Rank the actors



  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    edited September 2016 Posts: 8,592
    Ranked them to rank:

    1. Sir Roger Moore KBE
    2. Pierce Brosnan OBE
    3. Sir Sean Connery Kt (Knight Bachelor)
    4. Daniel Craig (has some baronet somewhere in his family).
    5. Timothy Dalton (was once a member of the Air Training Corps)
    6. George Lazenby ,couldn't find anything noteworthy.
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,592
    1. Sean Connery
    2. Daniel Craig
    3/4. Roger Moore/Pierce Brosnan (tied)
    5. Timothy Dalton
    6. George Lazenby

    Love all of them. As of yet, the Bond role has never been miscast.
  • Posts: 7,892
    1. Timothy Dalton
    2. Daniel Craig
    3. Sean Connery
    4. George Lazenby
    5. Roger Moore (Love all these 5, but have to put Rog here!)
    6.( reluctantly ) Pierce Brosnan!
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    Posts: 1,130
    GoldenGun wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    GoldenGun wrote: »
    This shouldn't come as a surprise. Right of the pages of the books. Dalton is moody, intelligent, dislikes his job, has believable love interests and remains a bon vivant throughout. Tim is playing it straight and it's not too difficult to suspend one's disbelief. Nevertheless, the escapism is still there as both his films have some of the best and most outrageous stunts of the series.

    This man is the personification of class. The way he moves on screen, the mannerisms, the playful look and the way he is dressed make for the ultimate gentleman spy. DAF does cost him some points, he should not have returned looking all out of shape. Still, those 60's films are the pinnacle of stylish entertainment and thanks in no small part to Sir Sean's charming suaveness.

    Yes, I put Pierce third. The Brozza was born to be wearing a suit, he's elegant and stylish. Might not feel as British as his predecessors, though I like his internationality (German cars, Italian fashion). He has a self-confident swagger to him and I adore the sarcastic look he sometimes gives in the more comedic scenes (Q scenes especially). I know his films aren't always loved around here and even I put DAD at the bottom. It says a lot though I still think he did great despite the awfulness he was put in the middle of.

    Even fans of OHMSS put him dead last sometimes and I don't really get why. Physically the most impressive and confident almost to the point of arrogant. Yet at the same time he has a vulnerability about him that makes him more human than the others (except maybe for Tim). Besides, that last scene is heartbreaking and that's definitely thanks to him.

    I don't dislike Rog, I just don't like him as much as most of the others. That's predominantly because of the way he was used by the writers. There is a joke behind every corner and certainly in his last outings those jokes had become the essence of the films. The parrot, the Tarzan yell, that noise he makes when he's falling over. I admit Moore was great in the 70's, in the 80's not so much.

    I'll be the first to admit that Daniel Craig is a good actor. It takes more than a good actor to be a good Bond though. The man's got a working class vibe to him. Bond has lost his refined nature in the last outings. That's mostly because he looks like a bodybuilding Everyman. If such a man would enter a bar, I would think he's there to pick a fight. Anyway, he has some fine moments too and delivered two good films for sure. Still my least favourite of the bunch though.

    Good but a little strange ranking. It looks contradictory that you love the realistic portrayal of Dalton but Have Daniel at the bottom. I feel their portrayals were quite similar woth the only difference that Craig had the good luck of having better budgets and his films look much more up scale.

    And physically I think Daniel is more appropriate for that much more real action oriented Bond.

    But I admit my top 3 looks contradictory as well.

    I always claim how much i have a preference for cinematic Bond and how care more for the ladies man traits over the more believable spy assasin traits and yet i have poor Roger at the bottom With Pierce Brosnan, Sean Connery and Daniel Craig in my top 3.

    I even sometimes think my ranking doesn't make much sense.

    It might seem contradictory that I have both "realistic" Bonds on both ends of my rankings. The difference is that while Tim can be a classy gentleman, I don't feel that with Craig. He's too brutish to me. I can't see Craig's Bond as an Eton alumni. I find the refined nature of 007 very important and Craig doesn't convince me on that account.

    Craig lacks that sophisticated touch that all the others naturally master. That scene after Vesper's demise when he's breathing like a wild animal is far away from the subtle reaction of the much maligned Lazenby at the end of OHMSS.

