Film titles that sound like Bond movies/books



  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140


    The Oubliette (1914), Charles Giblyn. Murdock MacQuarrie, Pauline Bush, Lon Chaney.
    Francois Villon, vagabond, poet and philosopher, and his friend Colin, leave the vagabond camp and start for Paris. En route to that city, Villon's heart is touched at sight of the eviction of an elderly couple from their poor home. Whereupon he empties his own and Colin's purse, pays the Beadle, and then resume their journey. Overcome with the pangs of hunger, they "lift " the purses of a couple of corpulent monks. For this breach of law both Villon and Colin are arrested and thrown into prison. They succeed in overpowering the turnkey and, assisted by Colin, who insists that his friend don the clothes of the turnkey, Villon makes his escape. Colin is tried, convicted and hanged. At the foot of the gibbet, Villon's farewell to the swinging Colin is interrupted by the entrance of the Chevalier do Soissons. Villon resents the knight's tirade against the corpse of Colin. Fight ensues and the crafty vagabond slays the knight, using as a weapon a great stone. The rich purse, armor, etc., of de Soissons proves too strong a snare for the impoverished Villon, who quickly changes habiliments with the dead knight, props the body against the gallows and then continues on his way to Paris. Philippa de Annonnay, the fair ward of the Chevalier Bertrand de Pogne, is held prisoner in an inn. Villon chooses this inn wherein to satisfy the cravings of hunger. Here he meets de Pogne. From her window she sees the entrance of Villon and determines to appeal to the strange knight. An animated discussion between Villon and de Pogne is interrupted by a scream from Philips. Villon starts to climb the stairs to the gallery of the inn. De Pogne bars the way and a terrific battle with swords ensues. The fight continues up the stairs and toward Philippa's window, through which the girl reaches as the fight continues on the balcony and stabs de Pogne, who falls to the floor below, dead. Villon conducts Philippa safely to her castle, then resumes his journey to Paris. Having dissipated the proceeds of the de Soissons adventure, Villon hies himself to a garret, where he spends his time in courting the muses. Louis XI, the "Prowler," determines to test the loyalty of Villon. To this end, the king hies himself to a dungeon in the Bastille, causes the arrest of Villon, then offers that worthy his freedom if he will help overthrow the king. Villon indignantly refuses to purchase his freedom at such a price. Whereupon Louis reveals himself to the poet and presents Villon with a bound copy of his (Villon's) manuscript, which was the first book to be printed in France. Then Louis knights him, bestowing upon Villon the title Chevalier des Loges.
    Full Short (30:59)


    Oubliette (2016), David Dillehunt. Nicole Bourdow, David Dillehunt, Jack Hanny.
    A young woman faces a bevy of convoluted memories and inner turmoil while trapped in a cellar with only one method of escape.


    The Oubliette (animated short, 2022), Max Hendrickson.
    Full Short (10:00)


    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1964.
    Chapter 18 - Oubliette
    Bond kept his weapons in his hands and crept back to the door. This time no sound came from behind it. But the guard had bowed. Oh well! Probably out of respect for the aura of The Master. Bond quietly but firmly thrust the door open and leaped through, ready for the attacking sprint.

    A totally empty, totally featureless length of passageway yawned at his dramatics. It stretched perhaps twenty feet in front of him. It was dimly lit by a central oil lamp and its floor was of the usual highly polished boards. A 'nightingale floor'? No. The guard's footsteps had uttered no warning creaks. But from behind the facing door at the end came the sound of music. It was Wagner, the 'Ride of the Valkyries', being played at medium pitch. Thank you, Blofeld! thought Bond. Most helpful cover! And he crept softly forward down the centre of the passage.

    When it came, there was absolutely no warning. One step across the exact halfway point of the flooring and, like a seesaw, the whole twenty feet of boards swivelled noiselessly on some central axis and Bond, arms and legs flailing and hands scrabbling desperately for a grip, found himself hurtling down into a black void. The guard! The fiddling about behind the door! He had been adjusting the lever that set the trap, the traditional oubliette of ancient castles! And Bond had forgotten! As his body plunged off the end of the inclined platform into space, an alarm bell, triggered by the mechanism of the trap, brayed hysterically. Bond had a fractional impression of the platform, relieved of his weight, swinging back into position above him, then he crashed shatteringly into unconsciousness.

    Bond swam reluctantly up through the dark tunnel towards the blinding pinpoint of light. Why wouldn't someone stop hitting him? What had he done to deserve it? He had got two awabis. He could feel them in his hands, sharp-edged and rough. That was as much as Kissy could expect of him. 'Kissy,' he mumbled,'stop it! Stop it, Kissy!'

    The pinpoint of light expanded, became an expanse of straw-covered floor on which he was crouching while the open hand crashed sideways into his face. Piff! Paff! With each slap the splitting pain in his head exploded into a thousand separate pain fragments. Bond saw the edge of the boat above him and desperately raised himself to grasp at it. He held up the awabis to show that he had done his duty. He opened his hands to drop them into the tub. Consciousness flooded back and he saw the two handfuls of straw dribble to the ground. But the blows had stopped. And now he could see, indistinctly, through a mist of pain. That brown face! Those slit eyes! Kono, the guard. And someone else was holding a torch for him. Then it all came back. No awabis! No Kissy! Something dreadful had happened! Everything had gone wrong! Shimata! I have made a mistake! Tiger! The clue clicked and total realization swept through Bond's mind. Careful, now. You're deaf and dumb. You're a Japanese miner from Fukuoka. Get the record straight. To hell with the pain in your head. Nothing's broken. Play it cool. Bond put his hands down to his sides. He realized for the first time that he was naked save for the brief vee of the black cotton ninja underpants. He bowed deeply and straightened himself. Kono, his hand at his open holster, fired furious Japanese at him. Bond licked at the blood that was trickling down his face and looked blank, stupid. Kono took out his small automatic, gestured. Bond bowed again, got to his feet, and, with a brief glance round the straw-strewn oubliette into which he had fallen, followed the unseen guard with the torch out of the cell.

  • Posts: 6,079
    One more for your collection :

    L'Oubliette (1912) Louis Feuillade.

    Nothing appears about this movie on the net, but from the poster, it seems to feature a woman being thrown into a dungeon. It's a 15 minutes short, directed by the future director of Fantômas and Les Vampires.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140

    Blood and Thunder (1931), George Stevens. Eddie Baker, Aileen Carlyle, Joyce Coad.
    Mickey overhears the gang rehearsing a play and thinks it's real.


    Thunder in the Blood (Colère froide, 1960), André Haguet, Jean-Paul Sassy. Estella Blain, Harold Kay, Pierre-Jean Vaillard.
    Murder mystery about a drunkard who makes his living as a reporter-photographer and writer.


    Turkey Shoot: Blood and Thunder Memories (documentary short, 2003), Mark Hartley. Michael Craig, Lynda Stoner, Roger Ward.
    Three of the cast members of TURKEY SHOOT discuss the making of the film.


    Winnie **** Pooh - Blood and Thunder (2023), Timo Rose. Deena Unverzagt, Anthony Straeger, Simon Kerrison.
    Some secrets are best left undiscovered.


    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1964.
    Chapter 20 - Blood and Thunder
    BOND dropped his lighted cigarette and left it to smoulder on the carpet. His whole body tensed. He said, 'I suppose you know you're both mad as hatters.'

    'So was Frederick the Great, so was Nietzsche, so was Van Gogh. We are in good, in illustrious company, Mister Bond. On the other hand, what are you? You are a common thug, a blunt instrument wielded by dolts in high places. Having done what you are told to do, out of some mistaken idea of duty or patriotism, you satisfy your brutish instincts with alcohol, nicotine and sex while waiting to be dispatched on the next misbegotten foray. Twice before, your Chief has sent you to do battle with me, Mister Bond, and, by a combination of luck and brute force, you were successful in destroying two projects of my genius. You and your government would categorize these projects as crimes against humanity, and various authorities still seek to bring me to book for them. But try and summon such wits as you possess, Mister Bond, and see them in a realistic light and in the higher realm of my own thinking.'

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    O.B.I.T. (The Outer Limits, Season 1, Episode 6, 1963), Gerd Oswald. Peter Breck, Jeff Corey, Joanne Gilbert.
    At the top secret Cypress Hills Research Center, scientists are kept under constant watch through O.B.I.T., Outer Band Individuated Teletracer, a mysterious electronic device that tunes in on the different wave lengths of the human body.


    Obit (2014), Ebrahim Ebrahimian. Saber Abar, Nazanin Bayati, Khosro Bamdad.
    For some time Taha [Saber Abar] and Reyhan [Nazanin Bayati] have been looking after an old man named Manuchehr Asef [Khosro Bamdad] because of a newspaper advertisement. When Asef dies of natural causes Taha and Reyhan are taken by surprise and have no idea what to do.


    Obit. (2016), Vanessa Gould. Bruce Weber, William McDonald, Margalit Fox.
    Writers and editors from the New York Times discuss their unique approach to writing the obituaries of public figures.


    If You're Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast (2017), Danny Gold. Carl Reiner, Iris Apfel, Tony Bennett.
    Carl Reiner tracks down several nonagenarians to show how the twilight years can be rewarding.


    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1964.
    Chapter 21 - Obit:
    M. WRITES :

    As your readers will have learned from earlier issues, a senior officer of the Ministry of Defence, Commander James Bond, CMG, RNVR, is missing, believed killed, while on an official mission to Japan. It grieves me to have to report that hopes of his survival must now be abandoned. It therefore falls to my lot, as the Head of the Department he served so well, to give some account of this officer and of his outstanding services to his country.
    James Bond was born of a Scottish father, Andrew Bond of Glencoe, and a Swiss mother, Monique Delacroix, from the Canton de Vaud. His father being a foreign representative of the Vickers armaments firm, his early education, from which he inherited a first-class command of French and German, was entirely abroad. When he was eleven years of age, both his parents were killed in a climbing accident in the Aiguilles Rouges above Chamonix, and the youth came under the guardianship of an aunt, since deceased, Miss Charmian Bond, and went to live with her at the quaintly-named hamlet of Pett Bottom near Canterbury in Kent. There, in a small cottage hard by the attractive Duck Inn, his aunt, who must have been a most erudite and accomplished lady, completed his education for an English public school, and, at the age of twelve or thereabouts, he passed satisfactorily into Eton, for which College he had been entered at birth by his father. It must be admitted that his career at Eton was brief and undistinguished and, after only two halves, as a result, it pains me to record, of some alleged trouble with one of the boys' maids, his aunt was requested to remove him. She managed to obtain his transfer to Fettes, his father's old school. Here the atmosphere was somewhat Calvinistic, and both academic and athletic standards were rigorous. Nevertheless, though inclined to be solitary by nature, he established some firm friendships among the traditionally famous athletic circles at the school. By the time he left, at the early age of seventeen, he had twice fought for the school as a light-weight and had, in addition, founded the first serious judo class at a British public school. By now it was 1941 and, by claiming an age of nineteen and with the help of an old Vickers colleague of his father, he entered a branch of what was subsequently to become the Ministry of Defence. To serve the confidential nature of his duties, he was accorded the rank of lieutenant in the Special Branch of the RNVR, and it is a measure of the satisfaction his services gave to his superiors that he ended the war with the rank of Commander. It was about this time that the writer became associated with certain aspects of the Ministry's work, and it was with much gratification that I accepted Commander Bond's post-war application to continue working for the Ministry in which, at the time of his lamented disappearance, he had risen to the rank of Principal Officer in the Civil Service.

    The nature of Commander Bond's duties with the Ministry, which were, incidentally, recognized by the appointment of CMG in 1954, must remain confidential, nay secret, but his colleagues at the Ministry will allow that he performed them with outstanding bravery and distinction, although occasionally, through an impetuous strain in his nature, with a streak of the foolhardy that brought him in conflict with higher authority. But he possessed what almost amounted to 'The Nelson Touch' in moments of the highest emergency, and he somehow contrived to escape more or less unscathed from the many adventurous paths down which his duties led him. The inevitable publicity, particularly in the foreign Press, accorded some of these adventures, made him, much against his will, something of a public figure, with the inevitable result that a series of popular books came to be written around him by a personal friend and former colleague of James Bond. If the quality of these books, or their degree of veracity, had been any higher, the author would certainly have been prosecuted under the Official Secrets Act. It is a measure of the disdain in which these fictions are held at the Ministry, that action has not yet--I emphasize the qualification-been taken against the author and publisher of these high--flown and romanticized caricatures of episodes in the career of an outstanding public servant.

