Film titles that sound like Bond movies/books



  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142

    Actualités gauloises (Short, 1952), Jac Remise. Jean Toscane.

    Les Gauloises bleues (1968), Michel Cournot. Annie Girardot, Jean-Pierre Kalfon, Nella Bielski.
    The movie explores the love, or lack thereof, of a spouse and a parent, absurdities and tragedies of life, growing-up and death, and humanity under various social and political influences. Ivan's life, and his unhappy relationship with his wife and father, are told through interweaving flashbacks as his wife is attempting to give birth. The title refers to the cigarettes he was buying from her when he met her while down on his luck. They fall in love but constantly fight, while he resorts to crime. The movie's many artsy vignettes vary widely between provocative interviews and dialogue, symbolic scenes of Ivan as a child stomping a gift of bread into the ground, surreal images of death, absurdities of silly bureaucracies and indifference in hospitals, scenes of political upheaval mixed with innocent images of a children's book, and so on. This is a hodgepodge of subtly impressionistic scenes that come together to weave a character study and portrait of life. At times it was a wonderfully surreal and intriguing artistic creation.


    Les Gauloises blondes (1988), Jean Jabely. Pierre Tornade, Gérard Hernandez, Sylvaine Charlet.
    In the year 100, the village of Lutèce was invaded by a Roman troop. The Gauls decide to send their naked women to confuse them.


    Cartouches gauloises (2007), Mehdi Charef. Mohamed Faouzi Ali Cherif, Thomas Millet, Tolga Cayir.
    A pair of childhood friends spend a spring together before the summer Algeria's war of Independence.


    Cigarettes & Coffee (1993), Paul Thomas Anderson. Kirk Baltz, Philip Baker Hall, Scott Coffey.
    In a desert diner, five people are connected through a twenty-dollar bill.

    Cigarettes & Coffee by Paul Thomas Anderson (1993, 23:40)


    Coffee and Cigarettes (2003), Jim Jarmusch. Bill Murray, Tom Waits, Roberto Benigni.
    A series of vignettes that all have coffee and cigarettes in common.


    Romance & Cigarettes (2005), John Turturro. James Gandolfini, Susan Sarandon, Kate Winslet.
    This down-and-dirty musical set in the world of working-class New York tells the story of a husband's journey into infidelity and redemption when he must choose between his seductive mistress and his beleaguered wife.


    On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Ian Fleming, 1962.
    Chapter 21 - Gauloises and Garlic
    Marc-Ange lifted his right hand and crossed his heart, slowly, deliberately, with his forefinger. His face was now deadly serious, almost cruelly implacable. He leaned forward and rested his forearms on the desk. 'Continue.'

    Bond told him the whole story, not even omitting his passage with Ruby. He had developed much love, and total respect, for this man. He couldn't say why. It was partly animal magnetism and partly that Marc-Ange had so opened his heart to Bond, so completely trusted him with his own innermost secrets.

    Marc-Ange's face remained impassive throughout. Only his quick, animal eyes nickered continually across Bond's face. When Bond had finished, Marc-Ange sat back. He reached for a blue packet of Gauloises, fixed one in the corner of his mouth and talked through the blue clouds of smoke that puffed continuously out through his lips, as if somewhere inside him there was a small steam-engine. 'Yes, it is indeed a dirty business. It must be finished with, destroyed, and the man too. My dear James' - the voice was sombre - 'I am a criminal, a great criminal. I run houses, chains of prostitutes, I smuggle, I sell protection, whenever I can, I steal from the very rich. I break many laws and I have often had to kill in the process. Perhaps one day, perhaps very soon, I shall reform. But it is difficult to step down from being Capu of the Union. Without the protection of my men, my life would not be worth much. However, we shall see. But this Blofeld, he is too bad, too disgusting. You have come to ask the Union to make war on him, to destroy him. You need not answer. I know it is so. This is something that cannot be done officially. Your Chief is correct. You would get nowhere with the Swiss. You wish me and my men to do the job.' He smiled suddenly. 'That is the wedding present you talked of. Yes?'

    'That's right, Marc-Ange. But I'll do my bit. I'll be there too. I want this man for myself.'

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Red Crossed (1918). Ethel Lynne, Billy Mason, Dorothy Dane.
    This is the story of a competition between a man and his wife on the gathering of funds for patriotic purposes. A raid on a poker game being played by the husband and friends, by his wife and her comrades disguised as police officers provides an unconvincing bit of comedy despite of the fact that the wife gathers enough money to cover the wager in payment for a promise of silence.

    Mission Bloody Mary (Agente 077 missione Bloody Mary, 1965), Sergio Grieco. Ken Clark, Helga Liné, Philippe Hersent.
    The first Euro-spy of 3 that Ken Clark as Agent 077 starred in the 60's. Mission Bloody Mary is the search and destroy mission to retrieve a Nuclear Bomb from a radical crime syndicate called the Black Lily. The European answer to the Bond films in the 60s makes this title a must see for spy enthusiasts, cool gadgets, beautiful women, exotic locations, with smart criminal masterminds, WOW!


    Angel's Blood Mission (1982), Yu-Lung Hsu. Kuan-Hsiung Wang, Li-Yun Chen, Sha Ma.


    Angel's Blood Mission (1987), Phillip Ko. Mark Watson, Mike Abbott, Gary Carter.
    Crime boss Barton's (Mike Abbott) reign of terror is about to end. John Foley (Mark Watson), called in to avenge the death of an innocent man, was trained by the elite American Commandos in Nam. Since the war, he's put his special skills to work many times. But never like this. When John Foley enters the steamy, seedy realm of the underworld, survival is the name of the game.


    On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Ian Fleming, 1962.
    Chapter 24 - Blood-Lift
    Almost at once they were over the Rhine and Basle lay ahead under a thick canopy of chimney-smoke. They reached two thousand feet and the pilot held it, skirting the town to the north. Now there came a crackle of static over Bond's ear-phones and Swiss Air Control, in thick Schwyzerdütch, asked them politely to identify themselves. The pilot made no reply and the question was repeated with more urgency. The pilot said in French, 'I don't understand you.' There was a pause, then a French voice again queried them. The pilot said, 'Repeat yourself more clearly.' The voice did so. The pilot said, 'Helicopter of the Red Cross flying blood plasma to Italy.' The radio went dead. Bond could imagine the scene in the control room somewhere down below - the arguing voices, the doubtful faces. Another voice, with more authority to it, spoke in French. 'What is your destination?' 'Wait,' said the pilot. 'I have it here. A moment please.' After minutes he said, 'Swiss Air. Control?' 'Yes, yes.' 'FL-BGS reporting. My destination is Ospedale Santa Monica at Bellinzona.' The radio again went dead, only to come to life five minutes later. 'FL-BGS, FL-BGS.' 'Yes,' said the pilot. 'We have no record of your identification symbol. Please explain.' 'Your registration manual must be out of date. The aircraft was commissioned only one month ago.' Another long pause. Now Zurich lay ahead and the silver boomerang of the Zürichersee. Now Zurich Airport came on the air. They must have been listening to Swiss Air Control. 'FL-BGS, FL-BGS.' 'Yes, yes. What is it now?' 'You have infringed the Civil Airlines Channel. Land and report to Flying Control. I repeat. Land and report.' The pilot became indignant. 'What do you mean "land and report"? Have you no comprehension of human suffering? This is a mercy flight carrying blood plasma of a rare category. It is to save the life of an illustrious Italian scientist at Bellinzona. Have you no hearts down there? You tell me to "land and report" when a life is at stake? Do you wish to be responsible for murder?' This Gallic outburst gave them peace until they had passed the Zurichersee. Bond chuckled. He gave a thumbs-up sign to the pilot. But then Federal Air Control at Berne came on the air and a deep, resonant voice said,' FL-BGS, FL-BGS. Who gave you clearance? I repeat. Who gave you clearance for your flight?' 'You did." Bond smiled into his mouthpiece. The Big Lie! There was nothing like it. Now the Alps were ahead of them - those blasted Alps, looking beautiful and dangerous in the evening sun. Soon they would be in the shelter of the valleys, off the radar screens. But records had been hastily checked in Berne and the sombre voice came over to them again. The voice must have realized that the long debate would have been heard at every airport and by most pilots flying over Switzerland that evening. It was extremely polite, but firm. 'FL-BGS, we have no record at Federal Air Control of your proposed flight. I regret but you are transgressing Swiss air-space. Unless you can give further authority for your flight, kindly return to Zurich and report to Flying Control.'

