Film titles that sound like Bond movies/books



  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    Reflections in a Golden Eye (1967), John Huston.
    Bizarre tale of sex, betrayal, and perversion at a military post.


    Riflessi in un cielo scuro (1991), Salvatore Maira.
    (Reflections in a dark sky, Italy)


    Otrazheniye v zerkale (1992), Svetlana Proskurina.
    (Reflection in the Mirror, Netherlands)
    An acclaimed Russian actor suffers from spiritual malaise.


    Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, 1959.
    Part One - Happenstance.
    Chapter 1 - Reflections in a Double Bourbon
    JAMES BOND, with two double bourbons inside him, sat in the final departure lounge of Miami Airport and thought about life and death.

    It was part of his profession to kill people. He had never liked doing it and when he had to kill he did it as well as he knew how and forgot about it. As a secret agent who held the rare double-O prefix - the licence to kill in the Secret Service - it was his duty to be as cool about death as a surgeon. If it happened, it happened. Regret was unprofessional--worse, it was death-watch beetle in the soul.
    And yet there had been something curiously impressive about the death of the Mexican. It wasn't that he hadn't deserved to die. He was an evil man, a man they call in Mexico a capungo. A capungo is a bandit who will kill for as little as forty pesos, which is about twenty-five shillings -though probably he had been paid more to attempt the killing of Bond - and, from the look of him, he had been an instrument of pain and misery all his life. Yes, it had certainly been time for him to die; but when Bond had killed him, less than twenty-four hours before, life had gone out of the body so quickly, so utterly, that Bond had almost seen it come out of his mouth as it does, in the shape of a bird, in Haitian primitives.

    What an extraordinary difference there was between a body full of person and a body that was empty! Now there is someone, now there is no one. This had been a Mexican with a name and an address, an employment card and perhaps a driving licence. Then something had gone out of him, out of the envelope of flesh and cheap clothes, and had left him an empty paper bag waiting for the dustcart. And the difference, the thing that had gone out of the stinking Mexican bandit, was greater than all Mexico.
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  • Posts: 6,079

    Doctor No, chapter two : "Choice of Weapons"

    Oh, and there are quite a few movies with variations around the title of Gooldfinger's second part : "Coincidence" :
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited April 2021 Posts: 14,140
    That is a bunch, @Gerard. Since 1921.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    Living It Up (1954), Norman Taurog. Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Janet Leigh.
    Approved | 1h 35min | Comedy, Musical | 23 July 1954 (USA)
    An unsophisticated stationmaster from provincial New Mexico fraudulently claims that he is dying in order to get an expense-paid dream tour of New York.


    La bella vita (1994), Paolo Virzì.
    The expectations, the desires and the failures of three characters involved in a love triangle, set in Italy's early 90s.


    Living It Up (2000), Antonio Cuadri.
    After borrowing from loan sharks for a final round of partying before committing suicide, a man (Carmelo Gomez) falls in love with a waitress (Salma Hayek).


    Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, 1959.
    Part One - Happenstance
    Chapter 2 - Living It Up
    BOND LIKED anonymity. His 'Yes, it is' was discouraging.

    'Well, that's a mighty rare coincidence.' The man held out his hand. Bond rose slowly, took the hand and released it. The hand was pulpy and unarticulated - like a hand-shaped mud pack, or an inflated rubber glove. 'My name is Du Pont. Junius Du Pont. I guess you won't remember me, but we've met before. Mind if I sit down?'

    The face, the name? Yes, there was something familiar. Long ago. Not in America. Bond searched the files while he summed the man up. Mr Du Pont was about fifty - pink, clean-shaven and dressed in the conventional disguise with which Brooks Brothers cover the shame of American millionaires. He wore a single-breasted dark tan tropical suit and a white silk shirt with a shallow collar. The rolled ends of the collar were joined by a gold safety pin beneath the knot of a narrow dark red and blue striped tie that fractionally wasn't the Brigade of Guards'. The cuffs of the shirt protruded half an inch below the cuffs of the coat and showed cabochon crystal links containing miniature trout flies. The socks were charcoal-grey silk and the shoes were old and polished mahogany and hinted Peal. The man carried a dark, narrow-brimmed straw Homburg with a wide claret ribbon.

    Mr Du Pont sat down opposite Bond and produced cigarettes and a plain gold Zippo lighter. Bond noticed that he was sweating slightly. He decided that Mr Du Pont was what he appeared to be, a very rich American, mildly embarrassed. He knew he had seen him before, but he had no idea where or when.


    'Thank you.' It was a Parliament. Bond affected not to notice the offered lighter. He disliked held-out lighters. He picked up his own and lit the cigarette.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140

    The Fear Inside (1992), Leon Ichaso.
    An agoraphobic children's book illustrator is trapped inside her home by two young psychos-in-love, who terrorize her. It is only when her young son is threatened that she manages to overcome her paralyzing fears and attempt to leave her home to save him...


    Agoraphobia (2015), Lou Simon.
    An agoraphobic inherits her father's house in a remote part of the Florida Keys. When weird things start happening, she discovers that there's something far more terrifying trapped inside the house with her.


    Fear, Love, and Agoraphobia (2018), Alex D'Lerma. Lori Petty.
    An agoraphobic man and a female Marine become emotionally entangled as they struggle to escape from their personal prisons.


    Agoraphobia (2020), Eric Itzi.
    Matthew Lemm experiences a childhood trauma. Now, in adulthood, he is Agoraphobic, struggling with anxiety, and life's many needed adjustments. His suppression of his past abuse has caused has caused all this to come to a boil and what is occurring in his own 4 walls may be far more terrible than anything experienced in the outside world.

    Agoraphobia (2020), Daniel Lusko.
    7min | Short, Thriller | 1 September 2020 (USA)

    Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, 1959.
    Part One - Happenstance.
    Chapter 3 - The Man With Agoraphobia
    Goldfinger paused in his deal. He bent his gaze gravely on Bond. 'Unfortunately, Mr Bond, that is not possible or I could not play. As I explained to Mr Du Pont at our first game, I suffer from an obscure complaint - agoraphobia -the fear of open spaces. I cannot bear the open horizon. I must sit and face the hotel.' The deal continued.

    'Oh, I'm so sorry.' Bond's voice was grave, interested. 'That's a very rare disability. I've always been able to understand claustrophobia, but not the other way round. How did it come about?'

    Goldfinger picked up his cards and began to arrange his hand. 'I have no idea,' he said equably.
    Part Two - Coincidence.
    Chapter 9 - The Cup and the Lip
    The second hole is a three hundred and seventy yard dogleg to the left with deep cross-bunkers daring you to take the tiger's line. But there was a light helping breeze. For Goldfinger it would now be a five iron for his second. Bond decided to try and make it easier for himself and only have a wedge for. the green. He laid his ears back and hit the ball hard and straight for the bunkers. The breeze got under the slight draw and winged the ball on and over. The ball pitched and disappeared down into the gully just short of the green. A four. Chance of a three.

    Goldfinger strode off without comment. Bond lengthened his stride and caught up. 'How's the agoraphobia? Doesn't all this wide open space bother it?'


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    Over a Barrel (2019), Shane Fennessey (Producer).
    Over a Barrel is a short political documentary about the work of Vivian Krause, and the questions she raises regarding U.S foundations funding activism against the Canadian oil and gas industry. The supposed goal of this "Tar Sands Campaign", funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and other U.S. charitable foundations, is to fight pipeline approvals in Canada and stop Canadian oil from reaching overseas markets. We focus on the negative consequences this has had on the Alberta economy, First Nations communities and the rising threat of western separatism.


    Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, 1959.
    Part One - Happenstance.
    Chapter 4 - Over the Barrel
    AFTER LUNCHEON--the traditional shrimp cocktail, 'native' snapper with a minute paper cup of tartare sauce, roast prime ribs of beef au jus, and pineapple surprise--it was time for the siesta before meeting Goldfinger at three o'clock for the afternoon session.
    Mr Du Pont, who had lost a further ten thousand dollars or more, confirmed that Goldfinger had a secretary. 'Never seen her. Sticks to the suite. Probably just some chorine he's brought down for the ride.' He smiled wetly. 'I mean the daily ride. Why? You on to something?'

    Bond was non-committal. 'Can't tell yet. I probably won't be coming down this afternoon. Say I got bored watching--gone into the town.' He paused. 'But if my idea's right, don't be surprised at what may happen. If Goldfinger starts to behave oddly, just sit quiet and watch. I'm not promising anything. I think I've got him, but I may be wrong.'

    Mr Du Pont was enthusiastic. 'Good for you, boyo!' he said effusively. 'I just can't wait to see that bastard over the barrel. Damn his eyes!'

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    Coincidence (1921), Chester Withey.


    Coïncidences (1947), Serge Debecque.
    A rich girl is in love with her father-in-law 's librarian .The wealthy man wants her to marry a military man but she's not prepared to accept it.She rebels and marries the poor guy.


    Coïncidences (1986), Jean-Pierre Rivière.


    Co-Incidence (2002), Cristian YoungMiller.


    The Coincidence (2018), Anastasia Mikhaylova.
    Jeanine, a 22-year-old girl who lost her father in the car accident, is in love with Jason who makes her the happiest woman. Jason proposes to Jeanine and she says "yes". However, one day, Jeanine finds out that Jason is keeping her father's watch that he had in the car accident. This coincident circumstance changes her mind and Jeanine leaves Jason. In 5 years, they meet again and Jason realizes she was pregnant when all this happened, but it's already too late to get Jeanine back.


    Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, 1959.
    Part One - Happenstance
    Chapter 2 - Living It Up

    BOND LIKED anonymity. His 'Yes, it is' was discouraging.

