Moonraker Trailer!

edited August 2011 in Fan Creations Posts: 29
Hello, everyone!
I'd love to hear your opinion on both my fan trailer and the movie and general!


  • Posts: 4,762
    Nice trailer! Makes me want to watch Moonraker right now! I really enjoyed how you tagged on the line about Christmas at the end. Very neat!
  • Awesome trailer! Better than the original. In terms of the movie itself I feel Moonraker gets a bad rap. Before the space scenes its really a solid Bond film. I easily prefer it over the likes of Die Another Day, The World is not Enough, Diamonds are Forever, The Man with the golden gun, and Tomorrow Never Dies. Plus it had Moore in one of his best performances, a great John Barry score, and some of Ken Adam's best sets.
  • Posts: 4,762
    Whoops! Forgot to add my two cents about Moonraker. Well for me, it's just decent. There's the good, and there's the bad. They really cancel each other out in the long run, which just makes it half-and-half.
  • Posts: 1,856
    Nice trailer, I think i'm not the only one who wants to see more films.....

    Agreeing with @00Beast on the film though
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,325
    Great trailer @Casino007Royale, certainly entertaining and well put together. Much like the film itself. A hugely enjoyable over the top romp, that rarely takes itself seriously, though does actually include its fair share of suspense and Bondesque moments. It's one I find hard not to be caught up in. Yes it has plenty of faults, and gets wildly silly more than once. But it's impossible not to be entertained by it all.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Nice work there @Casino007Royale. Please consider doing more.

    As for Moonraker, it is I find the only film that I can get caught up in despite it's faults. Mainly due to the work of Adam and Barry as well as the great use of multiple locations.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    I just watched MR last week - I wish they did more with those Noah Ark's girls!

    More "character development" so to speak!!

  • Posts: 5,634
    I'm using my wife's laptop and I can't get any visuals on the screen, only Audio. it does that with YouTube, things like we have here etc. :-S

    so we gonna talk about Moonraker, not enough hours in the day for me.

    Saw it from start to finish last week, I've berated and castigated this particular Moore effort from dusk to dawn, but, somehow there is something within, some hidden quality that causes it to be a movie I actually like to watch, I don't hate it, the one main issue I have is to the extent it pisses me off due to it's complete inplausible directions.

    Keeping it short, but, never should have brought Jaws back, never mind him falling in love or becoming a good guy, never should of had James Bond take off into outer space, should of stayed in one place longer than ten minutes and never should of brought Bassey back for a third time attempt at a Bond song. Oh and Lois Chiles was awful as Moore's love interest. Seen more life in a mannequin.

    If you (can) look above the overriding deficiencies of the film it does make for a fun two hours spent but has to be up there with Die Another Day and A View To A Kill as the worst James Bond release for most neutrals.

  • I pretty much agree with everyone, its not the worst film or nearly as bad as its reputation makes it out to be!

    Also, theres a bunch of fan trailers on my youtube account if anyone would like to see more!
    I actually recommend the DAD one, I made it look decent!
  • Posts: 1,856
    ^WOW now I MUST see it
  • The film was actually great until the space scenes stuffed it up.
    The trailer makes the film seem a bit more serious and sensible.
  • Really very well done. Congratulations!
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