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About SPECTRE and originalitiy, this is indeed an interesting topic to think about. I would say that to show SPECTRE's power, the filmmakers could show its influence, resources, organisational structure, history, and of course a nice evil plan to boot.
Influence would be like Quantum, where it is revealed that Quantum had been involved in dictatorships, overthrowing governments etc.
Resources would be how much money and manpower it has, and the most direct method of showing that would be to show to the audience how many sophisticated bases SPECTRE has around the globe, and its facilities essentially.
Organisational structure would be the classic Number 1 Number 2, and yea having the various departments of SPECTRE fleshed out would help tremendously in that aspect.
History would be the equivalent of HYDRA in the MCU, mysterious (ie only given a hint) at the start but only to be revealed in the end that its origins tie in as far back as the Middle Ages. Of course with the whole brother storyline for Blofeld its impossible to do such a thing, but it could be entirely possible that Blofeld inherited or overthrown another previous leader of SPECTRE. After all, its never explicitly stated that Blofeld CREATED SPECTRE...from scratch...
I do agree that it is becoming increasingly hard to come up with an original and realistic evil plan nowadays, especially when there are so many evil plans out there already established =P I would love a return to SPECTRE's origins, where they orchestrate a conflict between 2 powerful nations and reaping the benefits. (Thats what I planned for my fanfiction Bond 25)
Indeed, like how Zorin says it on the airship in AVTAK! :))
And how Walken said mo cowbell!
( sometimes the old ways are the best ) ;)