    The helicopter rocked. There was a flash of silver and a Dassault Mirage with Swiss markings flashed by not a hundred yards away, turned, leaving a trail of black vapour from the slow-burning of its fuel at this low altitude, and headed straight back at them, swerving off to port only at the last moment. The helicopter gave another lurch. The pilot spoke angrily into his mouthpiece. 'Federal Air Control. This is FL-BGS. For further information contact International Red Cross at Geneva. 1 am just a pilot. I am not a "rond de cuir" a chairborne flyer. If you have lost the papers, that is not my fault. I repeat, check with Geneva. And, in the meantime, kindly call off the whole of the Swiss Air Force which is at present trying to make my passengers air-sick.' The voice came back, but now more faintly, because of the mountains. 'Who are your passengers?' The pilot played his trump card. 'Representatives of the world's press. They have been listening to all this nonsense coming from the home of the famous International Red Cross. I wish you happy reading of your newspapers at breakfast-time tomorrow, gentlemen. And now, a little peace, yes? And please record in your log-books that I am not, repeat, not, the Soviet Air Force invading Switzerland.'

    There was silence. The Dassault Mirage had disappeared. They were climbing up the valley and were already past Davos. The gold-tipped needles of the glittering mountains seemed to be dosing in on them from right and left. Ahead were the great peaks. Bond looked at his watch. Barely another ten minutes to go.

    He turned and glanced down the hatch. The faces of Marc-Ange and of the others looked up at him, tense and livid under the setting sun that poured in through the windows, their eyes glinting redly.

    Bond held up his thumb encouragingly. He spread out his ten ringers in their thin leather gloves.

    Marc-Ange nodded. There was a shirting of the bodies in their seats. Bond turned back and gazed ahead, looking for the soaring peak that he loathed and feared.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Delightfully Dangerous (1945), Arthur Lubin. Jane Powell, Ralph Bellamy, Constance Moore.
    Young Sherry Williams dreams of having a singing career, and she idolizes her older sister Josephine, who has gone to New York to perform on the stage. When Sherry is distraught just before performing at her school, a visiting Broadway producer encourages her by telling her positive things about her sister. Soon afterwards, Sherry decides to make a surprise trip to New York to visit Josephine - but what she finds there is not at all what she expected.


    Killer's Delight (1978), Jeremy Hoenack. James Luisi, Susan Sullivan, John Karlen.
    A detective tracks a serial killer through San Francisco.


    Nina's Heavenly Delights (2006), Pratibha Parmar. Laura Fraser, Shelley Conn, Art Malik.
    A feisty young woman returns to Glasgow to run her deceased father's curry house.


    The Devil's Delight (short, 2010), David New. Yi-Jia Susanne Hou, Joseph Montinaro.

    THE DEVIL'S DELIGHT - Yi-Jia Susanne Hou "Ysaye Solo Sonata No.2" (2:44)


    On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Ian Fleming, 1962.
    Chapter 25 - Hell's Delight
    But then, ahead, flashing through a patch of moonlight, was the other body, Blofeld! Bond took a chance, heaved himself up on one hand and reached down for his gun. The wind tried to tear him off the bob, but he had the gun. He opened his mouth wide and gripped the gun between his teeth, flexed the ice-caked leather on his right hand. Then he got the gun in his right hand, lifted his toes off the ice, and went like hell. But now the man had disappeared into the shadows and a giant bank reared up ahead. This would be 'Hell's Delight'! Oh well, if he could make this, there would be another straight and he could begin shooting. Bond dug his toes in, got a glimpse of an ice-wall ahead and to the left, and in a flash was climbing it, straight up! God, in a split second he would be over the edge! Bond hammered in his right boot and lurched his body to the right, tearing at the steering-arm. Reluctantly the sliver of aluminium answered and Bond, inches from the top of the wall, found himself swooping down into blackness and then out again on to a moonlit straight. Only fifty yards ahead was the flying figure, with chips of ice fountaining up from the braking spikes on his boots. Bond held his breath and got off two shots. He thought they were good ones, but now the mad had gone into shadow again. But Bond was gaining, gaining. His lips drew back from his teeth in an almost animal snarl. You bastard! You're a dead duck! You can't stop or fire back. I'm coming after you like lightning! Soon I shall only be ten, five yards behind you. Then you'll have had it!
    Hell's Delight, Kirkwood, Lake Tahoe (0:45)


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142

    Voice Without a Shadow (1958), Seijun Suzuki. Yôko Minamida, Hideaki Nitani, Nobuo Kaneko.
    Ishikawa, a newspaper journalist, unexpectedly meets Asako, a woman who used to work for his company some time ago as a phone operator. Three years ago, she accidentally heard the voice of a suspect who committed a still-unresolved homicide. Since then, the suspect's voice has remained lodged in her mind as a terrifying memory. One night, her husband invites over his colleagues, Kawai, Hamazaki, and Muraoka. She realizes that Hamazaki's voice sounds exactly the same as the unseen suspect's! A few days later, Hamazaki is found dead in a rain-soaked coalfield; her husband is kept in police custody as the primary suspect. Ishikawa tries to help Asako and launches his own investigation. However, the investigation soon runs into difficulty as both Kawai and Muraoka had alibis. To make matters worse, her husband implausibly confesses


    World Without Shadow (2011), Eng Yow Khoo.
    In the Malaysian state of Kelantan, tossed about by politics, the shadow play of Wayang Kulit traces a steady decline. Using the framework of the play and operating in the space between politics and art, the director follows the lives of artists who carry on this tradition despite all odds.


    A Man without a Shadow (2019), Alireza Raisian. Leila Hatami, Ali Mosaffa, Farhad Aslani.
    A movie maker experiences in real life the similar events he made a movie about.


    98 Seconds Without Shadow (98 segundos sin sombra, (2021), Juan Pablo Richter. Geraldine Chaplin, Fernando Arze Echalar, Quim del Rio.
    Bolivia, the 80's. Drug dealing burst into a small town 16 year-old Genoveva tries to survive the nuns at school, her hostile classmates, her hopeless parents and men with guns. Everything changes when she meets her mother's spiritual leader.


    On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Ian Fleming, 1962.
    Chapter 26 - Happiness Without a Shadow?
    TRACY GAZED at him wide-eyed when she met him outside Passport Control at Munich Airport, but she waited until they were inside the little Lancia before she burst into tears. 'What have they been doing to you?' she said through her sobs. 'What have they been doing to you now?'

    Bond took her in his arms. 'It's all right, Tracy. I promise you. These are only cuts and bruises, like a bad ski-fall. Now don't be a goose. They could happen to anyone.' He smoothed back her hair and took out his handkerchief and dabbed at her eyes.

    She took the handkerchief from him and laughed through her tears. 'Now you've ruined my eye-black. And I put it on so carefully for you.' She took out her pocket mirror and carefully wiped away the smudges. She said, 'It's so silly. But I knew you were up to no good. As soon as you said you were going off for a few days to clean up something instead of coming to me, I knew you were going to get into more trouble. And now Marc-Ange has telephoned and asked me if I've seen you. He was very mysterious and sounded worried. And when I said I hadn't he just rang off. And now there's this story in the papers about Piz Gloria. And you were so guarded on the telephone this morning. And from Zurich. I knew it all tied up.' She put back her mirror and pressed the self-starter. 'All right. I won't ask questions. And I'm sorry I cried.' She added fiercely, 'But you are such an idiot! You don't seem to think it matters to anyone. The way you go on playing Red Indians. It's so--so selfish.'

    Bond reached out and pressed her hand on the wheel. He hated 'scenes'. But it was true what she said. He hadn't thought of her, only of the job. It never crossed his mind that anybody really cared about him. A shake of the head from his Mends when he went, a few careful lines in the obituary columns of The Times, a momentary pang in a few girls' hearts. But now, in three days' time, he would no longer be alone. He would be a half of two people. There wouldn't only be May and Mary Goodnight who would tut-tut over him when he came back from some job as a hospital case. Now, if he got himself killed, there would be Tracy who would at any rate partially die with him.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    All the Time in the World (2011), Rani Magar. Assaf Ben-ShimonRuba BlalYehezkel Lazarov.
    An Israeli soldier and a Palestinian teenager are trapped in a basement under the ruins of house that the IDF demolished in the West Bank city of Ramallah.


    Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World (2011), Robert Rodriguez. Jessica Alba, Jeremy Piven, Joel McHale.
    When a supervillain known as the Timekeeper (Jeremy Piven) hatches a plot to take over the planet, Marissa Cortez Wilson (Jessica Alba) comes out of retirement -- and recruits her two stepchildren (Rowan Blanchard and Mason Cook) -- to foil his evil plan.
    A retired spy is called back into action, and to bond with her new step-children, she invites them along for the adventure to stop the evil Timekeeper from taking over the world.


    All the Time in the World (2014), Suzanne Crocker. Suzanne Crocker, Gerard Parsons.
    A documentary that chronicles life's natural unfolding when a family tries to live by the seasons instead of by the clock.


    All the Time in the World (2015), Nickolaus Swedlund. Drew Zoromski, Katie Thies, Jakob Woodward.
    A season-ending football injury and break-up derail a senior-year college student's plans, provoking an existential crisis against the backdrop of the unrelenting and gorgeous seasons in the American Midwest.


    Todo el tiempo del mundo (2015), Rosendo Ruíz. Juan Ignacio Croce, Micaela Dalesson, Paula Ledesma.
    Three teenagers decided to run away and live forever at the countryside, with the hope of finding a secret community seated in hidden valley. On their way they found an abandoned house witch end ups being their refugee. Time goes by in a relax connivance. However, a sudden and strong nostalgic feeling make the kids decided to return.


    On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Ian Fleming, 1962.
    Chapter 27 - All the Time in the World
    The traffic was much sparser now and there were kilometres where theirs was the only car on the road that arrowed away between white meadows and larch copses, towards the glittering barrier where blood had been shed between warring armies for centuries. Bond glanced behind him. Miles away down the great highway was a speck of red. The Maserati? They certainly hadn't got much competitive spirit if they couldn't catch the Lancia at eighty! No good having a car like that if you didn't drive it so as to lose all other traffic in your mirror. Perhaps he was doing them an injustice. Perhaps they too only wanted to motor quietly along and enjoy the day.

    Ten minutes later, Tracy said, 'There's a red car coming up fast behind. Do you want me to lose him?'

    'No,' said Bond. 'Let him go. We've got all the time in the world.'

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited November 2022 Posts: 14,142

    You Only Live Once (1937), Fritz Lang. Sylvia Sidney, Henry Fonda, Barton MacLane.
    The public defender's secretary and an ex-convict get married and try to make a life together, but a series of disasters sends their lives spiraling out of control.


    You Only Live Until You Die (1997), Rolfe Kanefsky. Robert Donavan, Sita Thompson, John Lazar.
    Rod Steele (aka Agent 0014) is anything but the world's greatest super spy, but when diabolical villainess Tangerina threatens the world again, he's the world's last and only hope.


    Live Once, Die Twice (2006), Stefan Pleszczynski. Kellie Martin, Martin Cummins, Cindy Sampson.
    After an accident claims the life of her husband, a woman slowly begins to suspect he may not be dead after all.


    We Only Live Twice (2008), Behnam Behzadi. Alireza Aghakhani, Amirhossein Ashrafi, Negar Javaherian.
    Siamak who is a minibus driver decides that he wants to die and chose his birth day to do so. Before that he wants to do all the things which he was wishing to do in his life. But one day he meets a girl which change his life.


    Twice Born (Venuto al mondo, 2012), Sergio Castellitto. Penélope Cruz, Emile Hirsch, Adnan Haskovic.
    A single mother brings her teenage son to Sarajevo, the country where she fell passionately in love with his father, but she is about to discover a long-hidden secret, one that will reveal far more to their knotted past than even her haunted memories can disclose.


    You Only Live Once (2017), Federico Cueva. Peter Lanzani, Gérard Depardieu, Pablo Rago.
    A framed con man, Leo (Peter Lanzani) has to impersonate an orthodox Jew in order to escape ruthless killers Duges (Gerard Depardieu), López (Santiago Segura) and Harken (Hugo Silva).


    Live Twice, Love Once (2019), Maria Ripoll. Oscar Martínez,Inma Cuesta, Mafalda Carbonell.
    A retired academic teacher tries to find the love of his youth after being diagnosed with Alzheimer's.


    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    You only live twice:
    Once when you are born
    And once when you look death in the face.

    After BASHO
    Japanese poet,

  • Posts: 6,079
    You Only Live Until You Die (1997), Rolfe Kanefsky. Robert Donavan, Sita Thompson, John Lazar.
    Rod Steele (aka Agent 0014) is anything but the world's greatest super spy, but when diabolical villainess Tangerina threatens the world again, he's the world's last and only hope.


    Also the title of a Israel Bond, Agent Oy Oy Seven novels :

    Israel Bond's new nemesis, Dr. Ernst Holzknicht, is operating out of a secret Japanese location to bring back the Third Reich, or parts of it.
  • Posts: 15,409
    Not a film title, but good Bond title nevertheless: Dead at Daybreak.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    El rostro de la muerte (1964), Jaime Salvador. Irma Dorantes, Álvaro Zermeño, Pompín Iglesias.


    Faces of Death (1978), John Alan Schwartz. Michael Carr, Samuel Berkowitz, Mary Ellen Brighton.
    A collection of death scenes, ranging from TV material to homemade super 8 movies.


    Death Wish: The Face of Death (1994), Allan A. Goldstein. Charles Bronson, Lesley-Anne Down, Michael Parks.
    Paul Kersey is back at working vigilante justice when his fiancée, Olivia, has her business threatened by mobsters.


    The Man Who Faced Death (2015), Karen Mintz. Frank Bender.
    Frank Bender was one of the finest forensic sculptors in the world - sought after by the FBI, Scotland Yard and Interpol. We follow Frank during the last year of his life as he attempts to solve one last mystery.


    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    You only live twice:
    Once when you are born
    And once when you look death in the face.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Fox Hunt (Video Game, 1996), Michael Berns. Timothy Bottoms, George Lazenby, Rob Lowe.
    Slacker Jack Fremont is about to be evicted for skipping the rent, but CIA recruits him due to his vast knowledge of TV shows to stop an ex KGB spy who'll nuke L.A. unless the popular US TV shows he created incognito finally credit him.

    Fox Hunt (1996), Michael Berns. Andrew Bowen, Robia Scott, Timothy Bottoms.
    Jack Fremont is an ordinary fellow, that CIA activity of former colonel of KGB on the name "Fox", gathering to destroy Los Angeles a soviet rocket from an old nuclear arsenal, charged to stop.

    Fox Hunt (1996) (Italian dub, 1:29:23)


    Fox Hunting (2019), Thomas Furman, Ben Senior. Kevin Lucero Less, Greg Furman, Thomas Furman.
    Over the course of a school holiday, the duality of a man collides into one frame.


    Fox Hunting (2020), Shu-Pei Sun. Shengyi Huang, Jia XuEric Tsang.
    The daughter of the chairman of a oversea Chinese company is kidnapped by terrorists. The head of security team feels guilty and tries his best to the girl under the help of local police.


    The Fox Hunter (2020), Patrick Shanahan. Madison Iseman, Beth Broderick, Brooke Butler.
    A prominent Southern family of blue-blood media moguls deteriorates at the crossroads of past and progress in matters of death, wealth, love and American journalism.


    Fox Hunt (2022), Leo Zhang. Olga Kurylenko, Tony Chiu-Wai Leung. José Garcia.
    A pair of cops go up against an international money-trafficking cartel.


    Fox Hunt (Announced). Antony Hoffman. Yihong Duan, Tony Leung.
    A female Homeland Security Agent joins a collateral operation with Hong Kong's Anti-Smuggling Bureau, and must overcome personal and cultural obstacles to investigate a lucrative, car smuggling ring.


    For Your Eyes Only, Ian Fleming, 1960.
    Colombo slowly shook a finger to and fro in front of his nose. He said: "My friend, Kristatos is Kristatos. He is playing the biggest double game it is possible to conceive. To keep it up — to keep the protection of American Intelligence and their Narcotics people — he must now and then throw them a victim — some small man on the fringe of the big game. But with this English problem it is different. That is a huge traffic. To protect it, a big victim was required. I was chosen — by Kristatos, or by his employers. And it is true that if you had been vigorous in your investigations and had spent enough hard currency on buying information, you might have discovered the story of my operations. But each trail towards me would have led you further away from the truth. In the end, for I do not underestimate your Service, I would have gone to prison. But the big fox you are after would only be laughing at the sound of the hunt dying away in the distance."