    'Well, that's a mighty rare coincidence.' The man held out his hand. Bond rose slowly, took the hand and released it. The hand was pulpy and unarticulated - like a hand-shaped mud pack, or an inflated rubber glove. 'My name is Du Pont. Junius Du Pont. I guess you won't remember me, but we've met before. Mind if I sit down?'
    Chapter 3 - The Man with Agoraphobia
    'What is your handicap?'


    'That is a coincidence. So is mine. We must have a game one day.' Mr Goldfinger bent down and picked up his tin wings. He said to Mr Du Pont, 'I will be with you in five minutes.' He walked slowly off towards the stairs.

    Bond was amused. This social sniffing at him had been done with just the right casual touch of the tycoon who didn't really care if Bond was alive or dead but, since he was there and alive, might as well place him in an approximate category.
    Chapter 7 - Thoughts in a DB III
    And, Bond reflected, while Goldfinger was pumping a million, two million pounds a year into the bloody maw of SMERSH, he was pyramiding his reserves, working on them, making them work for him whenever the odds were right, piling up the surplus for the day when the trumpets would sound in the Kremlin and every golden sinew would be mobilized. And no one outside Moscow had been watching the process, no one suspected that Goldfinger - the jeweller, the metallurgist, the resident of Reculver and Nassau, the respected member of Blades, of the Royal St Marks at Sandwich - was one of the greatest conspirators of all time, that he had financed the murder of hundreds, perhaps thousands of victims of SMERSH all over the world. SMERSH, Smiert Spionam, Death to Spies - the murder Apparat of the High Praesidium! And only M suspected it, only Bond knew it. And here was Bond, launched against this man by a series of flukes, a train of coincidence that had been started by a plane breaking down on the other side of the world. Bond smiled grimly to himself. How often in his profession had it been the same - the tiny acorn of coincidence that soared into the mighty oak whose branches darkened the sky. And now, once again, he was setting out to bring the dreadful growth down. With what? A bag of golf clubs?
    Part Two - Coincidence
    Chapter 12 - Long Tail on a Ghost
    Bond smiled at his story and at the dots that ended it. Not today. Today you're working. Today is for Goldfinger, not for love. Today the only scent you may smell is Goldfinger's expensive after-shave lotion, not... what would she use? English girls made mistakes about scent. He hoped it would be something slight and clean. Balmain's Vent Vert perhaps, or Caron's Muguet. Bond tuned up his receiver for reassurance, then hushed it and motored on, relaxed, playing with his thoughts of the girl, filling in the details. Of course he might meet up with her again. They seemed to be keeping pretty close company. She must have spent the night in Orleans. Where? What a waste. But wait a minute! Suddenly Bond woke up from his daydreaming. The open hood reminded him. He'd seen that Triumph before. It had been at Ferryfield, must have taken the flight after Goldfinger. It was true he hadn't seen the girl or noted the registration number, but surely it was the same. If so, for her to be still on Goldfinger's tail after three hundred miles was more than coincidence. And she had been driving with dimmed lights the night before! Here, what's going on?
    Chapter 13 - 'If You Touch Me There...'
    The drone of the Homer grew louder. He was in the outskirts of Macon. He must close up and take the risk of being spotted. The busy traffic would hide his low-slung car. It was vital to know if the Rolls crossed the Saone for the Bourg road or if it turned right at the bridge and joined the N6 for Lyons. Far down the Rue Rambuteau there was a glimpse of yellow. Over the railway bridge and through the little square. The high yellow box kept on towards the river. Bond watched the passers-by turn their heads to follow the gleaming Rolls. The river. Would Goldfinger turn right or keep on across the bridge? The Rolls kept straight on. So it was Switzerland! Bond followed over into the suburb of St Laurent. Now for a butcher and a baker and a wine shop. A hundred yards ahead the golden head of a calf hung over the pavement. Bond glanced in his driving mirror. Well, well! The little Triumph was only feet away from his tail. How long had she been there? Bond had been so intent on following the Rolls that he hadn't glanced back since entering the town. She must have been hiding up a side street. So! Now coincidence was certainly out. Something must be done. Sorry, sweetheart. I've got to mess you up. I'll be as gentle as I can. Hold tight. Bond stopped abruptly in front of the butcher's shop. He banged the gears into reverse. There was a sickening scrunch and tinkle. Bond switched off his engine and got out.
    Chapter 14 - Things That Go Thump In the Night
    Goldfinger's flat, hard stare didn't flicker. He might not have heard Bond's angry-gentleman's outburst. The finely chiselled lips parted. He said, 'Mr Bond, they have a saying in Chicago: "Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action." Miami, Sandwich and now Geneva. I propose to wring the truth out of you.' Goldfinger's eyes slid slowly past Bond's head. 'Oddjob. The Pressure Room.'

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    The Odd Job (1978), Peter Medak. Graham Chapman.
    Comedy | (UK)
    Arthur Harris is a happily married man who returns from his job to discover that his wife, Fiona, is leaving him. Devastated he gets really drunk and tries to commit suicide. After a few setbacks and while he is trying to electrocute himself with a lamp, the door bell rings. An odd man in a leather coat asks if there are any odd jobs that he can perform. Arthur hires the man to kill him. The next day his wife returns, but the man he hired is still trying to kill him...


    Odd Jobs (1986), Mark Story.
    Five college buddies start their own moving business only to find themselves tangling with sleazy competitors and the mob.


    Odd Job (2016, France), Pascal Chaumeil.
    (Un petit boulot, original title)
    An unemployed factory worker takes a job as a hit man to make ends meet.


    Odd Job Man (2017), Marianne Blicher.
    22min | Short, Drama (Canada)
    An old man struggling with life gets the chance to pursue a dusty dream.


    Oddjob (2020), Joshua Mabie. Mike Ferguson, Josh Han, Christian Howard.
    Short, Action | 2020 (USA)


    ODDJOB: A Kill from the Other Side (2020)

    Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, 1959.
    Part Two - Coincidence
    Chapter 11 - The Odd-Job Man
    The service door opened. The chauffeur stood in the frame. He still wore his bowler hat and his shiny black gloves. He gazed impassively at Goldfinger. Goldfinger crooked a finger. The chauffeur approached and stood within the circle by the fire.

    Goldfinger turned to Bond. He said conversationally, 'This is my handy man.' He smiled thinly. 'That is something of a joke. Oddjob, show Mr Bond your hands.' He smiled again at Bond. 'I call him Oddjob because that describes his functions on my staff.'

    The Korean slowly pulled off his gloves and came and stood at arm's length from Bond and held out his hands palm upwards. Bond got up and looked at them. They were big and fat with muscle. The fingers all seemed to be the same length. They were very blunt at the tips and the tips glinted as if they were made of yellow bone.

    'Turn them over and show Mr Bond the sides.'

    There were no fingernails. Instead there was this same, yellowish carapace. The man turned the hands sideways. Down each edge of the hands was a hard ridge of the same bony substance.

    Bond raised his eyebrows at Goldfinger.

    Goldfinger said, 'We will have a demonstration.'

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140

    Aerosmith: Things That Go Pump in the Night (1990). Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, Tom Hamilton.


    Bump in the Night (1991), Karen Arthur. Meredith Baxter, Christopher Reeve, Wings Hauser.
    An ex-New York reporter fights alcoholism as she and her ex- husband search for their kidnapped son.


    MonsterKids: The Impact of Things that Go Bump in the Night (2017), James-Michael Roddy.
    A new documentary that explores the positive fascination with Classic Monsters.


    Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, 1959.
    Part Two - Coincidence
    Chapter 14 - Things That Go Thump in the Night
    JAMES BOND booked in at the Hotel des Bergues, took a bath and shower and changed his clothes. He weighed the Walther PPK in his hand and wondered whether he should take it or leave it behind. He decided to leave it. He had no intention of being seen when he went back to the Entreprises Auric. If, by dreadful luck, he was seen, it would spoil everything to get into a fight. He had his story, a poor one, but at least one that would not break his cover. He would have to rely on that. But Bond did choose a particular pair of shoes that were rather heavier than one could expect from their casual build.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    High Pressure (1932), Mervyn LeRoy. William Powell, Evelyn Brent, George Sidney.
    Gar Evans is a "high pressure" promoter who tends to be unrealistically optimistic about his projects and exaggerates the chance of success. He sets up the "Golden Gate Artificial Rubber Company", and persuades a lot of people to invest. He believes that the process to produce artificial rubber exists, but does it?


    Pressure Point (1962), Hubert Cornfield, Stanley Kramer. Sidney Poitier, Bobby Darin, Peter Falk.
    A black prison psychiatrist is assigned the distasteful task of helping a paranoid American Nazi charged with sedition.


    Pressure Point (1997), David Giancola. Don Mogavero, Steve Railsback, Larry Linville.
    Deadly government assassin Sebastian Dellacourt botches a job and ends up in prison. His only way out is to do one final job and infiltrate a dangerous militia led by delusional Arno Taylor, who wants to overthrow the US government.


    Pressure Point (2001), Eric Weston. Michael Madsen, Victoria Snow, Ricky Mabe.
    A father suspected of murder must fight to save his family from a ruthless killer in this action-packed suspense thriller, starring Michael Madsen, Michele Scarabelli, Jeff Wincott, Steve Adams and Victoria Snow.


    Pressure Cooker (2008), Mark Becker, Jennifer Grausman.
    Infamously blunt, Wilma Stephenson runs a "boot camp" teaching Culinary Arts at Frankford High, disciplining her students into capable chefs and responsible students.


    Pressure Cooker (2020), Sujoi, Sushil.
    A young man faces immense pressure from his family to move to America, get a job and have his life settled abroad.


    Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, 1959.
    Part Two - Happenstance
    Chapter 14 - Things That Go Thump In the Night
    Goldfinger's flat, hard stare didn't flicker. He might not have heard Bond's angry-gentleman's outburst. The finely chiselled lips parted. He said, 'Mr Bond, they have a saying in Chicago: "Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action." Miami, Sandwich and now Geneva. I propose to wring the truth out of you.' Goldfinger's eyes slid slowly past Bond's head. 'Oddjob. The Pressure Room.'
    Part Three - Enemy Action
    Chapter 15 - The Pressure Room
    Bond closed his eyes. The sickly zoo-smell of Oddjob enveloped him. Big, rasping fingers set to work on him carefully, delicately. A pressure here, combined with a pressure there, a sudden squeeze, a pause, and then a quick, sharp blow. Always the hard hands were surgically accurate. Bond ground his teeth until he thought they would break. The sweat of pain began to form pools in the sockets of his closed eyes. The shrill whine of the saw was getting louder. It reminded Bond of the sawdust-scented sounds of long ago summer evenings at home in England. Home? This was his home, this cocoon of danger he had chosen to live in. And here he would be buried 'in some corner of a foreign blast furnace that is for ever two thousand degrees Centigrade'. God rest ye merry gentlemen of the Secret Service! What should he give himself as an epitaph? What should be his 'famous last words'? That you have no choice about your birth, but you can choose the way you die? Yes, it would look well on a tombstone - not Savoir vivre but Savoir mourir.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited June 2021 Posts: 14,140
    A Journey Into the Holocaust (2014), Paul Bachow.
    A Journey Into The Holocaust is a detailed and deeply personal exploration into genocide and how something this atrocious happened, and continues to happen again and again - even in modern times.


    Why am I Here? A Child's Journey Through the Holocaust (2019, Canada), Chorong Kim.
    Mr. Julius Maslovat is a child survivor of the Holocaust and is the youngest prisoner on record in the Buchenwald concentration camp. Mr. Maslovat narrates his journey of self-discovery.


    Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, 1959.
    Part Three - Enemy Action
    Chapter 20 - Journey into Holocaust
    'MISTER, Flying Control is buzzing us. Wants to know who we are. They say this is restricted air.'

    Goldfinger got up from his seat and went forward into the cockpit. Bond watched him pick up the hand microphone. His voice came back clearly over the quiet hum of the ten-seater Executive Beechcraft. 'Good morning. This is Mr Gold of Paramount Pictures Corporation. We are carrying out an authorized survey of the territory for a forthcoming "A" picture of the famous Confederate raid of 1861 which resulted in the capture of General Sherman at Muldraugh Hill. Yes, that's right. Gary Grant and Elizabeth Taylor in the lead. What's that? Clearance? Sure we've got clearance. Let me see now' (Goldfinger consulted nothing)' - yes, here it is. Signed by Chief of Special Services at the Pentagon. 'Sure, the Commanding Officer at the Armoured Centre will have a copy. Okay and thanks. Hope you'll enjoy the picture. 'Bye.'

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    The Sins of the Children (1930), Sam Wood. Louis Mann, Robert Montgomery.
    (The Richest Man in the World, alternate title.)
    A German immigrant to a small American town is a barber with four children. He has saved enough money to invest in a savings-and-loan company with a friend. Unfortunately, one of his sons has been stricken with tuberculosis, and the investment money goes to pay for the son's treatment in Arizona. Twenty years later, the wastrel son of the now-rich man who was to have been his partner, falls in love with the barber's daughter.


    The Richest Man in the World (1960), George R. Foa. Grace Allardyce, Hermione Baddeley, Susannah York.

    Onassis: The Richest Man in the World (1988), Waris Hussein. Raul Julia, Jane Seymour, Anthony Quinn, Anthony Zerbe.
    Biography of the life of Aristotle Onassis, a Greek who rose to become one of the world's most wealthiest men, detailing his rise to power and unhappy marriages.


    The Richest Man in the World: Andrew Carnegie (1997), Austin Hoyt. Andrew Carnegie, Owen Dudley Edwards, David Greenway.


    Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, 1959.
    Part One - Happenstance
    Chapter 6 - Talk of Gold
    Colonel Smithers paused. The rumble of the City came through the half-open window high up in the wall behind his chair. Bond glanced surreptitiously at his watch. Five o'clock. Colonel Smithers got up from his chair. He placed both hands palm downwards on the desk and leant forward. 'It took me five years, Mr Bond, to find out that Mr Goldfinger, in ready money, is the richest man in England. In Zurich, in Nassau, in Panama, in New York, he has twenty million pounds' worth of gold bars on safe deposit. And those bars, Mr Bond, are not Mint bars. They don't carry any official marks of origin whatsoever. They're bars that Mr Goldfinger has melted himself. I flew to Nassau and had a look at the five million pounds' worth or so he holds there in the vaults of the Royal Bank of Canada. Oddly enough, like all artists, he couldn't refrain from signing his handiwork. It needs a microscope to see it, but somewhere, on each Goldfinger bar, a minute letter Z has been scratched in the metal. And that gold, or most of it, belongs to England. The Bank can do nothing about it, so we are asking you to bring Mr Goldfinger to book, Mr Bond, and get that gold back. You know about the currency crisis and the high bank rate? Of course. Well, England needs that gold, badly - and the quicker the better.'
    Part Three - Enemy Action
    Chapter 25 - The Richest Man in History
    Goldfinger looked past Oddjob's shoulder. The pale eyes were aflame. They stared into Bond's. Goldfinger's mouth twisted into a harsh snarl. He said through his teeth, 'You see, Mr Bond. You were wrong and I was right. Ten more minutes and I shall be the richest man in the world, the richest man in history! What do you say to that?' His mouth spat out the words.

    Bond said equably, 'I'll tell you after those ten minutes are up.'

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    The Last Trick (1964 - Italy), Jan Svankmajer
    Poslední trik pana Schwarcewalldea a pana Edgara (original title)
    Two magicians, Mr. Schwarzwald and Mr. Edgar, try to outdo each other in performing elaborate magic tricks, leading to a violent ending.

    The Last Trick - Jan Švankmajer - 1964

    Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, 1959.
    Part Three - Enemy Action
    Chapter 22 - The Last Trick
    IT WAS two days later. Felix Leiter was weaving the black Studillac fast through the lanes of dawdling traffic on the Triborough bridge. There was plenty of time to catch Bond's plane, the evening BOAC Monarch to London, but Leiter enjoyed shaking up Bond's low opinion of American cars. Now the steel hook that he used for a right hand banged the gear lever into second and the low black car leapt for a narrow space between a giant refrigerator truck and a mooning Oldsmobile whose rear window was almost obscured by holiday stickers.

    Bond's body jerked back with the kick of the 300 b.h.p. and his teeth snapped shut. When the manoeuvre was completed, and the angry hooting had vanished behind them, Bond said mildly, 'It's time you graduated out of the Kiddi-car class and bought yourself an express carriage. You want to get cracking. This pedalling along ages one. One of these days you'll stop moving altogether and when you stop moving is when you start to die.'

    Leiter laughed. He said, 'See that green light ahead? Bet I can make it before it goes red.' The car leapt forward as if it had been kicked. There was a brief hiatus in Bond's life, an impression of snipe-like flight and of a steel wall of cars that someone parted before the whiplash of Leiter's triple klaxons, a hundred yards when the speedometer touched ninety and they were across the lights and cruising genteelly along in the centre lane.
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  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story (2013), Charles Stone III. Rochelle Aytes, Keke Palmer, Evan Ross.
    Follow the rise of R&B group TLC from it's Atlanta inception to recording studios, the Grammy Awards, and the days following the tragic death of Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes.


    Nic Nemeth in TLC: Tables, Ladders, Chairs and Stairs (2014, etc.). John Cena, Colby Lopez, Windham Rotunda.
    The last pay-per-view on the WWE calendar brings us tables, ladders and chairs. A night filled with action.


    Biography: TLC (2021)Matt Kay. Rozonda 'Chilli' Thomas, Tionne 'T-Boz' Watkins.


    Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, 1959.
    Part Three - Enemy Action
    Chapter 23 - T.L.C. Treatment
    THE PLANE throbbed on, high above the weather, over the great moonlit landscape. The lights had been turned out. Bond sat quietly in the darkness and sweated with fear at what he was going to do.

    An hour before, the girl had brought him dinner. There was a pencil hidden in the napkin. She had made some tough remarks for the benefit of Oddjob and gone away. Bond had eaten some scraps of food and drunk a good deal of bourbon while his imagination hunted round the plane wondering what he could conceivably do to force an emergency landing at Gander or somewhere else in Nova Scotia. As a last resort, could he set fire to the plane? He toyed with the idea, and with the possibility of forcing the entrance hatch open. Both ideas, seemed impracticable and suicidal. To save him the trouble of pondering over them, the man whom Bond had seen before at the BOAC ticket counter, one of the Germans, came through and stopped by Bond's chair.

    He grinned down at Bond. 'BOAC takes good care of you, isn't it? Mister Goldfinger thinks you might have foolish notions. I am to keep an eye on the rear of the plane. So just sit back and enjoy the ride, isn't it?'

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    For Y'ur Height Only (1981), Eddie Nicart. Weng Weng, Yehlen Catral, Carmi Martin.
    Mr. Giant has kidnapped the brilliant Dr. Van Kohler and is planning to use the Doctor's invention, the N-bomb, to hold the world hostage. The only one who can foil Mr. Giant's evil scheme is Agent 00, a 3-foot-tall filipino martial arts master, expert marksman, top-class romancer and all-around superspy. Can Agent 00 rescue Dr. Kohler before it's too late?

