ness or Fleming qualities, but they did, every now and again, provide some classic moments and serious viewing. Moore gave me more of that, in his twelve years as opposed to Brosnan and his four releases, so I went with Roger

    Live and Let Die, Golden Gun, Moonraker and For Your Eyes Only are great Bond adventures, and Octopussy and Spy are also worthwhile viewing, so Moore gets the vote for me. I can't abide Die Another Day and don't have much time for Tomorrow Never Dies with regards to Brosnan it should be mentioned
  • Posts: 11,216
    I've gradually realised that Moore's films, though stupid at times, are just better made. They have a better balance of action and plot.

    That said Brosnan probably does (as I said on my earlier post) have the edge physically. From TSWLM onwards Moore looked clunky as hell in fights.
  • Posts: 12,568
    Well i am gonna have to go with dear old Roger as he is my Bond who i grew up with and also it was LALD that first introduced me to 007! :D
  • Posts: 12,568
    Well i am gonna have to go with dear old Roger as he is my Bond who i grew up with and also it was LALD that first introduced me to 007! :D
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,997
    Brosnan definitely, but I love Rog too.
  • AliAli
    edited January 2013 Posts: 319
    Brosnan again for me. Rog was great, though. At least up to Moonraker. FYEO was fun, but he started to look his age at that point. Both are infinitely preferable to Smug Connery.
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 1,143
    Moore is more. Incidentally I today purchased Roger Moore - My word is my Bond. Looking forward to reading this!
  • hoppimikehoppimike Kent, UK
    Posts: 290
    I thought Brosnan was an outstanding Bond. However I don't think the later films did him justice.
  • Posts: 11,425
    Chang wrote:
    Roger Moore by a mile. Poor Pierce Brosnan didn't have a shot to match Roger Moore because the creative team around him lost their minds for 10 years. Then they got their sanity back with Daniel Craig.

    True. Brosnan is not as bad an actor as his 4 Bond films suggest. In his defence he has done other stuff that shows he can act. His scripts, directirs and co stars were often pretty weak. That said, he has to carry the can at the end of the day. 4 shots at getting it right and he never nailed the character. A wasted decade. For me, as a big Dalton fan I always felt like Brosnan was a backwards step. Roger is infinitely better on every front.
  • Posts: 11,425
    Chang wrote:
    Roger Moore by a mile. Poor Pierce Brosnan didn't have a shot to match Roger Moore because the creative team around him lost their minds for 10 years. Then they got their sanity back with Daniel Craig.

    True. Brosnan is not as bad an actor as his 4 Bond films suggest. In his defence he has done other stuff that shows he can act. His scripts, directirs and co stars were often pretty weak. That said, he has to carry the can at the end of the day. 4 shots at getting it right and he never nailed the character. A wasted decade. For me, as a big Dalton fan I always felt like Brosnan was a backwards step. Roger is infinitely better on every front.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,997
    Getafix wrote:
    I always felt like Brosnan was a backwards step. Roger is infinitely better on every front.

  • Posts: 140
    Though I feel that each man was the right Bond for his time, the direct comparison favors Moore. Of course, nostalgia has something to do with my opinion, since Rog was my first Bond. It goes beyond that, however.

    Without Roger Moore, the Bond series wouldn't have survived the '70s. Furthermore, I firmly believe that Moore supplanted Connery as the definitive James Bond in the public consciousness. In fact, I doubt that Pierce Brosnan would have been cast as Bond had it not been for Moore's success in redefining the role. When that magazine reporter back in '84 said, "Pierce Brosnan could make it as a young James Bond," she was really saying, "That Brosnan guy kinda reminds me of Roger Moore."

    I have, in the past, described Brosnan as a Moore clone who really wanted to be Connery or Dalton instead. And while that may be an oversimplification, I think it gets to the heart of Pierce's appeal and his approach to the role.

    Thus, in the end, I have to go with the original. More charm, more wit, more charisma, more Moore!
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,997
    00Ed wrote:
    I have, in the past, described Brosnan as a Moore clone who really wanted to be Connery or Dalton instead. And while that may be an oversimplification, I think it gets to the heart of Pierce's appeal and his approach to the role.
    Mortal! You have EARNED this!
  • Moore maximised his potential in the role, almost. Okay, he could have done a gritty Gold type film around the time of TMWTGG. But for what he was aiming for, he nailed it.

    Brozzer didn't, even by his own admission. Not his fault, it's the scripts.

    I'd also say that the best Bonds imo create a character. The adequate ones just play Bond. So Connery really did create Bond, the adjusting the cufflinks, the laconic delivery, the whole star persona was his. Lazenby? He sort of played Bond, they directed him to be like Connery. Is there anything he does in OHMSS that his quintessentially his? I don't think so. Ditto Brosnan really and to some extent Dalton too. Moore did create a character, even if a lot of it is the Moore persona we got in The Saint. And while I don't care for Craig, I admit that he also has created a Bond - he isn't just playing him, simply donning the tux and saying his lines - he has brought something to the table. We see him do things no other actor has attempted.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,997
    and to some extent Dalton too.

    WHAT??? His was as much a creation as Connery, Craig or Moore's!!

    Wait 'till I tell the guys at AJB what you said!!! [-(
  • Posts: 19,339
    chrisM wrote:
    Brosnan without a doubt, although I enjoyed some of Moore's performances, he became a greater and greater liability as the years passed, I hate DAD but Brosnan is superb in it - the film's only saving grace

    How did Sir Roger become a liability ?

  • edited May 2014 Posts: 11,216
    barryt007 wrote:
    chrisM wrote:
    Brosnan without a doubt, although I enjoyed some of Moore's performances, he became a greater and greater liability as the years passed, I hate DAD but Brosnan is superb in it - the film's only saving grace

    How did Sir Roger become a liability ?

    Well I personally didnt really "believe" Moore was still Bond when he was in AVTAK. Can anyone really look at Moore in that film and consider him a "blunt instrument" or in any way dangerous or ruthless? At least in OP he still had that man of the world quality about him. In AVTAK Moore is more leery and awkward than charming much of the time.

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,113
    With my vote, it's 18-10 Moore.

    I love what Moore brought to the series, and he has some of the best action scenes and finales in the entire list of films, but you know me: Brosnan always takes the cake.
  • Posts: 11,216
    I think Moore is definitely a mixed bag. At times entertaining and charming (TSWLM and FYEO), and at other times embarrassing and annoying (MR, AVTAK).

    In terms of his movies though I rank most of them above Brosnan's despite the fact I grew up in Pierce's era.
  • MayDayDiVicenzoMayDayDiVicenzo Here and there
    Posts: 5,082
    Make it 19-10. Moore is my favourite Bond.
  • Posts: 6,396
  • Posts: 1,394
    I think they are both great for different reasons.Even at the age they are at now, they would be better Bonds than the current fella.
  • Posts: 1,604
    AstonLotus wrote:
    I think they are both great for different reasons.Even at the age they are at now, they would be better Bonds than the current fella.

    You clearly have not seen Roger Moore lately.

    I'm split on this one. I think for the pure magnetic charm I will vote for Moore. I grew up with Brosnan though, and even amongst all the hate I still think he was an excellent Bond.

  • pachazopachazo Make Your Choice
    Posts: 7,318
    Definitely Moore although I do like Pierce. Seeing as Sir Rog was one of my childhood heroes this really wasn't a fair contest but I actually do prefer his version of Bond nonetheless. Not everyone was in love with the way Moore reinvented the role but you can't deny that he made the character into his own unique interpretation which is hard to say for Brosnan.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    Brosnan. :)
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