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142

    Have Gun - Will Travel (Television 1957-1963), Herb Meadow, Sam Rolfe. Richard Boone, Kam Tong, Hal Needham.
    The adventures of a gentlemanly gunfighter-for-hire.


    Traveling Hopefully (1982), John G. Avildsen. Roger Baldwin.
    A documentary about Roger Baldwin, the founder of the ACLU.


    Never Travel on a One Way Ticket (Res aldrig på enkel biljett, 1987),
    Håkan Alexandersson. Nina Antskog, Krister Broberg, Mats Flink.
    Among human remains, barely alive, operates the investigator. A bitter man, a mole that digs his way among the facts and fictions of life. Beaten, broke, hungry and liable to be evicted.


    Paraíso Travel (2008), Simon Brand. Michelle O'Quinn, Louis Arcella, Angelica Blandon
    Love drives two young lovers from Medellin, Colombia to seek fortune in New York City, only to find a harsh reality that will put to test their true love for one another.


    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Part 1 - 'It is better to travel hopefully..."


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142

    The Scissors Girl (1968), Jai Hais. Karina, Al Savage, Dolores Topejo.


    Scissors (1991), Frank De Felitta. Sharon Stone, Steve Railsback, Ronny Cox.
    A woman trying to recover from a sexual attack is locked in a posh apartment with a corpse of the very man she's been dreaming would murder her. She tries to hang on to reality when objects around her seem to come to life.


    Running with Scissors (2006), Ryan Murphy. Joseph Cross, Annette Bening, Brian Cox.
    Young Augusten Burroughs absorbs experiences that could make for a shocking memoir: the son of an alcoholic father and an unstable mother, he's handed off to his mother's therapist, Dr. Finch, and spends his adolescent years as a member of Finch's bizarre extended family.


    Rock, Paper, Scissors (aka Rock, Paper, Dead, 2017), Tom Holland. Luke Macfarlane, Tatum O'Neal, Michael Madsen.
    Peter "the Doll Maker" Harris returns to his ancestral family home after being released from the state's hospital for the criminally insane - a "cured" man. Once inside the old house, anguished memories from a tortured childhood and ghostly visitations from his past victims shake Peter's resolve. It isn't until lovely young Ashley enters his life that Peter makes a fateful decision, a decision that will rekindle old desires that always ended in murder.


    Scissor Seven (2018), Xiaofeng He. Jas Patrick, Ronny Chieng, Jake Green.
    Seeking to recover his memories, a scissor-wielding hairdresser, bungling quasi-assassin stumbles into a struggle for power among three feuding factions.


    Rock, Paper and Scissors (2019), Martín Blousson, Macarena García Lenzi. Agustina Cerviño, Valeria Giorcelli, Pablo Sigal.
    Magdalena returns to her childhood home to settle her father's inheritance with her half-siblings. Things turn bleak when Magdalena suffers an accident and has to rely on Maria José and Jésus for her recovery.


    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Part 1 - 'It is better to travel hopefully...'
    Chapter 1 - Scissors cut Paper
    So now Bond smiled and clapped his hands in admiration. He said to Tiger, 'Tell the old bitch she's a clever old bitch,' accepted the brimming tumbler of hot sake from the apparently adoring hands of Trembling Leaf, and downed it in two tremendous gulps. He repeated the performance so that more sake had to be fetched from the kitchen, then he placed his fist decisively on the red lacquer table and said with mock belligerence, 'All right, Tiger! Go to it!'
    It was the old game of Scissors cut Paper, Paper wraps Stone, Stone blunts Scissors, that is played by children all over the world. The fist is the Stone, two outstretched fingers are the Scissors, and a flat hand is the Paper. The closed fist is hammered twice in the air simultaneously by the two opponents and, at the third downward stroke, the chosen emblem is revealed, The game consists of guessing which emblem the opponent will choose, and of you yourself choosing one that, will defeat him. Best of three goes or more. It is a game of bluff.

    Tiger Tanaka rested his fist on the table opposite Bond. The two men looked carefully into each other's eyes. There was dead silence in the box-like little lath-and-paper room, and the soft gurgling of the tiny brook in the ornamental square of garden outside the opened partition could be heard clearly for the first time that evening. Perhaps it was this silence, after all the talk and giggling, or perhaps it was the deep seriousness and purpose that was suddenly evident in Tiger Tanaka's formidable, cruel, samurai face, but Bond's skin momentarily crawled. For some reason this had become more than a children's game. Tiger had promised he would beat Bond. To fail would be to lose much face. How much? Enough to breach a friendship that had become oddly real between the two of them over the past weeks? This was one of the most powerful men in Japan. To be defeated by a miserable gaijin in front of the two women might be a matter of great moment to this man. The defeat might leak out through the women. In the West, such a trifle would be farcically insignificant, like a cabinet minister losing a game of backgammon at Blades. But in the East? In a very short while, Dikko Henderson had taught Bond total respect for Oriental conventions, however old-fashioned or seemingly trivial, but Bond was still at sea in their gradations. This was a case in point. Should Bond try and win at this baby game of bluff and double-bluff, or should he try to lose? But to try and lose involved the same cleverness at correctly guessing the other man's symbols in advance. It was just as difficult to lose on purpose as to win. And anyway did it really matter? Unfortunately, on the curious assignment in which James Bond was involved, he had a nasty feeling that even this idiotic little gambit had significance towards success or failure.

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    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1964.
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    EXACTLY one month before, it had been the eve of the annual closing of Blades. On the next day, 1 September, those members who were still unfashionably in London would have to pig it for a month at Whites or Boodle's. Whites they considered noisy and 'smart', Boodle's too full of superannuated country squires who would be talking of nothing but the opening of the partridge season. For Blades, it was one month in the wilderness. But there it was. The staff, one supposed, had to have their holiday. More important, there was some painting to be done and there was dry-rot in the roof.

    M., sitting in the bow window looking out over St James's Street, couldn't care less. He had two weeks' trout fishing on the Test to look forward to and, for the other two weeks, he would have sandwiches and coffee at his desk. He rarely used Blades, and then only to entertain important guests. He was not a 'clubable' man and if he had had the choice he would have stuck to The Senior, that greatest of all Services' clubs in the world. But too many people knew him there, and there was too much 'shop' talked. And there were too many former shipmates who would come up and ask him what he had been doing with himself since he retired. And the lie, 'Got a job with some people called Universal Export,' bored him, and though verifiable, had its risks.

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    M. was not amused.

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    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1964.
    Chapter 5 - Magic
    As if he had sensed this, Tiger Tanaka said, 'I have arranged for our friend to meet many Japanese girls. The result in every case has been negative, or, at the best, fleeting. But tell me, Commander. We have not met here to discuss Mr Henderson's private life. In what respect can I be of service to you? Is it the lawn mower?'

    Bond smiled. 'It is. The manufacturers' trade mark for this particular implement is MAGIC 44.'

    'Ah yes. A most valuable implement of many uses. I can understand that your country would wish to have the services of this implement. A case in point is an example of its capabilities which came into my hands only this morning.' Tiger Tanaka opened a drawer in his desk and extracted a file. It was a pale green file stamped in a square box with the word GOKUHI in black Japanese and Roman characters. Bond assumed this to be the equivalent of Top Secret. He put this to Mr Tanaka who confirmed it. Mr Tanaka opened the file and extracted two sheets of yellow paper. Bond could see that one was covered with Japanese ideograms and that the other had perhaps fifty lines of typewriting. Mr Tanaka slipped the typewritten one across the desk. He said, 'May I beg you on oath not to reveal to anyone what you are about to read?'

    'If you insist, Mr Tanaka.'

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142

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    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1964.
    Chapter 7 - The Death Collector
    JAMES BOND smiled at this dramatic utterance. 'A collector of death? You mean he kills people?'

    'No, Bondo-san. It is not as simple as that. He persuades, or rather entices people to kill themselves.' Tiger paused, the wide expanse of his brow furrowed. 'No, that also is not being just. Let us just say that he provides an easy and attractive opportunity - a resort - for people to do away with themselves. His present tally, in just under six months, is something over five hundred Japanese.'

    'Why don't you arrest him, hang him?'