    So realism has not really anything to do with why I prefer Dalton to Craig. Tim can be angry and moody too, but he does so with a touch of class. Cubby sure knew which kind of man to pick for the role, not so sure about his offspring though.

    Ohh alright thanks for explaining a little more or i was probably too focused on realism but i can see now your point.
    Now i do think with timd Daniel Craig has gotten better in the sophistication department. In Casino Royale he was too brutish when you first watch the film but i after i watched Spectre I thought hey he has his sophisticated side.

    Sometimes i feel like Criag Combined three different spies into one.
    He has Jason Bourne's humanity, Like Xanader Cage manly man good looks and yet has that sophisticated look for Bond.

    When i first watched Criag i hatted him as Bond but partly it's because my only reference at that time to the character was Pierce Brosnan and for some reason i assumed Bond was always like him.

    Latter reading i learned that I wasn't that right, yes since the beginning he was cool, attractive and a great seducer but there have always been some variations of the character depending on the actors and reading a bitt about Fleming Craig's Portrayal makes sense to me.

    But really sometimes I think the one with the strangest taste here its me.
    Since i defend Both Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig as Bond. I do love both and its strongest rivalry between fans.

    We all do it respectfully but it's obvious that most Criag fans hate Brosnan as Bond and viceversa. It's really rare someone who did love both portrayals.

    Maybe the rivalry its because they are the two more recent Bonds so its like i prefer when Bond was cooler only refering to Pierce and some say ohh no i prefer the much more realistic Bond only refering to Daniel Craig.

    I have the feeling there are three main rivalries between the Bond fans :
    one is Sean Connery VS Roger Moore the two most remembered Classic era Bond and the two actors who had the most Bond flicks.
    2nd Pierce Brosnan VS Daniel Craig for being the most two most recent Bonds
    3rth Timothy Dalton Vs Daniel Craig for being the two more realistic Bonds.

    But in the Moore VS Connery and Dalton VS Craig situations we can often see cases where the fans of one loves the other but with Brosnan Vs Craig i feel like im one of the very few who loves Both Portrayals of Bond.

  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited September 2016 Posts: 23,883
    Szonana wrote: »
    But in the Moore VS Connery and Dalton VS Craig situations we can often see cases where the fans of one loves the other but with Brosnan Vs Craig i feel like im one of the very few who loves Both Portrayals of Bond.
    You could be right here.

    There is another scenario however, which is where I fall I think. I don't love either Craig or Brosnan.

    I definitely prefer Craig, but I don't espouse his portrayal the way I do Connery's or to a lesser extent Moore's. I think he's decent enough and overall better than Brosnan and Dalton. Having said that, I do prefer Brosnan slightly in DAD (and perhaps even in GE) to Craig in SP.
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    Posts: 1,130
    bondjames wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    But in the Moore VS Connery and Dalton VS Craig situations we can often see cases where the fans of one loves the other but with Brosnan Vs Craig i feel like im one of the very few who loves Both Portrayals of Bond.
    You could be right here.

    There is another scenario however, which is where I fall I think. I don't love either Craig or Brosnan.

    I definitely prefer Craig, but I don't espouse his portrayal the way I do Connery's or to a lesser extent Moore's. I think he's decent enough and overall better than Brosnan and Dalton. Having said that, I do prefer Brosnan slightly in DAD (and perhaps even in GE) to Craig in SP.

    well maybe because you aren't a huge fan of either (Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig) you don't have such strong feelings against or in favor for any of those two.

    I bet if you were a Craig fan you wouldn't stand Pierce as Bond.

  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    Szonana wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    But in the Moore VS Connery and Dalton VS Craig situations we can often see cases where the fans of one loves the other but with Brosnan Vs Craig i feel like im one of the very few who loves Both Portrayals of Bond.
    You could be right here.

    There is another scenario however, which is where I fall I think. I don't love either Craig or Brosnan.

    I definitely prefer Craig, but I don't espouse his portrayal the way I do Connery's or to a lesser extent Moore's. I think he's decent enough and overall better than Brosnan and Dalton. Having said that, I do prefer Brosnan slightly in DAD (and perhaps even in GE) to Craig in SP.

    well maybe because you aren't a huge fan of either (Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig) you don't have such strong feelings against or in favor for any of those two.