    It only remains to conclude this brief in memoriam by assuring his friends that Commander Bond's last mission was one of supreme importance to the State. Although it now appears that, alas, he will not return from it, I have the authority of the highest quarters in the land to confirm that the mission proved one hundred per cent successful. It is no exaggeration to pronounce unequivocally that, through the recent valorous efforts of this one man, the Safety of the Realm has received mighty reassurance.

    James Bond was briefly married in 1962, to Teresa, only daughter of Marc-Ange Draco, of Marseilles. The marriage ended in tragic circumstances that were reported in the Press at the time. There was no issue of the marriage and James Bond leaves, so far as I am aware, no relative living.
    M. G. writes:

    I was happy and proud to serve Commander Bond in a close capacity during the past three years at the Ministry of Defence. If indeed our fears for him are justified, may I suggest these simple words for his epitaph? Many of the junior staff here feel they represent his philosophy:
    I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.'

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140

    The Fallen Sparrow (1943), Richard Wallace. John Garfield, Maureen O'Hara, Walter Slezak.
    In 1940, an American former Republican prisoner during the Spanish Civil War, John McKittrick, is determined to find the killer of NYPD Lieutenant Louie Lepetino, who had helped him escape.


    Eye on the Sparrow (1987), John Korty. Mare Winningham, Keith Carradine, Sandy McPeak.
    A blind couple's long and tiresome legal battle to be allowed to adopt a child.


    Sparrow (2008), Johnnie To. Simon Yam, Kelly Lin, Ka-Tung Lam.
    A gang of pickpockets roam the streets of Hong Kong.


    The Sparrow and the Tigress (2010), Billy Sharff. James Rebhorn, David Langford, Jennifer Angela.
    A young actor steps into the shadows of a Coney Island underworld where past, present, reality and fantasy collide.


    Red Sparrow (2018), Francis Lawrence. Jennifer Lawrence, Joel Edgerton, Matthias Schoenaerts.
    Ballerina Dominika Egorova is recruited to 'Sparrow School' a Russian intelligence service where she is forced to use her body as a weapon. But her first mission, targeting a CIA agent, threatens to unravel the security of both nations.


    You Only Live Twice, Ian Fleming, 1964.
    Chapter 13 - Kissy Suzuki
    The priest would invite the Suzuki family to accord him an honourable welcome. Bond would be explained away to the elders as a famous gaijin anthropologist who had come to study the Ama way of life. Bond should therefore study it, but the priest requested that Bond should behave in a sincere manner. 'Which means,' explained Tiger with a malicious grin, 'that you are not to go to bed with the girls.'

    In the evening they walked back to the jetty. The sea was a dark slate colour and mirror-calm. The little boats, bedecked with coloured flags which meant that it had been an exceptional day's fishing, were winging their way back. The entire population of Kuro, perhaps two hundred souls, was lined up along the shore to greet the heroines of the day, the older people holding carefully folded shawls and blankets to warm up the girls on their way to their homes where, according to Tiger, they would be given hot basin-baths to get back their circulation and remove all traces of salt. It was now five o'clock. They would be asleep by eight, said Tiger, and out again with the dawn. Tiger was sympathetic. 'You will have to adjust your hours, Bondo-san. And your way of life. The Ama live very frugally, very cheaply, for their earnings are small - no more than the price of sparrows' tears, as we say. And for heaven's sake be very polite to the parents, particularly the father. As for Kissy...' He left the sentence hanging in the air.
    Chapter 14 - One Golden Day
    DAWN was a beautiful haze of gold and blue. Bond went outside and ate his bean curd and rice and drank his tea sitting on the spotless doorstep of the little cut-stone and timbered house, while indoors the family chattered like happy sparrows as the women went about their housework.

    Bond had been allotted the room of honour, the small sitting-room with its tatami mats, scraps of furniture, house shrine and a cricket in a small cage 'to keep you company', as Kissy had explained. Here his futon had been spread on the ground and he had for the first time and with fair success tried sleeping with his head on the traditional wooden pillow. The evening before, the father, an emaciated greybeard with knotted joints and bright, squirrel eyes, had laughed with and at him as Kissy translated Bond's account of some of his adventures with Tiger, and there was from the first a complete absence of tension or self-consciousness. The priest had said that Bond should be treated as a member of the family and, although his appearance and some of his manners were strange, Kissy had apparently announced her qualified approval of him and the parents followed her lead. At nine o'clock, under the three-quarter moon, the father had beckoned to Bond and had hobbled out with him to the back of the house. He showed him the little shack with the hole in the ground and the neatly quartered pages of the Asahi Shimbun on a nail, and the last of Bond's private fears about life on the island was removed. His flickering candle showed the place to be as spotless as the house, and at least adequately salubrious. After the soft movements in the other two rooms had ceased, Bond had slept happily and like the dead.
    Chapter 22 - Sparrow's Tears
    Bond pointed. 'Kissy, what is this word "Vladivostok"? What does it mean? It has some kind of a message for me. I connect it with a very big country. I believe the country is called Russia. Am I right?'

    Kissy remembered her promise to the priest. She put her face in her hands. 'Yes, Taro-san. That is so.'

    Bond pressed his fists to his eyes and squeezed. 'I have a feeling that I have had much to do with this Russia, that a lot of my past life was concerned with it. Could that be possible? I long so terribly to know where I came from before I came to Kuro. Will you help me, Kissy?'

    Kissy took her hands from her face and looked at him. She said quietly, 'Yes, I will he]p you, my beloved.'

    'Then I must go to this place Vladivostok, and perhaps it will awaken more memories and I can work my way back from there.'

    'If you say so, my love. The mailboat goes to Fukuoka tomorrow. I will put you on a train there and give you money and full directions. It is advertised that one can go from the northern island, Hokkaido, to Sakhalin which is on the Russian mainland. Then you can no doubt make your way to Vladivostok. It is a great port to the south of Sakhalin. But you must take care, for the Russians are not friendly people.'

    'Surely they would do no harm to a fisherman from Kuro?'

    Kissy's heart choked her. She got up and walked slowly down to the boat. She pushed the boat down the pebbles into the water and waited, at her usual place in the stern, for him to get in and for his knees to clasp hers as they always did.

    James Bond took his place and unshipped the oars, and the cormorant scrambled on board and perched imperiously in the bows. Bond measured where the rest of the fleet lay on the horizon and began to row.

    Kissy smiled into his eyes and the sun shone on his back and, so far as James Bond was concerned, it was a beautiful day just like all the other days had been - without a cloud in the sky.

    But then, of course, he didn't know that his name was James Bond. And, compared with the blazing significance to him of that single Russian word on the scrap of paper, his life on Kuro, his love for Kissy Suzuki, were, in Tiger's phrase, of as little account as sparrows' tears.

  • edited April 2023 Posts: 6,079
    Here are a few others :

    Le Moineau (1974) Youssef Chahine.

    On the eve of the Six Days War, a young Egyptian journalist investigates equpment thefts in a factory that seems to be in perpetual construction.


    Moineaux de Paris (1952) Maurice Cloche. Jean-Pierre Aumont.

    As the young boys choir "Les Petits Chanteurs à la Croix de Bois" prepare a trip to the USA, a member of that choir meet a hussar from Napoleon's time who couldn't accomplish the mission the Emperor had given him.


    Sparrows (1926) William Beaudine. Mary Pickford.

    A young girl takes care of a bunch of orphans in a swamp, despite the efforts of a gang of criminals.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    I like the sound of those, @Gerard.

    Atentát (The Assassination, 1965), Jirí Sequens. Radoslav Brzobohatý, Rudolf Jelínek, Ladislav Mrkvicka.
    The assasination of Heydrich in Prague during WWII.


    L'attentat (1966), Jean-François Davy. Roger Sweig, Marie-Hélène Broca, Dominique Erlanger.
    André is a loser. He dreams of becoming a great writer and being sought after by wonderful women. To make something interesting happen in his life he visits political meetings.


    L'attentat (The Assassination, 1972), Yves Boisset. Roy Scheider, Gian Maria Volontè, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Michel Bouquet, Bruno Cremer, Daniel Ivernel, Philippe Noiret, François Périer, Michel Piccoli, Jean Seberg.
    Sadiel, a Leftist leader in a North African state, takes refuge in Switzerland in the aftermath of a coup. Aware of the threat Sadiel poses, ruthless Colonel Kassar contacts the French security services for help to capture the political activist. Darien, a police informer, is forced to lure Sadiel to Paris, allegedly to make a television piece about the newly independent Western colonies. When Sadiel gets to Paris, he is captured and delivered to his opponents. Disgusted by the way he has been manipulated, Darien tries to turn back the clock, but he doesn't know with whom he's dealing. Loosely based on the true story of Mehdi Ben Barka.


    Attentat (1980), Bent Christensen. Jesper Langberg, Lise Schrøder, Lene Gürtler.
    A parliamentary debate on nuclear power is ongoing. Suddenly a shot is fired, aimed at the Minister of Energy. Is the act political, an act of terrorism or an ordinary murder?


    L'attentat (The Attack, 2012), Ziad Doueiri. Ali Suliman, Reymonde Amsallem, Evgenia Dodina.
    Amin Jaafari is an Israeli Palestinian surgeon, fully assimilated into Tel Aviv society. He has a loving wife, an exemplary career, and many Jewish friends. But his picture-perfect life is turned upside down when a suicide bombing in a restaurant leaves nineteen dead, and the Israeli police inform him that his wife Sihem, who also died in the explosion, was responsible. Convinced of her innocence, Amin abandons the relative security of his adopted homeland and enters the Palestinian territories in pursuit of the truth. Once there, he finds himself in ever more dangerous places and situations. Determined, he presses on seeking answers to questions he never thought he would be asking.
    An Palestinian surgeon living in Tel Aviv discovers a dark secret about his wife in the aftermath of a suicide bombing.


    The Man with the Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    Chapter 2 - Attentat!
    James Bond's hand moved nonchalantly to his right-hand coat pocket. M., with equal casualness, shifted his chair back from his desk. His left hand felt for the button under the arm of the chair.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    Pistols for Breakfast (1919), Alfred J. Goulding. Harold Lloyd, 'Snub' Pollard, Bebe Daniels.


    María Pistolas (1963), René Cardona. Julio Aldama, Dolores Camarillo, René Cardona Jr.


    The Girl with a Pistol (La ragazza con la pistola, 1968), Mario Monicelli. Monica Vitti, Stanley Baker, Corin Redgrave.
    A Sicilian woman "dishonored" by her lover goes to England with a pistol intending to murder him.


    Saramanda (Mini-series, 1987–1989).


    Sex Pistols: Agents of Anarchy (2019), Sonia Anderson. Sex Pistols.
    During the past 3 decades, the Sex Pistols have gone from a rebellious and highly controversial musical phenomenon to national treasures, igniting the Punk movement in Britain and influencing pop and rock music ever since. Hear the band tell their story with rare insights of their highs and lows, from their humble beginnings to the pinnacle of their success to the suspicious death of Nancy Spungen.


    The Man with the Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    Chapter 3 - "Pistols" Scaramanga
    M. opened the brown folder, reached for his pipe and began absent-mindedly filling it as he glanced through the list of subsidiary files to see if there was any other docket he immediately needed. Then he set a match to his pipe and settled back in his chair and read:



    And underneath, in lower-case type:
    Free-lance assassin mainly under K.G.B. control through D.S.S., Havana, Cuba, but often as an independent operator for other organizations, in the Caribbean and Central American states. Has caused widespread damage, particularly to the S.S., but also to C.I.A. and other friendly services, by murder and scientific maiming since 1959, the year when Castro came to power and which seems also to have been the trigger for Scaramanga's operations. Is widely feared and admired in said territory throughout which he appears, despite police precautions, to have complete freedom of access. Has thus become something of a local myth and is known in his "territory" as The Man with the Golden Gun--a reference to his main weapon which is a gold-plated, long-barrelled, single-action Colt .45. He uses special bullets with a heavy, soft (24 ct.) gold core jacketed with silver and cross-cut at the tip, on the dum-dum principle, for maximum wounding effect. Himself loads and artifices this ammunition. Is responsible for the death of 267 (British Guiana), 398 (Trinidad), 943 (Jamaica), and 768 and 742 (Havana), and for the maiming and subsequent retirement from the S.S. of 098, Area Inspection Officer, by bullet wounds in both knees. (See above references in Central Records for Scaramanga's victims in Martinique, Haiti, and Panama.)