    Eyes Only (2011), John C Todd. JoAnn Bernat, Brenda Blankinship, John D. Bono Jr.
    In 2014, US President Sarah Hartwell orders an investigation into the theft of evidence related to the Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash of 1947. Members of her team will discover a survivor of the crash and this information will begin a deadly game.


    For No Eyes Only (2013), Tali Barde. Benedict SieverdingLuisa GrossTali Barde
    A teenager investigates a suspicion of murder by hacking web cams - Alfred Hitchock's 'Rear WIndow' set in the 21st century.


    007 - For Our Eyes Only (2020), Miguel Somoza.
    In anticipation of the 25th chapter in the iconic James Bond Saga, based on the novels of British writer Ian Fleming, Sabbatical Entertainment presents "For Our Eyes Only" an enthralling documentary that recounts and relives all of 007's menacing missions throughout this legendary cinematic franchise, from 1962's premiere of "Dr. No", to the highly anticipated "No Time To Die."


    Your Eyes Only (In Development), Brendan Moriarty.

    For Your Eyes Only, Ian Fleming, 1960.
    "For Your Eyes Only".
    M's eyes ceased to focus on Bond. For a moment they were blank, looking inward. Then he slowly reached for the top drawer of his desk on the left-hand side, pulled it open and extracted a thin file without the usual title across it and without the top-secret red star. He placed the file squarely in front of him and his hand rummaged again in the open drawer. The hand brought out a rubber stamp and a red-ink pad. M opened the pad, tamped the rubber stamp on it and then carefully, so that it was properly aligned with the top right-hand corner of the docket, pressed it down on the grey cover.

    M replaced the stamp and the ink pad in the drawer and closed the drawer. He turned the docket round and pushed it gently across the desk to Bond.

    The red sansserif letters, still damp, said: FOR YOUR EYES ONLY.

    Bond said nothing. He nodded and picked up the docket and walked out of the room.

    Two days later, Bond took the Friday Comet to Montreal. He did not care for it. It flew too high and too fast and there were too many passengers.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    Quantum Men (2011, documentary), Carlos Serrano Azcona. Doña Bernardina, Julian de la Montaña de Sorte, Bernabe de Las Tres Lagunas.
    Cristabal Jodorowsky is currently the main practitioner of psycho Shamanism, a spiritual healing technique created by his father Alejandro, and carries out his activity both in theory, through courses and seminars and publishing books, and in practice, being a therapist and psycho Shaman himself. With Cristóbal as a guide, Quantum Men reflects the reality of psychomagic practices in all its facets: traveling to the origins of Shamanic knowledge and attending the rituals of traditional Shamans and healers. A document about this work, bringing it closer to today’s man and purging it of superstitions and obscurantisms. The work of Cristobal Jodorowsky, the son of Alejandro (psycho magic and psycho shamanism), and the shamanistic practices of the Americas.


    Quantum Is Calling (2016), Alex Winter. Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg (voice), Keanu Reeves.
    TV Short. Zoe Saldana enlists the help of Stephen Hawking to solve a quantum riddle in order to get Simon Pegg's cat back. This follows Paul Rudd's epic quantum chess match with Stephen Hawking.


    Blood Quantum (2019), Jeff Barnaby. Michael Greyeyes, Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers, Forrest Goodluck.
    The dead are coming back to life outside the isolated Mi'kmaq reserve of Red Crow, except for its Indigenous inhabitants who are strangely immune to the zombie plague.


    The Quantum Spy (In Development)


    For Your Eyes Only, Ian Fleming, 1960.
    "Quantum of Solace".
    I've thought about this and I've invented a rather high-sounding title for this basic factor in human relations. I have called it the Law of the Quantum of Solace."

    Bond said: "That's a splendid name for it. It's certainly impressive enough. And of course I see what you mean. I should say you're absolutely right. Quantum of Solace — the amount of comfort. Yes, I suppose you could say that all love and friendship is based in the end on that. Human beings are very insecure. When the other person not only makes you feel insecure but actually seems to want to destroy you, it's obviously the end. The Quantum of Solace stands at zero. You've got to get away to save yourself.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited August 2021 Posts: 14,140
    The Risk (1960), John Boulting, Roy Boulting. Ian Bannen, Peter Cushing, Tony Britton, Virginia Maskell, Donal Pleasance.
    [AKA The Suspect]
    UK scientists find a cure for plague but their government, fearing its military-biological potential, keeps the discovery secret until a scientist is duped into giving it to a foreign power.


    Classe tous risques (1960), Claude Sautet. Lino Ventura, Sandra Milo, Jean-Paul Belmondo.
    Abel Davos is a criminal, hunted in Italy. The police are closing in, so he and his pal Raymond arrange to flee back to France with Abel's wife, Thérèse, and their two young sons. Abel and Raymond commit a brazen robbery to get funds, killing two men; in the escape, more die. Abel arrives in Nice with the boys, calls his pals in Paris, and gets the brush-off.


    Risky Business (1983), Paul Brickman. Tom Cruise, Rebecca De Mornay, Joe Pantoliano.
    A Chicago teenager is looking for fun at home while his parents are away, but the situation quickly gets out of hand.


    Risk (2007), Vishram Sawant. Randeep Hooda, Vinod Khanna.
    Modern day Bombay is ruled by Bangkok-based underworld don, Khalid Bin Jamal, who has the Home Minister, A.R. Sarang, as well as the Police Commissioner on his payroll.


    For Your Eyes Only, Ian Fleming, 1960.
    "In this pizniss is much risico."

    The words came softly through the thick brown moustache. The hard black eyes moved slowly over Bond's face and down to Bond's hands which were carefully shredding a paper match on which was printed Albergo Colombo, d'Oro.

    James Bond felt the inspection. The same surreptitious examination had been going on since he had met the man two hours before at the rendezvous in the Excelsior bar. Bond had been told to look for a man with a heavy moustache who would be sitting by himself drinking an Alexandra. Bond had been amused by this secret recognition signal. The creamy, feminine drink was so much cleverer than the folded newspaper, the flower in the buttonhole, the yellow gloves that were the hoary, slipshod call-signs between agents. It had also the great merit of being able to operate alone, without its owner. And Kristatos had started off with a little test. When Bond had come into the bar and looked round there had been perhaps twenty people in the room. None of them had a moustache. But on a corner table at the far side of the tall, discreet room, flanked by a saucer of olives and another of cashew nuts, stood the tall-stemmed glass of cream and vodka. Bond went straight over to the table, pulled out a chair and sat down.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    Take It Easy It's a Waltz (Laisse aller ... c'est une Valse) (1971), Georges Lautner.'s_a_Waltz_(Laisse_aller_..._c%27est_une_Valse)
    Take It Easy It's a Waltz (Laisse aller ... c'est une Valse) is a 1971 French action crime comedy directed by Georges Lautner. Serge Aubin (Jean Yanne) was a three years in prison for theft of jewelry, after the release was kidnapped by Varèse´s rival gang, which compels him to reveal where the hidden jewels. To help come his friend Michel (Michel Constantin), Serge forgave his wife's Carla (Mireille Darc) infidelity with Varèse (Nanni Loy) and all three together begin to flee. But the killers are right behind them .. and also the commissaire Caillaud (Bernard Blier).


    Take It Easy Professor (L'uccello migratore, The Migratory Bird) (1972), Steno. Rossana Podestà, Lando Buzzanca, Dominique.
    Andrea Pomeraro is a history teacher of Castro Pietro, in Sicily. During an outdoor lesson he receives a letter from his uncle, a politician who lives in Rome.


    Take It Easy (1986), Jesper Høm. Nikolaj Egelund, Martin Elley, Eddie Skoller.
    The story takes place in the summer of 1945, when the war is finally over in Europe. For the seventeen-year-old Herbert and his mate at the school, Allan, it is the permanent retreat of the Munich Inn, where Leo Mathisens orchestra plays.


    Take It Easy (2015), Sunil Prem Vyas. Sulabha Arya, Anang Desai, Yash Eshawari.
    The protagonists are both almost ten-year-old children. The father of one of them is a player who wants hist son to become one too, but his son is more interested in Studying. The other boy's story is contrary. The Parents are imposing the dreams.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 1 - "Take It Easy, Mr. Bond".
    It was one of those days when it seemed to James Bond that all life, as someone put it, was nothing but a heap of six to four against.

    To begin with he was ashamed of himself---a rare state of mind. He had a hangover, a bad one, with an aching head and stiff joints. When he coughed---smoking too much goes with drinking too much and doubles the hangover---a cloud of small luminous black spots swam across his vision like amoebae in pond water. The one drink too many signals itself unmistakably. His final whisky and soda in the luxurious flat in Park Lane had been no different from the ten preceding ones, but it had gone down reluctantly and had left a bitter taste and an ugly sensation of surfeit. And, although he had taken in the message, he had agreed to play just one more rubber. Five pounds a hundred as it's the last one? He had agreed. And he had played the rubber like a fool. Even now he could see the queen of spades, with that stupid Mona Lisa smile on her fat face, slapping triumphantly down on his knave---the queen, as his partner had so sharply reminded him, that had been so infallibly marked with South, and that had made the difference between a grand slam redoubled (drunkenly) for him, and four hundred points above the line for the opposition. In the end it had been a twenty-point rubber, £100 against him---important money.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    Badlands (1973), Terrence Malick. Martin Sheen, Sissy Spacek, Warren Oates.
    An impressionable teenage girl from a dead-end town and her older greaser boyfriend embark on a killing spree in the South Dakota badlands.


    Tidelands (2018), Stephen M. Irwin, Nathan Mayfield, Leigh McGrath. Charlotte Best, Marco Pigossi, Aaron Jakubenko.
    Follows Cal McTeer (Charlotte Best), a young woman who returns home to the small fishing village of Orphelin Bay after 10 years in juvenile detention. But her hometown is shrouded in mysteries, the greatest of which is the commune of outcasts who live in a hidden pocket of the bay: the Tidelanders.


