Film titles that sound like Bond movies/books



  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited October 2021 Posts: 14,142

    "On Poetry: A Rapsody", Jonathan Swift, 1733.
    “The Vermin only teaze and pinch
    Their Foes superior by an Inch.
    So, Nat'ralists observe, a Flea
    Hath smaller Fleas
    that on him prey,
    And these have smaller yet to bite 'em,
    And so proceed ad infinitum:
    Thus ev'ry Poet, in his Kind
    Is bit by him that comes behind”

    A Budget of Paradoxes, Augustas De Morgan, 1872. (From Jonathan Swift)
    Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em,
    And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum.
    And the great fleas themselves, in turn, have greater fleas to go on;
    While these again have greater still, and greater still, and so on.

    Thundering Fleas (1926), Robert F. McGowan. Oliver Hardy, Charley Chase, Joe Cobb.
    The kids from Our Gang have to attend a wedding, and they bring along their flea collection--which gets loose.


    The Villains - Big Fleas Have Little Fleas (Television, 19 June 1964), Stuart Latham. Roger Adamson, Jack Austin, Michael Barrington.


    Mickey Dunne - Big Fleas, Little Fleas (Season 1, Episode 1, 1967), Antony Kearey. Dinsdale Landen, Gábor Baraker, Clive Cazes.


    The View from Daniel Pike - Big Fleas, Little Fleas (Season 2, Episode 1, 1972), Roderick Graham. Roddy McMillan, Adrienne Corri, Donald Douglas.
    The Clearances seem to have come to Scotland again and Pike finds himself working on the side of the villains.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 8 - "Big Fleas Have Little Fleas
    Bond said, "What is there to go on, sir?''

    "Damned little, practically speaking nothing. Nobody's ever heard of these SPECTRE people. We know there's some kind of independent unit working in Europe---we've bought some stuff from them, so have the Americans, and Mathis admits now that Goltz, that French heavy-water scientist who went over last year, was assassinated by them, for big money, as a result of an offer he got out of the blue. No names were mentioned. It was all done on the radio, the same 16 megacycles that's mentioned in the letter. To the Deuxième Communications section. Mathis accepted on the off-chance. They did a neat job. Mathis paid up---a suitcase full of money left at a Michelin road sign on N1. But no one can tie them in with these SPECTRE people. When we and the Americans dealt, there were endless cutouts, really professional ones, and anyway we were more interested in the end product than the people involved. We both paid a lot of money, but it was worth it. If it's the same group working this, they're a serious outfit and I've told the P.M. so. But that's not the point. The plane is missing and the two bombs, just as the letter says. All details exactly correct. The Vindicator was on a NATO training flight south of Ireland and out into the Atlantic.'' M reached for a bulky folder and turned over some pages. He found what he wanted. ``Yes, it was to be a six-hour flight leaving Boscombe Down at eight p.m. and due back at two a.m. There was an R.A.F. crew of five and a NATO observer, an Italian, man called Petacchi, Giuseppi Petacchi, squadron leader in the Italian Air Force, seconded to NATO. Fine flyer, apparently, but they're checking on his background now. He was sent over here on a normal tour of duty. The top pilots from NATO have been coming over for months to get used to the Vindicator and the bomb-release routines. This plane's apparently going to be used for the NATO long-range striking force. Anyway''---M turned over a page---"the plane was watched on the screen as usual and all went well until it was west of Ireland at about forty thousand feet. Then, contrary to the drill, it came down to around thirty thousand and got lost in the transatlantic air traffic. Bomber Command tried to get in touch, but the radio couldn't or wouldn't answer. The immediate reaction was that the Vindicator had hit one of the transatlantic planes and there was something of a panic. But none of the companies reported any trouble or even a sighting.'' M looked across at Bond. "And that was the end of it. The plane just vanished.''

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Requiem for a Heavyweight (1962), Ralph Nelson. Anthony Quinn, Jackie Gleason, Mickey Rooney. Rod Serling, writer.
    Knockout performances by Anthony Quinn, Jackie Gleason, Mickey Rooney and Julie Harris highlight this hard-hitting drama of corruption in the ring. Featuring Muhammad Ali.


    Requiem pour un vampire (1972), Jean Rollin. Marie-Pierre Castel, Mireille Dargent, Philippe Gasté.
    Two girls on the run get lost in the French countryside, and wind up in a haunted chateau occupied by an ailing vampire and his servants.


    Requiem pour un massacre - Va et regarde (Requiem for a massacre - Go and see, 1985), Elem Klimov. Aleksey Kravchenko, Olga Mironova, Liubomiras Laucevicius.
    After finding an old rifle, a young boy joins the Soviet resistance movement against ruthless German forces and experiences the horrors of World War II.


    Requiem for a Dream (2000), Darren Aronofsky. Ellen Burstyn, Jared Leto, Jennifer Connelly.
    The drug-induced utopias of four Coney Island people are shattered when their addictions run deep.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 9 - Multiple Requiem
    So far as SPECTRE was concerned, Plan Omega had gone exactly as Blofeld had known it would and Phases I to III in their entirety had been completed on schedule and without a hitch.

    Giuseppe Petacchi, the late Giuseppe Petacchi, had been well chosen. At the age of eighteen he had been co-pilot of a Fockewulf 200 from the Adriatic anti-submarine patrol, one of the few hand-picked Italian airmen who had been allowed to handle these German planes. The group was issued with the latest German pressure mines charged with the new Hexogen explosive just when the tide had turned in the Allied battle up the spine of Italy. Petacchi had known where his destiny lay and had gone into business for himself. On a routine patrol, he had shot the pilot and the navigator, very carefully, with one .38 bullet in the back of the head for each of them, and had brought the big plane skimming in, just above the waves to avoid the antiaircraft fire, to the harbor of Bari. Then he had hung his shirt out of the cockpit as a token of surrender and had waited for the R.A.F. launch. He had been decorated by the English and the Americans for this exploit and had been awarded £10,000 from special funds for his presentation to the Allies of the pressure mine. He had told a highly colored story to the Intelligence people of having been a one-man resistance ever since he had been old enough to join the Italian Air Force, and he emerged at the end of the war as one of Italy's most gallant resistance heroes. From then on life had been easy---pilot and later captain in Alitalia when it got going again, and then back into the new Italian Air Force as colonel. His secondment to NATO followed and then his appointment as one of the six Italians chosen for the Advance Striking Force. But he was now thirty-four, and it occurred to him that he had had just about enough of flying. He especially did not care for the idea of being part of the spearhead of NATO defenses. It was time for younger men to provide the heroics. And all his life he had had a passion for owning things---flashy, exciting, expensive things. He had most of what he desired---a couple of gold cigarette cases, a solid gold Rolex Oyster Perpetual Chronometer on a flexible gold bracelet, a white convertible Lancia Gran Turismo, plenty of sharp clothes, and all the girls he wanted (he had once been briefly married but it had not been a success). Now he desired, and what he desired he often got, a particular Ghia-bodied 3500 G.T. Maserati he had seen at the Milan motor show. He also wanted Out---out of the pale green corridors of NATO, out of the Air Force, and, therefore, off to new worlds with a new name. Rio de Janeiro sounded just right. But all this meant a new passport, plenty of money, and ``organismo''---the vital ``organismo.''

    The organismo turned up, and turned up bearing just those gifts that Petacchi lusted for. It came in the shape of an Italian named Fonda who was at that time No. 4 in SPECTRE and who had been casing the personnel of NATO, via Versailles and Paris night clubs and restaurants, for just such a man. It had taken one whole very careful month to prepare the bait and inch it forward toward the fish and, when it was finally presented, No. 4 had been almost put off by the greed with which it had been gobbled.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    The Flying Saucer (1950), Mikel Conrad. Mikel Conrad, Pat Garrison, Hantz von Teuffen.
    Both the CIA and KGB investigate UFOs in Alaska: friend or foe?


    Il disco volante (1964), Tinto Brass. Alberto Sordi, Monica Vitti, Eleonora Rossi Drago.
    An exasperated police inspector receives different eyewitness accounts surrounding a downed saucer and its female occupant.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 10 - The Disco Volante
    On board the yacht, No. 1 put down his night glasses, took a Charvet handerkerchief out of the breast pocket of his white sharkskin jacket and dabbed gently at his forehead and temples. The musky scent of Schiaparelli's Snuff was reassuring, reminding him of the easy side of life, of Dominetta who would now be sitting down to dinner---everyone kept Spanish hours in Nassau and cocktails would not have finished before ten---with the raffish but rather gay Saumurs and their equally frivolous guests, of the early game that would already be under way at the Casino, of the calypsos thudding into the night from the bars and night clubs on Bay Street. He put the handkerchief back in his pocket. But this also was good---this wonderful operation! Like clockwork! He glanced at his watch. Just ten-fifteen. The plane had been a bare thirty minutes late, a nasty half-hour to have to wait, but the landing had been perfect. Vargas had done a good quick job on the Italian pilot---what was his name?---so that now they were running only fifteen minutes late. If the recovery group didn't have to use oxyacetylene cutters to get out the bombs, they would soon make that up. But one mustn't expect no hitch at all. There was a good eight hours of darkness to go. Calm, method, efficiency, in that order. Calm, method, efficiency. No. 1 ducked down off the bridge and went into the radio cabin. It smelled of sweat and tension. Anything from the Nassau control tower? Any report of a low-flying plane? Of a possible crash into the sea off Bimini? Then keep watching and get me No. 2. Quick, please. It's just on the quarter.

    No. 1 lit a cigarette and watched the yacht's big brain get to work, scanning the ether, listening, searching.
    1952 Alfa Romeo 1900 C52 Disco Volante

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142

    The Domino Principle (1977), Stanley Kramer. Gene Hackman, Candice Bergen, Richard Widmark.
    A Vietnam War veteran, imprisoned for murder, is offered his freedom if he accepts to undertake a contract killing for a shady organization.


    Domino (1988), Ivana Massetti. Brigitte Nielsen, Tomas Arana, Kim Rossi Stuart.
    A girl in the video industry travels with a jeweled turtle and makes Billie Holliday videos. Though having relations with some of her friends, she is looking for love. She begins getting calls from a stranger who tells her not to worry, that he'll watch over her. But when she wants to meet him he does not show up.


    Domino (2005), Tony Scott. Mickey Rourke, Keira Knightley, Edgar Ramírez.
    A recounting of Domino Harvey's life story. The daughter of actor Laurence Harvey turned away from her career as a Ford model to become a bounty hunter.


    The Domino Effect (2012), Paula van der Oest. Harriet Walter, Theo James, Tiya Sircar.
    If global economy came to a sudden stop what would be the effect on families worldwide? People in different countries or continents might not seem to be interrelated but there is more than meets the eye and we might be more connected than we sometimes like to think.


    Domino (2019), Brian De Palma. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Søren Malling, Sus Wilkins.
    In a world wracked by terror and suspicion, Copenhagen police officer, Christian (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau), seeks justice for his partner's murder by an ISIS member named Imran. On the hunt for the killer, Christian and a fellow cop are unwittingly caught in a cat and mouse chase with a duplicitous CIA agent (Guy Pearce) who is using Imran as a pawn to trap other ISIS members. Soon Christian is racing against the clock -- not only seeking revenge, but to save his own life.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 11 - Domino
    The girl in the sapphire blue MG two-seater shot down the slope of Parliament Street and at the junction with Bay Street executed an admirable racing change through third into second. She gave a quick glance to the right, correctly estimated the trot of the straw-hatted horse in the shafts of the rickety cab with the gay fringe, and swerved out of the side street left-handed. The horse jerked back his head indignantly and the coachman stamped his foot up and down on the big Bermuda bell. The disadvantage of the beautiful deep ting-tong, ting-tong of the Bermuda carriage bell is that it cannot possibly sound angry, however angrily you may sound it. The girl gave a cheerful wave of a sunburned hand, raced up the street in second, and stopped in front of the Pipe of Peace, the Dunhills of Nassau.