    DESCRIPTION: Age about 35. Height 6 ft. 3 in. Slim and fit. Eyes, light brown. Hair reddish in a crew cut. Long sideburns. Gaunt, sombre face with thin pencil moustache, brownish. Ears very flat to the head. Ambidextrous. Hands very large and powerful and immaculately manicured. Distinguishing marks: a third nipple about two inches below his left breast. (N.B. In Voodoo and allied local cults this is considered a sign of invulnerability and great sexual prowess.) Is an insatiable but indiscriminate womanizer who invariably has sexual intercourse shortly before a killing in the belief that it improves his "eye." (N.B. A belief shared by many professional lawn tennis players, golfers, gun and rifle marksmen, and others.)

    ORIGINS: A relative of the Catalan family of circus managers of the same name with whom he spent his youth. Self-educated. At the age of 16 (after the incident described below under MOTIVATION) emigrated illegally to the United States where he lived a life of petty crime on the fringes of the gangs until he graduated as a full-time gunman for The Spangled Mob in Nevada with the cover of pitboy in the casino of the Tiara Hotel in Las Vegas where in fact he acted as executioner of cheats and other transgressors within and outside The Mob. In 1958 was forced to flee the States as the result of a famous duel against his opposite number for the Detroit Purple Gang, a certain Ramon "The Rod" Rodriguez, which took place by moonlight on the third green of the Thunderbird golf course at Las Vegas. (Scaramanga got two bullets into the heart of his opponent before the latter had fired a shot. Distance 20 paces.) Believed to have been compensated by The Mob with $100,000. Travelled the whole Caribbean area investing fugitive funds for various Las Vegas interests and later, as his reputation for keen and successful dealing in real estate and plantations became consolidated, for Trujillo of the Dominican Republic and Batista of Cuba. In 1959 settled in Havana and, seeing the way the wind blew, while remaining ostensibly a Batista man, began working undercover for the Castro party, and after the revolution, obtained an influential post as foreign "enforcer" for the D.S.S. In this capacity, on behalf, that is, of the Cuban secret police, he undertook the assassinations mentioned above.

    PASSPORT: Various, including Cuban diplomatic.

    DISGUISES: None. They are not necessary. The myth surrounding this man, the equivalent, let us say, of that surrounding the most famous film star, and the fact that he has no police record, have hitherto given him complete freedom of movement and indemnity from interference in "his" territory. In most of the islands and mainland republics which constitute this territory, he has groups of admirers (e.g., the Rastafari in Jamaica) and commands powerful pressure groups who give him protection and succour when called upon to do so. Moreover, as the ostensible purchaser, and usually the legal front, for the "hot money" properties mentioned above, he has legitimate access, frequently supported by his diplomatic status, to any part of his territory.

    RESOURCES: Considerable but of unknown extent. Travels on various credit cards of the Diners' Club variety. Has a numbered account with the Union des Banques de Credit, Zurich, and appears to have no difficulty in obtaining foreign currency from the slim resources of Cuba when he needs it.

    MOTIVATION: (Comment by C.C.). . . .

    M. refilled and relit his pipe, which had died. What had gone before was routine information which added nothing to his basic knowledge of the man. What followed would be of more interest. "C.C." covered the identity of a former Regius Professor of History at Oxford who lived a-- to M.--pampered existence at Headquarters in a small and--in M.'s opinion--overcomfortable office. In between --again in M.'s opinion--overluxurious and overlong meals at the Garrick Club, he wandered, at his ease, into Headquarters, examined such files as the present one, asked questions and had signals of inquiry sent, and then delivered his judgment. But M., for all his prejudices against the man, his haircut, the casualness of his clothes, what he knew of his way of life, and the apparently haphazard processes of his ratiocination, appreciated the sharpness of the mind, the knowledge of the world, that C.C. brought to his task, and, so often, the accuracy of his judgments. In short, M. always enjoyed what C.C. had to say, and he now picked up the file again with relish.

    I am interested in this man [wrote C.C.] and I have caused, inquiries to be made on a somewhat wider front than usual, since it is not common to be confronted with a secret agent who it at once so much of a public figure and yet appears to be infinitely successful in the difficult and dangerous field of his choice--that of being, in common parlance, "a gun for hire." I think I may have found the origin of this partiality for killing his fellow men in cold blood, men against whom he has no personal animosity but merely the reflected animosity of his employers, in the following bizarre anecdote from his youth. In the travelling circus of his father, Enrico Scaramanga, the boy had several roles. He was a most spectacular trick shot, he was a stand-in strong man in the acrobatic troop, often taking the place of the usual artiste as bottom man in the "human pyramid" act, and he was the mahout, in gorgeous turban, Indian robes, etc., who rode the leading elephant in a troupe of three. This elephant, by the name of Max, was a male, and it is a peculiarity of the male elephant, which I have learned with much interest and verified with eminent zoologists, that, at intervals during the year, they go "on heat" sexually. During these pe-. nods, a mucous deposit forms behind the animal's ears and this needs to be scraped off since otherwise it causes the elephant intense irritation. Max developed this symptom during a visit of the circus to Trieste, but, through an oversight, the condition was not noticed and given the necessary treatment. The big top of the circus had been erected on the outskirts of the town adjacent to the coastal railway line and, on the night which was, in my opinion, to determine the future way of life of the young Scaramanga, Max went berserk, threw the youth, and, screaming horrifically, trampled his way through the auditorium, causing many casualties, and charged off across the fairground and onto the railway line, down which (a frightening spectacle under the full moon which, as newspaper cuttings record, was shining on that night) he galloped at full speed. The local carabinieri were alerted and set off in pursuit by car along the main road that flanks the railway line. In due course they caught up with the unfortunate monster, which, his frenzy expired, stood peacefully facing back the way he had come. Not realizing that the elephant, if approached by his handler, could now be led peacefully back to his stall, the police opened rapid fire and bullets from their carbines and revolvers wounded the animal superficially in many places. Infuriated afresh, the miserable beast, now pursued by the police car from which the hail of fire continued, charged off again along the railway line. On arrival at the fairground, the elephant seemed to recognize his home, the big top, and, turning off the railway line, lumbered back through the fleeing spectators to the centre of the deserted arena, and there, weakened by loss of blood, pathetically continued with his interrupted act. Trumpeting dreadfully in his agony, the mortally wounded Max endeavoured again and again to raise himself and stand upon one leg. Meanwhile the young Scaramanga, now armed with his pistols, tried to throw a lariat over the animal's head while calling out the "elephant talk" with which he usually controlled him. Max seems to have recognized the youth and--it must have been a truly pitiful sight--lowered his trunk to allow the youth to be hoisted to his usual seat behind the elephant's head. But at this moment the police burst into the sawdust ring, and their captain, approaching very close, emptied his revolver into the elephant's right eye at a range of a few feet, upon which Max fell dying to the ground. Upon this, the young Scaramanga who, according to the press, had a deep devotion for his charge, drew one of his pistols and shot the policeman through the heart, and fled off into the crowd of bystanders pursued by the other policemen who could not fire because of the throng of people. He made good his escape, found his way south to Naples, and thence, as noted above, stowed away to America.

    Now, I see in this dreadful experience a possible reason for the transformation of Scaramanga into the most vicious gunman of recent years. In him was, I believe, born on that day a cold-blooded desire to avenge himself on all humanity. That the elephant had run amok and trampled many innocent people, that the man truly responsible was his handler, and that the police were only doing their duty, would be, psychopathologically, either forgotten or deliberately suppressed by a youth of hot-blooded stock whose subconscious had been so deeply lacerated. At all events, Scaramanga's subsequent career requires some explanation, and I trust I am not being fanciful in putting forward my own prognosis from the known facts.
    M. rubbed the bowl of his pipe thoughtfully down the side of his nose. Well, fair enough! He turned back to the file.

  • Posts: 6,079
    Two more :

    The Pistol : The Birth of a Legend (1991) . Frank C. Schroeder. Adam Guier, Millie Perkins.

    The story of basket ball player Pete "The Pistol" Maravich.

    Pistol (2022). Craig Pearce. Toby Wallace, Sidney Chandler, Maisie Williams.

    A TV mini-series telling thetale of the Sex Pistols.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    The Tell-Tale Star (1914), Tom Forman. Lee Shumway, Velma Whitman, Joe De La Cruz.
    Ben Carter, manager of "Two-X" ranch, discovers that "Red" Delvin has converted his shack into a "speakeasy." Ben sends for "Red" and tells him that either he must quit selling liquor to the men, or leave the ranch. During the interview, "Red" notes a pair of Ben's boots. Each of the heel bottoms is decorated with a star fashioned in hobnails.


    Tell It to a Star (1945), Frank McDonald. Ruth Terry, Robert Livingston, Alan Mowbray.
    A smooth-talking old "colonel" finagles his way into luxurious living and tries to smooth the path for his lovely and talented niece as well.


    The Stars Will Tell, Inspector Palmu (Tähdet kertovat, komisario Palmu, 1962), Matti Kassila. Joel Rinne, Matti Ranin, Leo Jokela.
    Inspector Palmu investigates the death of an old astronomer, whose body is found on Helsinki's Observatory Hill, but the investigation is complicated by the media's spreading of false information concerning the case.


    The Boy Foretold by the Stars (2020), Dolly Dulu. Adrian Lindayag, Keann Johnson, Iyah Mina.


    The Man with the Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    Chapter 4 - The Stars Foretell
    He locked the door and sat down. The envelope was not sealed. It contained a B.W.I.A. message form. The neat B.W.I.A. writing said:




    There was no signature. Bond uttered a short bark of laughter and triumph. S.L.M.--Savannah La Mar. Could it be? It must be! At last the three red stars of a jackpot had clicked into line. What was it his Gleaner horoscope had said? Well he would go nap on this clue from outer space--"seize it with both hands" as the Gleaner had instructed. He read the message again and carefully put it back in the envelope. His damp handkerchief had left marks on the buff envelope. In this heat they would dry out in a matter of minutes. He went out and sauntered over to the stand. There was no one in sight. He slipped the message back into its place under "S" and walked over to the Aeronaves de Mexico booth and cancelled his reservation. He then went to the BOAC counter and looked through the timetable. Yes, the Luna flight for Kingston, New York and London was due in at 13:15 the next day. He was going to need help. He remembered the name of Head of Station J. He went over to the telephone booth and got through to the High Commissioner's Office. He asked for Commander Ross. After a moment a girl's voice came on the line. "Commander Ross's assistant. Can I help you?"

    There was something vaguely familiar in the lilt of the voice. Bond said, "Could I speak to Commander Ross? This is a friend from London."

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    The Girl in Lovers' Lane (1960), Charles R. Rondeau. Brett Halsey, Joyce Meadows, Lowell Brown.
    Two drifters contend with love and murder in a small town.


    Love in the Fast Lane (Short, 1985), Bill Plympton. Linda Eklund, Chris Hoffman, Eve Schwast.
    A distracted executive buys an anniversary gift for his wife and gets MUCH more than he bargained for.

    (at 12:20)

    Lovers Lane (1999), Jon Steven Ward. Diedre Kilgore, Carter Roy, Brian Allemand.
    A man who committed a series of murders thirteen years ago begins to hunt down his victims' children.


    Love Lane United (Short, 2019), Jack Thornton. Shane Bourke, Joe Garvey, Howard Linnane.
    A group of underachievers decide to start a Sunday League Football team.


