Rate The Various Categories – The Musical Scores. Final Scores!



  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    You got until the weekend to have your on YOLT chaps!
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    Community Scores -
    You Only Live Twice – 89.72%
    Goldfinger - 86%
    Thunderball - 85.08%
    From Russia With Love - 77.5%
    Casino Royale '67 - 70.87
    Dr. No - 51.45%

    Egads! YOLT has only taken over from GF at the top of our here leaderboard!

    See you later for the next 'un.....

    James Bond will return, in On Her Majesty's Secret Service...
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service, 1969

    1. Implementation of the Theme Song – 10
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 9 (I love how Barry subtle cues TJBT as Draco suggests that Tracy “needs a man to dominate her”)
    3. Style – 10
    4. Romance – 10
    5. Excitement – 10
    6. Brass – 10
    7. Suspense – 10 (Gumbold's Safe)
    8. Iconography – 10
    9. Epicness – 10
    10. Timelessness – 9 (The synths date it somewhat)


    royale's Rankings -

    On Her Majesty's Secret Service – 98%
    You Only Live Twice – 94%
    Goldfinger – 94%
    Thunderball – 89%
    From Russia With Love - 83%
    Dr. No – 69%   
    Casino Royale, '67 – 62% 

    I think we have a wiener!
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service, 1969

    1. Implementation of the Theme Song – 10
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 10
    3. Style – 10
    4. Romance – 10
    5. Excitement – 10
    6. Brass – 10
    7. Suspense – 10
    8. Iconography – 10
    9. Epicness – 10
    10. Timelessness – 9

    Probably the most perfect musical score I have ever encountered. I never tire of it at all no matter how often I listen to it. I have only deducted one point for "Do You Know How Christmas Trees Are Grown?" which I always have to fast forward through.


    bondjames' Musical Score Rankings

    DN - 65%
    FRWL - 80%
    GF - 86%
    TB - 93%
    YOLT - 87%
    OHMSS - 99%
  • MayDayDiVicenzoMayDayDiVicenzo Here and there
    edited January 2016 Posts: 5,082
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service, 1969

    1. Implementation of the Theme Song – 10
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 10
    3. Style – 10
    4. Romance – 10
    5. Excitement – 10
    6. Brass – 10
    7. Suspense – 10
    8. Iconography – 10
    9. Epicness – 10
    10. Timelessness – 8



    As expected.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service, 1969

    1. Theme Song – 9
    2. Use of Bond Theme - 7
    3. Style – 10
    4. Romance – 10 ("Piz" perfect)
    5. Excitement - 9
    6. Brass – 9
    7. Suspense - 9 (even while Bond's going through Playboy)
    8. Iconography – 8
    9. Epicness – 9
    10. Timelessness – 9 (An unforgettable score once more.)


    DD's Rankings

    Dr. No – 57%
    Casino Royale '67 - 66%
    From Russia With Love - 77%
    Goldfinger - 82%
    Thunderball - 83%
    You Only Live Twice - 85%
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service - 89%

  • pachazopachazo Make Your Choice
    Posts: 7,315
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service

    1. Implementation of the Theme Song – 10
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 9
    3. Style – 10
    4. Romance – 10
    5. Excitement – 9
    6. Brass – 8
    7. Suspense – 10
    8. Iconography – 8
    9. Epicness – 9
    10. Timelessness – 9

    Final Score - 92%

    It's brilliant. But, for my money, it's just a hair below YOLT.

    pachazo's picks
    1) YOLT - 93%
    2) OHMSS - 92%
    3) TB - 83%
    4) GF - 82%
    5) FRWL - 73%
    6) DN - 52%
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,263
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service

    1. Implementation of the Theme Song – 10
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 9
    3. Style – 10
    4. Romance – 10
    5. Excitement – 10
    6. Brass – 9
    7. Suspense – 10
    8. Iconography – 10
    9. Epicness – 9
    10. Timelessness – 9

    Final Score - 96%

    Possibly my favourite music score of all time.