    I bet if you were a Craig fan you wouldn't stand Pierce as Bond.
    It's possible. I know that many Dalton fans don't like successor Brosnan, but then there are a few members who love both of them even though their portrayals are quite different (exceptions perhaps?).

    Based on your logic, those who 'love' Craig may not like his eventual successor all that much, and some of the comments here discussing his possible departure seem to portend and foreshadow that.
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    Posts: 1,130
    bondjames wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    But in the Moore VS Connery and Dalton VS Craig situations we can often see cases where the fans of one loves the other but with Brosnan Vs Craig i feel like im one of the very few who loves Both Portrayals of Bond.
    You could be right here.

    There is another scenario however, which is where I fall I think. I don't love either Craig or Brosnan.

    I definitely prefer Craig, but I don't espouse his portrayal the way I do Connery's or to a lesser extent Moore's. I think he's decent enough and overall better than Brosnan and Dalton. Having said that, I do prefer Brosnan slightly in DAD (and perhaps even in GE) to Craig in SP.

    well maybe because you aren't a huge fan of either (Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig) you don't have such strong feelings against or in favor for any of those two.

    I bet if you were a Craig fan you wouldn't stand Pierce as Bond.
    It's possible. I know that many Dalton fans don't like successor Brosnan, but then there are a few members who love both of them even though their portrayals are quite different (exceptions perhaps?).

    Based on your logic, those who 'love' Craig may not like his eventual successor all that much, and some of the comments here discussing his possible departure seem to portend and foreshadow that.

    Yeah like it could definitely happen at least at the beginning and would resent the change a bitt more of its a success, their fans feeling like ugh how easy the media Forgot he once was second best to Sean Connery.

    I love Daniel but once in a while i do have these resentments like ughhh Pierce used be that beloved but now I understand that's showbuisness. So no more hard feelings and now enjoy both for what they gave us to the franchise.
    But i do think that the real Craig fans won't accept his successor.

  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,367
    Szonana wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    But in the Moore VS Connery and Dalton VS Craig situations we can often see cases where the fans of one loves the other but with Brosnan Vs Craig i feel like im one of the very few who loves Both Portrayals of Bond.
    You could be right here.

    There is another scenario however, which is where I fall I think. I don't love either Craig or Brosnan.

    I definitely prefer Craig, but I don't espouse his portrayal the way I do Connery's or to a lesser extent Moore's. I think he's decent enough and overall better than Brosnan and Dalton. Having said that, I do prefer Brosnan slightly in DAD (and perhaps even in GE) to Craig in SP.

    well maybe because you aren't a huge fan of either (Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig) you don't have such strong feelings against or in favor for any of those two.

    I bet if you were a Craig fan you wouldn't stand Pierce as Bond.
    It's possible. I know that many Dalton fans don't like successor Brosnan, but then there are a few members who love both of them even though their portrayals are quite different (exceptions perhaps?).

    Based on your logic, those who 'love' Craig may not like his eventual successor all that much, and some of the comments here discussing his possible departure seem to portend and foreshadow that.

    Yeah like it could definitely happen at least at the beginning and would resent the change a bitt more of its a success, their fans feeling like ugh how easy the media Forgot he once was second best to Sean Connery.

    I love Daniel but once in a while i do have these resentments like ughhh Pierce used be that beloved but now I understand that's showbuisness. So no more hard feelings and now enjoy both for what they gave us to the franchise.
    But i do think that the real Craig fans won't accept his successor.

    That's what they always say and it actually angers me.

    When Dalton came he was the best since Connery and Moore was shit.

    When Brosnan came he was the best since Connery and Dalton was shit.

    When Craig came he was the best since Connery and Brosnan was shit.

    The media have a way of copying each other. Unless someone who knows the subject is working on it, they'll just recycle the general consensus whether that consensus was right or not is irrelevant.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    GoldenGun wrote: »
    That's what they always say and it actually angers me.

    When Dalton came he was the best since Connery and Moore was shit.

    When Brosnan came he was the best since Connery and Dalton was shit.