    Not bothering to open the low door of the MG, the girl swung one brown leg and then the other over the side of the car, showing her thighs under the pleated cream cotton skirt almost to her waist, and slipped to the pavement.
    The girl looked pointedly at her watch. "I might do. It's time I went.'' She got up. "Thanks for the drink. I'm afraid I can't take you back. I'm going the other way. They'll get you a taxi here.'' She shuffled her feet into her sandals.

    Bond followed the girl through the restaurant to her car. She got in and pressed the starter. Bond decided to risk another snub. He said, "Perhaps I'll see you at the Casino tonight, Dominetta.''

    "Praps.'' She put the car pointedly into gear. She took another look at him. She decided that she did want to see him again. She said, "But for God's sake don't call me Dominetta. I'm never called that. People call me Domino.'' She gave him a brief smile, but it was a smile into the eyes. She raised a hand. The rear wheels spat sand and gravel and the little blue car whirled out along the driveway to the main road. It paused at the intersection and then, as Bond watched, turned righthanded toward Nassau.

    Bond smiled. He said, "Bitch,'' and walked back into the restaurant to pay his bill and have a taxi called.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (1964–1968). Robert Vaughn, Leo G. Carroll, David McCallum.
    The two top Agents of the United Network Command for Law and Enforcement (U.N.C.L.E.) fight the enemies of peace, particularly the forces of T.H.R.U.S.H.


    The Man from C.H.I.M.P. (1969), Allan Saunders.
    An uproarious satire short featuring an all-chimpanzee cast. The well-trained chimps, under the direction of Allan Saunders, ham it up in a spy spoof. The monkeys brush their teeth, dress and undress, put a detachable gun together and romp about making humans out themselves. Synchronizations of lip movements by the chimps and dubbed voices is almost perfect. Trick photography was not used.

    The Man from O.R.G.Y. (1970), James Hill. Ted Mark (novel). Robert Walker Jr., Steve Rossi, Slappy White.
    A rich man suddenly dies and leaves his vast fortune to a Madam who played a number of female stars for him: Hermione Gingold, Phyllis Diller, Marlene Dietrich, and Bette Davis. She dies too, and leaves her inheritance to her top three 'girls', all living in different parts of the world - and the 'map' to the fortune location can be 'uncovered' only when their three bottoms are placed together. Steve Victor, the agent from ORGY, is assigned to recover them from a kidnapper.

    The Man from Hong Kong (1975), Brian Trenchard-Smith, Jimmy Wang Yu (Hong Kong version). Jimmy Wang Yu, George Lazenby, Hugh Keays-Byrne.
    While on dispatch in Australia to extradite a drug courier, a tough Hong Kong cop wages a one-man war against Sydney's most powerful kingpin.


    Return of the Man from U.N.C.L.E.: The Fifteen Years Later Affair (1983), Ray Austin. Robert Vaughn, David McCallum, Patrick Macnee.
    When THRUSH steals a nuclear weapon and demands a ransom delivered by Napoleon Solo, UNCLE recalls him and his partner to duty.

    George Lazenby in The Return of the Man from U.N.C.L.E.


    The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015), Guy Ritchie. Henry Cavill, Armie Hammer, Alicia Vikander, Elizabeth Debicki.
    In the early 1960s, CIA agent Napoleon Solo and KGB operative Illya Kuryakin participate in a joint mission against a mysterious criminal organization, which is working to proliferate nuclear weapons.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 12 - The Man from the C.I.A.
    The taxi took Bond out to the airport at the other end of the island by the Interfield Road. The man from the Central Intelligence Agency was due in by Pan American at one-fifteen. His name was Larkin, F. Larkin. Bond hoped he wouldn't be a muscle-bound ex-college man With a crew-cut and a desire to show up the incompetence of the British, the backwardness of their little Colony, and the clumsy ineptitude of Bond, in order to gain credit with his chief in Washington. Bond hoped that at any rate he would bring the equipment he had asked for before he left London through Section A, who looked after the liaison with C.I.A. This was the latest transmitter and receiver for agents in the field, so that the two of them could be independent of cable offices, and have instant communication with London and Washington, and the most modern portable Geiger counters for operating both on land and under water. One of the chief virtues of C.I.A., in Bond's estimation, was the excellence of their equipment, and he had no false pride about borrowing from them.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    My Name Is Nobody (Il mio nome è Nessuno) (1973), Tonino Valerii. Terence Hill, Henry Fonda, Jean Martin.
    A young, easy-going gunman worships and competes with an old gunfighter who only wants to retire.



    My Name Is Nobody (Du sheng wu ming xiao zi) (2000), Aman Chang. Nick Cheung, Shu Qi, Jing Wong.
    Nameless is an orphan and falls for blind model Bitter. He mastered the technique of gambling and becomes famous. However, his buddy Chun set him up.

    My Name Is Nobody (2005), Matt Woodruff.
    Ex convict and drifter Ray Travis returns home for the first time in years only to find something terrible has happened to his family... Now as he struggles to save them he must confront the past and slay his demons before time runs out.

    My Name Is Nobody (2014), Phillip Penza. Phillip Penza, Audrey Beth, Toni L. Mitchell.
    Phillip Penzeda, born into poverty in Brooklyn, NY. He struggles with racial prejudice, true love and loss, and finding out what it takes to survive life from the streets of New York to the military at a very young age.

    My name is nobody (2017, documentary), Denise Janzee.
    In a search for a classmate of film director Sergio Leone and film composer Ennio Morricone in Rome, this film explores the magical aura of fame. A film about fame and the glimmer of living in the shadows.


    My Name Is Bond... James Bond (1979, 37 minutes), Steve Minchin. Roger Moore, John Benson(voice), Donald Zec.
    Promotional documentary television special celebrating the release of the then new James Bond film Moonraker (1979) and outside broadcast live cross to the 26 June 1979 Royal Premiere of the film.

    My Name Is Bruce (2007), Bruce Campbell. Bruce Campbell, Grace Thorsen, Taylor Sharpe.
    B-movie legend Bruce Campbell is mistaken for his character Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy and forced to fight a real monster in a small town in Oregon


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 13 - "My Name Is Emilio Largo"
    The blank portholes of the ship watched them approach. A sailor polishing brass round the curve of the enclosed dome that was the bridge walked through the hatch into the bridge and Bond could see him talking into a mouthpiece. A tall man in white ducks and a very wide mesh singlet appeared on deck and observed them through binoculars. He called something to the sailor, who came and stood at the top of the ladder down the starboard side. When their launch came alongside, the man cupped his hands and called down, "What is your business, please? Have you an appointment?''

    Bond called back, "It's Mr. Bond, Mr. James Bond. From New York. I have my attorney here. I have an inquiry to make about Palmyra, Mr. Largo's property.''

    "One moment, please.'' The sailor disappeared and returned accompanied by the man in white ducks and singlet. Bond recognized him from the police description. He called down cheerfully, "Come aboard, come aboard.'' He gestured for the sailor to go down and help fend the launch. Bond and Leiter climbed out of the launch and went up the ladder.

    Largo held out a hand. "My name is Emilio Largo. Mr. Bond?''

    And . . .?''

    "Mr. Larkin, my attorney from New York. Actually I'm English, but I have property in America.'' They shook hands. "I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Largo, but it's about Palmyra, the property I believe you rent from Mr. Bryce.''

    "Ah, yes, of course.'' The beautiful teeth gleamed warmth and welcome. "Come on down to the stateroom, gentlemen. I'm sorry I am not properly dressed to receive you.'' The big brown hands caressed his flanks, the wide mouth turned down in deprecation. "My visitors usually announce themselves on the ship-to-shore. But if you will forgive the informality . . .'' Largo allowed the phrase to die on the air and ushered them through a low hatch and down a few aluminum steps into the main cabin. The rubber-lined hatch hissed to behind him.

  • edited November 2021 Posts: 6,079
    Speaking of which, there are quite a few fims bearing the name Spectre over the world :
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited December 2021 Posts: 14,142
    Yes some collected on Page 7 @Gerard.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Dry Martini (1928), Harry d'Abbadie d'Arrast. Mary Astor, Matt Moore, Jocelyn Lee.
    Upon hearing that his daughter Elizabeth, is coming from America to visit him in Paris, wealthy Willoughby Quimby, decides to give up dry martinis and women. However, Elizabeth seeks a wild time and ends up leaving France with her father's drinking buddy, Freddie, and Willoughby goes back to his dry martinis. Douglas Z. Doty, screenwriter. John Thomas's novel Dry Martini: a Gentleman Turns to Love.


    Dry Martini (1998, film short), Alejandro Chomski. Charles Rocket, Michelle Forbes, Barbara Bain, Vincent Schiavelli.
    California in the 1950s. Valeria and her author husband Sam are invited to spend a weekend at the lavish estate of Madame Penelope Richaud, whose family created the fictional Richaud gin.

    Part 1
    Part 2

    Dirty Martini (Frank's Dead, 2009), Jay Carver. B. Todd Johnston, Ashley Ledbetter, Bryant Norman.
    Frank's Dead follows the story of a small time gambler who struggles to earn a spot running a new casino in the Caribbeans by schmoozing over a big time investor. The only catch is he must find a way to come up with seventy grand in a short period of time.

    Dirty Martini and the New Burlesque (2010), Gary Beeber. Scotty The Blue Bunny, James 'Tigger!' Ferguson, Pleasant Gehman.
    DIRTY MARTINI AND THE NEW BURLESQUE, explores the tantalizing world of the performers who helped create the new burlesque scene in New York City. The new burlesque is the new punk rock and it is exploding in New York as well as most US cities thanks to Dirty and her friends the world is catching on.


    The Martini Shot (2022), Stephen Wallis. Matthew Modine, John Cleese, Derek Jacobi.
    This existential drama follows an ailing movie director as he begins to shoot what he believes to be his final work of art. What starts out as a normal movie, ends up being an exploration of mortality and one's profound effect on the world.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 14 - Sour Martinis
    Bond reached out a drugged hand for the receiver. It was Leiter. He wanted that martini with the jumbo olive. It was nine o'clock. What the hell was Bond doing? Did he want someone to help with the zipper?

    The Pineapple Room was paneled in bamboo carefully varnished against termites. Wrought-iron pineapples on the tables and against the wall contained segments of thick red candle, and more light was provided by illuminated aquaria let into the walls and by ceiling lights enclosed in pink glass starfish. The Vinylite banquettes were in ivory white and the barman and the two waiters wore scarlet satin calypso shirts with their black trousers.

    Bond joined Leiter at a corner table. They both wore white dinner jackets with their dress trousers. Bond had pointed up his rich, property-seeking status with a wine-red cummerbund. Leiter laughed. "I nearly tied a gold-plated bicycle chain round my waist in case of trouble, but I remembered just in time that I'm a peaceful lawyer. I suppose it's right that you should get the girls on this assignment. I suppose I just stand by and arrange the marriage settlement and later the alimony. Waiter!''