    1) OHMSS - 96%
    2) YOLT - 89%
    3) TB - 86%
    4) GF - 91%
    5) FRWL - 81%
    6) DN - 62%

  • Posts: 4,325
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service, 1969

    1. Theme Song – 8
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 8
    3. Style – 8
    4. Romance – 9
    5. Excitement - 9
    6. Brass – 9
    7. Suspense – 9
    8. Iconography – 8
    9. Epicness – 9
    10. Timelessness – 9


    Tanaka123 Rankings

    You Only Live Twice - 89%
    Goldfinger - 86%/ On Her Majesty's Secret Service - 86%
    Thunderball - 81%
    From Russia with Love - 74%
    Dr. No - 52%
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,367

    1. Theme Song – 10
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 9
    3. Style – 10
    4. Romance – 10
    5. Excitement - 10
    6. Brass – 10
    7. Suspense – 9
    8. Iconography – 9
    9. Epicness – 10
    10. Timelessness – 10

    Overall: 97%

    On Her Majesty's Secret Service: 97%
    You Only Live Twice: 93%
    Thunderball: 85%
    From Russia with Love: 78%
    Goldfinger: 77%
    Dr. No: 49%
  • Posts: 4,045
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service

    1. Implementation of the Theme Song – 10
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 7
    3. Style – 10
    4. Romance – 10
    5. Excitement – 10
    6. Brass – 7
    7. Suspense – 10
    8. Iconography – 9
    9. Epicness – 10
    10. Timelessness – 10 (We have all the timelessness in the world)

    Final Score: 93%

    vzok ratings:

    OHMSS - 93
    You Only Live Twice - 84
    From Russia - 76
    CR67 - 75
    Thunderball - 75
    Goldfinger - 73
    Dr No - 56
  • Posts: 7,653
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service

    1. Implementation of the Theme Song – 10
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 9
    3. Style – 10
    4. Romance – 10
    5. Excitement – 10
    6. Brass – 9
    7. Suspense – 10
    8. Iconography – 9
    9. Epicness – 10
    10. Timelessness – 10 (We have all the timelessness in the world)

  • edited February 2016 Posts: 1,009
    1. Implementation of the Theme Song – 10 (Magnificient use of the OHMSS theme and We Have All The time In The World, sweetly sung by Louis Armstrong and serving different purposes throughout (romance, tragedy, lounge music).
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 10 (I have a weakness for the Moog-driven Bond Theme despite being used only a few times, especially the energic end version that tells us that no matter the tragedy, James Bond will be back in action. However, the original version is used successfully durinf the raid on Piz Gloria
    3. Style – 10 (Try, the lounge version of WHATTITW, the sexy sax theme for the Angels...)
    4. Romance – 10 (probably the most romantic of the Bond scores. Sweet, sensitive...)
    5. Excitement – 10 (the Main Theme is one of the most celebrated action themes ever scored. And it comes in various versions)
    6. Brass – 9 (Brassy as heck: Dig those horns on Do Ypou Know How Christmas Trees Are Grown?)
    7. Suspense – 10 (Tons of suspense thanks to a slow version of the main theme and the eerie Gimboldt Safe. Even a little version of DYKHCIAG manages to be eerie).
    8. Iconography – 10 (an icon of the late 60s sountracks)
    9. Epicness – 10 (All that you want)
    10. Timelessness – 10 (A masterpiece is always timeless)


    Barry was in one of his finest moments. His work on The Lion In Winter was unforgettable, and so is this one, where adds synths and some rocking fuzzboxed guitars to his own "Bond Style". It's pure ear candy, made with the best quality.

    BLM's Rankings

    DN: 35 %
    FRWL: 79 %
    CR'67: 81 %
    TB and YOLT: 86 %
    GF: 91 %

  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    Any more votes out there I wonder?
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    Community Scores -
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service – 95.08%
    You Only Live Twice – 89.72%
    Goldfinger - 86%
    Thunderball - 85.08%
    From Russia With Love - 77.5%
    Casino Royale '67 - 70.87
    Dr. No - 51.45%

    I rate Majesty's as the greatest Bond score and it seems you chaps agree with me.