    The Man with the Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    Chapter 5 - No. 3 1/2 Love Lane
    His horoscope said: "CHEER UP! Today will bring a pleasant surprise and the fulfilment of a dear wish. But you must earn your good fortune by watching closely for the golden opportunity when it presents itself and then seizing it with both hands." Bond smiled grimly. He would be unlikely to get on the scent of Scaramanga on his first evening in Havana. It was not even certain that Scaramanga was there. This was a last resort. For six weeks, Bond had been chasing his man round the Caribbean and Central America. He had missed him by a day in Trinidad and by only a matter of hours in Caracas. Now he had rather reluctantly taken the decision of try and ferret him out on his home ground, a particularly inimical home ground, with which Bond was barely familiar. At least he had fortified himself in British Guiana with a diplomatic passport, and he was now "Courier" Bond with splendidly engraved instructions from Her Majesty to pick up the Jamaican diplomatic bag in Havana and return with it. He had even borrowed the famous Silver Greyhound, the British Courier's emblem for three hundred years. If he could do his job and then get a few hundred yards' start, this would at least give him sanctuary in the British Embassy. Then it would be up to the P.O. to bargain him out. If he could find his man. If he could carry out his instructions. If he could get away from the scene of the shooting. If, if, if. .... Bond turned to the advertisements on the back page. At once an item caught his eye. It was so typically "old" Jamaica. This is what he read:

    At 10:30 a.m. on WEDNESDAY,
    27th MAY
    under Powers of Sale contained in a
    mortgage from Cornelius Brown et ux

    No. 3-1/2 LOVE LANE,

    Containing the substantial residence and all that parcel of land by measurement oh the Northern Boundary three chains and five perches, on the Southern Boundary five chains and one perch, on the Eastern Boundary two chains exactly, and on the Western Boundary four chains and two perches be the same in each case and more or less and butting Northerly on No. 4 Love Lane.

    CO. LTD.
    PHONE 4897.
    James Bond was delighted. He had had many assignments in Jamaica and many adventures on the island. The splendid address and all the stuff about chains and perches and the old-fashioned abracadabra at the end of the advertisement brought back all the authentic smell of one of the oldest and most romantic of former British possessions. For all her new-found "independence" he would bet his bottom dollar that the statue of Queen Victoria in the centre of Kingston had not been destroyed or removed to a museum, as similar relics of an historic infancy had been in the resurgent African states. He looked at his watch. The Gleaner had consumed a whole hour for him. He picked up his coat and briefcase. Not much longer to go! In the last analysis, life wasn't all that dismal. One must forget the bad and remember the good. What were a couple of hours of heat and boredom in this island compared with memories of Beau Desert and Honeychile Wilder and his survival against the mad Dr. No? James Bond smiled to himself as the dusty pictures clicked across his brain. How long ago it all was! What had happened to her? She never wrote. The last he had heard, she had had two children by the Philadelphia doctor she had married. He wandered off into the grandly named "Concourse," where the booths of many airlines stood empty and promotion folders and little company flags on their counters gathered the dust blown in with the mangrove breeze.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140

    Easy to Make Money (1919), Edwin Carewe. Bert Lytell, Gertrude Selby, Frank Currier.
    Jimmy Slocum, whose wealthy father continually pays his speeding fines and loses bets to him, wins a $1,000 bet with his father that Katherine Fowler, whom his father wants him to marry, does not love him. Jimmy then wins a $25,000 bet that he can keep from being arrested more than once in the coming year by getting a 12-month jail sentence for fighting in a bar, then sassing the judge. His father's efforts get him released early and he vows to succeed on his own. He gets stranded in a small town where he falls in love with Ethel Wheeler, the owner of a rundown hotel, and makes a fortune selling mineral water found on her property. When the town banker tries to foreclose on them, Jimmy opens his own bank with the $25,000, marries Ethel, and gains his father's respect of his father for his success.


    Easy Money (1936), Phil Rosen. Onslow Stevens, Kay Linaker, Noel Madison.
    Dan Adams resigns his position as prosecutor on the district attorney's staff and sets out to clean up a gang of fake-accident racketeers. He gets a job with an insurance company, and assures the company president he will get the goods on the gang or die in the attempt. At the company offices, he meets Carol Carter and she, believing he is a shyster (possibly redundan... Read all


    Easy Money (1948), Bernard Knowles. Jack Warner, Marjorie Fielding, Yvonne Owen.
    An anthology of four short stories centered around the topic of honestly--or dishonestly--winning the pools in postwar Britain.


    Easy Money (Abuku zenî, 1970), Kazuo Mori. Shintarô Katsu, Yumiko Nogawa, Shigeru Amachi.


    Easy Money (1983), James Signorelli. Rodney Dangerfield, Joe Pesci, Geraldine Fitzgerald.
    To inherit his mother-in-law's colossal fortune, a hard-living gambling addict must change his unhealthy ways before they get the best of him.


    Easy Money (Tong tian da dao, 1987), Stephen Shin. George Lam, Michelle Yeoh, Kent Cheng.
    Michelle Yeung Ling is ultra-wealthy heiress that has grown bored with the everyday humdrum. To break the monotony, she plans elaborate heists and hires crew from all over the world to accomplish the job.


    Easy Money (1991), Sing-Pui O. Amy Yip, Fui-On Shing, Hang-Lan Yung.
    A story about the temptation of fast girls and easy money.


    Easy Money (Snabba cash, 2010), Daniel Espinosa. Joel Kinnaman, Matias Varela, Dragomir Mrsic.
    When JW becomes a drug runner in order to maintain his double life, his fate becomes tied to two other men: Jorge, a fugitive on the run from both the Serbian mafia and the police, and mafia enforcer Mrado, who is on the hunt for Jorge.

    When JW becomes a drug runner in order to maintain his double life, his fate becomes tied to two other men: Jorge, a fugitive on the run from both the Serbian mafia and the police, and mafia enforcer Mrado, who is on the hunt for Jorge.


    Easy Money (2018), Halstan Williams. Joanna Bartling, Ashton Bingham, Skip Bolden.
    When vulnerable artist Tyler Mason has nowhere else to turn, he is recruited into an unexpected trio to conduct one of the most innovative money counterfeiting schemes to ever hit the market.


    The Man with the Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    Chapter 6 - The Easy Grand
    Bond knelt down beside Tiffy and gave her a couple of sharp slaps on the right cheek. Then on the left. The wet eyes came back into focus. She put her hand up to her face and looked at Bond with surprise. Bond got to his feet. He took a cloth and wetted it at the tap, then leant down and put his arm round her and wiped the cloth gently over her face. Then he lifted her up and handed her her bag that was on a shelf behind the counter. He said, "Come on, Tiffy. Make up that pretty face again. Business'll be warming up soon. The leading lady's got to look her best."

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    Surreal Estate (1969).
    Felix the Cat needs a new toaster, but everyone else needs one, too. (7:11)

    Surreal Estate (Sérail, 1976), Eduardo de Gregorio. Leslie Caron, Bulle Ogier, Marie-France Pisier.
    An English novelist is lured, with disconcerting and disorienting results, into purchasing a crumbling mansion by what he imagines are the deliberately 'literary' ploys of its housekeeper (Leslie Caron) and two mysterious, lurking women.


    Unreal Estate (2016), Nick Huntington, Todd Malkin. Michael Chieffo, Bob Larkin, Brian Archer.
    An agoraphobic man's perfectly isolated world begins to unravel with the arrival of his estranged father along with a growing obsession over his missing next door neighbor.


    Unreal Estate (2016, TV series). Kate Langbroek, Cameron Knight .
    The series looks at extraordinary Australian homes and meeting the larger-than-life people who live in them.


    Surreal Estates (2017). Michael Beardsley, Josh Margulies, Danielle Montavano.
    A veteran professor of psychology and a cunning witch are recruited by a realtor who seeks to unearth and solve the arcane mysteries of Los Angeles-and protect his bottom line.


    SurrealEstate (Television, 2021), George Olson. Tim Rozon, Adam Korson, Maurice Dean Wint.
    Realtor Luke Roman and an elite team of specialists handle the cases that no one else can: haunted and possessed houses that literally scare would-be buyers away.


    The Man with the Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    Chapter 7 - Un-real Estate
    When he arrives at a place on a dark night, particularly in an alien land which he has never seen before--a strange house, perhaps, or an hotel--even the most alert man is assailed by the confused sensations of the meanest tourist. James Bond more or less knew the map of Jamaica. He knew that the sea had always been close to him on his left and, as he followed the twin red glares of the leading car through an impressive entrance gate of wrought iron and up an avenue of young royal palms, he heard the waves scrolling into a beach very close to his car. The fields of sugar cane would, he guessed from the approach, come close up against the new high wall that surrounded the Thunderbird property, and there was a slight smell of mangrove swamp coming down from below the high hills whose silhouette he had occasionally glimpsed under a scudding three-quarter moon on his right. But otherwise he had no clue to exactly where he was or what sort of a place he was now approaching and, particularly for him, the sensation was an uncomfortable one.

    The first law for a secret agent is to get his geography right, his means of access and exit, and assure his communications with the outside world. James Bond was uncomfortably aware that for the past hour he had been driving into limbo, and that his nearest contact was a girl in a brothel thirty miles away. The situation was not reassuring.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140

    The Devil's Pass (1957), Darcy Conyers. John Slater, Christopher Warbey, Joan Newell.


    Breakheart Pass (1975), Tom Gries. Charles Bronson, Ben Johnson, Richard Crenna.


    Pass the Ammo (1987), David Beaird. Bill Paxton, Linda Kozlowski, Tim Curry.


    Devil's Pass (The Dyatlov Pass Incident, 2013), Renny Harlin. Holly GossMatt StokoeLuke Albright.
    Five young filmmakers retrace the steps of a doomed group of hikers in pursuit of an unsolvable mystery.


    Pass the Light (2015), Malcolm Goodwin. Cameron Palatas, Dalpre Grayer, Alexandria DeBerry.


    The Man with the Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    Chapter 8 - Pass the Canapés!
    The bar was through a brass-studded leather door opposite the lobby to the conference room. It was--in the fashion--a mock-English public-house saloon bar with luxury accessories. The scrubbed wooden chairs and benches had foam-rubber squabs in red leather. Behind the bar, the tankards were of silver, or simulated silver, instead of pewter. The hunting prints, copper and brass hunting horns, muskets and powder horns, on the walls could have come from the Parker Galleries in London. Instead of tankards of beer, bottles of champagne in antique coolers stood on the tables and, instead of yokels, the hoods stood around in what looked like Brooks Brothers "tropical" attire and carefully sipped their drinks while "Mine Host" leant against the polished mahogany bar and twirled his golden gun round and round on the first finger of his right hand like the snide poker cheat out of an old Western.

    As the door closed behind Bond with a pressurized sigh, the golden gun halted in midwhirl and sighted on Bond's stomach. "Fellows," said Scaramanga, mock boisterous, "meet my personal assistant, Mr. Mark Hazard, from London, England. He's come along to make things run smoothly over this weekend. Mark, come over and meet the gang and pass round the canapes." He lowered the gun and shoved it into his waistband.

    James Bond stitched a personal assistant smile on his face and walked up to the bar. Perhaps because he was an Englishman, there was a round of handshaking. The red-coated barman asked him what he would have, and he said, "Some pink gin. Plenty of bitters. Beefeater's." There was desultory talk about the relative merits of gins. Everyone else seemed to be drinking champagne except Mr. Hendriks, who stood away from the group and nursed a Schweppes Bitter Lemon. Bond moved among the men. He made small talk about their flight, the weather in the States, the beauties of Jamaica. He wanted to fit the voices to the names. He gravitated towards Mr. Hendriks. "Seems we're the only two Europeans here. Gather you're from Holland. Often passed through. Never stayed there long. Beautiful country."

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    The Seven Minutes (1971), Russ Meyer.
    Yvonne De Carlo, Edy Williams, Philip Carey, Jay C. Flippen, Wayne Maunder, Marianne McAndrew.
    The Seven Minutes is a steamy book written in 1969. To help with an upcoming election, a bookstore clerk is indicted for selling obscene material and most of the film centers about the trial. The defense attorneys need to find the mystery of the original publication of the book.


    Seven Minutes in Heaven (1986), Linda Feferman. Jennifer Connelly, Byron Thames, Maddie Corman.
    When her father goes out of town, beautiful A-student Natalie lets best friends Jeff and Polly move in. Separately and together, the trio of young teens learn much about life, love, and growing up.


    Seven Minutes (2009), Daniela Fejerman. Marta Etura, Pilar Castro, Luis Callejo.