    Leiter ordered two dry martinis. ``Just watch,'' he said sourly. The martinis arrived. Leiter took one look at them and told the waiter to send over the barman. When the barman came, looking resentful, Leiter said, ``My friend, I asked for a martini and not a soused olive.'' He picked the olive out of the glass with the cocktail stick. The glass, that had been three-quarters full, was now half full. Leiter said mildly, ``This was being done to me while the only drink you knew was milk. I'd learned the basic economics of your business by the time you'd graduated to Coca-Cola. One bottle of Gordon's gin contains sixteen true measures---double measures, that is, the only ones I drink. Cut the gin with three ounces of water and that makes it up to twenty-two. Have a jigger glass with a big steal in the bottom and a bottle of these fat olives and you've got around twenty-eight measures. Bottle of gin here costs only two dollars retail, let's say around a dollar sixty wholesale. You charge eighty cents for a martini, a dollar sixty for two. Same price as a whole bottle of gin. And with your twenty-eight measures to the bottle, you've still got twenty-six left. That's a clear profit on one bottle of gin of around twenty-one dollars. Give you a dollar for the olives and the drop of vermouth and you've still got twenty dollars in your pocket. Now, my friend, that's too much profit, and if I could be bothered to take this martini to the management and then to the Tourist Board, you'd be in trouble. Be a good chap and mix us two large dry martinis without olives and with some slices of lemon peel separate. Okay? Right, then we're friends again.''

    The barman's face had run through indignation, respect, and then the sullenness of guilt and fear. Reprieved, but clutching at his scraps of professional dignity, he snapped his fingers for the waiter to take away the glasses. "Okay, suh. Whatever you says. But we've pot plenty overheads here and the majority of customers they doan complain.''

    Leiter said, "Well, here's one who's dry behind the ears. A good barman should learn to be able to recognize the serious drinker from the status-seeker who wants just to be seen in your fine bar.''

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    The Cardboard Lover (1928), Robert Z. Leonard. Marion Davies, Jetta Goudal, Nils Asther.
    A ditzy American girl visiting Monte Carlo is hired by a tennis champ to be his "cardboard lover"--to pretend to be in love with him so he can teach his two-timing fiancé a lesson and win her back. What he doesn't realize is that the girl isn't pretending--she actually is in love with him, and she sets out to win him for herself.


    Her Cardboard Lover (1942), George Cukor. Norma Shearer, Robert Taylor, George Sanders.
    A wealthy woman, trying to discourage a former boyfriend from pursuing her, hires a young songwriter who needs money to pay off his gambling debts to pretend to be her boyfriend. The problem is that the "phony" boyfriend is actually really in love with her.


    Cardboard Cavalier (1949), Walter Forde. Sid Field, Margaret Lockwood, Jerry Desmonde.
    In Cromwellian England, royalists commission a barrow boy to carry a secret letter. Helped by Nell Gwynn, he succeeds after encounters with a castle ghost and custard pies.


    Cardboard Man (2010), Elwin Rijken. Rudi van der Steen, Johan Aders, Alex Paz Soldan.


    Cardboard Boxer (2016), Knate Lee. Thomas Haden Church, Terrence Howard, Boyd Holbrook.
    Gentle and broken, a homeless man is coerced by two teens to fight other men on video for cash but soon finds comfort in an unlikely friend and the lost diary of a young girl.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 15 - Cardboard Hero
    She stopped abruptly. She said, "Give me some more champagne. All this silly talking has made me thirsty. And I would like a packet of Players''---she laughed "---Please, as they say in the advertisements. I am fed up with just smoking smoke. I need my Hero.'' Bond bought a packet from the cigarette girl. He said, "What's that about a hero?''
    She had entirely changed. Her bitterness had gone, and the lines of strain on her face. She had softened. She was suddenly a girl out for the evening. "Ah, you don't know! My one true love! The man of my dreams. The sailor on the front of the packet of Players. You have never thought about him as I have.'' She came closer to him on the banquette and held the packet under his eyes. "You don't understand the romance of this wonderful picture---one of the great masterpieces of the world. This man''---she pointed---"was the first man I ever sinned with. I took him into the woods, I loved him in the dormitory, I spent nearly all my pocket money on him. In exchange he introduced me to the great world outside the Cheltenham Ladies College. He grew me up. He put me at ease with boys of my own age. He kept me company when I was lonely or afraid of being young. He encouraged me, gave me assurance. Have you never thought of the romance behind this picture? You see nothing, yet the whole of England is there! Listen.'' She took his arm eagerly. "This is the story of Hero, the name on his cap badge. At first he was a young man, a powder monkey or whatever they called it, in that sailing ship behind his right ear. It was a hard time for him. Weevils in the biscuits, hit with marlinspikes and ropes' ends and things, sent up aloft to the top of all that rigging where the flag flies. But he persevered. He began to grow a mustache. He was fair-haired and rather too pretty.'' She giggled. "He may even have had to fight for his virtue or whatever men call it, among all those hammocks. But you can see from his face---that line of concentration between his eyes---and from his fine head, that he was a man to get on.'' She paused and swallowed a glass of champagne. The dimples were now deep holes in her cheeks. "Are you listening to me? You are not bored having to listen about my hero?''

    "I'm only jealous. Go on.''

    "So he went all over the world---to India, China, Japan, America. He had many girls and many fights with cutlasses and fists. He wrote home regularly---to his mother and to a married sister who lived at Dover. They wanted him to come home and meet a nice girl and get married. But he wouldn't. You see, he was keeping himself for a dream girl who looked rather like me. And then ''---she laughed--- "the first steamships came in and he was transferred to an ironclad---that's the picture of it on the right. And by now he was a bosun, whatever that is, and very important. And he saved up from his pay and instead of going out fighting and having girls he grew that lovely beard, to make himself look older and more important, and he set to with a needle and colored threads to make that picture of himself. You can see how well he did it---his first windjammer and his last ironclad with the lifebuoy as a frame. He only finished it when he decided to leave the Navy. He didn't really like steamships. In the prime of life, don't you agree? And even then he ran out of gold thread to finish the rope round the lifebuoy, so he just had to tail it off. There, you can see on the right where the rope crosses the blue line. So he came back home on a beautiful golden evening after a wonderful life in the Navy and it was so sad and beautiful and romantic that he decided that he would put the beautiful evening into another picture. So he bought a pub at Bristol with his savings and in the mornings before the pub opened he worked away until he had finished and there you can see the little sailing ship that brought him home from Suez with his duffel bag full of silks and seashells and souvenirs carved out of wood. And that's the Needles Lighthouse beckoning him in to harbor on that beautiful calm evening. Mark you''---she frowned---"I don't like that sort of bonnet thing he's wearing for a hat, and I'd have liked him to have put 'H.M.S.' before the 'Hero,' but you can see that would have made it lopsided and he wouldn't have been able to get all the 'Hero' in. But you must admit it's the most terrifically romantic picture. I cut it off my first packet, when I smoked one in the lavatory and felt terribly sick, and kept it until it fell to pieces. Then I cut off a fresh one. I carried him with me always until things went wrong and I had to go back to Italy. Then I couldn't afford Players. They're too expensive in Italy and I had to smoke things called Nazionales.'' Bond wanted to keep her mood. He said, "But what happened to the Hero's pictures? How did the cigarette people get hold of them?''

    "Oh, well, you see one day a man with a stovepipe hat and a frock coat came into the Hero's pub with two small boys. Here.'' She held the packet sideways. "Those are the ones, 'John Player & Sons.' You see, it says that their Successors run the business now. Well they had one of the first motor cars, a Rolls Royce, and it had broken down outside the Hero's pub. The man in the stovepipe hat didn't drink, of course---those sort of people didn't, not the respectable merchants who lived near Bristol. So he asked for ginger beer and bread and cheese while his chauffeur mended the car. And the hero got it for them. And Mr. John Player and the boys all admired the two wonderful tapestry pictures hanging on the wall of the pub. Now this Mr. Player was in the tobacco and snuff business and cigarettes had just been invented and he wanted to start making them. But he couldn't for the life of him know what to call them or what sort of a picture to put on the packet. And he suddenly had a wonderful idea. When he got back to the factory he talked to his manager and the manager came along to the pub and saw the Hero and offered him a hundred pounds to let his two pictures be copied for the cigarette packet. And the Hero didn't mind and anyway he wanted just exactly a hundred pounds to get married on.'' She paused. Her eyes were far away. "She was very nice, by the way, only thirty and a good plain cook and her young body kept him warm in bed until he died many years later. And she bore him two children, a boy and a girl. And the boy went into the Navy like his father. Well, anyway, Mr. Player wanted to have the Hero in the lifebuoy on one side of the packet and the beautiful evening on the other. But the manager pointed out that that would leave no room for all this''---she turned over the packet---"about 'Rich, Cool,' and 'Navy Cut Tobacco' and that extraordinary trademark of a doll's house swimming in chocolate fudge with Nottingham Castle written underneath. So then Mr. Player said, 'Well then, we'll put one on top of the other.' And that's just exactly what they did and I must say I think it fits in very well, don't you? Though I expect the Hero was pretty annoyed at the mermaid being blanked out.''

    "The mermaid?''

    "Oh, yes. Underneath the bottom comer of the lifebuoy where it dips into the sea, the Hero had put a tiny mermaid combing her hair with one hand and beckoning him home with the other. That was supposed to be the woman he was going to find and marry. But you can see there wasn't room and anyway her breasts were showing and Mr. Player, who was a very strong Quaker, didn't think that was quite proper. But he made it up to the Hero in the end.''

    "Oh, how did he do that?''

    "Well you see the cigarettes were a great success. It was really the picture that did it. People decided that anything with a wonderful picture like that on the outside must be good and Mr. Player made a fortune and I expect his Successors did too. So when the Hera was getting old and hadn't got long to live, Mr. Player had a copy of the lifebuoy picture drawn by the finest artist of the day. It was just the same as the Hero's except that it wasn't in color and it showed him very much older, and he promised the Hero that this picture too would always be on his cigarette packets, only on the inside bit. Here.'' She pushed out the cardboard container. "You see how old he looks? And one other thing, if you look closely, the flags on the two ships are flying at half mast. Rather sweet of Mr. Player, don't you think, to ask the artist for that. It meant that the Hero's first and last ship were remembering him. And Mr. Player and his two sons came and presented it to him just before he died. It must have made it much easier for him, don't you think?''

    "It certainly must. Mr. Player must have been a very thoughtful man.''

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    The Gauntlet (1977), Clint Eastwood. Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke, Pat Hingle.
    A hard but mediocre cop is assigned to escort a prostitute into custody from Las Vegas to Phoenix, so that she can testify in a mob trial. But a lot of people are literally betting that they won't make it into town alive.

    Swimming to Cambodia (1987), Jonathan Demme. Spalding Gray.
    Spalding Gray discusses his participation in the film The Killing Fields (1984) and the background story about the troubles of Cambodia.


    Swimming with Sharks (1994), George Huang. Kevin Spacey, Frank Whaley, Michelle Forbes.
    A young, naive Hollywood studio assistant finally turns the tables on his incredibly abusive producer boss.