    See you later for the next 'un.....

    James Bond will return, in Diamonds Are Forever..
  • edited February 2016 Posts: 110
    Hopefully it's not too late to get my vote in. My first time voting in this thread as well, so I can't compare to the others voted right now.

    1. Theme Song – 10
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 10
    3. Style – 10
    4. Romance – 10
    5. Excitement - 10
    6. Brass – 9
    7. Suspense – 10
    8. Iconography – 10
    9. Epicness – 10
    10. Timelessness – 10

    Overall: 99%

    About as perfect a score as can be!
  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 5,131
    Hopefully it's not too late to get my vote in. My first time voting in this thread as well, so I can't compare to the others voted right now.

    1. Theme Song – 10
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 10
    3. Style – 10
    4. Romance – 10
    5. Excitement - 10
    6. Brass – 9
    7. Suspense – 10
    8. Iconography – 10
    9. Epicness – 10
    10. Timelessness – 10

    Overall: 99%

    About as perfect a score as can be!

  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    Look out! It's only another ruddy Bond film!

    Diamonds Are Forever, 1971

    1. Implementation of the Theme Song – 10 (Be it as an eerie theme, or a romantic theme, Barry done good. Again.)
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 10 (quite a sinister, queer theme, which compliments well with the bizarre nature of the movie. Oh yes, “Bond to Holland”, and those trumpet flares!)
    3. Style – 9 (Jazzy and showy, fitting to the Vegas setting)
    4. Romance – 10 (Such tracks as “Bond and Tiffany” and “Tiffany Case” cause me to go over all emo)
    5. Excitement – 8
    6. Brass – 8 (not so much, strings features heavily in this score, but Barry uses his brass like a pro. Which, of course, he is. Oh, 007 Theme too!)
    7. Suspense – 8
    8. Iconography – 9
    9. Epicness – 8
    10. Timelessness – 10


    royale's Rankings -

    On Her Majesty's Secret Service – 98%
    You Only Live Twice – 94%
    Goldfinger – 94%
    Diamonds Are Forever 90%
    Thunderball – 89%
    From Russia With Love - 83%
    Dr. No – 69%   
    Casino Royale, '67 – 62% 

    Ahead of Thunderball, but just behind Goldfinger, which is probably about right, me thinks.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    So Goldfinger takes the crown after all, @Birdleson?

    Good choice, one of the best!
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    edited February 2016 Posts: 45,489
    Excellent top three it is. I am too lazy to contribute here myself, but my view is that Barry s original stretch of scores 1963-1971 has never been bettered.
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,367
    Diamonds Are Forever

    1. Theme Song – 9
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 7
    3. Style – 8
    4. Romance – 7
    5. Excitement - 8
    6. Brass – 8
    7. Suspense – 7
    8. Iconography – 8
    9. Epicness – 8
    10. Timelessness – 8

    Overall: 78%

    On Her Majesty's Secret Service: 97%
    You Only Live Twice: 93%
    Thunderball: 85%
    From Russia with Love: 78%
    Diamonds Are Forever: 78%
    Goldfinger: 77%
    Dr. No: 49%
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    Diamonds Are Forever, 1971

    1. Theme Song – 10 (Possibly my favorite)
    2. Use of Bond Theme - 8
    3. Style – 10
    4. Romance – 8 (Those nice jazzy renditions of the theme song)
    5. Excitement - 9
    6. Brass – 9
    7. Suspense - 10 (all based on the theme song)
    8. Iconography – 9
    9. Epicness – 10
    10. Timelessness – 10


    DD's Rankings

    Dr. No – 57%
    Casino Royale '67 - 66%
    From Russia With Love - 77%
    Goldfinger - 82%
    Thunderball - 83%
    You Only Live Twice - 85%
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service - 89%
    Diamonds Are Forever - 93%
  • Posts: 4,045
    Diamonds Are Forever