    When Craig came he was the best since Connery and Brosnan was shit.

    The media have a way of copying each other. Unless someone who knows the subject is working on it, they'll just recycle the general consensus whether that consensus was right or not is irrelevant.

    Also, in 1971 Connery was the best since Connery.
  • We already did a similar topic in here. And it was a bit more 'honest', as we only looked to every actor's first Bond outing, to give every actor an equal chance:


    And these were the actual results:

    Anyone? :-).
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,592
    @Gustav I thought this was more appropriate...
    Ranked them to rank:

    1. Sir Roger Moore KBE
    2. Pierce Brosnan OBE
    3. Sir Sean Connery Kt (Knight Bachelor)
    4. Daniel Craig (has some baronet somewhere in his family).
    5. Timothy Dalton (was once a member of the Air Training Corps)
    6. George Lazenby ,couldn't find anything noteworthy.

  • Posts: 16,372
    GoldenGun wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    But in the Moore VS Connery and Dalton VS Craig situations we can often see cases where the fans of one loves the other but with Brosnan Vs Craig i feel like im one of the very few who loves Both Portrayals of Bond.
    You could be right here.

    There is another scenario however, which is where I fall I think. I don't love either Craig or Brosnan.

    I definitely prefer Craig, but I don't espouse his portrayal the way I do Connery's or to a lesser extent Moore's. I think he's decent enough and overall better than Brosnan and Dalton. Having said that, I do prefer Brosnan slightly in DAD (and perhaps even in GE) to Craig in SP.

    well maybe because you aren't a huge fan of either (Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig) you don't have such strong feelings against or in favor for any of those two.

    I bet if you were a Craig fan you wouldn't stand Pierce as Bond.
    It's possible. I know that many Dalton fans don't like successor Brosnan, but then there are a few members who love both of them even though their portrayals are quite different (exceptions perhaps?).

    Based on your logic, those who 'love' Craig may not like his eventual successor all that much, and some of the comments here discussing his possible departure seem to portend and foreshadow that.

    Yeah like it could definitely happen at least at the beginning and would resent the change a bitt more of its a success, their fans feeling like ugh how easy the media Forgot he once was second best to Sean Connery.

    I love Daniel but once in a while i do have these resentments like ughhh Pierce used be that beloved but now I understand that's showbuisness. So no more hard feelings and now enjoy both for what they gave us to the franchise.
    But i do think that the real Craig fans won't accept his successor.

    That's what they always say and it actually angers me.

    When Dalton came he was the best since Connery and Moore was shit.

    When Brosnan came he was the best since Connery and Dalton was shit.

    When Craig came he was the best since Connery and Brosnan was shit.

    The media have a way of copying each other. Unless someone who knows the subject is working on it, they'll just recycle the general consensus whether that consensus was right or not is irrelevant.

    I feel that way as well. It's like it's been completely forgotten that during the Brosnan era, Pierce was immensely popular. Many people I knew certainly ranked him right below Sean. The reasoning being he wasn't quite as comedic or flip as Roger, and unlike the Dalton era he was bringing back the cinematic interpretation of Bond. Giving the audience what they expect from 007. During his era as more Bond film coffee table books, encyclopedias, etc came out- they all seemed to agree he was the best next to Sean. Dalton was seen as a misfire. A pair of 007 adventures that forgot what the Bond movies were all about. Dalton's would be compared to the likes of Steven Seagal, or Charles Bronson. Pierce was like the savior who reminded us of Bond's glory days. Then there's his looks- tall, trim with dark hair and blue eyes- a matinee idol of the 90s. There aren't many of those these days.
    I wonder what will be said about Craig when someone takes over from him?
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,592
    ToTheRight wrote: »
    GoldenGun wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    But in the Moore VS Connery and Dalton VS Craig situations we can often see cases where the fans of one loves the other but with Brosnan Vs Craig i feel like im one of the very few who loves Both Portrayals of Bond.
    You could be right here.

    There is another scenario however, which is where I fall I think. I don't love either Craig or Brosnan.