    Swimming for Gold (2020), Hayley MacFarlane. Peyton List, Martin Dingle Wall, Angela Harding.
    A US women’s swim team Olympic hopeful suffers an injury that forces her to put aside her dreams and help the Australian men’s swim team get competition ready.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 16 - Swimming the Gantlet
    The dark water below the police wharf sucked and kissed at the rusty iron stanchions. In the latticed shadows cast through the ironwork by the three-quarter moon, Constable Santos heaved the single aqualung cylinder up onto Bond's back and Bond secured the webbing at his waist so that it would not snarl the strap of Leiter's second Geiger counter, the underwater model. He fitted the rubber mouthpiece between his teeth and adjusted the valve release until the air supply was just right. He turned off the supply and took out the mouthpiece. The music of the steel band in the Junkanoo night club tripped gaily out over the water. It sounded like a giant spider dancing on a tenor xylophone.
    Santos was a huge colored man, naked except for his swimming trunks, with pectoral muscles the size of dinner plates. Bond said, ``What should I expect to see at this time of night? Any big fish about?''

    Santos grinned. ``Usual harbor stuff, sah. Some barracuda perhaps. Mebbe a shark. But they's lazy an' overfed with the refuse an muck from de drains. Dey won't trouble you---less you bleedin' that is. They'll be night-crawlin' things on the bottom---lobster, crab, mebbe a small pus-feller or two. The bottom's mostly seagrass on bits o' iron from wrecks an plenty of bottle and suchlike. Mucky, if you get me, sah. But the water's clear and you'll be hokay with this moon and the lights from the Disco to guide you. Tek you bout twelve, fifteen minute, I'da say. Funny ting. I been lookin' for an hour and dere's no watchman on deck an no one in the wheelhouse. An the bit o' breeze should hide you bubbles. Coulda give you an oxygen rebreather, but ah doan like dem tings. Them dangerous.''

    ``All right, let's go then. See you in about half an hour.'' Bond felt for the knife at his waist, shifted the webbing, and put the mouthpiece between his teeth. He turned on the air and, his fins slapping on the muddy sand, walked down and into the water. There he bent down, spat into his mask to prevent it steaming up, washed it out, and adjusted it. Then he walked slowly on, getting used to the breathing. By the end of the wharf he was up to his ears. He quietly submerged and launched himself forward into an easy leg crawl, his hands along his flanks.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Spettri (aka Catacomb; aka Specters; 1987), Marcello Avallone. John R. Pepper, Trine Michelsen, Donald Pleasence.
    A US professor of archaeology and his young research team uncover a sealed ancient pagan tomb under the mausoleum of the real life Roman Emperor Domitian. This unleashes an evil deity that starts haunting people involved with the dig.


    Catacombs (1988), David Schmoeller. Timothy Van Patten, Ian Abercrombie, Jeremy West.
    A demon is trapped in a monastery. 400 years later a young girl arrives at the monastery to study.


    Red Eye (2005), Wes Craven. Rachel McAdams, Cillian Murphy, Brian Cox.
    A woman is kidnapped by a stranger on a routine flight. Threatened by the potential murder of her father, she is pulled into a plot to assist her captor in a political assassination.


    Redeu-ai (2005), Dong-bin Kim. Shin-yeong Jang, Ji-min Kwak, Dong-kyu Lee.
    A supernatural story about a mystic events occurring on the train, which had the route similar to the train which crashed many years ago.


    As Above, So Below (aka Catacombs; 2014), John Erick Dowdle. Perdita Weeks, Ben Feldman, Edwin Hodge
    Miles of twisting catacombs lie beneath the streets of Paris, the eternal home to countless souls. When a team of explorers ventures into the uncharted maze of bones, they uncover the dark secret that lies within this city of the dead.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 17 - Red-Eye Catacomb
    Inside, Bond's torch shone everywhere into red eyes that glowed like rubies in the darkness, and there was a soft movement and scuttling. He sprayed the light up and down the fuselage. Every where there were octopuses, small ones, but perhaps a hundred of them, weaving on the tips of their tentacles, sliding softly away into protecting shadows, changing their camouflage nervously from brown to a pale phosphorescence that gleamed palely in the patches of darkness. The whole fuselage seemed to be crawling with them, evilly, horribly, and as Bond shone his torch on the roof the sight was even worse. There, bumping softly in the slight current, hung the corpse of a crew member. In decomposition, it had risen up from the floor, and octopuses, hanging from it like bats, now let go their hold and shot, jet-propelled, to and fro inside the plane-dreadful, glinting, red-eyed comets that slapped themselves into dark corners and stealthily squeezed themselves into cracks and under seats.

    Bond closed his mind to the disgusting nightmare and, weaving his torch in front of him, proceeded with his search.

    He found the red-striped cyanide canister and tucked it into his belt. He counted the corpses, noted the open hatch to the bomb bay, and verified that the bombs had gone. He looked in the open container under the pilot's seat and searched in alternative places for the vital fuses for the bombs. But they also had gone. Finally, having a dozen times had to slash away groping tentacles from his naked legs, he felt his nerve was quickly seeping away. There was much he should have taken with him, the identification disks of the crew, the pulp of the log book that showed nothing but routine flight details and no hint of emergency readings from the instrument panel, but he couldn't stand another second of the squirming, red-eyed catacomb. He slid out through the escape hatch and swam almost hysterically toward the thin line of light that was the edge of the tarpaulin. Desperately, he scrabbled his way under it, snagged the cylinder on his back in the folds, and had to back under again to free himself. And then he was out in the beautiful crystal water and soaring up to the surface. At twenty feet the pain in his ears reminded him to stop and decompress. Impatiently, staring up at the sweet hull of the seaplane above him, he waited until the pain had subsided. Then he was up and clinging to a float and tearing at his equipment to get rid of it and its contamination. He let it all go and watched it tumbling slowly down toward the sand. He rinsed his mouth out with the sweetness of pure salt water and swam to within reach of Leiter's outstretched hand.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    A little different, maybe you can relate the Christmas-y titles to familiar dialogue in Bond films.

    Revealed under the Spoiler tags.

    TWINE - Bond: Always wanted to have Christmas in Turkey.

    Their Christmas Turkey (1912).
    Hannah is busy at the washtub. Rastus is busy sleeping. He is rudely brought from a pleasant dream and sent out to buy a turkey. He is waylaid by Slim and Bud who inveigle him into a game and take his money by such questionable means as passing cards between the toes of Slim and the hands of Bud. The climax arrives when Bud holds four kings and an ace and Rastus gets five aces. Rastus departs by the foot and door route. His little boy, with a precocious knowledge of his Pappy, meets him outside and rather than return empty handed the rascals visit a turkey yard and borrow a fat turkey. Arriving home Rastus is frightened to death by a terrible ghost, and he kneels and confesses. The ghost is Mammy's sister and all is explained and forgiven at the sight of the "lent" and doomed turkey.

    TWINE - Bond: I thought Christmas only comes once a year..

    Christmas Comes But Once a Year (1936), Dave Fleischer, Seymour Kneitel. Jack Mercer (voice), Mae Questel (voice).
    At an orphanage, the children are sad because they received broken toys as gifts. Professor Grampy sees the children while passing by in his sled and has an idea on how to give them a merry Christmas.

    Christmas Comes But Once a Year (1936) Color Classic Cartoon (8:17)


    QOS - M: Eight years. Five as my personal bodyguard. I found this and three other bloody Christmas presents I bought him about the house.

    Bloody Christmas (Matomena Hristougenna, 1951), Giorgos Zervos. Giorgos Asimakopoulos, Kimon Spathopoulos.
    Returning to Athens after the end of the World War II, Captain Nikolas finds out what happened to his family from a neighbor.


    Bloody Christmas (2012), Michael Shershenovich. Steve Montague, Robert Youngren, Robert Arensen.
    In a small town Police are in search for a child murderer. Meanwhile Rich Tague a has been 80's action movie star, is attempting to figure out the meaning of Christmas as he plays Santa on a Public Access T.V show. He fantasizes about murdering the people that do him wrong. Will he have the strength to not be on his own naughty list?


    OHMSS - Bond: These should have been gift wrapped!

    Gift Wrapped (1952), Friz Freleng. Mel Blanc, Bea Benaderet, Daws Butler.
    Sylvester gets a rubber mouse for Christmas, but he much prefers Granny's gift: a new Tweety Bird.

    Looney Tunes - Gift Wrapped (1952) Opening Title & Closing [Platinum Collection Volume 2] (3:02)


    OHMSS - Blofeld: I have been training my own special "angels of death".

    Angely smerti (Angels of Death, 1993), Yuriy Ozerov. Fedor Bondarchuk, Ekaterina Strizhenova, Powers Boothe.
    A young Russian officer rescued from being executed by NKVD officers for cowardice arrives at Stalingrad, where he is assigned to the sniper unit. As Russian sniper threat arises, the German Olympic champion is called to destroy them.


    Angel of Death (2009), Paul Etheredge. Zoë Bell, Jake Abel, Vail Bloom.
    A career assassin becomes haunted by one of her victims following a near fatal injury to her brain. Becoming a rogue assassin settling the score with her former mob employers, chaos and power struggles ensue.


    SF- Bond: A gun......and a radio. Not exactly Christmas, is it?

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    Almost Christmas (2016), David E. Talbert. Kimberly Elise, Omar Epps, Danny Glover.
    A dysfunctional family gathers together for their first Christmas since their mom died.


    SP - Q: Oh, I just fancied a break, to be honest. I've been a tad stressed at work recently. What with C's people crawling all over us and the fact that M wants my balls for Christmas decorations.

    The Christmas Ball (2020), Amy Barrett. Deirdre Mullins, Nick Hendrix, Caroline Langrishe.
    Clare visits her Aunt Bridget in a England for the holidays and meets Liam, a handsome historian who is determined to promote Aunt Bridget's manor is a historical landmark.


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    A Taste of Honey (1961), Tony Richardson. Rita Tushingham, Dora Bryan, Robert Stephens.
    A pregnant teenage girl must fend for herself when her mother remarries, leaving the girl with only a new male friend for support.


    Yin shi nan nu (Eat Drink Man Woman; (1994), Ang Lee. Sihung Lung, Kuei-Mei Yang, Yu-Wen Wang.
    A senior chef lives with his three grown daughters; the middle one finds her future plans affected by unexpected events and the life changes of the other household members.


    Boy Eats Girl (2005), Stephen Bradley. Samantha Mumba, David Leon, Tadhg Murphy.
    A boy declares his love for his girlfriend, only to die the same night. He is brought back to life by his mother as a flesh-craving zombie, who sires more teen undead while trying to control his, er, appetite for his beloved.


    Bitter Taste of Ginger (2021), Brandon C. Lay. Sarah Cugini, Marcy Repp, Chris Egging.
    Ginger, a recent widow, takes up autoerotic asphyxiation to work up the nerve to kill her abusive mother-in-law, Ginny.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 18 - How to Eat a Girl
    Bond sunk his teeth into the flesh round the spines, bit as softly as he could, and sucked hard. The foot struggled to get away. Bond paused to spit out some fragments. The marks of his teeth showed white and there were pinpoints of blood at the two tiny holes. He licked them away. There was almost no black left under the skin. He said, "This is the first time I've eaten a woman. They're rather good.''

    She squirmed impatiently but said nothing.

    Bond knew how much it would be hurting. He said, "It's all right, Domino. You're doing fine. Last mouthful.'' He gave the sole of her foot a reassuring kiss and then, as tenderly as he could, put his teeth and lips back to work.

    A minute or two later and he spat out the last section of spine. He told her it was over and gently laid the foot down. He said, "Now you mustn't get sand into it. Come on, I'll give you another lift into the hut and you can put your sandals on.''