    7 Minutes (2014), Jay Martin. Luke Mitchell, Zane Holtz, Jason Ritter.


    7 Minutes (7 Minuti, 2016), Michele Placido. Cristiana Capotondi, Ambra Angiolini, Fiorella Mannoia.


    Minutes to Midnight (2018), Christopher Ray. William Baldwin, Dominique Swain, Richard Grieco, Christopher Judge, Bill Moseley, John Hennigan, Mercy Malick, Viva Bianca.


    Six Minutes to Midnight (2020), Andy Goddard. Nigel Lindsay, Judi Dench, Eddie Izzard .
    In the summer of 1939, school teacher Thomas Miller (Eddie Izzard) takes a last minute role teaching English at the Augusta-Victoria College, Bexhill-on-Sea, a finishing school on the south coast of England. Despite the political storm clouds forming across Europe, daughters of influential families in Nazi Germany learn deportment, Shakespeare and how to be faithful members of Hitler’s League of German Girls.


    Ten Minutes to Midnight (2020), Erik Bloomquist. Caroline Williams, Nicole Kang, Nicholas Tucci.
    In TEN MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT, Caroline Williams returns to the DJ booth for the first time since her star-making turn as Stretch in 1986's THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2. A character-driven night terror, TEN MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT begins when veteran punk rock disc jockey Amy Marlowe (Williams) is bitten by a rabid bat on the eve of her final graveyard shift broadcast. When a raging storm traps Amy, her mysterious replacement (Nicole Kang, "Batwoman"), and the uneasy staff inside their small-town radio station, reality begins to fracture as they move further and further into the graveyard shift.
    Bitten by a rabid bat, a late-night radio host terrorizes her co-workers as she slowly transforms into a vampire.


    7 Minutes in Hell (2022), Justin Reager, Shane Spiegel. Samantha Cormier, Christian Weissmann, Luke Georgecink.
    A game of seven minutes in heaven turns deadly when two teens are attacked by a monster in the closet.


    The Man with the Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    Chapter 9 - Minutes of the Meeting
    Bond noisily locked it and took up his place again. Mr. Hendriks said, "I have one most important message for our chairman. It is from a sure source. There is a man that is called James Bond that is looking for him in this territory. This is a man who is from the British Secret Service. I have no informations or descriptions of this man, but it seems that he is highly rated by my superiors. Mr. Scaramanga, have you heard of this man?"

    Scaramanga snorted. "Hell, no! And should I care? I eat one of their famous secret agents for breakfast from time to time. Only ten days ago, I disposed of one of them who came nosing after me. Man called Ross. His body is now very slowly sinking to the bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad--place called La Brea. The oil company, the Trinidad Lake Asphalt people, will obtain an interesting barrel of crude one of these days. Next question, please, Mr. Hendriks."

  • Posts: 6,079
    One more :

    Les Cinq Dernières Minutes (1958-1996)

    A long-running TV series about police detectives solving crimes. Started as a TV game. Known for a great jazzy theme :

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    We've Never Been Licked (1943), John Rawlins. Richard Quine, Anne Gwynne, Martha O'Driscoll.
    WWII morale film for Texas A&M graduates fighting overseas. Young Brad Craig (Langton) enters the military school with a chip on his shoulder which Mitchum and other upperclassmen quickly knock off. Once adjusted, Craig falls in love with a professor's beautiful daughter, only to find she is in love with his roommate, played by Noah Beery. In the meantime, Craig associates with Japanese spies (including William Frawley of "I Love Lucy") bent on stealing a secret chemical compound being worked on a the University. But is he one of them, or a double agent for his country?


    Black Belly of the Tarantula (1971), Paolo Cavara. Giancarlo Giannini, Claudine Auger, Barbara Bouchet.
    A series of victims are paralyzed while having their bellies ripped open, much in the same way tarantulas are killed by the black wasp. The victims all seem to have a connection with a spa.

    Leadbelly (1976), Gordon Parks. Roger E. Mosley, Paul Benjamin, Madge Sinclair.
    Biography of the legendary folksinger, Huddie Ledbetter, master of the 12-string guitar and long-time convict on Texas and Louisiana chain gangs.


    Hot Licks, Space Between the Notes (Television, 1990), Michael French. Jennifer Batten, Bruce Cockburn, Joan Jett.


    Belly Up (1997), Beto Brant. Chico Díaz, Murilo Benício, Wolney de Assis.
    Two hit men, a veteran and a beginner, chatter in a bar on Brazil-Paraguai border, while waiting for their victim to appear.


    Belly of the Beast (2003), Siu-Tung Ching. Steven Seagal, Byron Mann, Monica Lo.
    An ex-CIA agent's quest to find his kidnapped daughter leads him on a trail of political intrigue, corruption, danger and betrayal; he will stop at nothing to save her.


    A Beautiful Belly (2011), Andrew Kenneth Gay. Chris Worley, Lauren Brown, Michele Simms.
    An aspiring children's entertainer wonders whether he's ready to be a father.
    After an unplanned pregnancy and a hasty marriage, an aspiring children's entertainer and his bar-tending wife are forced to confront difficult choices about their future.


    I Saved My Belly Dancer (2016), Youssef Nabil. Salma Hayek, Tahar Rahim, Kyle Abdullah.
    A poetic depiction of belly dancers and anxiety over the disappearance of this art form that is unique to the Middle East.


    The Man With the Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    Chapter 10 - Belly-Lick, etc.
    Dinner--the conventional "expensive" dinner of a cruise ship--was as predictable as such things usually are. The waiters brought on the desiccated smoked salmon with a thimbleful of small-grained black caviar, fillets of some unnamed native fish (possibly silk fish) in a cream sauce, a "poulet supreme" (a badly roasted broiler with a thick gravy), and the bombe surprise. And while the meal moved sluggishly on, the dining-room was being turned into a "tropical jungle" with the help of potted plants, piles of oranges and coconuts, and an occasional stem of bananas --this was a backdrop for the calypso band, which, in wine-red and gold-frilled shirts assembled in due course and began playing "Linstead Market" too loud. The tune closed. An acceptable but heavily clad girl appeared and began singing "Belly-Lick" with the printable words. She wore a false pineapple as a headdress. Bond saw a "cruise ship" evening stretching ahead. He decided that he was either too old or too young for the worst torture of all, boredom, and got up and went to the head of the table. He said to Scaramanga, "I've got a headache. I'm going to bed."

    Scaramanga looked up at him under lizard eyelids. "No. If you figure the evening's not going so good, make it go better. That's what you're being paid for. You act as if you know Jamaica. Okay. Get those people off the pad."

    It was many years since James Bond had accepted a dare. He felt the eyes of The Group on him. What he had drunk had made him careless--perhaps wanting to show off, like the man at the party who insists on playing the drums. Stupidly, he wanted to assert his personality over this bunch of tough guys who rated him insignificant. He didn't stop to think that it was bad tactics, that he would be better off being the ineffectual limey. He said, "All right, Mr. Scaramanga. Give me a hundred dollar bill and your gun."

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140

    The Cock-Eyed World (1929), Raoul Walsh. Victor McLaglen, Edmund Lowe, Lili Damita.
    Two Marines are sent to South Sea island where they fight over a local island girl.


    Cock o' the Walk (1930), Walter Lang, Roy William Neill. Joseph Schildkraut, Myrna Loy, Philip Sleeman.
    Carlos Lopez is a handsome Argentine sportsman. Many women love him and he toys with them all. His days are filled with romance and intrigue and he manages to get himself feared and hated by most of the married men in Buenos Aires. He also aspires to become a world-acclaimed bril... Read all


    Under the Cock-Eyed Moon (1930), Wallace Fox. Bob Carney Si Wills, Lew Kelly.
    A couple of city slickers take their self-driving car, Lizzie, into the desert, where they meet a gold prospector who takes them to a mining town full of scoundrels and attractive women - and maybe gold.


    Cockeyed Cavaliers (1934), Mark Sandrich. Bert Wheeler, Robert Woolsey, Thelma Todd.
    Two yokels try to crash royal society by posing as the King's physicians.


    Cock o' the Walk (1935), Ben Sharpsteen. Jean Acker, Florence Gill, Clarence Nash.
    The title character comes to town, complete with portable boxing ring. He grabs a local chicken and dances with her, inspiring several other barnyard animals to dance. But her rooster takes offense, and enters the ring to do battle.

    Silly Symphony

    The Cockeyed Miracle (1946), S. Sylvan Simon. Frank Morgan, Keenan Wynn, Cecil Kellaway.
    Man returns from heaven to make up for financial errors he made that caused harm to his family.


    He's a Cockeyed Wonder (1950), Peter Godfrey. Mickey Rooney, Terry Moore, William Demarest.
    Freddie Frisby is informed by Bob Sears that he can't marry Bob's daughter, Judy, as he is only a fumbling failure as an orange picker, and Judy can do better. Freddie's prospects brighten up when he learns his uncle has left him his entire estate, but he learns that the estate consists entirely of a magician's paraphernalia. He decides to become a magician with Judy as his assistant, but while they are rehearsing, they are kidnapped by a band of payroll robbers.


    Cocktail (1988), Roger Donaldson. Tom Cruise, Bryan Brown. Elisabeth Shue.
    A talented New York City bartender takes a job at a bar in Jamaica and falls in love.


    Cockfight (2001), Tiller Russell. Larry Cook, Manuel Costa, Clara Godfrey.
    COCKFIGHT is a voyage into the underground world of rooster fighting. The film chronicles the harrowing and hilarious adventures of three wildly different characters. The first, Manuel, is a salty 73-year old who attends illegal cockfights in California and fights to preserve the ancient but embattled sport. The second, Clara, is a vibrant Latina who was forced to quit cockfighting when the sport was outlawed in Arizona. The third, Larry, is a firebrand ex-patriot exiled to Mexico where he fights roosters for a living. Cockfight pierces the veil of secrecy that cloaks this enormously popular yet controversial activity. By bringing you in contact with people whose daily lives are defined by cockfighting, the film seeks to demonstrate how people can draw meaning, value and humor from something many see as savage and barbaric.


    Cock & Bull Story (2002), Billy Hayes. Brian Austin Green, Bret Roberts, Wendy Fowler.
    Two friends are torn apart by passion and ambition in the violent world of amateur boxing.


    Cock-a-Doodle-Duel (2004), Peter Shin. Jeff Bennett, Tress MacNeille, Billy West.
    Cocky rooster Foghorn Leghorn, who normally enthralls the hens with his charm and tall tales, discovers there's no room for two males when a new genetically enhanced rooster moves into the barnyard, making the hens swoon and lay more eggs.

    Looney Tunes

    Cock and Bull (Zhui xiong zhe ye, 2016), Baoping Cao. Ye Liu, Yi Zhang, Bowen Duan.
    A widowed father and tow truck operator is given two days to clear his name of a murder he did not commit.


    The Man With the Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    Chapter 11 - Ballcock, and Other, Trouble
    He awoke at 6:30, by arrangement with that curious extrasensory alarm clock that some people keep in their heads that always seems to know the exact time. He put on his bathing trunks and went out to the beach and did his long swim again. When at 7:15 he saw Scaramanga come out of the west whig, followed by the boy carrying his towel, he made for the shore. He listened for the twanging thump of the trampoline and then, keeping well out of sight of it, entered the hotel by the main entrance, and moved quickly down the corridor to his room. He listened at his window to make sure the man was still exercising, then he took the master key Nick Nicholson had given him and slipped across the corridor to Number 20 and was quickly inside. He left the door on the latch. Yes, there was his target, lying on the dressing table. He strode across the room, picked up the gun, and slipped out the round in the cylinder that would next come up for firing. He put the gun down exactly as he had found it, got back to the door, listened, and then was out and across the corridor and into his own room. He went back to the window and listened. Yes. Scaramanga was still at it. It was an amateurish ploy that Bond had executed, but it might gain him just that fraction of a second that--he felt it in his bones--was going to be life or death for him in the next twenty-four hours. In his mind, he smelled that slight whiff of smoke that indicated that his cover was smouldering at the edges. At any moment Mark Hazard of the Transworld Consortium might go up in flames, like some clumsy effigy on Guy Fawkes Night, and James Bond would stand there, revealed, with nothing between him and a possible force of six other gunmen but his own quick hand and the Walther PPK. So every shade of odds that he could shift to his side of the board would be worthwhile. Undismayed by the prospect, in fact rather excited by it, he ordered a large breakfast, consumed it with relish, and after pulling the connecting pin out of the ballcock in his lavatory, went along to the manager's office.

