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It is an excellently written and directed film so I can understand why it's your favourite. It's very interesting from a social commentary or polemical "future shock" point of view. One film that reminds me of it a bit in more recent times is This is England (2006). If you've not seen it it's well worth a watch.
You should definitely seek it out and give it a watch. I'm not saying it's identical to A Clockwork Orange or anything but it does have similar themes and it reminds me of it in places. It's set in 1983, just after the Falklands War. I've just spotted that the music is by Ludovico Einaudi too so surely that must be a sign that you should watch it! ;)
And I chose my name Ludovico because of the Ludovico Technique. A Clockwork Orange has been very influential, I think after 1984 it may be the most influential dystopia ever written.
Yes, of course. It's all come full circle, you could say. ;)
I think you're right about the place of A Clockwork Orange in English literature, too. Aldous Huxley's Brave New World would be another one I suppose. Article/021632/directed-by-stanley-kubrick?lid=vlyedm4ho3z5
All Times EDT.
7/22 KILLER’S KISS (1955) 8:00 PM
7/22 PATHS OF GLORY (1958) 9:15 PM
7/22 LOLITA (1962) 11:00 PM
7/23 2OO1: A SPACE ODYSSEY 3:30 AM
7/29 BARRY LYNDON (1975) 8:00 PM
7/29 A CLOCKWORK ORANGE (1971) 11:15 PM
7/30 EYES WIDE SHUT (1999) 1:45 AM
01 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
02 Barry Lyndon (1975)
03 Lolita (1962)
04 Spartacus (1960)
05 Paths of Glory (1957)
06 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
07 The Killing (1956)
08 The Shining (1980)
09 Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
10 Full Metal Jacket (1987)
11 A Clockwork Orange (1971)
12 Killer s Kiss (1955)
13 Fear and Desire (1953)
That is awesome, something that should always be persevered. Believe me, @Dwayne, 2001 (and most of Kubrick’s films) will be drawing attention for a LONG time.
Its’ fairly common knowledge that while almost all of Kubrick’s personal notes on his films have survived, very few of the actual props remain. In the case of 2OO1, after a short period of time, he had them destroyed. In fact, with a few exceptions most of the museum exhibits on the film use replicas. As per the exhibit’s text, he didn’t want MGM to repurpose anything for another movie. A sad, but logical decision.
“Robby the Robot” in FORBIDDEN PLANET: Iconic
“Robby the Robot” in an episode of Lost in Space: Not so much. =))
And its’ his fear that the studio would “devalue” the “effect” by reusing them that led to the decision. Michael Benson’s 2018 book SPACE ODYSSEY: The Making of a Masterpiece details one of the fallouts from this decision from the perspective of Frederick Ordway – the scientific consultant used during filming.
One such exception is the “Star Child.” Here in New York City, The Museum of the Moving Image had a 2OO1 exhibition that opened just before COVID-19 hit, and I actually got a chance to see it up close. Very creepy!
Trivia: Since HAL’s final voice was dubbed in post-production, assistant director Derek Cracknell did the honors on-set. Cracknell went on (among other films like Aliens and Lifeforce) to work on Live and Let Die and The Man With the Golden Gun.
Most of the information relayed in this podcast was already familiar to me, but it’s still nice to hear these stories from some of those involved.
2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY — Stanley Kubrick finds heavenly music on vinyl | MUBI Podcast
… and Adam Savage comes face to face with a surviving proto-type of the EVA pod from the film.
I wish I could go see it, or help out behind the scenes. I work in as a stagehand in a Union, I’d love help out. Hope some of you can go see it!
New documentary from OTOY, a must watch for fans there are some incredible visual reconstructions of the film
And an article about Eyes Wide Shut being a blockbuster:
Great documentary, all involved clearly have a love of the craft. OTOY do some exceptional work, what OTOY has done in collaboration with the Roddenberry Estate is superb.
Great seeing Keir Dullea he looks well and sharp for someone not far of 90.
1. The Shining
2. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
3. Paths of Glory
4. Barry Lyndon
5. Eyes Wide Shut
6. A Clockwork Orange
7. 2001: A Space Odyssey
8. The Killing
9. Full Metal Jacket
10. Lolita
11. Spartacus
12. Killer's Kiss
13. Fear and Desire
I consider my Top 2 to be respectively the best horror and comedy films of all time, which alone proves how effectively versatile Kubrick was. Putting 2001 all the way down at #7 won't go over well with almost anyone, but the funny thing is that it's still a 10/10 movie to me; I just happen to love the six above it a little bit more. Eyes Wide Shut has improved the most for me since I first got into Kubrick's movies, shooting all the way up from #11 to my Top 5. I would say I "unconditionally love" #1-8, "really like with a few reservations" #9-11, and "like some stuff but not nearly everything" #12-13.