    1. Implementation of the Theme Song – 9
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 10 (Bond To Holland!)
    3. Style – 9
    4. Romance – 9
    5. Excitement – 8
    6. Brass – 8
    7. Suspense – 9
    8. Iconography – 9
    9. Epicness – 8
    10. Timelessness – 10

    Final Score: 89%

    vzok ratings:

    OHMSS - 93
    Diamonds - 89
    You Only Live Twice - 84
    From Russia - 76
    CR67 - 75
    Thunderball - 75
    Goldfinger - 73
    Dr No - 56
  • MayDayDiVicenzoMayDayDiVicenzo Here and there
    Posts: 5,082
    Diamonds Are Forever

    1. Implementation of the Theme Song – 10
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 7
    3. Style – 8
    4. Romance – 7
    5. Excitement – 7
    6. Brass – 7
    7. Suspense – 8
    8. Iconography – 9
    9. Epicness – 7
    10. Timelessness – 9



    MayDay's score ranking
    DN- 42%
    FRWL- 78%
    GF- 91%
    TB- 78%
    CR'67- 62%
    YOLT- 92%
    OHMSS- 98%
    DAF- 79%
  • 1. Implementation of the Theme Song - 10 (I think DAF contains the best vocal performance from any Bond song. Bassey is supreme on that. And its jazzy version is awesome, too)
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 8 (a return to the brassy tones of before)
    3. Style – 10 (Oh, yeah, jazzy as it can be: It's a pretty cohesive soundtrack, much in the tone of the film)
    4. Romance – 9 (full of sensous overtones)
    5. Excitement – 7 (The music on the fight scenes is quite dramatic, almost a remake of the fight music on OHMMS).
    6. Brass – 10 (just listen to the wonderful Q's Trick, my fav piece by John Barry, or all the muzak from the casinos...)
    7. Suspense – 9 (when the music creates suspense in a movie that does not pretend to have any, it sings wonders about its composer: Mr. Wint & Mr. Kidd and the haunting vals-like music for the satellite scenes, similar to YOLT's Capsule In Space).
    8. Iconography – 8 (quite a well-remembered score)
    9. Epicness – 8 (It has all the epicness the movie needs, no more, no less).
    10. Timelessness – 10 (Another score that could have been composed anytime from the fifties onwards)

    88/100%: My personal fav Barry score is a monument to swing and cool, mixed with some 70s wah-wah. Very Mancini-esque and on tone with the wacky nature of the film.

    BLM's Rankings

    DN: 35 %
    FRWL: 79 %
    CR'67: 81 %
    DAF: 84 %
    TB and YOLT: 86 %
    DAF: 88 %
    GF: 91 %

  • ForYourEyesOnlyForYourEyesOnly In the untained cradle of the heavens
    Posts: 1,984
    Hmm. Having missed a few, am I still allowed to join in on DAF?
  • Posts: 4,325
    Diamonds Are Forever, 1971

    1. Theme Song – 8
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 9
    3. Style – 9
    4. Romance – 7
    5. Excitement - 7
    6. Brass – 6
    7. Suspense – 8
    8. Iconography – 9
    9. Epicness – 8
    10. Timelessness – 9


    Tanaka123 Rankings

    You Only Live Twice - 89%
    Goldfinger - 86%/ On Her Majesty's Secret Service - 86%
    Thunderball - 81%
    Diamonds Are Forever - 79%
    From Russia with Love - 74%
    Dr. No - 52%
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    @ForYourEyesOnly -

    the more the merrier old chap!
    Posts: 3,198
    1. Implementation of the Theme Song – 9
    2. Use of Bond Theme – 7
    3. Style – 9
    4. Romance – 6
    5. Excitement – 9
    6. Brass – 8
    7. Suspense – 9
    8. Iconography – 9
    9. Epicness – 7
    10. Timelessness – 9

    Total Score: 82
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    Voting closes tomorrow dudes!
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