    Felix Leiter was on duty. He gave a thin managerial smile and said, "Good morning, Mr. Hazard. Can I help you?" Leiter's eyes were looking beyond Bond, over his right shoulder. Mr. Hendriks materialized at the desk before Bond could answer.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    The Bible, King James Version, 1611."Through_a_glass,_darkly"
    1 Corinthians 13:12 contains the phrase βλέπομεν γὰρ ἄρτι δι' ἐσόπτρου ἐν αἰνίγματι, blepomen gar arti di esoptrou en ainigmati, which was translated in the 1560 Geneva Bible as "For now we see through a glass darkly" (without a comma). This wording was used in the 1611 KJV, which added a comma before "darkly". This passage has inspired the titles of many works, with and without the comma.

    The Greek word ἐσόπτρου, esoptrou (genitive; nominative: ἔσοπτρον, esoptron), here translated "glass", is ambiguous, possibly referring to a mirror or a lens. Influenced by Strong's Concordance, many modern translations conclude that this word refers specifically to a mirror. Example English language translations include:
    • "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror" (New International Version)
    • "What we see now is like a dim image in a mirror" (Good News Bible)

    In a Glass Darkly (story collection), Sheridan Le Fanu, 1872.
    In a Glass Darkly is a collection of five stories by Sheridan Le Fanu, first published in 1872, the year before his death. The second and third stories are revised versions of previously published stories. The first three stories are short stories, and the fourth and fifth are long enough to be called novellas (the fourth is over 44,500 words long, and the fifth is over 27,500 words long).

    The title is taken from 1 Corinthians 13:12, a deliberate misquotation of the passage which describes humanity as perceiving the world "through a glass, darkly".

    The Regatta Mystery and Other Stories (story collection), Agatha Christie, 1939.
    "In a Glass Darkly"
    "In a Glass Darkly" is the only story in the collection not to feature one of Christie's detectives (it is told by an anonymous narrator), and the only one to invoke the supernatural. Its title alludes to the phrase "Through a glass darkly", used by the Apostle Paul to describe how we currently view the world.


    Through a Glass Darkly (1961), Ingmar Bergman. Harriet Andersson, Gunnar Björnstrand, Max von Sydow.
    Recently released from a mental hospital, Karin rejoins her emotionally disconnected family in their island home, only to slip from reality as she begins to believe she is being visited by God.


    A Scanner Darkly (2006), Richard Linklater. Philip K. Dick, Richard Linklater, writers. Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder, Robert Downey Jr.
    An undercover cop in a not-too-distant future becomes involved with a dangerous new drug and begins to lose his own identity as a result.


    Through a Glass, Darkly (I et speil i en gåte, 2008), Jesper W. Nielsen. Marie Haagenrud, Aksel Hennie, Trine Wiggen.
    It is close to Christmas. In a snow covered landscape in the countryside of Norway we meet 12 year old CECILIE , her friend KLARA and Cecilie's family . They are all preparing for Christmas Eve. Cecilie, however, is seriously ill and spends most of her time in bed, daydreaming about the Spanish boy SEBASTIAN who she met on holiday last summer. One night ARIEL shows up in Cecilie's bedroom, a small strange looking fellow who claims he is an angel and starts talking to Cecilie about the wonders of life. Cecilie finds Ariel quite irritating, but they agree that if Cecilie tells Ariel how it feels to be a human being, Ariel will tell Cecilie about angels and the mysteries of the universe. "Through a Glass, Darkly" is a moving, magic and playful story about a young girl who, at the end of her life, learns to accept death and understands how wonderful life really is. The script is based on the novel Through a Glass, Darkly by world famous Norwegian author Jostein Gaarder (Sophie's World).


    Through the Glass Darkly (2020), Lauren Fash. Kerry Cahill, Michael Trucco, Robyn Lively.
    A year after Charlie's daughter disappears, another girl from Elrod, Georgia goes missing. Convinced there is a connection, Charlie draws suspicion and contempt from local law enforcement and townspeople as she stops at nothing to expose its most devastating and darkest secret.


    The Man With the Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    Chapter 12 - In a Glass, Very Darkly
    James Bond wiped his ear and the bottom of the glass with his handkerchief. It was almost unbearable. He had heard his own death sentence pronounced, the involvement of the K.G.B. with Scaramanga and the Caribbean spelled out, and such minor dividends as sabotage of the bauxite industry, massive drug smuggling into the States, and gambling politics thrown in. It was a majestic haul in area Intelligence. He had the ball! Could he live to touch down with it? God, for a drink! He put his ear back to the hot base of the glass.

  • Posts: 15,409
    @RichardtheBruce I love Le Fanu's book. I remember reading that Agatha Christie book as well but cannot remember for the life of me this specific short story.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    The Whistler (1944), William Castle. Richard Dix, Gloria Stuart, J. Carrol Naish.
    A depressed man hires an assassin to kill him when he least expects it, but when his life takes an upward turn, he finds he now wishes to live.


    The Whistle Blower (1986), Simon Langton. Michael Caine, James Fox, Nigel Havers.
    A war veteran tries to investigate the murder of his son who was working as a Russian translator for the British intelligence service during the Cold War. He meets a web of deception and paranoia that seems to be impenetrable.


    Alabama 3: Hear the Train a' Comin (2005), Bob Lawrie, George Stamkoski. Be Atwell, Bernie Davies, L.B. Dope.
    Film of Alabama 3's concert at the London Astoria, December 14 2004.


    The Man With the Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    Chapter 13 - Hear the Train Blow
    The engine, gleaming in black and yellow varnish and polished brass, was a gem. It stood, panting quietly in the sunshine, a wisp of black smoke curling up from the tall stack behind the big brass headlight. The engine's name, The Belle, was on a proud brass plate on the gleaming black barrel, and its number, No. 1, on a similar plate below the headlight. There was one carriage, an open affair with padded foam-rubber seats and a surrey roof of daffodil-yellow fringed canvas to keep off the sun, and then the brake van, also in black and yellow, with a resplendent gilt-armed chair behind the conventional wheel of the brake. It was a wonderful toy, even down to the old-fashioned whistle which now gave a sharp admonitory blast.

    Scaramanga was in ebullient form. "Hear the train blow, folks! All aboard!" There was an anticlimax. To Bond's dismay he took out his golden pistol, pointed it at the sky, and pressed the trigger. He hesitated only momentarily and fired again. The deep boom echoed back from the wall of the station, and the stationmaster, resplendent in old-fashioned uniform, looked nervous. He pocketed the big silver turnip watch he had been holding and stood back obsequiously, the green flag now drooping at his side. Scaramanga checked his gun. He looked thoughtfully at Bond and said, "All right, my friend. Now then, you get up front with the driver."

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited July 2023 Posts: 14,140

    Morasseix!!! (television, 1993), Damien Odoul. Damien Odoul, Pascal Pagnat, Audrey Bellessort.


    A Morass (2011), Shane James Bordas. Vincent van Ommen, Alessandro Giuggioli, Margherita Murolo.
    Secret agent Traveller works for an organization known only as The Bureau. Having failed his last mission, Traveller is given one last chance with a cryptic objective: find the mysterious Sterns. On his journey, Traveller must contend with the ghosts of his past and mine his way through traps set by enemy operatives in his search for the answer to the ultimate question: who is Sterns?


    The Man With the Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    Chapter 13 - Hear the Train Blow!
    Bond had done his homework on the 1:50,000 Overseas Survey map that Mary had provided, and he knew exactly the route the little cane line took. First there would be five miles of the cane fields, between whose high green walls they were now travelling. Then came Middle River, followed by the vast expanse of swamplands, now being slowly reclaimed but still shown on the map as THE GREAT MORASS. Then would come Orange River leading into Orange Bay, and then more sugar and mixed forest and agricultural smallholdings until they came to the little hamlet of Green Island at the head of the excellent anchorage of Green Island Harbour.

    A hundred yards ahead, a turkey buzzard rose from beside the line, and after a few heavy flaps, caught the inshore breeze and soared up and away. There came the boom of Scaramanga's gun. A feather drifted down from the great right-hand wing of the big bird. The turkey buzzard swerved and soared higher. A second shot rang out. The bird gave a jerk and began to tumble untidily down out of the sky. It jerked again as a third bullet hit it before it crashed into the cane. There was applause from under the yellow roof. Bond leant out and called to Scaramanga, "That'll cost you five pounds unless you've squared the Rasta. That's the fine for killing a John Crow."

    A shot whistled past Bond's head. Scarmanga laughed. "Sorry. Thought I saw a rat." And then, "Come on, Mr. Hazard. Let's see some gun play from you. There's some cattle grazing by the line up there. See if you can hit a cow at ten paces."
    Chapter 14 - The Great Morass
    Bond rose carefully. He could hardly believe it! Leiter must have been riding on the buffers behind the brake van. He wouldn't have been able to show himself earlier for fear of Bond's gunfire. Yes! There he was! His fair hair tousled by the wind, a long-barrelled pistol using his upraised steel hook as a rest, standing astride the now supine body of Scaramanga beside the brake wheel. Bond's shoulder had begun to hurt like hell. He shouted, with the anger of tremendous relief, "Goddamn you, Leiter. Why in hell didn't you show up before? I might have got hurt."

    Leiter laughed. "That'll be the day! Now listen, shamus. Get ready to jump. The longer you wait, the farther you've got to walk home. I'm going to stay with these guys for a while and hand them over to the law in Green Island." He shook his head to show this was a lie. "Now get goin'. It's The Morass. The landing'll be soft. Stinks a bit, but we'll give you an eau-de-cologne spray when you get home. Right?"


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    The Crab with the Golden Claws (Le crabe aux pinces d'or, 1947), Claude Misonne. A. Charles, R. Chrus, R. Darvère.
    In pursuit of mysterious boxes of crab, Tintin will meet the one who will become his inseparable friend: Captain Haddock.


    Crab Island! (2010), Michael Tandecki. Michael Tandecki.
    A group of people land on a small unsettled island, to find out that it is currently inhabited, by huge crabs.


    Crab Island (2011), Robbie Moffat. Chris Bearne, Suzanne Kendall, Anna Afanasyev.
    On Paradise Island the Crab family struggles to survives as father turns into a recluse and refuses to go fishing.


    Queen Crab (2015), Brett Piper. Michelle Simone Miller, Kathryn Metz, Richard Lounello.
    A young girl steals her dad's growth experiment infused grapes and feeds them to a pet crab. Years later, the now gigantic crustacean attacks the town!


    The Inevitable Death of the Crab (La Inevitable Muerte del Cangrejo, 2022), Ahcitz Azcona. Costanza Andrade, Ahcitz AzconaIxchel Azcona.
    When businessman Carlos Barba and his son Santiago receive an extort call from a professional, they dismiss it as the work of a scam artist. But a series of unfortunate events force them to discover who is who in a political system hijacked by corruption.


    Killing Crabs (Matar cangrejos, 2023), . .
    Rayco, an 8-year-old boy, and his 14-year-old sister Paula are anxiously killing time in Tenerife. But their mother becomes pregnant and their life could change before Michael Jackson arrives on the island for his 1993 concert.


    The Man With the Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    Chapter 15 - Crab-meat
    The death struggles diminished and finally ceased altogether. The snake lay motionless. Scaramanga was careful. He ran his hand down the full length of the snake. Only the tip of the tail lashed briefly. Scaramanga extracted the knife from the head of the snake, cut off its head with a single hard stroke, and threw it, after reflection, accurately towards a crab hole. He waited, watching, to see if a crab would come out and take it. None did. The thud of the arrival of the snake's head would have kept any crab underground for many minutes, however enticing the scent of what had made the thud.

    James Bond, kneeling in the bush, watched all this, every nuance of it, with the most careful attention. Each one of Scaramanga's actions, every fleeting expression on his face, had been an index of the man's awareness of his aliveness. The whole episode of the snake was as revealing as a temperature chart or a lie detector. In Bond's judgment, Scaramanga, for all his blood-letting and internal injuries, was still very much alive. He was still a most formidable and dangerous man.