    Bloodlands (2021, TV Series), Chris Brandon. James Nesbitt, Lorcan Cranitch, Charlene McKenna.
    Northern Irish police officer DCI Tom Brannick connects a kidnapping with an infamous cold case with enormous personal significance.


    Borderlands (2022), Eli Roth. Edgar Ramírez, Haley Bennett, Cate Blanchett,
    Jamie Lee Curtis, Jack Black, Gina Gershon, Kevin Hart, Cheyenne Jackson, Janina Gavankar.
    A feature film based on the popular video game set on the abandoned fictional planet of Pandora where people search for a mysterious relic. Lilith, an infamous outlaw with a mysterious past, reluctantly returns to her home planet of Pandora to find the missing daughter of the universe's most powerful S.O.B., Atlas.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 1 - "Take It Easy, Mr. Bond"
    "Place called Shrublands. Run by quite a famous man in his line---Wain, Joshua Wain. Remarkable chap. Sixty-five. Doesn't look a day over forty. He'll take good care of you. Very up-to-date equipment, and he's even got his own herb garden. Nice stretch of country. Near Washington in Sussex. And don't worry about your work here. Put it right out of your mind for a couple of weeks. I'll tell 009 to take care of the Section.''

    Bond couldn't believe his ears. He said, ``But, sir. I mean, I'm perfectly all right. Are you sure? I mean, is this really necessary?''

    "No.'' M smiled frostily. "Not necessary. Essential. If you want to stay in the double-O Section, that is. I can't afford to have an officer in that section who isn't one-hundred-per-cent fit.'' M lowered his eyes to the basket in front of him and took out a signal file. "That's all, 007.'' He didn't look up. The tone of voice was final.
    Chapter 2 - "Shrublands".
    James Bond slung his suitcase into the back of the old chocolate-brown Austin taxi and climbed into the front seat beside the foxy, pimpled young man in the black leather windcheater. The young man took a comb out of his breast pocket, ran it carefully through both sides of his duck-tail haircut, put the comb back in his pocket, then leaned forward and pressed the self-starter. The play with the comb, Bond guessed, was to assert to Bond that the driver was really only taking him and his money as a favor. It was typical of the cheap self-assertiveness of young labor since the war. This youth, thought Bond, makes about twenty pounds a week, despises his parents, and would like to be Tommy Steele. It's not his fault. He was born into the buyers' market of the Welfare State and into the age of atomic bombs and space flight. For him, life is easy and meaningless. Bond said, ``How far is it to Shrublands?''
    The young man snorted. "That's all you know. I mean''---he felt he had been too emphatic---"that's what we all thought. One of my pals, he's the son of the local doctor, talked the thing over with his dad--- in a roundabout way, sort of. And his dad said no. He said that this sort of diet and no drink and plenty of rest, what with the massage and the hot and cold sitz baths and what have you, he said that all clears the blood stream and tones up the system, if you get my meaning. Wakes the old goats up---makes 'em want to start cutting the mustard again, if you know the song by that Rosemary Clooney.''

    Bond laughed. He said, "Well, well. Perhaps there's something to the place after all.''

    A sign on the right of the road said: `"Shrublands. Gateway to Health. First right. Silence please. '' The road ran through a wide belt of firs and evergreens in a fold of the Downs. A high wall appeared and then an imposing, mock-battlemented entrance with a Victorian lodge from which a thin wisp of smoke rose straight up among the quiet trees. The young man turned in and followed a gravel sweep between thick laurel bushes. An elderly couple cringed off the drive at a blare from his klaxon and then on the right there were broad stretches of lawn and neatly flowered borders and a sprinkling of slowly moving figures, alone and in pairs, and behind them a redbrick Victorian monstrosity from which a long glass sun parlor extended to the edge of the grass.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    The Rack (1915), Emile Chautard. Alice BradyMilton SillsJune Elvidge
    Habitual unfaithful husband, Jack Freeman begins flirting with the coquettish Effie McKenzie, and so breaks up her marriage. Blanche Gordon, a friend of Jack's wife Louise, then comes to see Jack several times in order to plead with him to give up extramarital affairs and accept the responsibilities that go with being a husband. Blanche's husband Tom, however, misunderstands these meetings and insists on a separation. When Jack is murdered, all of the evidence implicates Tom. At the trial, though, Blanche tries to take the blame for the murder, thereby making Tom realize that she really does love him. Just as Tom is about to confess in order to save Blanche, Effie's husband breaks down and admits to being the killer, after which Tom and Blanche are reunited.


    The Rack (U.S. Steel Hour, 1955), Alex Segal. Rod Serling, writer. Wendell Corey, Keenan Wynn, Marshall Thompson.
    A decorated Korean War hero inexplicably collaborates with the enemy while interred in a POW camp and is court-martialed.


    The Rack (1956), Arnold Laven. Paul Newman, Wendell Corey, Walter Pidgeon, Edmond O'Brien, Anne Francis, Lee Marvin, Cloris Leachman.
    A decorated Korean War hero inexplicably collaborates with the enemy while interred in a POW camp and is court-martialed.


    Killer Rack (2015), Gregory Lamberson. Jessica Zwolak, Debbie Rochon, Paul McGinnis.
    Comedy about a woman suffering from low self esteem who gets breast enhancement surgery, unaware that her surgeon worships H.P. Lovecraft's elder gods, and the surgery is part of a diabolical plot to rule the world.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 2 - Shrublands
    "Thank you.'' Bond took the form and glanced at it. "What's traction, by the way?''

    "A mechanical device for stretching the spine. Very beneficial.'' Mr. Wain smiled indulgently. "Don't be worried by what some of the other patients tell you about it. They call it 'The Rack.' You know what wags some people are.''

    Chapter 3 - The Rack
    On the third day, after the massage and the shock of the sitz baths, Bond had on his program "Osteopathic Manipulation and Traction.'' He was directed to a new section of the basement, withdrawn and silent. When he opened the designated door he expected to find some hairy H-man waiting for him with flexed muscles. (H-man, he had discovered, stood for Health-man. It was the smart thing to call oneself if you were a naturopath.) He stopped in his tracks. The girl, Patricia something, whom he had not set eyes on since his first day, stood waiting for him beside the couch. He closed the door behind him and said, ``Good lord. Is this what you do?''
    She opened the door of a small anteroom, told Bond to put his things down on a chair, and pulled aside plastic curtains that formed a partition. Just inside the curtains was an odd-looking kind of surgical couch in leather and gleaming aluminum. Bond didn't like the look of it at all. While the girl fiddled with a series of straps attached to three upholstered sections that appeared to be on runners, Bond examined the contraption suspiciously. Below the couch was a stout electric motor on which a plate announced that this was the Hercules Motorized Traction Table. A power drive in the shape of articulated rods stretched upward from the motor to each of the three cushioned sections of the couch and terminated in tension screws to which the three sets of straps were attached. In front of the raised portion where the patient's head would lie, and approximately level with his face, was a large dial marked in lbs.-pressure up to 200. After 150 lbs. the numerals were in red. Below the headrest were grips for the patient's hands. Bond noted gloomily that the leather on the grips was stained with, presumably, sweat.

    ``Lie face downward here, please.'' The girl held the straps ready. Bond said obstinately, ``Not until you tell me what this thing does. I don't like the look of it.''

    The girl said patiently, ``This is simply a machine for stretching your spine. You've got mild spinal lesions. It will help to free those. And at the base of your spine you've got some right sacroiliac strain. It'll help that too. You won't find it bad at all. Just a stretching sensation. It's very soothing, really. Quite a lot of patients fall asleep.''

    ``This one won't,'' said Bond firmly. ``What strength are you going to give me? Why are those top figures in red? Are you sure I'm not going to be pulled apart?''

    The girl said with a touch of impatience, ``Don't be silly. Of course if there was too much tension it might be dangerous. But I shall be starting you only at 90 pounds and in a quarter of an hour I shall come and see how you're getting on and probably put you up to 120. Now come along. I've got another patient waiting.''

  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,883
    Excellent analysis, @RichardTheBruce.

    More food for thought:


    Licence to Rack.
  • Posts: 15,409
    The Rack? Sounds like the title of a porno featuring busty ladies.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    Tea and Sympathy (1956), Vincente Minnelli. Deborah Kerr, John Kerr, Leif Erickson.
    A new senior at a boy's prep school, finds himself harassed by the machismo culture of his classmates and the unfeelingly behavior by his father, only being treated with decency by his roommate and with affection by the coach's wife.


    Blood Tea and Red String (2006), Christiane Cegavske.
    A handmade stop-motion fairy tale for adults that tells the tale of the struggle between the aristocratic White Mice and the rustic Creatures Who Dwell Under the Oak over the doll of their heart's desire.


    Animosity (2013), Brendan Steere. Stephan Goldbach, Michelle Jones, Alyssa Kempinski.
    A newlywed couple moves into a house in the middle of woods only to discover that the surrounding forest is host to sinister supernatural powers which turn them against each other.


    Tea With the Dames (2018), Roger Michell. Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Eileen Atkins, Joan Plowright.
    (Original title: Nothing Like a Dame)
    Dames Judi Dench, Eileen Atkins, Joan Plowright, and Maggie Smith get together for tea to reminisce and discuss their acting careers.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 4 - "Tea and Animosity".
    It is just as well that the body retains no memory of pain. Yes, it hurt, that abscess, that broken bone, but just how it hurt, and how much, is soon forgotten by the brain and the nerves. It is not so with pleasant sensations, a scent, a taste, the particular texture of a kiss. These things can be almost totally recalled. Bond, gingerly exploring his sensations as life came flooding back into his body, was astonished that the web of agony that had held his body so utterly had now completely dissolved. It was true that his whole spine ached as if it had been beaten, each vertebra separately, with wooden truncheons, but his pain was recognizable, something within his knowledge and therefore capable of control. The searing tornado that had entered his body and utterly dominated it, replacing his identity with its own, had gone. How had it been? What had it been like? Bond couldn't remember except that it had reduced him to something lower in the scale of existence than a handful of grass in the mouth of a tiger. The murmur of voices grew more distinct.

