Let me just say first of all that I have my friend
@Ludovico (see this thread:
http://www.mi6community.com/index.php?p=/discussion/6718/the-profession-of-the-villain/p6) to thank for the idea behind this thread and we did discuss it a bit on one of his threads. I'd like to develop that discussion further in this designated thread. I'd be very interested to know members' thoughts on this topic as it's never been fully discussed here before on MI6 Community.
Basically, I want members here to think back over the James Bond films (or even the Bond novels if you wish, though I personally think that there are less examples of amateurism there) and see if you can uncover any examples of amateurism from the part of the main villains, their henchmen and associates.
Here are a few that occur to me in the James Bond films at least:
Professor Dent (DN)- an amateur assassin with tarantula and gun.
Quist (TB) - being found by Bond hiding in the shower by Bond - he is killed by being thrown to the sharks by villain Emilio Largo.
Wint and Kidd (DAF) - leaving Bond to rot in the piece of pipe.
Rosie Carver (LALD) - very amateurish as a CIA and villainess; a badly written character too.
Max Largo (NSNA) - failing to take Bond's laser watch off when he leaves him to rot away in the tower with the vultures.
Dr Carl Mortner and Scarpine (AVTAK) on the airship - laughable amateurism in disposing of the dynamite - squabbling among themselves ("Give it to me"/especially Mortner lighting the dynamite stick the first place, given the armory of sub-machine guns he could have used on Bond and Stacey Sutton first!
Elliot Carver (TND)- not a very good fighter, see his laughable attempt at martial arts! that was intentional, though.
Dominic Greene (QoS)- amateurism in fighting Bond - puts the axe through his own foot and flails about with it wildly. Compare with Max Zorin's proficiency with the fire axe on the Golden Gate Bridge for instance.
Elvis (QoS) - doesn't do very much as Greene's bodyguard/Head of Security and even needs Greene to point him gun in the right direction for him!
Obviously the Dalton Bond was aware of the blatant amateurism of the "KGB assassin" Kara Milovy in TLD too and he refused to kill her, citing the fact that "I only kill professionals."
I'm pretty sure that there are others that I have missed.
If you can add to my list, with your reasons for citing a character as displaying amateurism, please let me know in this dedicated thread.
Just to clarify, do you mean the snake in Bond's hotel room or the snake in both voodoo ceremony scenes?
Another great one, yes. That kind of spoils that scene for me a tad.
Yes, that's a painfully obvious one he missed otherwise it would curtains have been curtains for Bond! :))
Especially the one where they put him unconscious inside that piece of pipe! Laughable! That was probably the intention in DAF, mind!
Another one is where Helga leaves Bond inside a burning plane.
In the novel DAF Bond isn't terribly impressed with the American gangsters - teenage pillow fancies!- yet they did try to kill him, and Bond dryly remarks.
Yes, Fleming rather sets Bond up for a fall regarding American gangsterism, although perhaps he never really follows through in the DAF novel?
Yes, and that is a failing. I think it was O.F. Snelling who noted first what I said in my post above.
Not yet but I certainly will write something on all of this at some point. I have articles that mention the gangsterism in the DAF novel on my blog but that is about it.
Thank you - there's a new Guest Article by Pete Swan up on the blog as of Monday last.
Another one that comes to my mind: Dr No is a first rate scientist, yet as a fighter he is an amateur. Still, his metallic hands give Bond a run for his money.
My pleasure! Your posts inspired me to start writing an article on this as I find it rather fascinating (and overlooked) so perfect for my blog. I'll dedicate the article to you once I get it finished also. :)
Thanks for these interesting suggestions also: this is certainly an overlooked topic.
I actually liked how Greene was out of his depth with Bond. The axe fight is hilarious as Green is wildly swinging just trying not to kill himself. Pure desperation. Excellent scene with Bond trying to balance a madman coming at him, not dying in an exploding building, etc.
Yeah! This one!
because with a snake it looks like an accident.