    Scaramanga, his task satisfactorily completed, minutely shifted his position, and, once again, made his penetrating examination of the surrounding bush.

    As Scaramanga's gaze swept by him without a flicker, Bond blessed the darkness of his suit--a black patch of shadow among so many others. In the sharp blacks and whites from the midday sun, Bond was well camouflaged.

    Satisfied, Scaramanga picked up the limp body of the snake, laid it across his stomach, and carefully slit it down its underside as far as the anal vent. Then he scoured it and carefully etched the skin away from the red-veined flesh with the precise flicks and cuts of a surgeon. Every scrap of unwanted reptile he threw towards crab holes, and, with each throw, a flicker of annoyance crossed the granite face that no one would come and pick up the crumbs from the rich man's table. When the meal was ready, he once again scanned the bush, and then, very carefully, coughed and spat into his hand. He examined the results and flung his hand sideways. On the black ground, the sputum made a bright pink scrawl. The cough didn't seem to hurt him or cause him much effort. Bond guessed that his bullet had hit Scaramanga in the right chest and had missed a lung by a fraction. There was haemorrhage and Scaramanga was a hospital case, but the blood-soaked shirt was not telling the whole truth.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    The Sap Takes a Wrap (1939), Del Lord. Charley Chase, Gloria Blondell, Ethel Clayton.
    Charley gives his girlfriend a mink coat he was supposed to be guarding for three showgirls; when the ladies want their coat back, Charley goes to great lengths to recover it.


    The Girl Who Came Gift-Wrapped (1974), Bruce Bilson. Karen Valentine, Richard Long, Tom Bosley.
    A small-town beauty queen is hired, as a joke, as a "birthday present" for a magazine publisher.


    Abrígate (2007), Ramón Costafreda. Alejandro Albaiceta, María Bouzas, Celso Bugallo.
    Valeria has moved to Betanzos. Eccentric, dreamy and funny, she finds herself at a sentimental crossroads after the death of her lover. She falls in love with the son of the deceased. Her friend Adela will help her solve the problem.


    That's a Wrap (2023), Marcel Walz. Cerina Vincent, Monique Parent, Sarah French.
    Mason Maestro has just directed what he considers to be his masterpiece, a film titled 'That's a Wrap.' The cast arrive to the studio excited to celebrate what they just created. But they aren't the only ones there. Someone has dressed up as Mistress, the slasher in the film, and has decided to make the art real by staging their own highly stylized kill scenes. One by one, the cast disappear until the true nature of the evening is revealed.


    The Devil's Footprints: It's a Wrap (2023), Sucen Amirak Nallem. Capo Marcia, Stanley Nallem, Devi Whadia.
    After the Conjuring of Grandma' Demon Witch , everything revolves around a cold bloody killer and his accomplices the Grandpa Killer Clown and Demon Boy .All will be complicated even more when a group of friends decide to become members of a Satanic Fraternity called the "Underground Inferno" with the promise of rake in a lot of money and fame. But for this to be achieved they have to make a successful freak show and get a massive number of followers on the internet. what they don't know is that very soon, they will find themselves trapped in the middle of nowhere and hunted down by a savage young Goth man who called himself Moe and the other killers on the loose .Especially for Marilyn, who already has become Moe's obsession. Coroner Dr.Thomas and the Sheriffs from different counties are following the bloody footprints that he had left on his victims. But neither the time or place matters, as Moe lives in the dark spiritual realm. HORROR/DARK FANTASY.—BLOODYAXE666


    The Man With the Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    Chapter 16 - The Wrapup
    Leiter leant over the end of the bed. He wore his most quizzical smile. He said, "Well, I'll be goddamned, James. That was the neatest wrapup job I've ever lied my head off at. Everything clean as a whistle, and we've even collected a piece of lettuce."

    Talking starts with the stomach muscles. Bond's wounds were beginning to ache. He smiled, not showing the pain. Leiter was due to leave that afternoon. Bond didn't want

    to say goodbye to him.. Bond treasured his men friends and Felix Leiter was a great slice of his past. He said, "Scaramanga was quite a guy. He should have been taken alive. Maybe Tiffy really did put the hex on him with Mother Edna. They don't come like that often."

    Leiter was unsympathetic. "That's the way you limeys talk about Rommel and Donitz and Guderian. Let alone Napoleon. Once you've beaten them, you make heroes out of them. Don't make sense to me. In my book, an enemy's an enemy. Care to have Scaramanga back? Now, in this room, with his famous golden gun on you--the long one or the short one? Standing where I am? One bets you a thousand you wouldn't. Don't be a jerk, James. You did a good job. Pest control. It's got to be done by someone. Going back to it when you're off the orange juice?"

    Felix Leiter jeered at him. "Of course you are, lamebrain. It's what you were put into the world for. Pest control, like I said. All you got to figure is how to control it better. The pests'll always be there. God made dogs. He also made their fleas. Don't let it worry your tiny mind. Right?"

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    Dead End (2003), Jean-Baptiste Andrea, Fabrice Canepa. Ray Wise, Lin Shaye, Mick Cain.
    Christmas Eve. On his way to his in-laws with his family, Frank Harrington decides to try a shortcut, for the first time in 20 years. It turns out to be the biggest mistake of his life.


    End It Like Beckham (2008), Justin M. Lesniewski.
    This is the story of David Beckham - athlete, celebrity, model, and global icon of style. 2013 marks the beginning of the end of David Beckham's football career, but now, Brand Beckham is so much more than sport. What comes next for David Beckham?


    It Begins with the End (Ça commence par la fin 2010), Michaël Cohen. Emmanuelle Béart, Michaël Cohen, Léopold Kraus.
    A French couple's (Emmanuelle Béart, Michaël Cohen) passionate love-hate relationship unfolds from the point of its dissolution.


    This Is the End (2013), Evan Goldberg, Seth Rogen. James Franco, Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen.
    Six friends become trapped in a house after a series of strange and catastrophic events devastate Los Angeles. As the world unravels outside, dwindling supplies and cabin fever threaten to tear apart the friendships inside. Eventually, they are forced to leave the house, facing their fate and the true meaning of friendship and redemption.


    The Man With the Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    Chapter 17 - Endit

    Mary Goodnight's face became portentous. She said seriously, "Just listen to this!" She read very carefully:
    James Bond uttered a defensive, embarrassed laugh.

    "Good old cypherines. They wouldn't think of just putting K C M G --Much too easy! Go ahead, Mary. This is good!"
    James Bond again hid himself behind the throwaway line. "Why in hell does he always have to sign himself Mailed-fist for M.? There's a perfectly good English word. Em. It's a measure used by printers. But of course it's not dashing enough for the Chief. He's a romantic at heart like all the silly bastards who get mixed up with the Service."
    So now James Bond said to Mary Goodnight, avoiding her eyes, "Mary, this is an order. Take down what follows and send it tonight. Right?

    "Begins: quote MAILED-FIST EYES ONLY [Bond interjected, I might have said Promoneypenny. When did M. last touch a cypher machine?]
    Mary Goodnight broke in, horrified. "James. The rest is your business, but you really can't say that last bit."

    Bond nodded. "I was only trying it on you, Mary. All right, let's start again at the last stop. Write:
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    Warning - some adult content follows.

    Sh! The Octopus (1937), William C. McGann. Hugh Herbert, Allen Jenkins, Marcia Ralston.
    Comedy-mystery finds Detectives Kelly and Dempsey trapped in a deserted lighthouse with a group of strangers who are being terrorized by a killer octopus AND a mysterious crime figure named after the title sea creature.


    The Octopussy (Los pulpos, 1948), Carlos Hugo Christensen. Olga Zubarry, Roberto Escalada, Nicolás Fregues.
    A provincial woman arrives in the city in love with a young novelist whom she betrays.


    Code Name: Octopus (1966), George Rowe. Tony Ferrer, Lourdes Medel, Rodolfo 'Boy' Garcia.


    The Love Life of the Octopus (Les amours de la pieuvre, short, 1967), Geneviève Hamon, Jean Painlevé.
    An octopus slithers into a narrow crack near the shore; we see its eye up close; blowing water propels it through water. It feeds on a crab. In spring it's time to mate. A male grabs a female; he inserts his third arm in her respiratory cavity. We watch another pair: a larger female is the aggressor here. Mating is repeated over hours and days. With high magnification, we see many sperm; she releases strings of fertilized eggs that hang from the roof of a nest. She guards it for a month, fanning the strings to circulate water for oxygen and cleanliness. We watch the eggs up close develop at 1,400 times nature's rate. Then they're born and propel away. (13:11)


    Jane Bond Meets Octopussy (Adult, 1986), Jack Remy. Amber Lynn, Kristara Barrington, Blondi.
    Agent 0069 battles the evil Octopussy, who plans to use a scientist's sex laser to take over the world.


    Giant Woman vs. Big Octopus (2011), Takao Nakano. Alice Ozawa, Miki Hamasaki, Mika Kurosawa.
    A woman is covered with strange radiation and sometimes becomes huge. She fights an octopus that seems to know where her tits and fanny are.


    Octopussy and the Living Daylights, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    The scorpionfish inhabits most of the southern waters of the world, and the
    rascasse that is the foundation of bouillabaisse belongs to the family. The West
    Indian variety runs up to only about twelve inches long and perhaps a pound ha
    weight. It is by far the ugliest fish in the sea, as if nature were giving
    warning. It is a mottled brownish gray with a heavy wedge-shaped shaggy head. It
    has fleshy pendulous "eyebrows" that droop over angry red eyes and a coloration
    and broken silhouette that are perfect camouflage on the reef. Though a small
    fish, its heavily toothed mouth is so wide that it can swallow whole most of the
    smaller reef fishes, but its supreme weapon lies in its erectile dorsal fins,
    the first few of which, acting on contact like hypodermic needles, are fed by
    poison glands containing enough dotoxin to kill a man if they merely graze him
    in a vulnerable spot—in an artery, for instance, or over the heart or in the
    groin. It constitutes the only real danger to the reef swimmer, far more
    dangerous than the barracuda or the shark, because, supreme in its confidence in
    its camouflage and armory, it flees before nothing except the very close
    approach of a foot or actual contact. Then it flits only a few yards, on wide
    and bizarrely striped pectorals, and settles again watchfully either on the
    sand, where it looks like a lump of overgrown coral, or among the rocks and
    seaweed where it virtually disappears. And Major Smythe was determined to find
    one and spear it and give it to his octopus to see if it would take it or spurn
    it—to see if one of the ocean's great predators would recognize the deadliness
    of another, know of its poison. Would the octopus consume the belly and leave
    the spines? Would it eat the lot? And if so, would it suffer from the poison?

    These were the questions Bengry at the Institute wanted answered, and today, since it was going to be the beginning of the end of Major Smythe's life at Wavelets—and though it might mean the end of his darling Octopussy--Major Smythe had decided to find out the answers and leave one tiny memorial to his now futile life in some dusty corner of the Institute's marine biological files.
    Major Smythe felt the excitement mounting in him. Careful, old boy! Careful!
    Remember what the good old snip-cock had said! He put his feet to the ground and
    had a rest amidst the dancing waves of the northeast trades that kept the North
    Shore so delightfully cool until the torrid months—August, September, October—of
    the hurricane season. He would soon be having his two pink gins, skimpy lunch,
    and happily sodden siesta, after which he would have to give all this more
    careful thought. And then there were cocktails with the Arundels and dinner at
    the Shaw Park Beach Club with the Marchesis. Then some high bridge and home to
    his Seconal sleep. Cheered by the prospect of the familiar routine, the black
    shadow of Bond retreated into the background. Now then, scorp, where are you?
    Octopussy's waiting for her lunch!
    The first jet of pain seared into Major Smythe's body and bent him over double.
    Then came another and another, radiating through his stomach and limbs. Now
    there was a dry, metallic taste in his mouth, and his lips were prickling. He
    gave a groan and toppled off the seat onto the beach. A flapping on the sand
    beside his head reminded him of the scorpionfish. There came a lull in the
    spasms of pain. Instead, his whole body felt as though it was on fire, but,
    beneath the agony, his brain cleared. But of course! The experiment! Somehow,
    somehow he must get out to Octopussy and give her her lunch!

    "Oh Pussy, my Pussy, this is the last meal you'll get."