    She rolled over. Her black eyelashes were wet with the tears of small pain. She wiped a hand over them. She said, looking seriously up at him, "Do you know, you're the first man who's ever made me cry.'' She held up her arms and now there was complete surrender.
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  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142

    Kiss or Kill (1918), Elmer Clifton. Max Brand, novellette Mr. Cinderella.
    Herbert Rawlinson, Priscilla Dean, Harry Carter.
    Down on his luck after his discharge from the Armed Services, Henry Warner snatches a gentleman's wallet, then rushes into the home of a wealthy man named Middleton to escape the police. Middleton threatens to expose Henry unless he steals a certain document for him which is hidden...


    Kiss or Kill (1997), Bill Bennett. Matt Day, Frances O'Connor, Tiffany Peters.
    After a robbery scam that goes bad, lovers Nikki and Al take off into the Australian outback, pursued by the police and a malevolent footballer named Zipper Doyle, and meet a number of offbeat characters.


    Kiss of Death (1947), Henry Hathaway. Victor Mature, Brian Donlevy, Coleen Gray.
    Nick Bianco is caught during a botched jewellery heist. The prosecution offer him a more lenient sentence if he squeals on his accomplices but he doesn't roll over on them. Three years into the sentence an event changes his mind.


    Kiss of Death (1995), Barbet Schroeder. David Caruso, Samuel L. Jackson, Nicolas Cage.
    A reformed convict goes undercover with the help of an angry detective to ensnare a psychotic mobster.


    Kiss of Death (1997), Andrei Feher. Cristi Harris, Daniel McVicar, Vanity.
    After having an affair with a married millionaire, Blair (Vanity) is driven by jealousy to get her way no matter what she must do.


    Killer's Kiss (1955), Stanley Kubrick. Frank Silvera, Irene Kane, Jamie Smith.
    Ready to catch a train to his hometown, a washed-up boxer tells us about the strange and twisty events that happened to him the past couple of days.


    Kiss Me Deadly (1955), Robert Aldrich. Ralph Meeker, Albert Dekker, Paul Stewart.
    A doomed female hitchhiker pulls Mike Hammer into a deadly whirlpool of intrigue, revolving around a mysterious "great whatsit".


    The Naked Kiss (1964), Samuel Fuller. Constance Towers, Anthony Eisley, Michael Dante.
    Kelly's path towards happiness is thrown amiss when she witnesses a shocking event, which threatens not just her happiness, but her mental health as well.


    Kiss Kiss... Bang Bang (1966), Duccio Tessari. Giuliano Gemma, Jorge Martín, Lorella De Luca.
    Kirk Warren, a former spy, is to be executed because he tried to steal a million dollars. But he is saved by Colonel Smithson because Sir Wilcox has prepared a mission for him. Warren has to steal a secret formula in Switzerland and try to expose the real identity of Mr. X.


    Kiss Kiss (Bang Bang) (2001), Stewart Sugg. Stellan Skarsgård, Chris Penn, Paul Bettany.
    Hit-man Felix has quit his criminal activities and found employment minding a rich man's adult son. Meanwhile, Felix's old criminal gang have issued a hit on Felix.


    Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005), Shane Black. Robert Downey Jr., Val Kilmer, Michelle Monaghan.
    After being mistaken for an actor, a New York thief is sent to Hollywood to train under a private eye for a potential movie role, but the duo are thrown together with a struggling actress into a murder mystery.


    Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985), Hector Babenco. William Hurt, Raul Julia, Sônia Braga.
    A gay man and a political prisoner are together in a prison. The gay man narrates the stories of two fake movies and his own life.


    The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996), Renny Harlin. Geena Davis, Samuel L. Jackson, Yvonne Zima
    Samantha Caine lives in a small town with her daughter. Eight years ago she emerged, two months pregnant, from a nearby river with no memory of her past or who she is. However, she's getting closer to finding out about her past.


    The Price of Kissing (1997), Vince DiPersio. Pauley Perrette, Leon, Nicole Eggert.
    Pauley Perrette plays Renee, a young woman discovering her own meaning of love. From childhood memories of her mother to her own experiences as a young woman, she struggles to find answers to life's greatest mystery. From a recommendation of a friend, she becomes the doorman at a... Read all


    The Last Kiss (2006), Tony Goldwyn. Paul Haggis (screenplay). Zach Braff, Jacinda Barrett, Rachel Bilson.
    Michael'd have a great job, still have his 4 best friends, and be in love with a beautiful girl at 30. He loves Jenna but his life seems predictable until he meets a college girl. It seems that everybody's having relationship problems.


    Kiss and Kill (2017), Dean McKendrick. Kira Noir, Kyle Knies, Megan Medellin.
    A reckless night of indiscretion and lust leads a woman into the dark world of blackmail and murder.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 19 - When the Kissing Stopped
    Bond leaned on one elbow and looked down at the beautiful drowned face. There was a dew of sweat below the eyes and at the temples. A pulse beat fast at the base of the neck. The lines of authority had been sponged away by the love-making and the face had a soft, sweet, bruised look. The wet eyelashes parted and the tawny eyes, big and faraway, looked up with remote curiosity into Bond's. They focused lazily and examined him as if they were seeing him for the first time.

    Bond said, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that.''

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Command Decision (1948), Sam Wood. Clark Gable, Walter Pidgeon, Van Johnson.
    Army generals struggle with the decision to prioritize bombing the German factories producing new jet fighters over the extremely high casualties the mission will cost.


    Decision Before Dawn (1951), Anatole Litvak. Richard Basehart, Gary Merrill, Oskar Werner.
    As the US Army approaches Nazi Germany, they recruit German prisoners to spy behind German lines.


    Decision Against Time (aka The Man in the Sky, 1957), Charles Crichton. Jack Hawkins, Elizabeth Sellars, Jeremy Bodkin.
    The efforts of test pilot John Mitchell to make a better life for his wife Mary and their two children seem doomed to failure and he blames himself. At the Conway Aero-Manufacturing Company of Wolverhampton, Mitchell is to take the company's new rocket-propulsion transport plane up for tests, fully loaded and carrying two important passengers - Ministry official Crabtree and buyer's representative Ashmore.


    Decision at Sundown (1957), Budd Boetticher. Randolph Scott, John Carroll, Karen Steele.
    Bart Allison and sidekick Sam arrive in the town of Sundown on the wedding day of town boss Tate Kimbrough, whom Allison blames for his wife's death years earlier.


    Executive Decision (1996), Stuart Baird. Kurt Russell, Halle Berry, Steven Seagal.
    When terrorists seize control of an airliner, an intelligence analyst accompanies a commando unit for a midair boarding operation.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 20 - Time for Decision
    The interior of the submarine was incredibly roomy, and it was stairs and not a ladder that led down into the interior. There was no clutter, and the sparkling paintwork was in two-tone green. Powerlines painted in vivid colors provided a cheerful contrast to the almost hospital decor. Preceded by the officer of the watch, a young man of about twenty-eight, they went down two decks. The air (70º with 46% humidity, explained the officer) was beautifully cool. At the bottom of the stairs he turned left and knocked on a door that said "Commander P. Pedersen, U.S.N.''

    The captain looked about forty. He had a square, rather Scandinavian face with a black crew-cut just going gray. He had shrewd, humorous eyes but a dangerous mouth and jaw. He was sitting behind a neatly stacked metal desk smoking a pipe. There was an empty coffee cup in front of him and a signal pad on which he had just been writing. He got up and shook hands, waved them to two chairs in front of his desk, and said to the officer of the watch, "Coffee, please, Stanton. And have this sent, would you?'' He tore the top sheet off the signal pad and handed it across. "Most Immediate.''

    He sat down. "Well, gentlemen. Welcome aboard. Commander Bond, it's a pleasure to have a member of the Royal Navy visit the ship. Ever been in subs before?''

    "I have,'' said Bond, "but only as a supercargo. I was in Intelligence---R.N.V.R. Special Branch. Strictly a chocolate sailor.'' The captain laughed. "That's good! And you, Mr. Leiter?'' "No, Captain. But I used to have one of my own. You operated it with a sort of rubber bulb and tube. Trouble was they'd never let me have enough depth of water in the bath to see what she could really do.''

  • LucknFateLucknFate 007 In New York
    Posts: 1,721
    Blood & Oil
    Days Of Our Lives
    The Young And The Restless
    The Bold And The Beautiful
    As The World Turns
    One Life To Live
    Saints And Sinners
    Headland of the Secrets
    The Search For Tomorrow
    Until Tomorrow
    Bare Essence
    Three Steps To Heaven
    A World Apart
    The Best Of Everything
    Our Private World
    Lance et Compte
    Strange Paradise
    Private Practice
    A Country Practice
    Home And Away
    Edge Of Night
    Autumn Affair
    Taurus Rising
    Perfect Match
    Something In The Air
    Echo Point
    Out Of The Blue
    ...All My Children
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    The Shadow (1940), James W. Horne. Victor Jory, Veda Ann Borg, Roger Moore (US actor).
    The Shadow battles a villain known as The Black Tiger, who has the power to make himself invisible and is trying to take over the world with his death ray.


    The Shadow (1994), Russell Mulcahy. Alec Baldwin, John Lone, Penelope Ann Miller.
    In 1930s New York City, The Shadow (Alec Baldwin) battles his nemesis, Shiwan Khan (John Lone), who is building an atomic bomb.


    The Phantom (1943), B. Reeves Eason. Tom Tyler, Jeanne Bates, Ernie Adams.
    Professor Davidson and his niece Diana Palmer search Africa for the Lost City of Zoloz, reputed to be the source of a large hidden treasure. Also searching is a local crook, Singapore Smith, and Dr. Max Bremmer, who plans to destroy the peace in which the native tribes have been living.


    The Phantom (1996), Simon Wincer. Billy Zane, Kristy Swanson,Treat Williams.
    The Phantom, descendent of a line of African superheroes, travels to New York City to thwart a wealthy criminal genius from obtaining three magic skulls which would give him the secret to ultimate power.


    To Catch a Shadow (1969). U.S. Navy Anti-Submarine Warfare Film P-3 Orion Aircraft.
    This color, Cold War era recruiting film is about the U.S. Navy and their tactics in locating enemy submarines. Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) is a branch of underwater warfare that uses surface warships, aircraft, submarines, or other platforms, to find, track, and deter, damage, and/or destroy enemy submarines. Featured in the film is footage of P-3 Orion search aircraft, DASH drone helicopter, and the venerable aircraft carrier USS Yorktown (CV-10), as well as destroyers USS Leary (DD-879), USS Walker (DD-517), USS Bridger (DE-1024) and various submarines including USS Scorpion (SSN-589). Also features footage of Norfolk, Virginia and Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.


    Shadower (2010). Trinity Scott Brown, Sean Francis George, Jo Marriott.
    When a beautiful young vampire flees her clan to starve herself and end a life of wretched blood lust, she doesn't bargain on meeting a man who offers her unconditional love.