    'Bondo-san, it is not as easy as that. I had better begin at the beginning. In January of this year, there entered the country, quite legally, a gentleman by the name of Doctor Guntram Shatterhand. He was accompanied by Frau Emmy Shatterhand, born de Bedon. They had Swiss passports and the doctor described himself as a horticulturalist and botanist specializing in sub-tropical species. He carried high references from the Jardin des Plantes in Paris, Kew Gardens, and other authorities, but these were couched in rather nebulous terms. He quickly got in touch with the equivalent authorities in Japan and with experts in the Ministry of Agriculture, and these gentlemen were astonished and delighted to learn that Doctor Shatterhand was prepared to spend no less than one million pounds on establishing an exotic garden or park in this country which he would stock with a priceless collection of rare plants and shrubs from all over the world. These he would import at his own expense in a sufficient state of maturity to allow his park to be planted with the minimum of delay - an extremely expensive procedure if you know anything about horticulture.'

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
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    Slay It With Flowers (1943) (7:03)


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    The action begins in black and white, as in a memory. Klaus is a Nazi military who has just failed an attack on Hitler. Desperate, Klaus shoots his children and then shoots at his pregnant wife, which he leaves badly injured. Finally, he tries to commit suicide, but at the last moment he does not have enough courage to pull the trigger, and flees on a motorcycle, with which he has an accident - The action continues in France. Jean-Claude is a handsome young man complexed by a malformation he presents on his face. Jean-Claude lives with his parents, Jacques Bergé, an amnestic man, locked in himself and obsessed with Egyptian art, and Concepción, a woman also locked in herself and obsessed with the flowers in her garden, and that, it seems , suffers a paranoia. Jean-Claude's little brothers also live in the same house: Robert, a deaf and dumb boy, and twins Antoine and Raymond. The story, told by young Jean-Claude to a police commissioner, begins with the arrival of Ursula, a beautiful young woman who comes to take care of the children in the house .


    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1964.
    Chapter 8 - Slay It With Flowers
    Tiger Tanaka smiled happily. 'Well spoken, Bondo-san. I thought your famous English stoicism might break down if I hit hard enough. I just wanted to see. And, for your information, those are very similar to the words I addressed to my Prime Minister. And do you know what he said? He said, all right, Mr Tanaka. Put this Commander Bond to the test. If he succeeds, I will agree that there is still an elite in Britain and that this valuable material would be safe in their hands. If he fails, you will politely turn down the request.'

    Bond shrugged impatiently. He was still smarting under Tiger's onslaught, and the half-truths which he knew lay behind his words. 'All right, Tiger. What is this ridiculous test? Some typical bit of samurai nonsense, I suppose.'

    'More or less,' agreed Tiger Tanaka, with equanimity. 'You are to enter this Castle of Death and slay the Dragon within.'

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
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    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1964.
    Chapter 9 - Instant Japan
    THE black Topoyet Toyopet hurtled through the deserted streets which were shiny with the dew of what would be a beautiful day.

    Tiger had dressed in casual clothes as if for a country outing. He had a small overnight bag on the seat beside him. They were on the way to a bathhouse which Tiger said was of a very special, a very pleasurable nature. It was also, Tiger said, very discreet, and the opportunity would be taken to make a start in transforming Bond's appearance into something more closely resembling a Japanese.

    Tiger had overridden all Bond's objections. On all the evidence, this doctor was a purveyor of death. Because he was mad? Because it amused him? Tiger neither knew nor cared. For obvious reasons of policy, his assassination, which had been officially agreed to, could not be carried out by a Japanese. Bond's appearance on the scene was therefore very timely. He had had much practice in such clandestine operations and, if he was subsequently arrested by the Japanese police, an adequate cover story involving foreign intelligence services could be cooked up. He would be tried, sentenced, and then quietly smuggled out of the country. If he failed, then presumably the doctor or his guards would kill him. That would be too bad. Bond argued that he had personally nothing against this Swiss botanist. Tiger replied that any good man's hand would be against a man who had already killed five hundred of his fellow creatures. Was that not so? And, in any case, Bond was being hired to do this act in exchange for MAGIC 44. Did that not quieten his conscience? Bond agreed reluctantly that it did.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
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    Anatomy of Deception (2014), Brian Skiba. Miranda Frigon, Natasha Henstridge, Kit Williamson.
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    No Time to Die: Anatomy of a Scene (2021). Cary Joji Fukunaga. Daniel Craig.
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    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1964.
    Chapter 11 - Anatomy Studies
    'I must congratulate you on your stoicism. You do not appear to value your life as highly as most Westerners.' Tiger looked at him kindly. 'Is there perhaps a reason for that?'
    Bond was offhand. 'Not that I can think of. But for God's sake chuck it, Tiger! None of your Japanese brain-washing! More sake, and answer my question of yesterday. Why weren't those men disabled by those terrific slashes to the groin? That might be of some practical value to me instead of all this waffle about poetry.'

    Tiger ordered the sake. He laughed. 'Unfortunately you are too old to benefit. I would need to have caught you at the age of about fourteen. You see, it is this way. You know the sumo wrestlers? It is they who invented the trick many centuries ago. It is vital for them to be immune from damage to those parts of the body. Now, you know that, in men, the testicles, which until puberty have been held inside the body, are released by a particular muscle and descend between the legs?'


    'Well the sumo wrestler will have been selected for his profession by the time of puberty. Perhaps because of his weight and strength, or perhaps because he comes of a sumo family. Well, by assiduously massaging those parts, he is able, after much practice, to cause the testicles to re-enter the body up the inguinal canal down which they originally descended.'

    'My God, you Japanese!' said Bond with admiration. 'You really are up to all the tricks. You mean he gets them right out of the way behind the bones of the pelvis or what not?'

    'Your knowledge of anatomy is as vague as your appreciation for poetry, but that is more or less so, yes. Then, before a fight, he will bind up that part of the body most thoroughly to contain these vulnerable organs in their hiding-place. Afterwards, in the bath, he will release them to hang normally. I have seen them do it. It is a great pity that it is now too late for you to practise this art. It might have given you more confidence on your mission. It is my experience that agents fear most for that part of the body when there is fighting to be done or when they risk capture. These organs, as you know, are most susceptible to torture for the extraction of information.'

    'Don't I know it!' said Bond from the heart. 'Some of our chaps wear a box when they think they're in for a rough house. I don't care for them. Too uncomfortable.'

    'What is a box?'

    'It is what our cricketers wear to protect those parts when they go out to bat. It is a light padded shield of aluminium.'

    'I regret that we have nothing of that nature. We do not play cricket in Japan. Only baseball.'

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Appointment for Love (1941), William A. Seiter. Charles Boyer, Margaret Sullavan, Rita Johnson.
    Charming Andre Cassil woos physician Jane Alexander and the two impulsively get married. The honeymoon ends very quickly after Jane voices her progressive views on marriage, which include that the two should keep separate apartments. Andre then tries to make his wife jealous to lure her into his bedroom.


    Appointment in Berlin (1943), Alfred E. Green. George Sanders, Marguerite Chapman, Onslow Stevens.
    A former RAF officer is enlisted in the British secret service. Germany recruits him for propaganda broadcasts to England. He uses codes in his broadcasts. When his cover is blown, he and his German girlfriend must try to escape.


    Appointment in Tokyo (1945), Jack Hively. Douglas MacArthur, Chester W. Nimitz, James Craig.
    Military documentary about the four years of Pacific war detailing the history of the defeat of Japan.


    Appointment with Murder (1948), Jack Bernhard. John Calvert, Catherine Craig, Jack Reitzen.
    The Falcon is hired by an insurance company to recover two stolen paintings, a job that takes him across the country and then across the Atlantic to Italy. Before he knows it, his investigation leads him into a world of double-crosses and big-time art fraud.


    Appointment with Danger (1950), Lewis Allen. Alan Ladd, Phyllis Calvert, Paul Stewart.
    When ruthlessly dedicated postal inspector investigates the murder of a co-worker, he finds that the sole witness, a nun, has been targeted by the killers.


    Appointment with Fear (1985), Ramsey Thomas. Michele Little, Michael Wyle, Kerry Remsen.
    A man under the influence of an ancient Egyptian curse uses astral projection to kill those who protect his baby son from him. A woman and a shady cop try to stop him before he can get to the child and transfer the curse.


    Appointment with Death (1988), Michael Winner. Peter Ustinov, Lauren Bacall, Carrie Fisher.
    When a former prison wardress who dominates the lives of her three adult stepchildren and her daughter is found dead at an archaeological dig near the Dead Sea, there are a great many suspects.


