Why Doesn't Bond ever work in the Mid East anymore...

edited August 2011 in Bond Movies Posts: 5,745
It just seems logical that England would focus their brightest minds in the INTELLIGENCE field. I'd love to see Craig kicking some terrorist hodgie butt. Perhaps Quantum could actually be going after oil in the war ridden region bypassing the weak governments with corruption. Thats a great movie plot right there, spy in mid east, taking out oil hungry thugs. BOOM BOND 23. I take cash.


  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    Part of me agrees, part doesn't.

    Since TWINE, terrorism has become increasingly more important in the Bonds. It plays into our contemporary fears I assume. That said, I feel that for the next film, Bond shouldn't go that way. I'd love a slightly more old fashioned villain, a megalomaniac in the tradition of the old days. But my argument is very subjective and so it's mere opinion. ;;)
  • Posts: 1,856
    It would be an interesting idea, but......

    behind the scenes it's to unstable for filming B23, with revolutions etc.
  • Posts: 1,894
    I'd love to see Craig kicking some terrorist hodgie butt.
    Because Bond is above fighting Islamic terrorists. During the height of the Cold War, Bond was not going after Russian villains - he was thwarting millionaire industrialists who wanted to commit mass genocide, dangerous assassins who got their hands on solar technology, and exiled Afghan princes smuggling jewellry. So why should Bond suddenly start going after Islamic terrorists? They're a mainstay of mass-produced action films and police procedurals. Leave Arab terrorists to Jason Bourne - Bond should be fighting larger-than-life villains.
    Perhaps Quantum could actually be going after oil in the war ridden region bypassing the weak governments with corruption. Thats a great movie plot right there, spy in mid east, taking out oil hungry thugs. BOOM BOND 23. I take cash.
    I don't think we need any more oil politics, thank you.
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,303
    Whilst the area is one of great interest, and often appears in current affairs. It is a highly volatile and dangerous region of the world.
    It's also somewhere where they could shoot a Bond film, but then is it perhaps too topical? Do we want to see Bond in an oil based film, fighting terrorists?
    After TWINE, and the water plot of QOS, I think it's high time to leave such stories to someone else.
    Let's have Bond stop a bullion dealer who plans to explode an atomic weapon in a gold depository. Now that would be fun.
  • Posts: 5,745
    *SIGH* Just because the film is based in the Mid East, doesn't mean it needs to be shot right there in the Korengal Valley. And you can't tell me the idea of destroying the Western world is not a larger-than-life idea. (:P) Okay okay, Pakistan and India have nukes, and I don't trust either of them to have them. We could base a plot where (and this is going into Iron Man territory, but its right here right now thinking) a person with "insert other intentions here" uses terrorists, or a group acting as terrorists, snatches a nuke from Paki or India, threatens to you know, kill the prime minister (who is rarely in bond movies as a character, surprise) or something. Still too down to Earth?

    Completely changing ideas:

    You could have a (HOT) WOMAN (uh, uh?) villain, with absolutely NO prior relationship to Bond, who somehow manages to get a country's communications in her control, and arranges for certain troop deployments of some country to go after something in the west. That'd be pretty cool, and is way larger than life, imo. And then bond shoots and drives and punches and saves the day.

    On the other hand, sorry for the switch up.. again,
    I do like where the new series has entered into Africa and South America. Any ideas? I don't know, water was kind of lame, there, Quantum.
  • Posts: 1,894
    We could base a plot where (and this is going into Iron Man territory, but its right here right now thinking) a person with "insert other intentions here" uses terrorists, or a group acting as terrorists, snatches a nuke from Paki or India, threatens to you know, kill the prime minister (who is rarely in bond movies as a character, surprise) or something. Still too down to Earth?
    So, TRUE LIES, then?

    Also, I wouldn't go around referring to Pakistan as "Paki" or "Pak" - both are considered racial slurs.
    You could have a (HOT) WOMAN (uh, uh?) villain, with absolutely NO prior relationship to Bond, who somehow manages to get a country's communications in her control, and arranges for certain troop deployments of some country to go after something in the west. That'd be pretty cool, and is way larger than life, imo. And then bond shoots and drives and punches and saves the day.
    I don't think it's large than life at all. it sounds pretty conventional to me. Larger than life is playing up to local superstitions to scare people away from drug fields, or hollowing out an extinct volcano or a hidden base. If you were a little more specifica about what you had in mind, it would be better. Because right now, it just comes across as really vague, and vague means generic. So far, the only thing you've specified is that the villain is female and probably had a career as a sueprmodel.
    I do like where the new series has entered into Africa and South America. Any ideas?
    Sure: the villain develops a chemical polymer that is a byproduct of refining petroleum (probably somewhere in Angola or Nigeria). When added to water, this chemical polymer thickens like jelly. If it were added to a city's water supply, it would strangle the city. If it were dumped in a harbour, it would make it impossible for ships to enter, blocking trade and shutting down the economy.
    I don't know, water was kind of lame, there, Quantum.
    Actually, it's kind of ingenious, since we take fresh water for granted, even if we're running out of it. The way Quantum took control of the water supply and the fact that they only controlled 65% of Bolivia's water supply were poorly-executed, but it was a clever idea. Especially since the implication is that Quantum profits off exploiting poorer countries that have little geopolitical influence.
  • Posts: 5,745