    ``But what told you first that something was wrong, Miss Fearing?''

    ``It was the noise, the noise of the machine. I had just finished a treatment. A few minutes later I heard it. I'd never heard it so loud. I thought perhaps the door had been left open. I wasn't really worried but I came along to make sure. And there it was. The indicator up to 200! I tore down the lever and got the straps off and ran to the surgery and found the coramine and injected it into the vein---one c.c, The pulse was terribly weak. Then I telephoned you.''
    The girl's voice said softly, ``I thought you'd come round. The whole tone of your skin suddenly changed. How are you feeling?''

    ``Wonderful. I'd be still better for a double whisky on the rocks.''

    The girl laughed. ``Mr. Wain did say dandelion tea would be best for you. But I thought a little stimulant might be good, I mean just this once. So I brought the brandy with me. And there's plenty of ice as I'm going to give you an ice-pack presently. Would you really like some? Wait, I'll put your dressing gown over you and then you can see if you can turn over. I'll look the other way.''

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    A lot on this one.

    Le spectre rouge (The Red Spectre, 1907), Segundo de Chomón, Ferdinand Zecca. Julienne Mathieu.
    A demonic magician attempts to perform his act in a strange grotto, but is confronted by a Good Spirit who opposes him.

    Watch here:

    Spectre (1977), Clive Donner. Samuel A. Peeples, Gene Roddenberry. Robert Culp, Gig Young, John Hurt.
    Renowned criminologist and occult investigator, William Sebastian recruits his old friend, Dr. Hamilton to assist in his current case. Anitra Cyon - sister of prominent British businessman Geoffrey Cyon, believes her brother's dabbling in the black arts. In turn, Geoffrey claims she's mentally unfit. Sebastian and Hamilton travel to the Cyon estate to investigate the matter. Complicating the issue is Sebastian's debilitating heart condition which was induced by his own experimentations with the black arts.


    Spectre (1980), Fangqian Chen. Shao Huifang, Wang Mingcheng, Shaokang Yu.
    Xia Zhenglan is a young beautiful ballerina, and bride. On her wedding night, her husband dies oddly which causes her to become mentally deranged. The police become suspicious of her actions which forces her to be drawn into the fight for her life.


    The Boogey Man (aka Spectre, 1980), Director. Suzanna Love, John Carradine, Ron James
    Through the reflection in the mirror, a girl witnesses her mother's boyfriend's murder.


    Specters (aka Spettri, 1987), Marcello Avallone. John R. Pepper, Trine Michelsen, Donald Pleasence.
    A US professor of archaeology and his young research team uncover a sealed ancient pagan tomb under the mausoleum of the real life Roman Emperor Domitian. This unleashes an evil deity that starts haunting people involved with the dig.


    Spectres (2004), Phil Leirness. Marina Sirtis, Dean Haglund, Tucker Smallwood, David Hedison, Linda Park.
    KELLY is a beautiful young 16-year old who, like many teenagers, feels her life has become unbearably dark and depressed. Unable to make a meaningful connection with anyone around her, least of all her workaholic mom LAURA LEE, Kelly decides she'd rather be with her dad, who died several years ago.


    Spectre (2006), Mateo Gil. Juan José Ballesta, Natalia Millán, Jordi Dauder.
    Películas para no dormir: Regreso a Moira
    An elderly writer visits the small village where he grew up and as he walks through he catches a glimpse of the same woman he fell in love with in his youth but she has not aged at all! He follows her, but is not ready for what he finds.


    Spectres (2012), Dan Barrios. Ava Cronin, Kevin Kingmaker, Frank Daniel Craven.
    When wayward hikers trespass through an ancient Native American burial ground, they soon discover they are being hunted by an unseen force and learn that using Native American guerrilla fighting tactics could become the key to survival.


    Specters (aka Reel Evil, 2012), Danny Draven. Jessica Morris, Kaiwi Lyman, Jeff Adler.
    Struggling filmmakers - Kennedy, Cory and James - finally catch the break they were looking for when they are hired to shoot a 'behind-the-scenes' documentary for a major studio production. But their dream job quickly turns into a nightmare when they explore the legendary, haunted location and find something far worse than anything Hollywood could create. Terror becomes reality for the filmmakers as they uncover the malevolent secrets of the hospital, and the sinister doctor who once ran it. Trapped inside the hospital with no apparent way out, our crew is tormented by the evil, unspeakable fear.


    Specter (2012), Jordan Graham. Corey Ankele, Kaitlin Ankele, Adrian Cavlan.
    A supernatural thriller containing real natural disasters intertwined with a narrative story that will keep you guessing until the very end.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 5 - S.P.E.C.T.R.E..
    The twenty men who looked up the long table at this man and waited patiently for him to speak were a curious mixture of national types. But they had certain characteristics in common. They were all in the thirty-to-forty age-group, they all looked extremely fit, and nearly all of them---there were two who were different---had quick, hard, predatory eyes, the eyes of the wolves and the hawks that prey upon the herd. The two who were different were both scientists with scientists' other-worldly eyes---Kotze, the East German physicist who had come over to the West five years before and had exchanged his secrets for a modest pension and retirement in Switzerland, and Maslov, formerly Kandinsky, the Polish electronics expert who, in 1956, had resigned as head of the radio research department of Philips AG of Eindhoven and had then disappeared into obscurity. The other eighteen men consisted of cells of three (Blofeld accepted the Communist triangle system for security reasons) from six national groups and, within these groups, from six of the world's great criminal and subversive organizations. There were three Sicilians from the top echelon of the Unione Siciliano, the Mafia; three Corsican Frenchmen from the Union Corse, the secret society contemporary with and similar to the Mafia that runs nearly all organized crime in France; three former members of SMERSH, the Soviet organization for the execution of traitors and enemies of the State that had been disbanded on the orders of Khrushchev in 1958 and replaced by the Special Executive Department of the M.W.D.; three of the top surviving members of the former Sonderdienst of the Gestapo; three tough Yugoslav operatives who had resigned from Marshal Tito's Secret Police, and three highland Turks (the Turks of the plains are no good) formerly members of Blofeld's RAHIR and subsequently responsible for KRYSTAL, the important Middle East heroin pipeline whose outlet is Beirut.
    These eighteen men, all experts in conspiracy, in the highest ranges of secret communication and action and, above all, of silence, also shared one supreme virtue---every man had a solid cover. Every man possessed a valid passport with up-to-date visas for the principal countries in the world, and an entirely clean sheet with Interpol and with their respective national police forces. That factor alone, the factor of each man's cleanliness after a lifetime in big crime, was his highest qualification for membership of S.P.E.C.T.R.E.---The Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion.

    The founder and chairman of this private enterprise for private profit was Ernst Stavro Blofeld.
    Chapter 7 - Fasten Your Lap-Strap
    The envelope, prefixed ``PERSONAL AND MOST IMMEDIATE,'' was addressed to the Prime Minister, by name, at No. 10, Downing Street, Whitehall, London, sw1. Every detail of the address was correct down to the final ``P.C.'' to denote that the Prime Minister was a Privy Councillor. The punctuation was meticulous. The stamp was postmarked Brighton, 8:30 a.m. on June 3. It crossed Bond's mind that the letter might therefore have been posted under cover of night and that it would probably have been delivered some time in the early afternoon of the same day, yesterday. A typewriter with a bold, rather elegant type had been used. This fact, together with the generous 5-by-7 ½-inch envelope and the spacing and style of the address, gave a solid, businesslike impression. The back of the envelope showed nothing but fingerprints. There was no sealing wax.

    The letter, equally correct and well laid out, ran as follows:

    Mr Prime Minister,

    You should be aware, or you will be if you communicate with the Chief of the Air Staff, that, since approximately 10 p.m. yesterday, 2nd June, a British aircraft carrying two atomic weapons is overdue on a training flight.
    The aircraft is Villiers Vindicator O/NBR from No. 5 R.A.F. Experimental Squadron based at Boscombe Down. The Ministry of Supply Identification Numbers on the atomic weapons are MOS/bd/654/Mk V. and MOS/ bd/655/Mk V. There are also U.S.A.F. Identification Numbers in such profusion and of such prolixity that I will not weary you with them.

    This aircraft was on a NATO training flight with a crew or five and one observer. It carried sufficient fuel for ten hours' flying at 600 m.p.h. at a mean altitude of 40,000 feet.

    This aircraft, together with the two atomic weapons, is now in the possession of this organization. The crew and the observer are deceased and you have our authority to inform the next-of-kin accordingly, thus assisting you in preserving, on the grounds that the aircraft has crashed, the degree of secrecy you will no doubt wish to maintain and which will be equally agreeable to ourselves. The whereabouts of this aircraft and of the two atomic weapons, rendering them possible of recovery, will be communicated to you in exchange for the equivalent of £100,000,000 in gold bullion, one thousand, or not less than nine hundred and ninety-nine, fine. Instructions for the delivery of the gold are contained in the attached memorandum. A further condition is that the recovery and disposal of the gold will not be hampered and that a free pardon, under your personal signature and that of the President of the United States, will be issued in the name of this organization and all its members.