    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1964.
    Chapter 12 - Appointment in Samara
    AT six in the morning, a car from the Prefect of Police in Fukuoka came for them. There were two police corporals in the front seat. They went off northwards on the coast road at a good pace. After a while, Bond said, 'Tiger, we're being followed. I don't care what you say. The man who stole my wallet was in the fugu restaurant last night, and he's now a mile behind on a motor-cycle - or I'll eat my hat. Be a good chap and tell the driver to dodge up a side-road and then go after him and get him. I've got a sharp nose for these things and I ask you to do what I say.'

    Tiger grunted. He looked back and then issued rapid instructions to the driver. The driver said, 'Hai!' briskly, and the corporal at his side unbuttoned the holster of his M-14 automatic. Tiger flexed his powerful fingers.

    They came to a track on the left which went into the scrub. The driver did a good racing change and pulled in out of sight of the road. He cut his engine. They listened. The roar of a motor-cycle approached and receded. The driver reversed sharply on to the road and tore off in pursuit. Tiger issued more sharp instructions. He said to Bond, 'I have told him to try warning the man with his siren and if he doesn't stop to ride him into the ditch.'

    'Well, I'm glad you're giving him a chance,' said Bond, beginning to have qualms. 'I may be wrong and he may only be a Fuller brush man in a hurry.'

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Suzuki Speaks (2004), Tony Papa. David Suzuki.
    Exploding with visual and aural excitement, this one hour special captures the passion, vision and inspiration of world-renowned scientist/visionary David Suzuki on the human animal and our place in the universe. Using the latest in computer generated imagery, motion graphics and innovative editing, Suzuki Speaks blends the vitality of Suzuki's face and voice with exciting pictures exploring the beauty and complexity of our world and a driving soundtrack of natural sounds and rhythmic music, including a song by Leonard Cohen.


    Kissy Kissy (2007), Alexander Greenhough, Elric Kane. James Ashcroft, Andy Chappell, Jean Copland.
    As the various members of the cast and crew resume their everyday lives, the intricacies of their relationships with one another become increasingly difficult, as their conflicting needs and desires become impossible to resolve.


    Suzuki sensei (2013), Hayato Kawai. Hiroki Hasegawa, Asami Usuda, Yasuko Tomita.
    Following the Suzuki Sensei TV serial the movie depicts school teacher Suzuki Sensei wanting to be different and creating a perfect class and lessons for his students using his innovative method. The school is doing well with a student council, clubs, classes and then a schoolgirl is taken hostage.


    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1964.
    Chapter 13 - Kissy Suzuki
    One girl, rather taller than the rest, seemed to pay no attention to the men on the jetty or to the police launch riding beside it. She was the centre of a crowd of laughing girls as she waded with a rather long, perhaps studied, stride over the shiny black pebbles and up the beach. She flung back a remark at her companions and they giggled, putting their hands up to their mouths. Then a wizened old woman held out a coarse brown blanket to her and she wrapped it round herself and the group dispersed.

    The couple, the old woman and the young one, walked up the beach to the market. The young one talked excitedly. The old one paid attention and nodded. The priest was waiting for them. They bowed very low. He talked to them and they listened with humility, casting occasional glances towards the group on the jetty. The tall girl drew her blanket more closely round her. James Bond had guessed it already. Now he knew. This was Kissy Suzuki.

    The three people, the splendidly attired priest, the walnut-faced old fisherwoman and the tall naked girl wrapped in her drab blanket came along the jetty, the girl hanging back. In a curious way they were a homogeneous trio, and the priest might have been the father. The women stopped and the priest came forward. He bowed to Bond and addressed him. Tiger translated: 'He says that the father and mother of Kissy Suzuki would be honoured to receive you in their humble abode for whose poverty they apologize. They regret that they are not accustomed to Western ways, but their daughter is proficient in English as a result of her work in America and will endeavour to convey your wishes to them. The priest asks if you can row a boat. The father, who previously rowed for his daughter, is stricken with rheumatism. It would be of great assistance to the family if you would deign to take his place.'

    Bond bowed. He said, 'Please convey to his reverence that I am most grateful for his intercession on my behalf. I would be most honoured to have a place to lay my head in the home of Suzuki-san. My needs are very modest and I greatly enjoy the Japanese way of life. I would be most pleased to row the family boat or help the household in any other way.' He added, sotto voce, 'Tiger, I may need these people's help when the time comes. Particularly the girl's. How much can I tell her?'

    Tiger said softly, 'Use your discretion. The priest knows, therefore the girl can know. She will not spread it abroad. And now come forward and let the priest introduce you. Don't forget that your name here is Taro, which means " first son", Todoroki, which means "thunder". The priest is not interested in your real name. I have said that this is an approximation of your English name. It doesn't matter. Nobody will care. But you must try to assume some semblance of a Japanese personality for when you get to the other side. This name is on your identity card-and on your miner's union card from the coal mines of Fukuoka. You need not bother with these things here for you are among friends. On the other side, if you are caught, you will show the card that says you are deaf and dumb. All right?'

    Tiger talked to the priest and Bond was led forward to the two women. He bowed low to the mother, but he remembered not to bow too low as she was only a woman, and then he turned to the girl.

    She laughed gaily. She didn't titter or giggle, she actually laughed. She said, 'You don't have to bow to me and I shall never bow to you.' She held out her hand. 'How do you do. My name is Kissy Suzuki.'

    The hand was ice-cold. Bond said, 'My name is Taro Todoroki and I am sorry to have kept you here so long. You are cold and you ought to go and have your hot bath. It is very kind of your family to accept me as your guest, but I do not want to be an imposition. Are you sure it's all right?'

    'Whatever the kannushi-san, the priest, says is all right. And I have been cold before. When you have finished with your distinguished friends, my mother and I will be happy to lead you to our house. I hope you are good at peeling potatoes.'

    Bond was delighted. Thank God for a straightforward girl at last! No more bowing and hissing! He said, 'I took a degree in it. And I am strong and willing and I don't snore. What time do we take out the boat?'

  • Posts: 6,079
    You forgot that one :

    Monsieur Suzuki. Robert Vernay. Jean Thielment.

    Addaptation of one novel of a spy series published in France under the imprint Fleuve Noir, following the adventures of a japanese secret agent. Here, he must go to Versailles to retrieve an important document, stolen in Egypt.

    media.jpg [img][/img]
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited February 2023 Posts: 14,142
    I'd like to see that @Gerard.

    Monsieur Suzuki (Original title: The Versailles Affair, 1960), Robert Vernay. Jean Thielment, Ivan Desny, Jean Tissier.
    Important documents are stolen in Egypt that, if they were revealed, might change the course of an important political meeting being held at Versailles.


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Golden Dawn (1930), Ray Enright. Walter Woolf King, Vivienne Segal, Noah Beery.
    "Golden Dawn" is a musical operetta released by Warner Brothers, photographed entirely in Technicolor, and starring Walter Woolf King and Noah Beery. The film is based on the semi-hit stage musical of the same name by Oscar Hammerstein II and Otto Harbach.


    Golden Days (2007), Chris Suchorsky. Alex Dezen, Ted Hudson, Steven Terry.
    A struggling indie rock band signs a major record deal only to have their album and their career nearly destroyed by the people who signed them.


    My Golden Days (2015), Arnaud Desplechin. Quentin Dolmaire, Lou Roy-Lecollinet, Mathieu Amalric.
    Paul is preparing to leave Tajikistan, while thinking back on his adolescent years. His childhood, his mother's madness, the parties, the trip to the USSR where he lost his virginity, the friend who betrayed him and the love of his life.


    Golden Dawn Girls (2017), Håvard Bustnes. Rena Dourou, Panagiotis Iliopoulos, Liana Kanelli.
    Following a daughter, wife and mother as they lead the political party Golden Dawn through the upcoming elections.


    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1964.
    Chapter 14 - Golden Days
    DAWN was a beautiful haze of gold and blue. Bond went outside and ate his bean curd and rice and drank his tea sitting on the spotless doorstep of the little cut-stone and timbered house, while indoors the family chattered like happy sparrows as the women went about their housework.