    Phantom (2013), Todd Robinson. Ed Harris, Julian Adams, David Duchovny.
    The haunted Captain of a Soviet submarine holds the fate of the world in his hands. Forced to leave his family behind, he is charged with leading a covert mission cloaked in mystery.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 22 - The Shadower
    In the attack center of the Manta it was very quiet. Commander Pedersen, standing behind the man at the echo-sounder, occasionally made a comment over his shoulder to Bond and Leiter, who had been given canvas-backed chairs well away from the depth and speed gauges, which had been hooded so that they could be read only by the navigating team. These three men sat side by side on red leather, foam-cushioned, aluminum seats, handling the rudder and the forward and aft diving planes as if they were pilots in an airliner. Now the captain left the echo-sounder and came over to Bond and Leiter. He smiled cheerfully. "Thirty fathoms and the nearest cay is a mile to westwards. Now we've got a clear course all the way to Grand Bahama. And we're making good speed. If we keep it up, we've got about four hours' sailing. Be off Grand Bahama about an hour before first light. How about some food and a bit of sleep? There won't be anything on the radar for an hour---these Berry Islands'll fill the screen until we're clear of them. Then'll come the big question. When we clear them, shall we see that one of the smallest of the cays has broken loose and is sailing fast northwards on a parallel course to ours? If we see that on the screen, it'll be the Disco. If she's there, we'll submerge. You'll hear the alarm bells. But you can just roll over and have a bit more sleep. Nothing can happen until it's certain that she's in the target area. Then we'll have to think again.'' The captain made for the stairway. "Mind if I lead the way? Watch your head on the pipes. This is the one part of the ship where there isn't much clearance.''

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    The Naked Brigade (1965), Maury Dexter. Shirley Eaton, Ken Scott, Mairi Hronopoulou.
    A British girl is trapped on the island of Crete when the Germans invade it.


    Naked Warriors (aka The Arena, 1974), Steve Carver. Margaret Markov, Pam Grier, Lucretia Love.
    When a group of sex slaves are forced by the Romans to become gladiatrices, two such fighters - a Nubian dancer and a Gaulish priestess - form an alliance to survive and lead the others to rebel against their captors.


    The Nude Bomb (1980), Clive Donner. Don Adams, Andrea Howard, Sylvia Kristel.
    Maxwell Smart is recalled to duty to help fight a villian who threatens to detonate a weapon that destroys clothing.


    Naked Killer (Chik loh goh yeung, 1992), Clarence Fok. Chingmy Yau, Simon Yam, Carrie Ng.
    A young woman is trained by a martial arts specialist to become a professional assassin.


    Naked Weapon (Chik loh dak gung, 2002), Siu-Tung Ching. Anya, Marit Thoresen, Maggie Q.
    40 13 year old girls are kidnapped and the next 6 years forcefully trained to be sexy assassins. The survivors go on to be top int'l assassins known as China dolls. A CIA agent's on track of them.


    Naked Soldier (Jue se wu qi, 2012), Marco Mak. Jennifer Tse, Sammo Kam-Bo Hung, Ankie Beilke.
    A gorgeous lethal killer, brainwashed by the villain, makes a startling discovery in a mission to eliminate a person she can in no way imagine.


    Femen: Naked War (documentary, 2014), Joseph Paris. Benoit Goetz, Anna Hutsol, Annie Le Brun.
    During one year, Joseph Paris filmed from the inside the Femen movement; its acts, its shocks and confrontations, its smokes and noises, but also its circumstances, its doubts, and sometimes its contradictions. One year at the heart of a overexposed activism in mass-media, where its deep reasons remained under silence or sometimes misconceived.


    Thunderball, Ian Fleming, 1961.
    Chapter 23 - Naked Wafare
    Bond shot upward out of the escape hatch in a blast of compressed air. Far above him the surface of the sea was a glittering plate of quicksilver bubbling and swirling with the small waves that Bond was glad to see had materialized. The balloon of air rushed on past him and he watched it hit the silver ceiling like a small bomb. There was a sharp pain in his ears. To get decompression he fought with his fins and slowed down until he hung suspended ten feet below the surface.

    Below him the long black shape of the Manta looked sinister and dangerous. He thought of the electric light blazing inside her and a hundred men going about their business. It gave him a creepy feeling. NOW there came a great explosion from the escape hatch as if the Manta was firing at Bond, and the black projectile of Leiter shot up at him through the burst of silver air bubbles. Bond moved out of his path and swam on up to the surface. Cautiously he looked above the small flurry of the waves. The Disco, still blacked out, lay stopped less than a mile away to his left.

  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,884
    This one was the breast, n'est-ce pas?
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Scaredy Cat (1948), Chuck Jones. Mel Blanc.
    Porky and Sylvester spend the night in an old dark house where a cult of killer mice try to eliminate them both. Sylvester tries warning Porky, but he is convinced that Sylvester is a coward.


    Scared Stiff (1953), George Marshall. Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Lizabeth Scott.
    Fleeing a murder charge, a busboy and a nightclub singer wind up on a spooky Caribbean island inherited by a young woman.
    Play trailer1:28


    Running Scared (1986), Peter Hyams. Gregory Hines,Billy Crystal, Steven Bauer.
    Two street-wise Chicago cops have to shake off some rust after returning from a Key West vacation to pursue a drug dealer who nearly killed them in the past.


    Running Scared (2006), Wayne Kramer. Paul Walker, Cameron Bright, Chazz Palminteri.
    A low-ranking thug is entrusted by his crime boss to dispose of a gun that killed corrupt cops, but things get out of control when the gun ends up in wrong hands.


    Thorne: Scaredycat (2010), Benjamin Ross. Joe Absolom, Jaleh Alp, Freddie Annobil-Dodoo, Sandra Oh.
    DI Tom Thorne hunts for a psychopath who may have formed a depraved partnership.


    Scaredy Cats (Television, 2021). Sophia Reid-Gantzert, Ava Augustin, Daphne Hoskins.
    Searching for answers about a beloved amulet, three friends shape-shift into cats and explore a wicked world of thrilling and not-so-chilling adventures.


    The Spy Who Loved Me, Ian Fleming, 1962.
    Part One - Me, Chapter 1 - Scaredy Cat
    I WAS running away. I was running away from England, from my childhood, from the winter, from a sequence of untidy, unattractive love-affairs, from the few sticks of furniture and jumble of overworn clothes that my London life had collected around me; and I was running away from drabness, fustiness, snobbery, the claustrophobia of close horizons, and from my inability, although I am quite an attractive rat, to make headway in the rat-race. In fact I was running away from almost everything except the law.

    And I had run a very long way indeed—almost, exaggerating a bit, halfway round the world. In fact I had come all the way from London to The Dreamy Pines Motor Court, which is ten miles west of Lake George, the famous American tourist resort in the Adirondacks—that vast expanse of mountains, lakes, and pine forests which forms most of the northern territory of New York State. I had started on September the first, and it was now Friday the thirteenth of October. When I had left, the grimy little row of domesticated maples in my square had been green, or as green as any tree can be in London in August. Now, in the billion-strong army of pine trees that marched away northward toward the Canadian border, the real, wild maples flamed here and there like shrapnel-bursts.
    Chapter 2: Dear Dead Days
    There was a storm. There had been thunder and lightning. I had been terrified, like a child, by the big bangs. Like an idiot I had taken hold of the electric switch—not even waiting for the pause between lightning flashes, but choosing just the moment when another flash was due. It had knocked me out. I had been punished with a bump on the head. Served me right, stupid, ignorant scaredy cat! But wait a minute! Perhaps my hair had turned white! I walked, rather fast, across the room, picked up my bag from the desk, and went behind the bar of the cafeteria and bent down and looked into the long piece of mirror below the shelves. I looked first inquiringly into my eyes. They gazed back at me, blue, clear, but wide with surmise. The lashes were there and the eyebrows, brown, an expanse of inquiring forehead and then, yes, the sharp, brown peak and the tumble of perfectly ordinary very dark brown hair curving away to right and left in two big waves.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Some background.

    "Love's Old Sweet Song (Just a Song at Twilight)", Clifton Bingham (lyrics), James Lynam Molloy (music), 1884.
    "Love's Old Sweet Song (Just a Song at Twilight)", John McCormack, 1927.
    "Love's Old Sweet Song (Just a Song at Twilight)", J. L. Molloy.

    Once in the dear dead days beyond recall,
    When on the world the mists began to fall,
    Out of the dreams that rose in happy throng
    Low to our hearts Love sang an old sweet song;
    And in the dusk where fell the firelight gleam,
    Softly it wove itself into our dream.

    Just a song at twilight, when the lights are low,
    And the flick'ring shadows softly come and go,
    Tho' the heart be weary, sad the day and long,
    Still to us at twilight comes Love's old song,
    comes Love's old sweet song.

    Even today we hear Love's song of yore,
    Deep in our hearts it dwells forevermore.
    Footsteps may falter, weary grow the way,
    Still we can hear it at the close of day.
    So till the end, when life's dim shadows fall,
    Love will be found the sweetest song of all.

    Just a song at twilight, when the lights are low,
    And the flick'ring shadows softly come and go,
    Tho' the heart be weary, sad the day and long,
    Still to us at twilight comes Love's old song,
    comes Love's old sweet song.

    Ulysses, James Joyce, 1922.
    [Description, fourth chapter:] Leopold Bloom's wife, Molly, tells him she's decided to sing "Love's Old Sweet Song" at an upcoming concert -- and the song hovers in the characters' heads for a good part of the day.

    The Adventures of Philip Marlowe, "Dear Dead Days", Gerald Mohr, 1951 radio drama.
    An old lady gets taken for a new kind of ride, by a new kind of chauffeur. Marlowe gets involved up to a gun in his ribs, all because he decides to spend a quiet day at home! + It was 9.15 on Saturday and Philip Marlowe was planning on wasting the day in the comfort of his home with a good book when the phone rang. It was Mrs Phoebe Coldwell she needed him to find a missing person, her chauffeur who wasn’t strictly her chauffeur he was more like a son to her. It was her grandmotherly nature and the lure of dollars that made Marlowe give up his Saturday to help her.

    Dear Dead Days: A Family Album, Charles Addams, G.P. Putnam & Sons, 1959.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Day of the Dead (1957), Charles EamesRay Eames. Edgar Kaufmann Jr. (voice), Alma Usher.
    The Mexican celebration of the Day of the Dead is shown.



    The Thin Man, "Dear Dead Days" (Season 2, Episode 31, 1959). Don Weis. Peter Lawford, Phyllis Kirk, Asta.
    Frenchie Popineau passes away in prison after sending his cohorts a map to a treasure buried at his speak easy now the home of Nick and Nora.. Each map holder tries a different ruse to get the treasure much to the dismay of Nick and Nora.


    Dear Dead Delilah (1972), John Farris. Agnes Moorehead, Will Geer, Michael Ansara.
    A sickly matriarch of a dysfunctional family living in an old Southern mansion teases her siblings about finding a long lost treasure hidden in the premises, little did she know that there is someone ready to kill to get their hands on it.


    Day of the Dead (1985), George A. Romero. Lori Cardille, Terry Alexander, Joseph Pilato.
    As the world is overrun by zombies, a small group of scientists and military personnel dwelling in an underground bunker in Florida must determine whether they should educate, eliminate or escape the undead horde.


    Day of the Dead 2: Contagium (2005), Ana Clavell, James Glenn Dudelson. Laurie Baranyay, Stan Klimecko, John F. Henry II.
    In 1968, in the Ravenside Military Hospital in a military facility in Pennsylvania, the army loses control of an experiment of a lethal bacteriologic weapon that changes the DNA and transforms human beings into zombies. A group of soldiers is sent to the hospital to eliminate the infected staff and interns but private DeLuca steals a test tube with the virus and hides it inside a vacuum flask. He is transformed into a zombie and killed but the vacuum flask falls in the grass. In the present days, a group of patients in the mental institution Ravenside Memorial Hospital finds the vacuum flask and later when one of them opens the vessel, the culture tube drops on the floor of a bathroom contaminating the group and their Dr. Donwynn.


