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Whether Brolin would have been a success in the long run, or a one hit wonder is something we will never know.
Keeping Moore, as Barry says, was a good call. He was guaranteed box office at a time when a guarantee could not be underestimated.
as much as I am curious about the idea of a known american playing 007 I do feel in 83 it would of been a mistake not that brolin was bad i loved his screen tests and wish someone would make a trailer using them but I don't think he could of gone up against Connery Moore could and won because he's Roger Moore
Sir Roger has always been quite protective of Bond as he really enjoyed playing the role so he put in 150% for OP.
James Brolin was a a tall pile of beef tutty based on these testings :
Moore should of quit the role after Moonraker many say, I feel he was adequate for another shot but after For Your Eyes Only it all seemed to turn a bit farcical.
Thank the lord for the introduction of Dalton some time after to inject some much needed realism to the character and some gritty determination
I don't think the series would've maintained its longevity had an American had taken over. It was a smart financial choice to keep Moore as Bond in Octopussy; for without his box office draw, I feel it would've been blown out of the water by Connery and Never Say Never Again.
I guess I was a little surprised
Bond fans had a double treat that year in any event.
Had he played OO7 in OP then I think the film would've suffered. Similar to having a far to young Brosnan play Bond in TLD, I think that film benefits hugely from Daltons performance. OP is aided greatly by Moores performance, and imo is one of his best as Bond. It's hard to tell how Brolin would've faired as James Bond. Would he have gone on to make three, four films? Would he continue into the 80's and early 90's? Or would OP have been a lone adventure for him? Facing a rival picture with Connery would've been a hard task for a rookie Bond actor, but the film would not have been a flop for EON with Brolin, merely a hard debut film, for a wrongly hired actor. I think they made the right decision to keep Moore.
By the way don't you feel Brolin was too suave ,even during the fight scene he didnt convince me when he was being strangled by the phone cord etc.
Everything seemed to be a wink at the camera IMO.
However, it is interesting to see how Brolin compares to Roger Moore at the time. So much more youthful and energetic - and manly. That would have helped him in his first film tremendously, IMHO, but by his second film people would judge him on his performance and not by a comparison to Moore - to his detriment (again, IMHO).
I agree with you! Full stop. Brolin was a disaster ready to ruin the franchise!