    I definitely prefer Craig, but I don't espouse his portrayal the way I do Connery's or to a lesser extent Moore's. I think he's decent enough and overall better than Brosnan and Dalton. Having said that, I do prefer Brosnan slightly in DAD (and perhaps even in GE) to Craig in SP.

    well maybe because you aren't a huge fan of either (Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig) you don't have such strong feelings against or in favor for any of those two.

    I bet if you were a Craig fan you wouldn't stand Pierce as Bond.
    It's possible. I know that many Dalton fans don't like successor Brosnan, but then there are a few members who love both of them even though their portrayals are quite different (exceptions perhaps?).

    Based on your logic, those who 'love' Craig may not like his eventual successor all that much, and some of the comments here discussing his possible departure seem to portend and foreshadow that.

    Yeah like it could definitely happen at least at the beginning and would resent the change a bitt more of its a success, their fans feeling like ugh how easy the media Forgot he once was second best to Sean Connery.

    I love Daniel but once in a while i do have these resentments like ughhh Pierce used be that beloved but now I understand that's showbuisness. So no more hard feelings and now enjoy both for what they gave us to the franchise.
    But i do think that the real Craig fans won't accept his successor.

    That's what they always say and it actually angers me.

    When Dalton came he was the best since Connery and Moore was shit.

    When Brosnan came he was the best since Connery and Dalton was shit.

    When Craig came he was the best since Connery and Brosnan was shit.

    The media have a way of copying each other. Unless someone who knows the subject is working on it, they'll just recycle the general consensus whether that consensus was right or not is irrelevant.

    I feel that way as well. It's like it's been completely forgotten that during the Brosnan era, Pierce was immensely popular. Many people I knew certainly ranked him right below Sean. The reasoning being he wasn't quite as comedic or flip as Roger, and unlike the Dalton era he was bringing back the cinematic interpretation of Bond. Giving the audience what they expect from 007. During his era as more Bond film coffee table books, encyclopedias, etc came out- they all seemed to agree he was the best next to Sean. Dalton was seen as a misfire. A pair of 007 adventures that forgot what the Bond movies were all about. Dalton's would be compared to the likes of Steven Seagal, or Charles Bronson. Pierce was like the savior who reminded us of Bond's glory days. Then there's his looks- tall, trim with dark hair and blue eyes- a matinee idol of the 90s. There aren't many of those these days.
    I wonder what will be said about Craig when someone takes over from him?
    Probably the same as before: he looks too thuggish, is too dark in his portrayal, isn't handsome enough. That kind of thing.

    The problem is that most of the Bonds were really good for their times. Especially Moore and Brosnan. But times they are a changin' and so they're looked at as misfits where they actually were good fits. I noticed that a friend of mine, who hasn't been much of a fan, didn't like Brosnan but liked Craig a lot. He'd never seen Dalton. For him LTK was Dalton's best and he thought he was as good as Craig. Says a lot about the darkness in that film. If the world once again will be a happy hopefull place, we'll get a lightwaight Bond and we'll love him for it.
  • edited September 2016 Posts: 1,469
    1) Connery--classic, still a Bond template, and all-around Bond. Good actor, great range
    2) Craig--raw, physical, ruthless, direct, with a good sense of wry and dark humor
    3) Moore--style, a mentally sharp and prescient Bond, good with the gun, good at action
    4) Dalton--manly...deserved better scripts
    5) Brosnan--polished, suave, capable, good with a quip, and ready for action
    6) Lazenby--very able on all Bond fronts but less range as an actor

    I think they were all good with the ladies--probably some more than others--maybe there's another poll on that somewhere or should be.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited September 2016 Posts: 23,883
    Based on recent viewings of the films, my assessment remains the same, but Laz has closed the gap on Dalton (almost level). I was very impressed with him during my viewing of OHMSS last night:

    1. Connery - the ultimate Bond. Quintessential and definitive
    2. Moore - cool as a cucumber but could do serious too. Supremely confident, like the original. A yang to Connery's yin

    The above two define the filmic Bond experience for me. All the others are a combination (or an attempted combination) of these two

    3. Craig - has declined considerably in my estimation based on his last performance, but the strength of his first two (and even third) keep him here. Doesn't do irony well but nails all the serious stuff like no other.
    4/5. Dalton - intensity personified but weak in other areas. A bit self conscious in lighter scenes.
    5/4. Lazenby - great natural confidence and swagger (up there with Connery and Moore in this respect) combined with vulnerability. Should have done more.
    6. Brosnan - didn't quite find his way sadly. A bit schizophrenic and tends to overplay it. An amalgam Bond. When he was firing on all cylinders though, he was very good.
  • 1. Dalton

    2. Early Connery

    3. Lazenby

    4. Later Connery

    6. Craig

    7. Brosnan except Twine where he was appallingly directed. Apted clearly wanted to make this one personal and really get to Bond emotionally but it fails badly.