    Failure to accept these conditions within seven days from 5 p.m. G.M.T. on June 3rd, 1959---i.e. not later than 5 p.m. G.M.T. on June 10th, 1959---will have the following consequences. Immediately after that date a piece of property belonging to the Western Powers, valued at not less than the aforesaid £100,000,000, will be destroyed. There will be loss of life. If, within 48 hours after this warning, willingness to accept our terms is still not communicated, there will ensue, without further warning, the destruction of a major city situated in an undesignated country of the world. There will be very great loss of life. Moreover, between the two occurrences, this organization will reserve to itself the right to communicate to the world the 48-hour time limit. This measure, which will cause widespread panic in every major city, will be designed to hasten your hand.
    This, Mr. Prime Minister, is a single and final communication. We shall await your reply, every hour on the hour G.M.T., on the 16-megacycle waveband.



    (The Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion)

    James Bond read through the letter again and put it carefully down on the desk in front of him. He then turned to the second page, a detailed memorandum for the delivery of the gold.

    A mix of notional and real covers.

  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited September 2021 Posts: 14,883


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    Yeah good to recognize, @QBranch. No chapter titles from Fleming, though. But a doppelgänger. Or at least homonym. Which lets me recall Spectreville and other mentions.

    No true film title found.

    Inspektor (1965), Milo Djukanovic. Slobodan 'Cica' Perovic, Snezana Niksic, Ljubisa .
    Having used someone else's I.D. he had found in a barber shop, Boda is mistakenly being proclaimed an inspector. He finds himself in all sorts of adventures, discovers some big machinations in one company and helps in catching the deceiver.

    From Russia With Love, Ian Fleming, 1956.
    Chapter 10 - The Fuse Burns
    There must be no crowding of our apparat there, no congestion, no unusual activity. We will warn all departments that wireless traffic with Turkey is to be kept absolutely normal before and during the operation. We don't want the British interceptors smelling a rat. The Cipher Department has agreed that there is no Security objection to handing over the outer case of a Spektor machine. That will be attractive. The machine will go to the Special Devices section. They will handle its preparation.'
    Chapter 12 - A Piece of Cake
    That glitter in M's eyes, thought Bond. How well he knew those moments when M's cold eyes betrayed their excitement and their greed.

    'She had a last card to play. And she knew it was the ace of trumps. If she could come over to us, she would bring her cipher machine with her. It's a brand new Spektor machine. The thing we'd give our eyes to have.'

    'God,' said Bond softly, his mind boggling at the immensity of the prize. The Spektor! The machine that would allow them to decipher the Top Secret traffic of all. To have that, even if its loss was immediately discovered and the settings changed, or the machine taken out of service in Russian embassies, and spy centres all over the world, would be a priceless victory. Bond didn't know much about cryptography, and, for security's sake, in case he was ever captured, wished to know as little as possible about its secrets, but at least he knew that, in the Russian secret service, loss of the Spektor would be counted a major disaster.

    Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, 1959.
    Chapter 9 - The Cup and the Lip
    Bond swallowed. Blast his eyes! How the hell had Goldfinger managed that? Now, out of sour grapes, Bond must try for his two. He went for it, missed the hole by an inch and rolled a good yard past. Hell and damnation! Bond walked slowly up to the putt, knocking Goldfinger's ball away. Come on, you bloody fool! But the spectre of the big swing - from an almost certain one up to a possible one down - made Bond wish the ball into the hole instead of tapping it in. The coaxed ball, lacking decision, slid past the lip. One down!

    Now Bond was angry with himself. He, and he alone, had lost that hole. He had taken three putts from twenty feet. He really must pull himself together and get going.

    Diamonds Are Foreverr, Ian Fleming, 1954.
    Chapter 18 - Night Falls in the Passion Pit
    Bond laughed. "What's he spend it on besides that?" he asked.

    "He's daft," said the driver. "He's crazy about the Old West. Bought himself a whole ghost town way out on Highway 95. He's shored the place up-wooden sidewalks, a fancy saloon, clapboard hotel where he rooms the boys, even the old railroad station. Way back in '05 or thereabouts, this dump--Spectreville it's called seeing how it's right alongside the Spectre range--was a rarin' silver camp. For around three years they dug millions out of those mountains and a spur line took the stuff into Rhyolite, mebbe fifty miles away. That's another famous ghost town.

    Tourist centre now. Got a house made out of whisky bottles. Used to be the railhead where the stuff got shipped to the coast. Well, Spang bought himself one of the old locos, one of the old 'Highland Lights' if y'ever heard of the engine, and one of the first Pullman state coaches, and he keeps them there in the station at Spectreville and weekends he takes his pals for a run into Rhyolite and back. Drives the train himself. Champagne and caviar, orchestra, girls-the works. Must be something. But I never seen it. Ya can't get near the place. Yessir," the driver let down the side window and spat emphatically into the road, "that's how Mister Spang spends his money. Daft, like I said."

    So that explained it, thought Bond. That was why he had heard nothing from Mr Spang or his friends all through the day. Friday, and they would all be out at the boss's place playing trains, while he had swum and slept and hung about the Tiara all day waiting for something to happen.
    Chapter 19 - Spectreville
    Bond was still rehearsing imaginary conversations with Mr Spang when, after two hours' driving, he felt the speed of the car coming down. He lifted his head above the dashboard. They were coasting up to a section of high wire fence with a gate in it and a big notice lit up by their single spotlight. It said : SPECTREVILLE. CITY LIMITS. DO NOT ENTER. DANGEROUS DOGS. The Car drew up below the notice and beside an iron post embedded in concrete. On the post there was a bellpush and a small iron grill and, written in red : RING AND STATE YOUR BUSINESS.
    Four people had come into the saloon. They were standing in line with their backs to the mahogany-and-brass bar behind which ranks of gleaming bottles rose to the ceiling. Bond had no idea how long they had been there.

    A step in front of the other three stood the leading citizen of Spectreville, resplendent, motionless, dominant.

    Mr Spang was dressed in full Western costume down to the long, silver spurs on his polished back boots. The costume, and the broad, leather chaps that covered his legs, were in black, picked out and embellished with silver. The big, quiet hands rested on the ivory butts of two long-barrelled revolvers which protruded from a holster down each thigh, and the broad, black belt from which they hung was ribbed with ammunition.
    Mr Spang should have looked ridiculous, but he didn't. His big head was thrust slightly forward and his eyes were cold, fierce slits.

    On Mr Spang's right, with her hands on her hips, was Tiffany Case. In a Western dress of white and gold, she looked like something out of Annie Get Your Gun. She stood and watched Bond. Her eyes were shining. Her full red lips were slightly parted and she was panting as if she had been kissed.
    Chapter 20 - Flames Coming Out of the Top
    For a while they drove on with only the purr of the little engine and the clickety-click of the wheels to break the looming silence of the night. For as far as they could see, the thin silver line of the rails spun on towards the horizon with only an occasional break, marked by a points lever, where a rusty branch line curved off into the dark mass of the Spectre Mountains on their right. To their left, there was nothing except the endless floor of the desert on which the hint of dawn was beginning to edge the writhing cactus clumps with blue, and, two miles away, the gun-metal shimmer of the moon on Highway 95.
    Bond's gun shouted its four words. There was a lightning impression of a white face jerked up towards the sky and then the great black-and-gold engine was past and hurtling towards the shadowy wall of the Spectre Mountains, the beam of its pilot-light scything at the darkness ahead and its automatic warning-bell clanging sadly on, ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong.

    Bond slowly tucked the Beretta into his trousers and stood looking after the coffin of Mr Spang, and the trail of smoke drifted over his head and for a moment put out the moon.

    Tiffany Case came running to him and they stood side by side and watched the flaming banner from the tall smoke-stack and listened to the mountains throw back the echo of the charging locomotive.
    Chapter 21 - "Nothing Propinks Like Propinquity"
    "... and when I get into town I call my friend Ernie Cureo. James knows him. And his wife is having hysterics and Ernie's in the hospital. So I go right along and he tells me the score and I figure that James may need some reinforcements. So I jump on my coal-black mare and gallop through the night and when I get near to Spectreville I see the light in the sky. Mr Spang's having himself a barbecue, I figure. And the gate in the fence is open so I decide to join the feast. Well, believe me or believe me not, there's not a soul in the place except a guy with a busted leg and multiple contusions, who's crawling down the road trying to get away. And he looks to me mighty like a young hood called Frasso from Detroit Ernie Cureo tells me was one of the guys that took James. The fellow's in no state to deny this and I more or less get the picture and I figure that Rhyolite's my next stop. So I tell the kid he'll soon be having plenty of company from the Fire Department and I take him to the gate and leave him there and then after a while there's a girl standing in the middle of the desert looking as if she's been fired out of a cannon and here we all are. And now you tell."

    So it's not all part of a dream and I am lying in the back of the Studillac and this is Tiffany's lap under my head and that is Felix and we are going hell for leather down the road to safety, a doctor, a bath, some food and drink and an endless amount of sleep. Bond moved and he felt Tiffany's hand in his hair to tell it was all real and just like he hoped, and he lay still again and said nothing and held each moment to him and listened to their voices and the zip of the tyres on the road.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    Heaven Scent (1955), Chuck Jones. Mel Blanc.
    On the French Riviera, a female cat is frightened by sudden outbursts of barking by every dog around her. So, to scare them away, she paints her back with a white stripe like that of a skunk. The dogs, on seeing her stripe, run away and hide in fright. But she doesn't receive the peace she'd expected, because Pepe Le Pew, the amorous French skunk, sees her, thinks she's a girl skunk, and tries to make love to her.