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140

    Burning Daylight (1914), Hobart Bosworth. Hobart Bosworth.
    An adventurer, who goes by the nickname "Burning Daylight", strikes it rich during the Alaskan Gold Rush. After he achieves wealth and success in the Klondike, he sets out towards 'the lower 48' (the continental U.S.) to find new challenges, but his money making abilities do not prepare him for the vicious cons and manipulation of Wall Street. He is soon cheated out of his entire fortune, but the 'hero' now has learned the lessons 'of the street', and fights to become a success again, with the knowledge that it takes a scoundrel to beat a scoundrel.


    Burning Daylight (1920), Edward Sloman. Mitchell Lewis, Helen Ferguson, William V. Mong.
    Albert S. Le Vino, Jack London, writers.
    A financier tries several times to fleece a successful gold prospector, first on a visit to Alaska and later in New York City using his niece to entice the miner into a stock deal.


    Burning Daylight (1928), Charles Brabin. Milton Sills, Doris Kenyon, Arthur Stone.
    Jack London, Louis Stevens, Rufus McCosh, writers.
    An Alaskan real estate tycoon who's visiting San Francisco loses his fortune to a group of investment sharks.


    The Living End (1992), Gregg Araki. Mike Dytri, Craig GilmoreMark Finch.
    Luke is a gay hustler. Jon is a movie critic. Both are HIV positive. They go on a hedonistic, dangerous journey, their motto "F*ck the world".


    Chasing Daylight (2004), Jeff Stephenson. Jason Dolley, Jamie McShane, Jillian Clare.
    The haunting story of a boy's attempt to cope with the loss of his best friend.


    Racing Daylight (2007), Nicole Quinn. Melissa Leo, Jason Downs, Le Clanché du Rand.
    Sadie thinks she's going insane. Edmund is sure he's being haunted. And Henry, well Henry's just racing daylight.


    Burning Daylight (TV-MA, 2010), Sanzhar Sultan. Robert Knepper, Paul Calderon, Adrian Cowan.
    Three Wall Street bankers, a pair of crooks, and a millionaire are betrayed, manipulated and exploited by the efforts of a ruthless woman.


    Mansion of Mystery - The Kissing Daylights (Season 9, Episode 2, 2023), Joseph Reboy. Ethan de Rosa, Shanda Gardner, Nathanial W.C. Higgins.
    Scarlett allows a mysterious woman and her sinister maid become to boarders in The Mansion. All seems well until Sgt. Wednesday starts acting even odder than usual. And what's up with the zombie-like pizza delivery guy? And why does the woman never seem hungry for dinner?


    Octopussy and the Living Daylights, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    "The Living Daylights"
    There came the sound of a car approaching. It pulled up somewhere below. The bell rang twice. Sender said, "Well, let's get going. They've sent an armored car to get us out of here." He paused. His eyes flicked over Bond's shoulder, avoiding Bond's eyes. "Sorry about the report. Got to do my duty, y'know. You should have killed that sniper whoever it was."

    Bond got up. He suddenly didn't want to leave the stinking little smashed-up flat, leave the place from which, for three days, he had had this long-range, onesided romance with an unknown girl—an unknown enemy agent with much the same job in her outfit as he had in his. Poor little bitch! She would be in worse trouble now than he was! She'd certainly be court-martialed for muffing this job. Probably be kicked out of the KGB. He shrugged. At least they'd stop short of killing her—as he himself had done.

    James Bond said wearily, "Okay. With any luck it'll cost me my Double-O number. But tell Head of Station not to worry. That girl won't do any more sniping. Probably lost her left hand. Certainly broke her nerve for that kind of work. Scared the living daylights out of her. In my book, that was enough. Let's go."

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140

    The Property Man (1914), Charles Chaplin. Charles Chaplin, Phyllis Allen, Charles Bennett.
    Charlie has trouble with actors' luggage and conflicts over who gets the star's dressing room. There are further difficulties with frequent scene changes, wrong entries and a fireman's hose. At one point he juggles an athlete's supposed weights. The humor is still rough: he kicks an older assistant in the face and allows him to be run over by a truck.


    A Woman of Property (TV movie, 1957), Chloe Gibson. Fay Compton, Nora Swinburne, David Peel.

    Hot Property (1983), Lino Brocka. Carmi Martin, Phillip Salvador. Dennis Roldan/
    A neighborhood bum and toughie helps his police-officer father run after a diamond-smuggling syndicate--and gets romantically involved with the syndicate's courier, a bold lingerie model.


    Property of a Lady (Short, 2011), Paul Cusack. Paul Cusack, Anthony Cusack, Sharon Cusack.
    John Soap is a former government agent turned Freelance agent. Soap teams up with Anthony and they decide to track down his sister's killers.


    Property of the State (2016), Kit Ryan. Patrick Gibson, Elaine Cassidy, Martin McCann.
    A woman must deal with the devastating effects of having a murderer for a brother.


    Property Damage (2020), Michael Mixer Mason.
    Caillou and Dora move in together, and throw a party to celebrate their newfound freedom. But after the party goes sour, they are stuck cleaning up the pieces. This brings out differences and insecurities that threaten to end their relationship. Meanwhile, Boris gets caught up in the pressure of fame, and Zunga goes on a quest to save Rosie from her kidnapper with an unlikely friend.


    Octopussy and the Living Daylights, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    "The Property of a Lady"
    "That is a copy I had made. Briefly, it states that the Sphere was commissioned
    by Miss Freudenstein's grandfather directly from Faberg? in 1917—no doubt as a
    means of turning some of his rubles into something portable and of great value.
    On his death in 1918 it passed to his brother and thence, in 1950, to Miss
    Freudenstein's mother. She, it appears, left Russia as a child and lived in
    White Russian ?igr?circles in Paris. She never married, but gave birth to this
    girl, Maria, illegitimately. It seems that she died last year and that some
    friend or executor, the paper is not signed, has now forwarded the Sphere to its
    rightful owner, Miss Maria Freudenstein. I had no reason to question this girl,
    although as you can imagine my interest was most lively, until last month
    Sotheby's announced that they would auction the piece, described as 'the
    property of a lady
    ' in a week from today. On behalf of the British Museum and,
    er, other interested parties, I then made discreet inquiries and met the lady,
    who, with perfect composure, confirmed the rather unlikely story contained in
    the provenance. It was then that I learned that she worked for the Ministry of
    Defense and it crossed my rather suspicious mind that it was, to say the least
    of it, odd that a junior clerk, engaged presumably on sensitive duties, should
    suddenly receive a gift to the value of ?00,000 or more from abroad.
    "I see," said Bond. "Now then, how do I get into the sale?"

    Mr. Snowman produced an elegant alligator-skin notecase and extracted two
    engraved bits of pasteboard. He handed one over. "That's my wife's. I'll get her
    one somewhere else in the rooms. B.5—well placed in the center front. I'm B.6."

    Bond took the ticket. It said:
    Sotheby & Co.
    Sale of
    A Casket of Magnificent Jewels
    A Unique Object of Vertu by Carl Faberg?
    The Property of a Lady
    Admit one to the Main Sale Room
    Tuesday, 20 June, at 9.30 pm precisely

    "It's not the old Georgian entrance in Bond Street," commented Mr. Snowman.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140

    The Saint in New York (1938), Ben Holmes. Louis Hayward, Kay Sutton, Sig Ruman.
    Simon Templar, the Saint, is brought to New York. His search for the identity of "the Big Fellow" takes him through many dangerous situations.


    Tarzan's New York Adventure (1942), Richard Thorpe. Johnny Weissmuller, Maureen O'Sullivan, Johnny Sheffield.
    Tarzan and Jane go to New York to rescue Boy after he is kidnapped into a circus.


    Hercules in New York (1970), Arthur Allan Seidelman. Arnold Stang, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Deborah Loomis.
    Hercules is sent to Earth where he finds true love and starts a promising career in the bodybuilder business.


    Sherlock Holmes in New York (Television, 1976), Boris Sagal. Roger Moore, John Huston, Patrick Macnee.
    In this mystery, Sherlock Holmes pursues his archenemy Professor James Moriarty to New York City, in which the villainous scoundrel has carried out the ultimate bank robbery. Meanwhile, Holmes enjoys a blossoming romance with Irene Adler, who becomes the target of a kidnapping by Moriarty.


    The Muppets Take Manhattan (1984), Frank Oz. Jim Henson, Frank Oz, Dave Goelz.
    Kermit and his friends go to New York City to get their musical on Broadway only to find it's a more difficult task than they anticipated.


    King of New York (1990), Abel Ferrara. Christopher Walken, David Caruso, Laurence Fishburne.
    A drug kingpin is released from prison and seeks to take total control of the criminal underworld in order to give back to the community.


    An Englishman in New York (2009), Richard Laxton. John Hurt, Denis O'Hare, Jonathan Tucker.
    The later years of Quentin Crisp's life in New York City.


    Octopussy and the Living Daylights, Ian Fleming, 1965.
    "007 in New York"
    Then there was the question of lunch. Dinner with Solange would be easy - Lutèce in the sixties, one of the great restaurants of the world. But for lunch by himself? In the old days it would certainly have been the '21,' but the expense-account aristocracy had captured even that stronghold, inflating the prices and, because they didn't know good from bad, deflating the food. But he would go there for old times' sake and have a couple of dry martinis - Beefeaters with a domestic vermouth, shaken with a twist of lemon peel - at the bar. And then what about the best meal in New York - at the Oyster Bar at Grand Central? No, he didn't want to sit up at a bar - somewhere spacious and comfortable where he could read a paper in peace. Yes. That was it! The Edwardian Room at the Plaza, a corner table. They didn't know him there, but he knew he could get what he wanted to eat - not like Chambord or Pavillon with their irritating Wine and Foodmanship and, in the case of the latter, the miasma of a hundred different women's scents to confound your palate. He would have one more dry martini at the table, then smoked salmon and the particular scrambled eggs he had once (Felix Leiter knew the head-waiter) instructed them how to make. Yes, that sounded all right. He would have to take a chance with the smoked salmon. It used be Scotch in the Edwardian Room, not that thickly cut, dry and tasteless Canadian stuff. But one could never tell with American food. As long as they got their steaks and sea-food right, the rest could go to hell. And everything was so long frozen, in some vast communal food-morgue presumably, that flavour had gone from all American food except the Italian. Everything tasted the same - a sort of neutral food taste. When had a fresh chicken - not a broiler - a fresh farm egg, a fish caught that day, last been served in a New York restaurant? Was there a market in New York, like les Halles in Paris and Smithfields in London, where one could actually see fresh food and buy it? Bond had never heard of one. People would say that it was unhygienic. Were the Americans becoming too hygienic in general - too bug-conscious? Every time Bond had made love to Solange, at a time when they should be relaxing in each other's arms, she would retire to the bathroom for a long quarter of an hour and there was lengthy period after that when he couldn't kiss her because she had gargled with TCP. And the pills she took if she had a cold! Enough to combat a double pneumonia. But James Bond smiled at the thought of her and wondered what they would do together - apart from Lutèce and Love - that evening. Again, New York had everything. He had heard, though he had never succeeded in tracing them, that one could see blue films with sound and colour and that one's sex life was never the same thereafter. That would be an experience to share with Solange! And that bar, again still undiscovered, which Felix Leiter had told him was the rendezvous for sadists and masochists of both sexes. The uniform was black leather jackets and leather gloves. If you were a sadist, you wore the gloves under the left shoulder strap. For the masochists it was the right. As with the transvestite places in Paris and Berlin, it would be fun to go and have a look. In the end, of course, they would probably just go to The Embers or to hear Solange's favourite jazz and then home for more love and TCP.
    For FOUR individualists:

    12 fresh eggs
    Salt and pepper
    5-6 oz. of fresh butter

    Break the eggs into a bowl. Beat thoroughly with a fork and season well. In a small copper (or heavy-bottomed saucepan) melt four oz. of the butter. When melted, pour in the eggs and cook over a very low heat, whisking continuously with a small egg whisk.

    While the eggs are slightly more moist than you would wish for eating, remove pan from heat, add rest of butter and continue whisking for half a minute, adding the while finely chopped chives or fine herbs. Serve on hot buttered toast in individual copper dishes (for appearance only) with pink champagne (Taittainger) and low music.

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