    Bond had been allotted the room of honour, the small sitting-room with its tatami mats, scraps of furniture, house shrine and a cricket in a small cage'to keep you company', as Kissy had explained. Here his futon had been spread on the ground and he had for the first time and with fair success tried sleeping with his head on the traditional wooden pillow. The evening before, the father, an emaciated greybeard with knotted joints and bright, squirrel eyes, had laughed with and at him as Kissy translated Bond's account of some of his adventures with Tiger, and there was from the first a complete absence of tension or self-consciousness. The priest had said that Bond should be treated as a member of the family and, although his appearance and some of his manners were strange, Kissy had apparently announced her qualified approval of him and the parents followed her lead. At nine o'clock, under the three-quarter moon, the father had beckoned to Bond and had hobbled out with him to the back of the house. He showed him the little shack with the hole in the ground and the neatly quartered pages of the Asahi Shimbun on a nail, and the last of Bond's private fears about life on the island was removed. His flickering candle showed the place to be as spotless as the house, and at least adequately salubrious. After the soft movements in the other two rooms had ceased, Bond had slept happily and like the dead.

    Kissy came out of the house. She was wearing a kind of white cotton nightdress and a white cotton kerchief bound up the thick black waves of her hair. She wore her equipment, the weights and the heavy flat angular pick, over the white dress and only her arms and feet were bare. Bond may have shown his disappointment. She laughed, teasing him. 'This is ceremonial dress for diving in the presence of important strangers. The kannushi-san instructed me to wear it in your company. As a mark of respect, of course.'

    'Kissy, I believe that is a fib. The truth of the matter is that you consider that your nakedness might arouse dishonourable thoughts in my impious Western mind. That is a most unworthy suspicion. However, I accept the delicacy of your respect of my susceptibilities. And now let's cut the cackle and get going. We'll beat the awabi record today. What should we aim at?'

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited March 2023 Posts: 14,142
    The Guardian (1990), William Friedkin. Jenny Seagrove, Dwier Brown, Carey Lowell.
    A young couple with a newborn baby don't realize that the nanny they hired is a magical nymph who sacrifices infants to an evil tree.


    Guardian (2001), John Terlesky. Mario Van Peebles, James Remar, Stacy Oversier.
    After two L.A.P.D. detectives investigate a violent crime spree, they discover a new drug linked to a terrifying supernatural power.


    Guardian of the Realm (2004), 'Evil' Ted Smith. Glen Levy, Tanya Dempsey, Lana Piryan.
    Two demon hunters race to save the human race after an a cult accidentally releases a particularly dangerous demon.


    The Guardian (2006), Andrew Davis. Kevin Costner, Ashton Kutcher, Sela Ward.
    A high school swim champion with a troubled past enrolls in the U.S. Coast Guard's "A" School, where legendary rescue swimmer Ben Randall teaches him some hard lessons about loss, love, and self-sacrifice.


    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), James Gunn. Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Dave Bautista.
    In the far reaches of space, an American pilot named Peter Quill finds himself the object of a manhunt after stealing an orb coveted by the villainous Ronan.
    A group of intergalactic criminals must pull together to stop a fanatical warrior with plans to purge the universe.


    Les gardiennes (The Guardians, 2017), Xavier Beauvois. Nathalie BayeLaura SmetIris Bry.
    Women are left behind to work a family farm during the Great War. From the Ernest Pérochon novel Les gardiennes, 1924.


    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1964.
    Chapter 15 - The Six Guardians
    During one of their rests, Bond casually asked Kissy what she knew of the castle, and he was surprised by the way her face darkened. 'Todoroki-san, we do not usually talk about that place. It is almost a forbidden subject on Kuro. It is as if hell had suddenly opened its mouth half a mile away across the sea from our home. And my people, the Ama, are like what I have read about your gipsies. We are very superstitious. And we believe the devil himself has come to live over there.' She didn't look at the fortress, but gestured with her head. 'Even the kanushi-san does not deny our fears, and our elders say that the gatjins have always been bad for Japan and that this one is the incarnation of all the evil in the West. And there is already a legend that has grown up on the island. It is that our six Jizo Guardians will send a man from across the sea to slay this "King of Death", as we call him.' 'Who are these Guardians?'

    'Jizo is the god who protects children. He is, I think, a Buddhist god. On the other side of the island, on the foreshore, there are five statues. The sixth has been mostly washed away. They are rather frightening to see. They squat there in a line. They have rough bodies of stone and round stones for heads and they wear white shirts that are changed by the people every month. They were put there centuries ago by our ancestors. They sit on the line of low tide, and as the tide comes up it covers them completely and they keep watch under the surface of the sea and protect us, the Ama, because we are known as "The Children of the Sea". At the beginning of every June, when the sea is warm after the winter and the diving begins, every person on the island forms into a procession and we go to the Six Guardians and sing to them to make them happy and favourable towards us.'

    'And this story of the man from Kuro. Where did it come from?'

    'Who knows? It could have come from the sea or the air and thus into the minds of the people. Where do stories like that come from? It is widely believed.'

    'Ah, so desu ka!' said Bond, and they both laughed and got on with the work.

  • Posts: 6,079
    And you can add this one :


    Les Gardiennes

    During the Great War, women take care of the work on a famr, when all the men are at war.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    That's excellent @Gerard, I'll add standard detail above when I return from travel and have better resources.

    [Mr. Beam: Now how did I miss that...]

    Love on the Spot (1932), Graham Cutts. Richard Dolman, Rosemary Ames.
    A frothy musical in which a con-man's daughter, Joan Prior, in her film debut, gets involved with Bill Maitland,a hotel-thief, and the romance reforms both of them, but only after a few songs and complications from the house-detective and her hard-to-reform father.


    "A Lovesome Thing" (Inside George Webley, Season 2, Episode 3, 1970), David Mallet. Roy Kinnear, Patsy Rowlands, Les Dawson.


    Love, Sometimes (El amor a veces, 2013).
    Nuri is 15 years old whose mother survives between her daily work, her frustrated dreams and raising a teenager. Nuri is exposed to situations that are not up to her when she meets Javi, who is an older man and is in crisis.


    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1964.

    Chapter 7 - The Death Collector
    • Jamaica dogwood, fish-poison tree (Piscidia erythrina): Tree, 30 ft. White and blood-coloured flowers. Inebriant. Toxic principle: piscidine. W. Indies.
    • Nux-vomica tree, poison-nut, crow-fig, kachita (Strychnos nux-vomica): Tree 40 ft. Smooth bark, attractive fruits, which have bitter taste. Greenish-white flowers. Seeds most poisonous part. Convulsivant. Toxic principle: strychnine, brucine. S. India, Java.
    • Guiana poison-tree (Strychnos toxifera): curare arrow-poison taken from bark. Creeper. Death within one hour from respiratory paralysis. Toxic principles: curare, strychnine, brucine. Guiana.
    • St Ignatius's bean (Strychnos Ignatü): small tree, seeds yield brucine. Convulsivant. Philippines.
    • False Upas-tree (Strychnos tieute): large climbing shrub. Strychnine or brucine from leaf, seed, stem or root-bark. Java.
    • East Indian snakewood (Strychnos colubrina): climbing tree. Yields strychnine, brucine. Convulsivant. Java, Timor.
    • Ipecacuanha (Psjchotria ipecacuanha): shrubby plant. Depressant. Toxic principle: emetine, from root. Brazil.
    • White-woolly Kombe bean, Gaboon arrow poison (Stropanthus hispidus): woody climber, 6 ft. Toxic principle: strophan-thin, incine. Asthenic. W. Africa.
    • Ordeal-tree, poison tanghin (Tanghinia venenifera or cerbera tanghin): small evergreen tree, 20 ft. Fruit purplish, tinged with green. Toxic principle: tanghinine, cerberin. Asthenic. Madagascar.
    • Upas-tree, Malay arrow-poison tree (Antiaria toxicaria): jungle tree - 100 ft. before branches start. Wood light, white, hard, milk-bearing. Toxic principle: antiarin, from milky sap. Asthenic. Java, Borneo, Sumatra, Philippines.
    • Poison ivy, trailing poison oak (Khus toxicodendron): climbing shrub. Greenish-yellow flowers. Stem contains milky juice - irritant. Toxic principle: toxicodendrol. USA.
    • Yellow oleander, campanilla, be-still tree (Thevetia peruviana): small tree. All parts can be fatally toxic, particularly fruit. Pulse slows, vomiting, shock. Hawaii.
    • Castor bean plant (Kicintis communis): seeds are source of castor oil, also contain toxic principle, ricin. Harmless if eaten. If it enters the circulation through scratch or abrasion is fatal within 7-10 days. One hundredth of a milligram can kill a 200 Ib. man. Loss of appetite, emesis, purgation, delirium, collapse and death. Hawaii, S. America.
    • Common oleander (Nerium Indicum): evergreen shrub. The roots, bark, juice, flowers and leaves all fatally toxic. Acts chiefly on the heart. Used in India as leprosy treatment, abortifacient, means of suicide. India, Hawaii. One death was due to the victim's having eaten meat cooked over an open fire, spitted on a stick of oleander wood.
    • Rosary pea, crab's eye, Jequiritz bean (Abrus precatorius): climbing shrub. Small shiny red seeds weight average 1.75 grains, used by Indian goldsmiths as weights. Seeds are ground down into a paste with a little cold water, made into small pointed cylinders. If these are inserted beneath skin of human or animal death occurs within four hours. India, Hawaii.
    • Jimson weed (Datura stramonium): variety of thorn apple plant, found in N. Africa, India. Also: Ololiuqui (D. mete-loides) from Mexico, and D. tatula from Central and South America. All three are hallucinatory. D. stramonium's apples are smoked by Arabs and Swahilis, leaves eaten by E. African Negroes, seeds added to hashish and leaves to hemp by Bengalese Indians. D. tatula was used as a truth-drug by Zapotec Indians in courts of law. Addiction to toloachi, a drink made from D. tatula, causes chronic imbecility,
    • Gloriosa superba: spectacularly beautiful climbing lily. Roots, stalks, leaves contain an acrid narcotic, superbine, as well as colchicine and choline. Three grains of colchicine are fatal. Hawaii.
    • Sand-box tree (Hura crepitans): whole tree contains an active emetocathartic, used as a fish-poison in Brazil. Also contains crepitin, same group of poisons as ricin. Harmless if swallowed, must be taken into circulation through wound to be fatal. Death comes in 7-10 days. C. and S. America.
    • Pride-of-India, Chinaberry tree, China tree (Melia azedarach): small tree. Beautiful dark-green leaves, lavender blossoms. Fruit contains toxic narcotic which attacks entire central nervous system. Hawaii, C. and S. America.
    • Physic nut (Jatropha curcas): bushy tree. Raw seeds violently purgative, often fatal due to exhaustion. Caribbean.
    • Mexican tuber, camotillo: wild potato, grows generally. According to Indian tradition, it is plucked during the waning of the moon; it is alleged to begin deadly action the same number of days after consumption as it was stored after being dug up. Toxic principle: solanine. Central and S. America.
    • Divine mushroom (Amanita mexicana): closely related to European Fly Agaric. Black mushroom, eaten fresh or steeped in warm milk laced with agave spirits. Causes hypersensitivity of the skin surface, ultra-acute hearing and sight, then hallucinations of several hours, followed by deep melancholia. Active principle unknown. Central and S. America.