    Watch opening here:

    Who Scent You? (1960), Chuck Jones. Mel Blanc.
    A female cat wants to board a French cruise ship. Prior to the ship's departure, she crawls under a freshly-painted, white metal gate and sneaks aboard. The paint from the gate has given her a white stripe on her back that causes everyone to think she's a skunk. An amorous skunk, Pepe Le Pew, spots her from shore and runs underwater to the ship, which has by now been abandoned by frightened crew and passengers, and climbs aboard. Pepe tries to woo the female cat, who runs away from him when she smells his odor. Pepe chases her around and around the ship.

    Watch opening here:

    Profumo di donna (aka Scent of a Woman, 1974), Dino Risi. From the Giovanni Arpino novel Il Buio E Il Miele. Vittorio Gassman, Alessandro Momo, Agostina Belli.
    An army cadet accompanies an irascible, blind captain on a week-long trip from Turin to Naples. The captain, Fausto, who wants no pity, brooks no disagreement, and charges into every situation, nicknames the youth Ciccio ("Babyfat"), and spends the next few days ordering him about and generally behaving badly in public. In Rome, Fausto summons a priest to ask for his blessing; in Naples, where Fausto joins a blind lieutenant for drinking and revelry, the two soldiers talk quietly and seriously about "going through with it." Also in Naples is Sara, in love with Fausto, but treated cruelly by him. What do the blind soldiers plan? Can Sara soften Fausto's hardened heart?


    L'odore della notte (aka The Scent of the Night, 1998), Claudio Caligari. Valerio Mastandrea, Marco Giallini, Giorgio Tirabassi.
    A former policeman turns full-time criminal and goes on a downward spiral of crime in the 1990s Rome.


    Scent of a Woman (1992), Martin Brest. From the Giovanni Arpino novel Il Buio E Il Miele. Al Pacino, Chris O'Donnell, James Rebhorn.
    A prep school student needing money agrees to "babysit" a blind man, but the job is not at all what he anticipated.


    Un dulce olor a muerte (aka A Sweet Scent of Death, 1999), Gabriel Retes. Diego Luna, Laila Saab, Karra Elejalde.
    Early morning in the oat fields of Carranco, Ramón runs into the dead body of his secret teenage love Adela. After he covers her naked body with his shirt, the gossip in town is that Ramón's girlfriend is been found murdered. Meanwhile, the Gitano (the gypsy) has left Carranco after a night of love and sex with Gabriela, suddenly interrupted by a flash light of an unknown bearer. That night at the local bar, where Justino, the town sheriff and other regular costumers discuss what should be done, La Amistad, pointing his flashlight to them shouts "el gitano murdered the girl". Marcelino, a bitter old man pushes Ramón to avenge his "girlfriend"'s murder. Now Ramón will have to prove to the people in his town that he's now a man or leave the town in shame.


    Scents and Sensibility (2011), Brian Brough. Ashley Williams,Marla Sokoloff, Nick Zano.
    Two sisters find that they have to make their own way in the world after their father is jailed. Elinor is a cleaner in a spa. Marianne works for a marketing company but she also makes scented lotions, which turn out to be a real winner.


    L'odeur de la mandarine (aka The Scent of Madarin, 2015), Gilles Legrand. Olivier Gourmet, Georgia Scalliet, Dimitri Storoge.
    During World War I, a home care nurse treats a man who lost one leg on the front lines. A strong bond arises between them and evolves into a passionate love affair.


    The Scent of Betrayal (2020), Ivey Smith. Matt Brown, Nicole Epper, Darrin Miller.
    When Marcus DeClairmont leaves his wife, Rose, for another woman, he sets in motion a chain of events that will lead to murder, betrayal and a bizarre revenge plot.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 6 - Violet-Scented Breath.
    Blofeld completed his inspection of the faces. As he had anticipated, only one pair of eyes had slid away from his. He had known he was right. The double-checked reports had been entirely circumstantial, but his own eyes and his intuition had to be the seal. He slowly put both hands under the table. One hand remained flat on his thigh. The other went to a side pocket and drew out a thin gold vinaigrette and placed it on the table in front of him. He prised open the lid with his thumbnail, took out a violet-scented cachou, and slipped it into his mouth. It was his custom, when unpleasant things had to be said, to sweeten his breath.

    Blofeld tucked the cachou under his tongue and began to talk in a soft, resonant, and very beautifully modulated voice.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,140
    All About Eve (1950), Joseph L. Mankiewicz.
    Margo Channing: Fasten your seatbelts. It's gonna be a bumpy night.

    Fasten Your Seat Belts (Escale à Orly, aka Danger Flight 931,aka Intermediate Landing in Paris, aka Zwischenlandung in Paris, 1955), Jean Dréville. Dany Robin, Dieter Borsche, Simone Renant.
    De jonge Parijse stewardess, Michèle, droomt van een leven samen met de Amerikaanse piloot Eddie, waar haar oom Petit niet van gecharmeerd is. Wanneer Petit, zonder het te weten, een meedogenloze drugssmokkelaar op het spoor komt, brengt hij niet alleen zichzelf maar ook Eddie in de problemen.
    The young Parisian stewardess, Michèle, dreams of a life with the American pilot Eddie, from whom her uncle Petit is not charmed. When Petit, unknowingly, finds a ruthless drug smuggler, he's not only himself but Eddie in trouble.


    Fasten Your Seatbelt (Rol-lu-ko-seu-tu, 2013), Ha Jung-woo. Kim Byeong-Ok, Kyoo-Hwan Choi, Ma Dong-seok
    Movie star Ma Jun-gyu, who earned fame for his delightfully foul-mouthed role in the film, "The F-word Man," is as big a walking scandal as he is star. When yet another scandal hits newsstands while he’s in Japan, his fed-up girlfriend gives him an ultimatum. With his dim-witted agent constantly saying the wrong thing through the entire the drive to the airport, Ma is pushed to the verge of exploding. The fact that he has a fear of flying doesn't help the situation. The flight that Ma will be taking brings together a hilariously oddball group of passengers and crew. They include the yoga-practicing and beer-guzzling pilots, foul-mouthed flight attendants, a man with a troubled bowel, a continuously chanting Buddhist monk and overly amorous newlyweds among others. Everyone is excited to be on the same flight as a superstar, taking the already stressful flight to new heights for the easily irritated actor.


    Fasten Your Seatbelts (Allacciate le cinture, 2014), Ferzan Ozpetek. Kasia Smutniak, Francesco Arca, Filippo Scicchitano.
    Elena (Kasia Smutniak) and Antonio (Francesco Arca) seem not to be made for each other. They are too different in terms of character, life choices, worldview, and the way they relate to others. They are total opposites. However, they are overwhelmed by a mutual attraction they're trying hard to avoid; but to which they succumb to. This dramedy on relationships also gets a very credible performance from Paola Miraccione, who plays the tragic, albeit funny, character Egle.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 2 - "Fasten Your Lap-Strap".
    The Chief of Staff was standing over Miss Moneypenny. He was handing her signals from a large sheaf and giving her, routing instructions. "CIA Washington, Personal for Dulles. Cipher Triple X by Teleprinter. Mathis, Deuxième Bureau. Same prefix and route. Station F for Head of NATO Intelligence. Personal. Standard route through Head of Section. This one by Safe Hand to Head of M.I.5, Personal, copy to Commissioner of Police, Personal, and these''---he handed over a thick batch---"Personal to Heads of Stations from M. Cipher Double X by Whitehall Radio and Portishead. All right? Clear them as quick as you can, there's a good girl. There'll be more coming. We're in for a bad day.''

    Miss Moneypenny smiled cheerfully. She liked what she called the shot-and-shell days. It reminded her of when she had started in the Service as a junior in the Cipher Department. She leaned over and pressed the switch on the intercom, "007's here, sir.'' She looked up at Bond. "You're off.'' The Chief of Staff grinned and said, "Fasten your lap-strap.'' The red light went on above M's door. Bond walked through.

    Here it was entirely peaceful. M sat relaxed, sideways to his desk looking out of the broad window at the distant glittering fretwork of London's skyline. He glanced up. "Sit down, 007. Have a look at these.'' He reached out and slid some foolscap-sized photostats across the desk. "Take your time.'' He picked up his pipe and began to fill it, absent-minded fingers dipping into the shell-base tobacco jar at his elbow.

    Bond picked up the top photostat. It showed the front and back of an addressed envelope, dusted for fingerprints, which were all over its surface.

    M glanced sideways. "Smoke if you like.''

  • Fire_and_Ice_ReturnsFire_and_Ice_Returns I am trying to get away from this mountan!
    Posts: 25,630

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited September 2021 Posts: 14,140
    Power Play (1978), Martyn Burke. Peter O'Toole, David Hemmings, Donald Pleasence.
    A group of military officers, angered and frustrated by the corruption and repression of the current government, finally decide that for the good of the country they must overthrow the regime. However, the planned coup's leader, an infantry colonel, finds that in order to get the support he needs he must work with people he neither respects nor trusts, and soon comes to believe that their main opponent, the country's fearsome chief of the secret police, has planted a spy in their midst.

    I'd see that Bond film, @Fire_and_Ice_Returns.

    Powerplay (1999), Chris Baugh. Shannon Tweed, James Richer, Danielle Ciardi.
    A beautiful blonde con-woman and martial artist seduces wealthy bachelors and grifts them out of their money using her wiles and deadly force if necessary.

    Power Play (1994), Rocky Lane. Marietta DePrima, Ken Olandt, Hagan Beggs.
    Robbie Steele, ambitious Vancouver attorney, wants to win at all costs. She needs a former pro hockey star to sign with her client's struggling team.

    Power Play (2003), Joseph Zito. Dylan Walsh, Alison Eastwood, Tobin Bell.
    A reporter attempts to figure out why there has been an energy crisis in the United States. Complicating matters are a series of aftershocks from a powerful earthquake, strangers firing weapons at him, and the disappearance of some workers attempting to investigate businesses who have harmed the environment.

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