New ways to torture Bond - Mystery System 2015

Welcome to the boards. Get a lot of things to talk about, I jsut saw Spectre woah did it shake my pants. Take your time thinking aobout it, no need to rush, but this is important. I think we canl all lagree that there was nothing quite like the torutee scene in Spectre. Now all Brofeld needded to say was "Is it safe?" I hae not been for a cleaning for nineteen years and it;s nt gonnaing to happen now. The fusifrom gyyrsius, thst was hardly scientific maybe but nothing a bit of mangination and a sip of the bubbly in my den couldn't make all too real. So now its; for time for your turn. Noving forward, how do we torutere Bond more? Think of all the innovative and brutalitstic ways to do it, and then put your fingers into thoughts and tell me all about it and my fellow Bond fans.

How do I center posts

Here are my top five ways :
1. A bomb in the anus with lots of bluffing
2. Break a finger. This is a nod to LIVE and let die and we all know how that goes with Mendez
3. This might sound comical but its a killer for me. tickling. I will break up with you on the spot.
4. I have thougth about this one for a long time. Take a very wet firehose, two of them actually, and some nipple clamps. Attach them to Bond's body and turn them on, then threaten thunder and electricity. Those tits are gonna fry. And explode and maybe even get bigger, backfiring on Brofeld and making Bond a sex icon all wet and electric. This it a twist. A titty twist if you will.
5. Mortgage

Obviosuly some of my torutre sufgestions are preliminary and moayeb al ittle comedic but this is Bond after all. For God's sake he killed a known wrestler then shagged with a stomach full of dirty martinits abord a moving train in full view of the conductor. If I can do it you can do it. Lets hear your fun, funny and fantasitc ways to tease and torurture Bond. Ask me how

And Thank you :)


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