    7. Moore.

    8. Brosnan Twine.
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    Posts: 1,130
    ToTheRight wrote: »
    GoldenGun wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    But in the Moore VS Connery and Dalton VS Craig situations we can often see cases where the fans of one loves the other but with Brosnan Vs Craig i feel like im one of the very few who loves Both Portrayals of Bond.
    You could be right here.

    There is another scenario however, which is where I fall I think. I don't love either Craig or Brosnan.

    I definitely prefer Craig, but I don't espouse his portrayal the way I do Connery's or to a lesser extent Moore's. I think he's decent enough and overall better than Brosnan and Dalton. Having said that, I do prefer Brosnan slightly in DAD (and perhaps even in GE) to Craig in SP.

    well maybe because you aren't a huge fan of either (Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig) you don't have such strong feelings against or in favor for any of those two.

    I bet if you were a Craig fan you wouldn't stand Pierce as Bond.
    It's possible. I know that many Dalton fans don't like successor Brosnan, but then there are a few members who love both of them even though their portrayals are quite different (exceptions perhaps?).

    Based on your logic, those who 'love' Craig may not like his eventual successor all that much, and some of the comments here discussing his possible departure seem to portend and foreshadow that.

    Yeah like it could definitely happen at least at the beginning and would resent the change a bitt more of its a success, their fans feeling like ugh how easy the media Forgot he once was second best to Sean Connery.

    I love Daniel but once in a while i do have these resentments like ughhh Pierce used be that beloved but now I understand that's showbuisness. So no more hard feelings and now enjoy both for what they gave us to the franchise.
    But i do think that the real Craig fans won't accept his successor.

    That's what they always say and it actually angers me.

    When Dalton came he was the best since Connery and Moore was shit.

    When Brosnan came he was the best since Connery and Dalton was shit.

    When Craig came he was the best since Connery and Brosnan was shit.

    The media have a way of copying each other. Unless someone who knows the subject is working on it, they'll just recycle the general consensus whether that consensus was right or not is irrelevant.

    I feel that way as well. It's like it's been completely forgotten that during the Brosnan era, Pierce was immensely popular. Many people I knew certainly ranked him right below Sean. The reasoning being he wasn't quite as comedic or flip as Roger, and unlike the Dalton era he was bringing back the cinematic interpretation of Bond. Giving the audience what they expect from 007. During his era as more Bond film coffee table books, encyclopedias, etc came out- they all seemed to agree he was the best next to Sean. Dalton was seen as a misfire. A pair of 007 adventures that forgot what the Bond movies were all about. Dalton's would be compared to the likes of Steven Seagal, or Charles Bronson. Pierce was like the savior who reminded us of Bond's glory days. Then there's his looks- tall, trim with dark hair and blue eyes- a matinee idol of the 90s. There aren't many of those these days.
    I wonder what will be said about Craig when someone takes over from him?
    Probably the same as before: he looks too thuggish, is too dark in his portrayal, isn't handsome enough. That kind of thing.

    The problem is that most of the Bonds were really good for their times. Especially Moore and Brosnan. But times they are a changin' and so they're looked at as misfits where they actually were good fits. I noticed that a friend of mine, who hasn't been much of a fan, didn't like Brosnan but liked Craig a lot. He'd never seen Dalton. For him LTK was Dalton's best and he thought he was as good as Craig. Says a lot about the darkness in that film. If the world once again will be a happy hopefull place, we'll get a lightwaight Bond and we'll love him for it.

    Each Bond was more than Perfect for their times and that's why our generation influences our preference for a certain Bond actor. Each Bond speaks to a certain generation because their style was perfect for the times they played bond.