    Bond finished his reading. He handed the papers back. He said, 'Doctor Shatterhand's garden is indeed a lovesome thing, God wot.'
    Chapter 16 - The Lovesome Spot
    Now, keeping right-handed, but still following the boundary wall, he crept off again on his survey. Once, something slithered away from his approaching feet and disappeared with a heavy rustle into the fallen leaves under a tree. What snakes were there that really went for a man? The king-cobra, black mamba, the saw-scaled viper, the rattlesnake and the fer de lance. What others? The remainder were inclined to make off if disturbed. Were snakes day or night hunters? Bond didn't know. Among so many hazards, there weren't even the odds of Russian Roulette. When all the chambers of the pistol were loaded, there was not even a one in six chance to bank on.

    Bond was now on the castle side of the lake. He heard a noise and edged behind a tree. The distant crashing in the shrubbery sounded like a wounded animal, but then, down the path, came staggering a man, or what had once been a man. The brilliant moonlight showed a head swollen to the size of a football, and only small slits remained where the eyes and mouth had been. The man moaned softly as he zigzagged along, and Bond could see that his hands were up to his puffed face and that he was trying to prise apart the swollen skin round his eyes so that he could see out. Every now and then he stopped and let out one word in an agonizing howl to the moon. It was not a howl of fear or of pain, but of dreadful supplication. Suddenly he stopped. He seemed to see the lake for the first time. With a terrible cry, and holding out his arms as if to meet a loved one, he made a quick run to the edge and threw himself in. At once there came the swirl of movement Bond had noticed before, but this time it involved a great area of water and there was a wild boiling of the surface round the vaguely threshing body. A mass of small fish were struggling to get at the man, particularly at the naked hands and face, and their six-inch bodies glittered and flashed in the moonlight. Once the man raised his head and let out a single, terrible scream and Bond saw that his face was encrusted with pendent fish as if with silvery locks of hair. Then his head fell back into the lake and he rolled over and over as if trying to rid himself of his attackers. But slowly the black stain spread and spread around him and finally, perhaps because his jugular had been pierced, he lay still, face downwards in the water, and his head jigged slightly with the ceaseless momentum of the attack.

  • Posts: 6,079
    Forgot that one :

    Guardians (2017)

    During the height of the Cold War, the USSR experimented on a few people, creating super-heroes. Now, those super-heroes, who include a girl that can turn invisible and a man who can transform into a bear, are reactivated to fight a mad super-vilain.


    Seems like the word Guardians appear in quite a lot of movies, doesn't it ?
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited March 2023 Posts: 14,142
    Macbeth, William Shakespeare, .
    Act IV. Scene I. A dark Cave. In the middle, a Cauldron Boiling.
    By the pricking of my thumbs,
    Something wicked this way comes.
    Open, locks,
    Whoever knocks!

    Something Wicked This Way Comes (1972), Colin Finbow. Ben Clennell, Mark Ashman, Tony Collins.
    Strange things start to happen when Mr Dark's Pandemonium Carnival arrives in Greentown. From the Ray Bradbury story.


    Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983), Jack Clayton. Jason Robards, Jonathan Pryce, Diane Ladd.
    In a small American town, a diabolical circus and its demonic proprietor prey on the townsfolk. From the Ray Bradbury story.


    Something Evil Comes (2009), Ron Oliver. Nicholle Tom, David Millbern, Holly Elissa.
    When a young lawyer is murdered to cover up a dangerous corporate secret, his sister must face off against the ruthless killer sent to finish the job. Trapped by a severe thunderstorm in her family's secluded estate manor, she and a handful of friends must fight to survive nature's assault and that of the killer sent to silence them all for good.


    Something Wicked (2014), Darin Scott. Shantel VanSanten, Brittany Murphy, Julian Morris.
    Brittany Murphy's Last Film. As a young couple embarks upon their wedding plans, gruesome secrets from their past collide with sinister forces of the present to ensure these newlyweds do not live.


    Something Wicked (2017), Yemi Morafa. Gabriel Afolayan, Bisola Aiyeola, Omowunmi Dada.
    In the meanest streets, few come out alive. When a woman adopts her nephew into a violent town filled with violence and danger, she finds her family's bonds tested like never before.


    Something Wicked Something Wonderful (2017), Marcus Mero. Erin Johnson, Cameron Galvez, Gabriel Zimmermann.
    Erin Greenwood dreams of leaving her secluded cottage in the woods but when she builds up the courage to venture out she'll find that there is more to the world than what it seems.


    Something Wicked This Way Comes (documentary, 2018), Jessica Basile, Stacy Buchanan. Mike Aloisi, Brad Anderson, Pete Goldfinger.
    SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES is a project that examines horror culture and filmmaking in the New England area. Through the stories of industry professionals, filmmakers, and actors, it explores the historical and contemporary significance of the area's impact on the horror genre, as well as the decision to pursue a project locally.


    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1964.
    Chapter 17 - Something Evil Comes This Way
    Bond strained his eyes to the right, towards the castle, but his view was obstructed by an expanse of white oleanders, that innocent shrub with its attractive clusters of blossom that is used as a deadly fish poison in many parts of the tropics. Dear, pretty bush! Bond thought. I must remember to keep clear of you tonight.

    And then, following the path on the other side of the lake, two strolling figures came into his line of vision and Bond clenched his fists with the thrill of seeing his prey.

    Blofeld, in his gleaming chain armour and grotesquely spiked and winged helmet of steel, its visor closed, was something out of Wagner, or, because of the oriental style of his armour, a Japanese Kabuki play. His armoured right hand rested easily on a long naked samurai sword while his left was hooked into the arm of his companion, a stumpy woman with the body and stride of a wardress. Her face was totally obscured by a hideous bee-keeper's hat of dark-green straw with a heavy pendent black veil reaching down over her shoulders. But there could be no doubt! Bond had seen that dumpy silhouette, now clothed in a plastic rainproof above tall rubber boots, too often in his dreams. That was her! That was Irma Bunt!

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