    All I can say is wow, my ideas are so.. American.. I spose.

    (oh and Paki (sorry) was simply -insert key failure- on my part, SO sorry.

    And I'm literally thinking of things on the spot, so bare with me on generic-ness.
    I do like your idea (the water-to-jello idea), but I don't know about the harbor. I think I (personally) would like it better if it made water acidic, and would eat through ship metal, rather than turn to jelly.

    But for Africa, and South America, you could have cartels literally drugging products that are being sold, whether it be to kill them, addict them to the product, addict them to your drugs, or something beyond that.

    Here's my attempts: think drink the koolaid, the drug makes anyone who drinks or eats what it contaminates a) go crazy, and have them look to a cure, which this ingenious villain's pharmaceutical company just so happens to carry b) makes them think a certain way about policies and people, getting this person national power of the nation and beyond

    or something like that.

    Trying to stretch out, is it working? Haha
  • Posts: 5,745
    Oh and it could still be a female villain...
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    edited September 2011 Posts: 821
    maybe they (EON, Barbara, Michael) are trying to be Politically Correct and don't want to offend the Arabs and the Muslims like True Lies & Disney's Aladdin (YES! Some Muslims and Arabs were offended by Aladdin) and Team America and 300 (the Iranian found it offensive) and SEX and the CITY 2 (some Muslims and Arabs said the movie portrayed them in a negative manner) did and they also don't want to be accused of Racial Profiling.

  • Posts: 289
    or maybe it is boring....
  • Posts: 1,492
    There are still some good locations to be used in the Middle east ie Petra, Damascus, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Riyadh, Alexandria and Dubai.

    How about a hermetic major villain at the top of those big Dubai towers.

    Oh wait. It has been done.
  • Posts: 5,745
    There hasn't been a bond plot developed around biochemistry and genetics yet, has there? Theres a direction to take for a new story.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    maybe they can clone Blofeld - althought I did like John Gardner's idea of Blofeld having an evil daughter!!
  • Posts: 5,745
    Yea I'd like to avoid the whole blofield thing.

    Daughter of.. maybe.
    I was thinking more of a turning deserts into forests (but really forests into deserts) thing, which is really just chemistry I spose. Hard to think of a biochem idea without it sounding too out of touch.
  • Posts: 1,894
    maybe they (EON, Barbara, Michael) are trying to be Politically Correct and don't want to offend the Arabs and the Muslims like True Lies & Disney's Aladdin (YES! Some Muslims and Arabs were offended by Aladdin) and Team America and 300 (the Iranian found it offensive) and SEX and the CITY 2 (some Muslims and Arabs said the movie portrayed them in a negative manner) did and they also don't want to be accused of Racial Profiling.
    Or maybe EON just don't have a story to tell that takes place in the Middle East.
  • I quite enjoyed the Icelandic setting for Die Another Day, it made a difference from previous Bond locales, the daft car chase and laser beams and Bond surfing over huge waves et al were a bit disappointing but for where they decided to go was a nice change.

    We don't need to see Bond year in year out in exotic locations, it's worked alright before just keeping things on a reasonable level.

    I guess there's a public demand for fancy vacations and all but maybe once and a while they should keep them to a minimum.

    Royale started out in the Czech Republic and all of a sudden we were whisked off to Africa and the Bahamas and once again in familiar territory, I thought the Montenegro, Venice settings were well done though following on from previous Bond trips in FRWL and MR, but sinking venetian buildings ?
  • Posts: 5,745
    I quite liked the sinking building. Was cool imo. What I was originally thinking is, when the US hunts down individuals of interest (Osama B Laden, for instance) they send the CIA's best. MI6 is similar to the CIA, so wouldn't bond be sent on missions of that sort. And I'm only saying this because of how "realistic" the franchise is attempting to be with Craig and Quantum. If you were to follow that pattern, I don't see why Bond wouldn't be the one to do these hunt/kill missions.

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