    Ofcourse this is not a rule a preference for a specific genre, sense of Humor or style also has a lot to do on why prefer a specific Bond but at the end all were great and this malicious trend of the predecessor was shit and new one is the best since Connery comes from that change of trends and times.

    Maybe when cinema gets lighter again Pierce Brosnan and Roger Moore will be seen in a good light again.

  • MooseWithFleasMooseWithFleas Philadelphia
    Posts: 3,375
    Here's a then and now ranking for me. I will probably look back on this in another 5 years and laugh!

    Daniel Craig
    Sean Connery
    Pierce Brosnan
    Timothy Dalton
    Roger Moore
    George Lazenby

    Roger Moore
    Timothy Dalton
    Daniel Craig
    Sean Connery
    Pierce Brosnan
    George Lazenby
    edited November 2016 Posts: 3,198
    1. Sean Connery / Roger Moore (impossible to chose one, it's as if you had to decide between your mom and your dad)
    3. Timothy Dalton (in fact, TLD is my favourite Bond performance)
    4. Pierce Brosnan / Daniel Craig
    6. George Lazenby
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020


    Roger Moore/Pierce Brosnan tie

    Sean Connery

    George Lazenby

    Daniel Craig
    Posts: 3,198


    Roger Moore/Pierce Brosnan tie

    Sean Connery

    George Lazenby

    Daniel Craig

    Interesting. And I thought you really like Daniel Craig....
  • Posts: 19,339
    At the moment :

    1.Daniel Craig
    2.Roger Moore
    3.Sean Connery
    4.Pierce Brosnan
    5.Timothy Dalton
    6.George Lazenby.
  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 5,131
    Always :

    1. Sean Connery
    2. Daniel Craig
    3. Timothy Dalton
    4.Roger Moore
    5. George Lazenby - Although his film is first class and his performance commendable.
    6.Pierce Brosnan - Poor scripts and the low point of the franchise (creatively) being the reason for last place.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    GBF wrote: »


    Roger Moore/Pierce Brosnan tie

    Sean Connery

    George Lazenby

    Daniel Craig

    Interesting. And I thought you really like Daniel Craig....

    I do.

    I was tempted to put all on No 1 as a tie. But that would have been no ranking :P
  • gumboltgumbolt Now with in-office photocopier
    edited November 2016 Posts: 153
    The thread title is "rank the actors". I presume the intent is to rank the actors re their Bond performances rather than generally. For example, Timothy Dalton is widely regarded as a very good actor but many people think he is a poor Bond. Roger Moore may have achieved the opposite status. So I will do a list of both Bond Actor Ranks and General Actor Ranks, based on the best I have seen of them in non-Bond roles. I have not seen much of them in other roles, so many of their best non-Bond performances could be missed out here.
    1. Daniel Craig 1. Daniel Craig (Flashbacks of a Fool; Layer Cake)
    2. Sean Connery 2. Pierce Brosnan (Long Way Down; The Ghost)
    3. Roger Moore 3. Sean Connery (Oscar - The Untouchables; IJ & Last Crusade)
    4. Timothy Dalton 4. Timothy Dalton (Hawks; Penny Dreadful)
    5. Pierce Brosnan 5. Roger Moore (North Sea Hijack; Sherlock Holmes)
    6. George Lazenby* 6. George Lazenby - (sorry have not seen anything non-Bond)
    *I should add that I rank OHMSS in my top five Bond films but if SC had done it, it would be #1 with bells hanging off it!
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,592
    Alright. Reluctantly, here it is:

    1. Seannery
    2. Daniel Craig
    3. Brozza
    4. Moore
    5. Dalton
    6. Laz

    That said, I love all of them, and each actor who took the role brought something undeniably fresh to the mix.
  • Sean
    Lastly, the clownish abomination known as The Moore, who gave it his best to make the Bond franchise a series of campy comedies.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited November 2016 Posts: 23,883
    It's very hurtful to read these last invective comments about Moore.
  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 5,131
    Moore was first class in LALD, TMWTGG & parts of the other films. He's an underated actor, icon, national treasure and seems a genuinely nice chap. Let's not forget that Fleming approved of him as a potential Bond too.
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