    Day of the Dead: Bloodline (2017), Hèctor Hernández Vicens. Sophie Skelton, Johnathon Schaech, Jeff Gum.
    A small group of military personnel and survivalists dwell in an underground bunker as they seek to find a cure in a world overrun by zombies.


    Dear Death (Amorteamo, 2015), Guel Arraes, Newton Moreno, Cláudio Paiva. Letícia Sabatella, Jackson Antunes, Marina Ruy Barbosa.
    An abandoned bride returns to life to win her true love back in this story of romance and revenge.


    Dear Death (2016), Kate Isenberg. Alexis Harte (voice), Mia Harte(voice), Sam Hood (voice).
    An intellectual horse named Stewball is being followed by Death, so he writes Death a letter asking why. When the two of them meet in a city park, Death gives an unexpected answer that prompts Stewball to change the way he thinks about life and death, risk and safety.



    Day of the dead (2018), John B. Gondos.
    The Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico, and by people of Mexican ancestry living in other places, especially the United States. In this Documentary we follow families and their spiritual journey.


    The Spy Who Loved Me, Ian Fleming, 1962.
    Part One - Me, Chapter 2 - Dear Dead Days
    WHEN I came to, I at once knew where I was and what had happened and I cringed
    closer to the floor, waiting to be hit again. I stayed like that for about ten
    minutes, listening to the roar of the rain, wondering if the electric shock had
    done me permanent damage, burned me, inside perhaps, making me unable to have
    babies, or turned my hair white. Perhaps all my hair had been burned off! I
    moved a hand to it. It felt all right, though there was a bump at the back of my
    head. Gingerly I moved. Nothing was broken. There was no harm. And then the big
    General Electric icebox in the corner burst into life and began its cheerful
    domestic throbbing, and I realized that the world was still going on and that
    the thunder had gone away, and I got rather weakly to my feet and looked about
    me, expecting I don't know what scene of chaos and destruction. But there it all
    was, just as I had "left" it—the important-looking reception desk, the wire rack
    of paperbacks and magazines, the long counter of the cafeteria, the dozen neat
    tables with rainbow-hued plastic tops and uncomfortable little metal chairs, the
    big ice-water container and the gleaming coffee percolator—everything in its
    place, just as ordinary as could be. There was only the hole in the window and a
    spreading pool of water on the floor as evidence of the holocaust through which
    this room and I had just passed. Holocaust? What was I talking about? The only
    holocaust had been in my head! There was a storm. There had been thunder and
    lightning. I had been terrified, like a child, by the big bangs. Like an idiot I
    had taken hold of the electric switch—not even waiting for the pause between
    lightning flashes, but choosing just the moment when another flash was due. It
    had knocked me out. I had been punished with a bump on the head. Served me
    right, stupid, ignorant scaredy cat! But wait a minute! Perhaps my hair had
    turned white!
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  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142

    The Awakening of Spring: A Tragedy of Childhood, Frank Wedekind, 1891.


    Frühlingserwachen (1929), Richard Oswald. Mathilde Sussin, Toni van Eyck, Paul Henckels.
    About the rebellion of the youth and the increasingly debated erotic exploratory experiments - a modern theme of the late 1920s.


    Spring Awakens (Haru no mezame, 1947), Mikio Naruse. Tatsuya Ishiguro, Haruko Sugimura, Yoshiko Kuga.


    Spring Awakening (from the story "Resurrection", 1994), Jack Gold. Sherilyn Fenn, Jamey Sheridan, Elizabeth Wilson. Fritz Weaver.
    Love story. A family toils to save their Apple orchard from freezing and flooding circa 1900? Filmed in northern California.


    The Awakening of Spring (2008), Arthur Allan Seidelman. Yuval David, John Aniston, Gary Bisig.
    Based on the 1891 play "Spring Awakening," this filmed stage drama examines the tensions and confusion of young people as their growing sexual awareness conflicts with the repressive social environment around them. John Aniston and Victoria Tennant are part of a veteran cast in this earnest and explicit study of the dangerous tension between youthful urges and society's rules. The film is directed by Arthur Allan Seidelman.


    Spring Awakening (Frühlings Erwachen, 2009), Nuran Calis. Wilson Gonzalez, Leon Pfannenmüller, Constanze Wächter.
    Young adults growing up in an oppressed society, finding ways to fight back and discovering as individuals who they truly are.


    Spring Awakening (To xypnima tis anoixis, 2015), Constantine Giannaris. Konstantinos Elmatzioglou, Daphne Patakia, Kostas.
    A story of five teenagers who are setting up an armed gang: a mosaic of love, lost relationships, betrayal and nihilism, that takes place in a declining city, where everything is collapsing within the economic and social crisis.


    Spring Awakening (2017), Kurt Leitner. Kenneth Fantry, Dan Sickles, Kaitlyn C. Burke.
    From the 1891 Masterpiece, written by German playwright Frank Wedekind, comes the true tale of teenagers growing up in an oppressed society, finding ways to fight back and discovering as individuals who they truly are.


    The Spy Who Loved Me, Ian Fleming, 1962.
    Part One - Me, Chapter 3 - Spring Awakens
    IT takes a long time to write these things, but only minutes to remember them,
    and when I came out of my daydream in the motel armchair, WOKO was still playing
    "Music to Kiss By," and it was someone who may have been Don Shirley improvising
    through "Ain't She Sweet." The ice in my drink had dissolved. I got up and put
    in some more from the icebox and I went back and curled up in my chair and drank
    a careful mouthful of the bourbon to make it last, and lit another cigarette,
    and at once I was back again in that endless summer.

    Derek's last term came to an end, and we had exchanged four letters each. His
    first one had begun "Dearest" and ended with "love and kisses," and I had
    compromised with "Dear" and "love." His were mostly about how many runs he had
    made, and mine were about the dances I had been to and the cinemas and plays I
    had seen. He was going to spend the summer at his home, and he was very excited
    about a second-hand MG his parents were going to give him, and would I come out
    with him in it? Susan was surprised when I said that I wouldn't be coming up to
    Scotland and that I wanted to stay on in the flat, at any rate for the time
    being. I hadn't told her the truth about Derek, and because I always got up
    earlier than she, she didn't know about his letters. It wasn't like me to be
    secretive, but I treasured my "love-affair," as I described it to myself, and it
    seemed to be so fragile and probably full of disappointments that I thought even
    to talk about it might bring it bad luck. For all I knew, I might be just one in
    a whole row of Derek's girls. He was so attractive and grand, at any rate at
    school, that I imagined a long queue of "Mayfair" sisters, all in organdy and
    all with titles, at his beck and call. So I simply said that I wanted to look
    around for a job and perhaps I would come up later, and in due course Susan went
    north and a fifth letter came from Derek saying would I come down next Saturday
    on the twelve-o'clock from Paddington, and he would meet me with the car at
    Windsor station?

    And so began our regular and delicious routine. The first day he met me on the
    platform. We were rather shy, but he was so excited about his car that he
    quickly hurried me out to see it. It was wonderful—black with red leather
    upholstery and red wire wheels and all sorts of racing gimmicks like a strap
    round the hood and an out-size filler cap on the gas tank, and the badge of the
    B.R.D.C. We climbed in, and I tied Derek's colored silk handkerchief round my
    hair, and the exhaust made a wonderful sexy noise as we accelerated across the
    High Street lights and turned up along the river.


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  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142

    Vivian (1965), Bruce Conner.
    "A film portrait cut to the tune of Conway Twitty's version of 'Mona Lisa.' Filmed in part at a 1964 show of Conner's artwork in San Francisco, the film is also a witty statement about forces that take the life out of art. Vivian Kurz, the subject of the film, is entombed in a glass display case." - Judd Chesler Award: Gold Medal Award, Sesta Biennale D'Arte Republica.

    "Mona Lisa", Conway Twitty, 1959.


    My Name Is Vivienne (2014), Marjorie Cohen. Alexandria McCale, Mitch Westphal, Natalie Palamides.
    A flailing Hollywood actress is kicked out of her sugar-daddy's mansion and forced to team up with a struggling colleague and a loyal unpaid intern, who both help her fight to reattain her previous fame.


    My Darling Vivian (2020, documentary), Matt Riddlehoover. Kristen Wiig, Reese Witherspoon, Holly Hunter.
    The story of Vivian Liberto, Johnny Cash's first wife and the mother of his four daughters.


    Vivien's Wild Ride (In Production), Vivien Hillgrove. Walter Murch, Vivien Hillgrove, Lourdes Portillo.
    When veteran film editor Vivien Hillgrove discovers that she is losing her sight, she embarks on an unconventional documentary memoir.


    The Spy Who Loved Me, Ian Fleming, 1962.
    Part One - Me, Chapter 4 - Dear Viv
    THAT summer's night hadn't finished with me. Opposite Fullers' a policeman was
    standing by Derek's car, arguing with him. Derek turned and saw me. "Here she
    is, officer. I said she wouldn't be a minute. Had to, er, powder her nose.
    Didn't you, darling?"

    More trouble! More lies! I said yes, breathlessly, and climbed into the seat
    beside Derek. The policeman grinned slyly at me and said to Derek, "All right,
    sir. But another time remember there's no parking on the Hill. Even for an
    emergency like that." He fingered his mustache. Derek put the car in gear,
    thanked the policeman and gave him the wink of a dirty joke shared, and we were
    off at last.

    Derek said nothing until we had turned right at the lights at the bottom. I
    thought he was going to drop me at the station, but he continued on along the
    Datchet road. "Phew!" He let the air out of his lungs with relief. "That was a
    close shave! Thought we were for it. Nice thing for my parents to read in the
    paper tomorrow. And Oxford! I should have had it."

    "It was ghastly."
    It was two weeks later that I got the letter. I had written twice, but there had
    been no answer. In desperation I had even telephoned, but the man at the other
    end had gone away and come back and said that Mr. Mallaby wasn't at home.
    The letter began, "Dear Viv, This is going to be a difficult letter to write."

    When I had got that far I went into my bedroom and locked the door and sat on my
    bed and gathered my courage. The letter went on to say that it had been a
    wonderful summer and he would never forget me. But now his life had changed and
    he would have a lot of work to do and there wouldn't be much room for "girls."
    He had told his parents about me, but they disapproved of our "affair." They
    said it wasn't fair to go on with a girl if one wasn't going to marry her. "They
    are terribly insular, I'm afraid, and they have ridiculous ideas about
    'foreigners,' although heaven knows I regard you as just like any other English
    girl and you know I adore your accent." They were set on his marrying the
    daughter of some neighbor in the country. "I've never told you about this, which
    I'm afraid was very naughty of me, but as a matter of fact we're sort of
    semi-engaged. We had such a marvelous time together and you were such a sport
    that I didn't want to spoil it all." He said he hoped very much we would "run
    into each other" again one day and in the meantime he had asked Fortnum's to
    send me a dozen bottles of pink champagne, "the best," to remind me of the first
    time we had met. "And I do hope this letter won't upset you too much, Viv, as I
    really think you're the most wonderful girl, far too good for someone like me.
    With much love, happy memories, Derek."

    Well, it took just ten minutes to break my heart and about another six months to
    mend it.
    Part Three - Him, Chapter 15 - The Writing in My Heart
    It was written on motel paper from the writing desk. The writing was very clear
    and even, and he had used a real pen and not a ball-point.

    Dear Viv,
    You may have to show this to the police, so I will be businesslike. I am on my
    way to Glens Falls, where I will make a full report to the police after
    telling the Highway Patrol to get to you immediately. I will also get in touch
    with Washington and they will almost certainly put Albany in charge of the
    case. I shall pull every string to see that you are not worried too much and
    that they let you go on your way after getting your statement. Glens Falls
    will have my route and the registration number of the car, and they will be
    able to pick me up, wherever I am, if you need any help or they want to know
    anything more from me. You won't be able to get any breakfast so I shall have
    the Patrol bring you a Thermos of coffee and sandwiches to keep you alive. I
    would much like to stay with you, if only to see Mr. Sanguinetti! But I very
    much doubt if he will be turning up this morning. I guess that when he heard
    nothing from his two strong-arm boys he went like hell to Albany and got on
    the first plane for the south on his way out to Mexico. I shall tell
    Washington that that's my guess and they should be able to pick him up if they
    get a move on. He should get life for this, or what's known as "from now on,"
    or "The Rosary," in the language we've been learning. And now listen. You, and
    up to a point me, have saved the insurance company at least half a million
    dollars, and there'll be a big reward. I'm not allowed to accept rewards by
    the rules of my job, so there's no argument about that, even if it weren't a
    fact that it was you who took the principal burden of all this and it's you
    who are the heroine. So I'm going to make a real issue of this and see that
    the insurance company does the right thing. And something else. I wouldn't be
    at all surprised if one or both of those hoodlums wasn't wanted by the police
    and has a reward on his head. I'll see to that too. As for the future, drive
    very carefully the rest of the way. And don't have nightmares. These sort of
    things don't often happen. Treat it all as just a bad motor accident you were
    lucky to get out of. And go on being as wonderful as you are. If you ever want
    me or need any help, wherever you are, you can get me by letter or cable, but
    not by telephone, c/o Ministry of Defence, Storey's Gate, London, S.W. 1.

    Ever, J.B.

    PS. Your tyre pressures are too high for the South.
    Remember to take them down.
    PPS. Try Guerlain's "Fleurs des Alpes" instead of Camay!
    * * *
    I heard the roar of motorcycles coming up the road. When they stopped, there was
    the brief wail of a siren to announce who they were. I put the letter inside the
    front of my overalls and pulled up the zip and went out to meet the Law.

  • Posts: 6,079
    Soon, you'll have to use this :


    And this :


    Seen the first one, not the second (had no idea it existed before now).
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Yes will get to Them(s) soon @Gerard. Didn't know that last one.

    The Broken Wing (1932), Lloyd Corrigan. Lupe Velez, Leo Carrillo, Melvyn Douglas.
    In a little Mexican village by the American border. However powerful big shot Captain Innocencio (a misnomer indeed!)is, he proves unable to charm Lolita, the shapely daughter of his neighbor, a big-time rancher. Lolita expects better than this awkward unprepossessing showoff!


    Clipped Wings (1937), Stuart Paton. Lloyd Hughes, Rosalind Keith. William Janney.
    Ever since he was a boy, Mickey wanted to fly planes like his big brother, Jerry, who was shot down during a mission in World War I. Unfortunately, Mickey is booted from flight school.


    Clipped Wings (1953), Edward Bernds. Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Bernard Gorcey.
    Slip and Sach to go the local Air Force base to find out why their friend, an Air Force enlisted man, is in the stockade and charged with treason. Mistaking a recruiting office for a visitors office, they inadvertently enlist in the Air Force. They soon learn that not only is their friend not a traitor, but he is being used as bait to expose a spy ring. The boys decide to do a little exposing of their own, and wind up almost gumming up the works.


    The Wingless Bird (1997, The Catherine Cookson Collection, Mini-Series) Claire Skinner, Edward Atterton, Anne Reid.
    On the eve of World War I, Agnes Conway manages both the business and the problems of her troubled family. She finds the strength to break class barriers and help her sister Jessie marry a good boy from a family of dockside toughs. Is she strong enough to break them again when Charles Farrier, a gentleman, courts her over his parents' opposition? Agnes faces an added dilemma when she finds her heart divided between Charles and his soldier brother Reginald.


    Clipped Wings, They Do Fly (2018), William Michael Barbee. Usman Sharif, J.D. Williams, Bill Duke.
    CLIPPED WINGS, THEY DO FLY is a feature-length, suspense movie that is loosely based on the novel of the same name by William Michael Barbee. The movie highlights the life of the lead character, "Billy Ray Michaels." Billy Ray suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder, compounded with Schizophrenia, and finds himself on trial for murder, a crime which he does not remember committing.


    The Spy Who Loved Me, Ian Fleming, 1962.
    Part One - Me, Chapter 5 - A Bird with a Wing Down
    Kurt smiled tentatively, waiting for my thanks and congratulations for his
    efficiency and generosity. He must have been put out by the expression of blank
    horror on my face, because he hurried on. Above all, I must not worry. These
    unfortunate things happened in life. They were painful and untidy. He himself
    was most distressed that so happy a relationship, one of the happiest in his
    experience, should come to an end. As, alas, it had to. He added finally that he
    hoped I understood.

    I nodded and got to my feet. I picked up the envelope, took one last look at the
    golden hair, the mouth I had loved, the strong shoulders, and, feeling the tears
    coming, I walked quickly out of the room and shut the door softly behind me.
    Before 1 met Kurt, I had been a bird with a wing down. Now I had been shot in
    the other.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Go West, Young Woman, Go West (1910). Tom Mix (unconfirmed).
    Mrs. Kelly runs a hoarding-house in the western foothills, having principally as her clientele the cowpunchers that work thereabouts, she meets with no end of trouble in securing a suitable cook that matrimonial proof, as the moment a fair queen of the pot and pan arrives she is besieged by the boarders, and invariably Cupid gets his work in.


    Go West, Young Woman (1919), Al Christie, Scott Sidney. Fay Tincher, Neal Burns, Helen Darling.
    The mayor of a town out in Texas receives word that his niece from the East is about to pay him a visit. The young woman is shown on the train, then landing in the town. Here she finds that the place is literally going to the dogs. The sheriff cannot keep order, and a bandit is in the habit of riding into town and robbing it whenever he takes the notion.


    Go West Young Man (1936), Henry Hathaway. Mae West, Warren William, Randolph Scott.
    A movie star, stranded in the country, trifles with a young man's affections.


    Go West, Young Lady (1941), Frank R. Strayer. Penny Singleton, Glenn Ford, Ann Miller.
    Federal Marshall Tex Miller, and his girl-friend Belinda Pendergast are having problems with the masked bandid 'Pecos Pete'.


    Go West, Young Girl (1978), Alan J. Levi. Karen Valentine, Sandra Will, Stuart Whitman.
    A female New England reporter and the widow of a cavalry officer team up to go out West, and wind up trying to evade outlaws, gamblers and the law.


    The Spy Who Loved Me, Ian Fleming, 1962.
    Part One - Me, Chapter 6 - Go West, Young Woman
    AT the end of August, when all this happened, Zurich was as gay as this sullen
    city can be. The clear, glacier water of the lake was bright with sailing-boats
    and water skiers, the public beaches were thronged with golden bathers, and the
    glum Bahnhofplatz, and the Bahnhofstrasse that is the pride of the town,
    clattered with ruck-sacked Jugend who had business with the mountains. The
    healthy, well-ordered carnival atmosphere rasped on my raw nerves and filled my
    sick heart with mixed anguish. This was the Kurt's-eye view of life—Naturfreude,
    the simple existence of simple animals. He and I had shared such a life, and on
    the surface it had been good. But blond hair and clear eyes and sunburn are no
    thicker than the paint on a woman's face. They are just another kind of gloss. A
    trite reflection, of course, but I had now been let down both by the worldliness
    of Derek and by the homespun of Kurt, and I was prepared to lose confidence in
    every man. It wasn't that I had expected Kurt to marry me, or Derek. I had just
    expected them to be kind and to behave like that idiotic word "gentlemen"—to be
    gentle with me, as I, I thought, had been gentle with them. That, of course, had
    been the trouble. I had been too gentle, too accommodating. I had had the desire
    to please (and to take pleasure, but that had been secondary), and that had
    marked me as easy meat, expendable. Well, that was the end of that! From now on
    I would take and not give. The world had shown me its teeth. I would show mine.

    I had been wet behind the ears. Now I was dry. I stuck my chin out like a good
    little Canadian (well, a fairly good little Canadian!), and, having learned to
    take it, decided for a change to dish it out.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Them! (1954), Gordon Douglas. James Whitmore, Edmund Gwenn, Joan Weldon.
    The earliest atomic tests in New Mexico cause common ants to mutate into giant man-eating monsters that threaten civilization.


    ils (1970), Jean-Daniel Simon. Michel Duchaussoy, Charles Vanel, Alexandra Stewart.
    A young painter becomes increasingly hostile and confrontational after the death of his father. He eventually finds a friend in an aging scientist who is working on a strange experiment.


    ils (2006), David Moreau, Xavier Palud. Olivia Bonamy, Michaël Cohen, Adriana Mocca.
    Lucas and Clementine live peacefully in their isolated country house, but one night they wake up to strange noise... they're not alone... and a group of hooded assailants begin to terrorize them throughout the night.


    Elles (2011), Malgorzata Szumowska. Juliette Binoche, Anaïs Demoustier, Joanna Kulig.
    On her latest assignment, a journalist for Elle immerses herself in a prostitution ring run by university students.


    Loro (2018), Paolo Sorrentino. Toni Servillo, Elena Sofia Ricci, Riccardo Scamarcio.
    An escort service owner uses his girls to get close to politician/PM and media mogul, Silvio Berlusconi. But in 2006, he's preoccupied with his shaky marriage and losing an election.


    Them (Television, 2021), Little Marvin. Deborah Ayorinde, Ashley Thomas, Shahadi Wright Joseph.
    A Black family moves to an all-white Los Angeles neighborhood where malevolent forces, next door and otherworldly, threaten to taunt, ravage and destroy them.


    The Spy Who Loved Me, Ian Fleming, 1962.
    Part Two - Them
    Chapter 8 - Dynamite from Nightmare-Land
    MY heart went to my mouth. Who could it possibly be? And then I remembered. The
    VACANCY sign! I had pulled the switch when the lightning struck and I had
    forgotten to turn the damned thing off. What an idiot! The banging started up
    again. Well, I would just have to face it, apologize, and send the people on to
    Lake George. I went nervously across to the door, unlocked it, and held it on
    the chain.

    There was no porch. The neon VACANCY sign made a red halo in the sheet of rain
    and glittered redly on the shiny black oilskins and hoods of the two men. Behind
    them was a black sedan. The leading man said politely, "Miss Michel?"
    "Yes, that's me. But I'm afraid the VACANCY sign's on by mistake. The motel's
    closed down."

    "Sure, sure. We're from Mr. Sanguinetti. From his insurance company. Come to
    make a quick inventory before things get taken away tomorrow. Can we come in out
    of the rain, miss? Show you our credentials inside. Sure is a terrible night."
    I looked doubtfully from one to the other, but I could see little of the faces
    under the oilskin hoods. It sounded all right, but I didn't like it. I said
    nervously, "But the Phanceys, the managers, they didn't say anything about you

    "Well, they should of, miss. I'll havta report that back to Mr. Sanguinetti." He
    turned to the man behind him. "That right, Mr. Jones?"

    The other man stifled a giggle. Why did he giggle? "Sure, that's right, Mr.
    Thomson." He giggled again.

    "Okay then, miss. Can we come inside, please? It sure is wetter'n hell out

    "Well, I don't know. I was told not to let anyone in. But as it's from Mr.
    Sanguinetti..." I nervously undid the chain and opened the door.

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